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Metallothionein (MT) mRNA expression was investigated in a rodent model (G93A SOD1 transgenic mouse) for a lethal motor neuron disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In 8-wk-old mice that did not yet exhibit motor paralysis, MT-I mRNA expression was already significantly upregulated in the region of the spinal cord responsible for motor paralysis. The expression of another isoform, MT-III, was not changed. In the cerebellum, which is not responsible for motor paralysis in ALS, neither the expression profiles of MT-I nor MT-III were altered. In 16-wk-old mice exhibiting motor paralysis, the expression of MT-I mRNA remained upregulated and the MT-III level tended to be elevated. Although no significant differences were found in the levels of both isoforms in the liver or kidney of 8-wk-old mice, the MT-I mRNA expression level was significantly upregulated in the kidney and liver of 16-wk-old mice. These results indicated that the MT-I isoform, but not the MT-III isoform, is associated with motor neuron death in ALS and suggested that the disease might be a systemic disorder to which the spinal cord is particularly susceptible.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein D (apoD) expression is known to be elevated in select regions of rodent and human brain in association with different types of CNS pathology. To investigate a potential role for apoD in the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease, we have measured apoD mRNA expression in transgenic mice expressing mutated human amyloid precursor protein under control of platelet-derived growth factor promoter (PDAPP mice). In situ hybridization analysis revealed increased apoD mRNA expression in brains of aged (26 months) PDAPP transgenic mice compared to aged littermate controls. These increases were most prominent in the hippocampal fimbria, corpus callosum and other white matter tracts. No substantial increases in expression were observed in white matter regions in young (6 months) PDAPP transgenic mice compared to young controls. Comparison between aged and young control mice revealed increased apoD expression in similar white matter regions of the aged animals. These findings suggest that, although increases in apoD expression are a normal feature of brain aging, super-increases may represent a glial cell compensatory response to beta-amyloid deposition in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

In recent years it has become increasingly clear that the metallothionein (MT) family of proteins is important in neurobiology. MT-I and MT-II are normally dramatically up-regulated by neuroinflammation. Results for MT-III are less clear. MTs could also be relevant in human neuropathology. In Alzheimer disease (AD), a major neurodegenerative disease, clear signs of inflammation and oxidative stress were detected associated with amyloid plaques. Furthermore, the number of cells expressing apoptotic markers was also significantly increased in these plaques. As expected, MT-I and MT-II immunostaining was dramatically increased in cells surrounding the plaques, consistent with astrocytosis and microgliosis, as well as the increased oxidative stress elicited by the amyloid deposits. MT-III, in contrast, remained essentially unaltered, which agrees with some but not all studies, of AD. In situ hybridization results in a transgenic mouse model of AD amyloid deposits, the Tg2576 mouse, which expresses human Abeta precursor protein harboring the Swedish K670N/M671L mutations, are in accordance with results in human brains. Overall, these and other studies strongly suggest specific roles for MT-I, MT-II, and MT-III in brain physiology.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the expression of metallothionein (MT)-I and MT-II in the rat brain following traumatic brain injury (TBI). In the early stage, significant induction of MT-I and MT-II were observed in various regions including ventricle walls, pia mater, and dentate gyrus. At 12-24 h after TBI, strong induction of MT-I mRNA was observed in cerebral cortical layer II/III, amygdala, and piriform cortex where neurons reside. On the other hand, MT-II appeared to be expressed mainly in glial cells localized in the cerebral cortex and hippocampal formation. Three days after TBI, MTs were observed in the vimentin-positive astrocytes in the penumbra as revealed by double immunohistochemistry. The differences in expression of MT-I and MT-II in different brain regions and cell types (neuron vs. glial cells) suggests that multiple regulatory mechanisms are involved in the control of MT expression following brain injury.  相似文献   

Enamelin is critical for proper dental enamel formation, and defects in the human enamelin gene cause autosomal dominant amelogenesis imperfecta. We used gene targeting to generate a knock-in mouse carrying a null allele of enamelin (Enam) that has a lacZ reporter gene replacing the Enam translation initiation site and gene sequences through exon 7. Correct targeting of the transgene was confirmed by Southern blotting and PCR analyses. No enamelin protein could be detected by Western blotting in the Enam-null mice. Histochemical 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-d-galactopyranoside (X-gal) staining demonstrated ameloblast-specific expression of enamelin. The enamel of the Enam(+/-) mice was nearly normal in the maxillary incisors, but the mandibular incisors were discolored and tended to wear rapidly where they contacted the maxillary incisors. The Enam(-/-) mice showed no true enamel. Radiography, microcomputed tomography, and light and scanning electron microscopy were used to document changes in the enamel of Enam(-/-) mice but did not discern any perturbations of bone, dentin, or any other tissue besides the enamel layer. Although a thick layer of enamel proteins covered normal-appearing dentin of unerupted teeth, von Kossa staining revealed almost a complete absence of mineral formation in this protein layer. However, a thin, highly irregular, mineralized crust covered the dentin on erupted teeth, apparently arising from the formation and fusion of small mineralization foci (calcospherites) in the deeper part of the accumulated enamel protein layer. These results demonstrate ameloblast-specific expression of enamelin and reveal that enamelin is essential for proper enamel matrix organization and mineralization.  相似文献   

Activation and regulation of Hsp32 and Hsp70.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Background. Helicobacter pylori a primary cause of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, is associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species within the gastric mucosa. Metallothionein (MT), a low‐molecular‐weight, cysteine‐rich, metal‐binding ligand, has been shown to sequester reactive oxygen species and reduce tissue damage. This study investigates the role of MT in H. pylori‐induced gastritis in mice. Materials and Methods. Control (MT+/+) and MT‐null (MT–/–) mice were inoculated with either 1 × 108H. pylori or H. felis, and were infected for 4, 8 and 16 weeks or 8 weeks, respectively. H. pylori load was determined by culture. Myloperoxidase activity and MT levels were also determined. Results. The stomachs of H. felis‐infected mice were more severely inflamed than those of H. pylori‐infected mice. H. felis‐induced gastritis was more severe (p = .003) in MT–/– than in MT+/+ mice. MT–/– mice also had higher (60%; p < .05) H. pylori loads than MT+/+ mice 4 weeks after infection but not 8 or 16 weeks after infection. Myloperoxidase activity with H. pylori was similar between MT+/+ and MT–/– mice. Thirty‐three per cent greater (p < .05) myloperoxidase activity was observed in MT–/– than in MT+/+ mice infected with H. felis. In MT+/+ mice infected with H. pylori, liver MT was increased by 33 and 39% (p < .05) at 8 and 16 weeks, respectively, whereas gastric MT increased by 46% (p < .05) at 4 weeks and declined to baseline levels at 8 and 16 weeks. Conclusions. Mice lacking MT are more susceptible to H. pylori colonization and gastric inflammation, indicating that MT may be protective against H. pylori‐induced gastritis.  相似文献   

Citrullination, the conversion of peptidylarginine to peptidylcitrulline is catalyzed by peptidylarginine deiminases (PAD). The expression of PAD isoforms displays great variation among different tissues as demonstrated by PAD mRNA analyses. Here we have analyzed the differential expression of PAD2, PAD4 and PAD6 in mouse tissues at the protein level and by enzymatic activity assays using PAD2 and PAD4 knock-out strains. As expected, no PAD2 expression was detected in the PAD2−/− mice. In contrast, the PAD4 protein was observed in several tissues of the PAD4 knock-out mice, albeit at reduced levels in most tissues, and are therefore referred to as PAD4-low mice. In material from PAD2−/− mice, except for leukocyte lysates, hardly any PAD activity was found and no citrullinated proteins were detected after incubation in the presence of calcium. PAD activity in the PAD4-low mice was similar to that in wild-type mice. In both PAD knock-out strains the expression of PAD6 appeared to be up-regulated in all tissues analyzed, with the exception of spleen and testis. Our data demonstrate that the PAD2 protein is expressed in brain, spinal cord, spleen, skeletal muscle and leukocytes, but not detectably in liver, lung, kidney and testis. PAD4 was detected in each of these tissues, although the expression levels varied. In all tissues where PAD2 was detected, except for blood cells, this PAD isoform appeared to be responsible for virtually all peptidylarginine deiminase activity.  相似文献   

Iron and oxygen (O2) are intimately associated in many well characterized patho-physiological processes. These include oxidation of the [4Fe-4S] cluster of mitochondrial aconitase and inactivation of this Krebs cycle enzyme by the superoxide anion (O2*-), a product of the one-electron of reduction O2. In contrast to the apparent toxicity of this reaction, the biological consequences of O2*- -mediated inactivation of the cytosolic counterpart of mitochondrial aconitase, commonly known as iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1), are not clear. Apart from its ability to convert citrate to iso-citrate, IRP1 in its apo-form binds to iron-responsive elements in the untranslated regions of mRNAs coding for proteins involved in iron metabolism, to regulate their synthesis and thus control the cellular homeostasis of this metal. Here, we show that in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) knock-out mice, lacking Cu,Zn-SOD, an enzyme that acts to reduce the concentration of O2*- mainly in cytosol, not only is aconitase activity of IRP1 inhibited but the level of IRP1 is also strongly decreased. Despite such an evident alteration in IRP1 status, SOD1-deficient mice display a normal iron metabolism phenotype. Our findings clearly show that under conditions of O2*- -mediated oxidative stress, IRP1 is not essential for the maintenance of iron metabolism in mammals.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein (BiP) is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone that facilitates the proper folding of newly synthesized secretory and transmembrane proteins. Here we report that BiP mRNA was expressed in the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus in wild-type mice under basal conditions. Dual in situ hybridization in the SON and PVN demonstrated that BiP mRNA was expressed in almost all the neurons of arginine vasopressin (AVP), an antidiuretic hormone. BiP mRNA expression levels were increased in proportion to AVP mRNA expression in the SON and PVN under dehydration. These data suggest that BiP is involved in the homeostasis of ER function in the AVP neurons in the SON and PVN.  相似文献   

The survival and viability of sea turtle embryos is dependent upon favourable nest temperatures throughout the incubation period. Consequently, future generations of sea turtles may be at risk from increasing nest temperatures due to climate change, but little is known about how embryos respond to heat stress. Heat shock genes are likely to be important in this process because they code for proteins that prevent cellular damage in response to environmental stressors. This study provides the first evidence of an expression response in the heat shock genes of embryos of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) exposed to realistic and near-lethal temperatures (34 °C and 36 °C) for 1 or 3 hours. We investigated changes in Heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60), Hsp70, and Hsp90 mRNA in heart (n=24) and brain tissue (n=29) in response to heat stress. Under the most extreme treatment (36 °C, 3 h), Hsp70 increased mRNA expression by a factor of 38.8 in heart tissue and 15.7 in brain tissue, while Hsp90 mRNA expression increased by a factor of 98.3 in heart tissue and 14.7 in brain tissue. Hence, both Hsp70 and Hsp90 are useful biomarkers for assessing heat stress in the late-stage embryos of sea turtles. The method we developed can be used as a platform for future studies on variation in the thermotolerance response from the clutch to population scale, and can help us anticipate the resilience of reptile embryos to extreme heating events.  相似文献   

Heparanase mRNA expression during fracture repair in mice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Bone fracture healing takes place through endochondral ossification where cartilaginous callus is replaced by bony callus. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a requisite for endochondral ossification, where blood vessel invasion of cartilaginous callus is crucial. Heparanase is an endoglucuronidase that degrades heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) and releases heparin-binding growth factors including VEGF as an active form. To investigate the role of heparanase in VEGF recruitment during fracture healing, the expression of heparanase mRNA and VEGF, and vessel formation were examined in mouse fractured bone. On days 5 and 7 after the fracture, when mesenchymal cells proliferated and differentiated into chondrocytes, heparanase mRNA was detected in osteo(chondro)clasts and their precursors, but not in the inflammatory phase (day 3). On day 10, both VEGF and HSPG were produced by hypertrophic chondrocytes of the cartilaginous callus and by osteoblasts of the bony callus; numerous osteo(chondro)clasts resorbing the cartilage expressed strong heparanase signals. Adjacent to the cartilage resorption sites, angiogenesis with CD31-positive endothelial cells and osteogenesis with osteonectin-positive osteoblasts were observed. On days 14 and 21, osteoclasts in the woven bone tissue expressed heparanase mRNA. These data suggest that by producing heparanase osteo(chondro)clasts contribute to the recruitment of the active form of VEGF. Thus osteo(chondro)clasts may promote local angiogenesis as well as callus resorption in endochondral ossification during fracture healing.  相似文献   

We describe the histological localization of embryonic and fetal tissues whose cells express the genes coding for insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II) in the developing rat. Our studies span the period between early somite stages and full term. We have used oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes and obtained results which are both topographically precise and highly reproducible. The gene coding for IGF-II is predominant throughout development. It is strongly expressed in the liver and yolk sac. A variety of other tissues also expresses the IGF-II gene, especially many mesodermally derived structures in the process of differentiation. Many tissues do not express IGF genes. Thus no IGF mRNA was demonstrable in ectodermally derived structures, including the central and peripheral nervous systems as well as the skin and its derivatives.  相似文献   

Several laminin receptors have been identified, originally a high-affinity 67-kDa laminin binding protein ('LBP-67'), and later galactosyltransferase and the low-affinity but functionally potent integrin receptors. Attempts at obtaining cDNA for LBP-67, although unsuccessful, have given rise to a full-length cDNA coding for an interesting 32-kDa protein, tentatively referred to as '32-kDa LBP', whose relationship to LBP-67 is unclear. Since no information is available on the in vivo expression of 32-kDa LBP mRNA nor of the three laminin chains during CNS development, appropriate 35S-antisense and -sense RNA probes were applied to developing mouse cerebral wall at embryonic day (E)10-16, birth and 1-3 weeks after birth. Expression was examined using Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization. The 32-kDa LBP mRNA was found to be elevated during the embryonic and perinatal period, and then rapidly declined. At the cellular level, 32-kDa LBP mRNA was distributed throughout the embryonic cerebral wall and became concentrated during the perinatal period in the proliferative ventricular zone and in the cortical plate. By comparison, laminin B1, B2, and A chain mRNA expression was relatively low at all times examined, in keeping with the punctate distribution of laminin antigenicity previously observed by others in developing brain parenchyma. Whereas the functional characterization of 32-kDa LBP and the nature of its laminin and proposed nonlaminin ligands is incomplete, the elevated and unique distribution of 32-kDa LBP mRNA raises interesting questions of the role of 32-kDa LBP mRNA in CNS development.  相似文献   

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