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The Enicospilus americanus species-complex is characterized and a key presented to the seven eastern North American species. Three species, E.americanus (Christ), E.glabratus (Say) and E.texanus (Ashmead) are redescribed, and four species are described as new. These are: E. lebophagus sp.n., a Mesoamerican species whose range just extends into southern Texas; E.cushmani sp.n., a widespread eastern North American species, E.aktites sp.n., a Mesoamerican coastal species whose range extends into the very southern tip of Florida; and E.peigleri sp.n., a northern Mexican/southern U.S. species. The cephalic capsules of the final instar larvae of five species are described, and notes on the biology of all species presented. The known hosts of the species are listed.  


Se caracteriza el complejo de especies Enicospilus americanus y se presenta una Have para las siete especies del este de Norte America. Se redescriben tres especies: E.americanus (Christ), E.glabratus (Say) y E.texanus (Ashmead) y cuatro se describen como nuevas: E.lebophagus , una especie mesoamericana cuya distribution apenas se extiende hasta el sur de Texas; E.cushmani , especie muy distribuida en el este norte-americano; E.aktites , una especie mesoamericana cuya distribucion apenas se extiende hasta el sur de Florida; y E.peigleri , especies del norte de Mexico y sur de los Estados Unidos. Se describen las capsulas cefalicas del instar final de larva de cinco especies y se presentan algunas notas sobre la biologia de todas las especies, asi como tambien una lista con todos los huespedes conocidos de las especies.  相似文献   

报道了采自河南的角姬蜂属Cosmoconus Foerster 二新种:西峡角姬蜂 C. xixiaensis Sheng, sp.nov. 和斑角姬蜂C. maculiventris Sheng, sp. nov.,并指出了与近似种的主要区别特征。  相似文献   

列出了克里姬蜂属Kristotomus Mason 中国已知种名录。记述了采自河南省栾川县伏牛山的本属1新种申氏克里姬蜂Ksheni Sheng, sp. Nov,列出了与其近似种的鉴别特征。  相似文献   

盛茂领  裴海潮 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):96-98
 报道了采自河南的角姬蜂属Cosmoconus Foerster 二新种:西峡角姬蜂 C. xixiaens is Sheng, sp.nov. 和斑角姬蜂C. maculiventris Sheng, sp.nov.,并指出了与近 似种的主要区别特征。  相似文献   

盛茂领  孙素平 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):93-95
 列出了克里姬蜂属Kristotomus Mason 中国已知种名录。记述了采自河南省栾川县 伏牛山的本属1新种申氏克里姬蜂K. sheni Sheng, sp. Nov,列出了与其近似种的 鉴别特征。  相似文献   

Current understanding of Cuban ichneumonids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) is analysed. A new Subfamily (Tersilochinae) including 13 genera and two species are first reports for Cuba. In contrast with Braconidae, the sister group, the ichneumonids are poorly known because of the lack of local taxonomists and bacause nets, rather than interception, light and yellow pan traps have been used. Using Ophioninae as a reference, and comparing the percentage of ophionines in the fauna of Costa Rican ichneumonids, the ratio of species of Costa Rican to Cuban Ophioninae and the increase in the number of described Cuban ophionines, we suggest that actual Cuban biodiversity in this group may be between 400 and 600 species.  相似文献   

The six known Costa Rican species of the campoplegine ichneumonid genus Cryptophion Viereck are described and keyed. The distribution of species throughout Costa Rica is detailed based on data gathered by an intensive Malaise trap survey of the ichneumonids of the country. Five new species are recognized: C. espinozai. C. guillermoi, C. manueli. C. moragai and C. tickelli , and a sixth, C. inaequalipes (Cresson) redescribed. The monophyly of the genus is demonstrated and the phylogeny of the Costa Rican species reconstructed. Host relationships have been established for all species in Costa Rica; they develop as koinobiont endoparasitoids of first to third instar larvae of Sphingidae or Saturniidae. Analysis of the host relationships from a phylogenetic perspective suggested that the genus first evolved using macroglossine sphingid larvae feeding on rubiaceous understorey plants as hosts, and subsequently diversified to utilize sphingine sphingids and ceratocampine saturniids feeding on a variety of food-plants. Most species appear to be monophagous and oligophagy is apparently a derived feature of one sister-species pair, C. espinozai and C. manueli . In Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, only a small proportion of the species of Saturniidae and Sphingidae present are used as hosts by Cryptophion species. No one host species is parasitized by more than one Cryptophion species. No species of Cryptophion is known to parasitize more than one host species feeding on any one plant species. The monophagous species C. inaequalipes is only known to develop in its sphingid host when that host is feeding on one of its two alternative food-plants.  相似文献   

Cymodusa (Cymodusa) propodeata sp. n. from Turkey is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the similar C. (s. str.) oculator Dbar, 1985 by moderately narrowed head behind eyes, developed clypeal fovea, area superomedia not separated by carina from basal and petiolar area and coloration of the body.  相似文献   

Six species of the genus Stethantyx Townes are found to occur in Mexico. One species, S. mexicana sp. n., is described as new, and four recently described Neotropical species, S. alajuela Khalaim & Broad, S. heredia Khalaim & Broad, S. osa Khalaim & Broad and S. sanjosea Khalaim & Broad, are new records from Mexico. A key to species of Stethantyx occurring in Mexico is provided.  相似文献   

The monophyly of the ichneumonid clade Pimpliformes is established and the phylogenetic relationships of the eight component subfamilies are resolved. The clade (Acaenitinae + (Diacritinae + (Cylloceriinae + (Diplazontinae + Orthocentrinae)))) is the sister-lineage to the clade (Pimplinae + (Rhyssinae + Poemeniinae)). The Nearctic genus Cressonia Dasch is transferred to the Diacritinae from the Orthocentrinae. Tribes are not recognized in the Acaenitinae as the Coleocentrini (sensu Townes, 1971) is paraphyletic with respect to the Acaenitini. The Cylloceriinae is recognized as comprising three genera, Cylloceria Schiødte, Allomacrus Förster and Sweaterella gen.n. The Orthocentrinae, including the Helictinae of authors, is shown to be monophyletic, but the latter is clearly shown to be paraphyletic if the Orthocentrus genus-group is excluded. The Pimplinae comprises four monophyletic tribes: the Delomeristini, consisting of Delomerista Förster and Atractogaster Kriechbaumer; the Perithoini trib.n., which includes only Perithous Holmgren (= Hybomischos Baltazar syn.n.); the Pimplini, which includes the Theronia genus-group as well as the Pimpla genus-group; and the Ephialtini, which includes the Polysphinctini syn.n., a monophyletic group that previously rendered the restricted Ephialtini paraphyletic. The tribe Delomeristini is the sister-group to the clade (Ephialtini + (Perithoini + Pimplini)). The subfamily Poemeniinae is recognized as comprising three tribes: the Pseudorhyssini (trib.n.) which includes the single Holarctic genus Pseudorhyssa Merrill; the Rodrigamini (trib.n.) which includes only the Costa Rican genus Rodrigama Gauld; and the Poemeniini. The tribe Pseudorhyssini is the sister-group to the clade (Rodrigamini + Poemeniini). The phylogenetic inter-relationships of the genera of Poemeniini are resolved. A new genus from South Africa, Guptella (gen.n.) is described, and Achorocephalus Kriechbaumer is shown to be a synonym of Eugalta Cameron (syn.n.). The evolution of biological traits within the Pimpliformes is discussed with reference to the elucidated phylogeny, and zoogeographic patterns are outlined.  相似文献   

A new genus of Metopiinae, Ojuelos Khalaim, gen. n., with a single species, Ojuelos juachicus Khalaim & Ruíz-Cancino, sp. n., is described from Jalisco Province in central Mexico. Ojuelos belongs to the group of three genera (Cubus Townes & Townes, Colpotrochia Holmgren and Triclistus Förster) having a high lamella separating the antennal sockets and reaching the median ocellus (this lamella possesses a dorsal groove in it, just below the median ocellus), but differs from these genera primarily by 1) face and clypeus not convex in lateral view, 2) face separated from clypeus by a shallow transverse impression, 3) mandible with lower tooth very strongly reduced, 4) flagellomeres of antenna strongly transverse, and 5) dorsal carinae of propodeum reduced. A portion of the key to the genera of Metopiinae is provided to distinguish the new genus.  相似文献   

The western Palaearctic species of the genus Mesoleptus Gravenhorst 1829 are redescribed and keys are given for their identification. Also a key for the identification of the three stilpnine genera (Atractodes, Mesoleptus, and Stilpnus) is given and the biology of the genus is discussed shortly. The following species are described as new: Mesoleptus hispanicus n. sp., M. sawoniewiczi n. sp. and M. tunisiensis n. sp. The male of Mesoleptus tobiasi Jonaitis is described for the first time. New combinations is M. incessor (Haliday). New synonyms number 143 and 34 lectotypes are chosen.  相似文献   

Host location by the pupal parasitoid, Coccygomimus turionellae, was cued by both olfaction and contact chemoreception with host odor serving as a directional cue. The hosts' cocoons, silk, and pupae were all effective in evoking a response in the wasps. Preimaginal conditioning was not apparent but host species influenced the intensity of the wasp's response. Although efficiency was reduced, experienced wasps were able to locate hosts without air movement. The wasps responded to visual contrast and to three-dimensional effects, but not to specific shapes. In the absence of odor or tactile cues, visual attraction resulted in antennal palpation of the area, but very little ovipositor probing. Olfactory stimulation prior to visual or tactile tests significantly increased general activity and increased response to the cue itself. The most important cue to tactile or visual responses was contrast with the surroudings. Overall response was greater to tactile cues than to visual cues, and ovipositor probing occurred more often.
Resume La découverte de l'hôte par le parasite de chrysalides, Coccygomimus turionellae est due à la fois à l'olfaction et à une perception chimique de contact, l'odeur de l'hôte servant de facteur orientateur. Les cocons des hôtes, la soie et la chrysalide provoquent tous une réponse de l'Ichneumonide. Le conditionnement préimaginal n'est pas apparent, mais les espèces hôtes influent sur l'intensité de la réponse. Les adultes répondent aux contrastes entre les objets et le fond, aux dimensions des objets dans les trois plans mais non à leur forme. La stimulation olfactive avant les tests visuels ou tactiles augmente significativement l'activité générale et la réponse elle-même. Le facteur le plus important pour les réponses visuelles et olfactives est le contraste avec le fond. La réponse globale aux facteurs tactiles est supérieure à celle aux facteurs visuels, les sondages par la tarière étant plus fréquents.

Cladistics of the genera of Mesochorinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A cladistic analysis is presented for the genera of the ichneumonid subfamily Mesochorinae. Nine genera are recognized as valid. Previous work on larval morphology is reviewed and a number of larvae are newly illustrated and discussed. Four new synonyms are proposed: Oncocotta, Piestetron, Plectochorus and Rhaibaspis are all synonymized with Mesochorus , and Stictopisthus is placed back as a synonym of Mesochorus. Four new genera are described: Artherola from South Africa, Chineater from Chile, Thamester from Japan, and Varnado from Morocco. A new key is provided to the mesochorine genera of the world.  相似文献   

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