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In a sclerophyll open forest (Eucalyptus obliqua L'Herit-E. baxteri Benth. association) near Adelaide total mean annual litter fall over a 5-year period was 233 g/m2 dry weight, comprising 190 g/m2 of leaves, small twigs, fruits and other small plant parts and 43 g/m2 of sticks and logs. Samples of sticks and logs were taken at approximately 12-weekly intervals and of other litter at approximately 6-weekly intervals. Maximum rates of leaf fall were in late summer and minimum rates in winter, and a simple harmonic model representing seasonal fluctuations accounted for 61.8% of the variation. The standing crop of litter was 980 g/m2, representing 4.2 years’ mean litter fall. Samples of sticks and logs and of other litter from each sampling occasion were bulked and their content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu determined. Seasonal variations were not found in nutrient content of sticks and logs, but for other litter there was a clear harmonic seasonal variation, with rate of litter fall negatively correlated with concentrations of N, P, Zn, Fe and Cu and positively correlated with Ca, Mg and Mn concentrations. Concentrations of K did not correlate with those of other elements. Total annual inputs of nutrients were calculated. Calorific values of the litter showed a mean annual input of approximately 4900 kJ/m2/year. Comparisons were made between litter fall rates and nutrient inputs from litter at the experimental site and previous records from other eucalypt forests.  相似文献   

The relationship between species richness and productivity is important from both a basic, theoretical perspective and also because it has important ramifications for applied ecology including ecosystem restoration and the design of carbon offset plantings. While a more species‐rich community is often believed to be more productive than a species‐poor community, findings from observational and experimental studies differ and our understanding of the relationship comes largely from grasslands. Consequently, we aimed to determine for the first time the nature of the species richness–productivity relationship in a southern‐hemisphere dry sclerophyll ecosystem. We investigated the impact of species richness on productivity, plant density and mean plant biomass at three sowing densities in three species assemblages. Eucalyptus globulus, Acacia mearnsii and Allocasuarina verticillata were each grown as monocultures and included in every subsequent level of species richness, forming three distinct species assemblages. Communities were grown in a glasshouse pot experiment for four months, then harvested and above‐ground biomass measured. We found no general species richness–productivity relationship in the communities studied. There were no overall increases in productivity as species richness increased and in fact in most cases the productivity of communities with 4 and 8 species was lower than monocultures of the dominants. Importantly, density influenced the way richness affected productivity and this effect was dependent upon assemblage, indicating that species identity is a key determinant of productivity. These results demonstrate important ecological principles in a previously untested system. A key outcome of this experiment is that density alters the relationship between species richness and initial productivity in assemblages of Australian dry sclerophyll species.  相似文献   

The effects of prescribed low-intensity burning during spring and autumn on invertebrates in litter/upper soil were assessed in dry sclerophyll mixed eucalypt forest near Daylesford, west–central Victoria. The 4-year study was based on 68 848 arthropod specimens representing 29 ordinal or lower level taxa contained in 1980 pitfall trap samples, and on in situ counts of earthworms (Annelida) in 2220 litter/upper soils samples. The spring bum caused short-term reductions in activity among the common ‘major’ taxa Collembola (springtails) and Diptera (flies), and among the rarely trapped ‘minor’ taxa Opilionida (harvestmen), Lepidoptera (moths) and Apocrita (parasitic wasps) for up to one year. These reductions were associated with low fine fuel loads in the first year after the fire. Populations of earthworms also declined substantially, but recovered within 3 years of the burn. The autumn burn suppressed the Collembola and the ‘minor’ taxa Blattodea, Polydesmida, Thysanura and Tettigoniidae for up to 10 months. Earthworms were not affected. Very dry soil conditions were associated with depressed collembolan activity at study sites irrespective of burning. Given the importance of Collembola, larval Diptera and earthworms among decomposers in forest litter, it appears that the spring burn, and to a lesser extent the autumn burn, may have temporarily reduced the decomposer cycle. Further research on individual species is required to substantiate this conclusion, and also on the effects of high frequency burning. In the interim, any broadscale fuel reduction burning in forest ecosystems similar to that studied here should be scheduled for autumn rather than spring to protect earthworms and no burning should be permitted during drought periods, to minimize adverse impacts on the overall invertebrate fauna inhabiting litter/upper soil.  相似文献   



Soil properties can play a crucial role in influencing the abundance and distribution of plant species. Fire regimes can also have substantial impacts on plant community composition. However, few studies have examined the effects of both fire regimes and soil properties on the occurrence of rare plant species. Here, we asked if rare species have specific soil and fire regime associations relative to common species, and if soil properties may explain potential fire effects.


Booderee National Park, southeastern Australia.


We collected soil cores and completed vegetation surveys on 42 sites in Sydney Coastal Dry Sclerophyll Forest vegetation. We tested for associations between the number of rare species and common species present in relation to three soil chemical properties (available phosphorus, ammonium and organic carbon), fire frequency, and time since fire.


We found that rare and common species were not associated with any of the examined soil properties. However, rare species were associated with sites with a high fire frequency, while common species were negatively associated with time since fire.


Our results indicate that rare species’ occurrence patterns may be influenced by the direct effects of fire or mediated by multiple factors, rather than shaped solely by soil properties in our study area. Future work to understand the factors that underpin rare species’ occurrence patterns in response to fire is critical to develop fire management protocols that effectively conserve rare species in dry sclerophyll forests.  相似文献   

Dry forests are common, although highly threatened in the Neotropics. Their ecological processes are mostly influenced by rainfall pattern, hence their cycles exhibit contrasting phases. We studied the phenology of canopy trees in a primary dry forest in Western Brazil in the foothills of the Urucum mountain chain, in order to improve our knowledge on the functioning of these poorly-known forests. Leaf shedding started in the early dry season and was massive in the latter part of this period. Most leaf loss occurred in dry hills, while wet valleys remained evergreen. Anemochorich and autochorich species predominated in dry hills, presumably due to their tolerance to dry conditions and enhanced exposition to winds, which favour diaspores removal and dispersal. Conversely, zoochorich species dominated the wet valleys. Flowering was intense in the late dry season, the driest period of the year, while fruiting was massive just after the onset of rains, as well as flushing. Therefore, most flowering was unrelated to wet conditions, although such an abiotic factor, potentially, triggered the major fruiting episode, widely comprised by zoochorich species. Anemochorich and autochorich species flowered and fruited in the course of the long dry season. The contrasting environmental conditions present in the hills and valleys determine the arrangement of a mosaic in which patches of zoochorich and evergreen trees alternate with patches of non zoochorich and highly deciduous species. Consequently, species with such syndromes exhibited marked flowering and fruiting patterns, accordingly to the pronounced seasonality.  相似文献   

Fungi were isolated from the roots of 17 plant species from the families Apiaceae, Cunoniaceae, Cyperaceae, Droseraceae, Fabaceae-Mimosoideae, Lomandraceae, Myrtaceae, Pittosporaceae, Proteaceae and Stylidiaceae at a sclerophyll forest site in New South Wales, Australia. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequence comparisons indicated that the isolated fungi had affinities to a range of ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and zygomycetes. Four RFLP types had closest affinities to previously identified Helotiales ericoid mycorrhizal (ERM) or Oidiodendron spp. Isolates representing six RFLP types, which were variously isolated from all 17 plant species, formed ERM coils in hair root epidermal cells of Woollsia pungens (Ericaceae) under gnotobiotic conditions. Three of these isolates formed intercellular hyphae, intracellular hyphae and/or microsclerotia, which are typical of dark septate endophyte infection, in roots of Stylidium productum (Stylidiaceae), indicating an ability to form different types of association with roots of different hosts. Overall the data indicate that a broad range of plant taxa may act as repositories for ERM fungi in sclerophyll forest soil.  相似文献   

Aim The distribution of genetic variation in the Australian dry sclerophyll plant Hardenbergia violacea (Fabaceae) is examined in the context of Pleistocene climate change in order to identify likely refugia. Particular consideration is given to the origin of range disjunctions in South Australia and Tasmania, and to determining whether the Tasmanian population is indigenous or recently introduced from mainland Australia. Location Southeastern Australian mainland and Tasmania. Methods A combination of chloroplast polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism and genomic amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) marker systems was used to examine the genetic structure of 292 individuals from 13 populations across the range of H. violacea in southeastern Australia. Results Hardenbergia violacea populations in Tasmania and southern Victoria were characterized by low, almost monotypic chloroplast diversity. New South Wales showed higher haplotype diversity and haplotype sharing among widely distributed populations. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of the AFLP data found a strong latitudinal cline in AFLP variation from northern New South Wales south to Tasmania. The Tasmanian population formed an isolated and somewhat disjunct genetic cluster at one end of this cline. However, the South Australian population was an exception to the clinal variation shown by all other populations, forming a highly disjunct cluster in the PCoA. Within‐population genetic diversity was low in both disjunct populations. Main conclusions The genetic evidence indicates that the Tasmanian population is likely to be indigenous and probably the product of vicariance, which was followed by range contraction at the Last Glacial Maximum or an earlier glacial event. The deep phylogenetic disjunction in South Australia is evidence of a much earlier separation on mainland Australia. The chloroplast structure indicates that, during the Pleistocene, H. violacea underwent broad‐scale recolonization in southern Victoria and Tasmania, possibly from a large continental refugium in eastern New South Wales. We conclude that H. violacea, and presumably the sclerophyll communities in which it occurs, have undergone multiple range contractions to large continental refugia during different Pleistocene glaciations in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

Early succession on large landslides in highly humanized areas that have a tropical dry climate is not well studied. This study documented vegetation recovery during the first 4 years after disturbance at a landslide on Casita Volcano, Nicaragua. We aimed to determine the main pathways and causes of change in community features, such as richness, biovolume, and species composition and verify the role played by environmental heterogeneity. Data consisting on number, covers and mean height of woody species and several abiotic factors related to fertility and stability of substrates were obtained from permanent plots in previously defined zones. Pathways of early succession were highly contingent on abiotic heterogeneity and landscape context and were mainly controlled by abiotic factors associated with fertility of substrates, and incidence of human disturbances. Those results might form the basis of a model of early succession on landslides located in densely populated areas within tropical dry ecosystems. Our results suggest that, rather than focusing research on large-scale disturbances, the study of succession in landslides of the type that occurred on Casita Volcano must point towards the response of ecosystems to a much more complex disturbance regime, in which human-induced disturbances play a major role.  相似文献   

Phosphorus cycling in a Mexican tropical dry forest ecosystem   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
The study was conducted in five contiguous small watersheds (12–28 ha) gauged for long-term ecosystem research. Five 80 × 30 m plots were used for the study. We quantified inputs from the atmosphere, dissolved and particulate-bound losses, throughfall and litterfall fluxes, standing crop litter and soil available P pools. Mean P input and output for a six-year period was 0.16 and 0.06 kgha–1yr–1, respectively. Phosphorus concentration increased as rainfall moved through the canopy. Annual P returns in litterfall (3.88 kg/ha) represented more than 90% of the total aboveground nutrient return to the forest floor. Phosphorus concentration in standing litter (0.08%) was lower than that in litterfall (0.11%). Phosphorus content in the litterfall was higher at Chamela than at other tropical dry forests. Mean residence time on the forest floor was 1.2 yr for P and 1.3 yr for organic matter. Together these results suggest that the forest at Chamela may not be limited by P availability and suggest a balance between P immobilization and uptake. Comparison of P losses in stream water with input rates from the atmosphere for the six-year period showed that inputs were higher than outputs. Balances calculated for a wet and a dry year indicated a small P accumulation in both years.  相似文献   

Pollen immigration can offset the effects of genetic drift and inbreeding in small populations. To understand the genetic consequences of forest fragmentation, estimates of pollen flow into remnant fragments are essential. Such estimates are straightforward for plants with singly sired, multiseeded fruits, since the pollen donor genotype for each fruit can be unambiguously reconstructed through full-sib genealogical analyses. Allozyme analyses were used to estimate pollen donor numbers from the progeny of fruits of the tropical dry forest tree Enterolobium cyclocarpum in a small (9.8 ha) fragmented population (N = 11) over three reproductive seasons (1994, 1995, and 1996). These analyses indicate that each tree receives pollen from many pollen donors. When data are pooled for the site, estimated maximum pollen donor pool sizes in all years exceed the number of individuals (56) in the 227 ha study area. Although unidentified pollen donors may be located as close as 250 m to the study trees, the number of unidentified pollen donors indicates that individuals in this forest fragment are part of a large network of reproductively active individuals.  相似文献   

We used a comparative phylogeographical approach to investigate the origins of the disjunct wet forest biota of the Golfo Dulce region along the Pacific slope of Costa Rica. This region is isolated by Pacific dry forests north and south and isolated from Caribbean wet forests by mountains. We studied three sympatric lowland frog species in the Craugastor fitzingeri species group that prefer wet forest but differ in their response to dry habitats. In dry forest, C. fitzingeri can survive along streams while C. crassidigitus and C. talamancae are entirely absent. We collected samples from across the ranges of all three species, and obtained mitochondrial DNA sequence data from the COI and cytochrome b genes. We observed significant phylogeographical structure in C. crassidigitus and C. talamancae, but much less in C. fitzingeri, demonstrating that mountain barriers and dry forest habitat have reduced mitochondrial gene flow in the strictly wet-forest species. Additionally, we discovered that the Golfo Dulce and Central Panama populations of C. crassidigitus appear to have diverged in the Pliocene or earlier, suggesting that the dry forest separating these populations is old. Our phylogenetic analysis of 12 of approximately 16 species of the C. fitzingeri species group suggests that the three lowland species are each other's closest relatives. Because of this shared phylogenetic history, we attribute the striking differences in phylogeographical structure to the different ecologies of the frogs. In summary, we find that what appear to be minor differences in the natural history of these three closely related species may profoundly impact the potential for dispersal, range size, and cladogenesis.  相似文献   

Root biomass of a dry deciduous tropical forest in Mexico   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The deciduous tropical dry forest at Chamela (Jalisco, Mexico) occurs in a seasonal climate with eight rainless (November through June) and four wet months (700 mm annual precipitation). The forest reaches a mean height of 10 m. Tree density in the research area was 4700 trees per ha with a basal area at breast height of 23 m2 per ha. The above-and below-ground biomass of trees, shrubs, and lianas was 73.6 Mg ha–1 and 31 Mg ha–1, respectively. A root:shoot biomass ratio of 0.42 was calculated. Nearly two thirds of all roots occur in the 0–20 cm soil layer and 29% of all roots have a diameter of less than 5 mm.  相似文献   

Bioassay‐guided fractionation of the EtOH extracts obtained from a plant identified as Cyphostemma greveana Desc . (Vitaceae) led to the identification of one macrolide, lasiodiplodin ( 1 ), three sesquiterpenoids, 12‐hydroxy‐15‐oxoselina‐4,11‐diene ( 2 ), 1β,6α‐dihydroxyeudesm‐4(15)‐ene ( 3 ), and (7R*)‐opposit‐4(15)‐ene‐1β,7‐diol ( 5 ), and a new diterpenoid, 16,18‐dihydroxykolavenic acid lactone ( 4 ). All the isolates were tested against the A2780 human ovarian cancer cell line, and compound 4 and a fraction containing 5 as the major constituent showed antiproliferative activities with IC50 values of 0.44 μM (0.14 μg/ml) and 0.045 μg/ml, respectively. A partial synthesis of compound 5 was carried out, but the pure synthetic compound was inactive, indicating that the activity of the fraction containing it must be due to a very minor and as yet unidentified substance.  相似文献   

Forest under low rainfall (averaging 745 mm yr-1) on the Shai Hills in S.E. Ghana has redeveloped following cessation of farming in the 1890s. Forest stature is low, with a canopy at about 11 m, principally of three species, Diospyros abyssinica, D. mespiliformis and Millettia thonningii. Drypetes parvifolia and Vepris heterophylla are common understorey trees. Twelve species of woody liane were recorded. Species of thicket vegetation in the area were also present at low density. Most species are evergreen.Tree mortality averaged 2.3% yr-1 and exceeded recruitment (1.5% yr-1). Differences between species in mortality and recruitment were pronounced: canopy species showed a small decline in density; understorey species increased markedly and the thicket species declined. Seed production was very variable, but seedling establishment was very poor for all species. Seedling mortality was high (11% yr-1) especially for small seedlings. These population trends probably represent the latter stages of succession of forest regrowth after farming about 100 years ago.Compared with tropical rain forest, Shai Hills forest has similar relative tree diameter growth (1–3.5% yr-1), mortality and recruitment rates, and small-litter fall (5.52 t ha-1 yr-1).Shai Hills forest differs from rain forest by its short stature, relatively few (evergreen) tree species, poor regeneration from seed, high soil nutrient status and low rainfall. Similar forests have been reported in east Africa and in parts of New Guinea.Abbreviations dbh diameter at breast height (1.3 m) - gbh girth at breast height died May 1984  相似文献   

Studies on the impact of logging on tropical forest butterflies have been almost exclusively conducted in moist forest habitats. This study considers the impacts of small-scale logging on butterfly communities at three sites of varying disturbance intensity in a tropical dry forest in western Thailand. Butterfly species richness was similar at all sites, but the abundance of butterflies and diversity of the butterfly community decreased with increased logging disturbance. The recorded decrease in diversity at the relatively large sampling scale used lends further support to the hypothesis that disturbance effects are scale dependent. Species abundance data for butterflies fitted a log-normal distribution at all sites, but also a log-series distribution at the two disturbed sites. These analyses suggest a more complex butterfly community at the undisturbed site, but also that log-series and log-normal distributions may not to be sufficiently sensitive to be useful indicators of community changes following logging. Community ordination separates both the butterfly species and transect samples into three distinct regions corresponding to the three study locations. Ordination axes are correlated with tree density, understorey cover and understorey plant richness. Species with the smallest geographic ranges tend to be the least abundant and occurred most frequently in the undisturbed site. The observed diverging responses to disturbance among butterfly families diminishes the value of butterfly communities as biodiversity indicators, and forest managers should perhaps focus on restricted range species or of groups of recognized sensitive species for this purpose.  相似文献   

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