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The Asian bush mosquito, Aedes japonicus japonicus, and the coastal rock pool mosquito, Aedes togoi, are potential disease vectors present in both East Asia and North America. While their ranges are fairly well‐documented in Asia, this is not the case for North America. We used maximum entropy modeling to estimate the potential distributions of Ae. togoi and Ae. j. japonicus in the United States, Canada, and northern Latin America under contemporary and future climatic conditions. Our results suggest suitable habitat that is not known to be occupied for Ae. j. japonicus in Atlantic and western Canada, Alaska, the western, midwestern, southern, and northeastern United States, and Latin America, and for Ae. togoi along the Pacific coast of North America and the Hawaiian Islands. Such areas are at risk of future invasion or may already contain undetected populations of these species. Our findings further predict that the limits of suitable habitat for each species will expand northward under future climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Effects of humidity and sugar concentration on the fecundity, temporal oviposition patterns and survival of a tropical strain of Aedes aegypti (L.) were investigated. Fecundity was significantly reduced by low humidity, but was not affected by sugar concentration. Low humidity caused a significant decrease in percentage survival after 19 days as compared to high humidity. Oviposition was inhibited by host availability for eight successive days. When access to a host was no longer provided, oviposition continued for 10 days in three to four distinct cycles without additional bloodmeals. Humidity stress and high sugar concentration caused oviposition to be delayed for one to four days, which is the typical duration of extreme low humidity periods in nature. These responses are hypothesized to protect the eggs of ovipositing females against the environmental hardships of periodic humidity stress and lack of hosts, thus enabling the perpetuation of the vector and the diseases it transmits in hot and dry seasons.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Variation in size (wing length) of females and males within a population of Aedes punctor (Kirby) at emergence was recorded in northern Britain during 1984 and 1985.
2. Wing length correlated well with body dry weight, confirming its usefulness as a measure of body size. In 1984, but not in 1985, mean size decreased significantly as emergence progressed.
3. The size of host-seeking females caught at human bait varied seasonally. This was partly accounted for by size variation during emergence.
4. Of females which fed to repletion, the largest spent least time in contact with the host.
5. In the laboratory, wing length correlated well with potential fecundity (number of ovarioles) and less well with actual fecundity (number of matured follicles) after feeding on human blood.
6. In the field, larger females were more successful at locating hosts, developed more egg clutches in a lifetime and generally lived longer than did smaller ones. Larger females appear to enjoy greater reproductive success than do smaller females.  相似文献   

We evaluated the oviposition response of gravid Aedes albopictus (Skuse) to six organic infusions. Laboratory and field‐placed oviposition cups baited with water oak (Quercus nigra L.), longleaf pine (Pinus palustris P. Mill), or St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze), as well as binary infusion mixtures of each, were used. In addition, a triple‐cage, dual port olfactometer was used to measure upwind response of gravid individuals to these infusions. We found that Ae. albopictus deposited more eggs in infusion‐baited cups compared with water alone. Moreover, significantly more eggs were laid in the water oak and a water oak‐pine mixture as compared with the St. Augustine grass infusion in laboratory bioassays. However, a negative upwind response was observed with longleaf pine infusion in the olfactometer. In field cages, significantly more eggs were deposited in infusion‐baited cups as compared with water alone and a greater percentage of eggs were deposited in cups containing a water oak and the water oak‐longleaf pine mixture as compared with cups containing single infusions or their mixtures.  相似文献   

Vertical stratification of treeholes used by mosquitoes may reflect resource quality or result from interspecific competition. Mosquitoes able to monopolize treeholes with optimal resources may be over‐represented in the community. Aedes sierrensis, which is well adapted for the Mediterranean climate of California, has evolved in the absence of interspecific competition, so oviposition should reflect resource quality to a large extent. Artificial oviposition traps mounted at four canopy heights facing north or south on trees in a mixed‐oak forest at four elevations of the Pacific Coastal Range were used to assess vertical ovipositional preferences by the western treehole mosquito. Natural dispersal of the ciliated protozoan parasite Lambornella clarki was similarly monitored. Gravid Ae. sierrensis showed no vertical stratification during egg laying in traps. Lambornella clarki were naturally dispersed at relatively low frequency into traps and persisted unless eliminated by larval predation. Aedes sierrensis is not currently constrained into occupying a subset of treeholes. However, invasion of its native range by competitive species may alter oviposition patterns.  相似文献   

The Asian bush mosquito, Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald) was not known to occur in the Hawaii archipelago until it was identified on the island of Hawaii in 2003. This mosquito species remained undetected on the neighboring islands for 8?years before it was discovered at the Honolulu International Airport on Oahu in 2012. By 2015, four Ae. j. japonicus mosquitoes were collected in the western mountains of Oahu and one was collected in the central mountains of Kauai. The collection of this invasive mosquito species across the neighboring Hawaiian Islands of Oahu and Kauai indicated the need for increased seasonal surveillance on these islands. Following nearly four years of surveillance, Ae. j. japonicus was also confirmed to occur in the eastern mountains of Oahu and in the central mountainous region of Kauai. To expand the knowledge of the spread of invasive mosquitoes species further surveillance is necessary to identify all possible areas where populations of Ae. j. japonicus and other invasive mosquito species occur in Hawaiian archipelago.  相似文献   

Toxorhynchites guadeloupensis (Dyar Knab), a poorly known mosquito species, was observed preying upon Aedes aegypti (L.) larvae, in an oviposition trap placed for routine dengue entomological surveillance, during 2003-2004 in the urban area of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. This is the first report for Tx. guadeloupensis using Ae. aegypti oviposition traps as breeding places. This finding may have important consequences in the epidemiology and local dengue control since Ae. aegypti density is a basic variable in dengue prediction. Whether predation of Ae aegypti by Tx. guadeloupensis in the Amazon is of significance, is a question to be examined. Also, larval predation may be a cause for underestimation of the actual Ae aegypti numbers. Together these hypotheses need to be better investigated as they are directly related to dengue epidemiology, to the success of any outbreak prediction and surveillance program.  相似文献   

We report here the reappearance of Aedes aegypti in the Rimac district, and summarize the history of this mosquito species in Peru since its first detection in 1852. On March 17 2000 were found Ae. aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus in Mariscal Castilla town, Flor de Amancaes, San Juan de Amancaes, El Altillo and Santa Rosa in the Rimac district, Lima Province.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes japonicus japonicus, originally restricted to temperate East Asia, is now widespread in North America and more recently has become established in Europe. To ascertain the putative number of separate introductions to Europe and examine patterns of expansion we analyzed the genetic makeup of Ae. j. japonicus populations from five cemeteries in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate, two western German federal states, as well as of specimens from populations in Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria/Slovenia. To do so, we genotyped individual specimens at seven pre-existing polymorphic microsatellite loci and sequenced part of the nad4 mitochondrial locus. We found evidence of two different genotypic signatures associated with different nad4 mitochondrial haplotypes, indicating at least two genetically differentiated populations of Ae. j. japonicus in Europe (i.e. two distinct genotypes). Belgian, Swiss, and Austrian/Slovenian populations all share the same genotypic signature although they have become differentiated since isolation. Contrary to expectations, the German Ae. j. japonicus are not closely related to those in Belgium which are geographically nearest but are also highly inbred. German populations have a unique genotype but also evidence of mixing between the two genotypes. Also unexpectedly, the populations closest to the center of the German infestation had the highest levels of admixture indicating that separate introductions did not expand and merge but instead their expansion was driven by punctuated human-mediated transport. Critically, the resulting admixed populations have higher genetic diversity and appear invasive as indicated by their increased abundance and recent spread across western Germany.  相似文献   

Some limnic copepod species are predators of mosquito larvae. Seven species belonging to the order Cyclopoida, family Cyclopidae, were collected in the field in Germany and tested for the first time in laboratory bioassays for their potential to serve as biological control agents of the invasive Asian bush mosquito Aedes japonicus (Theobald), a vector of various pathogens causing disease. Females of Diacyclops bicuspidatus (Claus) did not attack 1st instar larvae of Ae. japonicus, but Macrocyclops distinctus (Richard), Cyclops divergens Lindberg, and C. heberti Einsle predated a mean of 14, 18, or 19 1st instar larvae, respectively. Acanthocyclops einslei Mirabdullayev and Defaye killed 30 larvae, and high predation rates with a mean of 39 or 46 larvae, respectively, were obtained by Megacyclops viridis (Jurine) and M. gigas (Claus). In regression analyses, predation rates by M. viridis correlated with body size, with specimens of 1.8 mm length being more effective than smaller or bigger ones. Based on the presented data, the two Megacyclops species seem to be promising candidates for use in field studies on the biological control of Ae. japonicus.  相似文献   

Evaluation of oviposition attractants and substrate preferences of Aedes albopictus was carried out under laboratory and field conditions. To obtain candidate oviposition substances we used a water rinse of 3 mollusk species: blood cockle (Anadara granosa), carpet shell (Paphia undulata), and sea mussel (Mytilus smaragdinus), and the giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon). The rinse water of carpet shell and giant tiger prawn showed higher attractiveness for ovipostion than the other candidate attractants. The filter paper substrate received fewer eggs than the other two substrates. There was no significant difference between the mean number of eggs laid on hardboard paddles and sponge sheets. The hatching rate of Ae. albopictus eggs laid on hardboard paddles was higher than those from the filter papers and sponge sheets. The sponge had lethal effects on Ae. albopictus eggs, and very few eggs laid on sponge hatched. In field experiments, evaluation of attractiveness of carpet shell rinse in ovitraps lined with sponge sheet as egg-laying substrate was carried out in various habitats and different areas of Thailand. The mean number of eggs in traps containing carpet shell rinse was significantly higher than those laid in rainwater traps. These studies reveal that the carpet shell and giant tiger prawn rinses are sources of oviposition attractant for Ae. albopictus under both laboratory and field conditions and could possibly be used as an attractant in surveillance and control.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary sugar and body size on the oviposition of Ae. aegypti were studied under laboratory conditions. In female mosquitoes provided with sugar, the start of maximum fecundity was significantly delayed and the oviposition period was longer than in females provided with water. The peak of oviposition was also delayed in sugar‐fed females. Large females oviposited more eggs per day than small females at maximum fecundity and during eight days of observations. Large females also visited significantly more water‐containing cups in their cages per day than small females at maximum fecundity. During the eight days of observations, large females and sugar‐fed females visited more water‐containing cups in their cages than water‐fed small females. Both large females and sugar‐fed females oviposited their eggs at sites higher above the water line than water‐fed small females. These results suggested that large and sugar‐fed female Ae. aegypti mosquitoes had more energy reserves and oviposited their eggs at higher sites, which would lead to a time lag in hatching.  相似文献   

M Coluzzi  M Di Deco  A Gironi 《Parassitologia》1975,17(1-3):121-130
The overwintering biology of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) mariae (one of the sibling species of the mariae complex) was studied in populations from the Tyrrhenian coast of Central Italy (Sperlonga and Formia). Ae. mariae has in this zone several generations per year and its larvae are commonly found from March to October exclusively in rock pools along the coast. Field and laboratory observations show in these populations an embryonic winter diapause induced by short-day photoperiods (9-12 hours). The photoperiod acts primarily on the parental females during their preimaginal life. The expression of diapause is influenced by temperatures and photoperiods experienced by the embryos. Full embryonic diapause is observed when the eggs are incubated at relatively low temperatures (less than 16 degrees C) and at short photoperiods. Short-day photoperiods also induce a remarkable change in the oviposition behavior of Ae. mariae. Laboratory observations show that the adult females readily oviposit on water surfaces when originating from larvae reared at long-day photoperiod while they are very reclutant to oviposit in the same situation when reared at short day photoperiod. Choice experiments involving four alternative oviposition sites (see Plate 1) demonstrate a preference for outside free water in long-day mosquitoes and for inside moist surfaces in short-day mosquitoes. The behavioral difference persists in successive gonotrophic cycles and it is not apparently affected by the photoperiod acting on the adult females. The above evidence together with recovery of overwintering eggs in holes and crevices of rock pools suggest that the shift in oviposition site shown in the laboratory reflects a similar shift occurring in nature. Such photoperiodically induced change in oviposition behavior seems to have an important adaptive significance in providing more constant microclimates to the diapausing eggs and in protecting them from the mechanical action of winter storms.  相似文献   

The results of long-term studies of mosquitoes in Belgorod Province are reported. The material was collected at 54 sites situated in 15 districts of the province. Different biotopes were investigated during the spring-autumn period. Larvae and adult mosquitoes were used for identification. A total of 27 mosquito species were found in the region examined. The following species were recorded for the first time: Ae. (Och.) communis. Ae. (Och.) diantaeus. Ae. (Och.) pulchritarsis. Ae. (Och.) sticticus, and Cx. (Bar.) modestus; and also the form Cx. (Cux.) pipiens pipiens biotype molestus. The frequency of occurrence of each species in different biotopes and different localities is given. The most widespread and common species in Belgorod Province include Ae. (Och.) cantans (Mg.), Ae. (Och.) cataphylla Dyar, Ae. (Fin.) geniculatus (Ol.), Ae. (Adm.) vexans (Mg.), Cx. (Cux.) pipiens, and Cx. (Cux.) pipiens pipiens biotype molestus.  相似文献   

The genetics of glucosephosphate isomerase (E.C. in two strains (Malaysian and Taiwan) of Aedes togoi is reported. Three electrophoretic phenotypes were present in both sexes. The zymogram patterns were identical in both strains of A. togoi. The phenotypes were governed by a pair of codominant alleles. The allele frequency of the slow-moving band was 0.63 in the Malaysian strain and was 0.86 and 0.82 in F161 and F169 generations, respectively, of the Taiwan strain. The sample studied was in good accord with Hardy-Weinberg expectations.  相似文献   

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