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Establishment of a mouse T hybrid cell line secreting suppressor factor(s) specific for the IgE antibody response is described. Fusion was made with polyethyleneglycol between AKR-derived T lymphoma cells (BW5147) and T cells from mice sensitized with DNP-Mycobacterium. Treatment of spleen cells with nondialyzable factor(s) in the culture supernatants of the T cell hybrid clone, 26-M10, showed a suppressive effect on IgE formation but not on IgG formation in adoptive transfer experiments. The suppressive effect was exerted through inactivation of normal or antigen-primed B cells responsible for IgE formation. It was also shown by direct cytotoxic test that the hybrid cells expressed H-2 and Thy-1 antigens derived from both parental cells on their surface. Karyotype analysis of the hybrid cells revealed that the number of chromosomes was less than the sum of the two parental cells' and the average was 50 (45 to 55). Although the 26-M10 hybrid cells lost the ability to secrete active suppressive factor(s) into culture medium 21 weeks after hybridization when the number of chromosomes in most of the cells was less than 41, recloning of the 26-M10 cells successfully recovered active suppressive clones.  相似文献   

IgE class-specific suppressor T cells and factors in humans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An in vitro experimental system for the induction of IgE production has been established with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). The stimulation of human PBL with PWM plus Cowan I induced IgM-, IgG-, and IgE- producing cells when assessed by reverse plaque assay. T cells, which had been isolated from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and incubated with PPD plus IgE for 5 days, showed a suppressive effect on the polyclonal IgE response induced by PWM plus Cowan I. The direct addition of activated T cells, as well as the culture supernatant from activated T cells, abrogated the IgE response; the IgG response was not affected. The IgE-specific suppressive activity in the supernatant was specifically absorbed by an IgE column and could be eluted with acid buffer. The results demonstrated the presence of a human IgE binding factor(s), which showed its suppressive effect selectively in the IgE antibody response.  相似文献   

The function of IgE class-specific suppressor factor (IgE-TsF) from T hybridomas was studied by employing IgE-producing B hybridomas. IgE-TsF was obtained from IgE class-specific T hybridomas, which had been established by the fusion of a phosphorylcholine-conjugated Mycobacterium-primed T cell population with the T lymphoma cell line BW5147. The absorption experiments showed that IgE-TsF from T hybridomas was composed of the binding site(s) for IgE and I region gene products as observed in conventional IgE-TsF. Incubation of IgE-producing B hybridomas with IgE-TsF for 1 hr at 37 degrees C resulted in the reduction of the number of IgE-secreting cells when assessed by a reverse plaque assay. The proportions of surface IgE-positive cells were concomitantly reduced. After 24 hr incubation with IgE-TsF, the number of cytoplasmic IgE-positive cells was reduced, showing that IgE synthesis was inhibited by IgE-TsF. Antigen-specific TsF from phosphorylcholine-specific T hybridomas did not show any inhibitory effect, and IgE-TsF did not block the antibody production of IgM-producing B hybridomas. Precapping of IgE receptors by anti-epsilon antibody or the simultaneous addition of soluble IgE with IgE-TsF abrogated the suppressive function, suggesting that IgE-TsF acted directly on B epsilon cells through binding with IgE receptors.  相似文献   

The suppressive effect of antigen-conjugated muramylpeptides or 6-O-mycoloyl muramylpeptides selectively on the induction of IgE antibody response was demonstrated. Preadministration of DNP-mycoloyl muramylpeptides completely inhibited the induction of the anti-DNP IgE antibody response with DNP-ovalbumin (DNP-OA). The selective suppression of the IgE response was due to the induction of DNP-specific suppressor T cells by DNP-mycoloyl muramylpeptides, and the suppressor cells were shown to be radiosensitive. Preadministration of OA-conjugated muramylpeptides partially inhibited the primary and secondary induction of an anti-OA IgE antibody response. The suppressor effect was also due to the induction of OA-specific suppressor T cells. Application of allergen-conjugated muramylpeptides as therapeutic agents in human allergic diseases was suggested.  相似文献   

In vitro induction of anti-DNP IgE as well as IgG1, IgG2a antibody responses was shown in murine spleen cell culture. Spleen cells primed three times with 1 mug of DNP-OA or DNP-Asc produced significant amounts of anti-DNP IgE as well as IgG antibodies by the in vitro stimulation with DNP-OA or DNP-Asc, respectively. Collaboration between DNP-primed B cells and carrier-primed T cells was required for the induction of both IgE and IgG antibodies with DNP-coupled T-dependent antigen. Carrier-specific T cells induced with a low dose of Asc (0.01 mug) showed helper function only on IgE antibody response, whereas T cells primed with a higher dose of Asc (10 mug) cooperated only with IgG-B cells. T cells primed with Asc in CFA showed helper function mainly on IgG antibody response but not on IgE antibody response. The result indicated the presence of a distinct population of T helper cells for IgE and IgG antibody responses. T-independent antigen (DNP-Ficoll) induced both anti-DNP IgE and IgG antibody responses in DNP-primed spleen cell population without the requirement of the collaboration of helper T cells.  相似文献   

The nature and function of suppressor factor(s) elaborated by suppressor T cells in response to certain chemically induced tumors have been further defined. Thus, suppressor factor(s) specific for the S1509a methylchol-anthrene-induced fibrosarcoma have been shown to bear determinants encoded by the I-J subregion of the murine MHC since suppressive activity is removed by passage of the factor through an immunoadsorbent composed of anti-I-Jk coupled to Sepharose. No loss of activity was observed after passage of factor through control columns composed of normal mouse globulin. Furthermore, activity could be recovered from the relevant immunoadsorbent by elution with high salt. The administration of crude suppressor factor(s) to normal animals for 4 days resulted in the development of a population of suppressor cells that act in a manner analogous to the suppressor cell population used for production of factor. These factor-induced suppressor cells are T cells and exhibit an antigen specificity similar to that displayed by the tumor-induced suppressor cells. Thus, tumor-specific suppressor factor(s) bear I-J determinants and are capable of inducing the appearance of suppressor T cells in the nontumor-bearing host, which may then act in a specific manner to limit host responsiveness to tumor antigen.  相似文献   

Murine contact photosensitivity (CPS) to 3,3',4',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCSA) is a highly specific, T-cell-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). Preexposure of the photosensitizing site to low doses of ultraviolet B(UVB) rendered mice unresponsive to challenge reaction. This unresponsiveness was associated with the generation of antigen-specific, afferent limb-acting, Lyt-1+2-,L3T4+ suppressor T cells (Ts-cps) in the spleen, thymus, and lymph node. Cell-free extract(s) obtained by freezing and thawing of these cells contained T-cell-suppressor factor (TsF) that inhibited the development of the induction phase of the CPS response to TCSA in vivo in an antigen-specific fashion. The treatments of TsF both with immunoadsorbent columns and with reduction and alkylation showed that the factor bore photoantigen-binding site(s), was reactive with monoclonal anti-I-Jd, anti-I-E alpha but not anti-I-Ad, and behaved as a single-chain factor containing both photoantigen binding and I-J molecules. By gel chromatography the majority of the suppressive activity was eluted in the fractions corresponding to molecular weights of 60-80 and 100-200 kDa. Our present study demonstrated clearly that UVB-induced unresponsiveness in the DTH reaction was mediated by a soluble suppressive factor derived from T cells.  相似文献   

Initiation factor preparation (eIF-IF) from mouse L cells treated with virus-type interferon suppressed the in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to sheep red blood cells. The eIF-IF preparation had previously been shown to block formation of the ternary complex Met-tRNAf-eIF-GTP. The formation of this complex is a necessary step in initiation of protein synthesis. Initiation factor preparation (eIF) from untreated L cells affected neither the PFC response nor the participation of eIF in the formation of ternary complex. The induced factor was shown not to be Interferon by antibody neutralization experiments with anti-interferon. The factor must be present in the PFC cultures during the early stages of antigen induction in order to suppress the immune response. Speculatively, eIF-IF may act at the level of the macrophage, perhaps entering the cell by pinocytosis. This may account for its inability to inhibit virus replication in L cells. The production of the inhibitory factor is blocked or partially blocked by actinomycin D. It is possible that this factor is a mediator of the immunosuppressive effects of virus-type interferon. This is the first report of biological activity on cells, which is associated with a ribosome-associated factor induced by interferon.  相似文献   

IgE-specific reverse plaque assay for the direct comparison of the IgE and IgG antibody responses was established and the method was employed for the assessment of the activity of IgE class-specific suppressor factor (IgE-TsF). In the in vitro culture system, the addition of IgE-TsF to DNP-KLH-primed spleen cells inhibited an antigen-induced increase of IgE-producing cells but did not show any effect on the IgG or IgM responses. Absorption of IgE-TsF with IgE-producing hybridoma cells removed the suppressor activity but IgM-producing hybridoma cells did not absorb the suppressor activity. The suppressor activity of IgE-TsF was removed by murine IgE-conjugated Sepharose column but not by IgM-, IgG-, or human IgE-conjugated column. The suppressor activity was eluted from IgE-column with glycine-HCI buffer, pH 3.2, or acetate buffer, pH 4.0, and the suppressor factor eluted from IgE-column was reabsorbed by anti-H-2d conjugated column. The results showed that IgE-specific suppressor factor was composed of the binding sites for IgE molecules and the H-2 gene products.  相似文献   

Mice of the inbred strains SJL (H-2s) and AKR (H-2k) are "non-responders" and "low-responders," respectively, in terms of their capacity to develop antibody responses of the IgE class when immunized with conventional proteins and hapten-protein conjugates under conditions optimal for eliciting IgE responses in "high-responder" mice, such as BALB/c (H-2d), to these same antigens. For example, BALB/c mice preimmunized with ASC and then challenged 7 days later with DNP-ASC develop peak augmented primary IgE anti-DNP antibody responses of 320 PCA units, whereas SJL and AKR mice develop responses which are 16-fold and 4-fold lower, respectively. However, pretreatment of the latter two strains with appropriate doses of either x-irradiation (150 R), cyclophosphamide (100 mg/kg) or ALS (150 mul) before carrier-preimmunization strikingly enhances the magnitude of IgE antibody responses in such mice to levels as high as 64-fold above those of untreated control mice of the same strains. Evidence obtained in these experiments indicates that the capacity of such maneuvers to to convert poor IgE responders to high responder status reflects elimination of nonantigen-specific suppressor T lymphocytes which are naturally present and normally function to suppress or "dampen" the IgE antibody response in a relatively selective manner. It appears that these cells modulate IgE responses by acting at least at two distinct points: 1) The most effective activity seems to be at the level of induction of carrier-specific helper T cells; 2) A second locus of inhibitory activity is more distal in the response, either impeding helper T cell-B cell cooperative interactions or suppressing B cell differentiation and/or function directly. Taken collectively, these observations demonstrate that the state of poor responsiveness of the SJL and AKR strains for the IgE antibody class is not a reflection of a genetic inability to develop IgE responses but rather a manifestation of a genetic capability to actively inhibit IgE antibody synthesis.  相似文献   

Intravenous injections of urea-denatured ovalbumin (UD-OA) into OA-primed high responder mice suppressed the antibody response not only to the priming antigen but also to subsequent immunization with dinitrophenyl derivatives of OA (DNP-OA). The transfer of normal spleen cells or OA-primed spleen cells into UD-OA-treated animals did not restore the capacity of responding to DNP-OA to form anti-DNP IgE and IgG antibodies. The transfer of splenic T cell fraction from the UD-OA-treated animals into normal syngeneic mice diminished both IgE and IgG antibody responses of the recipients to DNP-OA. The B cell-rich fraction from the same donors failed to affect the anti-hapten antibody response and enhanced anti-cancer (OA) IgG antibody response of the recipients. It was also found that the transfer of T cell-rich fraction of OA-primed spleen cells failed to suppress antibody response of the recipients to DNP-OA. The results indicated that spleen cells of UD-OA-treated mice contained suppressor T cells which are distinct from helper cells. Suppressive activity of T cells in the UD-OA treated animals was specific for OA. The transfer of the T cell-rich fraction failed to suppress anti-DNP antibody response of the recipients to DNP-KLH.  相似文献   

The kinetics of IgE antibody response to alum-absorbed dinitrophenyl derivatives of ovalbumin (DNP-OA) was dependent on the dose of immunogen. A persistent IgE antibody response was obtained when high responder BDF1 mice were immunized with a minimum (0.05 microgram) dose. An increase of the immunogen to 10 microgram depressed IgE antibody responses but enhanced IgG antibody responses of both hapten and carrier specificities. Determination of T helper cell activity and B memory cells after immunization with different doses of antigen indicated that minimum immunogen was favorable for developing helper activity, whereas 1 to 10 microgram immunogen were more favorable than a 0.05-microgram dose for developing both IgE and IgG B memory cells. Nevertheless, neither helper T cells nor B memory cells in the spleen explains a transient IgE antibody response to a high (10 microgram) dose of DNP-OA. Evidence was obtained that immunization with 10 microgram OA induced generation of antigen-specific suppressor T cells, which were not detectable after immunization with 0.05 microgram OA. Transfer of suppressor T cells to DNP-OA-primed mice depressed both anti-hapten and anti-carrier IgE antibody responses. The results suggested strongly that suppressor T cells are involved in a transient IgE antibody response to a high-dose immunogen.  相似文献   

The mode of action of T-cell-suppressor factor (TsF) induced by ultraviolet B (UVB) preirradiation in terms of interaction with several cytokines was studied. Suppression of murine contact photosensitivity (CPS) to 3,3',4',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCSA) by preirradiation of the sensitizing site to low doses of UVB was caused by antigen-specific suppressor T cells (Ts) and was not associated with the generation of efferent limb-acting suppressor cells. TsF released by Ts inhibited the proliferation of immune lymph node (LN) cells in vitro and reduced interleukin (IL)-2 production of these cells in an antigen-specific fashion without affecting the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) expression. Both rIL-2 and rGM-CSF have the ability to restore CPS responses in the UVB-preirradiated mice when administered after but not before photosensitization. However, rIL-2 but not rGM-CSF counteracted the in vivo inhibitory effect of TsF. rGM-CSF did not affect the density of I-A+ epidermal Langerhans cells (LCs). It was suggested that TsF inhibited IL-2-mediated immune T-cell proliferation, while rGM-CSF reconstituted the CPS by enhancing the function of photodamaged LCs. These results indicate multiple steps of the UVB-induced immunosuppression circuit, each of which seems to be controlled by different immunomodulators.  相似文献   

The ongoing IgE antibody formation against ovalbumin (OA) in high responder mice was depressed by i.v. injections of either native or urea-denatured ovalbumin (UD-OA). Adoptive transfer experiments to determine the helper function of spleen cells from the treated animals showed that helper function for both IgE and IgG antibody responses diminished after treatment. Evidence was obtained that treatment suppressed the expansion of IgE-G memory cells. When the same treatment with OA or UD-OA was given to OA-primed mice before the appearance of IgE antibody in their serum, OA-specific splenic suppressor T cells were demonstrable. Thus, the transfer of splenic T cells from treated mice into normal mice suppressed the primary IgE and IgG antibody responses of the recipeints to DNP-OA. It was also found that the transfer of the splenic T cells from UD-OA-treated mice into OA-primed mice depressed ongoing IgE antibody formation in the recipients. The results suggested strongly that the decrease of helper function and the depression of ongoing IgE antibody formation by repeated injections of UD-OA was caused by generation of antigen (OA)-specific suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

We have shown that a murine monoclonal antibody, B16G, recognizes a constant region determinant of a T cell suppressor factor (TsF) in DBA/2 mice. The molecule recognized by B16G was shown to be a heterodimer with a native m.w. in the region of 80,000. We now show that B16G also reacts with a similar molecule derived from human lymphoid tissue. Yields of about 100 micrograms could be obtained from the solubilized membranes and cytosol from about 10(10) tonsillar cells by elution of adsorbed materials from B16G immunoadsorbent columns. As with the murine system, the human TsF (HTsF) thus derived was capable of suppressing the mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) of homologous effector T lymphocytes. However, this same material was not suppressive across the HL-A barrier, that is, when allogeneic effector cells were used in the MLR. Preliminary characterization of the HTsF showed it to have a native m.w. of 80,000 to 90,000 to be composed of a heterodimer with subunit m.w. in the region of 45,000 to 50,000, and to have an associated peptide of approximately 25,000. These observations provide evidence for the conserved nature of genes encoding TsF and correlate with observations of other investigators on the considerable homology between genes encoding the murine and human T cell receptor.  相似文献   

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