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四川龟类新纪录—平胸龟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
四川龟类新纪录──平胸龟陈自勉,李刚(四川省涪陵师范专科学校生物系648005)(四川隆武隆县水电局)关键词爬行纲,平胸龟,四川1992年7月4日,四川省武隆县水电局一干部在本县火炉镇一当地农民手中购得一雌龟,该龟采自火炉镇附近的老盘河。经鉴定,是平...  相似文献   

中国产龟鳖类分类研究概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,国外对中国产龟鳖类的研究工作开展较多,解决了长期存在于分类中的一些疑难,也提出了一些新的问题。但国内多年来一直沿用旧的分类体系,一些新的工作没有充分反映,妨碍了我国龟鳖类分类工作的进一步开展。现就近年来研究较多的几个分类学问题做  相似文献   

四川产潘氏闭壳龟繁殖一例及其面临的问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
巫嘉伟  李东 《四川动物》2004,23(1):15-15
潘氏闭壳龟(Cuora pani)属爬行纲龟鳖目淡水龟科闭壳龟属,是我国闭壳龟属中分布最北的种,于1981年在陕西省平利县徐家坝海拔420m的稻田旁水沟中被首次发现。为纪念陕西动物研究所前所长潘忠国教授,1984年宋鸣涛将其命名为潘氏闭壳龟^[1]。1999年,李东在四川省北部的广  相似文献   

安徽爬行类新记录──地龟的初步观察姚闻卿刘忠平(安徽大学生物系合肥230039)(蚌埠干部学校固镇233719)关键词地龟,新记录,安徽安徽蚌埠干部学校郭绍禅先生于1993年7月12日在固镇县新马桥购得一只背甲前后缘呈齿状、背甲棕红色的龟,我们编为“...  相似文献   

龟类的养殖与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养殖龟类要注意选好种,做好消毒,保持适宜的温度和提供必要的光照,疾病重在预防。近年来随着利用范围和强度的增加,我国龟类的养殖发展迅猛,已形成了较大的产业。但存在技术和管理相对落后的问题,特别是保护意识有待加强。若能规范管理,加强保护,守法经营,龟类养殖必能产生巨大的经济效益,也将会成为龟类保护的有效途径。  相似文献   

史海涛 《生命世界》2004,(10):46-50
在海口和广州的某些市场上,我曾无数次亲眼目睹亚洲龟备受虐待的悲惨景象。它们被小贩们堆积成山,像丢石头一样扔来摔去,许多龟甲被摔裂,鲜红的血不停地往外渗。由于长时间脱水和饥饿,一批批死亡的个体被丢弃在一边,爬满了苍蝇。更惨不忍睹的是,商贩们在宰杀时,或是把它们活生生的放进沸水中,或是直接用利斧一劈两半。  相似文献   

根据作者野外调查、室内研究以及查阅有关文献获得的数据,发现我国华山松Pinus armandii上斑痣盘菌科Rhytismataceae菌物6属18种,其中玉龙舟皮盘菌Ploioderma yulongense为一新种。文中对新种进行了描述、图解和讨论,编制了18个种的检索表,讨论了华山松上斑痣盘菌的生态习性及致病性。  相似文献   

中国龟类资源丰富,有长期被食用、观赏、养殖等历史.近20、30年来,我国龟类资源有明显被过度利用的趋势,然而从国外大量进口龟以满足国内的需求,会影响到其他国家的龟类资源,这一趋势已引起国内外相关专家的极大关注.  相似文献   

中国龟鳖物种多样性及濒危现状   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
周婷  李丕鹏 《四川动物》2007,26(2):463-467
本文对1949年以来我国龟鳖动物的新种和新记录、物种多样性和名录变化状况作了述评,分析了中国龟鳖物种多样性的特点及濒危现状。我国现存龟鳖动物1目6科21属41种。  相似文献   

龟类的性别决定方式有基因型性别决定(GSD)和温度依赖型性别决定(TSD)两种类型许多龟类都为TSD型性别决定。研究龟类TSD不但在揭示动物性别决定的进化规律方面具有深远意义,而且在濒危物种保护方面也具有重要的应用价值主要对龟类TSD理论在保护生物学上的重要应用进行了介绍和探讨。  相似文献   

The sea turtles are a group of cretaceous origin containing seven recognized living species: leatherback, hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, olive ridley, loggerhead, green, and flatback. The leatherback is the single member of the Dermochelidae family, whereas all other sea turtles belong in Cheloniidae. Analyses of partial mitochondrial sequences and some nuclear markers have revealed phylogenetic inconsistencies within Cheloniidae, especially regarding the placement of the flatback. Population genetic studies based on D-Loop sequences have shown considerable structuring in species with broad geographic distributions, shedding light on complex migration patterns and possible geographic or climatic events as driving forces of sea-turtle distribution. We have sequenced complete mitogenomes for all sea-turtle species, including samples from their geographic range extremes, and performed phylogenetic analyses to assess sea-turtle evolution with a large molecular dataset. We found variation in the length of the ATP8 gene and a highly variable site in ND4 near a proton translocation channel in the resulting protein. Complete mitogenomes show strong support and resolution for phylogenetic relationships among all sea turtles, and reveal phylogeographic patterns within globally-distributed species. Although there was clear concordance between phylogenies and geographic origin of samples in most taxa, we found evidence of more recent dispersal events in the loggerhead and olive ridley turtles, suggesting more recent migrations (<1Myr) in these species. Overall, our results demonstrate the complexity of sea-turtle diversity, and indicate the need for further research in phylogeography and molecular evolution.  相似文献   

红耳龟在我国分布现状的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年11月-2010年9月期间,采用文献查阅和实地调查等方法.对国内红耳龟(Trachemys scnpta elegans)的养殖场、交易市场、放生池及野外分布情况进行了统计。查明全国17个省市自治区其有红耳龟养殖场68个;34个省市自治区有红耳龟销售的大型市场140个;18个省市自治区有红耳龟的放生池51个;22个省市自治区有红耳龟野外分布记录点104个。分析讨论后认为红耳龟入侵形式严峻,建议提高民众对红耳龟入侵防治的认识,立法规范管理,严格限制放生.加强入侵机制研究。  相似文献   


Appropriate legal measures for the prevention and abatement of land‐based pollution have only recently been undertaken despite its significant share (approximately 80 percent) in marine pollution. This article surveys solutions contained in regional conventions concluded in that field, and also indicates rules and principles to serve as the basis for states’ cooperation. Special attention has been given to problems which still give rise to controversies: pollution of the sea through international watercourses, control systems consisting of environmental impact assessments, and the obligation of prior notification and consultation, as well as state responsibility for marine pollution damage. The analysis carried out in this article supports the final conclusion that it would be desirable to consider developing guidelines for the drafting of treaties on the protection of the marine environment against pollution from land‐based sources.  相似文献   

中国海兽研究概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国对海兽的研究已有80多年的历史.为了回顾我国海兽研究的历史,总结我国海兽研究的进展,并展望我国海兽研究的未来,借<兽类学报>创刊30周年之际,作者查阅了大量历史文献,并结合我们的研究积累,从鲸类、鳍脚类和其他海兽三个类群分别综述了我国海兽研究的进展.本文重点总结了我国几种代表性海兽的生态学、饲养与繁殖生物学、保护遗...  相似文献   

中国海洋生物多样性的保护和管理对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王斌 《生物多样性》1999,7(4):347-350
本文全面介绍了中国海洋物种多样性的现状,并分析其受到的人类影响和主要威胁。详细阐述了国家海洋局及其下属部门在海洋生物多样性保护管理中制定的有关政策、法规及行动计划,以及海洋生物多样性的科学调查研究及海洋生态环境监测体系建设,海洋自然保护区的建设与管理,海洋生物多样性可持续利用等方面的工作和进展。同时,在生物多样性管理现状的基础上,提出了包括预警系统与事故处理能力建设、将生物多样性保护管理纳入区域经济社会发展计划、建设生物多样性管理机构及法规之间的协调机制以及基于生态系统的生物多样性管理和公众参与等若干针对性的管理对策。  相似文献   

目的 中华花龟(Mauremys sinensis)是一种濒危野生动物,也是中国主要的养殖龟种.为了保护和可持续利用中华花龟,本文对其分类、生物学特性和资源保护现状进行总结和讨论.方法 通过研究分析文献,结合保护和养殖实践,进行系统的分析探讨.结果 中华花龟命名于1834年,现归隶龟鳖目地龟科拟水龟属,属于典型的淡水龟类,其最显著的特征是头颈部具有黑黄相间的细条纹.因其外部形态特征而得名花龟、珍珠龟和绿龟等.该龟分布广泛,见于殷商时代出头的动物遗骸之中,目前在中国分布于福建、广东、广西、香港、江苏、浙江、江西、海南岛和台湾岛,国外见于越南,并被引入韩国、美国的佛罗里达州和关岛等地.中国种群处于濒危状态,大规模的养殖和野外放归性保护行动对这一物种在海南岛的野生种群恢复奠定了基础.结论 中华花龟作为一种主要分布在中国的淡水龟,野外种群处于濒危状态.养殖技术的成熟和产业化发展,以及在海南的野外放归性保护行动能有效的促进这一资源的可持续发展.  相似文献   


In recent years coastal states everywhere in the world have paid attention to the preservation of the marine environment and the conduct of marine scientific research. The scope and nature of China's marine scientific research have been expanded and diversified since the late 1970s because of the growing importance of the ocean for the “Four Modernization “ programs. More and more programs have been designed and executed to find fishing resources, search for offshore oil and gas, promote maritime defense, help alleviate the marine pollution problems, reinforce China's territorial claim in the South China Sea, participate in Antarctic scientific research, and to better understand the whole marine environment. This article first examines China's attitude toward the legal regimes of marine pollution and marine scientific research. It depicts China's marine scientific research activities from the early 1950s. Finally it suggests that more scientific research programs will be designed in support of China's ocean development plans in the future.  相似文献   

中国耕地用途转移对耕地生产力影响的预测与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据DLS模型模拟了未来情景下中国耕地面积及其空间分布特征,在此基础上,应用ESLP估算了栅格尺度上的耕地生产力水平,分析了不同农业生态区耕地生产力的空间分异特征.基于以上两个模型的估算结果,分析了2000—2020中国耕地用途转移对耕地生产力的影响,提炼了影响耕地生产力变化的主要因素.结果表明:在耕地生产力有较大增长空间的地域,提高单位面积耕地生产力比耕地用途转移对耕地生产力总量的影响显著;但对于耕地生产力增长空间较小的地域,耕地用途转移对耕地生产力总量的影响显著.要保障国家粮食安全,既要合理控制耕地转移,保证中国1.2×108hm2耕地红线,又要增加投入、提高管理水平,增加单位面积的粮食产量.  相似文献   

China''s seas cover nearly 5 million square kilometers extending from the tropical to the temperate climate zones and bordering on 32,000 km of coastline, including islands. Comprehensive systematic study of the marine biodiversity within this region began in the early 1950s with the establishment of the Qingdao Marine Biological Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since that time scientists have carried out intensive multidisciplinary research on marine life in the China seas and have recorded 22,629 species belonging to 46 phyla. The marine flora and fauna of the China seas are characterized by high biodiversity, including tropical and subtropical elements of the Indo-West Pacific warm-water fauna in the South and East China seas, and temperate elements of North Pacific temperate fauna mainly in the Yellow Sea. The southern South China Sea fauna is characterized by typical tropical elements paralleled with the Philippine-New Guinea-Indonesia Coral triangle typical tropical faunal center.This paper summarizes advances in studies of marine biodiversity in China''s seas and discusses current research mainly on characteristics and changes in marine biodiversity, including the monitoring, assessment, and conservation of endangered species and particularly the strengthening of effective management. Studies of (1) a tidal flat in a semi-enclosed embayment, (2) the impact of global climate change on a cold-water ecosystem, (3) coral reefs of Hainan Island and Xisha-Nansha atolls, (4) mangrove forests of the South China Sea, (5) a threatened seagrass field, and (6) an example of stock enhancement practices of the Chinese shrimp fishery are briefly introduced. Besides the overexploitation of living resources (more than 12.4 million tons yielded in 2007), the major threat to the biodiversity of the China seas is environmental deterioration (pollution, coastal construction), particularly in the brackish waters of estuarine environments, which are characterized by high productivity and represent spawning and nursery areas for several economically important species. In the long term, climate change is also a major threat. Finally, challenges in marine biodiversity studies are briefly discussed along with suggestions to strengthen the field. Since 2004, China has participated in the Census of Marine Life, through which advances in the study of zooplankton and zoobenthos biodiversity were finally summarized.  相似文献   

中国西部地区土地利用/土地覆盖近期动态分析   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
在野外调查和资料收集的基础上 ,利用遥感 (RS)和地理信息系统 (GIS)技术 ,对中国西部地区 12个省 (直辖市 ) 1995年和2 0 0 0年的 6种土地利用 /覆盖类型的遥感数据进行了制图及其叠加分析。结果表明 :(1)对 1330 0个土地利用 /覆盖类型的图斑判读中 ,平均正确率 92 .92 %。同时对西部各省级土地利用 /土地覆被动态及更新成果进行的准确程度检查中 ,共获取全部 6个一级类型的动态图斑 13874 6个。地类更新平均准确率 97.71% ,勾绘图斑界线的准确率 99.85 %。 (2 )制图区域国土面积近 6 73万 km2 ,占全国土地面积的 70 %。其中 ,耕地面积 5年来增加了 12 0 .6 5万 hm2 ,比 1995年增长了 2 .4 1% ;林地面积 5年来减少了 6 1.5 0万 hm2 ,比 1995年减少了 0 .6 1% ;草地面积减少了 119.6 5万 hm2 ,比 1995年减少了 0 .5 9% ;城镇建设用地和水域面积 5年来分别增加了 19.2 5万 hm2和 17.0 4万 hm2 ,比 1995年增加了 1.36 %和 1.4 4 %。另外 ,作为西部地区主要生态环境问题之一的土地沙漠化和土地盐碱化 ,由于近年来的连续干旱以及油田开发等人为干扰的加剧 ,5 a来不可利用地面积扩大了 2 4 .2 8万 hm2 ,其中草地沙化面积占到 2 6 .94 %。  相似文献   

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