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From the classical work of Rall it is known that the spread of electric potential in a passive dendritic tree may be obtained by expressing the initial conditions as a linear combination of a set of trigonometric eigenfunctions, each decaying with the associated time constant. It is shown here that in order to evaluate the permissible parameters in these eigenfunctions one may formulate the boundary conditions at all the junctions and endings of the dendritic tree as a set of homogeneous linear equations in which the parameters in the eigenfunctions are the unknowns. These equations have a nontrivial solution if the relevant determinant vanishes, a condition that permits the evaluation of the various parameters, thus providing an analytic approach to the expression of the eigenfunctions as well as the decay time constants. The above approach is illustrated by application to a dendritic tree that has a parent segments and two generations of offspring segments, without any restrictions as to the relative diameters or lengths of the various segments in the tree. General properties of the tree may be readily derived, like the variation of the eigenvalues on scaling of the lengths or diameters of all the segments. A few special cases with specified dimensions of the various segments are derived from the general case. In the case of a dendritic tree that fulfills the equivalent cylinder conditions, all of the eigenvalues and eigefunctions of the tree may be determined by the proposed method, including those that do not apply to the equivalent cylinder. The orthogonality properties of the eigenfunctions are discussed.  相似文献   

A passive cable model is presented for a pair of electrotonically coupled neurons in order to investigate the effects of tip-to-tip dendrodendritic gap junctions on the interaction between excitation and either pre or postsynaptic inhibition. The model represents each dendritic tree by a tapered equivalent cylinder attached to an isopotential soma. Analytical solution of the cable equation with synaptic reversal potentials is considered for each neuron to yield a system of Volterra integral equations for the voltage. The solution to the system of linear integral equations (expressed as a Neumann series) is used to determine the current spread within the two coupled neurons, and to re-examine the sensitivity of the soma potentials (in particular) to the coupling resistance for various loci of synaptic inputs. The model is actually posed generally, so that active as well as passive properties could be considered. In the active case, a system of non-linear integral equations is derived for the voltage.  相似文献   

Transient potentials in dendritic trees can be calculated by approximating the dendrite by a set of connected cylinders. The profiles for the currents and potentials in the whole system can then be obtained by imposing the proper boundary conditions and calculating these profiles along each individual cylinder. An elegant implementation of this method has been described by Holmes (1986), and is based on the Laplace transform of the cable equation. By calculating the currents and potentials only at the ends of the cylinders, the whole system of connected cylinders can be described by a set of n equations, where n denotes the number of internal and external nodes (points of connection and endpoints of the cylinders). The present study shows that the set of equations can be formulated by a simple vector equation which is essentially a generalization of Ohm's law for the whole system. The current and potential n-vectors are coupled by a n × n conductance matrix whose structure immediately reflects the connectivity pattern of the connected cylinders. The vector equation accounts for conductances, associated with driving potentials, which may be local or distributed over the membrane. It is shown that the vector equation can easily be adapted for the calculation of transients over a period in which stepwise changes in system parameters have occurred. In this adaptation it is assumed that the initial conditions for the potential profiles at the start of a new period after a stepwise change can be approximated by steady-state solutions. The vector representation of the Laplace-transformed equations is attractive because of its simplicity and because the structure of the conductance matrix directly corresponds to the connectivity pattern of the dendritic tree. Therefore it will facilitate the automatic generation of the equations once the geometry of the branching structure is known.  相似文献   


Key message

Functional branch analysis (FBA) is a promising non-destructive method that can produce accurate tree biomass equations when applied to trees which exhibit fractal branching architecture.


Functional branch analysis (FBA) is a promising non-destructive alternative to the standard destructive method of tree biomass equation development. In FBA, a theoretical model of tree branching architecture is calibrated with measurements of tree stems and branches to estimate the coefficients of the biomass equation. In this study, species-specific and mixed-species tree biomass equations were derived from destructive sampling of trees in Western Kenya and compared to tree biomass equations derived non-destructively from FBA. The results indicated that the non-destructive FBA method can produce biomass equations that are similar to, but less accurate than, those derived from standard methods. FBA biomass prediction bias was attributed to the fact that real trees diverged from fractal branching architecture due to highly variable length–diameter relationships of stems and branches and inaccurate scaling relationships for the lengths of tree crowns and trunks assumed under the FBA model.  相似文献   

The somatic shunt cable model for neurones is extended to the case in which several equivalent cylinders, not necessarily of the same electrotonic length, emanate from the cell soma. The cable equation is assumed to hold in each cylinder and is solved with sealed end conditions and a lumped soma boundary condition at a common origin. A Green's function (G) is defined, corresponding to the voltage response to an instantaneous current pulse at an arbitrary point along one of the cylinders. An eigenfunction expansion for G is obtained where the coefficients are determined using the calculus of residues and compared with an alternative method of derivation using a modified orthogonality condition. This expansion converges quickly for large time, but, for small time, a more convenient alternative expansion is obtained by Laplace transforms. The voltage response to arbitrary currents injected at arbitrary sites in the dendritic tree (including the soma) may then be expressed as a convolution integral involving G. Illustrative examples are presented for a point charge input.  相似文献   

We construct the path integral for determining the potential on any dendritic tree described by a linear cable equation. This is done by generalizing Brownian motion from a line to a tree. We also construct the path integral for dendritic structures with spatially-varying and/or time-dependent membrane conductivities due, for example, to synaptic inputs. The path integral allows novel computational techniques to be applied to cable problems. Our anlaysis leads ultimately to an exact expression for the Green's function on a dendritic tree of arbitrary geometry expressed in terms of a set of simple diagrammatic rules. These rules providing a fast and efficient method for solving complex cable problems.Research supported by Department of Energy Contracts DE-AC02-76ER03230 and DE-AC02-76ER03069 and by National Institute of Mental Health grant MH46742  相似文献   

A non-uniform equivalent cable model of membrane voltage changes in a passive dendritic tree extending Rall's equivalent cylinder model is presented. It is obtained from a combination of cable theory with the continuum approach. Replacing the fine structure of the branching dendrites by an equivalent, conductive medium characterized by averaged electrical parameters, the one-dimensional cable equations with spatially varying parameters are derived. While these equations can be solved in general only numerically, we were able to formulate a general branching condition (comprising Rall's 3/2 power relationship as a special case) under which analytical solutions can be deduced from those of the equivalent cylinder model. This model allows dendritic trees with a greater variety of branching patterns than before to be analytically treated.  相似文献   

The passive electrical properties of a cable can be measured by injecting a step of current at a point and fitting the resulting potentials at several positions along the cable with analytic solutions of the cable equation. An error analysis is presented for this method (which is based on constant membrane resistance) when the membrane resistance is not constant, but increases linearly with time. The increase of rm produces a "creep" in the membrane potential at long times, as observed in cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle. The partial differential equation describing the time-varying cable was solved numberically for a step of current and these "data" were fit by standard constant-resistance methods. Comparing the resulting parameter values with the known true values, we suggest that a correction of the standard methods is not satisfactory for resistance changes of the kind observed; instead, the cable equation must be solved again for the particular form of rm(t). The practical implementation of a method by Adrian and Peachey for measuring the membrane capacitance and an approximate method for estimating the rate-of-change of membrane resistance are discussed in appendices.  相似文献   

It is well established that in problems featuring slow passage through a Hopf bifurcation (dynamic Hopf bifurcation) the transition to large-amplitude oscillations may not occur until the slowly changing parameter considerably exceeds the value predicted from the static Hopf bifurcation analysis (temporal delay effect), with the length of the delay depending upon the initial value of the slowly changing parameter (temporal memory effect). In this paper we introduce new delay and memory effect phenomena using both analytic (WKB method) and numerical methods. We present a reaction–diffusion system for which slowly ramping a stimulus parameter (injected current) through a Hopf bifurcation elicits large-amplitude oscillations confined to a location a significant distance from the injection site (spatial delay effect). Furthermore, if the initial current value changes, this location may change (spatial memory effect). Our reaction–diffusion system is Baer and Rinzel’s continuum model of a spiny dendritic cable; this system consists of a passive dendritic cable weakly coupled to excitable dendritic spines. We compare results for this system with those for nerve cable models in which there is stronger coupling between the reactive and diffusive portions of the system. Finally, we show mathematically that Hodgkin and Huxley were correct in their assertion that for a sufficiently slow current ramp and a sufficiently large cable length, no value of injected current would cause their model of an excitable cable to fire; we call this phenomenon “complete accommodation.”  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed which collapses a dendritic neuron of complex geometry into a single electrotonically tapering equivalent cable. The modified cable equation governing the transient distribution of subthreshold membrane potential in a branching tree is transformed, becoming amenable to analytic solution. This transformation results in a Riccati differential equation whose six solutions (expressed in terms of elementary functions) control the amount and degree of taper found in the equivalent cable model. To illustrate the theory, an analytic solution (in series form) of the modified cable equation is obtained for a voltage-clamp present at the soma of a quadratically tapering equivalent cable whose distal end is sealed.  相似文献   

The classical cable equation, in which membrane conductance is considered constant, is modified by including the linearized effect of membrane potential on sodium and potassium ionic currents, as formulated in the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for the squid giant axon. The resulting partial differential equation is solved by numerical inversion of the Laplace transform of the voltage response to current and voltage inputs. The voltage response is computed for voltage step, current step, and current pulse inputs, and the effect of temperature on the response to a current step input is also calculated.The validity of the linearized approximation is examined by comparing the linearized response to a current step input with the solution of the nonlinear partial differential cable equation for various subthreshold current step inputs.All the computed responses for the squid giant axon show oscillatory behavior and depart significantly from what is predicted on the basis of the classical cable equation. The linearization procedure, coupled with numerical inversion of the Laplace transform, proves to be a convenient approach which predicts at least qualitatively the subthreshold behavior of the nonlinear system.  相似文献   

One way to achieve amplification of distal synaptic inputs on a dendritic tree is to scale the amplitude and/or duration of the synaptic conductance with its distance from the soma. This is an example of what is often referred to as "dendritic democracy". Although well studied experimentally, to date this phenomenon has not been thoroughly explored from a mathematical perspective. In this paper we adopt a passive model of a dendritic tree with distributed excitatory synaptic conductances and analyze a number of key measures of democracy. In particular, via moment methods we derive laws for the transport, from synapse to soma, of strength, characteristic time, and dispersion. These laws lead immediately to synaptic scalings that overcome attenuation with distance. We follow this with a Neumann approximation of Green's representation that readily produces the synaptic scaling that democratizes the peak somatic voltage response. Results are obtained for both idealized geometries and for the more realistic geometry of a rat CA1 pyramidal cell. For each measure of democratization we produce and contrast the synaptic scaling associated with treating the synapse as either a conductance change or a current injection. We find that our respective scalings agree up to a critical distance from the soma and we reveal how this critical distance decreases with decreasing branch radius.  相似文献   

Optimal filtering of noisy voltage signals on dendritic trees is a key problem in computational cellular neuroscience. However, the state variable in this problem—the vector of voltages at every compartment—is very high-dimensional: realistic multicompartmental models often have on the order of N = 104 compartments. Standard implementations of the Kalman filter require O(N 3) time and O(N 2) space, and are therefore impractical. Here we take advantage of three special features of the dendritic filtering problem to construct an efficient filter: (1) dendritic dynamics are governed by a cable equation on a tree, which may be solved using sparse matrix methods in O(N) time; and current methods for observing dendritic voltage (2) provide low SNR observations and (3) only image a relatively small number of compartments at a time. The idea is to approximate the Kalman equations in terms of a low-rank perturbation of the steady-state (zero-SNR) solution, which may be obtained in O(N) time using methods that exploit the sparse tree structure of dendritic dynamics. The resulting methods give a very good approximation to the exact Kalman solution, but only require O(N) time and space. We illustrate the method with applications to real and simulated dendritic branching structures, and describe how to extend the techniques to incorporate spatially subsampled, temporally filtered, and nonlinearly transformed observations.  相似文献   

We designed four arborized neurons which are able to evaluate the exclusive-or (XOR) function from two inputs. The input neurons form exclusively excitatory synapses on a dendritic tree which is a patchwork of passive (ohmic) and active cable segments. The active segments are described by the Hodgkin-Huxley model. The dynamics of the neurons and their output are obtained by numerical integration of the cable equation. In neurons 1 and 2 the XOR function is based on the annihilation of colliding action potentials. In neuron No. 3 the design takes advantage of the refractory period of action potentials. In neuron No. 4 voltage inversion is used as it occurs for inactivated sodium conductance in the Hodgkin-Huxley model. In all cases the XOR function depends critically on an appropriate timing of the input signals and on delays of the voltage transients in different branches of the dendrite.  相似文献   

Segmented and "equivalent" representation of the cable equation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The linear cable theory has been applied to a modular structure consisting of n repeating units each composed of two subunits with different values of resistance and capacitance. For n going to infinity, i.e., for infinite cables, we have derived analytically the Laplace transform of the solution by making use of a difference method and we have inverted it by means of a numerical procedure. The results have been compared with those obtained by the direct application of the cable equation to a simplified nonmodular model with "equivalent" electrical parameters. The implication of our work in the analysis of the time and space course of the potential of real fibers has been discussed. In particular, we have shown that the simplified ("equivalent") model is a very good representation of the segmented model for the nodal regions of myelinated fibers in a steady situation and in every condition for muscle fibers. An approximate solution for the steady potential of myelinated fibers has been derived for both nodal and internodal regions. The applications of our work to other cases dealing with repeating structures, such as earthworm giant fibers, have been discussed and our results have been compared with other attempts to solve similar problems.  相似文献   

The depolarization of a passive nerve cylinder or dendritic tree in the equivalent cylinder representation is assumed to satisfy the cable equation. We consider in detail the effects of white noise current injection at a given location for the case of sealed end boundary conditions and for an initial resting state. The depolarization at a point is a Gaussian random process but is not Markovian. Expressions (infinite series) are obtained for the expectation, variance, spatial and temporal covariances of the depolarization. We examine the steady state expectation and variance and investigate how these are approached in time over the whole neuronal surface. We consider the relative contributions of various terms in the series for the expectation and variance of the depolarization at x=0 (soma, trigger zone, recording electrode) for various positions of the input process. It is found that different numbers of terms must be taken to obtain a reasonable approximation depending on whether the stimulus is at proximal, central or distal parts of the dendritic tree. We consider briefly the interspike time problem and see in an approximate way how spatial effects are important in determining the mean time between impulses.The research was supported by Canadian National Research Council Operating Grant No. A9259 and No. A4559. The authors are grateful to Howard James and Joan Lang who did most of the machine computation  相似文献   



Long branch attraction (LBA) is a problem that afflicts both the parsimony and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis techniques. Research has shown that parsimony is particularly vulnerable to inferring the wrong tree in Felsenstein topologies. The long branch extraction method is a procedure to detect a data set suffering from this problem so that Maximum Likelihood could be used instead of Maximum Parsimony.


The long branch extraction method has been well cited and used by many authors in their analysis but no strong validation has been performed as to its accuracy. We performed such an analysis by an extensive search of the branch length search space under two topologies of six taxa, a Felsenstein-like topology and Farris-like topology. We also examine a long branch shortening method.


The long branch extraction method seems to mask the majority of the search space rendering it ineffective as a detection method of LBA. A proposed alternative, the long branch shortening method, is also ineffective in predicting long branch attraction for all tree topologies.

Mathematical expressions are obtained for the response function corresponding to an instantaneous pulse of current injected to a single dendritic branch in a branched dendritic neuron model. The theoretical model assumes passive membrane properties and the equivalent cylinder constraint on branch diameters. The response function when used in a convolution formula enables one to compute the voltage transient at any specified point in the dendritic tree for an arbitrary current injection at a given input location. A particular numerical example, for a brief current injection at a branch terminal, illustrates the attenuation and delay characteristics of the depolarization peak as it spreads throughout the neuron model. In contrast to the severe attenuation of voltage transients from branch input sites to the soma, the fraction of total input charge actually delivered to the soma and other trees is calculated to be about one-half. This fraction is independent of the input time course. Other numerical examples, which compare a branch terminal input site with a soma input site, demonstrate that, for a given transient current injection, the peak depolarization is not proportional to the input resistance at the injection site and, for a given synaptic conductance transient, the effective synaptic driving potential can be significantly reduced, resulting in less synaptic current flow and charge, for a branch input site. Also, for the synaptic case, the two inputs are compared on the basis of the excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP) seen at the soma and the total charge delivered to the soma.  相似文献   

Cable theory in neurons with active,linearized membranes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This investigation aims at exploring some of the functional consequences of single neurons containing active, voltage dependent channels for information processing. Assuming that the voltage change in the dendritic tree of these neurons does not exceed a few millivolts, it is possible to linearize the non-linear channel conductance. The membrane can then be described in terms of resistances, capacitances and inductances, as for instance in the small-signal analysis of the squid giant axon. Depending on the channel kinetics and the associated ionic battery the linearization yields two basic types of membrane: a membrane modeled by a collection of resistances and capacitances and membranes containing in addition to these components inductances. Under certain specified conditions the latter type of membrane gives rise to a membrane impedance that displays a prominent maximum at some nonzero resonant frequency f max. We call this type of membrane quasi-active, setting it apart from the usual passive membrane. We study the linearized behaviour of active channels giving rise to quasi-active membranes in extended neuronal structures and consider several instances where such membranes may subserve neuronal function: 1. The resonant frequency of a quasi-active membrane increases with increasing density of active channels. This might be one of the biophysical mechanisms generating the large range over which hair cells in the vertebrate cochlea display frequency tuning. 2. The voltage recorded from a cable with a quasi-active membrane can be proportional to the temporal derivative of the injected current. 3. We modeled a highly branched dendritic tree (-ganglion cell of the cat retina) using a quasi-active membrane. The voltage attenuation from a given synaptic site to the soma decreases with increasing frequency up to the resonant frequency, in sharp contrast to the behaviour of passive membranes. This might be the underlying biophysical mechanism of receptive fields whose dimensions are large for rapid signals but contract to a smaller area for slow signals as suggested by Detwiler et al. (1978).  相似文献   

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