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This study evaluates how a modelling approach to determine areas of suitable habitat for the Critically Endangered Albany cycad Encephalartos latifrons can assist in systematic conservation planning for this and other rare and threatened cycads. A map distinguishing suitable from unsuitable habitat for E. latifrons was produced and important environmental predictors (climate, geology, topography and vegetation) influencing the suitable habitat were estimated. The maximum entropy (MaxEnt) modelling technique was chosen for this study as it has consistently performed well compared with alternative modelling methods and is also an appropriate model choice when the sample size is small and locality records are relatively few. Predicted habitat suitability showed that some locations chosen for translocation and restoration of E. latifrons specimens are not suitable. This revealed that modelling suitable habitat can guide relocation and regeneration of E. latifrons and perhaps other threatened cycads with restricted distributions and few locality records. The species distribution model constructed for E. latifrons is the first reported habitat model for a Critically Endangered cycad in South Africa. The results may be incorporated into conservation planning and structured decision-making about translocations and restoration programmes involving vulnerable cycads, which are among the most threatened organisms globally.  相似文献   

The legume, Pueraria montana var. lobata (kudzu vine) is one of the worst plant invaders globally. Here we present the first study of P. montana in South Africa. We found only seven P. montana populations covering an estimated condensed area of 74 hectares during the height of the growing season. Based on a species distribution model, it appears that large parts of the globe are suitable, including parts of the eastern escarpment of South Africa (where most populations occur). South African populations of P. montana appear to have a similar ecology to populations in the USA: high growth rates, low seed germination, no natural long-distance dispersal, little herbivory and vigorous post-fire resprouting. In contrast to the USA, most South African populations do flower and flowers are capable of producing seed in the absence of pollinators. However, P. montana appears to have never been widely planted in South Africa, and the incursion was for many years restricted to a single introduction site. The comparison between the invasions of P. montana in the USA and South Africa highlights the often overriding importance of human-assisted dispersal and cultivation in creating widespread invasions, and should serve as a warning to people who have proposed to utilize the species in Africa.  相似文献   

Primates play a fundamental role as seed dispersers, particularly in tropical rainforests. Because defaunation and fragmentation are leading several primate species to local extinction, it is fundamental to understand the role of primates as effective seed dispersers. Here we present a systematic review of studies of seed dispersal by primates in a biodiversity hotspot, the Atlantic Forest of South America, to 1) highlight gaps in our knowledge, 2) determine species richness and proportion of seed species dispersed, and 3) test the relationship between primate body size and the size of dispersed species. Our review found 79 studies of the diet of six ecospecies (Callithrix, Leontopithecus, Callicebus, Sapajus, Alouatta, Brachyteles) but only 20 of these report information on seed dispersal, and none of these are on Callithrix or Callicebus. We found a strong bias in the distribution of species and regions, with most of the studies concentrated in southeastern Brazil. All ecospecies dispersed a large proportion of the seed species they handled (72.1–93.6%). Brachyteles dispersed the highest diversity of plants (N = 73), followed by Sapajus (N = 66), Leontopithecus (N = 49), and Alouatta (N = 26). Although we found no significant relationship between primate body size and the size of seeds dispersed, Brachyteles disperse a higher diversity of large-seeded species than smaller-bodied primates. These results suggest that the local extinction of large primate species may lead to dramatic changes in the plant community, as many large-seeded plants are inaccessible to smaller arboreal frugivores. We propose guidelines for future research on primate seed dispersal to enable the evaluation of seed dispersal effectiveness and to improve our understanding of the fundamental role of primates in this key ecosystem process.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and landscape degradation affect animal-mediated seed dispersal, often collapsing the regeneration of endangered plant species and habitats in anthropogenic landscapes. We first compared the role of red fox and other vertebrates as seed disperser for the keystone scrub Ziziphus lotus. Because it turned out that foxes are the major Z. lotus dispersers, we investigated how fox activity and dispersal service relate to habitat loss and landscape alteration in the threatened Ziziphus semiarid scrublands, a priority habitat for conservation in Europe. Considering its opportunistic behavior, we hypothesized that landscape features should affect moderately fox abundance, while influence in a large extent its dispersal service. Accordingly, we predicted that a substantial decline in Ziziphus fruit consumption rather than in disperser activity would be responsible for seed dispersal collapse under severe habitat loss. We evaluated fox activity and dispersal service in 17 populations of Z. lotus spread through the range of its habitat in Spain and found within landscapes with different land-use intensity. We certified the collapse of the dispersal service by fox under severe habitat loss and confirmed that fox activity was less affected by habitat loss or landscape alteration than consumption of Ziziphus fruits. Consequently, the decline of consumption of Ziziphus fruits under severe habitat loss triggers the collapse of its seed dispersal. Results suggest that without increase of the remnant areas other managements may not suffice to achieve seed dispersal and habitat restoring. Dispersal service and natural regeneration in many Ziziphus habitat remnants will possibly cease in the future if habitat loss continues.  相似文献   

Sad pine is one of the most prominent pine species in Mexico due to its conspicuous pendulous foliage and extreme habitat. However, scientific studies of the species are scarce, and genetic information on sad pine populations is lacking. This endemic tree species occurs naturally on the Sierra Madre Occidental where it covers a total area of about 1,600,000 ha. It typically grows with several species of Quercus and Pinus or in pure stands in uneven-aged forests. Pinus lumholtzii is naturally spatially fragmented, and genetic research on seed and pollen dispersal patterns and spatial genetic structure (SGS)—and the possible implications of these in terms of evolution, conservation and breeding management—is particularly important. Given the fragmented occurrence of the preferred soil type, the goal of this research was to use amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to identify potential differences in spatial genetic structure within and between five P. lumholtzii seed stands at fine and large scales. At the fine scale, we almost always observed non-significant autocorrelation, suggesting that the genetic variants of P. lumholtzii are randomly distributed in space within each sampled seed stand. At the larger scale, our findings provide strong support for the theory of isolation by distance that predicts the expected pattern of SGS at drift–dispersal equilibrium. We recommend a network of P. lumholtzii seed stands of maximum distances of 100 km among stands to prevent greater loss of local genetic variants and use the seeds for reforestations in a radius of maximal 50 km from their proveniences.  相似文献   

The seed dispersal patterns of bird-dispersed trees often show substantial seasonal and annual variation due to temporal changes in frugivorous bird and bird-dispersed fruit distributions. Elucidating such variation and how it affects plant regeneration is important for understanding the evolution and seed dispersal maintenance strategies of these plants. In this study, we investigated the seed dispersal quantity and distance of a bird-dispersed plant, Swida controversa, for 2 years and detected large seasonal variations in dispersal pattern. Early in the fruiting season, short seed dispersal distance and large amounts of fruit consumption by birds (seed dispersal quantity) were observed. In contrast, late in the fruiting season, a long seed dispersal distance and small seed dispersal quantity were observed. This relationship between seed dispersal distance and quantity may help to maintain constant seed dispersal effectiveness during the long S. controversa fruiting season. Annual variation was also detected for both seed dispersal quantity and distance. More effective seed dispersal was achieved in the masting year, because both seed dispersal quantity and distance were greater than that in the non-masting year. These seed dispersal dynamics may contribute to the evolution and maintenance of S. controversa masting behavior. Thus, we identified substantial temporal variation on both seasonal and annual scales in the seed dispersal pattern of a bird-dispersed plant. The temporal variation in seed dispersal pattern revealed in this study probably plays a substantial role in the life history and population dynamics of S. controversa.  相似文献   

Dispersal abilities of invading species emerge from the interaction between the species and some features of the target community. Ligustrum lucidum is a tree species invading different ecosystems. Major spatial patterns of Ligustrum invasions and their ecological consequences have been analyzed, but no study addressed the dispersal process at a fine scale, assessing the effects of different biological and environmental factors. Ligustrum lucidum is an ornithochoric species. The structure of the environment determines bird movements and thus affects seed dispersal. We used inverse modeling to analyze bird-mediated dispersal of L. lucidum seeds in a secondary Yungas forest and surrounding crop-fields. We assessed the effects of egestion mode (regurgitation and defecation) and tree density (as an environment character) on seed dispersal. Seed dispersal presented different spatial patterns depending on the egestion mode. Tree density was positively associated with the number of regurgitated dispersed seeds and negatively associated with the number of defecated dispersed seeds. In both cases, dispersal distance increased in open areas, but absence of perches inhibited seed arrival. Thus, spread of L. lucidum is facilitated in open areas with some trees; inside the native forest, short distance dispersal facilitates the gradual invasion by this exotic species. Our results suggest that processes like crop abandonment and forest succession, which are active in subtropical montane systems, may facilitate L. lucidum invasion. Our seed dispersal models should be combined with actual distribution maps of L. lucidum to identify areas vulnerable to new invasions.  相似文献   

Chamaerops humilis L. (Mediterranean dwarf palm) is an important floristic element of the western Mediterranean region because it is the only palm species naturally distributed in both Europe and Africa. The combination of a time-calibrated phylogeny, a haplotype network and genetic diversity analyses based on plastid sequences, together with previous nuclear DNA fingerprint results, helped reconstruct the colonization history of the dwarf palm. Based on a sample of 218 individuals taken from 29 geographical areas that cover the current distribution of Chamaerops, we detected four plastid DNA (petA-psbJ) haplotypes distributed in two haplotype groups (lineage 1: haplotypes A/B; lineage 2: haplotypes C/D). Haplotypes A, B, and C showed a widespread geographical distribution in both Africa and Europe, whereas haplotype D was restricted to two African localities. Paleobotanical data, species distribution modeling and divergence time estimates suggest that Chamaerops diverged from Trachycarpus in the Miocene (27.05–6.05 Ma), followed by a split of the two C. humilis lineages that remained isolated during the Miocene-Pliocene. Divergence estimates also support a derived split into two haplotypes (A/B) in the Pleistocene, when the Mediterranean Sea barrier was in existence. This, together with geographical distribution of haplotypes A and B, strongly suggests that the disjunct distribution of C. humilis haplotypes in Europe and Africa is the result of long-distance dispersal (LDD) events rather than vicariance. In agreement with recurrent gene flow (events of LDD colonization), AMOVA revealed that most of the genetic variance was found among populations (61.52%). Irrespective of predominant plant translocations by humans or seed dispersal by natural means, our results support that current populations are the result of relatively recent contacts between Africa and Europe in the Quaternary.  相似文献   

The dispersal and germination unit of some Brassicaceae species is the fruit, and we hypothesized that it could affect germination phenology and promote formation of a soil seed bank. We determined the effects of the indehiscent pericarp on germination and longevity of buried seeds of five Brassicaceae species native to cold deserts of central Asia. Germination phenology (seedling emergence) was monitored for intact dispersal units and isolated seeds of Chorispora sibirica, Goldbachia laevigata, Spirorrhynchus sabulosus, Tauscheria lasiocarpa (annuals), and Sterigmostemum fuhaiense (perennial) at natural temperatures in watered and non-watered (natural precipitation) soil. Intact dispersal units and isolated seeds were buried under natural conditions and exhumed at regular intervals for 35 months to monitor germination, viability and moisture content of isolated seeds, seeds in dispersal units, and seeds removed from dispersal units after burial. Isolated seeds of Goldbachia, Spirorrhynchus, and Tauscheria germinated only the first autumn and those of Chorispora and Sterigmostemum the first autumn and first spring, with higher germination percentages in all species in watered than in non-watered soil. A high percentage of seeds in buried dispersal units of Chorispora, Goldbachia, and Sterigmostemum was viable after 35 months, and seeds exhibited a 6-month dormancy cycle, being non-dormant only in autumn and spring. Seeds in buried dispersal units of Spirorrhynchus and Tauscheria germinated when exhumed in the first spring, but all non-germinated seeds were dead after 1 year. Thus, the presence of the pericarp allows Chorispora, Goldbachia, and Sterigmostemum to form a persistent seed bank but not Spirorrhynchus and Tauscheria.  相似文献   

We use public records from 1980 to 2014 to analyse survival of the EU Annex IV species Aeshna viridis in Sweden, a dragonfly strongly associated with the plant Stratiotes aloides. We clustered localities with S. aloides based on assumed dispersal abilities of A. viridis, using a dispersing radius of 2–100 km, calculating the proportion of sites with S. aloides that A. viridis is able to reach. If mean dispersal capability is high (40 km or above) 92.6 % or more of the localities are connected. For a good disperser, the probability of long-time survival is good. We further analysed the species richness of other Odonata and aquatic plants at 98 localities from the dataset. A. viridis co-occurred with more Odonata in the presence of S. aloides and running water but not in lakes. S. aloides sites had a higher number of other aquatic plants. Area had no impact on the occurrence of the species. For the present situation we surveyed 32 localities with known occurrence of the species. Only half of the sites for S. aloides contained any specimens while A. viridis occurred in the same number of sites. The species co-occurred in only 8 of 32 sites. In four sites A. viridis larvae appeared among Menyanthes trifoliata, Phragmites australis, Potamogeton natans and Sphagnum spp., indicating that at high latitudes A. viridis breeds among other species. Indirect monitoring based only on S. aloides would underestimate the number of populations of the dragonfly.  相似文献   

An important feature of seed dispersal mutualism is the differentiation of dispersal-related seed traits (dispersal syndrome), which potentially contribute to partitioning of both seed dispersers and regeneration sites among sympatric plants. Yet, the selective factors underlying the diversity in dispersal syndromes are largely unknown. The differential requirements for seed dispersal distances are often proposed as a main factor in plant adaptations to disperser animals. Focusing on two sympatric ant-dispersed sedges Carex lanceolata and Carex tristachya (Cyperaceae), we tested the association of the adaptation to different dispersers with requirements for seed dispersal distances. We found that C. lanceolata was more frequently dispersed by the large ant Formica japonica (which had relatively long dispersal distances compared with other smaller ants) than by C. tristachya, and this was caused by the higher seed attractiveness of C. lanceolata to F. japonica. Pot experiments manipulating adult-to-seedling distances showed that isolation from conspecific adults only benefited C. lanceolata seedlings, and C. tristachya seedlings were not affected. These results support the importance of differential requirements for seed dispersal distances as a factor underlying the diversity in dispersal syndromes among animal-dispersed plants.  相似文献   

Pentadesma butyracea Sabine, a rain forest food tree species, plays a vital role in the socio-economic livelihood of some West African rural communities due to its various products. However, its scattered populations are threatened in Benin. Defining appropriate conservation strategies requires a good knowledge of mating patterns and their consequences for population genetics. The outcrossing rate, levels of correlated paternity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of adults and maternal sibships were estimated for one small population and three large populations in Benin using microsatellite markers. Similar outcrossing rates (88–95%) were found in all populations, showing that P. butyracea is mainly an outbreeding species. We found no evidence of inbreeding depression from a decay of inbreeding with age. The spatial genetic structure within the large populations (Sp statistic?=?0.003–0.038) was consistent with isolation-by-distance expectations, showing that gene dispersal is spatially limited. Limited pollen dispersal is highlighted by the decay of the degree of correlated paternity between sibships with spatial distance. The mean pollen dispersal distance was estimated between 50 m and 450 m, but up to 21% pollen may migrate from external sources. The smallest population displayed slightly higher correlated paternity than the large populations (r p ?=?0.37 vs. r p ?=?0.17–0.30). In conclusion, our results suggest that small populations may show a reduction in sire numbers in seed, while the fragmented populations, large and small, are connected through gene flow. There is little inbreeding and no evidence of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Five species of mouse or forest shrews (Myosorex) are endemic to South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland, four of which (Myosorex varius, Myosorex cafer, Myosorex longicaudatus and Myosorex cf. tenuis) are associated with montane or temperate grassland, fynbos and/or forest habitats while a fifth (Myosorex sclateri) is associated with lowland subtropical forests. Due to their small size, specialised habitat, low dispersal capacity, high metabolism and sensitivity to temperature extremes, we predicted that, particularly for montane species, future climate change should have a negative impact on area of occupancy (AOO) and ultimately extinction risks. Species distribution models (SDMs) indicated general declines in AOO of three species by 2050 under the A1b and A2 climate change scenarios (M. cafer, M. varius, M. longicaudatus) while two species (M. sclateri and M. cf. tenuis) remained unchanged (assuming no dispersal) or increased their AOO (assuming dispersal). While temperate species such as M. varius appear to be limited by temperature maxima (preferring cooler temperatures), the subtropical species M. sclateri appears to be limited by temperature minima (preferring warmer temperatures). Evidence for declines in AOO informed the uplisting (to a higher category of threat) of the Red List status of four Myosorex species to either vulnerable or endangered as part of a separate regional International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List assessment.  相似文献   

During the first half of the twentieth century, two accidental cases of introduction of Pissodes weevils were recorded from the southern hemisphere. The weevils in South Africa were identified as the deodar weevil (Pissodes nemorensis) and those in South America as the small banded pine weevil (Pissodes castaneus). Wide distribution of the two species in their invasive range, general difficulty in identifying some Pissodes spp., and the varying feeding and breeding behaviours of the species in South Africa has necessitated better evidence of species identity and genetic diversity of both species and population structure of the species in South Africa. Barcoding and the Jerry-to-Pat region of the COI gene were investigated. Morphometric data of the South African species was analysed. Our results confirmed the introduction of only one Pissodes species of North American origin to South Africa. However, this species is not P. nemorensis, but an unrecognized species of the P. strobi complex or a hybrid between P. strobi and P. nemorensis. Only P. castaneus, of European origin, was identified from South America. We identified ten mitochondrial DNA haplotypes from South Africa with evidence of moderate genetic structure among geographic populations. Terminal leader and bole-feeding weevils did not differ at the COI locus. A single haplotype was identified from populations of P. castaneus in South America. Results of the present study will have implications on quarantine, research and management of these insect species.  相似文献   

Oceanic archipelagos are typically rich in endemic taxa, because they offer ideal conditions for diversification and speciation in isolation. One of the most remarkable evolutionary radiations on the Canary Islands comprises the 16 species included in Limonium subsection Nobiles, all of which are subject to diverse threats, and legally protected. Since many of them are single-island endemics limited to one or a few populations, there exists a risk that a loss of genetic variation might limit their long-term survival. In this study, we used eight newly developed microsatellite markers to characterize the levels of genetic variation and inbreeding in L. macrophyllum, a species endemic to the North-east of Tenerife that belongs to Limonium subsection Nobiles. We detected generally low levels of genetic variation over all populations (H T = 0.363), and substantial differentiation among populations (F ST = 0.188; R ST = 0.186) coupled with a negligible degree of inbreeding (F?=?0.042). Obligate outcrossing may have maintained L. macrophyllum relatively unaffected by inbreeding despite the species’ limited dispersal ability and the genetic bottlenecks likely caused by a prolonged history of grazing. Although several factors still constitute a risk for the conservation of L. macrophyllum, the lack of inbreeding and the recent positive demographic trends observed in the populations of this species are factors that favour its future persistence.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying biological invasion of highly disturbed ecosystems are well known, yet mechanisms responsible for biological invasion of undisturbed or weakly disturbed ecosystems are less understood. The triggering attribute (TA) approach, proposed as a mechanism that explains plant invasion success in undisturbed or weakly disturbed systems, considers that the spread of alien species depends on specific vegetative or regenerative traits in invasive species, discontinuously distributed in comparison to the resident community. In mountain Chaco woodland, fruiting phenology of ornithocorous invasive plants has been proposed as a TA, because it would allow invasive species to benefit from seed dispersal service, which is unused by native plants during a specific period of the year (winter). Under the seed dispersal ecology framework, we evaluated if fruiting phenology (fructification largely uncoupled with native species) of the fleshy-fruited invasive Pyracantha angustifolia affects bird fruit consumption, and allows the invasive to take advantage of the unused seed dispersal service during winter. If uncoupled fructification phenology represents a TA, seed disperser, seed predator, and pulp consumer diversity, abundance, and fruit consumption on P. angustifolia (which fructifies in winter), will be higher than on its exotic congeneric P. coccinea during summer, when fructification overlaps with native Celtis ehrenbergiana and many other native species. We found that: (1) disperser bird abundance and fruit consumption did not differ between P. angustifolia and P. coccinea; (2) the most diverse frugivorous assemblage was observed on C. ehrenbergiana, yet it had the lowest proportion of seed dispersers and the highest fruit consumption by seed predators and, (3) we also observed higher proportion of seed predators on P. angustifolia (uncoupled fructification scenario) than on P. coccinea (coupled fructification scenario). Our results suggest that invasive uncoupled fructification phenology does not represent a true TA which facilitates plant invasion processes in undisturbed or weakly disturbed ecosystem.  相似文献   

Pelagic larval dispersal habits influence the population genetic structure of marine mollusk organisms via gene flow. The genetic information of the clam Gomphina aequilatera (short larval stage, 10 days) which is ecologically and economically important in the China coast is unknown. To determine the influence of planktonic larval duration on the genetic structure of G. aequilatera. Mitochondrial markers, cytochrome oxidase subunit i (COI) and 12S ribosomal RNA (12S rRNA), were used to investigate the population structure of wild G. aequilatera specimens from four China Sea coastal locations (Zhoushan, Nanji Island, Zhangpu and Beihai). Partial COI (685 bp) and 12S rRNA (350 bp) sequences were determined. High level and significant FST values were obtained among the different localities, based on either COI (FST?=?0.100–0.444, P?<?0.05) or 12S rRNA (FST?=?0.193–0.742, P?<?0.05), indicating a high degree of genetic differentiation among the populations. The pairwise Nm between Beihai and Zhoushan for COI was 0.626 and the other four pairwise Nm values were >?1, indicating extensive gene flow among them. The 12S rRNA showed the same pattern. AMOVA test results for COI and 12S rRNA indicated major genetic variation within the populations: 77.96% within and 22.04% among the populations for COI, 55.73% within and 44.27% among the populations for 12S rRNA. A median-joining network suggested obvious genetic differentiation between the Zhoushan and Beihai populations. This study revealed the extant population genetic structure of G. aequilatera and showed a strong population structure in a species with a short planktonic larval stage.  相似文献   

In grasslands, litter has been recognized as an important factor promoting grass persistence and the suppression of forbs. The invasive European annual grass Bromus diandrus (ripgut brome) is widespread throughout California, where it produces a persistent and thick litter layer. The native grass, Stipa pulchra, is also common in some grassland settings and can also produce persistent litter, yet it is typically associated with more forbs. Very little is known about the mechanisms through which these two common grass species influence seedling establishment of both exotic invasive and native herbs. Here, we evaluated the effect of B. diandrus and S. pulchra litter on seedling establishment of two invasive (the grass B. diandrus and the forb Centaurea melitensis) and two native (the grass S. pulchra, and the forb Clarkia purpurea) herbaceous plants in a greenhouse setting. Our results showed that B. diandrus litter cover hindered seedling establishment of the four species tested, but that the degree and mechanism of inhibition was dependent on which species was tested, life form (e.g. monocot/dicot) and seed size. Seedling emergence of the two forb species was more vulnerable to litter cover than either grass species and both forbs had smaller seed size. After germination, only seedling biomass of B. diandrus itself was reduced by litter (both B. diandrus and S. pulchra). We found no significant effects of leachate of either grass species on seedling emergence of any species, while a high concentration of B. diandrus leachates inhibited root growth of all species including B. diandrus seedlings. Stipa pulchra litter leachates did not affect S. pulchra or C. melitensis seedlings although it did suppress B. diandrus and C. purpurea seedling growth. Our findings provide direct experimental evidence for the mechanism of effect of litter on these coexisting invasive and native species. Such evidence helps advance our understanding of role of B. diandrus and S. pulchra litter in California grassland.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a hemiparasitic weed that causes huge grain yield losses to small-scale farmers in Africa. Effective biocontrol agents against S. hermonthica can sustainably mitigate these losses. This study characterized the biocontrol potential of culturable fungal and bacterial isolates from S. hermonthica suppressive soils of western Kenya. These isolates were screened for their ability to produce antibiotic compounds and extra cellular enzymes and also their ability to cause S. hermonthica seed decay. Genomic DNA of the selected bacterial and fungal isolates was extracted and partial characterization of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes performed respectively. Analysis show that antibiosis and enzymatic properties of potential biocontrol isolates correlated positively. Isolate KY041696 recorded high antibiosis, enzymatic and seed decay values. This study also revealed that bioactive bacterial isolates belonged to Bacillus, Streptomyces and Rhizobium genera. In this study, no fungal isolate caused S. hermonthica seed decay. This study therefore provides baseline information on the potential biocontrol microbes against S. hermonthica in Western Kenya that could be exploited further in the management of the weed.  相似文献   

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