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FliP is a rare bacterial polytopic membrane protein synthesized with a cleavable highly hydrophobic signal peptide. It is essential for flagellum assembly and for bacterial motility. In this study, we assessed specificity of signal peptide for the FliP function. Like the wild type FliP, two altered FliPs with more hydrophilic Tat- or Sec-dependent signal peptides were both able to restore the motility of the DeltafliP mutant. Therefore, the Tat- and the Sec-dependent signal peptides seemed to be compatible with the FliP function. Moreover, deletion of the FliP signal peptide or replacing it with the transmembrane segment of MotA severely impaired the FliP function. Together these results showed that a cleavable signal peptide is required for the full function of FliP.  相似文献   

Ishikita H 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4293-4297
The conduction of ammonia/ammonium (NH3/NH4(+)) through the channel protein AmtB is inhibited by the binding of the signal transduction protein GlnK. In the AmtB-GlnK binding interface, there exists an NH3/NH4(+) binding site--Am6. The calculated pK(a) values at the Am6 sites in both the AmtB-GlnK complex and isolated AmtB implies the dominance of an uncharged NH3 state. The GlnK protein binding causes a significant downshift in the Am6 pK(a) value of the AmtB. However, this downshift is perfectly compensated by the reorientation of the protein backbone (carbonyl group of Cys312 from the AmtB part) upon AmtB-GlnK complex formation.  相似文献   

The signal peptide   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  

The Escherichia coli Tat apparatus is a protein translocation system that serves to export folded proteins across the inner membrane. The integral membrane proteins TatA, TatB and TatC are essential components of this pathway. Substrate proteins are directed to the Tat apparatus by specialized N-terminal signal peptides bearing a consensus twin-arginine sequence motif. Here we have systematically examined the Tat complexes that can be purified from overproducing strains. Our data suggest that the TatA, TatB and TatC proteins are found in at least two major types of high molecular mass complex in detergent solution, one consisting predominantly of TatA but with a small quantity of TatB, and the other based on a TatBC unit but also containing some TatA protein. The latter complex is shown to be capable of binding a Tat signal peptide. Using an alternative purification strategy we show that it is possible to isolate a TatABC complex containing a high molar excess of the TatA component.  相似文献   

Production of hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein requires the cleavages of polyprotein by signal peptidase and signal peptide peptidase (SPP). Cleavage of signal peptide at the C-terminus of HCV core protein by SPP was characterized in this study. The spko mutant (mutate a.a. 189–193 from ASAYQ to PPFPF) is more efficient than the A/F mutant (mutate a.a 189 and 191 from A to F) in blocking the cleavage of signal peptide by signal peptidase. The cleavage efficiency of SPP is inversely proportional to the length of C-terminal extension of the signal peptide: the longer the extension, the less efficiency the cleavage is. Thus, reducing the length of C-terminal extension of signal peptide by signal peptidase cleavage could facilitate further cleavage by SPP. The recombinant core protein fused with signal peptide from the C-terminus of p7 protein, but not those from the C-termini of E1 and E2, could be cleaved by SPP. Therefore, the sequence of the signal peptide is important but not the sole determinant for its cleavage by SPP. Replacement of the HCV core protein E.R.-associated domain (a.a. 120–150) with the E.R.-associated domain (a.a.1–50) of SARS-CoV membrane protein results in the failure of cleavage of this recombinant protein by SPP, though this protein still is E.R.-associated. This result suggests that not only E.R.-association but also specific protein sequence is important for the HCV core protein signal peptide cleavage by SPP. Thus, our results suggest that both sequences of the signal peptide and the E.R.-associated domain are important for the signal peptide cleavage of HCV core protein by SPP. Electronic Supplementary MaterialThe online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The recently described Tat protein translocation system in Escherichia coli recognizes its protein substrates by the consensus twin arginine (SRRXFLK) motif in the signal peptide. The signal sequence of E. coli pre-pro-penicillin amidase bears two arginine residues separated by one aspargine and does not resemble the Tat-targeting motif but can nevertheless target the precursor to the Tat pathway. Mutational studies have shown that the hydrophobic core region acts in synergism with the positive charged N-terminal part of the signal peptide as a Tat recognition signal and contributes to the efficient Tat targeting of the pre-pro-penicillin amidase.  相似文献   

We have designed a novel protein fusion partner (P8CBD) to utilize the co‐translational SRP pathway in order to target heterologous proteins to the E. coli inner membrane. SRP‐dependence was demonstrated by analyzing the membrane translocation of P8CBD‐PhoA fusion proteins in wt and SRP‐ffh77 mutant cells. We also demonstrate that the P8CBD N‐terminal fusion partner promotes over‐expression of a Thermotoga maritima polytopic membrane protein by replacement of the native signal anchor sequence. Furthermore, the yeast mitochondrial inner membrane protein Oxa1p was expressed as a P8CBD fusion and shown to function within the E. coli inner membrane. In this example, the mitochondrial targeting peptide was replaced by P8CBD. Several practical features were incorporated into the P8CBD expression system to aid in protein detection, purification, and optional in vitro processing by enterokinase. The basis of membrane protein over‐expression toxicity is discussed and solutions to this problem are presented. We anticipate that this optimized expression system will aid in the isolation and study of various recombinant forms of membrane‐associated protein.  相似文献   

Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG)-derived heat shock protein 65 (HSP65) has been demonstrated capable of assisting a fused peptide to generate the peptide-specific cellular immunity. Various HSP65 fusion proteins have been developed as therapeutic cancer vaccines. Purifying a recombinant HSP65 fusion protein with no purification tags for human use is routinely a challenge. Here, we report a scheme for purifying a non-tagged recombinant HSP65-Her2 peptide fusion protein (HSP65-Her2) from Escherichia coli. The HSP65-Her2 is being developed as an immunotherapeutic for the treatment of Her2-positive tumors. After fermentation in a 10-L fermentor, the HSP65-Her2 expressing E. coli were harvested and lysed by sonication. The recombinant HSP65-Her2 was then purified with four successive steps including Butyl-Sepharose FF, DEAE-Sepharose FF, 1% Triton X-114 phase separation and Sephadex G-25. Results showed that HSP65-Her2 was purified up to 97% purity and was able to generate Her2-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), suggesting that the scheme is efficient for purifying the non-tagged HSP65-Her2 fusion protein with biological activity.  相似文献   

Different from eukaryotes, the bacterial signal recognition particle (SRP) receptor lacks a membrane-tethering SRP receptor (SR) β subunit and is composed of only the SRα homologue FtsY. FtsY is a modular protein composed of three domains. The N- and G-domains of FtsY are highly similar to the corresponding domains of Ffh/SRP54 and SRα and constitute the essential core of FtsY. In contrast, the weakly conserved N-terminal A-domain does not seem to be essential, and its exact function is unknown. Our data show that a 14-amino-acid-long positively charged region at the N-terminus of the A-domain is involved in stabilizing the FtsY-SecYEG interaction. Mutant analyses reveal that the positively charged residues are crucial for this function, and we propose that the 14-amino-acid region serves as a transient lipid anchor. In its absence, the activity of FtsY to support cotranslational integration is reduced to about 50%. Strikingly, in vivo, a truncated isoform of FtsY that lacks exactly these first 14 amino acids exists. Different from full-length FtsY, which primarily cofractionates with the membrane, the N-terminally truncated isoform is primarily present in the soluble fraction. Mutating the conserved glycine residue at position 14 prevents the formation of the truncated isoform and impairs the activity of FtsY in cotranslational targeting. These data suggest that membrane binding and function of FtsY are in part regulated by proteolytic cleavage of the conserved 14-amino-acid motif.  相似文献   

Current models for the action of the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system propose that substrates bind initially to the TatBC subunits, after which a separate TatA complex is recruited to form an active translocon. Here, we have studied the roles of individual subunits in the assembly and stability of the core TatBC-containing substrate-binding complex. Previous studies have shown that TatB and TatC are active when fused together; we show here that deletion of the entire TatB transmembrane span from this Tat(BC) fusion inactivates the Tat system but does not affect assembly of the core complex. In this mutated complex, TatA is present but more loosely bound, indicating a role for TatB in the correct binding of TatA. In the absence of TatA, the truncated TatBC fusion protein still assembles into a complex of the correct magnitude, demonstrating that the transmembrane spans of TatC are the only determinants within the membrane bilayer that specify assembly of this complex. Further studies on both the Tat(BC) construct and the wild-type TatBC subunits show that the TatBC complex is unstable in the absence of TatA, and we show that TatA stabilises the TatB subunit specifically within this complex. The results demonstrate a dual role and location for TatA: in the functioning/maintenance of the core complex, and as a separate homo-oligomeric complex.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins play a fundamental role in human disease and therapy, but suffer from a lack of structural and functional information compared to their soluble counterparts. The paucity of membrane protein structures is primarily due to the unparalleled difficulties in obtaining detergent-solubilized membrane proteins at sufficient levels and quality. We have developed an in vitro evolution strategy for optimizing the levels of detergent-solubilized membrane protein that can be overexpressed and purified from recombinant Escherichia coli. Libraries of random mutants for nine membrane proteins were screened for expression using a novel implementation of the colony filtration blot. In only one cycle of directed evolution were significant improvements of membrane protein yield obtained for five out of nine proteins. In one case, the yield of detergent-solubilized membrane protein was increased 40-fold.  相似文献   


Activin A is a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) protein superfamily, which acts as a hormone in regulating cell proliferation and differentiation. Structurally, activin is a dimer of two subunits linked by a disulfide bond. Since the correct folding of this protein is essential for its function, we aimed to use a modified signal peptide to target the expressed recombinant protein to the periplasm of Escherichia coli as an effective strategy to produce correctly-folded activin A. Therefore, the coding sequence of native Iranian Bacillus licheniformis α-amylase signal peptide was modified and its efficiency was checked by SignalP bioinformatics tool. Then its final sequence was cloned upstream of the activin A mature cDNA. Protein expression was done using 1?mM of isopropyl thio-β-D-galactoside (IPTG) and a post-induction time of 8?hr. Additionally, following purification of recombinant activin A, circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to determine the accuracy of secondary structure of the protein. Importantly, differentiation of K562 cells to the red blood cell was confirmed by measuring the amount of Fe+2 ions after treatment with recombinant activin A. The results indicated that the produced recombinant activin A had the same secondary structure as the commercial human activin A and was fully functional.  相似文献   

Organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) from Flavobacterium species is a membrane‐associated homodimeric metalloenzyme and has its own signal peptide in its N‐terminus. We found that OPH was translocated into the periplasmic space when the original signal peptide‐containing OPH was expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli even though its translocation efficiency was relatively low. To investigate the usability of this OPH signal peptide for periplasmic expression of heterologous proteins in an E. coli system, we employed green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a cytoplasmic folding reporter and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as a periplasmic folding reporter. We found that the OPH signal peptide was able to use both twin‐arginine translocation (Tat) and general secretory (Sec) machineries by switching translocation pathways according to the nature of target proteins in E. coli. These results might be due to the lack of Sec‐avoidance sequence in the c‐region and a moderate hydrophobicity of the OPH signal peptide. Interestingly, the OPH signal peptide considerably enhanced the translocation efficiencies for both GFP and ALP compared with commonly used TorA and PelB signal peptides that have Tat and Sec pathway dependences, respectively. Therefore, this OPH signal peptide could be successfully used in recombinant E. coli system for efficient periplasmic production of target protein regardless of the subcellular localization where functional folding of the protein occurs. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:848–854, 2016  相似文献   

Desensitization of N-formyl peptide chemoattractant receptors (FPR) in human neutrophils is thought to be achieved by lateral segregation of receptors and G proteins within the plane of the plasma membrane resulting in an interruption of the signalling cascade. Direct coupling of FPR to membrane skeletal actin appears to be the basis of this process; however, the molecular mechanism is unknown. In this study we investigated the effect of energy depletion on formation of FPR-membrane skeleton complexes. In addition the effect of the protein kinase C inhibitor stauroporine and the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid on coupling of FPR to the membrane skeleton was studied. Human neutrophils were desensitized using the photoreactive agonist N-formyl-met-leu-phe-lys-N-[125I]2(p-azidosalicylamido)ethyl-1,3′- dithiopropionate (fMLFK-[125I]ASD) after ATP depletion with NaF or after incubation with the respective inhibitors. The interaction of FPR with the membrane skeleton was studied by sedimentation of the membrane skeleton-associated receptors in sucrose density gradients. Energy depletion of the cells markedly inhibited the formation of FPR-memrane skeleton complexes. This does not appear to be related to inhibition of protein phosphorylation due to ATP depletion because inhibition of protein kinases and phosphatases had no significant effect on coupling of FPR to the membrane skeleton. We conclude, therefore, that coupling of FPR to the membrane skeleton is an energy-dependent process which does not appear to require modification of the receptor protein by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The SufI protein and the trimethylamine N-oxide reductase (TorA) are the two best-characterized prototype proteins exported by the Escherichia coli TAT system. Whereas SufI does not contain cofactors, TorA is a molybdo-enzyme and the acquisition of the molybdo-cofactor is a prerequisite for its translocation. The overproduction of each protein leads to the saturation of its translocation, but it was unknown if the overproduction of one substrate could saturate the TAT apparatus and block thus the translocation of other TAT substrates. Here, we showed that the overproduction of SufI saturated only its own translocation, but had no effect of the translocation of TorA and other TAT substrate analyzed. To dissect the saturation mechanism of TorA translocation, we shortened by about one-third of the TorA protein and removed nine consensus molybdo-cofactor-binding ligands. Like SufI, the truncated TorA (TorA502) did not contain cofactor and would not compete with the full length TorA for molybdo-cofactor acquisition. The overproduction of TorA502 completely inhibited the export of the full length TorA and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reductase, but had no effect on the translocation of SufI, nitrate-induced formate dehydrogenase and hydrogenase-2. Importantly, deletion of the twin-arginine signal peptide of TorA502 abolished the inhibitory effect. Moreover, the overproduction of the TorA signal peptide fused to the green fluorescence protein (GFP) was sufficient to block the TorA translocation. These results demonstrated that the twin-arginine signal peptide of the TorA protein specifically inhibits the translocation of a subset of TAT substrates, probably at the step of their targeting to the TAT apparatus.  相似文献   

The Tat system transports folded proteins across bacterial plasma and plant thylakoid membranes. To date, three key Tat subunits have been identified and mechanistic studies indicate the presence of two types of complex: a TatBC-containing substrate-binding unit and a separate TatA complex. Here, we used blue-native gel electrophoresis and affinity purification to study the nature of these complexes in Escherichia coli. Analysis of solubilized membrane shows that the bulk of TatB and essentially all of the TatC is found in a single 370kDa TatABC complex. TatABC was purified to homogeneity using an affinity tag on TatC and this complex runs apparently as an identical band. We conclude that this is the primary core complex, predicted to contain six or seven copies of TatBC together with a similar number of TatA subunits. However, the data indicate the presence of an additional form of Tat complex containing TatA and TatB, but not TatC; we speculate that this may be an assembly or disassembly intermediate of the translocator. The vast majority of TatA is found in separate complexes that migrate in blue-native gels as a striking ladder of bands with sizes ranging from under 100 kDa to over 500 kDa. Further analysis shows that the bands differ by an average of 34 kDa, indicating that TatA complexes are built largely, but possibly not exclusively, from modules of three or four TatA molecules. The range and nature of these complexes are similar in a TatC mutant that is totally inactive, indicating that the ladder of bands does not stem from ongoing translocation activity, and we show that purified TatA can self-assemble in vitro to form similar complexes. This spectrum of TatA complexes may provide the flexibility required to generate a translocon capable of transporting substrates of varying sizes across the plasma membrane in a folded state.  相似文献   

Abstract The osmoregulated expression of the porin proteins OmpC and OmpF in S. typhimurium and E. coli is dependent on the regulatory proteins OmpR and EnvZ. The function of the EnvZ protein is not clear. In order to establish the cellular location of EnvZ two different methods of buoyant sucrose density centrifugation was employed. The presence of EnvZ in the different fractions was visualised by immunoblotting. It was conclusively shown that the EnvZ protein is located in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction. The result is in agreement with the available sequence data which shows that the EnvZ polypeptide contains two long hydrophobic stretches.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is the most widely used host for producing membrane proteins. Thus far, to study the consequences of membrane protein overexpression in E. coli, we have focussed on prokaryotic membrane proteins as overexpression targets. Their overexpression results in the saturation of the Sec translocon, which is a protein-conducting channel in the cytoplasmic membrane that mediates both protein translocation and insertion. Saturation of the Sec translocon leads to (i) protein misfolding/aggregation in the cytoplasm, (ii) impaired respiration, and (iii) activation of the Arc response, which leads to inefficient ATP production and the formation of acetate. The overexpression yields of eukaryotic membrane proteins in E. coli are usually much lower than those of prokaryotic ones. This may be due to differences between the consequences of the overexpression of prokaryotic and eukaryotic membrane proteins in E. coli. Therefore, we have now also studied in detail how the overexpression of a eukaryotic membrane protein, the human KDEL receptor, affects E. coli. Surprisingly, the consequences of the overexpression of a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic membrane protein are very similar. Strain engineering and likely also protein engineering can be used to remedy the saturation of the Sec translocon upon overexpression of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic membrane proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   

A topology map of a membrane protein defines the location of transmembrane helices and the orientation of soluble domains relative to the membrane. In the absence of a high-resolution structure, a topology map is an essential guide for studying structure-function relationships. Although these maps can be predicted directly from amino acid sequence, the predictions are more accurate if combined with experimental data, which are usually obtained by fusing a reporter protein to the C-terminus of the protein. However, as reporter proteins are large, they cannot be used to report on the cytoplasmic/periplasmic location of the N-terminus of a protein. Here, we show that the bimolecular split-green fluorescent protein complementation system can overcome this limitation and can be used to determine the location of both the N- and C-termini of inner membrane proteins in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

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