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Prophage curing was achieved in Streptococcus lactis and Streptococcus cremoris, and the cured derivatives were shown to be indicators for their temperate bacteriophages. Relysogenization of these cured derivatives completed the first formal demonstration of the lysogenic state in lactic streptococci.  相似文献   

Fast freezing and slow thawing Salmonella anatum cells in various milk components inactivated from 20 to 98% of the cells and damaged 40 to 90% of the cells surviving the treatments. Injured cells failed to form colonies on a selective medium (xylose-lysine-peptone agar with 0.2% sodium deoxycholate) but did form colonies on a nonselective plating medium (xylose-lysine-peptone agar). The major milk components-lactose, milk salts, casein, and whey proteins-influenced the extent of injury, repair of injury, and death. The percentages of cells injured and inactivated were decreased by the presence of any milk components except whey proteins. Also, repair of injury was promoted by the presence of each milk component except whey proteins, which in contrast inhibited repair. Phosphate was the most influential milk salts component that protected the cells and promoted repair of injury. These individual milk components may have decreased the extent of freezing-induced death and cellular damage by stabilizing the S. anatum cell envelope.  相似文献   

The maximum specific growth rate of Streptococcus lactis and Streptococcus cremoris on synthetic medium containing glutamate but no glutamine decreases rapidly above pH 7. Growth of these organisms is extended to pH values in excess of 8 in the presence of glutamine. These results can be explained by the kinetic properties of glutamate and glutamine transport (B. Poolman, E. J. Smid, and W. N. Konings, J. Bacteriol. 169:2755-2761, 1987). At alkaline pH the rate of growth in the absence of glutamine is limited by the capacity to accumulate glutamate due to the decreased availability of glutamic acid, the transported species of the glutamate-glutamine transport system. Kinetic analysis of leucine and valine transport shows that the maximal rate of uptake of these amino acids by the branched-chain amino acid transport system is 10 times higher in S. lactis cells grown on synthetic medium containing amino acids than in cells grown in complex broth. For cells grown on synthetic medium, the maximal rate of transport exceeds by about 5 times the requirements at maximum specific growth rates for leucine, isoleucine, and valine (on the basis of the amino acid composition of the cell). The maximal rate of phenylalanine uptake by the aromatic amino acid transport system is in small excess of the requirement for this amino acid at maximum specific growth rates. Analysis of the internal amino acid pools of chemostat-grown cells indicates that passive influx of (some) aromatic amino acids may contribute to the net uptake at high dilution rates.  相似文献   

Pyruvate Kinase of Streptococcus lactis   总被引:18,自引:14,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The kinetic properties of pyruvate kinase (ATP:pyruvate-phosphotransferase, EC from Streptococcus lactis have been investigated. Positive homotropic kinetics were observed with phosphoenolpyruvate and adenosine 5′-diphosphate, resulting in a sigmoid relationship between reaction velocity and substrate concentrations. This relationship was abolished with an excess of the heterotropic effector fructose-1,6-diphosphate, giving a typical Michaelis-Menten relationship. Increasing the concentration of fructose-1,6-diphosphate increased the apparent Vmax values and decreased the Km values for both substrates. Catalysis by pyruvate kinase proceeded optimally at pH 6.9 to 7.5 and was markedly inhibited by inorganic phosphate and sulfate ions. Under certain conditions adenosine 5′-triphosphate also caused inhibition. The Km values for phosphoenolpyruvate and adenosine 5′-diphosphate in the presence of 2 mM fructose-1,6-diphosphate were 0.17 mM and 1 mM, respectively. The concentration of fructose-1,6-diphosphate giving one-half maximal velocity with 2 mM phosphoenolpyruvate and 5 mM adenosine 5′-diphosphate was 0.07 mM. The intracellular concentrations of these metabolites (0.8 mM phosphoenolpyruvate, 2.4 mM adenosine 5′-diphosphate, and 18 mM fructose-1,6-diphosphate) suggest that the pyruvate kinase in S. lactis approaches maximal activity in exponentially growing cells. The role of pyruvate kinase in the regulation of the glycolytic pathway in lactic streptococci is discussed.  相似文献   

beta-Galactosidase of Streptococcus lactis 7962 was partially purified, and its properties were studied. Enzyme from only this strain of numerous lactic streptococci tested was stable in cell exudates prepared by various means. Cell-free extracts of the 7962 strain were prepared by sonic treatment of washed cells previously grown in presence of lactose to fully induce enzyme synthesis. Protamine sulfate precipitation of the nucleic acids and ammonium sulfate precipitation of protein were used for partial purification of the enzyme. The resulting enzyme, when resuspended in cold (5 C) phosphate buffer, was extremely labile. However, ammonium sulfate in high concentrations (0.85 m) stabilized and stimulated beta-galactosidase activity. Sephadex G-200 gel filtration was used to achieve further purification and to monitor homogeneity of the enzyme. Separation of the beta-galactosidase in buffer at 5 C yielded an enzyme elution pattern showing two peaks of activity. However, addition of the enzyme solution in 0.85 m ammonium sulfate to the column equilibrated with the same salt concentration yielded only one peak of enzyme activity. The data suggested that the native enzyme was dissociating into active subunits which were stabilized in the presence of the ammonium sulfate.  相似文献   

Lomofungin is a new antimicrobial agent obtained from the culture broth of Streptomyces lomondensis sp. n. UC-5022. Lomofungin is an acidic, olive-yellow, crystalline compound which inhibits, in vitro, a variety of pathogenic fungi, yeasts, and gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

The interactions between freezing kinetics and subsequent storage temperatures and their effects on the biological activity of lactic acid bacteria have not been examined in studies to date. This paper investigates the effects of three freezing protocols and two storage temperatures on the viability and acidification activity of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CFL1 in the presence of glycerol. Samples were examined at −196°C and −20°C by freeze fracture and freeze substitution electron microscopy. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to measure proportions of ice and glass transition temperatures for each freezing condition tested. Following storage at low temperatures (−196°C and −80°C), the viability and acidification activity of L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus decreased after freezing and were strongly dependent on freezing kinetics. High cooling rates obtained by direct immersion in liquid nitrogen resulted in the minimum loss of acidification activity and viability. The amount of ice formed in the freeze-concentrated matrix was determined by the freezing protocol, but no intracellular ice was observed in cells suspended in glycerol at any cooling rate. For samples stored at −20°C, the maximum loss of viability and acidification activity was observed with rapidly cooled cells. By scanning electron microscopy, these cells were not observed to contain intracellular ice, and they were observed to be plasmolyzed. It is suggested that the cell damage which occurs in rapidly cooled cells during storage at high subzero temperatures is caused by an osmotic imbalance during warming, not the formation of intracellular ice.  相似文献   

Preparation of spheroplasts from Streptococcus lactis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Streptococcus lactis subsp. diacetylactis strain WM4 transferred lactose-fermenting and bacteriocin-producing (Bac+) abilities to S. lactis LM2301, a lactose-negative, streptomycin-resistant (Lac- Strr), plasmid-cured derivative of S. lactis C2. Three types of transconjugants were obtained: Lac+ Bac+, Lac+ Bac-, and Lac-Bac+.S. diacetylactis WM4 possessed plasmids of 88, 33, 30, 5.5, 4.8, and 3.8 megadaltons (Mdal). In Lac+ Bac+ transconjugants, lactose-fermenting ability was linked to the 33-Mdal plasmid and bacteriocin-producing ability to the 88-Mdal plasmid. Curing the 33-Mdal plasmid from Lac+ Bac+ transconjugants resulted in loss of lactose-fermenting ability but not bacteriocin-producing ability (Lac- Bac+). These strains retained the 88-Mdal plasmid. Curing of both plasmids resulted in a Lac- Bac- phenotype. The Lac+ Bac- transconjugant phenotype was associated with a recombinant plasmid of 55 or 65 Mdal. When these transconjugants were used as donors in subsequent matings, the frequency of Lac transfer was about 2.0 X 10(-2) per recipient plated, whereas when Lac+ Bac+ transconjugants served as donors, the frequency of Lac transfer was about 2.0 X 10(-5) per recipient plated. Also, Lac- Bac+ transconjugants were found to contain the 88-Mdal plasmid. The data indicate that the ability of WM4 to produce bacteriocin is linked to an 88-Mdal conjugative plasmid and that lactose-fermenting ability resides on a 33-Mdal plasmid.  相似文献   

Streptococcus lactis plasmid DNA, which is required for the fermentation of lactose (plasmid pLM2001), and a potential streptococcal cloning vector plasmid (pDB101) which confers resistance to erythromycin were evaluated by transformation into Streptococcus sanguis Challis. Plasmid pLM2001 transformed lactose-negative (Lac-) mutants of S. sanguis with high efficiency and was capable of conferring lactose-metabolizing ability to a mutant deficient in Enzyme IIlac, Factor IIIlac, and phospho-beta-galactosidase of the lactose phosphoenolpyruvate-phosphotransferase system. Plasmid pDB101 was capable of high-efficiency transformation of S. sanguis to antibiotic resistance, and the plasmid could be readily isolated from transformed strains. However, when 20 pLM2001 Lac+ transformants were analyzed by a variety of techniques for the presence of plasmids, none could be detected. In addition, attempts to cure the Lac+ transformants by treatment with acriflavin were unsuccessful. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to demonstrate that the transformants had acquired a phospho-beta-galactosidase characteristic of that normally produced by S. lactis and not S. sanguis. It is proposed that the genes required for lactose fermentation may have become stabilized in the transformants due to their integration into the host chromosome. The efficient transformation into and expression of pLM2001 and pDB101 genes in S. sanguis provides a model system which could allow the development of a system for cloning genes from dairy starter cultures into S. sanguis to examine factors affecting their expression and regulation.  相似文献   

Uptake and metabolism of sucrose by Streptococcus lactis   总被引:15,自引:11,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Transport and metabolism of sucrose in Streptococcus lactis K1 have been examined. Starved cells of S. lactis K1 grown previously on sucrose accumulated [14C]sucrose by a phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) (sucrose-PTS; Km, 22 microM; Vmax, 191 mumol transported min-1 g of dry weight of cells-1). The product of group translocation was sucrose 6-phosphate (6-O-phosphoryl-D-glucopyranosyl-1-alpha-beta-2-D-fructofuranoside). A specific sucrose 6-phosphate hydrolase was identified which cleaved the disaccharide phosphate (Km, 0.10 mM) to glucose 6-phosphate and fructose. The enzyme did not cleave sucrose 6'-phosphate(D-glucopyranosyl-1-alpha-beta-2-D-fructofuranoside-6'-phosphate). Extracts prepared from sucrose-grown cells also contained an ATP-dependent mannofructokinase which catalyzed the conversion of fructose to fructose 6-phosphate (Km, 0.33 mM). The sucrose-PTS and sucrose 6-phosphate hydrolase activities were coordinately induced during growth on sucrose. Mannofructokinase appeared to be regulated independently of the sucrose-PTS and sucrose 6-phosphate hydrolase, since expression also occurred when S. lactis K1 was grown on non-PTS sugars. Expression of the mannofructokinase may be negatively regulated by a component (or a derivative) of the PTS.  相似文献   

Streptococcus cremoris C3 was found to transfer lactose-fermenting ability to LM2301, a Streptococcus lactis C2 lactose-negative streptomycin-resistant (Lac Strr) derivative which is devoid of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA); to LM3302, a Lac erythromycin-resistant (Eryr) derivative of S. lactis ML3; and to BC102, an S. cremoris B1 Lac Eryr derivative which is devoid of plasmid DNA. S. cremoris strains R1, EB7, and Z8 were able to transfer lactose-fermenting ability to LM3302 in solid-surface matings. Transduction and transformation were ruled out as mechanisms of genetic transfer. Chloroform treatment of donor cells prevented the appearance of recombinant clones, indicating that viable cell-to-cell contact was responsible for genetic transfer. Transfer of plasmid DNA was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Transconjugants recovered from EB7 and Z8 matings with LM3302 exhibited plasmid sizes not observed in the donor strains. Transconjugants recovered from R1, EB7, and Z8 matings with LM3302 were able to donate lactose-fermenting ability at a high frequency to LM2301. In S. cremoris R1, EB7, and Z8 matings with LM2301, streptomycin resistance was transferred from LM2301 to the S. cremoris strains. The results confirm genetic transfer resembling conjugation between S. cremoris and S. lactis strains and present presumptive evidence for plasmid linkage of lactose metabolism in S. cremoris.  相似文献   

Damage to Streptococcus lactis resulting from growth at low pH   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Harvey, R. J. (The Dairy Research Institute, Palmerston North, New Zealand). Damage to Streptococcus lactis resulting from growth at low pH. J. Bacteriol. 90:1330-1336. 1965.-Growth of Streptococcus lactis below pH 5.0 results in damage to the cells. A period of growth below pH 5.0 is required before this damage is expressed, and a period of growth above pH 5.0 is required to correct the damage. Part of the damage consists of a reduction in the specific activities of a number of enzymes. At the same time, the differential rate of total protein synthesis is unchanged. During recovery from growth at low pH, the enzymes subject to damage are formed at a differential rate which is higher than normal until the normal specific activities are restored. The growth rate characteristic of the new pH is then resumed. The results are consistent with either of two mechanisms of damage. Growth at low pH could result either in direct inactivation of a number of enzymes, or in loss of control of the differential rates of synthesis of individual enzymes.  相似文献   

Using Streptococcus thermophilus phages, plasmid transduction in Lactococcus lactis was demonstrated. The transduction frequencies were 4 orders of magnitude lower in L. lactis than in S. thermophilus. These results are the first evidence that there is phage-mediated direct transfer of DNA from S. thermophilus to L. lactis. The implications of these results for phage evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

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