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Acid production byRhizobium a unifying concept   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary A study was made of the acid-producing characteristics of 717 strains of Rhizobium in relation to the taxonomic position of the host legume. The hypothesis advanced is that the slow-growing non acid-producing type of Rhizobium commonly associated with tropical legumes represents the ancient form of the symbiont which has persisted unchanged because acid production during growth in the rhizosphere in acid soils would react unfavourably against survival. When the host legume becomes adapted to non-acid soils this restriction is lifted from the Rhizobium. The faster growth rate that is possible with an acid-producing metabolism and the competitive advantage this confers in the rhizosphere then ensures that the Rhizobium strains in effective symbiosis with the host become acid producers. If a group of legumes is found to be characteristically associated with Rhizobium that is strongly acid-producing it is an indication that the host group is an advanced one that has become strongly adapted to non-acid soils.The significance of this hypothesis to agronomic practice and to the taxonomy of legumes and of Rhizobium is discussed.  相似文献   

Carcinogens influence both the initiation of abnormal cells and the subsequent promotion of such cells into neoplasia. Certain other insults seem limited to the stimulation of cellular proliferation and of carcinogenic potentiation. Common examples include surgical, mechanical, chemical, and temperature wounding of tissue followed by healing. In addition, certain hyperplastic growth induced by some chemicals may also enhance tumorigenesis. We propose that the quantification of carcinogenic potentiation may derive from a common-index-quantity estimated according to enhanced cell proliferation resulting from cytotoxicity or toxic hyperplasia induced by a specific exposure. At this time, it is not possible to define, in a restrictive sense, the molecular events which are critical to potentiation but the processes of cell proliferation resulting from cytotoxicity/hyperplasia seem to serve as indices which contain the necessary (and perhaps several secondary) biological responses. The unique advantage is that cell-culture, animal, and human-level studies can be used to evaluate certain parameters of the mathematical model for an untested treatment protocol or chemical insult suspected to be a cofactor in tumorigenesis. The main thrust of this paper is to propose that tumorigenesis should be studied in terms of cellular-population kinetics in response to a biological challenge rather than according to chemical or energetic parameters of that challenge.This approach leads to mathematical equations which can serve as a unifying concept for carcinogenic risk assessments. Sample results, to illustrate the utility of this model, are given for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, trace metals, ionizing radiations, CO, NO, SO2, O3, and NO2. Treatment, here, is for acute exposure conditions, but because the model is mechanistic, other exposure protocols can be addressed by simply adjusting some of the mathematical parameters according to factors estimated from a relative potency comparison of in vitro and in vivo studies best suited to the particular application of interest.  相似文献   

An amperometric, electrode-based technique for the quantification of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is described. Glucose oxidase and an anti-HCG monoclonal antibody are co-immobilised onto a glassy carbon electrode. The activity of the enzyme is measured electrochemically by use of an electron transfer mediator (dimethylaminomethyl ferrocene). Binding of HCG to the antibody modulates the activity of the immobilised glucose oxidase, permitting quantification of HCG. Sensitivity of the assay is 7mIUHCGml−1 in serum (First International Reference Preparation). Soaking in 50% ethylene glycol permits reuse of the electrode. Crossreactivity of the electrode with other hormones has been examined.  相似文献   

This study was comprised of three trials to determine the effects of equine chrionic gonadotrophin (eCG) on induction of sexual receptivity in female mink that had failed to mate by late in the breeding season. In the first trial one ovary was removed from unmated mink, which were then injected with 100 IU eCG. This treatment induced ovarian activity, including ovulation in the remaining ovary. In the second experiment, mink that had not been observed to mate were treated with 100 IU eCG or saline, resulting in mating of 10 11 of the eCG-treated animals, compared to 5 11 controls. Litter sizes were larger in mink in the control group, suggesting that eCG interfered with some phase of the reproductive process. In the third trial, 226 mink that had failed to mate until late in the breeding season were treated with 100 IU eCG. Of the 191 that subsequently mated, 99 produced litters, but litter sizes were reduced slightly from those observed in the remainder of the herd that bred without hormone treatment prior to March 20. Neonatal kit loss per female whelping was greater in mink treated with eCG. It is concluded that eCG treatment will induce mating in mink that refuse to mate, but this treatment results in reduced whelping success and greater neonatal kit loss. Its utility may be restricted to salvage situations where large numbers of mink fail to mate.  相似文献   

The structure of the genetic code is related to a Gray code, which is a plausible theoretical model for an amino acid code. The proposed model implies that the most important factor in shaping the code was the effects of mistakes in translation, not effects of mutations. Another possible implication is that the preservation of stiffness and flexibility at appropriate places in a protein chain is as important in protein structure as the appropriate placement of hydrophilic (external) and hydrophobic (internal) residues. Other results are a simple conceptualization of the relationships among the 20 amino acids and their relations to their codons. The detailed relationships are summarized in the following ‘similarity alphabet’: ala, thr, gly, pro, ser; asp, asn, glu, gln, lys; his, arg, trp, tyr, phe; leu, met, ile, val, cys; (ATGPS DNEQK HRWYF LMIVC in the one-letter code). This alphabet falls into four groups of amino acids: small, external, large, internal. The approximate relation of the groups to their codons is expressed as: the first base of a codon controls size—a purine means a small amino acid, a pyrimidine means large; the middle base controls cloisterednes—purine means external, pyrimidine means internal. These relationships express the minimum change principle upon which the code appears to be founded.  相似文献   

After the first observations of life under the microscope, it took two centuries of research before the 'cell theory', the idea that all living things are composed of cells or their products, was formulated. It proved even harder to accept that individual cells also make up nervous tissue.  相似文献   

A human chorionic gonadotrophin-like protein (GF-1, 1.0 g) from the placentae of 50 guinea-pigs killed at Day 26 of gestation was purified by pH and ammonium salt fractionation followed by column chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex and filtration on Sephadex G-100. Relative to the Second International hCG standard (MRC 61/6) GF-1 had an immunological potency of 21 000 i.u./mg as measured in a specific hCG-beta radioimmunoassay and, using the ovarian ascorbic acid depletion assay, an apparent biological potency of 24 064 i.u./mg. Isoelectric focusing yielded 6 bands between pH 4.4 and 5.7 and the material comprised two non-covalently linked subunits. The Stokes' radii were 3.40 nm for the native preparation, and 2.38 nm and 3.15 nm for GF-1-alpha and GF-1-beta subunits respectively. The guinea-pig placenta therefore produces a chorionic gonadotrophin which on purification has physicochemical, biological and immunological properties similar to those of hCG.  相似文献   

Baboon CG from the urine and placenta (Days 33-45 of gestation) was purified by ammonium acetate/alcohol extraction followed by ionic exchange, gel filtration and affinity chromatography. The CG activity was monitored using a double-antibody radioimmunoassay utilizing anti-baboon CG and hCG both as the labelled ligand and standard. Biological activity was measured by the rat luteal cell radioreceptor assay. The purified preparation exhibited heterogeneity in terms of its behaviour during ionic exchange chromatography and isoelectric focussing. Like hCG, baboon CG was made up of two non-covalently linked subunits: the Stokes' radii were 36.5, 29.0 and 22.0 X 10(-10) m for native CG, the beta subunit and the alpha subunit. The material focussed between pH 4.2 and 5.5. Relative to the second international hCG standard the biological potency of the purified urinary baboon CG was 4058 i.u. whilst the immunological activity was 4364 i.u. It is concluded that baboon and human CG are very similar with respect to their physicochemical properties and that baboon CG can be purified by the methods that have been developed for hCG.  相似文献   

First, halorhodopsin is capable of pumping protons after illumination with greenand blue light in the same direction as chloride. Second, mutated bacteriorhodopsin where the proton acceptor Asp85 and the proton donor Asp96 are replaced by Asn showed proton pump activity after illumination with blue light in the same direction as wildtype after green light illumination. These results can be explained by and are discussed in light of our new hypothesis: structural changes in either molecule lead to a change in ion affinity and accessibility for determining the vectoriality of the transport through the two proteins.  相似文献   

Magnetic relaxation switch detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Functionalized nanoparticle contrast agents, also known as magnetic relaxation switches (MRS), were prepared to detect protein A and the beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG-beta). Antibodies were attached to cross-linked iron oxide (CLIO) nanoparticles using standard peptide chemistry. Protein A was used as a simple model analyte, as it is naturally multivalent and can bind multiple CLIO-IgG simultaneously. The addition of PA to CLIO-IgG resulted in transverse relaxation time (T2) shortening compared to a blank control as seen by NMR relaxometry measurements. Analyte-induced aggregation was confirmed by light scattering particle size analysis. A two-particle system was designed to measure hCG-beta, as it is not multivalent and requires conjugation of a matched pair of monoclonal antibodies to CLIO (referred to as C95 and C97). Measurement of hCG-beta is important, as elevated serum levels are associated with malignancies including testicular and ovarian cancers. The addition of hCG-beta to C95 and C97 resulted in T2 shortening with a linear dynamic concentration range of 0.1 to 1 molecules of analyte per nanoparticle. Similar data were obtained for the hCG dimer. Observations with higher stoichiometric ratios of analyte to nanoparticle and increased nanoparticle valency were also made. This method can potentially be adapted to detect other biomarkers in solution.  相似文献   

Wave-speed limitation on expiratory flow-a unifying concept   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

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