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Management of fish resources in the Western Indian Ocean is complicated due to the lack of data on the basic biology and landing statistics for exploited fish species. In this paper, a database including biological parameters, length frequency distributions and catches of Epinephelus gabriellae in Oman according to fleet components has been established to develop a management plan for its sustainable exploitation. Length cohort analyses and yield per recruit were examined by simulating changes in fishing effort in length at first capture and by introducing a seasonal ban for trawlers. The results showed a high sensitivity to the applied value of natural mortality (M). (i) With M = 0.40, a healthy status of the stock is observed; however, with M values of 0.20 and 0.15 the stock appears slightly overexploited, and actual F exceeds 10 and 30% of the F01 level, respectively. (ii) A moderate increase of length at first capture would not significantly affect the long‐term yield or stock spawning biomass; however, a substantial length increase would in the long‐term lead to a decrease in yields for the artisanal fleet using traps. (iii) A seasonal ban regulation for trawlers would not have a significant effect on the sustainable yield, but if the fishing effort were to increase considerably, a significant long‐term gain in yield would be obtained with a closed season from April‐September.  相似文献   

The concept of an optimum yield at intermediate levels of fishing (the so called maximum sustainable yield or MSY) has been with us since the 1930s and is now enshrined in legislation as a key objective of fisheries management. The concept seems intuitively reasonable and is readily applicable to a single stock treated in isolation and assuming a constant environment. However, translating this concept into a mixed and multispecies fishery, where there are complex trade-offs between fleets and stocks and in general no simple optimum solution, has been problematic. Here I introduce a framework for thinking about multispecies MSY in terms of an integrated risk of stock depletion and expected long-term yield. Within this framework I consider the performance of a set of simple harvest control rules based upon a single-limit fishing mortality rate (F) which is common to all stocks and a target biomass which is a set fraction of a stock's virgin biomass. Using a multispecies management strategy evaluation, I compare expected outcomes for a set of these harvest control rules with alternative scenarios, in which each stock has its own F based on the assessment process. I find that the simple framework can produce outcomes that are similar to those from the more sophisticated estimates of F. I therefore conclude that achieving multispecies MSY may depend more upon setting reasonable biomass targets and faithfully applying a harvest control rule approach rather than determining the best possible Fs for each stock.  相似文献   

Despite growing concerns about overexploitation of sharks, lack of accurate, species-specific harvest data often hampers quantitative stock assessment. In such cases, trade studies can provide insights into exploitation unavailable from traditional monitoring. We applied Bayesian statistical methods to trade data in combination with genetic identification to estimate by species, the annual number of globally traded shark fins, the most commercially valuable product from a group of species often unrecorded in harvest statistics. Our results provide the first fishery-independent estimate of the scale of shark catches worldwide and indicate that shark biomass in the fin trade is three to four times higher than shark catch figures reported in the only global data base. Comparison of our estimates to approximated stock assessment reference points for one of the most commonly traded species, blue shark, suggests that current trade volumes in numbers of sharks are close to or possibly exceeding the maximum sustainable yield levels.  相似文献   

The overfishing of an increasing number of fish populations has put focus on the need for development of robust sustainable harvest strategies that can be easily implemented. This requires estimates and modelling of the deterministic and stochastic components of the population dynamics as well as an evaluation of the contribution of different harvest strategies to future population fluctuations. Here we present an example of such an approach, using the collapse of Norwegian spring-spawning herring stock as a case. We demonstrate that the collapse probably was due to overfishing, and that the large influence of the environmental stochasticity could only influence the timing of the collapse. We suggest that a proportional threshold strategy with a threshold around 14 billion individuals (4 200 000 tons), combined with a harvest of 30–40% of the individuals above this threshold will give a sustainable yield with little annual variation. The choice of harvest strategy should also be strongly influenced by the uncertainty in the assessment of stock size. When the population stock is estimated with uncertainty, the proportional threshold strategy give a mean annual yield close to the optimum for known population size.  相似文献   

A data base including length frequency distributions and catches of the Scomberomorus commerson in Oman according to fleet (gear/technique) and region has been established to carry out length cohort analyses, determine yield per recruit and simulate changes in fishing effort and/or increase in minimum length limit in catches. The analyse of data showed that: (i) The average fishing mortality rate is moderate (0.5–0.6), but acts in part on the juvenile fraction of the stock. The exploitation pattern differs, however, among fleets with some fleet components targeting largely immature kingfish and others largely the adult stock. (ii) An increase in total fishing effort would lead to long‐term losses in total catch; the losses would be highest for fleets that target the larger specimens. A reduction of the effort would, in the long term, lead to an increase in yield and spawning stock biomass. (iii) An increase of minimum length limit in catches would, in the long term, lead to a substantial increase in yield and spawning stock biomass; the gain in catch would be largest for fleet components that target the adult fraction of the stock and (iv) an increase in minimum length limit in catches combined with an increased selectivity of the fisheries (i.e. favorising fleets targeting the adult fraction of the stock) would lead to the highest gain in sustainable catch. In this case, the sustainable catch could be increased by more than 50%. Therefore, this option represents the optimal management strategy obtained in the present study.  相似文献   

Harvesting in seasonal environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most harvest theory is based on an assumption of a constant or stochastic environment, yet most populations experience some form of environmental seasonality. Assuming that a population follows logistic growth we investigate harvesting in seasonal environments, focusing on maximum annual yield (M.A.Y.) and population persistence under five commonly used harvest strategies. We show that the optimal strategy depends dramatically on the intrinsic growth rate of population and the magnitude of seasonality. The ordered effectiveness of these alternative harvest strategies is given for different combinations of intrinsic growth rate and seasonality. Also, for piecewise continuous-time harvest strategies (i.e., open / closed harvest, and pulse harvest) harvest timing is of crucial importance to annual yield. Optimal timing for harvests coincides with maximal rate of decline in the seasonally fluctuating carrying capacity. For large intrinsic growth rate and small environmental variability several strategies (i.e., constant exploitation rate, linear exploitation rate, and time-dependent harvest) are so effective that M.A.Y. is very close to maximum sustainable yield (M.S.Y.). M.A.Y. of pulse harvest can be even larger than M.S.Y. because in seasonal environments population size varies substantially during the course of the year and how it varies relative to the carrying capacity is what determines the value relative to optimal harvest rate. However, for populations with small intrinsic growth rate but subject to large seasonality none of these strategies is particularly effective with M.A.Y. much lower than M.S.Y. Finding an optimal harvest strategy for this case and to explore harvesting in populations that follow other growth models (e.g., involving predation or age structure) will be an interesting but challenging problem.  相似文献   

复合种群管理的风险评估——以日本鲐为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
官文江  高峰  李纲  陈新军 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3682-3692
单一种群是目前渔业资源评估的基本假设,但渔业资源常由多个地方种群或产卵种群组成,并且种群间存在交流,构成复合种群。根据复合种群概念,以东、黄海日本鲐为例,对其12种种群动态情况进行了模拟。利用模拟所得的数据及剩余产量模型,分别分析了在复合种群、两独立种群及单一种群假设下所设置的10种评估管理方案,结果表明:(1)基于复合种群假设的评估管理方案与模拟的种群动态一致,在单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)观测误差较小情况下,该方案为最佳方案,可获得最大可持续产量,但随CPUE观测误差增大,该方案种群灭绝率增大,管理效果随之退化。(2)基于两独立种群假设的评估管理方案均使资源过度开发,不利于资源可持续利用。(3)在单一种群假设下,选择不同CPUE作为资源指数和采用不同捕捞量分配方法的评估管理方案存在过度捕捞和开发不足两种状况,其管理效果受种群本身参数及空间交换率等因素的影响而不同;若采用的CPUE反映部分种群动态信息,则其评估管理方案至少在一种模拟情况下出现种群100%灭绝;若CPUE能反映整个种群资源量的动态变化,且捕捞量能按种群的空间结构进行分配,则管理效果与(1)类似,但不能获得最大可持续产量,若忽略种群的空间结构影响而均匀分配捕捞量,则至少在一种模拟情况下出现种群100%灭绝。据此,对于复合种群的管理,建议:(A)如果种群数据收集及数据精度能得到保证,该资源的评估与管理应基于复合种群假设;(B)如果目前收集种群数据存在较大困难,且CPUE数据存在较大误差,则可采用单一种群假设,但必须设定更保守的捕捞量和采用基于种群空间结构的总许可渔获量(TAC)管理方案;(C)在制定渔业管理政策时,应结合种群生态、数据、模型假设及参数估计方法等方面的不确定性对管理控制规则进行系统的管理策略评价以避免风险。  相似文献   

A survey‐based assessment of an eastern Mediterranean data‐limited black anglerfish (Lophius budegassa; Spinola, 1807) stock was carried out to elucidate its population and exploitation trends. A catch‐based method was also applied to estimate its maximum sustainable yield (MSY). The effect on the long‐term spawning stock biomass and yield of a wide range of exploitation regimes (combinations of F and selectivity) was investigated using an age‐structured population model parameterised for Mediterranean anglerfish stocks. The analysis indicated an increasing trend of anglerfish fishing mortality (F) in the eastern Mediterranean from the mid‐1990s onwards, and that recent catches were 41% higher than the median MSY estimate. Catching Mediterranean anglerfish at least three years after they mature at an = 0.4–1 year?1 would ensure high yields at sustainable levels of stock depletion. Examination of the empirical exploitation regimes in five anglerfish stocks across the Mediterranean Sea illustrates their unfulfilled potential for higher sustainable yields, mainly due to overexploitation of juveniles.  相似文献   

Introduced species are a major driver of negative ecological change, but some introduced species can potentially offer positive benefits to society. Asian swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) were introduced to the northern Australian mainland in 1827 and have since become a serious pest. However, buffalo have also supported various profitable industries, including harvesting for hides, meat, and live export. We investigate an indigenous wildlife-based enterprise that harvests wild buffalo from indigenous-held lands in remote northern Australia. We used ecological modelling and social research techniques to quantify the buffalo dynamics and to examine their contributions to sustainable livelihoods in a remote Aboriginal community. Results suggest that the current harvest rate will not drive the species to extinction and it is thus unlikely that the population size of buffalo will be reduced enough to alleviate ecological damage. This enterprise is profitable and provides regular royalty payments to traditional land owners and wage income for employees, along with several additional non-financial capital assets. We demonstrate that the commercial exploitation of introduced species can provide additional or alternative sources of protein and income to promote economic development for indigenous people. This type of enterprise could be expanded to more communities using harvest rates above maximum sustainable yield to provide greater positive social and ecological outcomes for indigenous communities.  相似文献   

Natural resources are vulnerable to over-exploitation in the absence of effective management. However, norms, enforced by social ostracism, can promote cooperation and increase stock biomass in common-pool resource systems. Unfortunately, the long-term sustainable use of a resource is not assured even if cooperation, maintained by ostracism and aimed at optimizing resource use, exists. Here, using the example of fisheries, we show that for a cooperative to be maintained by ostracism over time, it often must act inefficiently, choosing a ‘second-best’ strategy where the resource is over-harvested to some degree. Those cooperatives that aim for maximum sustainable profit, the “first-best” harvest strategy, are more vulnerable to invasion by independent harvesters, leading to larger declines in the fish population. In contrast, second-best strategies emphasize the resistance to invasion by independent harvesters over maximizing yield or profit. Ultimately, this leads to greater long-run payoffs to the resource users as well as higher resource stock levels. This highlights the value of pragmatism in the design of cooperative institutions for managing natural resources.  相似文献   

Thousands of plant and animal species in tropical regions provide a variety of non-timber products that are used by billions of people all over the world. Conservation and long term utilization of these species require that they be harvested on a sustainable basis. However, the extent to which non-timber forest products are exploited without adverse effects on natural populations is not known. There is in fact considerable evidence for non-sustainable harvest of non-timber products. We outline methods that may be used to assess the impact of harvest on population processes of the species that are being harvested. We present sampling protocols for rapid assessment as well as long term monitoring of populations. We briefly consider the limitations of these methods and suggest that the monitoring protocols we outline should be part of an overall management plan designed to extract and utilize non-timber tropical forest products on a long term basis.  相似文献   

Fishery is an important economic activity in the Pantanal. Among the regions species, the Pimelodidae catfish stands out as an important part of the annual catch. This study assesses the structure, exploitation and stock management of Hemisorubim platyrhynchos and Sorubim cf. lima, the sixth and seventh largest Pimelodidae of the Pantanal. The analysis is based on fish caught by commercial fishing in the Cuiabá river and landed at the "Ant?nio Moysés Nadaf" Market in the Cuiabá city, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The findings indicate that commercial fishing activities target several fish cohorts and that usually only individuals above mean length at first maturation are caught. Estimates of the instantaneous mortality coefficient show that the current fishing mortality is low. Simulations of relative yield-per-recruit model demonstrate that the current yield of two species could be greater if the fishery effort were increased, indicating that the stocks are underexploited. However, an increase in current fishery efforts should be viewed with caution, since the stock-recruitment relationship for the species is unknown. The results indicate that the current harvest of two species in the Cuiabá River Basin is sustainable.  相似文献   

European lobster populations in Norway and Sweden are severely reduced as a result of intense harvesting over a long time. Various alternative management options have been proposed or endorsed to both facilitate recovery and increase yield. Accordingly, Minimum Landing Size (MLS) regulations are widely used for the European lobster. We developed an individual-based population model which integrates biological knowledge about lobsters’ population dynamics to explore how available harvesting strategies and management options influence abundance and yield. The model reproduced basic features of a real lobster population in Sweden. Even for a relatively large MLS high fishing effort may still be detrimental to the long term production of the stock, while increasing the MLS further prevents this recruitment overfishing. A moratorium on berried females, in combination with the MLS appears to stabilize population fluctuations and yield, leading to higher yield for all MLS's considered. The female moratorium harvesting strategy also performed better than a maximum size limit. Yield per recruit calculations gave similar quantitative results, and also shows that a larger MLS reduce the risk of growth overfishing. A smaller MLS enables the harvest of many individuals but is very sensitive to increase in effort which easily promotes overfishing.  相似文献   

There is considerable variability in the status of fish populations around the world and a poor understanding of how specific management characteristics affect populations. Overfishing is a major problem in many fisheries, but in some regions the recent tendency has been to exploit stocks at levels below their maximum sustainable yield. In Western North American groundfish fisheries, the status of individual stocks and management systems among regions are highly variable. In this paper, we show the current status of groundfish stocks from Alaska, British Columbia, and the U.S. West Coast, and quantify the influence on stock status of six management tactics often hypothesized to affect groundfish. These tactics are: the use of harvest control rules with estimated biological reference points; seasonal closures; marine reserves; bycatch constraints; individual quotas (i.e., ‘catch shares’); and gear type. Despite the high commercial value of many groundfish and consequent incentives for maintaining stocks at their most productive levels, most stocks were managed extremely conservatively, with current exploitation rates at only 40% of management targets and biomass 33% above target biomass on average. Catches rarely exceeded TACs but on occasion were far below TACs (mean catch:TAC ratio of 57%); approximately $150 million of potential landed value was foregone annually by underutilizing TACs. The use of individual quotas, marine reserves, and harvest control rules with estimated limit reference points had little overall effect on stock status. More valuable fisheries were maintained closer to management targets and were less variable over time than stocks with lower catches or ex-vessel prices. Together these results suggest there is no single effective management measure for meeting conservation objectives; if scientifically established quotas are set and enforced, a variety of means can be used to ensure that exploitation rates and biomass levels are near to or more conservative than management targets.  相似文献   

Balanced harvesting, where species or individuals are exploited in accordance with their productivity, has been proposed as a way to minimize the effects of fishing on marine fish communities and ecosystems. This calls for a thorough examination of the consequences balanced harvesting has on fish community structure and yield. We use a size- and trait-based model that resolves individual interactions through competition and predation to compare balanced harvesting with traditional selective harvesting, which protects juvenile fish from fishing. Four different exploitation patterns, generated by combining selective or unselective harvesting with balanced or unbalanced fishing, are compared. We find that unselective balanced fishing, where individuals are exploited in proportion to their productivity, produces a slightly larger total maximum sustainable yield than the other exploitation patterns and, for a given yield, the least change in the relative biomass composition of the fish community. Because fishing reduces competition, predation and cannibalism within the community, the total maximum sustainable yield is achieved at high exploitation rates. The yield from unselective balanced fishing is dominated by small individuals, whereas selective fishing produces a much higher proportion of large individuals in the yield. Although unselective balanced fishing is predicted to produce the highest total maximum sustainable yield and the lowest impact on trophic structure, it is effectively a fishery predominantly targeting small forage fish.  相似文献   

色林错渔业生产的现状与可持续利用的对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
色林错裸鲤(Gymnocypris selincuoensis)是藏北色林错湖泊中惟一的一种鱼类。本文介绍了色林错渔业的开发利用情况,并对色林错裸鲤最小捕捞年龄、捕捞强度、最小网目以及最佳年捕捞产量进行了探讨。从可持续发展的角度,我们认为对色林错鱼类资源的利用必须以保证现有湖泊生态系统的稳定为核心,在满足维持一个足够数量及年龄结构的繁殖群体的基础上,以获得最佳持续经济利益为目标。以往强调甚至采用的最大持续产量理论在高原极端环境条件下并不能作为鱼类资源利用的追求目标或确定渔产量的标准,而只能作为对其捕捞强度的参考。总的允许渔获量应当根据最适捕捞死亡率F0.2来确定。本文最后提出了色林错湖泊鱼类资源可持续利用的8条具体措施。  相似文献   

Eric Tromeur  Nicolas Loeuille 《Oikos》2017,126(12):1780-1789
The global overexploitation of fish stocks is endangering many marine food webs. Scientists and managers now call for an ecosystem‐based fisheries management, able to take into account the complexity of marine ecosystems and the multiple ecosystem services they provide. By contrast, many fishery management plans only focus on maximizing the productivity of harvested stocks. Such practices are suggested to affect other ecosystem services, altering the integrity and resilience of natural communities. Here we show that while yield‐maximizing policies can allow for coexistence and resilience in predator–prey communities, they are not optimal in a multi‐objective context. We find that although total prey and predator maximum yields are higher with a prey‐oriented harvest, focusing on the predator improves species coexistence. Also, moderate harvesting of the predator can enhance resilience. Furthermore, increasing maximum yields by changing catchabilities improves resilience in predator‐oriented systems, but reduces it in prey‐oriented systems. In a multi‐objective context, optimal harvesting strategies involve a general tradeoff between yield and resilience. Resilience‐maximizing strategies are however compatible with quite high yields, and should often be favored. Our results further suggest that balancing harvest between trophic levels is often best at maintaining simultaneously species coexistence, resilience and yield.  相似文献   

稳定有界的Logistic方程的最优捕获策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑单种群非自治的Logistic方程的开采问题.在R^ 中都存在均值的意义下,作为周期和概周期函数的推广,首先给出稳定有界函数的概念.然后定义一个新的最终最优收获策略用于处理我们的问题.选择单位时间的最大持久收益的极限均值作为管理目标。同时得到了最佳的种群水平.作为应用,我们以概周期系数的Logistic方程为例,表明我们的结果不仅推广了经典的Clark关于自治的Logistic方程的收获问题,而且推广了范猛和王克的关于周期的Logistic方程的收获问题的结果.  相似文献   

A general, logistic population model is used to explore the dynamics of harvested elephant populations. The model includes two features peculiar to elephant populations and the harvesting of ivory. First, because of the shape of the growth curve of tusks with age, the conversion factor that relates the number of elephants killed to the ivory yield in weight is not constant, but a function of the population size. Second, tusks from animals that die from natural causes can be retrieved and included in the total yield of ivory. The implications of the relationship between tusk size and age of an animal on the maximum sustainable yield in terms of ivory tonnage and in terms of the number of tusks are explored. The nonequilibrium implications of the tusk growth curve on the population dynamics under different harvesting strategies are also investigated. Results indicate that the maximum sustainable yield is achieved at very low harvest rates with population levels close to the pristine equilibrium. When tusks from animals that die of natural causes are included in the harvest, the maximum yield may, depending on the mortality and recruitment parameters, occur when there is no direct harvest.  相似文献   

The Isostichopus fuscus fishery in Mexico was heavily exploited until 1994, when it was closed due to overfishing. However, no information existed on the status of the populations. The fishery was evaluated through an age structured simulation model, and according to our analysis of the stock, the fishery can be feasible and sustainable as long as fishing mortality and age of first catch are optimized. In order to evaluate exploitation strategies, several scenarios were simulated considering different combinations of fishing intensities and ages of first catch. Input data for the model included population parameters, commercial catch and costs and benefits of the fishing operations. Yield production was strongly influenced by the fishing pressure and by the age of first capture. When the first one increased, significant decreases in yield and profits occurred. The best exploitation strategy was these parameters: fishing mortality level F = 0.15, age at first capture t(c) = 4 years, and yielding of approximately 430 tons. However, since the species reproduces for the first time at 5 years, extracting younger specimens would collapse the population. The critical value of fishing mortality was detected at Fc = 0.25. If exceeded, the population tends to exhaustion and the fishery is no longer profitable. In conclusion, I. fuscus fishery is highly vulnerable to overfishing and age of catch. It must be taken into account that the management policies should be considered as pilot and used on a regional basis. Continuous monitoring of the stock, control of the number of fishing licenses and extracting only specimens 5 yeasr-old and older (around 20 cm and >400 g), will allow the populations to recover from fishing activities. Rev. Biol. Trop.  相似文献   

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