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Cape gannet Morus capensis chicks depend entirely on fish prey and metabolic water for water requirements during development. Water loss through evaporative cooling due to heat stress is substantial. We measured water flux and field metabolic rates (FMR) of Cape gannet chicks and adults to determine if gannets developed water saving strategies. The water economy index (WEI, g kJ?1) decreased with chick age according to the model WEI = 0.676 – 0.272 × log10(t), indicating that water efficiency increased with age. At fledging, the WEI of chicks was at the level expected of adult desert birds. Desert birds maintain a low WEI by also having a low FMR, whereas Cape gannet chicks have FMR comparable to other seabird species’ nestling requirements. We propose that maintaining low WEI is adaptive for Cape gannets because (1) chicks need to balance water loss through evaporative cooling, (2) fledglings need to overcome a period of up to a week when they cannot ingest any water and (3) adults spend extended periods in the breeding colony during which water can become a limiting factor. Understanding the physiological mechanism of maintaining low WEI will become increasingly important with future rising temperatures.  相似文献   

A management procedure was developed for a harem breeding colony of rhesus monkeys to reduce trauma-related injuries and deaths resulting from the periodic removal of pregnant monkeys for research and their subsequent return to the population. Lower morbidity and mortality rates, a reduced mean conception interval, and a higher mean conception rate occurred when monkeys were maintained in permanent harems to which returning females were reintroduced compared to new social groups formed from aggregates of unfamiliar animals.  相似文献   

The human-type ABO blood groups were determined for 94 families of the squirrel monkey which included 151 animals. Four phenotypes of ABO blood groups (A, B, AB, and O) were detected. Family analysis revealed that the human-type ABO blood groups in this species were governed by three alleles, codominantA andB and silentO. There were intraspecific differences in the distribution of phenotypes and gene frequency among three populations imported by different routes at different times. The usefulness of ABO blood groups for defining the genetic variability of a squirrel monkey breeding colony through successive generations is discussed on the basis of the difference in distribution of ABO blood groups between wild-originated parental and its first colony-born populations.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of competition pressure on the sequential pattern of adult emergence was studied by using the experimental population of the azuki bean weevil. The density and pattern of emergence curves of the parental adult induced the changes in the shape of emergence curve of the progeny as well as the number of progeny individuals. In order to explain these changes, a simple mathematical model which has two independent variables, the population density and the capacity of environment, was introduced. The model generated basically similar patterns of emergene curves as observed in the present experiments. This means that the model displayed well the competition pressure which differentially acted upon early-born and late-born individuals in the populations being at different densities and which were differentially received by individual progeny according to the sequential distributions of parents. This different severity of competition pressure resulted in the difference of time when the pressure compelled influences on the sequential distribution of adult emergence. Therefore, early developed individuals may have good chance to survive, but the competition pressure works as a factor modifying their fundamental superiority, especially in the scramble type of competition. Intense crowding of the azuki bean weevil gave rise to the scramble type of competition in the relation between the numbers of adults emerged in two successive generations. When parental emergence concentrated in a short term and at high density, the competition becomes intense, resulting in the inferiority of early developed individuals, in the decrease in number at the next generation and in the increase of duration for emergence.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by animals is a complex process involving several distinct stages: fruit removal by frugivores, seed delivery in different microhabitats, seed germination, seedling establishment, and adult recruitment. Nevertheless, studies conducted until now have provided scarce information concerning the sequence of stages in a plant's life cycle in its entirety. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the immediate consequences of frugivore activity for Eugenia umbelliflora (Myrtaceae) early recruitment by measuring the relative importance of each fruit‐eating bird species on the establishment of new seedlings in scrub and low restinga vegetation in the Atlantic rainforest, Brazil. We conducted focal tree observations on E. umbelliflora trees recording birds' feeding behaviour and post‐feeding movements. We also recorded the fate of dispersed seeds in scrub and low restinga vegetation. We recorded 17 bird species interacting with fruits in 55 h of observation. Only 30% of the handled fruits were successfully removed. From 108 post flight movements of exit from the fruiting trees, 30.6% were to scrub and 69.4% to low restinga forest. Proportion of seed germination was higher in low restinga than in the scrub vegetation. Incorporating the probabilities of seeds' removal, deposition, and germination in both sites, we found that the relative importance of each frugivorous bird as seed dispersers varies largely among species. Turdus amaurochalinus and Turdus rufiventris were the best dispersers, together representing almost 12% probability of seed germination following removal. Our results show the importance of assessing the overall consequence of seed dispersal within the framework of disperser effectiveness, providing a more comprehensive and realistic evaluation of the relative importance of different seed dispersers on plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

The identification of northern and southern components in different vertebrate species led researchers to accept a two‐component hypothesis for the Brazilian Atlantic forest (BAF). Nevertheless, neither a formal proposal nor a meta‐analysis to confirm this coincidence was ever made. Our main objective here was therefore to systematically test in how many vertebrate components the BAF could be divided by analysing existing empirical data. We used two approaches: (1) mapping and comparing the proposed areas of vertebrate endemism in the BAF and (2) analysing studies mentioning spatial subdivisions in distinct forest‐dependent vertebrates within the biome, by the use of panbiogeography. The four large‐scale endemism area components together with the six small‐scale panbiogeographical ones allowed the definition of three BAF greater regions, subdivided into nine vertebrate components, latitudinally and longitudinally organized. Empirical time estimates of the diversification events within the BAF were also reviewed. Diversification of these vertebrates occurred not only in the Pleistocene but also throughout the Miocene. Our results confirm the BAF's complex history, both in space and time. We propose that future research should be small‐scale and focused in the vertebrate components identified herein. Given the BAF's heterogeneity, studying via sections will be much more useful in identifying the BAF's historical biogeography. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

The nutrient content and intake of locally available North Carolina browse was evaluated for use as a supplement to a herbivorous primate diet of commercial biscuit and produce. Twice weekly from May to October 1997, total dietary intakes were determined for two groups of folivorous lemurs. Group I consisted of Propithecus diadema diadema (n = 1) and P. tattersalli (n = 1) and group II consisted of P. verreauxi coquereli (n = 3). Six pooled samples of the diet and weekly samples of three browse species, Rhus copallina, Albizia julibrissin, and Liquidamber styrachiflua were analyzed for dry matter, energy, fiber, and nitrogen content. Browse species were also analyzed for nonprotein nitrogen and acid‐insoluble nitrogen. Group average dry matter intakes were 37.1 ± 2.2% (mean ± SEM) and 49.7 ± 3.0% of amount offered for groups I and II, respectively. Browse contributed 40.7 ± 2.9% and 29.6 ± 2.4% of the total daily intake for groups I and II, respectively. Browse species differed (P < 0.05) for dry matter, energy, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, cellulose, lignin, total nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen, available nitrogen, and available protein. R. copallina and L. styrachiflua were similar in total nitrogen, available nitrogen, and nonprotein nitrogen; A. julibrissin was higher. L. styrachiflua was highest in lignin. Dry matter, acid detergent fiber, and lignin in browse samples increased seasonally (P < 0.05), whereas available protein decreased (P < 0.01). Animals were offered and consumed R. copallina most often, followed by A. julibrisson and L. styrachiflua. With the exception of R. copallina, animals generally consumed only the immature leaves, flowers, or seeds of species offered. Daily dry matter intake varied because of both browse offered and consumed and biscuit and produce diet consumed. Thus, increased fiber density can be a major benefit of browse use only when incorporated into the total diet with respect to species use, quantity of other diet ingredients offered, and targeted nutrient intakes. Zoo Biol 20:447–461, 2001. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract: Murres (thick-billed [Uria lomvia] and common [U. aalge]) are legally hunted along the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Razorbills (Alca torda) are also incidentally taken. Only irregular estimates of the total murre harvest are available, so a tool to derive estimates of age- and species-specific harvest is required to effectively monitor the hunt and manage a sustainable harvest. We collected 293 murre and razorbill wings from hunters between 1999–2004, with the goal of identifying wing characteristics that could be used to discriminate age and species. We found that murres and razorbills could be reliably aged (first-yr vs. older) on the basis of molt limits of greater wing coverts. Using a discriminant function (DF) incorporating length of the first primary and second secondary feather, we classified 95–96% of common murres and 99–100% of thick-billed murres correctly to species. First-year thick-billed and common murres also differed in number of pale secondary coverts (median = 12 and 3, respectively), providing another species-specific trait. We developed a key to age and assign species based on these results. We assessed applicability and accuracy of the wing-key with novice observers, who differentiated between murre and razorbill wings using feather-pattern coloration with high accuracy (95 ± 9%) and were able to differentiate between the 2 murres species using 3 techniques: visual assessment of wing shape (83 ± 14% accuracy), the DF (94 ± 6%), and number of worn secondary coverts for first-year birds only (83 ± 5%). Experience increased success rates of aging and species classification using wing shape and number of worn secondary coverts but not using the DF. Despite differences in measurement accuracy and repeatability among observers, the DF proved to be robust. Our results will facilitate implementation of a species composition survey for the murre hunt and will improve identification rates of carcasses found during beached bird surveys in the Northwest Atlantic, aiding in monitoring of alcid populations vulnerable to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

In long‐lived species, although adult survival typically has the highest elasticity, temporal variations in less canalized demographic parameters are the main drivers of population dynamics. Targeting recruitment rates may thus be the most effective strategy to manage these species. We analyzed 1,136 capture–recapture histories collected over 9 years in an isolated population of the critically endangered Lesser Antillean iguana, using a robust design Pradel model to estimate adult survival and recruitment rates. From an adult population size estimated at 928 in 2013, we found a yearly decline of 4% over the 8‐year period. As expected under the canalization hypothesis for a long‐lived species, adult survival was high and constant, with little possibility for improvement, whereas the recruitment rate varied over time and likely drove the observed population decline. We then used a prospective perturbation analysis to explore whether managing the species’ immature cohorts would at least slow the population decline. The prospective perturbation analysis suggested that a significant and sustained conservation effort would be needed to achieve a recruitment rate high enough to slow the population decline. We posit that the high recruitment rate achieved in 2014—likely due to the maintenance in 2012 of the main nesting sites used by this population—would be sufficient to slow this population''s decline if it was sustained each year. Based on the results of diverse pilot studies we conducted, we identified the most likely threats targeting the eggs and immature cohorts, stressing the need to improve reproductive success and survival of immature iguanas. The threats we identified are also involved in the decline of several reptile species, and species from other taxa such as ground‐nesting birds. These findings on a little‐studied taxon provide further evidence that focusing on the immature life stages of long‐lived species can be key to their conservation.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the little egret (Egretta garzetta) was studied in 20 nests within the mixed-species breeding colonies at Nanchong, Sichuan, Southwest China, in 2006. By measuring a set of physical characteristics of vegetation at the nests and at a set of 20 randomly chosen sites we showed that birds preferentially used taller trees in areas with fewer shrubs of higher species diversity. Nests at lower locations in trees had marginally lower hatching success due to their destruction by humans; this destruction contributed marginally significantly to lowering of the total nesting success in all studied nests. Although gale winds also had a negative effect on breeding success, the anthropogenic influences were a greater factor in reproductive failure. We found similar effects in our review of literature on breeding success of the little egret from various geographical areas. Our results may be of use by conservation organizations in their actions to protect colonies of the little egret.  相似文献   

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