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冷杉属———球果独树一帜松科中还有一个冷杉亚科,包含6个属,中国均有分布,它们是冷杉属、油杉属、黄杉属、铁杉属、云杉属和银杉属。这一亚科植物的叶均为条形或四棱形。如果从球果上看,冷杉属又独树一帜,因为这个亚科中只有该属的球果种鳞是脱落性的。笔者50年...  相似文献   

柄锈属二新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述了柄锈属的二个新种,一种是寄生在金线草(Antenoron filiforme(Thunb.)Roberty et Vautier](蓼科)上的金线草柄锈(Puccinia antenori J.Y.Zhuang et Wang sp.nov.),模式标本采自福建省浦城;另一种是寄生在花锚(Halenia sp.)(龙胆科)上的波壁柄锈(Puccinia undulitunicata J.Y.Zhuang et Wang sp.nov.),模式标本采自四川省炉霍与甘孜之间的锣锅梁子。金线草柄锈的夏孢子堆均匀密布于叶背面,褐色粉末状;夏孢子亚球形、倒卵形或椭圆形,18—35×17—23μm,壁厚1—2μm,淡黄褐色,有刺,芽孔2个,生在腰部附近。冬孢子堆颜色较深;冬孢子棍棒形或椭圆形,隔膜处不缢缩或稍缢缩,25—45×13—23μm, 顶壁厚3.5—5μm,肉桂褐色,光滑;上部细胞芽孔顶生,下部细胞芽孔生于隔膜附近。本种近似韦氏蓼柄锈(Puccinia polygoni-weyrichii T.Miyake),但其夏孢子壁厚度均匀,冬孢子顶壁增厚,而后者夏孢子顶壁增厚(5—7μm),冬孢子壁厚度均匀(2—2.5μm)。波壁柄锈的冬孢子堆在叶两面散生,黑褐色或黑色粉末状。夏孢子在冬孢子堆中混杂,近球形或宽椭圆形,22—25×18—23μm,壁厚2—2.5μm,密生小刺,暗褐色,有3—5个散生的芽孔。冬孢子椭圆形或倒卵形,隔膜处不缢缩,25—40×20—25μm,壁波状起伏,厚度不均匀(1.5—2.5μm),栗褐色;上部细胞芽孔顶生,下部细胞芽孔近基生或基生。本种由于冬孢子壁呈波状起伏而不同于龙胆科植物上的其他已知的柄锈。  相似文献   

本义报道了在云南油杉(Keteleeria evelyniana Mast.)上引起枝干锈病的被孢锈属一新种——油杉被孢锈Peridermium keteleeriae-evelynianae Zhou et Chen,并从所致病害症状、锈子器和锈孢子的形态特点、锈孢子表面纹饰的扫描电镜观察等方面,讨论了新种与另一种云南油杉枝干锈病病原——昆明被孢锈(Peridermium kunmingense Jen)的主要区别。  相似文献   

本义报道了在云南油杉(Keteleeria evelyniana Mast.)上引起枝干锈病的被孢锈属一新种——油杉被孢锈Peridermium keteleeriae-evelynianae Zhou et Chen,并从所致病害症状、锈子器和锈孢子的形态特点、锈孢子表面纹饰的扫描电镜观察等方面,讨论了新种与另一种云南油杉枝干锈病病原——昆明被孢锈(Peridermium kunmingense Jen)的主要区别。  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):131-133
裸堆串孢锈菌属以冬孢子单孢串生为主要特征,孢子堆裸露缺包被,外观酷似柄锈属的孢子堆。此属已知7种。寄生于菊科,大戟科和荨麻科植物,6种分布美洲,1种分布东亚.本文报告亚洲仅知的一种,即寄生于宽叶孢麻Urtica laetevirens Maxim.的川息尔堆串孢锈菌Baeodromus tranzschelii Azbukina,标本采自四川九寨沟(岷山).  相似文献   

魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1990,9(Z1):43-52
本文报告了中国唇形科植物上的柄锈菌共9个种,其中新种2个,即灯笼草柄锈Puccinia clinopodii-polycephali和火把花柄锈P. colquhouniae;中国新纪录种1个,即香茶菜柄锈P.pletranthi。每个种都有描述并附有孢子图,对有些种作了简短讨论,对于过去的错误鉴定作了订正.有三种由于缺乏标本未能研究,仅列出文献、寄主及产地。已研究的种附有检索表。所有引证的标本均保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1993,12(Z1):47-50
本文报告采自四川西部九寨沟自然保护区菰帽悬钩子(Rubus pileatus Focke)上的一个锈菌新种。标本上仅见冬孢子堆,冬孢子双胞,类似柄锈菌的冬孢子。由于未见性子器,属的地位尚难确定。然而,此菌的冬孢子堆外观酷似悬钩子植物上特有的单种属阿氏锈菌属(Arthuriomyces)。镜下观察测得孢子大小为40-55(-65) × 22-28 μm,孢壁厚度为3-4.5 μm,有细皱纹,每个细胞各具一芽孔。从芽孔数及位置看符合阿氏锈菌属的特征,因而将此菌暂隶于此属,命名为悬钩子生阿氏锈菌(Arthuriomyces rubicola sp. nov.)  相似文献   

陈玉惠 《真菌学报》1994,13(2):88-91
本文报道了在云南油杉上引起枝干锈病的被孢锈属一新种--油杉被孢锈Peridermium keteleeriae-evelyniaNae Zhou et Chen,并从所致病害症状,锈子器和锈孢子的形态特点,锈孢子表面纹饰的扫描电镜观察等方面,讨论了新一种与另一种云南油杉枝士锈病病原--昆明被孢锈的主要区别。  相似文献   

小麦杆锈病菌(Puccinia graminis Pers)是真菌门,担子菌纲,并隔担子菌亚纲,锈菌目的主要代表植物。锈菌有二种寄主,第一寄主为小麦、大麦、燕麦及其他禾本科植物,第二寄主为小檗或十大功劳。锈菌的生活史中出现5种孢子,即性孢子、锈孢子、夏孢子、冬孢子、担孢子。性孢子、锈孢子寄生在双子叶植物小檗或十大功劳叶上。锈孢子被风吹到小麦、大麦等禾本科植物的叶片,叶鞘或杆上,便萌发芽管从气孔侵入,在组  相似文献   

魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1988,7(Z1):179-210
多胞锈属(Phragmidium)是Link在1816年建立的.全世界已承认的种约60个以上,但有些种之间差异不大.至今未有世界专著.所有的已知种都自主寄生在蔷薇科(Rosaceae)上,特别是悬钩子属(Rubus),蔷薇属(Rosa)和委陵菜属(Potentilla)上的种为最多.多数种为长型,但也有缺夏型和短生型的种.此属分布广泛,但以北半球为主. 本属的主要特征是:冬孢子多隔,壁具色素,双层,柄常吸水性.种的分类和鉴定主要靠冬孢子的性状.春孢子和夏孢子时期由于孢子形态简单近似,区别较困难. Arthur (1934)划分了EarleaEuphragmidium两个组.前者冬孢子光滑,柄非吸水性;后者冬孢子有优,柄吸水性.有些种具有无隔丝的夏孢子型春孢子,Sydow (1921)把它们另立新属Phragmoteliume Thirumalachar和Mundkur (1949)也承认它的存在.Hiratsuka(1980)将它作为Phragmidium属的一个组 .Phragmidium kamtschatkae通常仅有一隔膜,柄发育不良,有些研究者将它作为Teloconia属的种.我同意Hiratsuka(1980)的观点将它归人Phragmidium属中. 毛云章(1951)在《中国锈菌索引》中记录了中国多胞锈属28种,包括同物异名.戴芳澜(1979)在《真菌总汇》中记录了25种.其中10个是错误鉴定,2个由戴芳澜首次描述的种已作为异名,4种由于缺乏标本没有研究而未被列人本文.有关中国多胞锈属的种,刘振钦(1983),庄剑云(1986)等曾有过报导.本文共报告29种,包括2新种,即Phragmidium rasae-omeiens.和Phr. rubi-eucalypti.每种都有描述,并列出异名,寄主,地理分布和标本号.有些种作了简短讨论.  相似文献   

Experiments on the development of Cronartium flaccidum on Vincetoxicum officinale in connection with environmental factors (temperature, moisture, brightness) in the years 1975, 1976, and 1977 are reported. Uredia appeared from the 7th to the 13th day after inoculation and terminated from the 14th to the 18th day. Urediospores appeared from the 9th to the 18th day and ended from the 18th to the 25th day. High temperatures advanced the beginning of the disease's development, but interfered with subsequent development. Telial columns formed from the 18th to the 22nd day after inoculation. They were particularly influenced by precipitation, but high temperatures had a negative effect on their formation. Telial columns ripened 2–3 days after their formation. Light affected the appearance of uredia and telial columns: many more uredia and telial columns were formed at 4000/5000 lux than at 5000/6000 and 8000/9000 lux. The first occurrence of the symptoms was on the young leaves. Leaves of V. officinale, inoculated with dried aeciospores, did not show any infection.  相似文献   

本文报道齿裂菌属(Coccomyces de Not.)的两个新种一贵州齿裂菌(C.guizhouensis Y.R.Lin et B.F.Hu)和油杉齿裂菌(C.keteleeriae Y.R.Lin)。前者发生在贵州省织金县华山松(Pinus armandi Franch.)的枝条上,后一种见于福建省福州市油杉[Ketelecria fortunei(Murr.)Carr.]的落叶上。对这两个种作了汉文、拉丁文描述和图解。  相似文献   

Feau N  Vialle A  Allaire M  Maier W  Hamelin RC 《Mycologia》2011,103(6):1250-1266
Chrysomyxa rusts are fungal pathogens widely present in the boreal forest. Taxonomic delimitation and precise species identification are difficult within this genus because several species display similar morphological features. We applied a DNA barcode system based on the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), large subunit (28S) ribosomal RNA gene, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 (NAD6) in 86 strains from 16 different Chrysomyxa species, including members of the Chrysomyxa ledi species complex. The nuclear ITS and 28S loci revealed higher resolving power than the mitochondrial genes. Amplification of the full CO1 barcode region failed due to the presence of introns limiting the dataset obtained with this barcode. In most cases the ITS barcodes were in agreement with taxonomic species based on phenotypic characters. Nevertheless we observed genetically distinct (different DNA barcodes) lineages within Chrysomyxa pyrolae and Chrysomyxa rhododendri, providing some evidence for allopatric speciation within these morphologically defined species. This finding, together with the observed pattern of host specificities of the studied rust fungi, suggest that species diversification within the C. ledi species complex might be governed by a set of factors such as specialisation to certain Ericaceae species as telial hosts and to a lesser extent specialization to different spruce species as aecial hosts. Moreover allopatric speciation by geographic disruption of species also seems to take place. When our data were integrated into a broader phylogenetic framework the Chrysomyxa genus unexpectedly was not resolved as a monophyletic group. Indeed the spruce cone rusts C. pyrolae and C. monesis coalesced with the pine needle rusts belonging to the genus Coleosporium, whereas the microcyclic species Chrysomyxa weirii was embedded within a clade comprising the genus Melampsora.  相似文献   

Evans HC  Ellison CA 《Mycologia》2005,97(4):935-947
Three microcyclic rust species were collected during surveys of the perennial asteraceous vine Mikania micrantha (Eupatorieae: Asteraceae) throughout its native range in the Neotropics but were absent in its invasive range in Asia. The commonest species, Puccinia spegazzinii with brown telioid telia, occurred wherever M. micrantha was found in South and Central America including the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Dietelia portoricensis, with occasional vestigial spermogonia and grayish-white to pale yellow columnar aecioid telia, was collected only in Costa Rica; while D. mesoamericana sp. nov., apparently restricted to Mesoamerica, can be distinguished by its abundant, yellowish-orange, fertile spermogonia, yellow to pale brown telial columns, larger teliospores, and 4-spored rather than 2-spored metabasidia. The fact that all three species share a fundamentally similar symptomatology suggests a common origin.  相似文献   

Baka ZA 《Mycopathologia》1996,134(3):143-150
This study demonstrates morphological differences between aecial and telial stages of the autoecious rust Puccinia tuyutensis. The aeciospores possess verrucose ornamentation while the teliospores have smooth surfaces. The aecial and telial haustoria of this rust produced in the mesophyll of Cressa cretica differ morphologically in the following respects:(1) the haustorial mother cell of telial haustorium is more differentiated than that of aecial haustorium and its wall at the penetration site is composed of 4 layers; (2) the aecial haustorium is filamentous in appearance and slightly constricted at the point of entry into the host cell, while the telial haustorium is clavate and possesses a narrow neck with a densely staining neckband and swollen body; (3) the neck of the telial haustorium is always associated with numerous vesicles while that of the aecial haustorium is not. Vascular tissue of host leaves is heavily invaded by aecial haustoria but not by telial haustoria.  相似文献   

Shigeru Kaneko 《Mycoscience》2000,41(2):115-122
The Asian pine gall rust, which has hitherto been assigned toCronartium quercuum distributed in North America, is described asC. orientale, sp. nov. The spermogonial and aecial states occur on hard pines, and the uredinial and telial states occur on various oaks.Cronartium orientale has globose, almost hyaline basidiospores in contrast to the ellipsoid, yellow-orange ones of North AmericanC. quercuum s.l. Characteristics of the new rust species in morphology, DNA analysis, and host alternation are discussed.  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌冬孢子发生的组织学和超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用冷冻切片技术、光学显微镜和电子显微镜技术,系统研究了小麦条锈菌冬孢子的个体发生过程和超微结构特征。结果表明,小麦条锈菌冬孢子由排列在冬孢子堆基部的双核产孢细胞产生。在发育初期,产孢细胞一端产生突起形成冬孢子芽,随后冬孢子芽经延伸并形成隔膜,依次分化形成冬孢子原基、柄细胞和冬孢子原体。冬孢子原体经有丝分裂后产生隔膜发育形成双核双细胞冬孢子。成熟的冬孢子表面光滑,具有明显加厚的细胞壁,双核融合,原生质密度增加,富含脂肪粒和糖原类物质。在部分冬孢子堆周围还可观察到莲花状包被结构。  相似文献   

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