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The carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic composition of the scalp hair and diet of Gidra-speaking people in four villages in Papua New Guinea is presented. The isotopic composition of hair was measured, while that of the diet was estimated from food consumption survey data and the measured isotopic composition and protein and carbohydrate contents of food items. The average isotopic ratios of the hair samples and of the diet varied among the four study villages, which were selected because of their diverse ecological settings. Comparison was made between hair and calculated dietary isotopic compositions. Two of the four diet-hair enrichment values obtained for 13C (+1.8 and 2.2%‰) were similar to those previously reported (1.4–2.0%‰), but the other two values (3.7 and 4.8%) were greater than in earlier reports. 15N enrichment was systematically greater (by 1%‰) than reported values (∼4.3%‰) except for one village, where a much greater enrichment (6.9%‰) was found. The factors potentially relevant to these deviations are discussed. Possible errors in estimating the dietary isotopic composition and minor modifications of dietary habits revealed by food consumption surveys could explain most of the discrepancies. However, the great enrichment of 15N found in one of the villages remains unexplained. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Establishing the diets of ancient human populations is an integral component of most archaeological studies. Stable isotope analysis of well-preserved bone collagen is the most direct approach for a general assessment of paleodiet. However, this method has been limited by the scarcity of well-preserved skeletal materials for this type of destructive analysis. Hair is preserved in many burials, but is often overlooked as an alternative material for isotopic analysis. Here we report that the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values for the hair of the 5200 year-old Ice Man indicates a primarily vegetarian diet, in agreement with his dental wear pattern. Whereas previous investigations have focused on bone collagen, the stable isotope composition of hair may prove to be a more reliable proxy for paleodiet reconstruction, particularly when skeletal remains are not well preserved and additional archaeological artifacts are unavailable.  相似文献   

The stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of forest hog hair is used to estimate seasonal diet changes in forest hogs from Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. This detailed record of diet shows that the forest hogs on Mweya Peninsula consume up to 20% grass at the beginning of the rainy season, and very little grass during the rest of the year. Correlation of isotope patterns between individuals from the same sounder show that a single animal records the group behaviour.  相似文献   

Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) can significantly influence nutrient cycling in small streams yet the factors influencing the bioavailability of DOC remains poorly understood. The isotopic composition of DOC and factors controlling its utilization were studied in two contrasting headwater streams to elucidate the relationship between DOC source and its bioavailability. Water samples were collected monthly from Moore Creek (MC), located in a watershed dominated by fertilized pasture, and from Huey Hollow (HH), located in a deciduous forest watershed. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations ranged from 222 to 1130 μm C and 35 to 289 μm C in MC and HH, respectively. The isotopic composition of DOC (δ13CDOC) was more seasonally variable in HH and ranged from ?33.6 to ?28.0?, as compared with MC where it ranged from ?27.2 to ?24.5 ?. The δ13CDOC in Huey Hollow suggests leaf debris was an important source of DOC throughout most of the year while algae was important in winter and early spring. In MC, the δ13CDOC indicated DOC was largely derived from soil organic matter while algal inputs were small relative to the large pool of refractory DOC. Stream water community respiration (SWCR) rates suggest the existence of a larger pool of refractory DOC in MC relative to HH. The ratio of SWCR (μM C h?1) to DOC concentration (mM C) was generally higher in HH (1.2–13.2) as compared with MC (0.2–4.2), suggesting that relative bioavailability of DOC was often greater in HH. Nutrient addition experiments indicate that bioavailable C limited SWCR in spring and fall in MC, while bioavailable C was never limiting in HH. The results suggest that elevated nutrient and DOC concentrations supported higher levels of microbial activity that resulted in a large pool of refractory DOC in MC. The lower inorganic nutrient and DOC concentrations reduced microbial activity in HH and likely limited the production of refractory DOC. Results of this study suggest that both organic matter source and nutrient concentration are important determinants of DOC bioavailability in small streams. %  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of body tissues is one of the few techniques that can furnish quantitative information about the diet of archaeological humans. The study of the effects of various diets on modern human isotopic values can help to refine palaeodietary theories, and such work also enables the testing of palaeodietary theories independent of archaeological remains and interpretations. This report discusses the use of modern human hair as a sample material for isotopic analysis. The biogenic carbon and nitrogen isotopic signal is well preserved in hair, and the isotopic values of the keratin can be related to diet. We show that atmospheric and cosmetic contamination of hair keratin does not appear to affect the measured isotopic values. In a small study of Oxford residents, we demonstrate that the magnitude of the nitrogen isotopic values of hair keratin reflects the proportion of animal protein consumed in the diet: omnivores and ovo-lacto-vegetarians have higher delta15N than vegans. There was an observed relationship between the reported amount of animal protein eaten (either meat or secondary animal products) and the nitrogen isotopic values within the two groups of omnivores and ovo-lacto-vegetarians, indicating that an increasing amount of animal protein in the diet results in an increase in the delta15N of hair keratin. This provides the first independent support for a long-held theory that, for individuals within a single population, a diet high in meat equates to elevated nitrogen isotopic values in the body relative to others eating less animal protein. The implications of such results for the magnitude of the trophic level effect are discussed. Results presented here also permit a consideration of the effects of a change of diet in the short and long term on hair keratin isotopic values.  相似文献   

Application of contactless control method does not create any psychological or physical discomfort for a man and allows to realize diagnostics continuously for a long time, evidently or secretly. These properties of the control determine its effective application in practice. In the paper the data are given of the studies of the functional state of a man-operator using the parameters of the eyelids movements contactlessly recorded in infra-red rays, and the results of diagnostics of patients with depression by the characteristics of their speech, recorded from the microphone. The above data are obtained in practice.  相似文献   

黄土地区不同覆被下土壤无机碳分布及同位素组成特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤无机碳在剖面上的分布在评估区域碳库储量、陆地碳循环以及全球变化的研究中具有重要作用.本文通过测定黄土地区不同植被类型覆盖下土壤pH值、碳酸盐含量、δ13C和δ18O值,探讨了黄土地区植被类型对碳酸盐在土壤剖面中分布和同位素组成特征的影响.结果表明:各剖面碳酸盐含量为5.7% ~ 14.1%,其均值大小为荒地>草地>林地;林地中,阔叶林>灌木林>针叶林,针叶林变化最明显;受成土母质影响,各剖面土壤pH值在7~8,呈弱碱性;土壤碳酸盐δ13C值分布为-6.2‰~-1.8‰,各剖面δ13C均值大小为荒地>灌木林>针叶林>草地>阔叶林;植被类型主要是通过向土壤输入有机质来影响土壤无机碳同位素组成;不同覆被下土壤剖面碳酸盐δ18O值差异明显,其可能受土壤物理性质如孔隙度、湿度等影响;黄土地区不同覆被下土壤无机碳含量和δ13C、δ18O值明显不同,因此,在植被演替过程中,植被类型的改变会影响到土壤无机碳库的储量和区域碳循环过程.  相似文献   

Variability of some carbon isotope characteristics in man (i.e. carbon isotope composition of hair, blood, nails, expiratory carbon dioxide) was studied. Slow (with the period about 20-30 days) oscillations near some average level with a variable amplitude were observed in the isotope composition of the hair carbon. The maximum deviation from the mean level in one person tested was 6%. In the isotope composition of carbon dioxide respired under physical load and under conditions of aerobic metabolism during short periods (up to 15 minutes) there were also found significant variations from the mean level, the maximal ones being 6/1000. An attempt was made to explain the changes observed of isotope characteristics in terms of the principal carbon isotope fractionation cell model proposed earlier.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳含量与同位素特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据长江口崇明东滩典型高程部位柱状样与鼎湖山不同海拔土壤剖面土壤有机碳(SOC)含量与SOC同位素资料(δ13C、Δ14C),研究了土壤有机质更新的元素与同位素特征。结果表明,土壤剖面δ13C最大值(δ13Cmax)深度以上土层的SOC含量与δ13C值呈负相关,该深度以下呈正相关。土壤SOC含量与δ13C呈负相关,说明有机质分解程度低,有机质中快循环组分的比例较高,为土壤表层新鲜有机质,有机质14C表观年龄不足200年;二者呈正相关指示有机质分解程度较高,为中、下部土层较稳定的有机质组分,成土年龄在300年以上。土壤SOC含量随时间下降的速率与成土时间呈负相关,δ13Cmax深度以下土层的下降速率明显低于该深度以上土层,且年代越老,SOC含量下降速率越慢,表明其有机质主要为慢循环组分。不同土壤剖面δ13C的时间趋势基本一致,在δ13Cmax深度以上土层,δ13C随时间延长而增大,该深度以下δ13C随时间延长而降低。土壤有机碳δ13C与SOC含量随时间的变化具有明显对应关系,表明二者的变化机制存在内在关联。  相似文献   

Charred modern grass epidermis preserves the carbon isotopic composition of the parent plant photosynthetic pathway. Fifty-nine modern grasses and sedges were collected in lowland western Uganda. All charred epidermal samples from C4 grasses or sedges preserve a carbon isotopic value within the range typical for C4 plants (−17 to −10‰), and charred epidermal fragments from C3 plants have carbon isotopic values between −30 and −26‰. The process of charring results in a slightly enriched carbon isotopic signature (−11.9‰ mean charred value as compared to −12.8‰ mean unaltered grass tissue value). δ13C measurements of replicate samples from the same plant vary within 1–2‰, yet all values for the same plant stay within the expected values for the photosynthetic pathway of the plant. δ13C measurements on >180-μm charred grass epidermal fragments extracted from surface sediment samples from three lakes on the lowland western Ugandan landscape confirm the predominant lowland C4 grass input (δ13C=−16 to −19‰). These results demonstrate the utility of using carbon isotopic analysis of charred grass epidermis to reconstruct C3 vs. C4 grassland assemblages on the landscape. Furthermore, such downcore δ13C profiles can be used to highlight key zones of C3 vs. C4 grass change for which taxonomic analysis of fossil grass epidermis could provide more detailed information regarding grassland community composition.  相似文献   

A set of isogenic derivatives of Yersinia pestis EV strain was obtained including the variants harbouring the different compositions of Yersinia own plasmids. The protein profiles of outer membranes of the set of strains were defined. The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis has shown the small 6.1 Md plasmid to code an outer membrane protein with mol mass 29 kDa, different from pesticin I, while the heavy 60.0 Md plasmid encodes the 15-16 kDa polypeptide different from monomers of F1 and T-antigens of plague microbe.  相似文献   

For detection of functional State of Human Leucocytes incubation test was proposed. From the levels of LTAG (Leucocyte thermostable alpha-globulin)--one of the cationic proteins of granules neutrophils, which excrete neutrophils from granules in the time of incubation, it is possible to estimate the degree of injury of the functional state of Leucocytes from patients and in experimental systems in vitro. The immunochemical techniques were used to study the levels of LTAG.  相似文献   

As was shown (1), analysis of human hair on the population level and mapping of large territories using hair elemental composition are promising approaches for estimation of both the environmental situation and the population health status. In (1,2) the map of Uzbekistan (sampling in 1981) was discussed. Ten years later (1991), samples from the territory in the vicinity of the drying out Aral Sea were taken again. Samples were analyzed for 24 elements using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Comparison of the data and maps drawn for 1981 and 1991 and their comparison with changes of the health status have shown that repeated mapping of territories using data on human hair elemental composition could be used in medical geography, especially for prediction of health status changes in ecologically unfavorable areas.  相似文献   

J. Clifford  B. Sheard 《Biopolymers》1966,4(10):1057-1065
Measurements have been made of the nuclear magnetic relaxation times T1 and T2 of the protons of water in hair. These are interpreted as showing that water molecules in hair exist in a continuous range of environments with a wide spread of rates of molecular rotation. Even at high water contents most of the water molecules are much less mobile than molecules in bulk water. The term “mobility” is given a quantitative meaning.  相似文献   

An original device has been worked out which permits registering parameters of respiration, gas exchange and circulation in man during diving and performance of some tests under water (graduated exercise, respiration with changed gas mixture, etc.). The correction coefficients have been experimentally determined to calculate the gas exchange and cardiohemodynamics indices in underwater conditions. The indices of human work capacity under water are determined using the above device.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the isotopic composition of anthropogenic boron (B) and its potential affects on the environment. The isotopic ratios of B in synthetic products from the main ores in the world have been measured by negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry. The data show that the isotopic compositions of Na-borate products and washing powders overlap with those of natural Na-borate minerals. In contrast, the11B/10B ratios of synthetic Ca-borate and Na/Ca borate products are significantly lower (by 15 permil) and overlap with those of the natural Ca-borate minerals. Consequently, the original isotopic signature of natural borate minerals is not modified during the manufacturing process of synthetic products. The B isotopic composition of domestic wastewater from Israel and Riverside, California suggests that B in sewage is derived from Na-borate components used in detergents. Since B, like other inorganic ions, is not removed during conventional sewage treatment, it accumulates in domestic wastewater. Although the B concentration in pristine groundwaters is generally low (<0.05 mg/L), contaminant sources (e.g., wastewater) are relatively enriched in B (0.5–1 mg/L). The isotopically distinguished signature of borate compounds is used to trace groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

A recent trend in stable isotopic analysis involves the reconstruction of short-term variations in diet using hair segments. However, bulk hair samples typically contain a growth cycle error, which may conceal or confound the most recently incorporated isotopic information. It is assumed that, at any given time, ~85-90% of scalp hairs are actively growing, while the remaining 10-15% have transitioned into a resting or inactive phase, which lasts up to 4 months before hairs are shed. This study uses growth phase to determine the effects of age, sex, and health status on carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios of hair analyzed in sequential segments. For this study, we selected archaeological hair samples from 10 individuals from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. Isotopic analyses of actively growing hair segments were compared to those for mixed growth phase segments from each individual. These data demonstrate the presence of growth cycle error and show that an understanding of structural-functional relationships is essential for interpreting normal versus pathological changes in hair follicle and fiber production. In situations where diet change and mobility produce variations in an individual's isotopic composition, elimination of positional-temporal error in sequential segment hair analyses can facilitate greater understanding of intraindividual metabolic reactions and changes in hair growth cycles. Phase identification may aid in determining the presence of pathological conditions in individuals, especially in those lacking skeletal indications, and provide a more precise estimation of seasonal dietary patterns, access to changing food resources, and metabolic equilibration to a new locality.  相似文献   

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