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斑茅割手密复合体(GXAS07-6-1)是广西蔗茅属斑茅和广西甘蔗属割手密的属间杂种,聚集了双亲的优点。本研究利用基于Alu-like的PCR鉴定方法对GXAS07-6-1及甘蔗与GXAS07-6-1的3份F_1材料进行真实性鉴定,基于基因组原位杂交技术(GISH)对父本GXAS07-6-1及其3份F_1染色体组成及核型进行分析。研究结果表明:3份F_1材料为GXAS07-6-1的真杂种;父本GXAS07-6-1的染色体众数为62条,其中30条来自蔗茅属斑茅,32条来自甘蔗属割手密,核型分类属于1B,其染色体按"n+n"方式传递;GXASF_108-2-17、GXASF_108-2-22、GXASF_108-2-32的染色体数目为78~80条,其中69~71条来自甘蔗属,9~11条来自蔗茅属斑茅,3份F_1的核型分类分别属于2B、1B、1B,染色体传递方式均为"n+n"。父本GXAS07-6-1及3份F_1材料中均未发现有染色体的交换或易位现象。甘蔗与斑割复合体杂交,蔗茅属斑茅染色体在亲子间传递过程存在丢失现象。  相似文献   

针对云南割手密82-114(简称云割82-114)丰产、强生势的种质特性,利用福州果蔗(百眉蔗)×云割82-114获得99-67,利用99-67与云瑞99-248杂交获得03-1、03-3、03-12、03-16等18个杂交后代,利用03-16与ROC10杂交获得04-65,利用03-12与云瑞03-122杂交获得04-66等优良创新种质.SSR分子标记鉴定表明:99-67及03-5、03-7、03-10、03-13、03-15是真杂种,为甘蔗新品系的选育提供优良的创新种质.  相似文献   

为了解甘蔗(Saccharum)与斑茅(Erianthus arundinaceus)杂交后代作为抗病亲本的利用价值,通过特异引物PCR鉴定出78份甘蔗与斑茅杂交BC_1真实杂种;通过人工接种花叶病毒和黑穗病菌,初步评价了甘蔗和斑茅杂交BC_1的抗病表现。结果表明,甘蔗和斑茅杂交BC_1的抗花叶病具有普遍性,而黑穗病抗性则出现分离。初步筛选出BC_1无性系YCE01-48、YCE01-71、YCE01-105、YCE01-125、YCE02-184和YCE01-118可同时抗花叶病和黑穗病,有望成为甘蔗杂交利用的高抗病源亲本。  相似文献   

揭示斑茅割手密复合体在杂交利用过程中的斑茅、割手密野生特异基因在各世代的遗传规律,为利用斑割复合体创制甘蔗育种新亲本提供理论依据。利用AFLP-PCR分子标记结合毛细管电泳技术对斑割复合体在杂交利用过程中的斑茅、割手密野生特异基因在各世代的传递动态进行分析,并研究它们之间的遗传关系。29对AFLP引物组合共扩增出3695个位点,多态性比例为97.89%。斑茅和割手密对斑割复合体的遗传贡献率分别为43.96%和56.04%。斑茅特异位点在F1、BC1和BC2 3个世代的平均遗传率分别为8.25%、1.90%和0.63%,割手密特异位点在F1、BC1和BC2 3个世代的平均遗传率分别为16.98%、2.40%和0.21%,特异遗传物质均呈逐代减少趋势。比较不同世代甘蔗栽培种亲本遗传到后代的特异位点比率,F1的GT02-761特异位点比率最高,BC1的GT05-2743特异位点比例平均高达92.75%,BC2的ROC23遗传率最低,为49.09%,FN39遗传率最高,达94.32%。聚类分析结果表明斑割复合体偏向父本遗传,斑割复合体杂交后代偏向甘蔗栽培种遗传,与分子遗传关系分析结果一致。研究表明,经过3代的遗传重组,斑割复合体后代的遗传物质与斑割复合体相比已发生了很大的改变;研究明确了斑茅、割手密2个亲本在3个世代的遗传贡献规律,为进一步的杂交选育提供理论支持。  相似文献   

SCoT分子标记在割手密遗传图谱构建中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以割手密GXS85-30×GXS87-16的杂交后代为材料,应用目标起始密码子多态性(SCoT)分子标记对杂交后代进行杂种鉴定,获得由157个单株组成的F1杂种群,同时对比SCoT、AFLP和SSR分子标记在割手密基因组多态性分析和获得分离标记的效果,证实SCoT在扩增DNA多态性上优于SSR分子标记,在获取分离标记上优于AFLP分子标记,验证了SCoT分子标记技术在割手密遗传分析中的应用效果,为割手密遗传分析和遗传图谱构建提供了一种新型高效的目的基因分子标记技术。  相似文献   

甘蔗、斑茅及其杂种的过氧化物酶同工酶   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
甘蔗属(Saccharum L.)主要包括热带种(S.officinarum L.)、中国种(S.sinensisRoxb)、印度种(S.barberi Jeswiet)、“割手密”种(S.spontaneum L.)和大茎野生种(S.robustum Brandes)。甘蔗属的近缘植物——斑茅(Arundinaceum Retz)应该划归甘蔗属、蔗茅属(Erianthus Michx)或另立一属,意见不一。Dutt 等将斑茅列入蔗茅属,耿以礼等则将其划归甘蔗属。甘蔗糖业栽培的甘蔗(糖蔗)是热带种与割手密种、大  相似文献   

中国斑茅种质资源分子多态性分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采用ISSR分子标记技术,对采自我国8省区的30个斑茅[Erianthus arundinaceus (Retz.) Jesw.]无性系的分子多态性进行了分析, 共扩增出87条多态带, 平均每个引物扩增的多态带数为 5.1条, 多态性条带比率(PPB)为 64.89%,多态信息量(PIC)为0.58,说明我国斑茅具有较丰富的遗传多样性.根据研究结果进行聚类和主成分分析,可将30个斑茅无性系归为4大类,同一地区的斑茅无性系基本聚在同一类,呈现出一定的地域性分布规律.  相似文献   

为探讨不同基因型割手密无性系间的亲缘关系,采用酶解去壁低渗法对不同基因型的割手密材料进行核型分析。10份供试材料的绝大多数染色体为中部着丝点(m)染色体,少数为近中部着丝点(sm)染色体及正中部着丝点(M)染色体,部分材料中还具有端部着丝点(T)染色体及近端部着丝点区染色体(t);依据分析结果总结了参试材料的核型公式;参试材料中有2份为1B核型、7份为2B核型、1份为2C核型。参试材料间的核型均存在差异且不对称。  相似文献   

甘蔗、斑茅及其杂种的过氧化物酶同工酶   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

基于GISH的甘蔗与斑茅F1染色体遗传与核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑茅在甘蔗育种的利用是现代甘蔗育种种质创新的热点,育种者期望把斑茅中优异的特性通过杂交渗透到甘蔗中。甘蔗与斑茅的F1是斑茅利用研究的难点也是基础。本研究利用基因组原位杂交技术(GISH)分析甘蔗与斑茅的F1染色体构成和核型,探讨甘蔗与斑茅F1染色体的遗传行为。GISH结果表明,甘蔗与斑茅杂交F1的染色体众数68~69条,其中40条来自甘蔗热带种Badila,28~29条来自海南斑茅,未发现有染色体的交换或易位现象。参试材料大部分染色体都属于中部着丝点(m)的染色体,少数为近中部着丝点(sm),YCE95-41核型属2B型,其余的核型都为1B型。甘蔗与斑茅的染色体按n+n的方式传递给F1,本研究结果为斑茅种质在甘蔗育种中的利用及其杂交后代染色体细胞遗传研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Summary The genomic stability of tissue culture regenerants of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids, cvs CP721210, CP68-1067 and B43-62) was analyzed by DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Plants regenerated from calli, cell suspensions, cryopreserved cell suspensions and protoplasts were used. Total DNA isolated from 19 different sources was digested with EcoRI, HindIII, BamHI, BamHI, EcoRI and PstI and probed with six known maize mitochondrial genes (coxI, coxII, atpA, atp6, atp9 and rrn18-rrn5), three random maize mitochondrial cosmid clones, two random maize chloroplast cosmid clones and a wheat Nor locus clone. Hybridization patterns indicated that the variation observed was minor and appeared only in the secondcycle regenerants. No differences were observed among the three cultivars and the regenerants from calli, suspension culture, cryopreserved suspension culture and protoplasts. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) isolated from CP72-1210 plants and its embryogenic cell suspensions, and bulk samples from all CP72-1210 regenerants pooled together were digested with EcoRI, HindIII, PstI, BamHI and SalI and probed with three recombinationally active wheat mtDNA clones, K, K3 and X2. No variation in the mtDNA restriction patterns was observed between the CP72-1210 plants and its regenerants. However, restriction pattern variation was observed only from EcoRI digestion, and hybridization patterns of K3, K and X2 revealed minor variations in the mtDNA of cell suspensions when compared with the DNA of the CP72-1210 plant. Except for a qualitative variation detected by the X2 probe and minor stoichiometric variations detected by the K3 probe, sugarcane DNAs were found to be stable after plant regeneration.Florida Agriculture Experiment Station Journal Series No. R-02703  相似文献   

Introgression of Erianthus arundinaceus has been the focus of several sugarcane breeding programs in the world, because the species has desirable traits such as high biomass production, vigour, ratooning ability and good resistance to environmental stresses and disease. In this study four genetic maps were constructed for two intergeneric populations. The first population (BC1) was generated from a cross between an Erianthus/Saccharum hybrid YC96-40 and a commercial sugarcane variety CP84-1198. The second population (BC2) was generated from a cross between YCE01-116, a progeny of the BC1 cross and NJ57-416, a commercial sugarcane cultivar. Markers across both populations were generated using 35 AFLP and 23 SSR primer pairs. A total of 756 and 728 polymorphic markers were scored in the BC1 and BC2 populations, respectively. In the BC1 population, a higher proportion of markers was derived from the Erianthus ancestor than those from the Saccharum ancestor Badila. In the BC2 population, both the number and proportion of markers derived from Erianthus were approximately half of those in the BC1 population. Linkage analysis led to the construction of 38, 57, 36 and 47 linkage groups (LGs) for YC96-40, CP84-1198, YCE01-116, and NJ57-416, encompassing 116, 174, 97 and 159 markers (including single dose, double dose and bi-parental markers), respectively. These LGs could be further placed into four, five, five and six homology groups (HGs), respectively, based on information from multi-allelic SSR markers and repulsion phase linkages detected between LGs. Analysis of repulsion phase linkage indicated that Erianthus behaved like a true autopolyploid.  相似文献   

苜蓿红豆草属间体细胞杂种的分子生物学鉴定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
徐子勤   《生物工程学报》2000,16(2):173-178
通过原生质体融合和培养获得苜蓿红豆草属间体细胞杂种植株。采用一种简便方法从杂种组织再生植株叶片、红豆草羟脯氨酸抗性系再生植株叶片和苜蓿根癌农杆菌702转化系愈伤组织提取DNA用于RAPD和Southern杂交分析。随机引物扩增结果显示两种亲本的RAPD多态具有明显差异。在所用20种随机引物中,6种产生较多的DNA片段。杂种组织具有两种亲本特有的DNA片段,但倾向于排除红豆草亲本的染色体,表明该杂种为非对称杂种,两种亲本染色体之间可能发生了重组。由于红豆草DNA的介入,杂种组织表现出较强的分化能力。分别利用RAPD扩增得到的OPA141000bp红豆草羟脯氨酸抗性系特异产物和OPA141600bp苜蓿根癌农杆菌702转化系特异产物为探针进行Southern分子杂交,证明杂种组织同时具有这两种DNA片段的同源序列。  相似文献   

Marker-assisted selection for traits that are difficult to screen for, such as resistance to many sugarcane diseases, has the potential to facilitate the development of improved cultivars in sugarcane. Pachymetra root rot (PRR) and brown rust resistance ratings were obtained over two years for 192 I1 progeny (progeny produced by two heterozygous, non-inbred parental lines) of a sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) cross between two elite sugarcane clones, Q117 and 74C42. Approximately 1000 single-dose markers, including microsatellite (SSR), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, were scored across the population and maps containing approximately 400 markers were constructed for each parent. At p ≤ 0.01, two genomic regions, one from the female Q117 map and a different region from the 74C42 male map, plus an unlinked bi-parental simplex marker (single-dose marker present in both parents) were identified as associated with PRR over both years of data collection. These regions explained between 6 and 16% of the phenotypic variation. An additional region was identified in the female map as associated with PRR at p ≤ 0.01 in one year and p ≤ 0.05 in the second year. This region explained between 4 and 8% of the phenotypic variation. For brown rust, two genomic regions, one from the female map and one from the male map, plus an unlinked marker from both maps, were identified as associated with brown rust resistance at p ≤ 0.01 over two years of phenotypic data. Each region explained between 7 and 18% of the phenotypic variation. Several additional regions were identified in both maps as associated with brown rust at p ≤ 0.01 in one year and p ≤ 0.05 in the second year. These regions also explained between 5 and 11% of the phenotypic variation. To validate these markers and determine whether they would be useful in alternative germplasm, markers from each genomic region associated with PRR or brown rust were screened across a set of 154 elite sugarcane clones; PRR and brown rust ratings were available for 131 and 72 of the clones, respectively. For PRR, three of the 6 markers tested remained significantly associated (p ≤ 0.01) with resistance ratings in the elite clone set. For brown rust, only one of the seven markers tested remained significantly associated (p ≤ 0.01) with resistance in the elite clone set, with one other marker associated at p ≤ 0.05. These results suggest that these markers could be broadly effective in selecting for PRR and/or brown rust resistance in sugarcane breeding programs.  相似文献   

红莲型杂交稻(红莲2号)及其骨干亲本的RAPD分析与鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用RAPD技术,从248个随机寡核苷酸引物(10-mer)中筛出18个引物对红莲型杂交稻组合红莲2号及其亲本(T-07A、T-07B、YD6-05),另6个红莲型胞质不育系的骨干恢复和汕优63及其亲本共14份水稻材料进行分析。共检测到173个多态性标记。聚类分析结果表明:不育系与保持系间因核背景相似,遗传差异很小;杂种(F1)的基因型更倾向于恢复系;恢复系与保持系间遗传距离的相对较大,但各恢复系之间的遗传距离较小。利用这些标记能有效地地区交组合中不育系,保持系、恢复系和杂种(F1)。  相似文献   

Thirty landraces were selected from a Gene Bank collection comprising of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) landraces from across Greece. The genetic variability among the 30 landraces and one commercial greek cultivar, intended for industrial use, was assessed by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR), Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) and Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) - Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) molecular markers. All genotypes were clearly distinguished in the dendrograms produced, with the ISSR and SCoT dendrograms being the most consistent. Three landraces were grouped together in all dendrogams revealing a possible phylogenetic relationship. Furthermore, EST-SSR markers were combined with High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis by which the more adequate and confident separation of the landraces was accomplished due to the unique HRM profiles produced. Genotyping the rich Greek pepper germplasm by molecular markers will aid the breeding process towards well adopted Greek pepper cultivars of higher quality and productivity.  相似文献   

The intergeneric hybrids between Roegneria kamoji Ohwi and Dasypyrum villosum (L.)Candargy were successfully obtained by means of embryo culture in vitro. Studies on morphology, fertility and chromosome pairing behavior in meiosis of the parents and their hybrid Fl were carried out in the present work. The results showed that: (1) there were ob vious morphological differences between R. kamoji and D. villosum, and spikes of Fl plants were morphologically intermediate between the two parental species; (2) the seed set of the cross was 11.63%; the hybrid plant was infertile, which indicated that strong repro ductive isolation existed between the parents and R. kamoji and D. villosum were inde pendent biological species; (3) The somatic chromosome number in root-tips of Fl hybrids was 28. Chromosome pairing at MI of PMCs in Fl hybrids was quite low. The meiotic con figuration was 26.72 Ⅰ + 0.62 Ⅱ + 0.02 Ⅲ, which indicated that very low homoeology was detected between the St, H, Y genomes of R. kamoji and the V genome of D. villo- sum, and the relationship between the parental species was remote.  相似文献   

鹅观草和簇毛麦属间杂种的形态学和细胞遗传学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过幼胚离体拯救培养,成功地获得鹅观草Roegneria kamoji Ohwi(2n=6x=42,StStHHYY)和 簇毛麦Dasypyrum villosum(L.)Candargy(2n=2x=14,VV)属间杂种,对这两个种及其杂种Fl的形 态学、繁育学和减数分裂配对行为进行了研究。结果表明:(1)鹅观草和簇毛麦形态差异极大,杂种F1 的形态特征介于父母本之间;(2)杂交结实率低,为11.63%;经幼胚组织培养,获2株杂种苗;杂种Fl高 度不育,表明亲本间存在极强的生殖隔离,是独立的生物学种;(3)杂种Fl体细胞染色体数目为稳定的 28条,减数分裂中期I染色体配对很低,其构型为:26.72Ⅰ+0.62Ⅱ+0.02Ⅲ。表明鹅观草的St、H、Y染色体组与簇毛麦的V染色体组部分同源性很低,它们的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

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