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Background and Aims

Thousands of floor mosaics were produced in lands across the Roman and Byzantine empires. Some mosaics contain depictions of agricultural produce, potentially providing useful information concerning the contemporary presence and popularity of crop plants in a particular geographical region. Hundreds of floor mosaics produced in Israel during the Byzantine period have survived. The objective of the present work was to search these mosaics for Cucurbitaceae in order to obtain a more complete picture of cucurbit crop history in the eastern Mediterranean region.

Results and Conclusions

Twenty-three mosaics dating from 350–600 ce were found that had images positively identifiable as cucurbits. The morphological diversity of the cucurbit fruits in the mosaics of Israel is greater than that appearing in mosaics from any other Roman or Byzantine provincial area. The depicted fruits vary in shape from oblate to extremely long, and some are furrowed, others are striped and others lack definite markings. The cucurbit taxa depicted in the mosaics are Cucumis melo (melon), Citrullus lanatus (watermelon), Luffa aegyptiaca (sponge gourd) and Lagenaria siceraria (bottle gourd). Cucumis melo is the most frequently found taxon in the mosaics and is represented by round dessert melons and long snake melons. Fruits of at least two cultivars of snake melons and of watermelons are represented. To our knowledge, images of sponge gourds have not been found in Roman and Byzantine mosaics elsewhere. Indeed, the mosaics of Israel contain what are probably the oldest depictions of Luffa aegyptiaca in Mediterranean lands. Sponge gourds are depicted often, in 11 of the mosaics at eight localities, and the images include both mature fruits, which are useful for cleaning and washing, and immature fruits, which are edible. Only one mosaic has images positively identifiable as of bottle gourds, and these were round–pyriform and probably used as vessels.  相似文献   

The frequency of dominant cataract and recessive specific-locus mutations and mutation mosaics was determined in F1 mice derived from post-spermatogonial germ-cell stage treatment with 2 X 80, 160 or 250 mg/kg ethylnitrosourea. A total of 5 dominant cataract mutations, 3 dominant cataract mutation mosaics, 1 specific-locus mutation and 9 specific-locus mutation mosaics were recovered in 15,542 screened F1 offspring. Results indicate that ethylnitrosourea treatment increases the mutation rate of dominant cataract and recessive specific-locus alleles in post-spermatogonial germ-cell stages of the mouse and that the mutations occur mainly as mosaics. Genetic confirmation of newly induced mutations occurring as mosaics is more problematical for induced recessive alleles than for induced dominant alleles and should be considered when evaluating such mutagenicity results.  相似文献   

With the aim to study general principles on organization of tissue mosaics of various types of simple squamous epithelii, a quantitative topological analysis has been performed in the frog mesothelial mosaics, in the posterior epithelium of the rabbit cornea and in the rat aortal endothelium after Lewis method. To all the types of simple squamous epithelii studied the histological law of Lewis can be applied. As demonstrates the qualitative analysis of the mosaics, the mesothelium and the posterior epithelium of the cornea are typical isotropic mosaics, while the mosaic of the aortal endothelium is nearer to the polystichous one. The possibilities of qualitative and quantitative topological analysis of the biological mosaics after Lewis method for studying their organization, degree of regularity, histogenesis and proliferative properties are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the vectorial Kappa (κv) that one can utilize to assess congruence between two vectorial mosaics. The vectorial Kappa extends for vectorial mosaics the approach of the so-called Cohen's Kappa index, commonly used to compare raster mosaics. By comparing both approaches, we aim to demonstrate how efficient and convenient a vector-based congruence may be when working on vectorial mosaics.  相似文献   

Diploid-triploid mosaics are rarely found in vertebrates, and until now they were known to be common in only two vertebrate species complexes. Here we report that diploid-triploid mosaics are widespread among unisexual hybrids of the minnows Phoxinus eos and Phoxinus neogaeus, a complex already known to contain diploid and triploid forms. Using chromosome counts and flow cytometry, we show that the mosaics occur throughout the known range of the unisexuals and are abundant in many of these natural populations. The mosaics are highly heterogeneous, showing individual variation in the ratio of diploid to triploid cells, and as a group they appear to form a continuum between the pure diploid and triploid forms. Tissue-graft analysis shows that the third genome present in the triploid cells of a mosaic is expressed, because grafts made from the mosaics show an incidence of rejection intermediate between that of the diploid (clonal) and triploid (nonclonal) biotypes.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are key processes causing biodiversity loss in human‐modified landscapes. Knowledge of these processes has largely been derived from measuring biodiversity at the scale of ‘within‐habitat’ fragments with the surrounding landscape considered as matrix. Yet, the loss of variation in species assemblages ‘among’ habitat fragments (landscape‐scale) may be as important a driver of biodiversity loss as the loss of diversity ‘within’ habitat fragments (local‐scale). We tested the hypothesis that heterogeneity in vegetation cover is important for maintaining alpha and beta diversity in human‐modified landscapes. We surveyed bird assemblages in eighty 300‐m‐long transects nested within twenty 1‐km2 vegetation ‘mosaics’, with mosaics assigned to four categories defined by the cover extent and configuration of native eucalypt forest and exotic pine plantation. We examined bird assemblages at two spatial scales: 1) within and among transects, and 2) within and among mosaics. Alpha diversity was the mean species diversity within‐transects or within‐mosaics and beta diversity quantified the effective number of compositionally distinct transects or mosaics. We found that within‐transect alpha diversity was highest in vegetation mosaics defined by continuous eucalypt forest, lowest in mosaics of continuous pine plantation, and at intermediate levels in mosaics containing eucalypt patches in a pine matrix. We found that eucalypt mosaics had lower beta diversity than other mosaic types when ignoring relative abundances, but had similar or higher beta diversity when weighting with species abundances. Mosaics containing both pine and eucalypt forest differed in their bird compositional variation among transects, despite sharing a similar suite of species. This configuration effect at the mosaic scale reflected differences in vegetation composition among transects. Maintaining heterogeneity in vegetation cover could help to maintain variation among bird assemblages across landscapes, thus partially offsetting local‐scale diversity losses due to fragmentation. Critical to this is the retention of remnant native vegetation.  相似文献   

Three new genera of acrotretid brachiopods are of general morphological interest in that they display polygonal mosaics on the internal shell surfaces, features which are believed to be moulds of the outer epithelial cells. The mosaic is further noted in a specimen of Eoconulus , a form which may also belong to the Acrotretacea. Such mosaics have not previously been recorded from the Acrotretacea. Polygonal mosaics, epithelial moulds, outer epithelium , Eoconulus, Acrotretacea, Ordovician.  相似文献   

Many studies have identified drivers of deforestation throughout the tropics and, in most cases, have recognised differences in the level of threat. However, only a few have also looked at the temporal and spatial dynamics by which those drivers act, which is critical for assessing the conservation of biodiversity as well as for landscape planning. In this study, we analyse land cover change between 2000 and 2009 in north-western Colombian Amazonia to identify the interactions between the use of fire, cultivation of illicit crops and establishment of pastures, and their impacts on the loss of forest in the region. Yearly analyses were undertaken at randomly selected sample areas to quantify the average areas of transition of land cover types under different landscape compositions: forest-dominated mosaics, pasture mosaics, fire mosaics, and illicit crop mosaics. Our results indicate that despite the fact that forest areas were well-preserved, deforestation occurred at a low annual rate (0.06%). Conversion to pasture was the main factor responsible for forest loss (the area of pastures tripled within forest mosaics over 8 years), and this process was independent of the landscape matrix in which the forests were located. In fire mosaics, burning is a common tool for forest clearing and conversion to pasture. Thus, forests in fire mosaics were highly disturbed and frequently transformed from primary to secondary forests. The use of fire for illicit cropping was not detected, partly due to the small size of common illicit crops. Forest regeneration from pastures and secondary vegetation was observed in areas with large amounts of natural forest. Overall, assuming the continuation of the observed pasture conversion trend and the use of forest fire, we suggest that our results should be incorporated into a spatially explicit and integrated decision support tool to target and focus land-planning activities and policies.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the emergence of roughly periodic orientation preference maps (OPMs) in the primary visual cortex (V1) of carnivores and primates can be explained by a so-called statistical connectivity model. This model assumes that input to V1 neurons is dominated by feed-forward projections originating from a small set of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). The typical spacing between adjacent cortical orientation columns preferring the same orientation then arises via Moiré-Interference between hexagonal ON/OFF RGC mosaics. While this Moiré-Interference critically depends on long-range hexagonal order within the RGC mosaics, a recent statistical analysis of RGC receptive field positions found no evidence for such long-range positional order. Hexagonal order may be only one of several ways to obtain spatially repetitive OPMs in the statistical connectivity model. Here, we investigate a more general requirement on the spatial structure of RGC mosaics that can seed the emergence of spatially repetitive cortical OPMs, namely that angular correlations between so-called RGC dipoles exhibit a spatial structure similar to that of OPM autocorrelation functions. Both in cat beta cell mosaics as well as primate parasol receptive field mosaics we find that RGC dipole angles are spatially uncorrelated. To help assess the level of these correlations, we introduce a novel point process that generates mosaics with realistic nearest neighbor statistics and a tunable degree of spatial correlations of dipole angles. Using this process, we show that given the size of available data sets, the presence of even weak angular correlations in the data is very unlikely. We conclude that the layout of ON/OFF ganglion cell mosaics lacks the spatial structure necessary to seed iso-orientation domains in the primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

Mosaic Analysis of Lethal Mutations in Drosophila   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of various lethal mutations were studied when they were present in the hemizygous state as sectors in genetic mosaics (gynandromorphs) of Drosophila melanogaster. Sixty percent of the lethals studied can survive to adulthood in combination with normal tissue in mosaics, whereas the remainder cause the death of such mosaic animals. Some of the gynandromorph-viable lethals appeared to be locally active, in that they allowed the survival of only those mosaics in which the male tissue was present in the abdomen. The regions affected by these lethals were identified more precisely by analysis of the tissue distributions in the surviving gynandromorphs.  相似文献   

Many types of retinal neurone are arranged in a spatially regular manner so that the visual scene is uniformly sampled. Several mechanisms are thought to be involved in the development of regular cellular positioning. One early-acting mechanism is the lateral inhibition of neighbouring cells from acquiring the same fate, mediated by Delta-Notch signalling. We have used computer modelling to test whether lateral inhibition might transform an initial population of undifferentiated cells into more regular populations of two types of differentiated cells. Initial undifferentiated cells were positioned randomly, subject only to a minimal distance constraint. Each undifferentiated cell then acquired either primary or secondary fate using one of several lateral inhibition mechanisms. Mosaic regularity was assessed using the regularity index and the packing factor. We found that for irregular undifferentiated mosaics, the arrangement of resulting primary (but not secondary) fate cells was more regular than in the initial undifferentiated population. However, for regular undifferentiated mosaics, no further increases in the regularity of the primary fate mosaics were observed. We have used this model to test the specific hypothesis that on- and off-centre retinal ganglion cells emerge from an initial, irregular undifferentiated population of ganglion cells. Lateral inhibition can subdivide an initially irregular population into two types of cell that are mildly regular. However, lateral inhibition alone is insufficient to produce mosaics of the same regularity as observed experimentally. Likewise, and in contrast to earlier reports, cell death alone is insufficient to match the regularity of experimental mosaics. We conclude that lateral inhibition can transform irregular distributions into regular mosaics, upon which subsequent processes (such as lateral cell movement or cell death) can further refine mosaic regularity.  相似文献   

The objective of this analysis was to identify topographic and bioclimatic factors that predict occurrence of forest and grassland patches within tropical montane forest-grassland mosaics. We further investigated whether interactions between topography and bioclimate are important in determining vegetation pattern, and assessed the role of spatial scale in determining the relative importance of specific topographic features. Finally, we assessed the role of elevation in determining the relative importance of diverse explanatory factors. The study area consists of the central and southern regions of the Western Ghats of Southern India, a global biodiversity hotspot. Random forests were used to assess prediction accuracy and predictor importance. Conditional inference classification trees were used to interpret predictor effects and examine potential interactions between predictors. GLMs were used to confirm predictor importance and assess the strength of interaction terms. Overall, topographic and bioclimatic predictors classified vegetation pattern with approximately 70% accuracy. Prediction accuracy was higher for grassland than forest, and for mosaics at higher elevations. Elevation was the most important predictor, with mosaics above 2000m dominated largely by grassland. Relative topographic position measured at a local scale (within a 300m neighbourhood) was another important predictor of vegetation pattern. In high elevation mosaics, northness and concave land surface curvature were important predictors of forest occurrence. Important bioclimatic predictors were: dry quarter precipitation, annual temperature range and the interaction between the two. The results indicate complex interactions between topography and bioclimate and among topographic variables. Elevation and topography have a strong influence on vegetation pattern in these mosaics. There were marked regional differences in the roles of various topographic and bioclimatic predictors across the range of study mosaics, indicating that the same pattern of grass and forest seems to be generated by different sets of mechanisms across the region, depending on spatial scale and elevation.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of defoliation by mammalian herbivores across vegetation mosaics bas been frequently discussed, but rarely spatially quantified. Here we considered the role of plant-herbivore interactions in determining the spatial distribution of shrub defoliation by a large mammalian herbivore across a grass-shrub mosaic.
We investigated the spatial pattern of heather defoliation by sheep in heather-grass mosaics. Heather-grass mosaics are two-phased vegetation mosaics, in which a spatially localized plant community (grass) fulfils nutritional needs, whilst a spatially extensive plant community (heather) meets energy requirements but is nutritionally marginal.
We used a spatial analysis method, originating from human geography, to show that heather defoliation was not spread across the mosaic homogeneously, but that the spatial pattern was determined by geometric characteristics of the mosaic, grazing intensity, and the contrast between preferred and less preferred communities.
The spatial analysis method proved to be a powerful tool to describe the spatial pattern of shrub defoliation. Applications of the method are explored and the implications of the spatial distribution of shrub defoliation are discussed.  相似文献   

M. Nissani 《Genetics》1977,86(4):779-787
This paper draws attention to the formal parallelism that exists between chromosomal-loss mosaicism and mutagenically induced mosaicism in Drosophila and suggests that, although the underlying processes by which these two types of genetic mosaics are generated are very different, the more refined methodology employed in developmental analyses of genetically induced chromosomal-loss mosaics may be profitably extrapolated to mutagenesis studies. Results obtained from various studies of genetically induced mosaics and from a previous EMS mutation induction experiment at the yellow locus are utilized to illustrate this methodology and to estimate the total mutagenicity rates of EMS.-The following are some of the tentative conclusions that have been drawn in this report regarding an EMS concentration that produced 31% F(2) lethals in the standard X-linked recessive lethal test: (1) The frequency of cuticular mosaics is at least 5 times that of F(3) lethals. (2) At least 60% of all cuticular mosaics go undetected in the standard X -linked recessive lethal test since their mutant tissue does not extend into the germ line. (3) The frequency of EMS-induced cryptic mosaics is probably less than 10% the frequency of cuticular mosaics. (4) Some EMS-induced mutations are probably bona fide completes; if confirmed, this inference must be taken into consideration in estimating the total mutagenicity rates of this agent and in molecular interpretations of its mechanism of action. (5) The fact that the proportion of mutant tissue in EMS-induced mosaics is greater than 25% is consistent with the suggestion that the action of EMS is occasionally delayed until after the first cleavage division of the embryo. (6) Such an EMS concentration causes on the average more than 5 independent genetic alterations in the entire haploid genome of an X-bearing sperm.-This report clarifies the experimental evidence that must be generated, and the methodology that can be used to analyze this evidence, if it is of interest to render these and related conclusions regarding the effect of EMS on D. melanogaster more accurate, or if it is of interest to conduct a similar analysis for other mutagens that cause a significant degree of mosaicism.  相似文献   

Summary Provenance analysis of archaeological materials is an essential tool of archaeometry but has been rarely applied to antique mosaics. Many mosaics are made of carbonate mosaic stones (tesserae). Hence, microfacies analysis offers a great potential in differentiating these limestone tesserae and provenancing their local, regional, imported or recycled origins. The methods of microfacies analysis and their prospects for studying mosaics are demonstrated by case studies of Roman mosaics from southern Germany (Kraiburg, Bavaria). Austria (Hemmaberg near Globasnitz, southern Carinthia), Italy (Asolo north of Padova) and late Punic and Roman mosaics from Tunisia (Carthage and Hergla). Microfacies-based provenance analysis comprises six stages: 1) Macroscopic assessment and definition of rock colour groups of tesserae, 2) Sampling based on rock-colour categories, 3) Definition of microfacies types and attribution to standard microfacies types based on thin-section criteria, 4) Evaluation of the mosaic site with respect to geological and paleontological data followed by comparisons of the microfacies inventory of the region with microfacies types of the tesserae, 5) Assessment of carbonate tesserae to specific geological rock/time units followed by suggestions of provenance sites. 6) Critical evaluation of provenance assessment within the archaeological context. Principal limestone colours do not necessarily coincide with specific limestone types. Uniformly coloured tesserae can represent different limestone types from different sources (cf. Kraiburg, Hemmaberg). On the other hand, a specific limestone type may be characterized by different rock colours (cf. Carthage). Provenance assessment of mosaic stones results in relatively narrow (Hemmaberg, Asolo) or only broad (Carthage, Hergla) indications of sites characterized by exposures of carbonate rocks whose microfacies criteria, geological age and rock colour correspond to those of the carbonate tesserae. The case studies argue for local and/or imported (Kraiburg) as well as regional provenances of the mosaic material (Hemmaberg, Asolo; source area within a distance between 10 and about 40 km) and indicate that off-cuts of building stones exploited within a regional frame might possibly have been used (Carthage). Differences in the composition and diversity of carbonate rocks used for the fabrication of mosaics reflect time-dependent changes in major quarrying and potential source areas (Carthage). Further provenance research of mosaics should be based on statistically representative tesserae samples, supplemented by microfacies studies of the building material used at the mosaic sites as well as investigation of nonlithic tesserae and the mortar bedding of the mosaics. The isotopic composition of limestone and dolomite tesserae also assists in the critical evaluation of microfacies categorization.  相似文献   

Analysis of experimental mouse chimeras (chimaeras) and mosaics provides a means of investigating patterning and differentiation within the developing mammalian eye. Chimeric and mosaic mice carry two or more genetically distinct cell populations and extend the repertoire of analytical tools available to the geneticist. Here we review the impact these techniques have had on our understanding of eye organogenesis. Chimeras and mosaics are routinely used to investigate cell lineages, patterns of growth and gene function, and provide a means to clear analytical hurdles that otherwise limit standard genetic approaches. In particular, chimeras are used to investigate the roles of genes in tissues that do not develop in conventional mutant or knock-out mice, to test whether genes act cell autonomously or non-autonomously in different tissues and to dissect tissue-tissue interactions in less tractable, complex systems. Chimeras, in which cells of different genetic composition are mixed at a fine-scale cellular level, may provide qualitatively different data from mosaic mice with conditional knockouts. The uses of chimeras, Cre-loxP mosaics and in vitro tissue recombination for study of ocular organogenesis are compared. Wider use of mosaics and chimeras should provide further insights into eye development.  相似文献   

Summary The properties of the mutation wingless discovered by Sharma are discussed. It appears that this mutation interferes with a step leading to normal wing-notum compartmentation of the wing disk. From the study of mutational mosaics in the wingless locus we conclude that mutations in this gene can be autonomous in mosaics.  相似文献   

Agricultural expansion requires mitigation to conserve biodiversity and maintain functional interactions across the transformed mosaic. Conservation outside protected areas (PAs) means providing increased spatial opportunities for populations to survive over the long-term. Here we assess the capacity of agricultural mosaics for maintaining indigenous biodiversity against the benchmark levels in neighbouring PAs. We do this in three geographical areas in the major biodiversity hotspot, the Cape Floristic Region. We focus on two functionally related groups, indigenous flowers and their associated native insects, to assess the biodiversity value of certain components of agricultural mosaics. These components include agriculturally disturbed land, semi-transformed, disturbed land, and remnant patches of natural land, as well as adjacent PAs as reference sites. Overall, species richness across the agricultural mosaics outside PAs was similar to that within PAs for insects, although more variable for plants. Nevertheless, sites outside PAs still retained great diversity of flowering plants. Across the agricultural mosaic, sites shared 20–38 % of their insect species, and 12–28 % of plant species, indicating substantial species turnover. Each particular agricultural component retained species not sampled elsewhere in the landscape, indicating that habitats outside PAs can make a significant contribution to the compositional biodiversity of an area. Our findings are positive for biodiversity conservation across these agricultural mosaics, with these semi-natural components within the production landscape, in effect, extending the size of the PAs for many species. Conservation planning should recognize the value of such agricultural mosaics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Real-time polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) are the most frequently used techniques for gonosomal mosaics quantification. The primary aim of this work is to assess and optimize the refined technique of quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (RQF PCR) in the quantification of Y-chromosome sequences in gonosomal mosaics. The method was applied to the analysis of Y-chromosome sequences (amelogenin gene, AMELX/Y-loci) in peripheral lymphocytes and gonadal tissues in Y-positive Turner's syndrome (TS) patients. METHODS: RQF PCR was used for molecular quantification, and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique was used for comparison. RESULTS: Based on a formulated calibration curve, DNA mosaics from six Y-positive patients and gonads from one patient were deducted. For calculation of rare mosaics, it is possible to take advantage of a new empirical formula. FISH results were comparable to RQF PCR. CONCLUSION: The sensitivity of RQF PCR brings significant progress in the analysis of gonosomal aberrations. RQF PCR also finds applications in prenatal diagnostics of maternal contaminations of amniotic fluid and foetal DNA in maternal blood and analysis of chimerism in patients after bone marrow transplantation. The method is very convenient for determining the number of testis-specific protein, Y-linked (TSPY) gene repetitions.  相似文献   

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