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Lack of Constant Genome Ends in STREPTOMYCES COELICOLOR   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Hopwood DA 《Genetics》1966,54(5):1177-1184

Mutations in twenty-eight tryptophan mutants of S. coelicolor A3(2) were mapped relative to the nearest flanking markers. Mutants lacking single enzymatic activities for phosphoribosyltransferase, phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase, indodeglycerol phosphate synthase, tryptophan synthase A and tryptophan synthase B were identified.  相似文献   

与链霉菌分化有关的whiG结构基因已亚克隆到链霉菌表达载体pAK203的tipA启动子下游.该启动子能被硫链丝菌素诱导.whiG基因的诱导表达不仅可使天蓝色链霉菌孢子形成缺陷突变株C71恢复产生孢子的能力,而且也能使天蓝色链霉菌野生型菌株J1501和变铅青链霉菌TK54的孢子形成更为丰满.Western杂交也进一步证实了诱导表达后whiG基因产物——σ~(whiG)产量的增加.这为依赖于σ~(whiG)RNA多聚酶的发育调控启动子体外转录的研究提供了有利条件.  相似文献   

A study of thin sections of hyphae of Streptomyces violaceoruber in the electron microscope showed that the structure of the walls and the mode of formation of cross-walls are similar to those of Gram-positive bacteria. A beaded structure was seen in some regions of the wall, and the significance of this observation is discussed in relation to previous studies of the fine structure of bacterial cell walls. Elements of the intracytoplasmic membrane system appear to be involved in the process of cross-wall formation. The walls of the hyphae of the aerial mycelium divide into two layers before the spores are formed, and only the inner component of the wall grows inwards to form the cross-walls and so delimit the spores. The outer component remains intact for a time and acts as a sheath around the developing spores. Finally the sheath breaks and the spores are liberated. This process is contrasted with the formation of endospores in eubacteria. When the spores germinate, the walls of the germ tubes are continuous with those of the spores.  相似文献   

一类潜在的新型佐剂--含CpG基序的寡核苷酸   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郭斐  许洪林  阮力 《病毒学报》2000,16(1):86-89
DNA是生命的遗传物质,已是不可争论的事实,可是DNA作为信号分子的观点就不容易被理解.相继有文献报道了细菌DNA,而非脊椎动物DNA,具有免疫激活的效果[1-4].含有CpG基序的寡核苷酸(ODN)具有以下免疫效果:诱导B细胞增殖、分化,免疫球蛋白诱生和分泌,抗诱生的细胞凋亡[5,6];诱导单核细胞分泌IL-12以及其他的细胞因子[7,8];并且活化自然杀伤(NK)细胞的裂解活性和干扰素(IFN-γ)分泌[2,4,9-11].研究人员推测:针对CpG ODN所产生的迅速的免疫激活反应,可能是由于宿主识别微生物分子特异的结构模式,而唤醒了机体先天性的免疫保护机制.由于CpG ODN特异的免疫激活机制,引起了研究人员的极大兴趣,取得了许多新的研究进展,显示出CpG ODN作为一类新型的免疫佐剂的潜在可能性.  相似文献   

冯清平 《微生物学报》1995,35(3):229-231
在研究敦煌壁画微生物生态学的过程中,从257窟分离到一株链霉菌,编号为25706.该菌株在合成琼脂上气丝为黄白色,孢子丝柔曲或松螺旋,所产生的抗生素对革兰氏阳性细菌和革兰氏阴性细菌均有较强的抑制作用.经鉴定,该菌株为灰黄链霉菌的一个新亚种,命名为灰黄链霉菌敦煌亚种.  相似文献   

The juice from the berries of Cocculus hirsutum was extracted and used for pollen fertility studies in various crops. Two stains were prepared: P. H. Ramanjini (PHR) stain and modified PHR stain. The modified PHR stain contains lactic acid and produces the best staining differentiation. The intensity of the staining was dependent on the thickness of the pollen cell walls, hence PHR stain is recommended for thick walled pollen grains and the modified PHR stain for pollen with relatively thin walls. The preparation of both the stains are very simple, quick and inexpensive.  相似文献   

Lee CH  Kim EH  Won YS  Choi YK  Nam KH  Kim HC  Hyun BH  Suh JG  Oh YS 《Biochemical genetics》2005,43(11-12):597-602
A new electrophoretic migration type of alkaline phosphatase 1 (Akp1) was found on the cellulose acetate electrophoresis for kidney and liver homogenates of KWHM mouse, a newly established inbred strain derived from the Korean wild mouse (Mus musculus molossinus). This new type of alkaline phosphatase 1 was distinguished from previously reported AKP1A and AKP1B types in the mouse, and tentatively named AKP1C. In genetic analysis by mating experiments between KWHM and C57BL/6J (AKP1A) or BALB/cA (AKP1B), the phenotypic segregation ratios of AKP1A : AKP1AC : AKP1C or AKP1B : AKP1BC : AKP1C were 1 : 2 : 1 in both groups of F2 generations. It was therefore concluded that AKP1C type is controlled by Akp1c allele which is codominant with Akp1a and Akp1b alleles.  相似文献   

MK──一种新发现的细胞因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MK是一种新发现的细胞因子,属于肝素结合因子家族,MK是一种小分子多肽,其基因表达仅见于胚胎中期及成年期肾脏,在许多肿瘤细胞中也可见MK基因不同程度的表达,MK能够促进正常细胞的生长和分化,特别是促进神经细胞的发育,它还可以抑制某些肿瘤细胞的生长.MK基因在成年肾脏中表达的原因尚未阐明.  相似文献   

The staining of DNA by specific fluorochromes provides a suitable method of receiving histograms in a short time by means of pulse cytometry. They represent the proliferative structure of cell populations at a high degree of statistical security. A method for quantitative determination of cell cycle phases (G1-, S- and G2 + M-phase) is presented which includes the fraction of cell debris in the calculation procedure. The advantages of this method are the elimination of overlapping between the fraction of debris and cell cycle phases and the quantitative determination of the fraction of cell debris offers the opportunity to get information on cytolytic potencies. Apart from the calculation of the various cell cycle phases the method provides criteria on the adaptation of mathematical analysis to primary data.  相似文献   

将首尾带有EcoR Ⅰ酶切位点的2.0kb、1.5kb、1.0kb、0.75kb、0.5kb、0.25kb六个长度的片段逐步连接到pGEM-3zf( )质粒上的B.am H I位点中,构建的质粒用EcoR Ⅰ进行单酶切,经电泳可以获得七条DNA带与设计结果完全一致,可用于DNA电泳试验中分子量标准。  相似文献   

A New Kind of Informational Suppression in the Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
J. Hodgkin  A. Papp  R. Pulak  V. Ambros    P. Anderson 《Genetics》1989,123(2):301-313
Independent reversions of mutations affecting three different Caenorhabditis elegans genes have each yielded representatives of the same set of extragenic suppressors. Mutations at any one of six loci act as allele-specific recessive suppressors of certain allels of unc-54 (a myosin heavy chain gene), lin-29 (a heterochronic gene), and tra-2 (a sex determination gene). The same mutations also suppress certain alleles of another sex determination gene, tra-1, and of a morphogenetic gene, dpy-5. In addition to their suppression phenotype, the suppressor mutations cause abnormal morphogenesis of the male bursa and the hermaphrodite vulva. We name these genes smg-1 through smg-6 (suppressor with morphogenetic effect on genitalia), in order to distinguish them from mab (male abnormal) genes that can mutate to produce abnormal genitalia but which do not act as suppressors (smg-1 and smg-2 are new names for two previously described genes, mab-1 and mab-11). The patterns of suppression, and the interactions between the different smg genes, are described and discussed. In general, suppression is recessive and incomplete, and at least some of the suppressed mutations are hypomorphic in nature. A suppressible allele of unc-54 contains a deletion in the 3' noncoding region of the gene; the protein coding region of the gene is apparently unaffected. This suggests that the smg suppressors affect a process other than translation, for example mRNA processing, transport, or stability.  相似文献   

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