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This work examines the effects of potassium tellurite (K2TeO3) on the cell viability of the facultative phototroph Rhodobacter capsulatus. There was a growth mode-dependent response in which cultures anaerobically grown in the light tolerate the presence of up to 250 to 300 microg of tellurite (TeO3(2-)) per ml, while dark-grown aerobic cells were inhibited at tellurite levels as low as 2 microg/ml. The tellurite sensitivity of aerobic cultures was evident only for growth on minimal salt medium, whereas it was not seen during growth on complex medium. Notably, through the use of flow cytometry, we show that the cell membrane integrity was strongly affected by tellurite during the early growth phase (< or =50% viable cells); however, at the end of the growth period and in parallel with massive tellurite intracellular accumulation as elemental Te0 crystallites, recovery of cytoplasmic membrane integrity was apparent (> or =90% viable cells), which was supported by the development of a significant membrane potential (Deltapsi = 120 mV). These data are taken as evidence that in anaerobic aquatic habitats, the facultative phototroph R. capsulatus might act as a natural scavenger of the highly soluble and toxic oxyanion tellurite.  相似文献   

Summary.  Anaerobically light-grown cells of Rhodobacter capsulatus B100 are highly resistant to the toxic oxyanion tellurite (TeO3 2−; minimal inhibitory concentration, 250 μg/ml). This study examines, for the first time, some structural and biochemical features of cells and plasma membrane fragments of this facultative phototroph grown in the presence of 50μg of K2TeO3 per ml. Through the use of transmission microscopy and X-ray microanalysis we show that several “needlelike” shaped granules of elemental tellurium are accumulated into the cytosol near the intracytoplasmic membrane system. Flash-spectroscopy, oxygen consumption measurements, and difference spectra analysis indicated that membrane vesicles (chromatophores) isolated from tellurite-grown cells are able to catalyze both photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport activities, although they are characterized by a low c-type cytochrome content (mostly soluble cytochrome c 2). This feature is paralleled by a low cytochrome c oxidase activity and with an NADH-dependent respiration which is catalyzed by a pathway leading to a quinol oxidase (Qox) inhibited by high (millimolar) concentrations of cyanide (CN). Conversely, membranes from R. capsulatus B100 cells grown in the absence of tellurite are characterized by a branched respiratory chain in which the cytochrome c oxidase pathway (blocked by CN in the micromolar range) accounts for 35–40% of the total NADH-dependent oxygen consumption, while the remaining activity is catalyzed by the quinol oxidase pathway. These data have been interpreted to show that tellurite resistance of R. capsulatus B100 is characterized by the presence of a modified plasma-membrane-associated electron transport system. Received May 2, 2002; accepted July 26, 2002; published online May 21, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Department of Biology, University of Bologna, Via Irnerio 42, 40126 Bologna, Italy.  相似文献   

This work examines the effects of potassium tellurite (K2TeO3) on the cell viability of the facultative phototroph Rhodobacter capsulatus. There was a growth mode-dependent response in which cultures anaerobically grown in the light tolerate the presence of up to 250 to 300 μg of tellurite (TeO32−) per ml, while dark-grown aerobic cells were inhibited at tellurite levels as low as 2 μg/ml. The tellurite sensitivity of aerobic cultures was evident only for growth on minimal salt medium, whereas it was not seen during growth on complex medium. Notably, through the use of flow cytometry, we show that the cell membrane integrity was strongly affected by tellurite during the early growth phase (≤50% viable cells); however, at the end of the growth period and in parallel with massive tellurite intracellular accumulation as elemental Te0 crystallites, recovery of cytoplasmic membrane integrity was apparent (≥90% viable cells), which was supported by the development of a significant membrane potential (Δψ = 120 mV). These data are taken as evidence that in anaerobic aquatic habitats, the facultative phototroph R. capsulatus might act as a natural scavenger of the highly soluble and toxic oxyanion tellurite.  相似文献   

Kappler U  McEwan AG 《FEBS letters》2002,529(2-3):208-214
The phototrophic purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus expresses a wide variety of complex redox proteins in response to changing environmental conditions. Here we report the construction and evaluation of an expression system for recombinant proteins in that organism which makes use of the dor promoter from the same organism. A generic expression vector, pDorEX, was constructed and used to express sulphite:cytochrome c oxidoreductase from Starkeya novella, a heterodimeric protein containing both molybdenum and haem c. The recombinant protein was secreted to the periplasm and its biochemical properties were very similar to those of the native enzyme. The pDorEX system therefore seems to be potentially useful for heterologous expression of multi-subunit proteins containing complex redox cofactors.  相似文献   

The cytochrome c(1) subunit of the ubihydroquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (bc(1) complex) contains a single heme group covalently attached to the polypeptide via thioether bonds of two conserved cysteine residues. In the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter (Rba.) capsulatus, cytochrome c(1) contains two additional cysteines, C144 and C167. Site-directed mutagenesis reveals a disulfide bond (rare in monoheme c-type cytochromes) anchoring C144 to C167, which is in the middle of an 18 amino acid loop that is present in some bacterial cytochromes c(1) but absent in higher organisms. Both single and double Cys to Ala substitutions drastically lower the +320 mV redox potential of the native form to below 0 mV, yielding nonfunctional cytochrome bc(1). In sharp contrast to the native protein, mutant cytochrome c(1) binds carbon monoxide (CO) in the reduced form, indicating an opening of the heme environment that is correlated with the drop in potential. In revertants, loss of the disulfide bond is remediated uniquely by insertion of a beta-branched amino acid two residues away from the heme-ligating methionine 183, identifying the pattern betaXM, naturally common in many other high-potential cytochromes c. Despite the unrepaired disulfide bond, the betaXM revertants are no longer vulnerable to CO binding and restore function by raising the redox potential to +227 mV, which is remarkably close to the value of the betaXM containing but loop-free mitochondrial cytochrome c(1). The disulfide anchored loop and betaXM motifs appear to be two independent but nonadditive strategies to control the integrity of the heme-binding pocket and raise cytochrome c midpoint potentials.  相似文献   

Gly 34 and the adjacent Pro 35 of Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome c(2) (or Gly 29 and Pro 30 in vertebrate cytochrome c) are highly conserved side chains among the class I c-type cytochromes. The mutation of Gly 34 to Ser in Rb. capsulatus cytochrome c(2) has been characterized in terms of physicochemical properties and NMR in both redox states. A comparison of the wild-type cytochrome c(2), the G34S mutation, and the P35A mutation is presented in the context of differences in chemical shifts, the differences in NOE patterns, and structural changes resulting from oxidation of the reduced cytochrome. G34S is substantially destabilized relative to wild-type (2.2 kcal/mol in the oxidized state) but similarly destabilized relative to P35A. Nevertheless, differences in terms of the impact of the mutations on specific structural regions are found when comparing G34S and P35A. Although available data indicates that the overall secondary structure of G34S and wild-type cytochrome c(2) are similar, a number of both perturbations of hydrogen bond networks and interactions with internal waters are found. Thus, the impact of the mutation at position 35 is propagated throughout the cytochrome but with alterations at defined sites within the molecule. Interestingly, we find that the substitution of serine at position 34 results in a perturbation of the heme beta meso and the methyl-5 protons. This suggests that the hydroxyl and beta carbon are positioned away from the solvent and toward the heme. This has the consequence of preferentially stabilizing the oxidized state in G34S, thus, altering hydrogen bond networks which involve the heme propionate, internal waters, and key amino acid side chains. The results presented provide important new insights into the stability and solution structure of the cytochrome c(2).  相似文献   

The involvement of cytochromes in the electron-transport pathway to the periplasmic NO3- reductase of Rhodobacter capsulatus was studied in cells grown photoheterotrophically in the presence of nitrate with butyrate as carbon source. The specific rate of NO3- reduction by such cells was five times higher than when malate was carbon source. Reduced minus NO3(-)-oxidized spectra of cells had peaks in the alpha-band region for cytochromes at 552 nm and 559 nm, indicating the involvement of c- and b-type cytochromes in the electron-transport pathway to NO3-. The total ferricyanide-oxidizable cytochrome that was also oxidized in the steady state by NO3- was greater in cells grown with butyrate rather than malate. Low concentrations of cyanide inhibited NO3- reduction. Neither CN-, nor a previously characterized inhibitor of NO3- reduction, 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide, prevented the oxidation of the cytochromes by NO3-. This suggested a site of action for these inhibitors on the reducing side of the b- and c-type cytochromes involved in electron transport to the NO3- reductase. The predominant cytochrome in a periplasmic fraction prepared from cells of R. capsulatus grown on butyrate medium was cytochrome c2 but a c-type cytochrome with an alpha-band reduced absorbance maximum at 552 nm could also be identified. The reduced form of this latter cytochrome, but not that of cytochrome c2, was oxidized upon addition of NO3- to a periplasmic fraction. The NO3(-)-oxidizable cytochrome co-purified with the periplasmic NO3- reductase through fractionation procedures that included ammonium sulphate precipitation, gel filtration at low and high salt concentrations, and ion-exchange chromatography. A NO3(-)-reductase-cytochrome-c552 redox complex that comprised two types of polypeptide, a nitrate reductase subunit and a c-type cytochrome subunit, was purified. The polypeptides were separated when the complex was chromatographed on a phenyl-Sepharose hydrophobic chromatography column.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the mitochondrial bc(1) complex reveals that the extrinsic domain of the Fe-S subunit, which carries the redox-active [2Fe2S] cluster, is attached to its transmembrane anchor domain by a short flexible hinge sequence (amino acids D43 to S49 in Rhodobacter capsulatus). In various structures, this extrinsic domain is located in different positions, and the conformation of the hinge region is different. In addition, proteolysis of this region has been observed previously in a bc(1) complex mutant of R. capsulatus [Saribas, A. S., Valkova-Valchanova, M. B., Tokito, M., Zhang, Z., Berry E. A., and Daldal, F. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 8105-8114]. Thus, possible correlations between proteolysis, conformation of the hinge region, and position of the extrinsic domain of the Fe-S subunit within the bc(1) complex were sought. In this work, we show that thermolysin, or an endogenous activity present in R. capsulatus, cleaves the hinge region of the Fe-S subunit between its amino acid residues A46-M47 or D43-V44, respectively, to yield a protease resistant fragment with a M(r) of approximately 18 kDa. The cleavage was affected significantly by ubihydroquinone oxidation (Q(o)) and ubiquinone reduction (Q(i)) site inhibitors and by specific mutations located in the bc(1) complex. In particular, using either purified or detergent dispersed chromatophore-embedded R. capsulatus bc(1) complex, we demonstrated that while stigmatellin blocked the cleavage, myxothiazol hardly affected it, and antimycin A greatly enhanced it. Moreover, mutations in various regions of the Fe-S subunit and cyt b subunit changed drastically proteolysis patterns, indicating that the structure of the hinge region of the Fe-S subunit was modified in these mutants. The overall findings establish that protease accessibility of the Fe-S subunit of the bc(1) complex is a useful biochemical assay for probing the conformation of its hinge region and for monitoring indirectly the position of its extrinsic [2Fe2S] cluster domain within the Q(o) pocket.  相似文献   

The redox properties, absorption, electroabsorption, CD, EPR, and P+QA- recombination kinetics have been measured for the special pairs of two mutants of Rhodobacter capsulatus reaction centers involving amino acid changes in the vicinity of the special pair, P. Both mutants symmetrize amino acid residues so that portions of the M-sequence are replaced with L-sequence: sym1 symmetrizes all residues between M187 and M203, whereas (M)F195H is a single amino acid subset of the sym1 mutation. (M)F195H introduces a His residue in a position where it is likely to form a hydrogen bond to the acetyl group of the M-side bacteriochlorophyll of P. For both mutants compared with wild-type, (i) the redox potential is at least 100 meV greater, (ii) the P+QA- recombination rate is about twice as fast at room temperature, and (iii) the large electroabsorption feature for the QY band of P is shifted relative to the absorption spectrum. The comparison of the properties observed for the sym1 and (M)F195H reaction center mutants and the differences between these mutants and wild-type suggest that residue M195 is an important determinant of the properties of the special pair.  相似文献   

The highly toxic oxyanion tellurite (TeO3 2−) enters the cells of the facultative photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus through an acetate permease. Here we show that actP gene expression is down-regulated by fructose and this in turn determines a strong decrease of tellurite uptake and a parallel increase in the cells resistance to the toxic metalloid (from a minimal inhibitory concentration of 8 μM up to 400 μM tellurite under aerobic growth conditions). This demonstrates that there exists a direct connection between the level of tellurite uptake and the sensitivity of the cells to the oxyanion.  相似文献   

NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductases (Complex I) contain a subunit, TYKY in the bovine enzyme and NuoI in the enzyme from Rhodobacter capsulatus, which is assumed to bind two [4Fe-4S] clusters because it contains two sets of conserved cysteine motifs similar to those found in the 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxins. It was recently shown that the TYKY subunit is not an ordinary 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin, but has a unique amino acid sequence, which is only found in NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductases and certain membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenases expected to be involved in redox-linked proton translocation [FEBS Lett. 485 (2000) 1]. We have generated a set of R. capsulatus mutants in which five out of the eight conserved cysteine residues in NuoI were replaced by other amino acids. The resulting mutants fell into three categories with virtually no, intermediate or quite normal Complex I activities. EPR-spectroscopic analysis of the membranes of the C67S and C106S mutants, two mutants belonging to the second and third group, respectively, showed a specific 50% decrease of the EPR signal attributed to cluster N2. It is concluded that the NuoI (TYKY) subunit binds two clusters N2, called N2a and N2b, which exhibit very similar spectral features when analyzed by X-band EPR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Abstract Sporozoites and unsporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella were shown to contain a pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PPi-PFK) but apparently lack an ATP-specific activity. The PPi-PFK resembles those that occur in a number of other protists in being reversible and not subject to metabolic control. In contrast, the ADP-utilising pyruvate kinase, present in two developmental stages of the parasite, exhibited strong positive cooperativity with respect to its substrate, phosphoenolpyruvate, and was shown to be allostetically activated by glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate and AMP. It is suggested that the PPi-PFK represents an adaptation of the parasite towards life in an environment containing only low concentrations of oxygen and that the unusual allosteric regulation of pyruvate kinase evolved to compensate for glycolysis not being controlled at the PPi-PFK step.  相似文献   

G A Daniels  G Drews    M H Saier  Jr 《Journal of bacteriology》1988,170(4):1698-1703
In photosynthetic bacteria such as members of the genera Rhodospirillum, Rhodopseudomonas, and Rhodobacter a single sugar, fructose, is transported by the phosphotransferase system-catalyzed group translocation mechanism. Previous studies indicated that syntheses of the three fructose catabolic enzymes, the integral membrane enzyme II, the peripheral membrane enzyme I, and the soluble fructose-1-phosphate kinase, are coordinately induced. To characterize the genetic apparatus encoding these enzymes, a Tn5 insertion mutation specifically resulting in a fructose-negative, glucose-positive phenotype was isolated in Rhodobacter capsulatus. The mutant was totally lacking in fructose fermentation, fructose uptake in vivo, phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent fructose phosphorylation in vitro, and fructose 1-phosphate-dependent fructose transphosphorylation in vitro. Extraction of the membrane fraction of wild-type cells with butanol and urea resulted in the preparation of active enzyme II free of contaminating enzyme I activity. This preparation was used to show that the activity of enzyme I was entirely membrane associated in the parent but largely soluble in the mutant, suggesting the presence of an enzyme I-enzyme II complex in the membranes of wild-type cells. The uninduced mutant exhibited measurable activities of both enzyme I and fructose-1-phosphate kinase, which were increased threefold when it was grown in the presence of fructose. Both activities were about 100-fold inducible in the parental strain. Although the Tn5 insertion mutation was polar on enzyme I expression, fructose-1-phosphate kinase activity was enhanced, relative to the parental strain. ATP-dependent fructokinase activity was low, but twofold inducible and comparable in the two strains. A second fru::Tn5 mutant and a chemically induced mutant selected on the basis of xylitol resistance showed pleiotropic loss of enzyme I, enzyme II, and fructose-1-phosphate kinase. These mutants were used to clone the fru regulon by complementing the negative phenotype with a wild-type cosmid bank.  相似文献   

A 20-residue hybrid peptide (HP (2-9)-MA (1-12): HP-MA), incorporating 2-9 residues of Helicobacter pyroli ribosomal protein L1 (HP) and 1-12 residues of magainin 2 (MA), has more potent antibacterial activity than parent peptide HP (2-20) and magainin 2. In this study, the antifungal activity and its mechanism of HP-MA were investigated. HP-MA displayed a strong antifungal activity in an energy-dependent manner. To elucidate the antifungal mechanism(s) of HP-MA, FACScan analysis and the change in membrane dynamics using 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) as a membrane probe of Candida albicans were examined. The results indicated that the HP-MA exerts its antifungal effect by acting on the plasma membrane. Furthermore, the peptide induced remarkable morphological change when tested for membrane disrupting activity using liposomes (PC/Cholesterol; 10:1, w/w). In C. albicans, dimorphism plays a crucial role in pathogenesis but HP-MA could disrupt the mycelial forms and exert its antifungal effect on the blastoconidia in 20% fetal bovine serum.  相似文献   

We have purified the platelet membrane glycoprotein Ia-IIa complex by detergent solubilization and sequential affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-Sepharose and collagen-Sepharose. The complex, which is identical to the VLA-2 complex of lymphocytes and other cells and contains subunits of 160 and 130 kD on SDS-PAGE, was labeled with 125I and incorporated into phosphatidyl choline liposomes. The liposomes, like intact platelets, adhered to collagenous substrates in an Mg++-dependent manner with a K'a(Mg++) of 3.5 mM. Little adhesion of the liposomes to collagen occurred when Mg++ was replaced by Ca++ or EDTA. Calcium ions inhibited the Mg++-dependent adhesion with a K'i(Ca++) of 5.5 mM. Liposomes containing the Ia-IIa complex adhered to substrates composed of types I, II, III, and IV collagen, but did not effectively adhere to substrates composed of type V collagen or gelatin. Adhesion to collagen was specific. The liposomes did not adhere to fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin, thrombospondin, fibrinogen, or von Willebrand factor substrates. The monoclonal antibody P1H5, which specifically immunoprecipitated the Ia-IIa complex, also specifically inhibited the Mg++-dependent adhesion of both platelets and Ia-IIa-containing liposomes to collagen substrates. These findings provide additional evidence that the platelet membrane Ia-IIa complex is the mediator of Mg++-dependent platelet adhesion to collagen and suggest that the VLA-2 complex may also function as an Mg++-dependent collagen receptor in other cells.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of plasma membrane proteins frequently initiates signal transduction pathways or attenuate plasma membrane transport processes. Because of the low abundance and hydrophobic features of many plasma membrane proteins and the low stoichiometry of protein phosphorylation, studies of the plasma membrane phosphoproteome are challenging. We present an optimized analytical strategy for plasma membrane phosphoproteomics that combines efficient plasma membrane protein preparation with TiO(2)-based phosphopeptide enrichment and high-performance mass spectrometry for phosphopeptide sequencing. We used sucrose centrifugation in combination with sodium carbonate extraction to achieve efficient and reproducible purification of low microgram levels of plasma membrane proteins from human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs, 10(7) cells), achieving more than 70% yield of membrane proteins. Phosphopeptide enrichment by titanium dioxide chromatography followed by capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry allowed us to assign 703 unique phosphorylation sites in 376 phosphoproteins. Our experiments revealed that treatment of cell cultures with three different types of protein phosphatase inhibitors produces distinct phosphopeptide populations and an increase of 10-40% of the number of detected and sequenced phosphoserine, phosphothreonine and phosphotyrosine containing peptides. In summary, our analytical strategy enables functional phosphoproteomic analysis of stem cell differentiation and cell surface biomarker discovery using very low amounts of starting material.  相似文献   

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