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Human coactosin-like protein (CLP) shares high homology with coactosin, a filamentous (F)-actin binding protein, and interacts with 5LO and F-actin. As a tumor antigen, CLP is overexpressed in tumor tissue cells or cell lines, and the encoded epitopes can be recognized by cellular and humoral immune systems. To gain a better understanding of its various functions and interactions with related proteins, the crystal structure of CLP expressed in Escherichia coli has been determined to 1.9 A resolution. The structure features a central beta-sheet surrounded by helices, with two very tight hydrophobic cores on each side of the sheet. CLP belongs to the actin depolymerizing protein superfamily, and is similar to yeast cofilin and actophilin. Based on our structural analysis, we observed that CLP forms a polymer along the crystallographic b axis with the exact same repeat distance as F-actin. A model for the CLP polymer and F-actin binding has therefore been proposed.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas sp. A1 possesses a high molecular mass (average 25,700 Da) alginate uptake system mediated by a novel pit-dependent ABC transporter. The X-ray crystallographic structure of AlgQ2 (57,200 Da), an alginate-binding protein in the system, was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined at 2.0 A resolution with a final R-factor of 18.3% for 15 to 2.0 A resolution data. The refined structure of AlgQ2 was comprised of 492 amino acid residues, 172 water molecules, and one calcium ion. AlgQ2 was composed of two globular domains with a deep cleft between them, which is expected to be the alginate-binding site. The overall structure is basically similar to that of maltose/maltodextrin-binding protein, except for the presence of an N2-subdomain. The entire calcium ion-binding site is similar to the site in the EF-hand motif, but comprises a ten residue loop. This calcium ion-binding site is about 40 A away from the alginate-binding site.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid is mobilized from fetal membrane phospholipids at parturition leading to increased production of oxytocic prostaglandins which may initiate or maintain myometrial contractions. Phospholipid mobilization requires activation of phospholipase A2 or C, both of which require calcium for activity. The annexins (lipocortins) are a superfamily of proteins which bind to calcium and phospholipids and thereby may alter phospholipase activity through two mechanisms: modulation of intracellular free Ca2+ concentrations or regulation of the accessibility of phospholipids to hydrolyzing enzymes. Using Western immunoblotting with monospecific polyclonal antibodies, annexins I-VI were identified in human amnion and chorion/decidua at term in tissues obtained from patients in labor or not in labor. Each annexin was present in two distinct pools: a pool which only associated with the membrane in the presence of calcium (calcium-dependent pool) and a calcium-independent pool that remained membrane bound in the presence of calcium chelators. Annexin I was present as two species, resolving at 36 kDa and 68 kDa. The total concentration of annexin I in both amnion and chorion/decidua was significantly decreased with labor, while the total concentration of annexin V in chorion significantly increased with labor. The size of individual pools of annexins also changed with labor: the calcium-dependent pool of annexins I and II in both amnion and chorion significantly decreased; the calcium-dependent pool of annexin V increased in chorion; and calcium-independent pools of annexin I in amnion and annexins I, II, and V in chorion significantly decreased with labor. The decrease in total annexin I concentration with labor in amnion reflects a substantial decrease (80-90%) in the pool tightly bound to the membrane in a calcium-independent manner. This striking change distinguishes annexin I as a potential candidate inhibitor which is specifically downregulated at parturition, potentially leading to increased access of phospholipases to substrate phospholipids and increased prostaglandin production at labor.  相似文献   

Human tissue kallikrein, a trypsin-like serine protease involved in blood pressure regulation and inflammation processes, was expressed in a deglycosylated form at high levels in Pichia pastoris, purified, and crystallized. The crystal structure at 2.0 A resolution is described and compared with that of porcine kallikrein and of other trypsin-like proteases. The active and S1 sites (nomenclature of Schechter I, Berger A, 1967, Biochem Biophys Res Commun 27:157-162) are similar to those of porcine kallikrein. Compared to trypsin, the S1 site is enlarged owing to the insertion of an additional residue, cis-Pro 219. The replacement Tyr 228 --> Ala further enlarges the S1 pocket. However, the replacement of Gly 226 in trypsin with Ser in human tissue kallikrein restricts accessibility of substrates and inhibitors to Asp 189 at the base of the S1 pocket; there is a hydrogen bond between O delta1Asp189 and O gammaSer226. These changes in the architecture of the S1 site perturb the binding of inhibitors or substrates from the modes determined or inferred for trypsin. The crystal structure gives insight into the structural differences responsible for changes in specificity in human tissue kallikrein compared with other trypsin-like proteases, and into the structural basis for the unusual specificity of human tissue kallikrein in cleaving both an Arg-Ser and a Met-Lys peptide bond in its natural protein substrate, kininogen. A Zn+2-dependent, small-molecule competitive inhibitor of kallikrein (Ki = 3.3 microM) has been identified and the bound structure modeled to guide drug design.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional crystal structure of human pepsin and that of its complex with pepstatin have been solved by X-ray crystallographic methods. The native pepsin structure has been refined with data collected to 2.2 A resolution to an R-factor of 19.7%. The pepsin:pepstatin structure has been refined with data to 2.0 A resolution to an R-factor of 18.5%. The hydrogen bonding interactions and the conformation adopted by pepstatin are very similar to those found in complexes of pepstatin with other aspartic proteinases. The enzyme undergoes a conformational change upon inhibitor binding to enclose the inhibitor more tightly. The analysis of the binding sites indicates that they form an extended tube without distinct binding pockets. By comparing the residues on the binding surface with those of the other human aspartic proteinases, it has been possible to rationalize some of the experimental data concerning the different specificities. At the S1 site, valine at position 120 in renin instead of isoleucine, as in the other enzymes, allows for binding of larger hydrophobic residues. The possibility of multiple conformations for the P2 residue makes the analysis of the S2 site difficult. However, it is possible to see that the specific interactions that renin makes with histidine at P2 would not be possible in the case of the other enzymes. At the S3 site, the smaller volume that is accessible in pepsin compared to the other enzymes is consistent with its preference for smaller residues at the P3 position.  相似文献   

Structure of Paramecium tetraurelia calmodulin at 1.8 A resolution.   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The crystal structure of calmodulin (CaM; M(r) 16,700, 148 residues) from the ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia (PCaM) has been determined and refined using 1.8 A resolution area detector data. The crystals are triclinic, space group P1, a = 29.66, b = 53.79, c = 25.49 A, alpha = 92.84, beta = 97.02, and gamma = 88.54 degrees with one molecule in the unit cell. Crystals of the mammalian CaM (MCaM; Babu et al., 1988) and Drosophila CaM (DCaM; Taylor et al., 1991) also belong to the same space group with very similar cell dimensions. All three CaMs have 148 residues, but there are 17 sequence changes between PCaM and MCaM and 16 changes between PCaM and DCaM. The initial difference in the molecular orientation between the PCaM and MCaM crystals was approximately 7 degrees as determined by the rotation function. The reoriented Paramecium model was extensively refitted using omit maps and refined using XPLOR. The R-value for 11,458 reflections with F > 3 sigma is 0.21, and the model consists of protein atoms for residues 4-147, 4 calcium ions, and 71 solvent molecules. The root mean square (rms) deviations in the bond lengths and bond angles in the model from ideal values are 0.016 A and 3 degrees, respectively. The molecular orientation of the final PCaM model differs from MCaM by only 1.7 degrees. The overall Paramecium CaM structure is very similar to the other calmodulin structures with a seven-turn long central helix connecting the two terminal domains, each containing two Ca-binding EF-hand motifs. The rms deviation in the backbone N, Ca, C, and O atoms between PCaM and MCaM is 0.52 A and between PCaM and DCaM is 0.85 A. The long central helix regions differ, where the B-factors are also high, particularly in PCaM and MCaM. Unlike the MCaM structure, with one kink at D80 in the middle of the linker region, and the DCaM structure, with two kinks at K75 and I85, in our PCaM structure there are no kinks in the helix; the distortion appears to be more gradually distributed over the entire helical region, which is bent with an apparent radius of curvature of 74.5(2) A. The different distortions in the central helical region probably arise from its inherent mobility.  相似文献   

Annexin A8 is a relatively infrequent and poorly studied member of this large family of calcium-binding and membrane-binding proteins. It is, however, associated with a specific disease, acute promyelocytic leukemia. We have solved its three-dimensional structure, which includes a moderately long and intact N terminus. The structure is closest to that of annexin A3 and highlights several important regions of inherent flexibility in the annexin molecule. The N terminus resembles that of annexin A3, as it lies along the concave surface of the molecule and inserts partially into the hydrophilic channel in its centre. Since both annexins A3 and A8 are expressed in promyelocytic cells during their differentiation, the similarity in their structures might suggest a functional relationship.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of human serum albumin at 2.5 A resolution.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A new triclinic crystal form of human serum albumin (HSA), derived either from pool plasma (pHSA) or from a Pichia pastoris expression system (rHSA), was obtained from polyethylene glycol 4000 solution. Three-dimensional structures of pHSA and rHSA were determined at 2.5 A resolution from the new triclinic crystal form by molecular replacement, using atomic coordinates derived from a multiple isomorphous replacement work with a known tetragonal crystal form. The structures of pHSA and rHSA are virtually identical, with an r.m. s. deviation of 0.24 A for all Calpha atoms. The two HSA molecules involved in the asymmetric unit are related by a strict local twofold symmetry such that the Calpha atoms of the two molecules can be superimposed with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.28 A in pHSA. Cys34 is the only cysteine with a free sulfhydryl group which does not participate in a disulfide linkage with any external ligand. Domains II and III both have a pocket formed mostly of hydrophobic and positively charged residues and in which a very wide range of compounds may be accommodated. Three tentative binding sites for long-chain fatty acids, each with different surroundings, are located at the surface of each domain.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of thioltransferase at 2.2 A resolution.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We report here the first three-dimensional structure of a mammalian thioltransferase as determined by single crystal X-ray crystallography at 2.2 A resolution. The protein is known for its thiol-redox properties and dehydroascorbate reductase activity. Recombinant pig liver thioltransferase expressed in Escherichia coli was crystallized in its oxidized form by vapor diffusion technique. The structure was determined by multiple isomorphous replacement method using four heavy-atom derivatives. The protein folds into an alpha/beta structure with a four-stranded mixed beta-sheet in the core, flanked on either side by helices. The fold is similar to that found in other thiol-redox proteins, viz. E. coli thioredoxin and bacteriophage T4 glutaredoxin, and thus seems to be conserved in these functionally related proteins. The active site disulfide (Cys 22-Cys 25) is located on a protrusion on the molecular surface. Cys 22, which is known to have an abnormally low pKa of 3.8, is accessible from the exterior of the molecule. Pro 70, which is in close proximity to the disulfide bridge, assumes a conserved cis-peptide configuration. Mutational data available on the protein are in agreement with the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) are pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system that bind peptidoglycans (PGNs) of bacterial cell walls. These molecules, which are highly conserved from insects to mammals, contribute to host defense against infections by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we present the crystal structure of human PGRP-S at 1.70A resolution. The overall structure of PGRP-S, which participates in intracellular killing of Gram-positive bacteria, is similar to that of other PGRPs, including Drosophila PGRP-LB and PGRP-SA and human PGRP-Ialpha. However, comparison with these PGRPs reveals important differences in both the PGN-binding site and a groove formed by the PGRP-specific segment on the opposite face of the molecule. This groove, which may constitute a binding site for effector or signaling proteins, is less hydrophobic and deeper in PGRP-S than in PGRP-IalphaC, whose PGRP-specific segments vary considerably in amino acid sequence. By docking a PGN ligand into the PGN-binding cleft of PGRP-S based on the known structure of a PGRP-Ialpha-PGN complex, we identified potential PGN-binding residues in PGRP-S. Differences in PGN-contacting residues and interactions suggest that, although PGRPs may engage PGNs in a similar mode, structural differences exist that likely regulate the affinity and fine specificity of PGN recognition.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of staphylococcal nuclease refined at 1.7 A resolution   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
T R Hynes  R O Fox 《Proteins》1991,10(2):92-105
The crystal structure of staphylococcal nuclease has been determined to 1.7 A resolution with a final R-factor of 16.2% using stereochemically restrained Hendrickson-Konnert least-squares refinement. The structure reveals a number of conformational changes relative to the structure of the ternary complex of staphylococcal nuclease 1,2 bound with deoxythymidine-3',5'-diphosphate and Ca2+. Tyr-113 and Tyr-115, which pack against the nucleotide base in the nuclease complex, are rotated outward creating a more open binding pocket in the absence of nucleotide. The side chains of Ca2+ ligands Asp-21 and Asp-40 shift as does Glu-43, the proposed general base in the hydrolysis of the 5'-phosphodiester bond. The significance of some changes in the catalytic site is uncertain due to the intrusion of a symmetry related Lys-70 side chain which hydrogen bonds to both Asp-21 and Glu-43. The position of a flexible loop centered around residue 50 is altered, most likely due to conformational changes propagated from the Ca2+ site. The side chains of Arg-35, Lys-84, Tyr-85, and Arg-87, which hydrogen bond to the 3'- and 5'-phosphates of the nucleotide in the nuclease complex, are unchanged in conformation, with packing interactions with adjacent protein side chains sufficient to fix the geometry in the absence of ligand. The nuclease structure presented here, in combination with the stereochemically restrained refinement of the nuclease complex structure at 1.65 A, provides a wealth of structural information for the increasing number of studies using staphylococcal nuclease as a model system of protein structure and function.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of plastocyanin from spinach has been determined using molecular replacement, with the structure of plastocyanin from poplar as a search model. Successful crystallization was facilitated by site-directed mutagenesis in which residue Gly8 was substituted with Asp. The region around residue 8 was believed to be too mobile for the wild-type protein to form crystals despite extensive screening. The current structure represents the oxidized plastocyanin, copper (II), at low pH (approximately 4.4). In contrast to the similarity in the core region as compared to its poplar counterpart, the structure shows some significant differences in loop regions. The most notable is the large shift of the 59-61 loop where the largest shift is 3.0 A for the C(alpha) atom of Glu59. This results in different patterns of electrostatic potential around the acidic patches for the two proteins.  相似文献   

UDP-galactose 4-epimerase catalyzes the conversion of UDP-galactose to UDP-glucose during normal galactose metabolism. The molecular structure of UDP-galactose 4-epimerase from Escherichia coli has now been solved to a nominal resolution of 2.5 A. As isolated from E. coli, the molecule is a dimer of chemically identical subunits with a total molecular weight of 79,000. Crystals of the enzyme used for this investigation were grown as a complex with the substrate analogue, UDP-benzene, and belonged to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell dimensions of a = 76.3 A, b = 83.1 A, c = 132.1 A, and one dimer per asymmetric unit. An interpretable electron density map calculated to 2.5 A resolution was obtained by a combination of multiple isomorphous replacement with six heavy atom derivatives, molecular averaging, and solvent flattening. Each subunit of epimerase is divided into two domains. The larger N-terminal domain, composed of amino acid residues 1-180, shows a classic NAD+ binding motif with seven strands of parallel beta-pleated sheet flanked on either side of alpha-helices. The seventh strand of the beta-pleated sheet is contributed by amino acid residues from the smaller domain. In addition, this smaller C-terminal domain, consisting of amino acid residues 181-338, contains three strands of beta-pleated sheet, two major alpha-helices and one helical turn. The substrate analogue, UDP-benzene, binds in the cleft located between the two domains with its phenyl ring in close proximity to the nicotinamide ring of NAD+. Contrary to the extensive biochemical literature suggesting that epimerase binds only one NAD+ per functional dimer, the map clearly shows electron density for two nicotinamide cofactors binding in symmetry-related positions in the dimer. Likewise, each subunit in the dimer also binds one substrate analogue.  相似文献   

The S100 protein family is the largest group of calcium-binding protein families, which consists of at least 25 members. S100A13, which is widely expressed in a variety of tissues, is a unique member of the S100 protein family. Previous reports showed that S100A13 might be involved in the stress-induced release of some signal peptide-less proteins (such as FGF-1 and IL-1alpha) and also associated with inflammatory functions. It was also reported that S100A13 is a new angiogenesis marker. Here we report the crystal structure of the Ca(2+)-bound form of S100A13 at 2.0 A resolution. S100A13 is a homodimer with four EF-hand motifs in an asymmetric unit, displaying a folding pattern similar to other S100 members. However, S100A13 has the unique structural feature with all alpha-helices being amphiphilic, which was not found in other members of S100s. We propose that this characteristic structure of S100A13 might be related to its ability to mediate the release of FGF-1 and IL-1alpha.  相似文献   

This is the first structure of a biological homodimer of disintegrin. Disintegrins are a class of small (4-14 kDa) proteins that bind to transmembrane integrins selectively. The present molecule is the first homodimer that has been isolated from the venom of Echis carinatus. The monomeric chain contains 64 amino acid residues. The three-dimensional structure of schistatin has been determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method. It has been refined to an R-factor of 0.190 using all the data to 2.5 A resolution. The two subunits of the disintegrin homodimer are related by a 2-fold crystallographic symmetry. Thus, the crystallographic asymmetric unit contains a monomer of disintegrin. The monomer folds into an up-down topology with three sets of antiparallel beta-strands. The structure is well ordered with four intramolecular disulfide bonds. the two monomers are firmly linked to each other through two intermolecular disulfide bridges at their N termini together with several other interactions. This structure has corrected the error in the disulfide bond pattern of the two intermolecular disulfide bridges that was reported earlier using chemical methods. Unique sequence and structural features of the schistatin monomers suggest that they have the ability to bind well with both alphaIIb beta3 and alphav beta3 integrins. The N termini anchored two chains of the dimer diverge away at their C termini exposing the Arg-Gly-Asp motif into opposite directions thus enhancing their binding efficiency to integrins. This is one of the unique features of the present disintegrin homodimer and seems to be responsible for the clustering of integrin molecules. The homodimer binds to integrins apparently with a higher affinity than the monomers and also plays a role in the signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Human infection with Toxoplasma gondii is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Protozoan parasites such as T. gondii are incapable of de novo purine biosynthesis and must acquire purines from their host, so the purine salvage pathway offers a number of potential targets for antiparasitic chemotherapy. In T. gondii tachyzoites, adenosine is the predominantly salvaged purine nucleoside, and thus adenosine kinase is a key enzyme in the purine salvage pathway of this parasite. The structure of T. gondii adenosine kinase was solved using molecular replacement and refined by simulated annealing at 1.8 A resolution to an R-factor of 0.214. The overall structure and the active site geometry are similar to human adenosine kinase, although there are significant differences. The T. gondii adenosine kinase has several unique features compared to the human sequence, including a five-residue deletion in one of the four linking segments between the two domains, which is probably responsible for a major change in the orientation of the two domains with respect to each other. These structural differences suggest the possibility of developing specific inhibitors of the parasitic enzyme.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant human triosephosphate isomerase (hTIM) has been determined complexed with the transition-state analogue 2-phosphoglycolate at a resolution of 2.8 A. After refinement, the R-factor is 16.7% with good geometry. The asymmetric unit contains 1 complete dimer of 53,000 Da, with only 1 of the subunits binding the inhibitor. The so-called flexible loop, comprising residues 168-174, is in its "closed" conformation in the subunit that binds the inhibitor, and in the "open" conformation in the other subunit. The tips of the loop in these 2 conformations differ up to 7 A in position. The RMS difference between hTIM and the enzyme of Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of sleeping sickness, is 1.12 A for 487 C alpha positions with 53% sequence identity. Significant sequence differences between the human and parasite enzymes occur at about 13 A from the phosphate binding site. The chicken and human enzymes have an RMS difference of 0.69 A for 484 equivalent residues and about 90% sequence identity. Complementary mutations ensure a great similarity in the packing of side chains in the core of the beta-barrels of these 2 enzymes. Three point mutations in hTIM have been correlated with severe genetic disorders ranging from hemolytic disorder to neuromuscular impairment. Knowledge of the structure of the human enzyme provides insight into the probable effect of 2 of these mutations, Glu 104 to Asp and Phe 240 to Ile, on the enzyme. The third mutation reported to be responsible for a genetic disorder, Gly 122 to Arg, is however difficult to explain. This residue is far away from both catalytic centers in the dimer, as well as from the dimer interface, and seems unlikely to affect stability or activity. Inspection of the 3-dimensional structure of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase, which has a methionine at position 122, only increased the mystery of the effects of the Gly to Arg mutation in the human enzyme.  相似文献   

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