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Summary The human 3-chain type VI collagen C-terminal Kunitz domain fragment (3(VI)) has been studied by two-dimensional 1H–1H and 1H–13C NMR spectroscopy at 303 K. It is shown that the secondary structure of the protein is strikingly similar to that of BPTI, and that a number of unusual H chemical shifts, which are highly conserved in Kunitz-domain proteins, are also observed for 3(VI). Further-more a series of exchange cross peaks observed in 1H–1H spectra shows that a large number of protons in the central -sheet exist in two different chemical environments, corresponding to two unequally populated conformations that are slowly exchanging on the NMR time scale. Several protons, including Ser47(53) H, Arg32(38) H2, and Gln48(54) H2, all located in the vicinity of the Trp21(27) ring in the crystal structure of 3(VI) [Arnoux, B. et al. (1995) J. Mol. Biol., 246, 609–617], have very different chemical shifts in the two conformations, the most affected being Gln48(54) H2 (=1.53 ppm), which is placed directly above the Trp21(27) ring in the crystal structure of 3(VI). It is concluded that the origin of the multiple conformations of the central -sheet is a reorientation of the Trp21(27) ring. From the intensities of corresponding signals in the two conformations, the population of the minor conformation was found to be 6.4±0.2% of that of the major conformation, while a rate constant kM=1.01±0.05 s-1 for the major to minor interconversion was obtained from a series of NOESY spectra with different mixing times. In addition, it is shown that Cys14(20)-Cys38(44) disulfide bond isomerization, previously observed in BPTI [Otting, G. et al. (1993) Biochemistry, 32, 3570–3582], is also likely to occur in 3(VI).  相似文献   

《Bioinorganic chemistry》1977,7(2):129-139
Definitive evidence for the intermediate in metalloporphyrin formation produced in the interaction of meso-tetraphenylporphine and [Rh(CO)2Cl]2, the “sitting-atop” complex (SAT), is given in this article. The second-order kinetics of SAT complex formation, the small rate constant for the formation reaction, and the equilibrium study indicate a one-to-one complex between the meso-tetraphenylporphine and [Rh(CO)2Cl]2. The analytical data, infrared spectrum, and especially the proton magnetic resonance lead to a formulation of the “sitting-atop” complex shown  相似文献   

2-Aminoethanesulfonic acid (taurine)/α-ketoglutarate (αKG) dioxygenase (TauD) is a mononuclear non-heme iron enzyme that catalyzes the hydroxylation of taurine to generate sulfite and aminoacetaldehyde in the presence of O2, αKG, and Fe(II). Fe(II)TauD complexed with αKG or succinate, the decarboxylated product of αKG, reacts with O2 in the absence of prime substrate to generate 550- and 720-nm chromophores, respectively, that are interconvertible by the addition or removal of bound bicarbonate and have resonance Raman features characteristic of an Fe(III)–catecholate complex. Mutagenesis studies suggest that both reactions result in the self-hydroxylation of the active-site residue Tyr73, and liquid chromatography nano-spray mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry evidence corroborates this result for the succinate reaction. Furthermore, isotope-labeling resonance Raman studies demonstrate that the oxygen atom incorporated into the tyrosyl residue derives from H2 18O and 18O2 for the αKG and succinate reactions, respectively, suggesting distinct mechanistic pathways. Whereas the αKG-dependent hydroxylation likely proceeds via an Fe(IV)=O intermediate that is known to be generated during substrate hydroxylation, we propose Fe(III)–OOH (or Fe(V)=O) as the oxygenating species in the succinate-dependent reaction. These results demonstrate the two oxygenating mechanisms available to enzymes with a 2-His-1-carboxylate triad, depending on whether the electron source donates one or two electrons.  相似文献   

The innervation of the biceps muscle was examined in regenerated and vitamin A-induced serially duplicated axolotl forelimbs using retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. The regenerated biceps muscle becomes innervated by motor neurones in the same position in the spinal cord as the normal biceps motor pool. In previous experiments in which the innervation of a second copy of a proximal limb muscle was examined in serially duplicated limbs (Stephens, Holder & Maden, 1985), the duplicate muscle was found to become innervated by motor neurones that would normally have innervated distal muscles. In the present study, the innervation of the second copy of biceps was examined under conditions designed to encourage nerve sprouting from 'correct' biceps axons. Following either partial limb denervation or denervation coupled with removal of the proximal biceps, the second copy of the muscle was still innervated by inappropriate motor neurones, which again would normally innervate distal limb muscles. These results are interpreted as evidence for the necessity for an appropriate local environment for axonal growth to allow reformation of a correct pattern of motor innervation in the regenerated limb.  相似文献   

Polarization colors of various purified collagens were studied in fibers of similar thickness. Three different soluble collagens of type I, insoluble collagen type I, lathyritic collagen type I, two p-N-collagens type I, pepsin extract collagen type II, two soluble collagens type III, p-N-collagen type III, and soluble collagen type V were submitted to a routine histopathologic procedure of fixation, preparation of 5-microns-thick sections, staining with Picrosirius red and examination under crossed polars. Polarization colors were determined for thin fibers (0.8 micron or less) an thick fibers, (1.6-2.4 microns). Most thin fibers of collagens and p-N-collagens showed green to yellowish-green polarization colors with no marked differences between the various samples. Thick fibers of all p-N-collagens, lathyritic and normal 0.15 M NaCl-soluble collagens showed green to greenish-yellow polarization colors, while in all other collagens, polarization colors of longer wavelengths (from yellowish-orange to red) were observed. These data suggested that fiber thickness was not the only factor involved in determining the polarization colors of Picrosirius red-stained collagens. Tightly packed and presumably, better aligned collagen molecules showed polarization colors of longer wavelengths. Thus, packing of collagen molecules and not only fiber thickness plays a role in the pattern of polarization colors of Picrosirius red-stained collagens.  相似文献   

Summary Polarization colors of various purified collagens were studied in fibers of similar thickness. Three different soluble collagens of type I, insoluble collagen type I, lathyritic collagen type I, two p-N-collagens type I, pepsin extract collagen type II, two soluble collagens type III, p-N-collagen type III, and soluble collagen type V were submitted to a routine histopathologic procedure of fixation, preparation of 5-m-thick sections, staining with Picrosirius red and examination under crossed polars. Polarization colors were determined for thin fibers (0.8 m or less) and thick fibers, (1.6–2.4 m). Most thin fibers of collagens and p-N-collagens showed green to yellowish-green polarization collors with no marked differences between the various samples. Thick fibers of all p-N-collagens, lathyritic and normal 0.15 M NaCl-soluble collagens showed green to greenish-yellow polarization colors, while in all other collagens, polarization colors of longer wavelengths (from yellowish-orange to red) were observed. These data suggested that fiber thickness was not the only factor involved in determining the polarization colors of Picrosirius red-stained collagens. Tightly packed and presumably, better aligned collagen molecules showed polarization colors of longer wavelengths. Thus, packing of collagen molecules and not only fiber thickness plays a role in the pattern of polarization colors of Picrosirius red-stained collagens.  相似文献   

Genetic background plays an important role in the development of Dupuytren’s disease. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) showed that nine loci are associated with the disease, six of which contain genes that are involved in Wnt signaling (WNT2, WNT4, WNT7B, RSPO2, SFRP4, SULF1). To obtain insight in the role of these genes, we performed expression studies on affected and unaffected patient’s tissues. Surgically obtained nodules and cords from eight Dupuytren’s patients were compared to patient-matched control tissue (unaffected transverse palmar fascia). The Wnt-related genes found in the GWAS, the classical Wnt-downstream protein β-catenin, as well as (myo)fibroblast markers were analyzed using real-time qPCR and immunohistochemical stainings for mRNA levels and protein levels, respectively. The collagen-coding genes COL1A1 and COL3A1 were highly upregulated on mRNA level, both in cords and nodules. Three Wnt-related genes were found to be differently regulated compared to control tissue: WNT2 was downregulated in nodules, WNT7B was upregulated in nodules, and SFRP4 was upregulated in nodules and cords. Immunohistochemistry revealed significantly less staining of Wnt2 in cords, but significantly more staining for Wnt7b in nodules. There was significantly more staining of α-SMA in nodules and cord and β-catenin in nodules than in control tissue. We found differences in expression, both at mRNA and protein level, in several Wnt-related genes found earlier to be associated with Dupuytren’s disease. Of these, Wnt7b was upregulated and found in close association with both α-SMA and β-catenin expressing cells, making it a candidate pro-fibrotic mediator in Dupuytren’s disease.  相似文献   

A goat antibody produced against homogeneous bovine adrenal ferrodoxin has been employed to study the involvement of this iron-sulfur protein in the side-chain cleavage of 20α-hydroxycholesterol catalyzed by a soluble fraction, supernatant S1, prepared from sonicated bovine adrenocortical mitochondria. When added to this supernatant, the antibody inhibited the side-chain cleavage of 20α-hydroxycholesterol as well as the side-chain cleavage of cholesterol, the 11β-hydroxylation of deoxycorticosterone, and the NADPH-dependent reduction of cytochrome c. These results demonstrate that, similar to the NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and both the cholesterol side-chain cleavage and steroid 11β-hydroxylase reactions, adrenal ferredoxin is also required for the side-chain cleavage of 20α-hydroxycholesterol.  相似文献   

The molecule of type I collagen from skin consists of two alpha1(I)-chains and one alpha2-chain. The sequence of the entire alpha1-chain comprising 1052 residues is summarily presented and discussed. Apart from the 279 residues of alpha1(I)-CB8 whose sequence has been established for rat skin collagen, all sequences have been determined for calf skin collagen. In order to facilitate sequence analysis, the alpha1-chain was cleaved into defined fragments by cyanogen bromide or hydroxylamine or limited collagenase digestion. Most of the sequence was established by automated stepwise Edman degradation. The alpha1-chain contains two basically different types of sequences: the triple helical region of 1011 amino acid residues in which every third position is occupied by glycine and the N- and C-terminal regions not displaying this type of regularity. Both of these non-triple helical regions carry oxidizable lysine or hydroxylysine residues as functional sites for the intermolecular crosslink formation. Implications of the amino acid sequence for the stability of the triple helix and the fibril as well as for formation of crosslinks are discussed. Evaluation of the sequence in connection with electron microscopical investigations yielded the parameters of the axial arrangement of the molecules within the fibrils. Axial stagger of the molecules by a distance D = 670 angstrom = 233 amino acid residues results in maximal interaction of polar sequence regions of adjacent molecules and similarly of regions of hydrophobic residues. Ordered aggregation of molecules into fibrils is, therefore, regulated by electrostatic and electrophobic forces. Possible loci of intermolecular crosslinks between the alpha1-chains of adjacent molecules may be deduced from the dimensions of the axial aggregation of molecules.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been frequent reports of invertebrate species newly recorded from particular areas of the Northeastern Atlantic, and it has often been suggested that these are the result of changes in species ranges due to recent warming. These suggestions make three assumptions: (1) that we have a good knowledge of the fauna of these areas; (2) that new records of “southern” species are more frequent than new records of “northern” species; (3) that climate change is the only factor affecting species range. I tested these assumptions on published records of 30 benthic molluscan species which have been found alive for the first time in the Russian part of the Barents Sea since 2006. Some of the discussed species are warm-water species and may have extended their ranges northward in response to climate change. However, our baseline knowledge of the molluscan fauna of this area before 2006 is limited by the frequent lack of molluscan specialists to study the available material, by the frequent lack of detailed publication and by changes in sampling and processing methods. New records of “southern” species are in fact not significantly commoner than new records of “northern” species. Also reasons other than climate change for observed changes in species distribution should be considered.  相似文献   


In Tetrahymena thermophila, the ultradian rhythm of tyrosine aminotransferase activity was investigated under free‐running conditions. The rhythm persisted in the presence of 1 mM emetine, although the drug efficiently inhibited both protein synthesis and cell division. Also 250 mM hydroxyurea, which suppressed cell growth to a high degree, did not prevent the rhythm. These data support the concept of an ultradian oscillator working independently of translation and being not a consequence of the “cell cycle”;, although under normal physiological conditions the rhythm of tyrosine aminotransferase is accompanied by and equiperiodic with the rhythm of cell division, both in the ultradian and circadian growth modes.  相似文献   

Altogether 2 holoenzymes and 4 catalytic CK2 constructs were expressed and characterized i.e. CK2alpha (2) (1-335) beta(2); CK2alpha'-derived holoenzyme; CK2alpha(1-335); MBP-CK2alpha'; His-tagged CK2alpha and His-tagged CK2alpha'. The two His-tagged catalytic subunits were expressed in insect cells, all others in Escherichia coli. IC(50) studies involving the established CK2 inhibitors DMAT, TBBt, TBBz, apigenin and emodin were carried out and the K(i) values calculated. Although the differences in the K(i) values found were modest, there was a general tendency showing that the CK2 holoenzymes were more sensitive towards the inhibitors than the free catalytic subunits. Thermal inactivation experiments involving the individual catalytic subunits showed an almost complete loss of activity after only 2 min at 45 degrees C. In the case of the two holoenzymes, the CK2alpha'-derived holoenzyme lost ca. 90% of its activity after 14 min, whereas CK2alpha (2) (1-335) beta(2) only showed a loss of ca. 40% by this time of incubation. Gel filtration analyses were performed at high (500 mM) and low (150 mM) monovalent salt concentrations in the absence or presence of ATP. At 500 mM NaCl the CK2alpha'-derived holoenzyme eluted at a position corresponding to a molecular mass of 105 kDa which is significantly below the elution of the CK2alpha (2) (1-335) beta(2) holoenzyme (145 kDa). Calmodulin was not phosphorylated by either CK2alpha (2) (1-335) beta(2) or the CK2alpha'-derived holoenzyme. However, in the presence of polylysine only the CK2alpha (2) (1-335) beta(2) holoenzyme could use calmodulin as a substrate such as the catalytic subunits, in contrast to the CK2alpha'-derived holoenzyme which only phosphorylated calmodulin weakly. This attenuation may be owing to a different structural interaction between the catalytic CK2alpha' subunit and non-catalytic CK2beta subunit.  相似文献   

How can cooperation thrive in a selfish world? Recent evolution experiments show how bacteria themselves can generate conditions that make cooperation a winning strategy. At least in the short term.  相似文献   

Information from the same restriction analysis of chloroplast DNA of 33 taxa ofRubiaceae was scored in four different ways, two of which were based on fragments, and two on restriction sites, and they were subsequently analysed with Wagner parsimony. The methods resulted in different phylogenetic trees. The inherent differences between the methods relate to the amount of non-homologous characters and dependent characters, but none of the methods will systematically bias the resulting cladograms. The fragment analyses are much less time-consuming, but probably less accurate, than the site analyses. The choice of method is dependent on a trade-off between accuracy and resources (time). One important recommendation is made: all phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA data should be accompanied by a data matrix and contain information on how the matrix was compiled.  相似文献   

The predominant form of type V collagen is the [α1(V)]?α2(V) heterotrimer. Mutations in COL5A1 or COL5A2, encoding respectively the α1(V)- and α2(V)-collagen chain, cause classic EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome), a heritable connective tissue disorder, characterized by fragile hyperextensible skin and joint hypermobility. Approximately half of the classic EDS cases remain unexplained. Type V collagen controls collagen fibrillogenesis through its conserved α1(V)-N-propeptide domain. To gain an insight into the role of this domain, a yeast two-hybrid screen among proteins expressed in human dermal fibroblasts was performed utilizing the N-propeptide as a bait. We identified 12 interacting proteins, including extracellular matrix proteins and proteins involved in collagen biosynthesis. Eleven interactions were confirmed by surface plasmon resonance and/or co-immunoprecipitation: α1(I)- and α2(I)-collagen chains, α1(VI)-, α2(VI)- and α3(VI)-collagen chains, tenascin-C, fibronectin, PCPE-1 (procollagen C-proteinase enhancer-1), TIMP-1 (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1), MMP-2 (matrix metalloproteinase 2) and TGF-β1 (transforming growth factor β1). Solid-phase binding assays confirmed the involvement of the α1(V)-N-propeptide in the interaction between native type V collagen and type VI collagen, suggesting a bridging function of this protein complex in the cell-matrix environment. Enzymatic studies showed that processing of the α1(V)-N-propeptide by BMP-1 (bone morphogenetic protein 1)/procollagen C-proteinase is enhanced by PCPE-1. These interactions are likely to be involved in extracellular matrix homoeostasis and their disruption could explain the pathogenetic mechanism in unresolved classic EDS cases.  相似文献   

TonB-dependent transport is a mechanism for active uptake across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. The system promotes transport of rare nutrients and was thought to be restricted to iron complexes and vitamin B12. Recent experimental evidence of TonB-energized transport of nickel and different carbohydrates, in addition to bioinformatic-based predictions, challenges this notion and reveals that the number and variety of TonB-dependent substrates is underestimated. It is becoming clear that the chemical nature of the substrates, the energetic requirements for transport and the subsequent translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane can differ from those of the well-studied systems for iron complexes and vitamin B12. These findings question the understanding of TonB-dependent uptake and provide insights into the adaptation of bacteria to their environments.  相似文献   

In general, osteogenesis imperfecta is caused by heterozygous mutations in either of the genes encoding the 1 or 2 chains of type I collagen (COL1A1 and COL1A2, respectively). Usually, these mutations are unique to the affected individual or individuals within a family. In this study, single-strand conformation polymorphism mapping analysis has been coupled with sequence analysis to identify a single base mutation in the 2(I) gene of type I collagen; this mutation is identical in three unrelated individuals with perinatal lethal osteogenesis imperfecta. The heterozygous G to A transition at a CpG dinucleotide results in a Gly502Ser substitution in the 2 chain of type I collagen.  相似文献   

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