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The bacterial signal recognition particle (SRP) binds to ribosomes synthesizing inner membrane proteins and, by interaction with the SRP receptor, FtsY, targets them to the translocon at the membrane. Here we probe the conformation of SRP and SRP protein, Ffh, at different stages of targeting by measuring fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorophores placed at various positions within SRP. Distances derived from FRET indicate that SRP binding to nontranslating ribosomes triggers a global conformational change of SRP that facilitates binding of the SRP receptor, FtsY. Binding of SRP to a signal-anchor sequence exposed on a ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) causes a further change of the SRP conformation, involving the flexible part of the Ffh(M) domain, which increases the affinity for FtsY of ribosome-bound SRP up to the affinity exhibited by the isolated NG domain of Ffh. This indicates that in the RNC–SRP complex the Ffh(NG) domain is fully exposed for binding FtsY to form the targeting complex. Binding of FtsY to the RNC–SRP complex results in a limited conformational change of SRP, which may initiate subsequent targeting steps.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the interactions between the signal recognition particle (SRP), the SRP receptor (SR), and the ribosome using GTPase assays, biosensor experiments, and ribosome binding assays. Possible mechanisms that could contribute to an enhanced affinity between the SR and the SRP-ribosome nascent chain complex to promote protein translocation under physiological ionic strength conditions have been explored. Ribosomes or 60S large ribosomal subunits activate the GTPase cycle of SRP54 and SRalpha by providing a platform for assembly of the SRP-SR complex. Biosensor experiments revealed high-affinity, saturable binding of ribosomes or large ribosomal subunits to the SR. Remarkably, the SR has a 100-fold higher affinity for the ribosome than for SRP. Proteoliposomes that contain the SR bind nontranslating ribosomes with an affinity comparable to that shown by the Sec61 complex. An NH2-terminal 319-residue segment of SRalpha is necessary and sufficient for binding of SR to the ribosome. We propose that the ribosome-SR interaction accelerates targeting of the ribosome nascent chain complex to the RER, while the SRP-SR interaction is crucial for maintaining the fidelity of the targeting reaction.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Nef protein down-regulates several important immunoreceptors through interactions with components of the intracellular sorting machinery. Nef expression is also known to induce modifications of the endocytic pathway. Here, we analyzed the effects of Nef on retrograde transport, from the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic reticulum using Shiga toxin B-subunit (STxB). Nef expression inhibited access of STxB to the endoplasmic reticulum, but did not modify the surface expression level of STxB receptor, Gb3, nor its internalization rate as measured with a newly developed assay. Mutation of the myristoylation site or of a di-leucine motif of Nef involved in the interaction with the clathrin adaptor complexes AP1 and AP2 abolished the inhibition of retrograde transport. In contrast, mutations of Nef motifs known to interact with PACS-1, βCOP or a subunit of the v-ATPase did not modify the inhibitory activity of Nef on retrograde transport. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that Nef was present in clusters located on endosomal or Golgi membranes together with internalized STxB. Furthermore, in strongly Nef-expressing cells, STxB accumulated in endosomal structures that labeled with AP1. Our observations show that Nef perturbs retrograde transport between the early endosome and the endoplasmic reticulum. The potential transport steps targeted by Nef are discussed .  相似文献   

The identification of GTP-binding sites in the 54-kDa subunit of the signal recognition particle (SRP) and in both the alpha and beta subunits of the SRP receptor has complicated the task of defining the step in the protein translocation reaction that is controlled by the GTP-binding site in the SRP. Ribonucleotide binding assays show that the purified SRP can bind GDP or GTP. However, crosslinking experiments show that SRP54 can recognize the signal sequence of a nascent polypeptide in the absence of GTP. Targeting of SRP-ribosome-nascent polypeptide complexes, formed in the absence of GTP, to microsomal membranes likewise proceeds normally. To separate the GTPase cycles of SRP54 and the alpha subunit of the SRP receptor (SR alpha), we employed an SR alpha mutant that displays a markedly reduced affinity for GTP. We observed that the dissociation of SRP54 from the signal sequence and the insertion of the nascent polypeptide into the translocation site could only occur when GTP binding to SR alpha was permitted. These data suggest that the GTP binding and hydrolysis cycles of both SRP54 and SR alpha are initiated upon formation of the SRP-SRP receptor complex.  相似文献   

Intracisternal A-type particles (IAP) are defective endogenous retroviruses that accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of rodent cells. The enveloped particles are produced by assembly and budding of IAP Gag polyproteins at the ER membrane. In this study, we analyzed the specific ER transport of the Gag polyprotein of the IAP element MIA14. To this end, we performed in vitro translation of Gag in the presence of microsomal membranes or synthetic proteoliposomes followed by membrane sedimentation or flotation. ER binding of IAP Gag occurred mostly cotranslationally, and Gag polyproteins interacted specifically with proteoliposomes containing only signal recognition particle (SRP) receptor and the Sec61p complex, which form the minimal ER translocation apparatus. The direct participation of SRP in ER targeting of IAP Gag was demonstrated in cross-linking and immunoprecipitation experiments. The IAP polyprotein was not translocated into the ER; it was found to be tightly associated with the cytoplasmic side of the ER membrane but did not behave as an integral membrane protein. Substituting the functional signal peptide of preprolactin for the hydrophobic sequence at the N terminus of IAP Gag also did not result in translocation of the chimeric protein into the ER lumen, and grafting the IAP hydrophobic sequence onto preprolactin failed to yield luminal transport as well. These results suggest that the N-terminal hydrophobic region of the IAP Gag polyprotein functions as a transport signal which mediates SRP-dependent ER targeting, but polyprotein translocation or integration into the membrane is prevented by the signal sequence itself and by additional regions of Gag.  相似文献   

Stengel KF  Holdermann I  Wild K  Sinning I 《FEBS letters》2007,581(29):5671-5676
Two GTPases in the signal recognition particle and its receptor (FtsY) regulate protein targeting to the membrane by formation of a heterodimeric complex. The activation of both GTPases in the complex is essential for protein translocation. We present the crystal structure of chloroplast FtsY (cpFtsY) at 1.75 A resolution. The comparison with FtsY structures in different nucleotide bound states shows structural changes relevant for GTPase activation and provides insights in how cpFtsY is pre-organized for complex formation with cpSRP54. The structure contains an amino-terminal amphipathic helix similar to the membrane targeting sequence of Escherichia coli FtsY. In cpFtsY this motif is extended, which might be responsible for the enhanced attachment of the protein to the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

We find that the peripheral ER in Saccharomyces cerevisiae forms a dynamic network of interconnecting membrane tubules throughout the cell cycle, similar to the ER in higher eukaryotes. Maintenance of this network does not require microtubule or actin filaments, but its dynamic behavior is largely dependent on the actin cytoskeleton. We isolated three conditional mutants that disrupt peripheral ER structure. One has a mutation in a component of the COPI coat complex, which is required for vesicle budding. This mutant has a partial defect in ER segregation into daughter cells and disorganized ER in mother cells. A similar phenotype was found in other mutants with defects in vesicular trafficking between ER and Golgi complex, but not in mutants blocked at later steps in the secretory pathway. The other two mutants found in the screen have defects in the signal recognition particle (SRP) receptor. This receptor, along with SRP, targets ribosome-nascent chain complexes to the ER membrane for protein translocation. A conditional mutation in SRP also disrupts ER structure, but other mutants with translocation defects do not. We also demonstrate that, both in wild-type and mutant cells, the ER and mitochondria partially coalign, and that mutations that disrupt ER structure also affect mitochondrial structure. Our data suggest that both trafficking between the ER and Golgi complex and ribosome targeting are important for maintaining ER structure, and that proper ER structure may be required to maintain mitochondrial structure.  相似文献   

Thin-section and critical-point-dried fracture-labeled preparations are used to determine the distribution and partition of glycophorin- associated wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding sites over protoplasmic and exoplasmic faces of freeze-fractured human erythrocyte membranes. Most wheat germ agglutinin binding sites are found over exoplasmic faces. Label is sparse over the protoplasmic faces. These results contrast with previous observations of the partition of band 3 component where biochemical analysis and fracture-label of concanavalin A (Con A) binding sites show preferential partition of this transmembrane protein with the protoplasmic face. Presence of characteristic proportions of WGA and Con A binding sites over each fracture face is interpreted to indicate the operation of a stochastic process during freeze-fracture. This process appears modulated by the relative expression of each transmembrane protein at either surface as well as by their association to components of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton.  相似文献   

Protein insertion into the bacterial inner membrane is facilitated by SecYEG or YidC. Although SecYEG most likely constitutes the major integration site, small membrane proteins have been shown to integrate via YidC. We show that YidC can also integrate multispanning membrane proteins such as mannitol permease or TatC, which had been considered to be exclusively integrated by SecYEG. Only SecA-dependent multispanning membrane proteins strictly require SecYEG for integration, which suggests that SecA can only interact with the SecYEG translocon, but not with the YidC insertase. Targeting of multispanning membrane proteins to YidC is mediated by signal recognition particle (SRP), and we show by site-directed cross-linking that the C-terminus of YidC is in contact with SRP, the SRP receptor, and ribosomal proteins. These findings indicate that SRP recognizes membrane proteins independent of the downstream integration site and that many membrane proteins can probably use either SecYEG or YidC for integration. Because protein synthesis is much slower than protein transport, the use of YidC as an additional integration site for multispanning membrane proteins may prevent a situation in which the majority of SecYEG complexes are occupied by translating ribosomes during cotranslational insertion, impeding the translocation of secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Many proteins, including the alpha subunit of the signal recognition particle receptor (SR alpha), are targeted within the cell by poorly defined mechanisms. A 140 residue N-terminal domain of SR alpha targets and anchors the polypeptide to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane by a mechanism independent of the pathway involving the signal recognition particle. To investigate the mechanism of membrane anchoring, translation pause sites on the SR alpha mRNA were used to examine the targeting of translation intermediates. A strong pause site at nucleotide 507 of the mRNA open reading frame corresponded with the shortest nascent SR alpha polypeptide able to assemble on membranes. An mRNA sequence at this pause site that resembles a class of viral -1 frameshift sequences caused translation pausing when transferred into another mRNA context. Site-directed mutagenesis of the mRNA greatly reduced translation pausing without altering the polypeptide sequence, demonstrating unambiguously a role for this mRNA sequence in translation pausing. SR alpha polypeptides synthesized from the non-pausing mRNA were impaired in co-translational membrane anchoring. Furthermore, co-translational membrane assembly of SR alpha appears to anchor polysomes translating SR alpha to membranes.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle receptor (SR) is required for the cotranslational targeting of both secretory and membrane proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. During targeting, the SR interacts with the signal recognition particle (SRP) which is bound to the signal sequence of the nascent protein chain. This interaction catalyzes the GTP-dependent transfer of the nascent chain from SRP to the protein translocation apparatus in the ER membrane. The SR is a heterodimeric protein comprised of a 69-kD subunit (SR alpha) and a 30- kD subunit (SR beta) which are associated with the ER membrane in an unknown manner. SR alpha and the 54-kD subunits of SRP (SRP54) each contain related GTPase domains which are required for SR and SRP function. Molecular cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding SR beta revealed that SR beta is a transmembrane protein and, like SR alpha and SRP54, is a member of the GTPase superfamily. Although SR beta defines its own GTPase subfamily, it is distantly related to ARF and Sar1. Using UV cross-linking, we confirm that SR beta binds GTP specifically. Proteolytic digestion experiments show that SR alpha is required for the interaction of SRP with SR. SR alpha appears to be peripherally associated with the ER membrane, and we suggest that SR beta, as an integral membrane protein, mediates the membrane association of SR alpha. The discovery of its guanine nucleotide-binding domain, however, makes it likely that its role is more complex than that of a passive anchor for SR alpha. These findings suggest that a cascade of three directly interacting GTPases functions during protein targeting to the ER membrane.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(3):112140
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Hybridization-selected mRNAs coding for individual storage globulin polypeptides of field beans (Vicia faba L.) were translated in a cell-free system. Added mammalian signal recognition particle (SRP) recognizes cleavable signal peptides of the major vicilin and both legumin polypeptide precursors and induces translational arrest. The latter can be released by potassium-washed membranes (K-RM) leading to shortened polypeptides protected against proteases. Thus, SRP and K-RM function in a similar way with plant polypeptides as described for mammalian secretory proteins [(1981) J. Cell Biol. 91, 557-561]. Obviously, the initial steps in the biosynthesis and processing of plant storage globulin polypeptides are principally identical to those of animal secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 protein (NPC1L1) is the putative intestinal sterol transporter and the molecular target of ezetimibe, a potent inhibitor of cholesterol absorption. To address the role of NPC1L1 in cholesterol trafficking in intestine, the regulation of cholesterol trafficking by ezetimibe was studied in the human intestinal cell line, CaCo-2. Ezetimibe caused only a modest decrease in the uptake of micellar cholesterol, but markedly prevented its esterification. Cholesterol trafficking from the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic reticulum was profoundly disrupted by ezetimibe without altering the trafficking of cholesterol from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. Cholesterol oxidase-accessible cholesterol at the apical membrane was increased by ezetimibe. Cholesterol synthesis was modestly increased. Although the amount of cholesteryl esters secreted at the basolateral membrane was markedly decreased by ezetimibe, the transport of lipids and the number of lipoprotein particles secreted were not altered. NPC1L1 gene and protein expression were decreased by sterol influx, whereas cholesterol depletion enhanced NPC1L1 gene and protein expression. These results suggest that NPC1L1 plays a role in cholesterol uptake and cholesterol trafficking from the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic reticulum. Interfering with its function will profoundly decrease the amount of cholesterol transported into lymph.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway mediates co-translational targeting of nascent proteins to membranes. Chloroplast SRP is unique in that it does not contain the otherwise universally conserved SRP RNA, which accelerates the association between the SRP guanosine-5′-triphosphate (GTP) binding protein and its receptor FtsY in classical SRP pathways. Recently, we showed that the SRP and SRP receptor (SR) GTPases from chloroplast (cpSRP54 and cpFtsY, respectively) can interact with one another 400-fold more efficiently than their bacterial homologues, thus providing an explanation as to why this novel chloroplast SRP pathway bypasses the requirement for the SRP RNA. Here we report the crystal structure of cpFtsY from Arabidopsis thaliana at 2.0 Å resolution. In this chloroplast SR, the N-terminal “N” domain is more tightly packed, and a more extensive interaction surface is formed between the GTPase “G” domain and the N domain than was previously observed in many of its bacterial homologues. As a result, the overall conformation of apo-cpFtsY is closer to that found in the bacterial SRP•FtsY complex than in free bacterial FtsY, especially with regard to the relative orientation of the N and G domains. In contrast, active-site residues in the G domain are mispositioned, explaining the low basal GTP binding and hydrolysis activity of free cpFtsY. This structure emphasizes proper N-G domain arrangement as a key factor in modulating the efficiency of SRP-receptor interaction and helps account, in part, for the faster kinetics at which the chloroplast SR interacts with its binding partner in the absence of an SRP RNA.  相似文献   

Binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated cholera toxin B subunit to ganglioside GM1 on RBL-2H3 cells at 37 °C results in labeling of the plasma membrane as well as a pool of perinuclear intracellular membranes identified as the endosomal recycling compartment. Antigen-mediated activation of IgE receptor signaling causes rapid, sustained outward trafficking of these labeled endosomes, that is monitored as an increase in FITC fluorescence due to relief of quenching in the acidic endosomes upon delivery to the plasma membrane. Stimulation of this process depends on the integrity of cholesterol-dependent lipid rafts and occurs in response to Ca2+-mobilizing thapsigargin as well as antigen. Inhibitors of some early signaling enzymes stimulated by FcεRI, including Syk tyrosine kinase and phosphoinositide 3-kinase, have little or no effect on this trafficking response. Other signaling pathways, including activation of phospholipase C and Ca2+ influx, do not appear to be necessary for the initiation of the outward trafficking response, but they contribute to maintaining the sustained phase of this process. Consistent with this, antigen-stimulated ruffles are labeled with FITC-cholera toxin B in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Thus, this trafficking response provides a mechanism by which an internal membrane pool can contribute to plasma membrane remodeling during stimulated membrane ruffling, cell motility, and phagocytosis.  相似文献   

The morphology and subcellular positioning of the Golgi complex depend on both microtubule and actin cytoskeletons. In contrast to microtubules, the role of actin cytoskeleton in the secretory pathway in mammalian cells has not been clearly established. Using cytochalasin D, we have previously shown that microfilaments are not involved in the endoplasmic reticulum–Golgi membrane dynamics. However, it has been reported that, unlike botulinum C2 toxin and latrunculins, cytochalasin D does not produce net depolymerization of actin filaments. Therefore, we have reassessed the functional role of actin microfilaments in the early steps of the biosynthetic pathway using C2 toxin and latrunculin B. The anterograde endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transport monitored with the vesicular stomatitis virus-G protein remained unaltered in cells treated with cytochalasin D, latrunculin B or C2 toxin. Conversely, the brefeldin A-induced Golgi membrane fusion into the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum transport of a Shiga toxin mutant form, and the subcellular distribution of the KDEL receptor were all impaired when actin microfilaments were depolymerized by latrunculin B or C2 toxin. These findings, together with the fact that COPI-coated and uncoated vesicles contain β/γ-actin isoforms, indicate that actin microfilaments are involved in the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi interface, facilitating the retrograde Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum membrane transport, which could be mediated by the orchestrated movement of transport intermediates along microtubule and microfilament tracks.  相似文献   

SRP介导的蛋白识别转运过程首先在真核细胞中发现,作用机制已经研究清楚;而SRP在原核细胞中的发现较晚,虽然该途径主要功能蛋白的序列同真核细胞相似,进化上比较保守,但作用机制还未完全揭示,而且SRP体系在原核生物物种间有一定差别,预示着其机制既有统一性,又具有物种特异性。目前原核生物SRP途径的研究主要集中在Ffh、FtsY和4.5SRNA结构与功能,以及这一过程中能量物质GTP的代谢和作用;文章以此为着眼点,概括总结了原核生物中SRP介导蛋白识别转运的研究进展,同时简单介绍了链霉菌中SRP介导蛋白识别转运的研究近况。希望通过链霉菌的相关研究,从进化角度完善和统一原核生物SRP途径的作用机制。  相似文献   

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