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The formation of capitulum inflorescence with two different types of floret is an interesting issue in floral biology and evolution. Here we studied the inflorescence, floral ontogeny and development of the everlasting herb, Xeranthemum squarrosum, using epi‐illumination microscopy. The small vegetative apex enlarged and produced involucral bracts with helical phyllotaxy, which subtended floret primordia in the innermost whorl. Initiation of floret primordia was followed by an acropetal sequence, except for pistillate peripheral florets. The origin of receptacular bracts was unusual, as they derived from the floral primordia rather than the receptacular surface. The order of whorl initiation in both disc and pistillate flowers included corolla, androecium and finally calyx, together with the gynoecium. The inception of sepals and stamens occurred in unidirectional order starting from the abaxial side, whereas petals incepted unidirectionally from the adaxial or abaxial side. Substantial differences were observed in flower structure and the development between pistillate and perfect florets. Pistillate florets presented a zygomorphic floral primordium, tetramerous corolla and androecium and two sepal lobes. In these florets, two sepal lobes and four stamen primordia stopped growing, and the ovary developed neither an ovule nor a typical stigma. The results suggest that peripheral pistillate florets in X. squarrosum, which has a bilabiate corolla, could be considered as an intermediate state between ancestral bilabiate florets and the derived ray florets.  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral ontogeny of the perennial, herbaceous crop Crocus sativus L. were studied using epi-illumination light microscopy. After production of leaves with helical arrangement a determinate inflorescence forms which becomes completely transformed into a single terminal flower. In some cases, bifurcation of the inflorescence meristem yields two or three floral meristems. The order of floral organs initiation is outer tepals – stamens – inner tepals – carpels. Stamens and outer tepals are produced from the lateral bifurcation of three common stamen-tepal primordia. Within each whorl, organs start developing unidirectionally from the adaxial side, except for the stamens which begin to grow from the abaxial side. Specialized features during organ development include interprimordial growth between tepals forming a perianth tube, fusion at the base of stamen filaments, and formation of an inferior ovary with unfused styles.  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral organogenesis and development of the bushy perennial legume Astragalus lagopoides of the section Hymenostegis were studied by means of epi-illumination light microscopy. Based on our observations, the primordia of lanceolate racemose inflorescences are born in the axils of leaves. Each inflorescence apex initiates acropetally bracts and floral apices for some time and then eventually ceases meristematic activity and forms an oblong-shaped terminal structure. The formation of such atypical terminal protrusion on the inflorescence meristem is judged to be a diagnostic feature for well-organized cessation of meristem morphogenesis. Pentamerous perfect flowers of the plant show strong zygomorphy and marked overlap in time of initiation among different organ primordia. Unexpectedly, sepal initiation is bidirectional starting from the lateral sides of the floral apex. Other significant developmental feature includes the existence of two types of common primordia, which are formed successively. From the primary common primordia there are produced antesepalous stamens and secondary common primordia. In comparison, the five secondary common primordia subdivide into a petal and an antepetalous stamen primordia. Initiation of two different types of common primordia is possibly the result of rising overlap in time of initiation of organs and demonstrates an advanced developmental style in the genus Astragalus.  相似文献   

Floral organogenesis and development of the bushy perennial legume Astragalus caspicus were studied using epi-illumination light microscopy techniques. Based on our observations, flowers are in axillary two-flowered racemes, initiate all 21 floral organs and show precocious appearance of zygomorphy. The order of floral organ initiation is unidirectional in whorls starting from the abaxial position of the flower with a high degree of overlap. Another important ontogenetic feature is the existence of two successive common primordial stages categorized as primary and secondary. The primary common primordia produce antesepalous stamens and secondary common primordia. In contrast, the five secondary common primordia subdivide into a petal and an antepetalous stamen primordia. Our findings on floral ontogeny of A. caspicus provide new evidence for the complex and variable floral initiation and development in legumes. The floral apex with strong overlapping initiation of different organs illustrates a paradox in which different capabilities must be presumed to exist simultaneously. Moreover, two extraordinary types of common primordia represent possibly an advanced evolutionary trend where time intervals between the initiations of different floral organs in Papilionoideae are shortened.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genus Brachyglottis suggests that its constituent species should contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Consistent with this hypothesis, and the established occurrence of such alkaloids in Brachyglottis repanda, Brachyglottis kirkii, and Brachyglottis hectori, an investigation of Brachyglottis adamsii revealed the presence of senecionine and retrorsine; Brachyglottis huntii was found to contain senkirkine and retrorsine; 7-O-angelylheliotridine was the predominant alkaloid in Brachyglottis perdicioides, and the same alkaloid together with senecionine, senkirkine and intergerrimine was present in the Brachyglottis hectori × B. perdicioides “Alfred Atkinson” horticultural hybrid; Brachyglottis sciadophila contained clivorine and neopetasitenine (acetylfukinotoxin); the latter alkaloid was also present in B. kirkii together with the previously reported senkirkine and senkirkine 12-acetate.  相似文献   

Two fossil taxa Tubulifloridites antipodica and T. viteauensis recovered from the Eocene Knysna Lignite of South Africa were examined with scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The details of their sculpturing and wall structure are similar to the same species of fossil dispersed pollen taxa recovered from southwestern Africa and South America. Fifteen species of the woody South African taxa, Brachylaena (9 species) and Tarchonanthus (6 species) were investigated with SEM and TEM. All of the taxa are tricolporate, spherical to slightly prolate, microechinate to echinate and have a bilayered columellate infrastructure, except B.ilicifolia, which has a single columellate infrastructural level with the “granularization” of the outer portion of the infrastructural layer or the inner layer of the tectum. There is a similar distribution of plesiomorphic and derived pollen characters in a number of aster subfamilies and tribes suggesting a similar evolutionary progression of pollen, and pollen wall character evolution was occurring synchronously in a variety of aster subfamilies during the middle Tertiary and that these unique pollen features may be important to the evolution and diversification of the Asteraceae.  相似文献   

研究了菊科向日葵族鳢肠亚族蟛蜞菊属(Sphagneticola O. Hoffm.)和孪花菊属(Wollastonia DC. ex Decne.)各2种植物的染色体数目和染色体形态。蟛蜞菊[S. calendulacea (L.) Pruski]的染色体数目为2n=50, 核型公式为2n=18m+30sm+2st,南美蟛蜞菊[S. trilobata (L.) Pruski]的染色体数目为2n=56, 核型公式为2n=24m+28sm+4st, 孪花菊[W. biflora (L.) DC.]的染色体数目为2n=30,核型公式为2n=24m+4sm+2st,山孪花菊[W. montana (Blume) DC.]的染色体数目为2n=74, 核型公式为2n=37m+31sm+6st。根据上述结果并结合以前的有关资料,推测蟛蜞菊属的染色体基数可能为x=14和x=25,而不应是x=15。该属的3个新世界热带种[S. brachycarpa (Baker) Pruski、S. gracilis (Richard) Pruski和南美蟛蜞菊]可能都基于x=14, 其中S. gracilis为二倍体(2n=2x=28), S. brachycarpa和南美蟛蜞菊为四倍体(2n=4x=56); 唯一的亚洲种(蟛蜞菊)可能是基于x=25的二倍体(2n=2x=50)。染色体资料不支持将山孪花菊(x=37)这一植物置于孪花菊属(x=15)中。  相似文献   

The first ethnobotanical data on Pteronia divaricata is presented, which shows that the plant is an important traditional Cape medicine, especially in the Cederberg region (Western Cape Province) and in the Middelpos and Nieuwoudtville districts of the Northern Cape Province. Surprisingly, not a single publication could be found that records any uses for the species. We accurately documented nine separate anecdotes, which include various medicinal uses (for the treatment of colds, fever, influenza, stomach pain, diarrhoea, back pain, chest ailments, high blood pressure and tuberculosis). The novel data also includes seven previously unrecorded vernacular names, namely flip-se-bos, inflammasiebos, pylbos, dassiebos, dassiepisbos, perdebos and boegabos. Since the species is poorly known, its general morphology, leaf anatomy and essential oil composition were studied. Oil is produced in secretory ducts along the midribs below the main vascular bundle; secretory trichomes are also present on the leaf surface. The oil is relatively complex and contains a combination of sabinene, myrcene, β-caryophyllene and bicyclogermacrene as main compounds with smaller amounts of limonene, p-cymene, tetradecane, pentadecane, terpinen-4-ol and δ-cadinene. Dichloromethane extracts exhibited antibacterial activity (especially against Bacillus cereus) at MIC values as low as 1.0 mg/ml. Other solvent extracts and the essential oils were less active.  相似文献   

The floral development of five species ofTalinum is studied. Each flower is surrounded by two involucral bracts. The perianth consists of five tepals initiated in a 2/5 phyllotaxis. In all species studied a first whorl of 10–13 stamens is initiated, except inT. napiforme where this whorl is reduced to five stamens. In multistaminate androecia, additional whorls develop centrifugally. InT. paniculatum, T. portulacifolium andT. napiforme the first stamens are initiated in pairs opposite the outer tepals. In several flowers ofT. paniculatum andT. portulacifolium ten stamens are incepted in spiral sequence resembling diplostemony. Similar ontogenetic patterns are present in several species ofPhytolacca. However, within the genusTalinum the ontogenetic pattern of the firstly initiated stamens is not consistent with traditional diplostemony. InT. triangulare the firstly initiated stamens are incepted in sectors on a ring meristem, resembling the early inception in several species ofAnacampseros andPortulaca. The nectaries are associated with the filament bases and can be defined as caducous nectaries of the staminal type. The development of the tricarpellate, syncarpous gynoecium is very similar in all species studied; it is characterised by a leptate carpel-form.  相似文献   

The genus Psednotrichia (Asteraceae–Senecioneae) is endemic to Angola and currently consists of two annual species, P. xyridopsis (O. Hoffm.) Anderb. & P. O. Karis, and P. newtonii (O. Hoffm.) Anderb. & P. O. Karis. A perennial member of the genus was collected on a recent field trip to Angola, and is here described as P. perennis N. G. Bergh & B. Nord., sp. nov. A key to the three species is provided.  相似文献   

Senecio vulgaris L. (2n = 40) is suggested to be of autotetraploid origin fromS. vernalis Waldst. & Kit. (2n = 20). This conclusion is based on results obtained from experimental hybridisations and cytological observations, and the consideration of morphological affinities, patterns of geographical distribution and hybrid formation under natural conditions. The morphological differences between the two species are related to a difference in the breeding system. WhilstS. vernalis is self-incompatible,S. vulgaris is self-compatible and strongly self-pollinating. Equally, other self-pollinating taxa traditionally associated withS. vulgaris are shown to have evolved independently from outbreeding relatives. Within a narrow frame of relationship, annual weeds have evolved in different cytotaxonomic circumstances.  相似文献   

Flourensia oolepis Blake (Asteraceae) essential oil had a complex chemical composition with τ-muurolene (6.14%), santolinetriene (6.22%), 2-methylene-4,8,8-trimethyl-4-vinyl-bicyclo[5.2.0]nonane (10.15%), δ-cadinene (10.27%) and γ-gurjunene (20.69%) comprising more than 50% of the oil. This oil had repellent and toxic effects on Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) adults, acting as a contact toxin. Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) and Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) adults showed behavioral sensibility to this oil.  相似文献   

Subaerial parts of Leontodon rosani (Ten.) DC. collected in the South Italian Basilicata region yielded four new hypocretenolides, 11β,13-dihydro-15-hydroxyhypocretenolide (2), 15-hydroxyhypocretenolide (3), 11β,13-dihydro-15-hydroxyhypocretenolide-β-glucopyranoside (4), and 15-hydroxyhypocretenolide-β-glucopyranoside (5). Structure elucidations were based on MS experiments and extensive one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments. None of the isolated compounds showed any activity in an in vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay. The chemosystematic impact of the occurrence of hypocretenolides in L. rosani is discussed with regards to the supposed allotetraploid origin of the title species. Moreover, HPLC retention times and online mass signals for all currently known hypocretenolide derivatives are described to ease future studies screening for this rare group of natural products.  相似文献   

The only available ethnobotanical information on Pteronia incana has been recorded by the Montagu Museum in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. It was reported that the plant is used to treat influenza, fever, kidney ailments and backache. In common with other species of Pteronia, the plant contains an essential oil reminiscent of pine turpentine oil with β-pinene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, myrcene, spathulenol, p-cymene and methyleugenol as main compounds present in all or most of the samples, with smaller amounts of α-pinene, sabinene, γ-terpinene, terpinen-4-ol, biclogermacrene, globulol and α-bisabolol in some of the distillates. We investigated the oil composition of 11 individual plants collected at three geographically distant localities but found limited variation, both within and between populations. Leaf sections of P. incana showed that it is anatomically similar to P. divaricata in the presence of a secretory duct associated with the main vascular bundle (and often other bundles as well), in addition to glandular and non-glandular trichomes on both leaf surfaces. One yeast (Cryptococcus neoformans), two Gram-negative bacteria (Moraxella catarrhalis and Klebsiella pneumoniae) and one Gram-positive bacterium (Mycobacterium smegmatis) were selected for antimicrobial activity studies using the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) microtitre plate method. The results showed that methanol:dichloromethane (MeOH:CH2Cl2) extracts were active against M. smegmatis (lowest MIC values of 0.5–0.8 mg/ml) and C. neoformans (lowest MIC values of 0.5–2.0 mg/ml). The essential oil was most active against C. neoformans (lowest MIC value of 0.3 mg/ml). These results provide a scientific rationale for the use of P. incana in Cape herbal medicine.  相似文献   

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