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To investigate correlation between the ameloblastin (Ambn) amino acid sequence and the emergence of prismatic enamel, a notable event in the evolution of ectodermal hard tissues, we analyzed Ambn sequences of 53 species for which enamel microstructures have been previously reported. We found that a potential amphipathic helix (AH) within the sequence encoded by Exon 5 of Ambn appeared in species with prismatic enamel, with a few exceptions. We studied this correlation by investigating synthetic peptides from different species. A blue shift in fluorescence spectroscopy suggested that the peptides derived from mammalian Ambn interacted with liposomes. A downward shift at 222 nm in circular dichroism spectroscopy of the peptides in the presence of liposomes suggested that the peptides of mammals with prismatic enamel underwent a transition from disordered to helical structure. The peptides of species without prismatic enamel did not show similar secondary structural changes in the presence of liposomes. Peptides of mammals with prismatic enamel caused liposome leakage and inhibited LS8 and ALC cell spreading regulated by full-length Ambn. RT-PCR showed that AH is involved in Ambn’s regulation of cell polarization genes: Vangl2, Vangl1, Prickle1, ROCK1, ROCK2, and Par3. Our comprehensive sequence analysis clearly demonstrates that AH motif is closely related to the emergence of enamel prismatic structure, providing insight into the evolution of complex enamel microstructure. We speculate that the AH motif evolved in mammals to interact with cell membrane, triggering signaling pathways required for specific changes in cell morphology associated with the formation of enamel prismatic structure.  相似文献   

Dental enamel thickness has received considerable attention in ecological models of the adaptive significance of primate morphology. Several authors have theorized that the degree of enamel thickness may reflect selective pressures related to the consumption of fallback foods (dietary items that may require complex processing and/or have low nutritional value) during times of preferred food scarcity. Others have speculated that enamel thickness reflects selection during mastication of foods with particular material properties (i.e., toughness and hardness). Orangutans prefer ripe fruit when available, but show interspecific and sex differences in the consumption of fallback foods (bark, leaves, and figs) and other preferred foods (certain seeds). Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) have also been reported to masticate more mechanically demanding foods than Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). To test these ecological models, we assessed two-dimensional enamel thickness in orangutan full dentitions using established histological and virtual quantification methods. No significant differences in average enamel thickness (AET) were found between species. We found significant differences in the components of enamel thickness indices between sexes, with males showing greater enamel-dentine junction lengths and dentine core areas, and thus relatively thinner enamel than females. Comparisons of individuals of known sex and species revealed a dentition-wide trend for Bornean females to show greater AET than Sumatran females. Differences between small samples of males were less evident. These data provide only limited support for ecological explanations of enamel thickness patterns within great ape genera. Future studies of dietary ecology and enamel thickness should consider sex differences more systematically.  相似文献   

Characters from enamel microstructure have not been used in recent phylogenetic analyses of Mesozoic Mammalia. Reasons are that enamel characters have been perceived as (A) variable without regard to systematic position of taxa, (B) inconsistently reported within the literature, and (C) simply scored as either prismatic or not prismatic in earlier mammals. Our work on Mesozoic mammals such as Sinoconodon, Gobiconodon, Triconodontidae, Docodon, Laolestes, and others suggests that synapsid columnar enamel (SCE) structure was easily transformed into plesiomorphic prismatic enamel (PPE) and that PPE may be described with at least five independent character states. Two PPE characters—a flat, open prism sheath and a planar prism seam—were present in the cynodont Pachygenelus and in several Jurassic and Cretaceous mammals. We propose that appearance of a prism sheath transforms SCE into PPE and that reduction and loss of a prism sheath reverse PPE into SCE, in both phylogeny and ontogeny. We further propose that no amniote vertebrates other than the trithelodontid cynodont, Pachygenelus, plus Mammalia have ever evolved an ameloblastic Tomes process capable of secreting PPE and that the genetic potential to secrete PPE is a synapomorphy of Pachygenelus plus Mammalia, whether or not all lineages of the clade have expressed that potential.  相似文献   

该研究旨在探讨外源性Runx2过表达对小鼠成釉细胞Runx2敲除导致的釉质缺陷的挽救作用。采用免疫组化验证Runx2在Runx2条件性敲除且人源性Runx2过表达小鼠成釉细胞中的表达。HE染色观察成熟期成釉细胞形态及釉质基质蛋白残余。用体视显微镜和扫描电镜观察小鼠牙齿表面形态和釉柱结构。结果显示,RUNX2蛋白在出生后10天龄Tg;cKO小鼠成熟早期成釉细胞中成功表达。15天龄Tg;cKO小鼠与cKO小鼠相比,成熟晚期成釉细胞形态及排列未见明显改善,但釉质基质蛋白残余量明显减少。3月龄Tg;cKO小鼠与cKO小鼠相比,釉质磨耗减轻,釉柱间孔隙减少,釉柱排列更规则。该研究结果表明,人源性Runx2过表达可部分挽救小鼠成釉细胞Runx2敲除导致的釉质缺陷。  相似文献   

An additional method for the investigation of the microstructure of enamel is described using the teeth of Coryphodon, Uintatherium, Entelodon, and Crocuta. Under low magnification natural surfaces or sections of teeth display details of the enamel microstructure when the light guide effect of prisms is used. Under the same low magnification even more details were obtained from sputter-coated surfaces of sections. The method is of particular significance for the investigation of large teeth with thick enamels when structures are somewhat irregular. The new method provides a better general survey, where scanning electron microscope images often show confusing details. The enamel of Coryphodon shows oblique lines of nested chevrons that are similar, to some degree, to the zigzag enamel in Crocuta, but a distinct asymmetry between ascending and descending lineaments was observed. This specific Coryphodon -enamel was also found in Uintatherium and Entelodon. This enamel type, which evolved several times in parallel, cannot be attributed to a specific diet, but must be regarded as one of the several ways to strengthen the enamel against breakage.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results from a study of enamel hypoplasia in the deciduous dentition of free-living Liberian chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus). The entire study collection includes 280 specimens (278 skulls plus two unassociated mandibles), of which 70 are young enough to retain some decidous teeth. Among the subsample of infants, the total frequency of hypoplasia summed over all teeth in any individual reaches 80%, being expressed in the form of pits rather than transverse lines. Hypoplasia of a linear form was common in the permanent dentition, attaining a frequency of 46.7% on maxillary central incisors and 69.7% on mandibular canines.  相似文献   

The Plio-Pleistocene site of Kromdraai, South Africa, is well known for the recovery of the holotype of Paranthropus robustus, one of nine individual hominids recovered from this site to date. Among the Kromdraai sample, the specimen KB 5223 comprises several isolated deciduous and permanent lower teeth assigned to Paranthropus, the only recognized genus at this site. However, a more recent analysis of this specimen suggested that it should be classified as Homo. The lower right first permanent molar of KB 5223 had been previously sectioned along the tips of the mesial cusps, exposing its enamel microstructure. Previous studies had indicated differences between Homo and Paranthropus at the microstructural level. A portable confocal scanning microscope was used to describe details of the enamel microstructure of the M1 and I1 of this specimen. Angles formed between the striae of Retzius and the enamel dentine junction (EDJ), daily secretion rates in cuspal enamel of the protoconid and metaconid and crown formation time of the RM1 are provided. The number of perikymata on the right I1 was counted. Results indicate that some features recorded in the KB 5223 molar differ from those of Paranthropus. However, the number of perikymata on the I1 is lower than values so far reported for early Homo but similar to Paranthropus. Crown formation time of KB 5223 M1 was markedly lower than mean values of M1 in H. sapiens, but similar to other early hominids. Daily secretion rates in the cuspal enamel of KB 5223 M1 were higher than in modern humans.  相似文献   

The Structural Biology of the Developing Dental Enamel Matrix   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The biomineralization of the dental enamel matrix with a carbonated hydroxyapatite mineral generates one of the most remarkable examples of a vertebrate mineralized tissue. Recent advances in the molecular biology of ameloblast gene products have now revealed the primary structures of the principal proteins involved in this extracellular mineralizing system, amelogenins, tuftelins, ameloblastins, enamelins, and proteinases, but details of their secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures, their interactions with other matrix and or cell surface proteins, and their functional role in dental enamel matrix mineralization are still largely unknown. This paper reviews our current knowledge of these molecules, the probable molecular structure of the enamel matrix, and the functional role of these extracellular matrix proteins. Recent studies on the major structural role played by the amelogenin proteins are discussed, and some new data on synthetic amelogenin matrices are reviewed.  相似文献   

Three fragmentary molars of Kuehneotherium from Wales were progressively abraded by grinding and studied by scanning electron microscopy. A fourth molar was reduced to small blocks, thin sections of which were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Enamel showed a 'preprismatic' pattern, consisting of columns of crystals disposed as pinnae but not separated by an interprismatic substance. No enamel tubules were observed. Incremental lines were present. Inner dentine was permeated by numerous tubules not surrounded by peritubular dentine but a peripheral dentine layer adjacent to the enamel-dentine junction was atubular. Calcified deposits were occasionally observed in the lumen of dentine tubules, some of which were interpreted here as dentinal sclerosis consecutive to masticatory wear.  相似文献   

不同食性哺乳动物及人的牙釉质微结构对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据动物食性将搜集于西藏、新疆、江苏和吉林4省和自治区16种哺乳动物的581颗牙齿分为食草、杂食和食肉3类,设计了录像-截图-测量-定标4步微米量级牙釉质结构测量方法,测量得到牙釉质的颊面厚度和舌面厚度比、臼齿外轮廓平均牙釉质厚度比等牙釉质分布规律,观测到不同哺乳动物釉柱的组装直径均在100 μm 左右,但柱间晶体的宽度不同,发现3类哺乳动物牙釉柱与釉牙本质界夹角的规律:人和食肉动物狗的釉柱角度最大,接近90°,杂食动物猪釉柱角度约为70°,而食草动物釉柱角度在54°~68°之间.研究表明,不同食性哺乳动物牙齿外在和内在结构都和其生物力学功能密切相关,牙釉质的异型结构是使得釉质具有优异的力学性能的优化结构模式.  相似文献   

Dental material of the South American elephantoid Cuvieronius hyodon from the Late Pleistocene of the Tarija Basin, Bolivia was sampled for a comprehensive analysis of the microstructure of the enamel. To examine variability at the dentition level, enamel samples of the upper incisor, second deciduous premolar, and molars were sectioned. The incisor and cheek teeth enamel is compared to that of other proboscideans in order to reveal phylogenetically and functional informative features useful to reconstruct the evolution of elephantoid enamel. Studies of the adaptations and evolution of proboscidean enamel have focused so far on molars. Nevertheless, given the possibility of an independent evolution of the enamel at different tooth positions, the variation of the enamel throughout the dentition needs to be taken into consideration when using enamel microstructural characters to infer proboscidean diversity and phylogeny. The results obtained from this study demonstrate the generality, among elephantoids, of the basic microstructural features of Cuvieronius hyodon enamel, allowing the characterization of the Elephantoid Enamel (EE). The differentiation between incisor and molar enamel seen in elephantoids is shown to represent a primitive elephantiform trait, as it also occurs in Phiomia. The three-layered enamel of the cheek teeth appears as the sole synapomorphy of the Elephantoidea, though the character might be homoplastic within the Proboscidea. Characters of the prisms cross-section might be used, on the other hand, to define less inclusive clades within the Elephantoidea.  相似文献   

Vesselless wood represents a rare phenomenon within the angiosperms, characterizing Amborellaceae, Trochodendraceae and Winteraceae. Anatomical observations of bordered pits and their pit membranes based on light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) are required to understand functional questions surrounding vesselless angiosperms and the potential occurrence of cryptic vessels. Interconduit pit membranes in 11 vesselless species showed a similar ultrastructure as mesophytic vessel‐bearing angiosperms, with a mean thickness of 245 nm (± 53, SD; n = six species). Shrunken, damaged and aspirated pit membranes, which were 52% thinner than pit membranes in fresh samples (n = four species), occurred in all dried‐and‐rehydrated samples, and in fresh latewood of Tetracentron sinense and Trochodendron aralioides. SEM demonstrated that shrunken pit membranes showed artificially enlarged, > 100 nm wide pores. Moreover, perfusion experiments with stem segments of Drimys winteri showed that 20 and 50 nm colloidal gold particles only passed through 2 cm long dried‐and‐rehydrated segments, but not through similar sized fresh ones. These results indicate that pit membrane shrinkage is irreversible and associated with a considerable increase in pore size. Moreover, our findings suggest that pit membrane damage, which may occur in planta, could explain earlier records of vessels in vesselless angiosperms.  相似文献   

Enamel thickness of deciduous and permanent molars in modern Homo sapiens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents data on the enamel thickness of deciduous (dm2) and permanent (M1-M3) molars for a geographically diverse sample of modern humans. Measurements were recorded from sections through the mesial cusps of unworn teeth. Enamel is significantly thinner on deciduous than on permanent molars, and there is a distinct trend for enamel to increase in relative thickness from M1 to M3. The relatively thicker enamel of M2s and especially M3s can be related to the overall reduction in size of more distal molar crowns, which has been attained through a differential loss of the dentine component. Enamel tends to be thicker on the protocone than on the paracone, and thicker on the protoconid than on the metaconid, but its distribution is not wholly concordant with models that predict increased thickness as a means by which to counter heavier attritional loss on these "functional" cusps. Indeed, the thickness of enamel tends to be more variable on cusp tips and occlusal surfaces than over the lateral aspects of cusps. The proportionately thicker enamel over the lateral aspects of the protocone and protoconid more likely serves as a means to prolong functional crown life by preventing cusp fracture, rather than being an adaptation to increase the attritional longevity of wear facets. The present data suggest that the human dentition is not predisposed to develop a helicoidal wear plane through the disposition of molar enamel thickness.  相似文献   

The tribosphenic molar is a dental apomorphy of mammals and the molar type from which all derived types originated. Its enamel coat is expected to be ancestral: a thin, evenly distributed layer of radial prismatic enamel. In the bat Myotis myotis, we reinvestigated the 3D architecture of the dental enamel using serial sectioning combined with scanning electron microscopy analyses, biometrics of enamel prisms and crystallites, and X‐ray diffraction. We found distinct heterotopies in enamel thickness (thick enamel on the convex sides of the crests, thin on the concave ones), angularity of enamel prisms, and in distribution of particular enamel types (prismatic, interprismatic, aprismatic) and demonstrated structural relations of these heterotopies to the cusp and crest organization of the tribosphenic molar. X‐ray diffraction demonstrated that the crystallites composing the enamel are actually the aggregates of much smaller primary crystallites. The differences among particular enamel types in degree of crystallite aggregation and the variation in structural microstrain of the primary crystallites (depending upon the duration and the mechanical context of mineralization) represent factors not fully understood as yet that may contribute to the complexity of enamel microarchitecture in a significant way. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many archeological and paleoanthropological sites cannot be dated by well established and common dating techniques such as uranium series (U-series) or argon-argon (40Ar/39Ar) because of the lack of materials that are suitable for these techniques. Most sites, however, contain bones and teeth, and the latter can be used to obtain electron spin resonance (ESR) age estimates. The theoretical age range of ESR dating accuracy lies between a few thousand and more than a million years. In practice, continuing uranium accumulation increases the uncertainty of ESR age assessments in such a way that most age assignments beyond 300,000 years are very uncertain.  相似文献   

浓香型白酒窖池微生物群落结构特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
窖池是中国白酒,尤其是浓香型大曲酒生产颇具特色的固态生物反应器,窖龄与微生物群落结构关系密切且复杂,对产品质量影响非常显著.本研究以微生物细胞膜的特征组分磷酸脂肪酸(PLFA)为指标,研究了不同窖龄(5年、100年和300 年)窖池窖泥、糟醅和黄水的微生物群落结构特征.结果表明:窖泥中总PLFA含量最高,糟醅次之,黄水最低.PLFA的组成因窖龄而异,黄水中总PLFA含量随窖池窖龄的增长而减小.窖泥中直链饱和脂肪酸含量最高,为PLFA总量的50.7%~73.9%,其中300年窖池窖泥最高.窖泥中表征革兰氏阳性(G+)厌氧细菌的PLFA含量较高,而糟醅和黄水中均以表征革兰氏阴性(G-)厌氧菌的PLFA含量较高.100年窖泥中表征G+菌、G-菌和厌氧菌的PLFA含量高于其他窖龄相应样品.5年窖窖泥、糟醅和黄水中真菌PLFA含量均高于其他窖龄相应样品.经主成分分析,5年窖和100年窖中主要变异菌群是G+菌和真菌,300年窖中主要变异菌群是细菌.描述窖池微生物群落特征的多样性指数可以选用PLFA的频次、Simpson优势度指数和Shannon多样性指数.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of linear enamel hypoplasias (LEH) and plane-form defects (PFD) in the hominine dental sample from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) Middle Pleistocene site in Atapuerca (Spain). The SH sample comprises 475 teeth, 467 permanent and 8 deciduous, belonging to a minimum of 28 individuals. The method for recording PFD and LEH is discussed, as well as the definition of LEH. The prevalence of LEH and PFD in SH permanent dentition (unilateral total count) is 4.6% (13/280). Only one deciduous tooth (lower dc) showed an enamel disruption. Prevalence by individual ranges from 18.7-30%. The most likely explanation for the relatively low LEH and PFD prevalence in the SH sample suggests that the SH population exhibited a low level of developmental stress. The age at occurrence of LEH and PFD was determined by counting the number of perikymata between each lesion and the cervix of the tooth. Assuming a periodicity of nine days for the incremental lines, the majority of LEH in the SH sample occurred during the third year of life and may be related to the metabolic stress associated with weaning.  相似文献   

Afropithecus turkanensis, a 17-17.5 million year old large-bodied hominoid from Kenya, has previously been reported to be the oldest known thick-enamelled Miocene ape. Most investigations of enamel thickness in Miocene apes have been limited to opportunistic or destructive studies of small samples. Recently, more comprehensive studies of enamel thickness and microstructure in Proconsul, Lufengpithecus, and Dryopithecus, as well as extant apes and fossil humans, have provided information on rates and patterns of dental development, including crown formation time, and have begun to provide a comparative context for interpretation of the evolution of these characters throughout the past 20 million years of hominoid evolution. In this study, enamel thickness and aspects of the enamel microstructure in two A. turkanensis second molars were quantified and provide insight into rates of enamel apposition, numbers of cells actively secreting enamel, and the time required to form regions of the crown. The average value for relative enamel thickness in the two molars is 21.4, which is a lower value than a previous analysis of this species, but which is still relatively thick compared to extant apes. This value is similar to those of several Miocene hominoids, a fossil hominid, and modern humans. Certain aspects of the enamel microstructure are similar to Proconsul nyanzae, Dryopithecus laietanus, Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Graecopithecus freybergi and Pongo pygmaeus, while other features differ from extant and fossil hominoids. Crown formation times for the two teeth are 2.4-2.6 years and 2.9-3.1 years respectively. These times are similar to a number of extant and fossil hominoids, some of which appear to show additional developmental similarities, including thick enamel. Although thick enamel may be formed through several developmental pathways, most Miocene hominoids and fossil hominids with relatively thick enamel are characterized by a relatively long period of cuspal enamel formation and a rapid rate of enamel secretion throughout the whole cusp, but a shorter total crown formation time than thinner-enamelled extant apes.  相似文献   

Maxillary and mandibular molars of the American opossum, Didelphis virginiana L., were viewed in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) after acid-etching or after cutting and acid-etching. Observations were made on enamel prism patterns as they relate to functional properties of the tooth at a particular site. Molars at different stages of wear were also observed under a dissecting microscope; worn surfaces were correlated with function and enamel ultrastructure. Pounding surfaces of molar cusps wear more rapidly than near-vertical shearing surfaces or crushing basins (i.e. the trigon and talonid basin). Pounding surfaces are subjected to abrasion by food and arc not normally involved in tooth-tooth contact. Near-vertical shearing surfaces and basins used for crushing do experience tooth-tooth contact, but are surprisingly more resistant to wear. Prisms at pounding sites approach the occlusal surface at a near 90° angle and are surrounded with very thick interprismatic (IP) enamel parallel to the occlusal surface of the tooth. The pounding pattern is present at tips of cusps and at occlusal surfaces of ridges of the tooth. At near-vertical shearing surfaces, the prisms approach the outer surface obliquely and are surrounded with IP crystals which are perpendicular to the vertical surface. The angle between prismatic and IP enamel in these patterns is 60–90° in a cervical to occlusal direction. In basins of the tooth used principally for crushing and some shearing, IP enamel is perpendicular to the changing slope of the basin and the prisms are usually at a 55–65° angle to the IP enamel. When the pounding and shearing-crushing patterns meet at a ridge, a distinct seam is observed. Pounding forces occur parallel to the long axis of the prisms and perpendicular to the thick IP enamel (i.e. perpendicular to the long axis of the IP crystals) lying on either side of the prisms. Shearing and crushing forces occur at an oblique angle to the prism, and interprismatic enamel is more evenly distributed about the prism. A spiral pattern is found at the bottoms of the trigon and talonid basins, but not at the bottom of the trigonid which is a non-occluding basin. It is concluded that the differential rates of wear of the enamel surfaces are necessary in maintaining the sharp cutting edges and effective crushing basins of the tribosphenic molar, and the ultrastructural arrangements of the enamel prisms are of functional significance.  相似文献   

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