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Histone H1 preferentially binds and aggregates scaffold-associated regions (SARs) via the numerous homopolymeric oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts present within these sequences. Here we show that the mammalian somatic subtypes H1a,b,c,d,e and H1° and the male germline-specific subtype H1t, all preferentially bind to the Drosophila histone SAR. Experiments with the isolated domains show that whilst the C-terminal domain maintains strong and preferential binding, the N-terminal and globular domains show weak binding and poor specificity for the SAR. The preferential binding of SAR by the H1 molecule thus appears to be determined by its highly basic C-terminal domain. Salmine, a typical fish protamine, which could have its evolutionary origin in histone H1, also shows preferential binding to the SAR. The interaction of distamycin, a minor groove binder with high affinity for homopolymeric oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts, abolishes preferential binding of the C-terminal domain of histone H1 and protamine to the SAR, suggesting the involvement of the DNA minor groove in the interaction.  相似文献   

Bovine thymus and trout testis chromatin were fractionated into regions which differed in their micrococcal nuclease accessibility and solubility properties, and the distribution of the ubiquitinated histone species among these chromatin regions was elucidated. Ubiquitinated (u) species of histones H2A and H2B were enriched in the nuclease-sensitive, low-ionic-strength, soluble fraction of both chromatins. These results indicate that the presence of ubiquitinated histones may alter nucleosome-nucleosome interactions and destabilize higher-order chromatin structures. Bovine thymus chromatin was separated into aggregation-resistant, salt-soluble and aggregation-prone, salt-insoluble chromatin fractions. The aggregation-resistant chromatin fraction depleted in H1 histones was enriched in uH2A and uH2B, with uH2B showing the greater enrichment. The chromatin fragments were also stripped and reconstituted with the H1 histones prior to fractionation. The results were the same as above: uH2A and uH2B were preferentially localized in the aggregation-resistant. H1-depleted chromatin fraction, suggesting that chromatin regions enriched in ubiquitinated histone species have a reduced affinity for the H1 histones. Thus, ubiquitinated histone species may be one of the contributing factors in the differential assembly of various parts of the genome.  相似文献   

Immunofractionation of chromatin regions associated with histone H1o   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two monoclonal antibodies, which were elicited against histone H5, bind to purified rat liver chromatin and to rat liver H1o but not to rat liver H1. The monoclonal antibodies were immobilized on CNBr-Sepharose and the resulting immunoaffinity column was used to fractionate rat liver oligonucleosomes. Enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay (ELISA) and immunoblotting experiments indicate that the nucleosomes bound to the column were tenfold enriched in their content of H1o. Oligonucleosomes, prepared from the livers of either untreated or 3-methylcholanthrene-treated adult rats, were fractionated on the anti-H1o affinity column. The DNA purified from the unfractionated nucleosomes, from the unbound nucleosomes and from the nucleosomes which were bound to the column was examined with various 32P-labeled probes. A slight enrichment in H1o was detected in the coding region of the rat albumin gene. In contrast DNA which was bound to the column was significantly depleted in sequences hybridizing with total cellular RNA (which contains mostly ribosomal RNA) and with sequences hybridizing to the 3'-terminal region of a cytochrome P-450 gene, which is inducible by the chemical carcinogen 3-methylcholanthrene, regardless of whether isolated from control or from carcinogen-treated rat livers. Our experiments clearly demonstrate that chromatin can be efficiently immunofractionated. The results suggest that the H1o content of chromatin regions containing genes which are constitutively transcribed is not necessarily different from that of regions containing non-transcribed genes and that highly inducible genes may be segregated into chromatin regions which are depleted of H1o.  相似文献   

HMG-D is an abundant chromosomal protein associated with condensed chromatin during the first nuclear cleavage cycles of the developing Drosophila embryo. We previously suggested that HMG-D might substitute for the linker histone H1 in the preblastoderm embryo and that this substitution might result in the characteristic less compacted chromatin. We have now studied the association of HMG-D with chromatin using a cell-free system for chromatin reconstitution derived from Drosophila embryos. Association of HMG-D with chromatin, like that of histone H1, increases the nucleosome spacing indicative of binding to the linker DNA between nucleosomes. HMG-D interacts with DNA during the early phases of nucleosome assembly but is gradually displaced as chromatin matures. By contrast, purified chromatin can be loaded with stoichiometric amounts of HMG-D, and this can be displaced upon addition of histone H1. A direct physical interaction between HMG-D and histone H1 was observed in a Far Western analysis. The competitive nature of this interaction is reminiscent of the apparent replacement of HMG-D by H1 during mid-blastula transition. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that HMG-D functions as a specialized linker protein prior to appearance of histone H1.  相似文献   

H1 histone, polylysine and spermine facilitate nucleosome assembly in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E S Bogdanova 《FEBS letters》1984,175(2):321-324
Nucleosome formation has been studied in a system containing relaxed Col E1 DNA, core histones and an extract of Drosophila embryos. The formation of nucleosomes was established by the introduction of supercoils into DNA. The degree of DNA supercoiling was shown to be higher if nucleosomes were assembled in the presence of the H1 histone, polylysine (Mr 20 000) or spermine. These agents do not stimulate relaxation and are the more effective the earlier they are added to the reaction. Thus, the H1 histone, polylysine and spermine facilitate nucleosome assembly in vitro.  相似文献   

Glypicans are major cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans, the structures of which are characterized by the presence of a cysteine-rich globular domain, a short glycosaminoglycan (GAG) attachment region, and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchor. Despite strong evolutionary conservation of the globular domains of glypicans, no function has yet been attributed to them. By using a novel quantitative approach for assessing proteoglycan glycosylation, we show here that removal of the globular domain from rat glypican-1 converts the proteoglycan from one that bears approximately 90% heparan sulfate (HS) to one that bears approximately 90% chondroitin sulfate. Mutational analysis shows that sequences at least 70 amino acids away from the glypican-1 GAG attachment site are required for preferential HS assembly, although more nearby sequences also play a role. The effects of the glypican-1 globular domain on HS assembly could also be demonstrated by fusing this domain to sequences representing the GAG attachment sites of other proteoglycans or, surprisingly, simply by expressing the isolated globular domain in cells and analyzing effects either on an exogenously expressed glypican-1 GAG attachment domain or on endogenous proteoglycans. Quantitative analysis of the effect of the globular domain on GAG addition to proteoglycan core proteins suggested that preferential HS assembly is achieved, at least in part, through the inhibition of chondroitin sulfate assembly. These data identify the glypican-1 globular domain as a structural motif that potently influences GAG class determination and suggest that an important role of glypican globular domains is to ensure a high level of HS substitution of these proteoglycans.  相似文献   

How DNA repair machineries detect and access, within the context of chromatin, lesions inducing little or no distortion of the DNA structure is a poorly understood process. Removal of oxidized bases is initiated by a DNA glycosylase that recognises and excises the damaged base, initiating the base excision repair (BER) pathway. We show that upon induction of 8-oxoguanine, a mutagenic product of guanine oxidation, the mammalian 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase OGG1 is recruited together with other proteins involved in BER to euchromatin regions rich in RNA and RNA polymerase II and completely excluded from heterochromatin. The underlying mechanism does not require direct interaction of the protein with the oxidized base, however, the release of the protein from the chromatin fraction requires completion of repair. Inducing chromatin compaction by sucrose results in a complete but reversible inhibition of the in vivo repair of 8-oxoguanine. We conclude that after induction of oxidative DNA damage, the DNA glycosylase is actively recruited to regions of open chromatin allowing the access of the BER machinery to the lesions, suggesting preferential repair of active chromosome regions.  相似文献   

In higher plant cells, various microtubular arrays can be seen despite of their lack of structurally defined microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) like centrosomes in animal cells. Little is known about the molecular properties of the microtubule-organizing centers in higher plant cells. The nuclear surface contains one of these microtubule-organizing centers and generates microtubules radially toward the cell periphery (radial microtubules). Previously, we reported that histone H1 possessed the microtubule-organizing activity, and it was suggested that histone H1 localized on the nuclear surfaces in Tobacco BY-2 cells (Nakayama, T., Ishii, T., Hotta, T., and Mizuno, K. J. Biol. Chem. (submitted)). Here we show that histone H1 forms ring-shaped complexes with tubulin, and these complexes nucleated and elongated the radial microtubules continuously (processively) associating with their proximal ends where the incorporation of tubulin occurred. Furthermore, the polarity of radial microtubules was determined to be proximal end plus. Immunofluorescence microscopy of the isolated nuclei revealed that histone H1 localized on the nuclear surfaces, distinct from that in the chromatin. These results indicate that radial microtubules are organized by a novel MTOC that is totally different from MTOCs previously found in either plant or animal cells.  相似文献   

The H1 family is the most divergent subgroup of the highly conserved class of histone proteins [Cole: Int J Pept Protein Res 30:433–449, 1987]. In several vertebrate species, the H1 complement comprises five or more subtypes, and tissue specific patterns of H1 histones have been described. The diversity of the H1 histone family raises questions about the functions of different H1 subtypes and about the differential control of expression of their genes. The expression of main type H1 genes is coordinated with DNA replication, whereas the regulation of synthesis of replacement H1 subtypes, such as H1° and H5, and the testis specific H1t appears to be more complex. The differential control of H1 gene expression is reflected in the chromosomal organization of the genes and in different promoter structures. This review concentrates on a comparison of the chromosomal organization of main type and replacement H1 histone genes and on the differential regulation of their expression. General structural and functional data, which apply to both H1 and core histone genes and which are covered by recent reviews, will not be discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The deposition of the histones H3/H4 onto DNA to give the tetrasome intermediate and the displacement of H3/H4 from DNA are thought to be the first and the last steps in nucleosome assembly and disassembly, respectively. Anti-silencing function 1 (Asf1) is a chaperone of the H3/H4 dimer that functions in both of these processes. However, little is known about the thermodynamics of chaperone–histone interactions or the direct role of Asf1 in the formation or disassembly of histone–DNA complexes. Here, we show that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Asf1 shields H3/H4 from unfavorable DNA interactions and aids the formation of favorable histone–DNA interactions through the formation of disomes. However, Asf1 was unable to disengage histones from DNA for tetrasomes formed with H3/H4 and strong nucleosome positioning DNA sequences or tetrasomes weakened by mutant (H3K56Q/H4) histones or non-positioning DNA sequences. Furthermore, Asf1 did not associate with preformed tetrasomes. These results are consistent with the measured affinity of Asf1 for H3/H4 dimers of 2.5 nM, which is weaker than the association of H3/H4 for DNA. These studies support a mechanism by which Asf1 aids H3/H4 deposition onto DNA but suggest that additional factors or post-translational modifications are required for Asf1 to remove H3/H4 from tetrasome intermediates in chromatin.  相似文献   

NASP has been described as a histone H1 chaperone in mammals. However, the molecular mechanisms involved have not yet been characterized. Here, we show that this protein is not only present in mammals but is widely distributed throughout eukaryotes both in its somatic and testicular forms. The secondary structure of the human somatic version consists mainly of clusters of α-helices and exists as a homodimer in solution. The protein binds nonspecifically to core histone H2A-H2B dimers and H3-H4 tetramers but only forms specific complexes with histone H1. The formation of the NASP-H1 complexes is mediated by the N-and C-terminal domains of histone H1 and does not involve the winged helix domain that is characteristic of linker histones. In vitro chromatin reconstitution experiments show that this protein facilitates the incorporation of linker histones onto nucleosome arrays and hence is a bona fide linker histone chaperone.  相似文献   

The very lysine rich histone, H1, isolated from a variety of sources interacts preferentially with superhelical DNA compared to relaxed DNA duplexes. The nature of this specific interaction has been investigated by studying the ability of various purified fragments of H1 histone from calf thymus to recognize and bind superhelical DNA. The data suggest that the globular region of the H1 histone molecule (amino acid residues 72-106) is involved in the recognition of superhelical DNA. Thus, the H1 histone carboxy-terminal fragment, 72-212, resembles native H1 histone both quantitatively and qualitatively in its ability to discriminate between and bind to superhelical and relaxed DNA while the H1 histone carboxy-terminal fragment, residues 106-212, has lost this specificity, binding superhelical and relaxed DNA equally well. Furthermore, under conditions in which the globular region of the intact H1 histone has been unfolded, the molecule loses its ability to discriminate between superhelical and relaxed DNA, and binds both forms of DNA equally.  相似文献   

Influence of histone H1 on chromatin structure   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
F Thoma  T Koller 《Cell》1977,12(1):101-107
Removal of histone H1 produces a transition in the structure of chromatin fibers as observed by electron microscopy. Chromatin containing all histone proteins appears as fibers with a diameter of about 250 A. The nucleosomes within these fibers are closely packed. If histone H1 is selectively removed with 50-100 mM NaCl in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) in the presence of the ion-exchange resin AG 50 W - X2, chromatin appears as "beads-on-a-string" with the nucleosomes separated from each other by distances of about 150-200 A. If chromatin is treated in the presence of the resin with NaCl at concentrations of 650 mM or more, the structural organization of the chromatin is decreased, yielding fibers of irregular appearance.  相似文献   

Li Q  Zhou H  Wurtele H  Davies B  Horazdovsky B  Verreault A  Zhang Z 《Cell》2008,134(2):244-255
Chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF-1) and Rtt106 participate in the deposition of newly synthesized histones onto replicating DNA to form nucleosomes. This process is critical for the maintenance of genome stability and inheritance of functionally specialized chromatin structures in proliferating cells. However, the molecular functions of the acetylation of newly synthesized histones in this DNA replication-coupled nucleosome assembly pathway remain enigmatic. Here we show that histone H3 acetylated at lysine 56 (H3K56Ac) is incorporated onto replicating DNA and, by increasing the binding affinity of CAF-1 and Rtt106 for histone H3, H3K56Ac enhances the ability of these histone chaperones to assemble DNA into nucleosomes. Genetic analysis indicates that H3K56Ac acts in a nonredundant manner with the acetylation of the N-terminal residues of H3 and H4 in nucleosome assembly. These results reveal a mechanism by which H3K56Ac regulates replication-coupled nucleosome assembly mediated by CAF-1 and Rtt106.  相似文献   

Y Adachi  E K?s  U K Laemmli 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(13):3997-4006
DNA elements termed scaffold-associated regions (SARs) are AT-rich stretches of several hundred base pairs which are known to bind specifically to nuclear or metaphase scaffolds and are proposed to specify the base of chromatin loops. SARs contain sequences homologous to the DNA topoisomerase II cleavage consensus and this enzyme is known to be the major structural component of the mitotic chromosome scaffold. We find that purified topoisomerase II preferentially binds and aggregates SAR-containing DNA. This interaction is highly cooperative and, with increasing concentrations of topoisomerase II, the protein titrates quantitatively first SAR-containing DNA and then non-SAR DNA. About one topoisomerase II dimer is bound per 200 bp of DNA. SARs exhibit a Circe effect; they promote in cis topoisomerase II-mediated double-strand cleavage in SAR-containing DNA fragments. The AT-rich SARs contain several oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts which determine their protein-binding specificity. Distamycin, which is known to interact highly selectively with runs of A.T base pairs, abolishes the specific interaction of SARs with topoisomerase II, and the homopolymer oligo(dA).oligo(dT) is, above a critical length of 240 bp, a highly specific artificial SAR. These results support the notion of an involvement of SARs and topoisomerase II in chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi chromatin is not condensed in chromosomes during mitosis. In previous studies a characteristic H 1 was not found in SDS or in acid-urea-PAGE. Consequently, it was proposed that the particular behavior of T. cruzi chromatin in dividing cells was due to the absence of an H 1 histone. In the present work, histones from this parasite were systematically characterized by spectrofluorometric analysis, amino acid composition, PAGE in one and in two dimensions, differential extraction with PCA and TCA, immunological cross-reactivity with antisera, and immunoblotting. We conclude that T. cruzi contains all five histones, H 1 presenting solubility and immunological properties similar to those in other species, but with a particular electrophoretic mobility in Triton-PAGE. Thus an explanation other than the absence of H 1 should be offered in order to understand the behavior of T. cruzi chromatin during mitosis. Moreover, histone variants were described by two-dimensional PAGE. The presence of histone variants suggests that they may participate in the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation of this parasite, as it has been postulated for higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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