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Hydraulic and osmotic properties of oak roots   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Hydraulic and osmotic properties of root systems of 2.5–8-months-oldoak seedlings (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) were measured usingthe root pressure probe. Root pressures of excised roots rangedbetween 0.05 and 0.15 MPa which was similar to values obtainedfor herbaceous species. Root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr; perunit of root surface area) was much larger in the presence ofhydrostatic than in the presence of osmotic pressure differencesdriving water flow across the roots. Differences were as largeas a factor of 20 to 470. Roots of the young seedlings of Q.robur grew more rapidly than those of Q. petraea and had a hydraulicconductivity which was substantially higher. Nitrogen nutritionaffected root growth of Q. robur more than that of Q. petraea,but did not affect root Lpr of either species. For Q. robur,Lpr decreased with root age (size) which is interpreted by aneffect of suberization during the development of fine roots.Root hydraulic conductance remained constant for both species.For Q. robur, this was due to the fact that the overall decreasein Lpr was compensated for by an increase in root surface area.Root reflection coefficients (sr) were low and ranged betweensr=0.1 and 0.5 for solutes for which cell membranes exhibitreflection coefficients of virtually unity (salts, sugars etc.).Solute permeability was small and was usually not measurablewith the technique. When root systems were attached to the rootpressure probe for longer periods of time (up to 10d), solutepermeability increased due to ageing effects which, however,did not cause a general leakiness of the roots as Lpr decreased.Hence, values were only used from measurements taken duringthe first day. Transport properties of oak roots are comparedwith those recently obtained for spruce (Rdinger et al., 1994).They are discussed in terms of a composite transport model ofthe root which explains low root sr at low solute permeabilityand reasonable rootLpr The model predicts differences betweenosmotic and hydraulic water flow and differences in the transportproperties of roots of herbs and trees as found. Key words: Composite transport, hydraulic conductivity, nitrogen nutrition, Quercus, reflection coefficient, root transport, water relations  相似文献   

The occurrence and amount of soluble and insoluble phenolics in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots of Picea abies (L.) Karst, were investigated, p-Hydroxybenzoic acid glucoside, picein, piceatannol and its glucoside, isorhapontin, catechin and ferulic acid could be identified by high-performance liquid chromatography in mycorrhizas of Picea abies-Lactarius deterrimus and Picea abies-Laccaria amethystea. Both types were collected from axenic cultures and the latter also from a spruce stand. The same phenolics occurred in non-mycorrhizal short roots from sterile cultures. However, the amounts of p-hydroxybenzoic acid glucoside, picein, catechin and cell wall-bound ferulic acid were considerably reduced in mycorrhizas from axenic culture, whereas the hydroxystilbenes piceatannol, its glucoside and worhapontin were not significantly reduced. Pure mycelia of Laccaria amethystea (Bull.) Murr, and Lactarius deterrimus Gröger were also analysed for phenolic compounds. Both fungal species contained none of the identified phenolics. The results are discussed with respect to mycorrhization in different mycorrhizal types.We are grateful to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Schwerpunktprogramm Physiologie der Bäume) and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie for financal support. We thank Dr. V. Wray (GBF, Braunschweig, FRG) for linguistic advice.  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductivity of rice roots   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A pressure chamber and a root pressure probe technique have been used to measure hydraulic conductivities of rice roots (root Lp(r) per m(2) of root surface area). Young plants of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties (an upland variety, cv. Azucena and a lowland variety, cv. IR64) were grown for 31-40 d in 12 h days with 500 micromol m(-2) s(-1) PAR and day/night temperatures of 27 degrees C and 22 degrees C. Root Lp(r) was measured under conditions of steady-state and transient water flow. Different growth conditions (hydroponic and aeroponic culture) did not cause visible differences in root anatomy in either variety. Values of root Lp(r) obtained from hydraulic (hydrostatic) and osmotic water flow were of the order of 10(-8) m s(-1) MPa(-1) and were similar when using the different techniques. In comparison with other herbaceous species, rice roots tended to have a higher hydraulic resistance of the roots per unit root surface area. The data suggest that the low overall hydraulic conductivity of rice roots is caused by the existence of apoplastic barriers in the outer root parts (exodermis and sclerenchymatous (fibre) tissue) and by a strongly developed endodermis rather than by the existence of aerenchyma. According to the composite transport model of the root, the ability to adapt to higher transpirational demands from the shoot should be limited for rice because there were minimal changes in root Lp(r) depending on whether hydrostatic or osmotic forces were acting. It is concluded that this may be one of the reasons why rice suffers from water shortage in the shoot even in flooded fields.  相似文献   

The kinetics of calcium and magnesium entry into mycorrhizal spruce roots   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Kuhn AJ  Schröder WH  Bauch J 《Planta》2000,210(3):488-496
 The entry of calcium and magnesium from external sources into mycorrhizal roots of 3-year-old Norway spruce trees (Piceaabies [L.] Karst.) was monitored. Roots of intact plants were exposed for various periods of time, ranging from 2 min to 48 h, to nutrient solutions which contained the stable-isotope tracers 25Mg and 44Ca. After labelling, samples of roots were excised from the plants, shock-frozen, cryosubstituted and embedded. The resulting isotope composition in this material was analysed by a laser-microprobe-mass-analyser (LAMMA) at relevant positions within cross-sections of the roots. For both elements, we determined (i) the fractions of the isotopes originating from the plant prior to labelling, and (ii) the fraction of isotopes originating from the corresponding tracer that penetrated into the root. Both divalent cations rapidly penetrated across the cortical apoplast and reached the endodermis. After 2 min of exposure to the labelling solution, an initial transient gradient of the tracers could be observed within the root cortex. Subsequently, calcium as well as magnesium equilibrated between the apoplast of the entire cortex and the external tracer with a half-time, t1/2, of about 3 min. In contrast, the kinetics of radial movement into the vascular stele showed a delay with a t1/2 of 100–120 min. We take this as strong evidence that there exists a free apoplastic path for divalent cations in the cortex and that the endodermis is a major barrier to the further passage of Mg and Ca into the xylem. While 25Mg in the labelling solution exchanged rapidly with Mg in the cortical apoplast, the exchange across the plasma membrane with Mg present in the protoplasm of the same cortical cells was almost 2 orders of magnitude slower. The kinetics of Ca and Mg entry at +6 °C were similar to those obtained at a root temperature of +22 °C. Received: 23 December 1998 / Accepted: 17 September 1999  相似文献   

Calnexin is an endoplasmic reticulum-localized molecular chaperone protein which is involved in folding and quality control of proteins. To evaluate the expression of calnexin in soybean seedlings under osmotic stress, immunoblot analysis was performed using a total membrane protein fraction. Calnexin constantly accumulated at an early growth stage of soybean under normal growth conditions. Expression of this protein decreased in 14-day-old soybean roots when treated with 10% polyethylene glycol for 2 days. Other abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, cold as well as abscisic acid treatment, similarly reduced accumulation of calnexin and this reduction was correlated with reduction in root length in soybean seedlings under abiotic stresses. When compared between soybean and rice, calnexin expression was not changed in rice under abiotic stresses. Using Flag-tagged calnexin, a 70 kDa heat shock cognate protein was identified as an interacting protein. These results suggest that osmotic or other abiotic stresses highly reduce accumulation of the calnexin protein in developing soybean roots. It is also suggested that calnexin interacts with a 70 kDa heat shock cognate protein and probably functions as molecular chaperone in soybean.  相似文献   

V. Wiemken  K. Ineichen 《Planta》1993,190(3):387-392
The influence of temperature and photoperiod on raffinose synthesis in spruce roots (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) was investigated under controlled environmental conditions in a phytotron. The raffinose content of the roots increased when the plants were subjected simultaneously to a change from long to short days and from summer-like day and night temperatures to a climate which was more than 10° C colder. Only a very slight raffinose accumulation resulted from a change of day-length or temperature alone, but a subsequent additional change of temperature or daylength, respectively, caused an increase in the raffinose content, yet only to half the amount found when both climate factors changed simultaneously. When the shoot was left under non-inducing conditions, but the root was cooled, the raffinose content increased in the root, but not in the shoot. The root was also capable of inducing raffinose if the shoot was cut off after a few days of cold adaptation of the whole plant. For all climate changes the sucrose content changed much less than the raffinose content. Induction of raffinose was comparable in mycorrhizal and in non-mycorrhizal roots.Abbreviations DW dry weight - LDC long day, cold - LDW long day, warm - SDC short day, cold - SDCLL short day, cold, low light - SDF short day, frost - SDW short day, warm This research was supported by the Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft and by the Swiss National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that microtubule (MT) reorientation follows the onset of growth inhibition on the lower side of graviresponding roots, indicating that growth reduction can occur independently of MT reorientation. To test this observation further, we examined whether the reduction in growth in response to osmotic stress is correlated with MT reorientation. The distribution and rate of growth in maize roots exposed to 350 mOsm sorbitol and KCl or 5 mM Mes/Tris buffer were measured with a digitizer. After various times roots were processed for indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Application of sorbitol or KCl had no effect on the organization of MTs in the apical 2 mm of the root but resulted in striking and different effects in the basal region of the root. Sorbitol treatment caused rapid appearance of oval to circular holes in the microtubular array that persisted for at least 9 h. Between 30 min and 4 h of submersion in KCl, MTs in cortical cells 4 mm and farther from the quiescent center began to reorient oblique to the longitudinal axis. After 9 h, the alignment of MTs had shifted to parallel to the root axis but MTs of the epidermal cells remained transverse. In KCl-treated roots MT reorientation appeared to follow a pattern of development similar to that in controls but without elongation. Our data provide additional evidence that MT reorientation is not the cause but a consequence of growth inhibition.  相似文献   

We present, for the first time, elemental mapping of ultra-thin cryosections from high-pressure frozen ectomycorrhizal roots of Picea abies–Hebeloma crustuliniforme. The maps provide interpretable information on the relationship between elements and the structure of inhomogeneous objects. Cryoultramicrotomy together with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) offers the potential to study the subcellular localization of specific ions and ecologically important tracers (Cs and Sr) in ectomycorrhizal roots under conditions resembling the natural slate as closely as possible. Structural changes of the ectomycorrhizal roots, in particular the absence of a Hartig net at high NH4+ levels in the nutrient solution, were accompanied by elemental modification of Ca in cortical cell walls, where markedly higher concentrations of Ca were found. Cs and Sr applied to the nutrient solution were localized in root and fungal cells of the Hartig net. Cs accumulated mainly in the vacuoles of the Hartig net hyphae and its distribution was very similar to the distribution of K. In contrast to Cs, Sr was found to occur mainly in electron-opaque and P-rich granules. From this study, (here is no indication that Ca is the only ion accompanying P in the P-rich granules. Several elements including Ca, K, Cl, S, Cs and Sr, with highest concentrations for S, can occur together with P in these granules. The occurrence of the P-rich electron-opaque deposits in fungal cells might be the first evidence of polyphosphate granules in the native state, since our specimen preparation technique did not include chemical fixation.  相似文献   

The physiological and osmotic roles of sucrose during black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) embryo maturation were investigated. The results showed that when both sucrose and mannitol were present in the medium, the optimum sucrose concentration varied between 4% and 6%. From these data, mannitol does not apparently replace sucrose during the maturation of somatic embryos and therefore it might not be a suitable osmoticum. For the media supplemented with 4% to 12% sucrose and various concentrations of mannitol, the osmotic pressure of the medium rose during maturation, particularly for the highest sucrose concentrations (7% to 12%). Medium containing 3% each of fructose and glucose produced fewer mature embryos compared to the medium with 6% sucrose. An increment in the osmotic potential was observed in medium with 6% sucrose in contrast to that containing 3% each of fructose and glucose. Sugar analysis revealed that the sucrose hydrolysis in the medium was detectable within 1 week of incubation and continued throughout the maturation period. Moreover, no significant uptake of the sugars was detected, since the total amount of fructose, glucose and sucrose remained constant. Our results indicate that the action of sucrose on embryo maturation is mostly achieved through an osmotic control.  相似文献   

Abstract Atriplex amnicola was grown at 25, 200 or 400 mol m3 NaCl. Root tissues at different stages of development were investigated for concentrations of K+, Na+ and Mg2+, and in some cases for Cl?. Sugar and starch concentrations were measured for plants grown at 25 or 400 mol m3 NaCl. In the ‘slightly vaeuolated’ root tips, Na+ was only 40 mol m?3 at an external concentration of 400 mol m?3 NaCl. The concentrations of K+ were not affected substantially by external NaCl between 25 mol m?3 and 400 mol m?3. The ‘highly vacuolated’ root tissues had substantially higher concentrations of K+, Na+ and Cl? in plants grown at 200 and 400 mol m 3 NaCl than in plants grown at 25 mol m?3 NaCl. Concentrations of Cr and of the sum of the cations in recently expanded tissue were similar to those in the bulk of the roots, consisting mainly of old cells. However, the K+: Na+ decreased with age; at 400 mol m?3 external NaCl with a K+: Na+ of 0.012, the K+: Na+ in recently expanded 12 mm root tips was as high as 1.6, compared with 0.7 for the bulk of the roots. These ion data were used to estimate cytoplasmic and vacuolar concentrations of K+ and Na +. Such calculations indicated that between 25 mol m3 and 400 mol m?3 external NaCl the concentration of the sum of (Na++K+) in the cytoplasm was maintained at about 180–200 mol m?3 (cell water basis). In contrast, the (Na++ K+) concentration in the vacuole was 170 mol m?3 for plants grown at 25 mol m?3 NaCl and 420 mol 400 mol m?3 NaCl. The expanding root (issues exhibited greatly decreased soluble sugars and starch between dusk and dawn. Ai both times, sugar and starch concentrations in these tissues were 2.5–4.0 times greater in plants grown at 400 mol m?3 NaCl compared with plants grown at 25 mol m?3 NaCl. In contrast, carbohydrate concentrations in expanded root tissues were very similar at 25 and 400 mol m?3 and showed little diurnal fluctuation. This paper considers the causes for the slower growth of A. amnicola at 400 than at 25 mol m”3 NaCl, using the data for the roots described here, and those for the shoots presented in the preceding paper (Aslam et al., 1986). There is no support for possible adverse effects by high internal ion concentrations. Instead, there may be deficiencies in supply of organic solutes for osmotic regulation; during part of the night a limited supply of such solutes may well restrict the rate of expansion of cells in plants growing at 400 mol m?3 NaCl. There is insufficient evidence to decide whether this limitation in the expanding tissues is particularly prominent for the roots or for the shoots.  相似文献   

The thermal and rheological properties of spray-dried, ethanol-precipitated, purified, and deacetylated spruce galactoglucomannans (GGM) were investigated by rheological measurements and differential scanning calorimetry. The shear rate dependence of viscosity and the effects of the drying method, temperature, ionic strength, and deacetylation on rheological properties were studied. GGM solutions exhibited a shear thinning behaviour. GGM solutions did not obey the Cox–Merz rule. The storage modulus of GGM solutions increased with an increase in concentration; gradually until a concentration of 5%, but rapidly at higher concentrations. Ethanol-precipitated GGM solutions showed a more elastic behaviour than spray-dried GGM solutions. Deacetylation caused an increase in apparent viscosity and more significantly in storage modulus. The storage modulus increased slightly with a decrease in temperature. A small amount addition of NaCl slightly changed the oscillatory behaviour. The effects of above factors were discussed in terms of molecular interactions. The rheological measurements of GGM solutions provide the basis of functionalities of GGM solutions.  相似文献   

Black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] BSP) is a boreal tree species characterized by the formation of an adventitious root system. Unlike initial roots from seed germination, adventitious roots gradually appear above the root collar, until they constitute most of mature black spruce root system. Little is known about the physiological role they play and their influence on tree growth relative to initial roots. We hypothesized that adventitious roots present an advantage over initial roots in acquiring water and nutrients. To test this hypothesis, the absorptive capacities of the two root systems were explored in a controlled environment during one growing season. Black spruce seedlings were placed in a double‐pot system allowing irrigation (25 and 100% water container capacity) and fertilization (with or without fertilizer) inputs independent to initial and adventitious roots. After 14 weeks, growth parameters (height, diameter, biomass), physiology (net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, shoot water potential) and nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca and Mg foliar content) were compared. Most measured parameters showed no difference for the same treatment on adventitious or initial roots, except for root biomass. Indeed, fertilized black spruce seedlings invested heavily in adventitious root production, twice as much as initial roots. This was also the case when adventitious roots alone were irrigated, while seedlings with adventitious roots subjected to low irrigation produced initial root biomass equivalent to that of adventitious roots. We conclude that black spruce seedlings perform equally well through adventitious and initial roots, but if resources are abundant, they strongly promote development of adventitious roots.  相似文献   

Fine root systems may respond to soil chemical conditions, but contrasting results have been obtained from field studies in non-manipulated forests with distinct soil chemical properties. We investigated biomass, necromass, live/dead ratios, morphology and nutrient concentrations of fine roots (<2 mm) in four mature Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stands of south-east Germany, encompassing variations in soil chemical properties and climate. All stands were established on acidic soils (pH (CaCl2) range 2.8–3.8 in the humus layer), two of the four stands had molar ratios in soil solution below 1 and one of the four stands had received a liming treatment 22 years before the study. Soil cores down to 40 cm mineral soil depth were taken in autumn and separated into four fractions: humus layer, 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm and 20–40 cm. We found no indications of negative effects of N availability on fine root properties despite large variations in inorganic N seepage fluxes (4–34 kg N ha−1 yr−1), suggesting that the variation in N deposition between 17 and 26 kg N ha−1 yr−1 does not affect the fine root system of Norway spruce. Fine root biomass was largest in the humus layer and increased with the amount of organic matter stored in the humus layer, indicating that the vertical pattern of fine roots is largely affected by the thickness of this horizon. Only two stands showed significant differences in fine root biomass of the mineral soil which can be explained by differences in soil chemical conditions. The stand with the lowest total biomass had the lowest Ca/Al ratio of 0.1 in seepage, however, Al, Ca, Mg and K concentrations of fine roots were not different among the stands. The Ca/Al ratio in seepage might be a less reliable stress parameter because another stand also had Ca/Al ratios in seepage far below the critical value of 1.0 without any signs of fine root damages. Large differences in the live/dead ratio were positively correlated with the Mn concentration of live fine roots from the mineral soil. This relationship was attributed to faster decay of dead fine roots because Mn is known as an essential element of lignin degrading enzymes. It is questionable if the live/dead ratio can be used as a vitality parameter of fine roots since both longevity of fine roots and decay of root litter may affect this parameter. Morphological properties were different in the humus layer of one stand that was limed in 1983, indicating that a single lime dose of 3–4 Mg ha−1 has a long-lasting effect on fine root architecture of Norway spruce. Almost no differences were found in morphological properties in the mineral soil among the stands, but vertical patterns were apparently different. Two stands with high base saturation in the subsoil showed a vertical decrease in specific root length and specific root tip density whereas the other two stands showed an opposite pattern or no effect. Our results suggest that proliferation of fine roots increased with decreasing base saturation in the subsoil of Norway spruce stands.  相似文献   


Aims and methods

The effects of changing climate on ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fine roots were studied in northern Sweden by manipulating soil temperature for 14 years and/or by fertilizing for 22 years. Fine root biomass, necromass, EcM root tip biomass, morphology and number as well as mycelia production were determined from soil cores and mesh bags.

Results and conclusions

The fine root biomass and necromass were highest in the fertilized plots, following similar trends in the above-ground biomass, whereas the EcM root tip biomass per basal area decreased by 22 % in the fertilized plots compared to the control. Warming increased the fine root biomass, live/dead-ratio and the number of EcM root tips in the mineral soil and tended to increase the production of EcM mycelia. Greater fine root biomass meant more EcM root tips, although the tip frequency was not affected by fertilization or warming. Significantly higher specific root length of EcM root tips indicated an increased need for nutrients in warmed and in unfertilized plots. Better nutrient supply and warmer soil temperature provide a potential to increase the flow of carbon into the soil via increased fine root biomass, but the carbon balance also depends on root turnover.  相似文献   

Hahn  G.  Marschner†  H. 《Plant and Soil》1998,199(1):23-27
The longterm effect of acid irrigation and liming (dolomitic limestone) on the mineral element content of roots of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) was investigated in an 80-year-old Norway spruce stand in South Germany (Bavaria). Soil cores of four soil depths (humic layer, 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm) were taken over 2 years (August 1991 and August 1992) from six plots with different treatments (control, normal irrigation, acid irrigation solely or in combination with liming) and living short roots selected and analysed for calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn) and aluminium (Al).On the acid irrigated plot, the Ca and Mg contents of roots were decreased in 1991, but by 1992, 2 years after the irrigation had been terminated, no difference could be found. The Al content of the roots was not increased by acid irrigation but rose with increasing soil depth, regardless of treatment. Liming increased root contents of Ca and Mg and reduced contents of Mn and Al. This effect was especially distinct in the humic layer and decreased with increasing soil depth. Even though the molar Ca/Al-ratio in the roots in the mineral soil was generally low (0.09–0.52), no evidence of Al toxicity could be found. The formation of Al complexes is discussed as a reason for this behaviour.  相似文献   

以 2个抗旱性强的和 2个抗旱性弱的小麦品种为材料 ,研究了中度及严重水分胁迫对根系及叶片渗透调节能力的影响。结果表明 :随着水分胁迫的加剧 ,叶片的渗透调节能力增强 ,但在籽粒迅速扩大的灌浆期 ,叶片的渗透调节能力下降。去穗处理明显地提高叶片的渗透调节能力。说明叶片渗透调节能力的高低与同化物的供应及分配有关。不同品种根系渗透调节能力与叶片基本一致 ,但根系的渗透调节能力低于叶片。开花、灌浆期根系的渗透调节能力大大降低 ,严重水分胁迫下根系的渗透调节能力低于中度水分胁迫。这一方面与同化物的供应有关 ,另一方面严重水分胁迫还会对根细胞造成损伤 ,对根系的渗透调节能力产生影响。渗透调节物质的变化趋势与渗透调节能力基本一致。叶片中 K+对渗透调节的贡献最大 ;其次是可溶性糖 ,6种渗透调节物质排列顺序为 K+>可溶性糖 >游离氨基酸 >Ca2 +>Mg2 +>Pro。根系中仍以 K+占绝大部分 ,但根系中 Ca2 +也是不可忽视的成分之一。  相似文献   

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