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Due to the diversification of farming systems and climate change, farm animals are exposed to environmental disturbances to which they respond differently depending on their robustness. Disturbances such as heat stress or sanitary challenges (not always recorded, especially when they are of short duration and low intensity) have a transitory impact on animals, resulting in changes in phenotypes of production (feed intake, BW, etc.). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of such unknown disturbances on the estimated genetic parameters and breeding values (BV) for production traits. A population of 6 120 individuals over five generations divided into eight batches of 10 pens was generated, each individual underwent an ?100-day test period. A longitudinal phenotype mimicking piglet weight during the fattening period was simulated for each individual in two situations: disturbed and non-disturbed. The disturbed phenotype was modified according to the robustness of the animal and the intensity and duration of the disturbance that the animal was subjected to. Various sets of simulations (1 000 replicates per set) were considered depending on the type of disturbance (at the level of the batch, pen, or individual), the genetic correlation (negative, neutral, or positive) between the two components of the robustness (resistance and resilience), the genetic correlation (negative, neutral, or positive) between growth and the components of robustness, and the heritability of the components of robustness (weak or moderate). An animal model was used to estimate the genetic parameters and BV for two production traits: the BW at 100 days of age (BW100) and average daily gain (ADG). The estimated heritability of the production traits was lower in the disturbed situation compared to the non-disturbed one (reduction of 0.08 and 0.05 points respectively for BW100 and ADG). The correlations between estimated breeding values of the observed phenotypes (EBV) and BV for production traits in absence of disturbance were lower in the disturbed situation (reduction of 0.04 and 0.06 points for BW100 and ADG respectively) while the partial correlation between EBV and BV for robustness was not significantly different from 0 in the two situations. These results suggest that selection in a well-controlled environment with random disturbances of low intensities does not allow to improve animal robustness while it is less effective for improving production traits than selection under no environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

In a previous study of maize (Zea mays L.) populations formed from few parents, we found that estimates of genetic variances were inconsistent with a simple additive genetic model. Our objective in the current study was to determine how multilocus epistasis and linkage affect the loss of genetic variance in populations created from a small number of parents (N). In simulation experiments, F2 individuals from the same single cross were intermated to form progeny populations from N = 1, 2, 4, and 8 parents. Additive gene effects and metabolic flux epistasis due to L = 10, 50, and 100 loci were modeled. For additive, additive-with-linkage, epistatic, and epistasis-with-linkage models, we estimated the ratio between total genetic variance in the progeny population (V N ) and base population (V B ) as well as the 95th (Δ95%) and 75th (Δ75%) percentile differences between the estimated V N /V B and the V N /V B expected for the additive model. The mean V N /V B ratio was lower under epistasis than under additivity, indicating that metabolic flux epistasis hastens the decline in genetic variance due to small N. In contrast, Δ95% was higher with epistasis than with additivity across the different levels of N and L. Linkage had little effect on the mean V N /V B , whereas it increased Δ95% and Δ75% under both additivity and epistasis. Smaller N and L led to higher V N /V B particularly when epistasis was present. Overall, the results indicated that while metabolic flux epistasis led to a faster average decline in genetic variance, it also led to greater variability in this decline to the point that V N /V B was larger than expected in many populations.  相似文献   

The genetic causes of heterosis in tree growth were investigated by a comparative genetic analysis of intra- and inter-specific crosses derived from Populus tremuloides and P. tremula. A new analytical method was developed to estimate the effective number of loci affecting a quantitative trait and the magnitudes of their additive and dominant effects across loci. The method combines the assumption of multiple alleles, as frequently found in outcrossing species, and the family structure analysis at different hierarchical levels. During the first 3 years of growth, interspecific hybrids displayed strong heterosis in stem growth, especially volume index, over intraspecific hybrids. By a series of joint analyses on the combining ability and the genetic component, we found that F1 heterosis might be due to overdominant interaction between two alleles, one from the P. tremuloides parent and the other from the P. tremula parent, at the same loci. This inference was derived from the finding that heterozygotes, newly formed through species combination, showed much greater growth than the heterozygotes from intraspecifc crosses at a reference locus. Heterosis in aspen growth appeared to be under multi-genic control, with a slightly larger number of loci for stem diameter and volume (9–10) than for height (6–8). For traits with non-significant heterosis, such as stem allometry and internode number and length, the number of underlying loci seemed to be much fewer (3–4). While additive effects appeared to influence seedling traits collectively across loci, a few major dominant loci had much larger effects on stem growth.  相似文献   

ITS序列结合培养特征鉴定梨树腐烂病菌   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对采自中国4个省份的9个梨树腐烂病菌分离株和7个苹果树腐烂病菌分离株的ITS序列进行了测定和分析,并结合GenBank的有性型Valsa ceratosperma、V. ambiensV. mali的ITS序列构建了系统发育树。结果表明梨和苹果树的各分离株在ITS核苷酸序列上分化较小(p-distance=1.55%),均在V. ceratosperma聚类组,但二者又分别处于两个独立小分支。其与V. ambiensV. mali处在不同的聚类组中,且亲缘关系较远,表明供试梨树腐烂病菌并非V. ambiens。培养性状和生物学特点的研究结果还发现,梨树腐烂病菌各分离株无论在菌落颜色、产孢特点、还是37℃高温的生长情况都和苹果腐烂病菌有一定差别。前者菌落始在PDA终为乳白色,而后者菌落初为白色后期变褐色;在20% ABA上,前者形成的产孢体较大而数量较少,在37℃高温下能正常生长,后者则形成的产孢体较小而数量较多,在37℃高温下不能正常生长。并未发现二者在子实体上有稳定明显的差异。因而表明梨树腐烂病菌应为V. ceratosperma,但可用培养性状和生物学特点进行区分其和苹果树腐烂病菌。  相似文献   

Summary The genetic variance among random-mated lines derived from backcrossing (BCgS1 lines) depends upon the backcross generation (g) and the number (n) of BCgF1 plants crossed in generations 1 through g. There is little effect of n on genetic variance for n > 6. The genetic variance among BCgF2-derived lines is greater than that among BCgS1 lines for all g. If either BCgF2-derived or BCgS1 lines are used as a base population for recurrent selection, 8, 16, 32, and 64 BC1F1, BC2F1, BC3F1, and BC4F1 plants, respectively, should be used to avoid loss of donor alleles to drift.Joint contribution of USDA-ARS and Journal Paper No. J-11224 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2471Formerly Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Ames, Iowa, USA  相似文献   

ITS序列结合培养特征鉴定梨树腐烂病菌   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对采自中国4个省份的9个梨树腐烂病菌分离株和7个苹果树腐烂病菌分离株的ITS序列进行了测定和分析,并结合GenBank的有性型Valsa ceratosperma、V.ambiens和V.mali的ITS序列构建了系统发育树。结果表明梨和苹果树的各分离株在ITS核苷酸序列上分化较小(p-distance=1.55%),均在V.ceratosperma聚类组,但二者又分别处于两个独立小分支。其与V.ambiens和V.mali处在不同的聚类组中,且亲缘关系较远,表明供试梨树腐烂病菌并非V.ambiens。培养性状和生物学特点的研究结果还发现,梨树腐烂病菌各分离株无论在菌落颜色、产孢特点、还是37℃高温的生长情况都和苹果腐烂病菌有一定差别。前者菌落始在PDA终为乳白色,而后者菌落初为白色后期变褐色;在20%ABA上,前者形成的产孢体较大而数量较少,在37℃高温下能正常生长,后者则形成的产孢体较小而数量较多,在37℃高温下不能正常生长。并未发现二者在子实体上有稳定明显的差异。因而表明梨树腐烂病菌应为V.ceratosperma,但可用培养性状和生物学特点进行区分其和苹果树腐烂病菌。  相似文献   



The major obstacles for the implementation of genomic selection in Australian beef cattle are the variety of breeds and in general, small numbers of genotyped and phenotyped individuals per breed. The Australian Beef Cooperative Research Center (Beef CRC) investigated these issues by deriving genomic prediction equations (PE) from a training set of animals that covers a range of breeds and crosses including Angus, Murray Grey, Shorthorn, Hereford, Brahman, Belmont Red, Santa Gertrudis and Tropical Composite. This paper presents accuracies of genomically estimated breeding values (GEBV) that were calculated from these PE in the commercial pure-breed beef cattle seed stock sector.


PE derived by the Beef CRC from multi-breed and pure-breed training populations were applied to genotyped Angus, Limousin and Brahman sires and young animals, but with no pure-breed Limousin in the training population. The accuracy of the resulting GEBV was assessed by their genetic correlation to their phenotypic target trait in a bi-variate REML approach that models GEBV as trait observations.


Accuracies of most GEBV for Angus and Brahman were between 0.1 and 0.4, with accuracies for abattoir carcass traits generally greater than for live animal body composition traits and reproduction traits. Estimated accuracies greater than 0.5 were only observed for Brahman abattoir carcass traits and for Angus carcass rib fat. Averaged across traits within breeds, accuracies of GEBV were highest when PE from the pooled across-breed training population were used. However, for the Angus and Brahman breeds the difference in accuracy from using pure-breed PE was small. For the Limousin breed no reasonable results could be achieved for any trait.


Although accuracies were generally low compared to published accuracies estimated within breeds, they are in line with those derived in other multi-breed populations. Thus PE developed by the Beef CRC can contribute to the implementation of genomic selection in Australian beef cattle breeding.  相似文献   

The objective of this simulation study was to compare the effect of the number of QTL and distribution of QTL variance on the accuracy of breeding values estimated with genomewide markers (MEBV). Three distinct methods were used to calculate MEBV: a Bayesian Method (BM), Least Angle Regression (LARS) and Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR). The accuracy of MEBV calculated with BM and LARS decreased when the number of simulated QTL increased. The accuracy decreased more when QTL had different variance values than when all QTL had an equal variance. The accuracy of MEBV calculated with PLSR was affected neither by the number of QTL nor by the distribution of QTL variance. Additional simulations and analyses showed that these conclusions were not affected by the number of individuals in the training population, by the number of markers and by the heritability of the trait. Results of this study show that the effect of the number of QTL and distribution of QTL variance on the accuracy of MEBV depends on the method that is used to calculate MEBV.  相似文献   


A random bred population of Yorkshire pigs (Go) was characterized using fourteen various indicators of immune and innate resistance. Based on initial heritability estimates and correlations between these traits, two measures of antibody (serum IgG, and antibody response to HEWL), and cellular activity (blastogenic response to Con A and cutaneous DTH to BCG/PPD), and one indicator of innate monocyte function (uptake and killing of S. typhimurium) were chosen as breeding criteria to be used in a composite selection index. Based on these five traits a combined estimated breeding value (EBV) was calculated for each animal and pigs were assigned to High, Low or Control breeding groups. Approximately 120 first generation piglets (G1) were then similarly evaluated. Based on Go plus G1 heritability estimates were 0.25, 0.23, 0.08, 0.08 and zero for secondary antibody response to HEWL, blastogenic response to Con A, cutaneous DTH to BCG/PPD, serum IgG, and monocyte function, respectively. Least squares means reflected these estimates in that there were significant (p ≤ 0.05) differences between High and Low line G1 pigs in antibody, blastogenic, and DTH responses. However, there were no significant line differences in serum IgG or uptake and killing of S. typhimurium. Response to selection was determined both by differences in least squares means and differences in average EBV between the High and Low lines. After one generation of selection, lines were separated by 1.508 (least squares) and 1.205 (EBV) index points, or slightly more than half a standard (phenotypic) deviation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to elucidate whether responses to vibriosis vaccination and gene expressions in parts of the innate immune system were different in families of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). The fish were progenies of families with differences in estimated breeding values (EBV) for vibriosis resistance. Families of coastal cod (CC) and northeast Arctic cod (AC) responded well to vaccination with a relative percent survival of 72–95. No correlation between response to vaccination and vibriosis resistance were found (p = 0.146). The AC family with medium low (M) resistance had significant (p ≤ 0.019) lowest mortality among all the unvaccinated fish but the CC-M family. Further, when comparing the vaccinated fish the AC family with very high (VH) resistance had significant (p ≤ 0.004) higher mortality than all except the CC-VL and CC-H families.Parts of the innate immune response were studied by measuring the gene expression of innate immune genes 2 and 4 days post dip vaccination. Vaccinated fish from two families had a weak but significant higher innate immune response compared to control fish of the same family. In vaccinated fish, the gene expression of interleukin (IL) 1b, IL-10, IL-12p40 and hepcidin were significant up-regulated. While, no measureable activations of interferon gamma (IFNγ), IL-8, cathelicidin, LBP/BPI and G-type lysozyme were found.  相似文献   

Reif JC  Gumpert FM  Fischer S  Melchinger AE 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1931-1934
We present a theoretical proof that the ratio of the dominance vs. the additive variance decreases with increasing genetic divergence between two populations. While the dominance variance is the major component of the variance due to specific combining ability (sigma(SCA)(2)), the additive variance is the major component of the variance due to general combining ability (sigma(GCA)(2)). Therefore, we conclude that interpopulation improvement becomes more efficient with divergent than with genetically similar heterotic groups, because performance of superior hybrids can be predicted on the basis of general combining ability effects.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for apple (Malus x domestica) fruit external traits (fruit size, ground colour, proportion of over colour and attractiveness) and sensory traits (firmness, crispness, texture, juiciness, flavour, sugar, acidity and global taste) were estimated using 2,207 pedigreed genotypes from breeding programmes in six European countries. Data were scored for 3 years and four periods during storage. Analyses were performed with a restricted maximum likelihood method using VCE 5.1.2 software. Heritability estimates ranged from medium to high for instrumental traits. Genetic correlations between firmness and sugar were medium and low between firmness and acidity. Sensory traits showed low to high heritability, acidity and flavour being, respectively, the most and the less heritable. Global taste was strongly correlated with texture, juiciness, and flavour and relatively less correlated with crispness and acidity. Sensory sugar and acidity showed highly negative correlations whereas their instrumental measurements showed low and increasing positive correlations from harvest to 4 months post-harvest. Sugar exhibited a higher sensory/instrumental divergence. Conversely, instrumental and sensory firmness were highly correlated. Fruit external characteristics had medium heritability. Fruit attractiveness had highest and lowest correlations with fruit size and ground colour, respectively. Best linear unbiased predictors of breeding values were computed for all genotypes with the software PEST. The results were analysed with regard to the dynamic and the reliability of genetic parameters according to the scoring dates. Original issues of the study and the importance of the obtained results for efficient designs of further apple fruit quality breeding programmes were discussed.  相似文献   

A potato breeding strategy is presented which avoids the common but ineffective practice of intense early-generation visual selection between seedlings in a glasshouse and spaced plants at a seed site. Once pair crosses have been made, progeny tests are used to discard whole progenies before starting conventional within-progeny selection at the unreplicated small-plot stage. Clones are also visually selected from the best progenies for use as parents in the next cycle of crosses whilst they are multiplied to provide enough tubers for assessment of their yield and quality. Mid-parent values, as well as progeny tests, are then used to select between the resultant crosses. Material from other breeding programmes can be included in the parental assessments and used in the next cycle of crosses if superior. Finally, in seeking new cultivars, the number of clones on which to practise selection is increased by sowing more true seed of the best progenies, but without selection until the small-plot stage. Traits considered are resistance to late blight [ Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary] and to the white potato cyst nematode [ Globodera pallida (Stone)], fry colour and tuber yield and appearance, as visually assessed by breeders. The theoretical superiority of the strategy for seeking new cultivars lies in being able to practise between-cross selection for a number of economically important traits within 1 or 2 years of making crosses, something that is not possible on individuals as seedlings in the glasshouse or spaced plants at the seed site. This also means that full-sib family selection can be operated on a 3-year cycle, an improvement on current practice of clonal selection on what is often at least a nine-year cycle. New cultivars can be sought with more confidence from the best progenies in each cycle, and modern methods of rapid multiplication used to reduce the number of clonal generations required to find the best clones.  相似文献   

Extensive characterisation of Trypanosoma cruzi by isoenzyme phenotypes has separated the species into three principal zymodeme groups, Z1, Z2 and Z3, and into many individual zymodemes. There is marked diversity within Z2. A strong correlation has been demonstrated between the strain clusters determined by isoenzymes and those obtained using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles. Polymorphisms in ribosomal RNA genes, in mini-exon genes, and microsatellite fingerprinting indicate the presence of at least two principal T. cruzi genetic lineages. Lineage 1 appears to correspond with Z2 and lineage 2 with Z1. Z1 (lineage 2) is associated with Didelphis. Z2 (lineage 1) may be associated with a primate host. Departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium indicate that propagation of T. cruzi is predominantly clonal. Nevertheless, two studies show putative homozygotes and heterozygotes circulating sympatrically: the allozyme frequencies for phosphoglucomutase, and hybrid RAPD profiles suggest that genetic exchange may be a current phenomenon in some T. cruzi transmission cycles. We were able to isolate dual drug-resistant T. cruzi biological clones following copassage of putative parents carrying single episomal drug-resistant markers. A multiplex PCR confirmed that dual drug-resistant clones carried both episomal plasmids. Preliminary karyotype analysis suggests that recombination may not be confined to the extranuclear genome.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on resistance to clubroot in Brassica napus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rate of softening of apples of the variety Spartan was reduced by addition of 6 or 8% CO2 to a storage atmosphere of 2% O2 at 1 -5 oC. This effect was observed in three seasons and in samples from five sources. Sensory assessments suggested that addition of carbon dioxide to the storage atmosphere had no adverse effect on eating quality. Storage in 2% O2 at – 1 oC was as effective in maintaining flesh firmness as 8% CO2+ 2%O2 at 1–5 oC. Strategies for further reductions in firmness loss during storage of Spartan apples are discussed.  相似文献   

Interlocus sexual conflict theory predicts that some male adaptations are harmful to their mates. Females are therefore expected to evolve resistance to this harm. Using cytogenetic cloning techniques, we tested for heritable genetic variation among females for resistance to harm from males and determined whether propensity to remate, female body size, and intralocus conflict contributes to this variation. We found low but significant heritability for female resistance, but this variation accounted for more than half of the standing genetic variation for net fitness among females. We found no association between female resistance and female body size or level of intralocus sexual conflict. Reluctance to remate was found to be an important factor contributing to the female resistance phenotype, and we found a positive selection gradient on this trait. However, we observed only a nonsignificant positive correlation between a female's resistance and her net fitness. One factor contributing to the observed nominal level of selection on female resistance was that males cause the greatest amount of harm to females with the highest intrinsic fecundity.  相似文献   

DNA markers were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant height, ear height, and three flowering traits in hybrid progeny of two generations (F2:3, F6:8) of lines from a Mo17×H99 maize population. For both generations, testcross (TC) progeny were developed by crossing the lines to three inbred testers (B91, A632, B73). The hybrid progeny from the two generations were evaluated at the same locations but in different years as per an early generation testing program. QTLs were identified within each TC population and for mean testcross (MTC) performance. Overall, more QTLs were detected in the F6:8 than the F2:3 generation. Totalled over all five traits, 41 (B91) to 69% (B73) of the QTLs for tester effects and 67% of the QTLs for MTC detected in the F2:3 generation were verified in the F6:8 generation. Although differences in relative rank of the QTL effects across generations were observed, especially for the flowering traits, parental contributions were nearly always consistent. Several (8–11) QTLs were identified with effects for all three tester populations and for all traits except the anthesis-silk interval, which had only two such regions. Over all five traits, previous evaluations in this population identified 26 QTLs with consistent effects for two (F2:3, F6:8) inbred-progeny evaluations, and 20 (77%) were also associated with MTC in at least one of the generations evaluated herein. In all instances of common inbred and TC QTLs, parental contributions were the same. Received: 26 November 1999 / Accepted: 18 April 2000  相似文献   

Molecular Breeding - The ‘Honeycrisp’ apple, an economically important cultivar and breeding parent, is prone to soft scald and soggy breakdown postharvest physiological disorders....  相似文献   

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