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Both dispersal and local competitive ability may determine the outcome of competition among species that cannot coexist locally. I develop a spatially implicit model of two-species competition at a small spatial scale. The model predicts the relative fitness of two competitors based on local reproductive rates and regional dispersal rates in the context of the number, size, and extinction probability of habitat patches in the landscape. I test the predictions of this model experimentally using two genotypes of the bacteriophagous soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in patchy microcosms. One genotype has higher fecundity while the other is a better disperser. With such a fecundity-dispersal trade-off between competitors, the model predicts that relative fitness will be affected most by local population size when patches do not go extinct and by the number of patches when there is a high probability of patch extinction. The microcosm experiments support the model predictions. Both approaches suggest that competitive dominance in a patchily distributed transient assemblage will depend upon the architecture and predictability of the environment. These mechanisms, operating at a small scale with high spatial admixture, may be embedded in a larger metacommunity process.  相似文献   

The outcome of competitive interactions is likely to be influenced by both competitive dominance (i.e. niche-based dynamics) and ecological drift (i.e. neutral dynamics governed by demographic stochasticity). However, spatial models of competition rarely consider the joint operation of these two processes. We develop a model based on the original competition-colonization trade-off model that incorporates niche and neutral processes and several realistic facets of ecological dynamics: it allows local competition (i.e. competition within a patch) to occur within communities of a finite size, it allows competitors to vary in the degree of competitive asymmetry, and it includes the role of local migration (i.e. propagule pressure). The model highlights the role of community size, i.e. the number of competitors in the local community, in mediating the relative importance of stochastic and deterministic forces. In metacommunities where local communities are small, ecological drift is substantial enough that strong competitors become effectively neutral, creating abrupt changes in the outcome of competition not predicted by the standard competition-colonization trade-off. Importantly, the model illustrates that, even when other aspects of species interactions (e.g. migration ability, competitive ability) are unchanged, local community size can alter the dynamics of metacommunity persistence. Our work demonstrates that activities which reduce the size of local communities, such as habitat destruction and degradation, effectively compound the extinction debt.  相似文献   

 In principle there are two approaches to modelling a trade-off between the positive and negative outcomes of a behavior: after suitably defining a value for the behavior in the absence of any trade-off, one can either multiply that value by an appropriate discount or subtract an appropriate cost. In a prospective analysis of sperm competition, Parker (Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B (1990) 242, 120–126) adopted the multiplicative approach to model the trade-off between the value of a mating and the cost of its acquisition. He obtained two paradoxical results. First, if two males ‘know’ whether they are first or second to mate, but these roles are assigned randomly, then sperm numbers should be the same for both males whether the ‘raffle’ for fertilization is fair or unfair. Second, if mating order is constant, then a favored male should expend less on sperm. His results are puzzling not only in terms of intuition about nature, but also in terms of his model’s consistency. In other words, they present both an external and an internal paradox. Parker assumed the fairness of the raffle to a disfavored male to be independent of how much sperm a favored male deposits. This article both generalizes Parker’s analysis by allowing fairness to decrease with sperm expenditure by the favored male and compares Parker’s results to those obtained by the additive approach. In many respects, results are similar. Nevertheless, if the costs of mating are assumed to increase with sperm expenditure but not to depend on the role in which sperm is expended, as Parker assumed, then the additive approach is more fundamentally correct. In particular, Parker’s constant-role paradox is an artifact of his approach. His random-role paradox is internally rationalized in terms of standard microeconomic theory. When fairness decreases, however slightly, with sperm expenditure by the favored male, both models demonstrate that the evolutionarily stable strategy is for more sperm to be deposited during a favored mating than during a disfavored mating. The lower the costs, the greater the divergence. Thus a possible resolution of the external paradox is that fairness is not constant in nature. Received: 7 December 1998  相似文献   

As a first step in understanding the calcification mechanism, a matrix protein in the gastrolith of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii was purified and sequenced. The protein was insoluble in acid, but after trypsin digestion, it dissolved in 6 m urea. The trypsin-digested protein dissolved in urea solution was purified by reversed-phase HPLC and designated gastrolith matrix protein fragment. The fragment had a molecular weight of 9658 and a blocked amino terminus. It had tandemly repeated units not reported before at the central part of the sequence, with each unit being Gly-Ser-X1-X2-Phe as the most typical sequence. This peptide was found associated with chitin, a main component of the organic matrix.  相似文献   

Crayfish invading Europe: the case study of Procambarus clarkii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, native to northeastern Mexico and southcentral USA, is today the dominant macroinvertebrate in several European countries. While the first introduction of this species into Spain is well-documented, little is known about its pathways of invasion and the reason for its rapid spread in several European countries. Study of the biology of the species has revealed a number of properties that makes this crayfish a successful invader. Procambarus clarkii exhibits properties characteristic of an r-selected species, including early maturity at small body size, rapid growth rates, large numbers of offspring at a given parental size, and relatively short life spans. It is also plastic in its life cycle, able to disperse widely in the habitat and to tolerate environmental extremes. It displays generalist and opportunistic feeding habits, consuming macrophytes and preying on amphibians. Procambarus clarkii can also replace indigenous crayfish by a combination of mechanisms, including competitive exclusion and transmission of the fungus-like Aphanomyces astaci, responsible for the crayfish plague. Finally, this species shows a wide behavioral flexibility when coping with new types of predators. The results of these studies, combined with the increasing information available in the scientific literature on this and other crayfish species, will help us understand invasions in this taxon and make predictions about the identity of future crayfish invaders.  相似文献   

Wang F  Liang L L  Zhang Y S  Gao R H 《农业工程》2009,29(5):307-313
Erdos Larus Relictus Nature Reserve is the only wetland of international importance to protect Larus Relictus in China. From the early part of this century, the impact of water use, vegetation construction and the climate of the catchment area increasing on the wetland of this Nature Reserve has brought about severe water shortage. Until now, no eco-hydrological model at home or abroad integrates the wetland ecological and hydrological processes. This paper considers the relationship between the food chains of the Larus Relictus and environmental elements, and establishes the eco-hydrological processes from Larus Relictus to damselfly + Chironomidae and the salinity and the area of Bojiang Lake. It also establishes a relationship among Larus Relictus breeding, the area of islands outcropped in the levels of the lake and hydrological season based on the relationship between Larus Relictus breeding and environmental elements. The eco-hydrological model is then constructed according to these relationships. In virtue of the constraints of the lake salinity, the suitable area of the lake is 9.01 km2, and 4.88 km2 for the smallest area. While in accordance with the area of islands outcropped needed for Larus Relictus breeding, the lake area is 11.02 km2 in breeding season corresponding to critical high level.  相似文献   

Erdos Larus Relictus Nature Reserve is the only wetland of international importance to protect Larus Relictus in China. From the early part of this century, the impact of water use, vegetation construction and the climate of the catchment area increasing on the wetland of this Nature Reserve has brought about severe water shortage. Until now, no eco-hydrological model at home or abroad integrates the wetland ecological and hydrological processes. This paper considers the relationship between the food chains of the Larus Relictus and environmental elements, and establishes the eco-hydrological processes from Larus Relictus to damselfly + Chironomidae and the salinity and the area of Bojiang Lake. It also establishes a relationship among Larus Relictus breeding, the area of islands outcropped in the levels of the lake and hydrological season based on the relationship between Larus Relictus breeding and environmental elements. The eco-hydrological model is then constructed according to these relationships. In virtue of the constraints of the lake salinity, the suitable area of the lake is 9.01 km2, and 4.88 km2 for the smallest area. While in accordance with the area of islands outcropped needed for Larus Relictus breeding, the lake area is 11.02 km2 in breeding season corresponding to critical high level.  相似文献   

Studies on disturbance regimes involving carabid beetles have mainly focused on forest habitats. We therefore decided to analyze the effects of disturbance on carabid communities in a wetland remnant (Lake Chiusi, central Italy). Results highlighted the presence of a disturbance gradient affecting the species richness and trait-displacement of carabid communities. Carabids were sampled with pitfall traps from March to October 2008 at nine randomly selected sample stations; a set of landscape attributes were also collected. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to link the distribution of carabid life-history traits and species richness with the most informative combination of landscape attributes. The first PCA axis (PC1) showed significant correlation with “distance to the lake shoreline” and “perimeter-area ratio”, highlighting the presence of a disturbance-axis. The second and third axes accounted only for a trivial portion of the total variance. GLMMs revealed a progressive decrease in the number of hygrophilous species from the core of the wetland to its outer areas. Similar trends were observed for species richness and for predator species with good dispersal ability and larval period in summer. Our results highlight the importance of taking into account community-wide functional implications in landscape ecology studies.  相似文献   

为探究不同地位的克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clakii)胜利者-失败者效应的稳定性。通过视频拍摄优势者和从属者在新的领域中各自与等重量级雄性螯虾连续遭遇战,统计胜负场数、格斗次数、时间、优势指数等多个参数。在与陌生对手的首次交战中,40个优势者中有23只螯虾取得了胜利,17只失败,胜负比例之间差异不显著;而从属者中获胜比例为18/40,与失败者的比例之间也没有差异,说明优势者和从属者之间原有的等级地位并不被陌生对手识别。在与陌生对手的第二次交战中,获胜的优势者中18/23的螯虾再次胜利,极显著高于失败的螯虾比例;获胜的从属者中,仅11/18的螯虾再次胜利,与失败者的比例之间不显著;而失败的优势者中,13/17的螯虾持续失败,失败的从属者中,17/22的螯虾持续失败,均显著高于获胜的比例,说明不同地位的螯虾胜利者-失败者效应稳定性不同,优势者的胜利者-失败者效应均比较稳定,而从属者的失败者效应稳定,胜利者效应并不稳定,一胜之后不能获得稳定、完全的二胜。对格斗次数、时间、优势指数等参数统计分析发现,胜利或失败的优势者以及从属者在格斗策略上有较大的差异。  相似文献   

1. The niche variation hypothesis predicts that among‐individual variation in niche use will increase in the presence of intraspecific competition and decrease in the presence of interspecific competition. We sought to determine whether the local isotopic niche breadth of fish inhabiting a wetland was best explained by competition for resources and the niche variation hypothesis, by dispersal of individuals from locations with different prey resources or by a combination of the two. We analysed stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen as indices of feeding niche and compared metrics of within‐site spread to characterise site‐level isotopic niche breadth. We then evaluated the explanatory power of competing models of the direct and indirect effects of several environmental variables spanning gradients of disturbance, competition strength and food availability on among‐individual variation of the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). 2. The Dispersal model posits that only the direct effect of disturbance (i.e. changes in water level known to induce fish movement) influences among‐individual variation in isotopic niche. The Partitioning model allows for only direct effects of local food availability on among‐individual variation. The Combined model allows for both hypotheses by including the direct effects of disturbance and food availability. 3. A linear regression of the Combined model described more variance than models limited to the variables of either the Dispersal or Partitioning models. Of the independent variables considered, the food availability variable (per cent edible periphyton) explained the most variation in isotopic niche breadth, followed closely by the disturbance variable (days since last drying event). 4. Structural equation modelling provided further evidence that the Combined model was best supported by the data, with the Partitioning and the Dispersal models only modestly less informative. Again, the per cent edible periphyton was the variable with the largest direct effect on niche variability, with other food availability variables and the disturbance variable only slightly less important. Indirect effects of heterospecific and conspecific competitor densities were also important, through their effects on prey density. 5. Our results support the Combined hypotheses, although partitioning mechanisms appear to explain the most diet variation among individuals in the eastern mosquitofish. The results also support some predictions of the niche variation hypothesis, although both conspecific and interspecific competition appeared to increase isotopic niche breadth in contrast to predictions that interspecific competition would decrease it. We think this resulted from high diet overlap of co‐occurring species, most of which consume similar macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Adult Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha navigate in river systems using olfactory cues that may be influenced by hydrologic factors such as flow and the number, size and spatial distribution of tributaries. Thus, river hydrology may influence both homing success and the level of straying (gene flow), which in turn influences population structure. In this study, two methods of multivariate analysis were used to examine the extent to which four indicators of hydrology and waterway distance explained population structure of O. tshawytscha in the Yukon River. A partial Mantel test showed that the indicators of hydrology were positively associated with broad‐scale (Yukon basin) population structure, when controlling for the influence of waterway distance. Multivariate multiple regression showed that waterway distance, supplemented with the number and flow of major drainage basins, explained more variation in broad‐scale population structure than any single indicator. At an intermediate spatial scale, indicators of hydrology did not appear to influence population structure after accounting for waterway distance. These results suggest that habitat changes in the Yukon River, which alter hydrology, may influence the basin‐wide pattern of population structure in O. tshawytscha. Further research is warranted on the role of hydrology in concert with waterway distance in influencing population structure in Pacific salmon.  相似文献   

Most insect populations are exploited by a complex of different parasitoid species, providing ample opportunities for competitive interactions among the latter. Despite this, resource-mediated competition (i.e., exploitative competition) among insect parasitoids remains poorly documented in natural systems. Here we propose a novel way to infer the presence of competitive interactions from covariance patterns in parasitism levels, and illustrate the use of this approach on a relatively well-defined and simple host–parasitoid system. The parasitism levels caused by three parasitoid species on a shared host showed a highly consistent negative covariance among samples. With the levels of parasitism by one species increasing, the levels of parasitism attributable to the two others decreased. Importantly, negative covariance between parasitism levels by different species appeared at high abundance, but not at low abundance of the phenologically earlier parasitoid species. This as well as several other lines of evidence indicates the importance of competitive interactions in this system. Feeding biology and phenology of the parasitoids suggest that competition in this parasitoid assemblage is primarily resource-mediated rather than occurring through direct interference. The species attacking earlier stages of the host are competitively superior to those attacking their host later in the season. Better dispersal ability and use of alternative host species by the inferior species could contribute to the coexistence of these competing parasitoids.  相似文献   

Organic matrices in calcified hard tissues have been considered to control calcification. A matrix peptide, designated CAP-1, was extracted and purified by anionexchange and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatographies from the exoskeleton of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. The amino acid sequence of CAP-1 was determined by mass spectral and sequence analyses of the intact peptide and its enzymatically digested peptides. CAP-1 consisted of 78 amino acid residues, including a phosphoserine residue, and was rich in acidic amino acid residues. CAP-1 had a RebersRiddiford consensus sequence, which is conserved in cuticle proteins from many arthropods. CAP-1 inhibited precipitation of calcium carbonate in an in vitro anticalcification assay dose-dependently, and completelyinhibited it at 3×10-7 M. CAP-1 also showed chitinbinding ability, indicating that this molecule was bifunctional and played an important role in formation of the exoskeleton.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic Modulation of Neurosecretory Cells in the Crayfish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The main aims of this paper are (a) to locate possible dopaminergic neurons in the eyestalk with anti-tyrosine hydroxylase antibodies, (b) to search for the presence of dopamine (DA) in the nervous structures of the eyestalk, (c) to explore its release, and (d) to test the effect of DA on neurosecretory cells in the eyestalk.Experiments were performed in adult crayfishes Procambarus clarkii, in isolated optic peduncle. Immunocytochemistry was made with the antibody against its precursor synthesizing enzyme tyrosine-hydroxylase. The content and release studies of DA were made using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Extracellular and intracellular recordings were conducted with conventional recording techniques.A large number (2000) of immunopositive somata of different sizes and shapes were identified in various regions of the eyestalk. The majority of somata are of the smallest size (5–25 m diameter). DA content in the eyestalk was 5.6 ± 0.1 pmol per structure; the greatest content is in the MT (over 60%). A basal level release of DA was observed. Incubation of eyestalks in solution containing a high K+ concentration increased the DA release (79%). Two effects of DA on the excitability of X-organ neurons were observed; an excitatory effect on neurons of 25 m somata diameter and another inhibitory effect in the group of 35-m somata diameter neurons. The excitation occurs with a depolarization and decrement of membrane conductance in the cell soma while the inhibition occurs with a hyperpolarization and increment of membrane conductance in soma.We concluded the following: (1) Dopamine is present in each optic ganglia of the crayfish eyestalk. (2) There is a basal release of DA from the isolated eyestalk. (3) DA release is enhanced threefold by eyestalk incubation in 40 mM [K+] solution. (4) DA selectively excites a population of neurons with low-speed conduction axons, and small somata in the X-organ–sinus gland system, while inhibiting another population characterized by higher axonal conduction speed and large somata. (5) These observations support a role for DA as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in the X-organ neurons of the crayfish eyestalk.Dr. Hugo Aréchiga died on September 15th of 2003  相似文献   

Hatton  T.J.  Ruprecht  J.  George  R.J. 《Plant and Soil》2003,257(2):341-356
Plant and Soil - The wheatbelt of Western Australia largely corresponds to a zone of ancient drainage, characterised by highly variable rainfall, long dry summers, low hydraulic gradients,...  相似文献   

1. The red‐swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) is an invasive species and an important pest of wet‐seeded rice fields (Oryza sativa) in California (U.S.A.) and in Portugal. Our work quantifies rice consumption and non‐consumptive destruction and identifies the types of direct damage inflicted by crayfish. 2. The following fractions were quantified in the presence and absence of crayfish and at 3 and 6 days of rice development: (1) non‐germinated seeds, (2) damaged seeds, (3) seeds not recovered, (4) intact rooted seedlings, (5) rooted damaged seedlings, (6) uprooted intact seedlings, (7) uprooted damaged seedlings. 3. Coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) fragments produced during the feeding process were <2% of the material removed by crayfish. 4. Damage occurred with or without uprooting of the plants, but the incidence of uprooting without consumption was low (1.4%). 5. Consumption of recently developed parts of the rice plant was the main cause of damage and the observed effect was stronger on 6‐day‐old than on 3‐day‐old seedlings. Seedlings were more affected by crayfish than were seeds. 6. Crayfish affected the majority of seeds and seedlings available although consumption was low: 0.015 g dry weight (DW) rice g?1 wet weight (WW) crayfish per 12 h at 3 days and 0.063 g DW rice g?1 WW crayfish per 12 h at 6 days. 7. Our results are important for the mitigation of crayfish related problems in rice fields and for understanding the mechanisms of crayfish‐macrophyte interactions.  相似文献   

Communication among birds constitutes the foundation of social interactions, and acoustic signals should evolve based on their efficiency to convey information. We examined the acoustic signals of an Amazonian bird assemblage by testing whether vocal allometry was the main driver in song evolution. We expected the acoustic parameters of the songs to follow general allometric rules, as the size of the vocal apparatus limits the vibration capacity of the syrinx. We tested whether smaller species use lower than expected frequencies due to environmental filtering by examining deviations from allometric relationships. Alternatively, small species could use higher than expected frequencies as a consequence of competitive processes that promote the use of vacant portions of the acoustic spectrum. We recorded birdsongs between 2013 and 2018 and measured three spectral parameters: the dominant frequency (FDOM), the minimum fundamental frequency (FFMIN) and the maximum fundamental frequency (FFMAX). We created an allometric model based on the acoustic pattern of the larger species and used it to predict the frequencies of the smaller species. We compared the frequency values expected by allometry with the observed parameters of the avian assemblage. We found that FDOM and FFMIN were higher than expected by allometry alone, supporting competition structuring in the acoustic ecology of the assemblage. The successful insertion of many species into the acoustic space is the result of long processes of natural selection, with our data highlighting the importance of competition in the vocal structuring of the community.  相似文献   

1. Zooplankton density and biomass was examined in a Danube River floodplain section with highly variable hydrological dynamics. Temporal patterns were analysed to assess the effects of hydrological conditions on zooplankton community structure and the differential response of the two major zooplankton taxa, rotifers and crustaceans.
2. Calculated floodplain water age was used as an integrated parameter describing hydrological conditions and connectivity.
3. Total zooplankton biomass, crustacean biomass and crustacean species number were significantly positively related to water age. Rotifer biomass followed a hump-shaped relationship with water age, and rotifer species number decreased with increasing water age.
4. Rotifers dominated the community in periods of low to medium water ages. In periods of higher water ages the community was dominated by crustaceans.
5. We propose that the hydrological regime of floodplains is crucial for zooplankton biomass patterns and succession, through the alternation of washing-out effects, taxon-specific potential of reproduction and biological interactions. Flood events and high water levels reset the community to an early successional phase.  相似文献   

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