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Adult female albino rats anovulatory as a result of exposure to constant light (CL rats) were shown to ovulate in response to limited coital stimulation without necessarily becoming either pseudopregnant or pregnant. A higher level of coital stimulation would induce pseudopregnancy provided that intromission was not prevented. The occurrence of an ejaculation was not essential for the induction of pseudopregnancy but the incidence of pseudopregnancy was higher when a series of intromissions included one or more intromissions associated with ejaculation than when it did not. Similar findings regarding the induction of pseudopregnancy were obtained in experiments on female rats maintained under normal light-dark conditions (LD rats). Increasing the interval between intromissions from less than 1 min to as much as 20 min did not reduce the incidence of pseudopregnancy in CL rats. Splitting a set number of intromissions into two groups separated by up to 180 min did not reduce the incidence of pseudopregnancy in CL or LD rats. Conditions for the induction of pregnancy were more critical than for the induction of pseudopregnancy. CL rats showed only a low incidence of pregnancy and, if pregnant, either had small litters or did not deliver living pups even when a high level of coital stimulation from several males, including multiple ejaculations, occurred over a limited period of time. A high success rate was only observed when CL rats were mated with a single male overnight. LD rats showed a higher incidence of pregnancy than CL rats in response to a restricted amount of coital stimulation over a short time period, especially when an ejaculation was the terminal event in the mating sequence. This dependence on the occurrence of an ejaculation as the terminal event was not observed in CL rats, probably because, unlike LD rats, their uteri were not distended with fluid at the time of mating.  相似文献   

The present experiment was designed to examine whether changes occur during the course of behavioural oestrus in the sensitivity of the female to copulatory stimulation and in patterns of sexual behaviour which might influence the likelihood of luteal maintenance. Cyclic female rats were mated on the evening of pro-oestrus (21:00 h) or early on the morning of oestrus (05:00 h) and received either 5 or 10 intromissions from males under conditions which allowed or did not allow pacing of contacts with males to occur. During mating, the levels of sexual receptivity, the timing of sexual mounts from males, and pacing behaviours were measured. The occurrence of pseudopregnancy or pregnancy in each animal was determined by examining vaginal smears for 14 days after mating and by examining the uterus for the presence of fetuses at the end of the experiment. At both mating times, pacing of copulation with males increased the likelihood of prolonged luteal activity. However, females were more likely to become pseudopregnant following non-paced mating at 05:00 h than at 21:00 h the previous evening. Of those females receiving an ejaculation during mating, no difference were seen between groups in the incidence of pregnancy. This change in sensitivity to cervical-vaginal stimulation during oestrus was not associated with changes in sexual receptivity or pacing behaviour. The ability of cervical-vaginal stimulation to induce pseudopregnancy therefore increases toward the end of the period of oestrus, but the behavioural mechanisms which regulate receipt of such stimulation remain constant during that time.  相似文献   

MAT alpha haploids with mutations in the STE13 or KEX2 gene, and MATa haploids with mutations in the STE6 or STE14 gene, do not mate with wild-type cells of the opposite mating type. We found that such mutants were able to mate with partners that carry mutations (sst1 and sst2) that cause cells to be supersensitive to yeast mating pheromone action. Mating ability of MAT alpha ste13 and MAT alpha kex2 mutants could also be restored by adding normal MAT alpha cells to mating mixtures or by adding just the appropriate purified pheromone (alpha-factor). Therefore, the mating deficiencies caused by the ste13 and kex2 lesions, and by inference, the ste6 and ste14 mutations, appear to result only from secretion of an insufficient amount of pheromone or a nonfunctional pheromone.  相似文献   

F J Bex  A Corbin 《Life sciences》1984,35(9):969-979
Further confirmation that the LHRH/LHRH agonist-induced ovulation in the hypophysectomized (hypx) rat is due to a direct ovarian effect and not mediated by LH release from residual pituitary tissue or other CNS sites is provided by the persistence of this effect despite concomitant median eminence lesion or passive immunization to LH. Adrenalectomy did not affect the ovulatory activity of the LHRH agonist, D-Trp6-N alpha MeLeu7-DesGly10-Pro9-NHEt-LHRH (Wy-40,972), in the hypx rat. Prior administration of a potent LHRH antagonist blocked ovulation induced in hypx proestrous rats by Wy-40,972 but not by LH-S19. Ovulation can be induced by Wy-40,972 one day earlier (e.g. metestrus) in the intact rat than it can in the hypx rat. Results in the hypx metestrous rat indicate that the ovulatory responsiveness of the intact rat at this stage of the cycle may occur by complementary action of Wy-40,972-stimulated endogenous LH release and a direct ovarian effect of the agonist. Prostaglandins (PG) are involved in the ovulatory mechanism of Wy-40,972 in the hypx proestrous rat as evidenced by the dose-dependent inhibition of this effect by PG synthetase inhibitors, indomethacin and Fentiazac. Moreover, there were significant increases in ovarian concentrations of PGF2 alpha and PGE2-PGE1 in response to Wy-40,972 that could be prevented by indomethacin. However, exogenous administration of either of these PG's was not effective in inducing ovulation in the hypx rat.  相似文献   

Pseudopregnancy induced by cervical stimulation was inhibited by acute electrochemical stimulation of the corticomedial amygdala or dorsal hippocampus under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia (40 mg/kg) in adult, cyclic female Sprague-Dawley rats. The degree to which pseudopregnancy was blocked depended on temporal conditions of brain stimulation and sodium pentobarbital administration. Pentobarbital alone had a suppressing effect on the incidence of pseudopregnancy, especially when it preceded cervical stimulation. Limbic stimulation before cervical stimulation had a tendency to potentiate the suppression of pseudopregnancy by pentobarbital. After cervical stimulation, hippocampal stimulation tended to inhibit the development of pseudopregnancy, potentiating the pentobarbital suppression, while amygdala stimulation tended to override the pentobarbital blockage of pseudopregnancy. These findings suggest a negative influence of these two limbic structures and pentobarbital on the secretion of prolactin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantify the structural myocardial response when chronic NO blockade hypertension is treated with antihypertensive drugs. STUDY DESIGN: Four groups of 10 male Wistar rats each were separated as follows: control, L-arginine-methyl-ester (NAME), L-NAME + angiotenisin-converting inhibitor (enalapril), L-NAME + calcium channel blocker (verapamil). All animals' blood pressure (BP) was measured weekly. After 40 days of experimentation the heart mass/body mass ratio (HBR) was determined, and the volume densities of the cardiac components were shown by stereology (Vv[c] for cardiomyocytes, Vv[i] for cardiac interstitium and the mean cross-sectional area of cardiomyocytes, a[c]). RESULTS: Significant differences by comparison with the control group were: BP increased 71% and HBR increased 24% in the L-NAME group. Vv[c] was 15% smaller in L-NAME animals, while an increase of 11% occurred in the enalapril group and 7% in the verapamil group. Vv[i] increased 20% in the L-NAME group; however, it decreased 13% in the enalapril group and 10% in the verapamil group. a[c] Was 30% greater in the L-NAME group, 13.5% in the enalapril group and 8.5%, in the verapamil group. a[c] Was 12.5% smaller in the enalapril group and 16% smaller in the verapamil group when L-NAME rats were compared. CONCLUSION: Stereology revealed an equivalent effect of enalapril and verapamil in reducing BP, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis in rats with NO synthesis blockade after six weeks of treatment.  相似文献   

In Drosophila females, mating is known to cause a reduction in life span, which is referred to as 'the cost of mating'. Since mating enhances oogenesis and oviposition, the cost of mating may be regarded as a trade-off between reproduction and longevity. We examined whether the cost of mating exists in mutant females that are unable to produce eggs. Three different mutant alleles of ovarian tumors (otu) and an allele of dunce (dnc(M11)) of Drosophila melanogaster were used to sterilize females. For all the female sterile mutants tested, mating dramatically decreased the life span of homozygous sterile females. Even more extreme shortening of life spans were observed when the sex peptide gene (Acp70A) was expressed in homozygous otu females, though they were virgin, indicating that the shortening in life span is due to seminal factors. These results indicate that the cost of mating is greater in females defective in oogenesis than that in normally fertile females.  相似文献   

We examined the roles of endogenous prostaglandins (PGs) and nitric oxide (NO) in the gastroduodenal ulcerogenic responses to hypothermic stress (28 approximately 30 degrees C) in anesthetized rats. Lowering body temperature provoked damage in the gastroduodenal mucosa, with an increase of gastric acid secretion and motility. These responses were completely abolished by bilateral vagotomy or atropine, while 16,16-dimethyl PGE2 decreased the mucosal ulcerogenic response with no effect on acid secretion. The non-selective COX inhibitors, indomethacin or aspirin, worsened these lesions with enhancement of gastric motility and no effect on acid secretion, while the selective COX-2 inhibitor NS-398 did not affect any of these responses. On the other hand, the non-selective NOS inhibitor L-NAME but not aminoguanidine (a relatively selective inhibitor of iNOS), significantly potentiated the acid secretory and mucosal ulcerogenic responses in the stomach but reduced the duodenal damage in response to hypothermia, the effects being antagonized by co-administration of L-arginine. Hypothermia itself decreased duodenal HCO3- secretion under both basal and mucosal acidification-stimulated conditions. Both indomethacin and aspirin further decreased the HCO3- response to the mucosal acidification, while L-NAME significantly increased the HCO3- secretion even under hypothermic conditions, similar to 16,16-dimethyl PGE2. These results suggest that 1) hypothermic stress caused an increase of acid secretion and motility as well as a decrease of duodenal HCO3-secretion, resulting in damage in both the stomach and duodenum, 2) the COX-1 but not COX-2 inhibition worsened these lesions by enhancing gastric motility and further decreasing duodenal HCO3- response, 3) the cNOS but not iNOS inhibition worsened gastric lesions by increasing acid secretion but decreased duodenal damage by increasing HCO3- secretion. Thus, it is assumed that the gastroduodenal ulcerogenic and functional responses to hypothermic stress are modified by cNOS/NO as well as COX-1/PGs.  相似文献   

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