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The morphogenesis of type IV collagen-containing structures in the stromal matrix of the developing avian cornea was investigated using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopic histochemistry. Two forms of type IV collagen-containing structures were seen; these differed in their probable origin, structure, molecular composition, and developmental fate. The major form of stromal type IV collagen-containing material, termed "strings," was observed only after swelling of the primary stroma and the onset of mesenchymal invasion. These strings are presumed to be products of the stromal cells. In immunofluorescence histochemistry they appeared as linear segments of type IV collagen-specific immunoreactivity. In immunoelectron microscopy, they appeared initially as electron-dense sausages of variable length and orientation. They frequently were associated with cell surfaces and, in fortuitous sections, appeared to connect adjacent cells. The strings also contained type VI collagen and fibronectin, but very little, if any, of the basement membrane components laminin and heparin sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG). As the stroma continued to expand in thickness, more of these structures were observed in a radial orientation, becoming quite long and less tortuous. Later in development, as stromal condensation proceeded, they disappeared. We suggest that the strings function to stabilize the stromal matrix, and perhaps to limit the rate and/or extent of stromal expansion, during a phase of rapid swelling and matrix deposition. The other form of type IV collagen-containing stromal material appeared as irregularly shaped plaques of basement membrane-like material identical to those previously described in mature corneas. These are likely derived from the corneal endothelial cells. They contained other basement membrane-associated components (laminin, HSPG) and fibronectin, but not type VI collagen. This material persists in mature corneas as sparse irregular stromal plaques and as matrix in the interface between Descemet's membrane and the corneal stroma.  相似文献   

A new X-ray diffraction pattern from type IV collagen is described, which can be interpreted on the basis of crystalline and liquid crystalline origins of the reflections. Bovine anterior lens capsules extracted with 1 NaCl and oriented by extension of 60% under constant load gave medium angle X-ray diffraction patterns showing many of the characteristics typical of liquid crystals. Prominent features, apart from those wide angle features attributable to the collagen triple helix, are (1) a four-point pattern of broad reflections at d-spacing 3.9 nm, and layer line spacing near 5 nm. (2) A broad intense equatorial peak centred at 1.24 nm, indicative of LIQUID=like lateral molecular associations (3) A set of five sharp, streaked meridional reflections (previously obscured by the broad peak near 5 nm in unextracted capsules). (4) A further six higher angle reflections of a diffuse, arced and broad appearance on the meridian. The sharp streaked meridional reflections emanate from a long-range periodicity of units 8–9 nm in diameter. These features form a self-consistent system if interpreted on the basis of staggered liquid crystal-like array of collagen molecules, in which case the first five meridionals and remaining broad reflections, sampled on the meridian, can all be indexed as orders of 21 nm.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen was solubilized from a tumor basement membrane either by acid extraction or by limited digestion with pepsin. The two forms were similar in composition and the size of the constituent chains but differed when examined by electron microscopy and in the fragment pattern produced by bacterial collagenase. The acid-soluble form showed after rotary shadowing strands mainly of a length of 320 nm which terminated in a globule, or two strands connected by a similar globule. The globule was identified as a non-collagenous domain (NC1) which under dissociating conditions could be separated into two peptides showing a monomer-dimer relationship. Higher aggregates of NC1 were visualized under non-dissociating conditions. Some of the acid-extracted molecules have retained the previously 7-S collagen domain. The pepsin-solubilized form lacked domain NC1 and consisted mainly of four triple-helical strands (length 356 nm) joined together at the 7-S domain (length 30 nm). Common to both forms of type IV collagen was a small collagenase-resistant domain NC2 which was composed of collagenous and non-collagenous elements and located between the 7-S domain and the major triple helix. These data indicate that the collagenous matrix of basement membranes consists of a regular network of type IV collagen molecules which is generated by two different interacting sites located at opposite ends of each molecule. The 7-S collagen domain connects four molecules while the NC1 domain connects two molecules. The maximal distance between identical cross-linking sites (7-S or NC1) was estimated to be about 800 nm comprising the length of two molecules.  相似文献   

To investigate potential heterogeneity and developmental changes in basement membranes during embryogenesis, we performed immunohistochemical analyses on lens capsules in chicken embryos of different ages using domain-specific monoclonal antibodies against type IV collagen. We found that the capsule of the newly formed lens stained uniformly with antibodies against this component of basement membranes, but with increasing age and differentiation of the lens cells the anterior lens capsule remained brightly fluorescent while staining of the posterior capsule became relatively much less intense. This antero- posterior gradient of anti-type IV collagen antibody reactivity demonstrated that developmentally-regulated changes can occur within a single, continuous basement membrane.  相似文献   

The complete exon size and distribution pattern in the gene for the alpha 1 chain of human type IV collagen was determined. Clones covering 145 kilobases (kb) of genomic DNA including 100 kb of the gene itself as well as 25 kb upstream and 20 kb downstream of the gene sequences, respectively, were isolated from lambda phage and cosmid libraries. The overall gene structure was determined by endonuclease restriction mapping and R-loop analyses and all exon sizes by nucleotide sequencing. The characterized clones contained all the coding sequences except for exon 2 whose sequence was determined after its amplification by the polymerase chain reaction. There were four gaps in the intron sequences; the exact size of the gene is unknown. The entire gene is at least 100 kb in size and contains 52 exons whose size distribution is completely different from that of the genes for fibrillar collagens. In the -Gly-X-Y- coding region there are three exons of 99, 90, and 45 base pairs (bp) each and two exons of 27, 36, 42, 51, 54, 63, and 84 bp each. The rest of the exons have sizes between 71 and 192 bp in the collagenous region. About one-half of the -Gly-X-Y- repeat coding exons start with the second base for the codon of glycine, whereas the other half starts (with two exceptions) with a complete glycine codon. The distribution of split versus unsplit codons is uneven in that the first 19 exons of the gene start with a complete codon. The gene contains repetitive sequences in several regions. A 185-nucleotide segment containing 40 copies of CCT flanked by poly(C) and poly(T) sequences was shown to be located adjacent to an exon. The gene has previously been shown to be located head-to-head to the alpha 2(IV) collagen gene at the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 13, such that the first exons of the two genes are separated by as little as 42 bp (P?schl, E., Pollner, R., and Kühn, K. (1988) EMBOJ. 7,2687-2695; Soininen, R., Huotari, M., Hostikka, S. L., Prockop, D. J., and Tryggvason, K. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 17217-17220). The results demonstrate that the human alpha 1(IV) collagen gene has a structure distinctly different from the genes for fibrillar collagens and also that it is considerably larger than any collagen gene characterized to date.  相似文献   

The collagen microstructure of the peripheral cornea is important in stabilizing corneal curvature and refractive status. However, the manner in which the predominantly orthogonal collagen fibrils of the central cornea integrate with the circumferential limbal collagen is unknown. We used microfocus wide-angle x-ray scattering to quantify the relative proportion and orientation of collagen fibrils over the human corneolimbal interface at intervals of 50 μm. Orthogonal fibrils changed direction 1–1.5 mm before the limbus to integrate with the circumferential limbal fibrils. Outside the central 6 mm, additional preferentially aligned collagen was found to reinforce the cornea and limbus. The manner of integration and degree of reinforcement varied significantly depending on the direction along which the limbus was approached. We also employed small-angle x-ray scattering to measure the average collagen fibril diameter from central cornea to limbus at 0.5 mm intervals. Fibril diameter was constant across the central 6 mm. More peripherally, fibril diameter increased, indicative of a merging of corneal and scleral collagen. The point of increase varied with direction, consistent with a scheme in which the oblique corneal periphery is reinforced by chords of scleral collagen. The results have implications for the cornea's biomechanical response to ocular surgeries involving peripheral incision.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen could not be extracted from human placenta using 6M-urea containing 10mM-dithiothreitol, indicating that the type IV molecule is stabilized within the basement membrane by covalent cross-links. However, various forms of type IV collagen molecule were extractable by means of increasingly severe proteolytic conditions. Type IV collagen tetramers ('spiders') lacking only the C-terminal globular region (NC1) were further digested to the 'long-form' 7S fragment and an assortment of helical rod-like molecules derived from the 'leg' region. These molecules were separated by salt fractionation and examined by rotary-shadowing electron microscopy. Isolation of these fractions from placenta which had been reduced with NaB3H4 revealed that both the 7S (N-terminal) and C-terminal regions contained significant proportions of reducible lysine-derived cross-links. These cross-links were shown to be exclusively the stable oxo-imine hydroxylysino-5-oxonorleucine. The number of the cross-links per molecule was significantly lower than might be expected in order to fully stabilize the molecule. These results suggest that the keto-imine cross-links in type IV collagen have been stabilized in part by conversion into an unknown non-reducible form, although a sensitive immunoassay failed to show the presence of any pyridinoline. Comparison with the fibrous collagen from placenta suggested that the rate of this conversion is much greater in basement-membrane collagen.  相似文献   

Interactions between type IV collagen and heparin were examined under equilibrium conditions with rotary shadowing, solid-phase binding assays, and affinity chromatography. With the technique of rotary shadowing and electron microscopy, heparin appeared as thin, short strands and bound to the following three sites: the NC1 domain, and in the helix, at 100 and 300 nm from the NC1 domain. By solid-phase binding assays the binding of [3H]heparin in solution to type IV collagen immobilized on a solid surface was found to be specific, since it was saturable and could be displaced by an excess of unlabeled heparin. Scatchard analysis indicated three classes of binding sites for heparin-type IV collagen interactions with dissociation constants of 3, 30, and 100 nM, respectively. Furthermore, by the solid-phase binding assays, the binding of tritiated heparin could be competed almost to the same extent by unlabeled heparin and chondroitin sulfate side chains. This finding indicates that chondroitin sulfate should also bind to type IV collagen. By affinity chromatography, [3H]heparin bound to a type IV collagen affinity column and was eluted with a linear salt gradient, with a profile exhibiting three distinct peaks at 0.18, 0.22, and 0.24 M KCl, respectively. This suggested that heparin-type IV collagen binding was of an electrostatic nature. Finally, the effect of the binding of heparin to type IV collagen on the process of self-assembly of this basement membrane glycoprotein was studied by turbidimetry and rotary shadowing. In turbidity experiments, the presence of heparin, even in small concentrations, drastically reduced maximal aggregation of type IV collagen which was prewarmed to 37 degrees C. By using the morphological approach of rotary shadowing, lateral associations and network formation by prewarmed type IV collagen were inhibited in the presence of heparin. Thus, the binding of heparin resulted in hindrance of assembly of type IV collagen, a process previously described for interactions between various glycosaminoglycans and interstitial collagens. Such regulation may influence the assembly of basement membranes and possibly modify functions. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative changes of proteoglycans which occur in certain pathological conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, may alter molecular assembly and possibly permeability functions of several basement membranes.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen, which has long been assumed to contain two alpha 1(IV) and one alpha 2(IV) chains, also contains alpha 3(IV), alpha 4(IV), and alpha 5(IV) chains. Stoichiometry of collagenous alpha(IV) chains differs among tissues, suggesting the existence of subclasses of type IV collagen, each with a unique chain composition. This study seeks to define, by characterization of subunit compositions of NC1 domain populations, the structural organization of type IV collagen from bovine glomerular basement membrane. NC1 hexamers from type IV collagen were separated on two affinity chromatography columns, one containing monoclonal antibodies to the alpha 3 chain, and another, to the alpha 1 chain. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay identified three NC1 hexamer populations: 1) a hexamer composed of (alpha 1)2 and (alpha 2)2 homodimers; 2) a hexamer composed of (alpha 3)2 and (alpha 4)2 homodimers; 3) a hexamer containing all four alpha chains connected in heterodimers, alpha 1-alpha 3 and alpha 2-alpha 4. Results suggest that there are two distinct type IV collagen molecules, one composed of alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains and another composed of alpha 3(IV) and alpha 4(IV) chains. Furthermore, polymerization occurs between molecules with the same chain composition and between molecules with different chain composition. Moreover, crosslinking between different alpha chains is restricted, thus limiting the number of possible macromolecular structures.  相似文献   

A collagen gene (Dcg1) was characterized in Drosophila melanogaster and shown to encode a peptide related to vertebrate basement membrane type IV collagen chains. To study the function of type IV collagen during Drosophila development, we transformed flies with a partially truncated Dcg1 gene under the control of a heat-shock promotor. This construct induced synthesis of shortened pro- chains which associated with normal ones and thereby caused degradation of the shortened and normal pro- chains through a process called pro-collagen suicide. A large proportion of embryos expressing the transgene developed a phenotype exhibiting absence or partial retraction of the germ band with defects in nerve cord condensation and dorsal closure. Together these results indicated that, during embryogenesis, type IV collagen was an essential guiding factor for cell-matrix interactions in morphogenetic events.  相似文献   

A unique morphological feature of the embryonic avian cornea is the uniformity of its complement of striated collagen fibrils, each of which has a diameter of 25 nm. We have asked whether this apparent morphological uniformity also reflects an inherent uniformity of the structural and physical properties of these fibrils. For this we have examined the in situ thermal stability of the type I collagen within these fibrils. Corneal tissue sections were reacted at progressively higher temperatures with conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies directed against the triple-helical domain of the type I collagen molecule. These studies show that the cornea contains layers of collagen fibrils with greater than average stability. The two most prominent of these extend uninterrupted across the entire width of the cornea, and then appear to insert into thick bundles of scleral collagen, which in turn appear to insert into the scleral ossicles, a ring of bony plates which circumscribe the sclera of the avian eye. Once formed, the bands may act to stabilize the shape of the cornea or, conversely, to alter it during accommodation.  相似文献   

The localization and the secretion of type IV collagen in synovial capillaries have been investigated by detecting the antigenic determinant of the major triple helix of human type IV collagen. Type IV collagen was indicated to be localized mainly in the lamina densa of basement membranes (BM) and to be secreted by both endothelial cells and pericytes. The pericytes secreted this collagen to both surfaces facing endothelial cells and the interstitial connective tissue. On the contrary, the direction of type IV collagen secretion by the endothelial cells was strictly confined to one side, namely towards the surface facing the BM. The absence of the antigenic determinant in rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of the endothelial cells and pericytes indicated that the major triple helix of type IV collagen is mainly formed in the secretory vesicles after budding from the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

P B?ck 《Histochemistry》1978,55(3):269-270
Disulfide-groups are demonstrated in the basement membranes of glomerular capillaries, proximal convoluted tubules, and collecting ducts by means of a thiosulfathion/Alcian Blue +0.8 Mol MgCl2-staining sequence. It is suggested that the reaction shows type IV collagen of basal lamina material, which is characterized by a relatively high cystine content (8 half-cystine residues/1000).  相似文献   

Summary Disulfide-groups are demonstrated in the basement membranes of glomerular capillaries, proximal convoluted tubules, and collecting ducts by means of a thiosulfation/Alcian Blue +0.8 Mol MgCl2-staining sequence. It is suggested that the reaction shows type IV collagen of basal lamina material, which is characterized by a relatively high cystine content (8 half-cystine residues/1000).  相似文献   

Our previous reports showed that cultured human cells secrete non-disulfide-bonded non-helical alpha1(IV) and alpha2(IV) chains under physiological conditions. In the present report we show that the alpha(IV) chains in non-helical form were reactive to lectin ABA (Agaricus bisporus agglutinin), whereas the alpha(IV) chains secreted in triple-helical form were not. These results indicate that ABA could be used to distinguish the two conformational isomers of type IV collagen polypeptides. An alpha1(IV) chain isolated from human placenta with an antibody-coupled column showed a positive reaction to ABA, indicating that gelatin form of the type IV collagen alpha1(IV) chain is produced and retained in the tissue in vivo. A possible significance of the gelatin form is discussed from the finding that the non-helical alpha1(IV) chain purified with EDTA-free buffer contained degraded polypeptides including NC1-size domain and showed an apparent inhibition against activated pro-MMP-9. This is the first report to show that a gelatin form of protein exists in vivo.  相似文献   

Macromolecular organization of chicken type X collagen in vitro   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The macromolecular structure of type X collagen in the matrices of primary cultures of chick hypertrophic chondrocytes was initially investigated using immunoelectron microscopy. Type X collagen was observed to assemble into a matlike structure with-in the matrix elaborated by hypertrophic chondrocytes. The process of self assembly was investigated at the molecular level using purified chick type X collagen and rotary-shadowing EM. It was shown that under neutral conditions at 34 degrees C, individual type X collagen molecules associate rapidly into multimeric clusters via their carboxy-terminal globular domains forming structures with a central nodule of carboxy-terminal domains and the triple helices radiating outwards. Prolonged incubation resulted in the formation of a regular hexagonal lattice by lateral association of the juxtaposed triple-helical domains from adjacent multimeric clusters. This extended lattice may play an important role in modifying the cartilage matrix for subsequent events occurring in endochondral bone formation.  相似文献   

Synthesis of collagen types I, II, III, and IV in cells from the embryonic chick cornea was studied using specific antibodies and immunofluorescence. Synthesis of radioactively labeled collagen types I and III was followed by fluorographic detection of cyanogen bromide peptides on polyacrylamide slab gels and by carboxymethylcellulose chromatography followed by disc gel electrophoresis. Type III collagen had been detected previously by indirect immunofluorescence in the corneal epithelial cells at Hamburger-Hamilton stages 20--30 but not in the stroma at any age. Intact corneas from embryos older than stage 30 contain and synthesize type I collagen but no detectable type III collagen. However, whole stromata subjected to collagenase treatment and scraping (to remove epithelium and endothelium) and stromal fibroblasts from such corneas inoculated in vitro begin synthesis of type III collagen within a few hours while continuing to synthesize type I collagen. As demonstrated by double-antibody staining, most corneal fibroblasts contain collagen types I and III simultaneously. Collagen type III was identified biochemically in cell layers and media after chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose be detection of disulfide-linked alpha l (III)3 by SDS gel electrophoresis. The conditions under which the corneal fibroblasts gain the ability to synthesize type III collagen are the same as those under which they lose the ability to synthesize the specific proteoglycan of the cornea: the presence of corneal-type keratan sulfate.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of antimycin A on the slow rise of the flash-induced electrochromic absorbance change was reinvestigated in intact chloroplasts isolated from pea leaves. It is show that in the absence of nigericin and +K at low repetition rates (<0.5 s?1) of the excitation flashes not only the slow (~ 10 ms) rise but also the initial (?1 ms) rise generated by photosystem 1 is inhibited by antimycin A.  相似文献   

Head-to-head arrangement of murine type IV collagen genes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The genes for the two dissimilar subunits of type IV collagen are organized in a head-to-head manner with their translation initiation codons within 874 base pairs. Murine genomic clones which contain portions of both genes have been isolated and characterized. These clones contain the first exon of the alpha 1(IV) chain and the first 3 exons for the alpha 2(IV) chain within a 1.7-kilobase HindIII fragment. The intergenic region appears not to resemble previously described bidirectional promoters. The HindIII fragment is present as a single copy in the mouse genome ruling out the presence of one of these gene fragments as a pseudogene. These findings agree with linkage studies of these two genes and differ from the known organization of human fibrillar collagen genes which have been found to be dispersed within the human genome.  相似文献   

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