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Previous work shows that predation by small mammals is a dominant cause of mortality of low-density gypsy moths in North America and that declines in small mammal density result in increases in gypsy moth density. Here we examined whether predation by small mammals is density dependent by way of a type III functional response, and how predation is influenced by alternative prey. First we showed that the preference of predators for gypsy moth pupae was low compared to other experimental prey items, such as mealworm pupae and sunflower seeds. Predation on gypsy moth pupae was characterized by a type II functional response with percent predation highest at the lowest prey densities, whereas the functional response to sunflower seeds was characterized by a type III functional response in which predation increased with increasing prey density. These results suggest that predation by small mammals is unlikely to stabilize low-density gypsy moth populations.  相似文献   

刘志广 《生态学报》2018,38(8):2958-2964
建立了一个显式含有空间庇护所的两斑块Leslie-Gower捕食者-食饵系统。假设只有食饵种群在斑块间以常数迁移率迁移,且在每个斑块上食饵间的迁移比局部捕食者-食饵相互作用发生的时间尺度要快。利用两个时间尺度,可以构建用来描述所有斑块总的食饵和捕食者密度的综合系统。数学分析表明,在一定条件下,存在唯一的正平衡点,并且此平衡点全局稳定。进一步,捕食者的数量随着食饵庇护所数量增加而降低;在一定条件下,食饵的数量随着食饵庇护所数量增加先增加后降低,在足够强的庇护所强度下,两物种出现灭绝。对比以往研究,利用显式含有和隐含空间庇护所的数学模型所得结论不一致,这意味着在研究庇护所对捕食系统种群动态影响时,空间结构可能起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) is common among generalist predators and an important issue in food web theory, because IGP may destabilise communities by increasing extinction of species. Also, IGP may interfere with the effectiveness of generalist predators as biological control agents. In general, occurrence of IGP in laboratory or field studies is inferred from abundance data or direct observations only. We investigated if tracing stable isotopes allows distinction between different types of predation and confirmation of IGP. Wolf spiders were chosen as model organisms for generalist predators; IGP of third instar A. cuneata on second instar P. palustris was investigated in a laboratory experiment. The availability of alternative prey and the complexity of the microhabitat were manipulated, since both factors are thought to facilitate coexistence of predators.
Stable isotope analysis documented predation of A. cuneata on P. palustris and predation on alternative prey by both juveniles. Both the presence of alternative prey and the availability of shelter reduced mortality of juvenile P. palustris during the first week. During the second week mortality increased in complex structure without alternative prey presumably due to enhanced activity and cannibalism among starving P. palustris . Thus, microhabitat complexity and prey abundance may foster coexistence of wolf spiders in the field.
In conclusion, stable isotope analysis was proven a powerful tool to investigate animal behaviour without direct observation. The method allowed disentangling predator feeding behaviour when more than one type of prey was present.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate that by focusing on traits linked to fundamental plant life‐history trade‐offs, ecologists can begin to predict plant community structure at global scales. Yet, consumers can strongly affect plant communities, and means for linking consumer effects to key plant traits and community assembly processes are lacking. We conducted a global literature review and meta‐analysis to evaluate whether seed size, a trait representing fundamental life‐history trade‐offs in plant offspring investment, could predict post‐dispersal seed predator effects on seed removal and plant recruitment. Seed size predicted small mammal seed removal rates and their impacts on plant recruitment consistent with optimal foraging theory, with intermediate seed sizes most strongly impacted globally – for both native and exotic plants. However, differences in seed size distributions among ecosystems conditioned seed predation patterns, with relatively large‐seeded species most strongly affected in grasslands (smallest seeds), and relatively small‐seeded species most strongly affected in tropical forests (largest seeds). Such size‐dependent seed predation has profound implications for coexistence among plants because it may enhance or weaken opposing life‐history trade‐offs in an ecosystem‐specific manner. Our results suggest that seed size may serve as a key life‐history trait that can integrate consumer effects to improve understandings of plant coexistence.  相似文献   

Capsule GPS tracking gives very precise information about Feral Pigeons' spatio-temporal behaviour in the urban habitat.

Aims To test the suitability and the limits of GPS tracking in the urban habitat for a detailed analysis of Feral Pigeons' spatio-temporal behaviour.

Methods We placed ten receivers in eight different locations in the city of Basel, Switzerland. Between 1 and 23 April 2003, we performed 166 recordings and compared the stored positions with the real location. We also tested the GPS receivers on 29 free-living Feral Pigeons.

Results Almost 82% of the positions obtained with the GPS receivers were within 25 m and 96% within 100 m of the real location. The accuracy varied between locations, depending on the proportion of open sky. In 38% of the tests, no positions were stored. We performed 143 test flights with 29 Feral Pigeons (18 males and 11 females). A total of 118 flights produced ‘storable’ position information, 25 flights (17.5%) produced no storable data. Over 47% of the flights were complete (beginning and ending at loft), the others began or ended elsewhere. We encountered some difficulties: delays to get the first fix; reflection of the satellite signal on tall buildings; and limited battery life.

Conclusion Despite some difficulties related to the urban habitat and the technical features of the GPS receivers, we recommend the GPS-based tracking method for studying the spatio-temporal behaviour of Feral Pigeons and other birds weighing over 300 g and which are easy to capture.  相似文献   

Functional response curves of fourth instar larvae ofChaoborus flavicans preying on two size classes ofDaphnia longispina were examined throughout three summer seasons in a small forest lake. Data for each size class were fitted to Holling's disc equation. The parametersa (attack rate) andTh (handling time) were calculated for each prey size from these curves. Attack rate was greater and handling time was shorter for small (0.77 mm) than for large (1.82 mm)Daphnia. In 1:1 mixture of these prey size classes the predation rates ofChaoborus on smallDaphnia at prey densities above 20 l–1 were greater than predicted from the single size-class experiments. The observed predation rates on largeDaphnia were lower than predicted at all prey densities. Since both single size-class and two size-class experiments were run during the same period of time the difference in observed and predicted predation rates could not be attributed to seasonal changes in prey preference ofChaoborus larvae. In experiments with a concentrated mixture of lake zooplankton (dominated byD. longispina)Chaoborus preference forDaphnia decreased as prey body size increased. There was no obvious correlation between selectivity coefficients and size-frequency distributions ofDaphnia. When medium-sizedDaphnia were omitted from calculations the preference of small over large prey did not differ significantly from the predictions of the single size-class model.  相似文献   

Michael R. Heithaus 《Oikos》2001,92(3):542-554
Competition and predation have broad ecological consequences as they may influence individual behavior and community structure. In some cases, they are linked and predator and prey are also competitors (intraguild predation). I present a game theoretic model of habitat use by predators and prey under conditions of asymmetrical intraguild predation. This model predicts that when the diet of intraguild predators is restricted to intraguild prey and the resource for which predators and prey compete (the basal resource), co-occurrence is only stable when dietary overlap is low and productivity of the basal resource is not high. The addition of alternative resources for predators results in co-occurrence under all conditions. Variation in alternative resource productivity produces a continuum of intraguild prey distributions from matching relative habitat safety, to one that reflects both food and predation risk. When there is a substantial alternative resource for predators, the distribution of predators matches that of alternative resource availability while the distribution of prey is influenced by both habitat riskiness and food availability. The density and distribution of the predator's alternative resource thus influence habitat selection by the intraguild prey. This stresses the importance of indirect interactions in structuring habitat use in communities and the need to view habitat selection in a community context.  相似文献   

A pattern of wolfCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 predation on red deerCervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758 was studied in Bieszczady Mountains in 1991–2002. In total 324 remains of red deer > 4 months old, killed by wolves throughout the year, were found. The sex, age and bone marrow fat content of wolf kills were compared with the same characteristics within the free living red deer population. The overall contribution of calves killed by wolves (24%) in October-May was higher than in the population (17%), and decreased from autumn to spring. Adult males were more vulnerable to wolf predation than adult females: stags constituted 62% and hinds 38% of adult red deer killed by wolves, whereas in the population, the percentages were 37 and 63%, respectively. Stags killed by wolves were younger ([`(x)] = 4.1\bar x = 4.1 years old) than hinds ([`(x)] = 8.9\bar x = 8.9 years old). Wolves killed more > 8 years old hinds and < 5 years old stags than available in the population. In wolf kills, the average fat content in femur marrow was higher among hinds (84.9%) than stags (69.3%) and calves (66.1%). Only 8% of hinds had < 70% femur marrow fat content, whereas 40% of calves and 38% of stags had marrow fat values below that level. Marrow fat content showed seasonal variation and was the lowest in March among all sex-age classes. The monthly share of stags in all kills, and hinds in hind-calf part of the sample was negatively correlated with their monthly average bone marrow fat content, and monthly share of calves was positively correlated with monthly average bone marrow fat content of adults. The segregation of social units (hind-calf and stag groups), except during the rutting season, and the low fat reserves of males from midwinter until spring contribute to the high overall incidence of calves and adult males and the relatively low incidence of adult females among wolf kills.  相似文献   

Functionally redundant predation and functionally complementary predation are both widespread phenomena in nature. Functional complementary predation can be found, for example, when predators feed on different life stages of their prey, while functional redundant predation occurs when different predators feed on all life stages of a shared prey. Both phenomena are common in nature, and the extent of differential life-stage predation depends mostly on prey life history; complementary predation is expected to be more common on metamorphosing prey species, while redundant predation is thought to be higher on non-metamorphosing species. We used an ordinary differential equation model to explore the effect of varying degree of complementary and redundant predation on the dynamic properties of a system with two predators that feed on an age-structured prey. Our main finding was that predation on one stage (adult or juvenile) resulted in a more stable system (i.e., it is stable for a wider range of parameters) compared to when the two predators mix the two prey developmental stages in their diet. Our results demonstrate that predator–prey dynamics depends strongly on predators' functionality when predator species richness is fixed. Results also suggest that systems with metamorphosing prey are expected to be more diverse compared to systems with non-metamorphosing prey.  相似文献   

By considering a model incorporating behavioral changes by predators and prey evolution, we demonstrate how under certain conditions apostatic predation influences the maintenance of diversity within prey populations, and among different prey species. Further, we estimate the intrinsic diversity wavelength of the system when apostasy combines with other factors to lead to nonuniform distributions of prey along aspect gradients.  相似文献   

Within isolated and fragmented populations, species interactions such as predation can cause shifts in community structure and demographics in tidal marsh ecosystems. It is critical to incorporate species interactions into our understanding when evaluating the effects of sea‐level rise and storm surges on tidal marshes. In this study, we hypothesize that avian predators will increase their presence and hunting activities during high tides when increased inundation makes their prey more vulnerable. We present evidence that there is a relationship between tidal inundation depth and time of day on the presence, abundance, and behavior of avian predators. We introduce predation pressure as a combined probability of predator presence related to water level. Focal surveys were conducted at four tidal marshes in the San Francisco Bay, California where tidal inundation patterns were monitored across 6 months of the winter. Sixteen avian predator species were observed. During high tide at Tolay Slough marsh, ardeids had a 29‐fold increase in capture attempts and 4 times greater apparent success rate compared with low tide. Significantly fewer raptors and ardeids were found on low tides than on high tides across all sites. There were more raptors in December and January and more ardeids in January than in other months. Ardeids were more prevalent in the morning, while raptors did not exhibit a significant response to time of day. Modeling results showed that raptors had a unimodal response to water level with a peak at 0.5 m over the marsh platform, while ardeids had an increasing response with water level. We found that predation pressure is related to flooding of the marsh surface, and short‐term increases in sea levels from high astronomical tides, sea‐level rise, and storm surges increase vulnerability of tidal marsh wildlife.  相似文献   

Halofsky JS  Ripple WJ 《Oecologia》2008,155(4):869-877
While patterns from trophic cascade studies have largely focused on density-mediated effects of predators on prey, there is increasing recognition that behaviorally mediated indirect effects of predators on prey can, at least in part, explain trophic cascade patterns. To determine if a relationship exists between predation risk perceived by elk (Cervus elaphus) while browsing and elk position within the landscape, we observed a total of 56 female elk during two summers and 29 female elk during one winter. At a fine spatial (0–187 m) and temporal scale (145–300 s), results from our model selection indicated summer vigilance levels were greater for females with calves than for females without calves, with vigilance levels greater for all females at closer escape-impediment distances. Winter results also suggested greater female vigilance levels at closer escape-impediment distances, but further indicated an increase in vigilance levels with closer conifer-edge distances. Placed within the context of other studies, the results were consistent with a behaviorally mediated trophic cascade and provide a potential mechanism to explain the variability in observed woody plant release from browsing in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA.  相似文献   

In basic intraguild predation (IGP) systems, predators and prey also compete for a shared resource. Theory predicts that persistence of these systems is possible when intraguild prey is superior in competition and productivity is not too high. IGP often results from ontogenetic niche shifts, in which the diet of intraguild predators changes as a result of growth in body size (life-history omnivory). As a juvenile, a life-history omnivore competes with the species that becomes its prey later in life. Competition can hence limit growth of young predators, while adult predators can suppress consumers and therewith neutralize negative effects of competition. We formulate and analyze a stage-structured model that captures both basic IGP and life-history omnivory. The model predicts increasing coexistence of predators and consumers when resource use of stage-structured predators becomes more stage specific. This coexistence depends on adult predators requiring consumer biomass for reproduction and is less likely when consumers outcompete juvenile predators, in contrast to basic IGP. Therefore, coexistence occurs when predation structures the community and competition is negligible. Consequently, equilibrium patterns over productivity resemble those of three-species food chains. Life-history omnivory thus provides a mechanism that allows intraguild predators and prey to coexist over a wide range of resource productivity.  相似文献   

Christopher Jones 《Oikos》2003,102(1):57-66
New Zealand's native avifauna is threatened by introduced mammalian predators. Native species are often not the primary prey of these predators, which depend on introduced mice and rabbits as their primary food source. Theoretical models predict that predation risk for a subsidiary, or "secondary" prey species is inversely proportional to its population size. This prediction was tested by a quasi-natural experiment in which four different sized prey "colonies" were constructed at four existing sooty shearwater breeding sites. Domestic hens' eggs were placed in shearwater burrows immediately following the shearwater breeding season and egg predation rates monitored at five, ten and fifteen days. Treatments were switched between sites and the experiment run for a second time after a two-week stand-down period. The net effect of increasing colony size was to lower individual risk of predation. The larger number of individuals present served to effectively "buffer," or dilute, per-capita predation risk from predators whose numbers are fixed by extraneous factors: chiefly the abundance of their primary prey. Although eggs were removed more slowly from smaller colonies than from larger ones, each loss had a greater per-capita effect on individual mortality risk. The inverse density dependent relationship found between colony size and predation risk implies that predator population dynamics are largely independent of secondary prey numbers. Abundant introduced predators can therefore easily drive a small secondary prey population to extinction. Control of primary prey populations may be an important management tool in these circumstances.  相似文献   

Su M  Hui C 《Bio Systems》2011,105(3):300-306
Although pathogens and predators have been widely used as bio-control agents against problematic prey species, little has been done to examine the prevalence and aggregation of pathogens in spatially structured eco-epidemiological systems. Here, we present a spatial model of a predator-prey/host-parasite system based on pair approximation and spatially stochastic simulations, with the predation pressure indicated by predator abundance and predation rates. Susceptible prey can not only be infected by contacting adjacent infected individuals but also by the global transmission of pathogens. The disease prevalence was found to follow a hump-shaped function in response to predation pressure. Moreover, predation pressure was not always negatively correlated with pathogen aggregation as proposed from empirical studies, but depending on the level of predation pressure. Highly connected site network facilitated the parasites infection, especially under high predation pressure. However, the connectivity of site network had no effect on the prevalence and aggregation of pathogens that can infect health prey through global transmission. It is thus possible to better design biological control strategies for target species by manipulating predation pressure and the range of pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

Predation activity of different epigeic predators on artificially supplied prey was studied in a cereal field during several 24 h periods from spring to early summer 1993. Carabids were the most frequently observed predators. Among themPoecilus cupreus was the most voracious species during day-time, andAgonum muelleri during night-time. Predation rates were highest between 10.00 and 18.00 h and lowest between 02.00 and 10.00 h. Linear regressions showed significantly positive relations between temperature and predation rates, and between predation and activity density of epigeic predators. The latter relation was stronger when only activity density of predators which were observed to consume baits was included. Quadrat sampling and pitfall sampling showed that with the former only a small proportion of bait-consuming predators were caught whereas with the latter method this proportion was high.  相似文献   

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