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This study describes the first zoeal stage of Cronius ruberand Cronius tumidulus. The zoeae can be distinguished usingthe setation of the cephalic appendages and the lateral processon the abdominal somite.  相似文献   

The first three zoeal stages of the portunid crab Macropipus tuberculatus (Roux, 1830) are described and illustrated from laboratory-reared material obtained from one ovigerous crab captured in the western Mediterranean Sea. Zoeae of M.tuberculatus can be distinguished from other known polybiinid species from the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean waters by a combination of meristic and morphometric features, especially by the number of setae in the outer lobe of the maxilla endopod. Larval morphology presents additional evidence supporting the split of the genus Macropipus into the genera Liocarcinus and Macropipus sensu stricto based on adult characters.   相似文献   

The first zoeal stage of the endemic southern Atlantic pinnotherid crab Austinixa aidae is described and illustrated based on laboratory-hatched material from ovigerous females collected from the upper burrows of the thalassinidean shrimp Callichirus major at Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. The zoeae of Austinixa species can be distinguished from other pinnotherids and especially from zoeae of the closely related species of Pinnixa by the telson structure.  相似文献   

Seven dinucleotide and one tetranucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized, using routine protocols, from the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus. These loci will be useful for investigating the population structure of this broadly distributed and economically important portunid. In particular, all eight loci were polymorphic in P. pelagicus collected from throughout Australia. In addition, the genotype frequencies at each locus in each population sample were usually not significantly different from those expected under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium conditions. Six of the eight loci also showed moderate to high levels of polymorphism in an undescribed species of Portunus from northern Australia.  相似文献   

The zoeal morphology of Liocarcinus arcuatus, L. corrugatus and L. depurator is described from laboratory reared material and the larvae of L. holsatus, L. puber, L. pusillus and L. marmoreus are reexamined from specimens deposited in the BM (NH). No single meristic character was found that would adequately separate the seven described species of Liocarcinus. Characters that may facilitate separation of later zoeal stages only are listed.  相似文献   

Leeches exhibit a marked scope of diversity, including different kinds of symbiosis. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate through biochemical and histological analysis that a species of piscicolid leech, Myzobdella platensis, is a true parasite of blue crabs, feeding on their hemolymph and using them as a site for cocoon deposition. In a total of 48 blue crabs collected on October 2007 at 3 sites of the S?o Vicente Estuary, 12 specimens were infested with leeches. Callinectes bocourti (n = 7) was the most infested species with leeches and cocoons; it was chosen for biochemical and histological assays. The immunoblotting assays showed a positive reaction of the proteins in the intestinal samples of leeches collected from crabs using antihemocyanin polyclonal antibody of Ampullaria canaliculata. In addition, leech intestinal samples were recognized by antihemolymph polyclonal antibody of nonparasitized blue crabs. Histological sections of leech gut showed hemocytes and a granular matrix similar to those found in crab blood vessels. Collectively, this evidence strongly suggests a parasitic interaction between the leech M. platensis and the blue crab C. bocourti, in which the former utilizes the latter as a site for cocoon deposition and possibly for dispersal similar to that proposed for Myzobdella lugubris in Callinectes sapidus in North America.  相似文献   

Survival, duration of intermoult cycle and respiratory metabolism were evaluated as a function of salinity (0–35‰; 25° C) in early zoeae of the cinnamon shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum. Zoeae are extremely resistant to salinity, mortality occurring only in fresh and sea-water after several days. Moulting occurs in all salinities, longer cycles being recorded in 0 and 35‰ S. The metabolism-salinity curve is broadly U-shaped between 0 and 28‰ S but declines sharply in sea-water. Such physiological responses characterise the early zoeae as strongly euryhaline and typically estuarine. Data are discussed in relation to the degree of adaptation of the organism to the freshwater biotope and the position of the species within the generic pattern of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Molluscan predation by the three-spot swimming crab was investigated. The dentition of the heteromorphic chelae allowed crushing, shearing, cutting and holding of prey. Laboratory investigations indicated that small mussels and gastropods were crushed, the larger mussels were prized open, and the foot of the larger gastropods shredded and bits removed. Stomach contents of freshly captured crabs indicated that the crabs are selective carnivores and preferred prey species which are not most abundant in situ (crabs from Kings Beach, Donax serra Röding; crabs from Maitlands River Beach, Bullia rhodostoma Reeve). Ovalipes punctatus (De Haan) foraged on a variety of prey and had no upper prey size limit, but the crabs did show preferences for certain prey sizes. Data indicate that the swimming crabs can effectively utilize the entire mollusc populations on the beaches as prey items.  相似文献   

The first demonstration, to our knowledge, of an evolutionary shift in communication mode in animals is presented. Some species of Ovalipes display spectacular iridescence resulting from multilayer reflectors in the cuticle. This reflector is unique in animals because each layer is corrugated and slightly out of phase with adjacent layers. Solid layers are separated from fluid layers in the reflector by side branches acting as support struts. An effect of this reflector is that blue light is reflected over a ''broad'' angle around a plane parallel to the sea floor when the host crab is resting. Species of Ovalipes all possess stridulatory structures. The shallow-water species with the best developed stridulatory structures are non-iridescent and use sound as a signal. Deep-water species possess poorly developed stridulatory structures and display iridescence from most regions of the body. In deep water, where incident light is blue, light display is highly directional in contrast to sound produced via stridulation. Sound and light display probably perform the same function of sexual signalling in Ovalipes, although the directional signal is less likely to attract predators. Deep-water species of Ovalipes appear to have evolved towards using light in conspecific signalling. This change from using sound to using light reflects the change in habitat light properties, perhaps the hunting mechanisms of cohabitees, and its progression is an indicator of phylogeny. The changes in sexual signalling mechanisms, following spatial–geographical isolation, may have promoted speciation in Ovalipes.  相似文献   

Specimens of Callinectes danae Smith 1869 were caught in northeastern Brazil (2178 males, 2031 females); of these, 24 males and 24 females were reared for 6 months. Water temperature (T) and salinity (S) showed a significant effect on the average ecdysis in wild crab (μ), with a model obtained that was: μ = exp(?0.12268T + 0.06148S)/(1 + exp(?0.12268T + 0.06148S)). Size at morphometric maturity was significantly larger for wild males and females (9.45 and 8.38 cm, respectively) than for reared individuals (8.95 and 7.93 cm). Females of sizes above CW50 (carapace width at maturation) showed an increased ecdysis activity, whereas males showed a decrease in ecdysis frequency in sizes over CW50. Five and six molts were observed for females and males, respectively, in both wild and reared crabs; the modal classes of the reared crabs were shifted to smaller sizes. In reared females the terminal‐pubertal molt occurred at 107 days of age and at 148 days, on average, in males. The intermolt period varied from 8 to 41 days and increased with age.  相似文献   

External morphological features of Cephalocarida have long been interpreted as plesiomorphic with regard to those of other crustaceans. Based on transmission electron microscopy and light microscopy, however, the brain in the cephalocarid Hutchinsoniella macracantha has been shown to contain a number of structures that are more difficult to interpret in an evolutionary context. These include the multi-lobed complex, a unique cluster of neuropils associated with the olfactory lobes. To establish a well-founded comparison of phylogenetically relevant, neuroanatomical data from Cephalocarida to other arthropods, we investigated the brain in H. macracantha using immunolabeling (acetylated α-tubulin, serotonin, RFamide, histamine) and nuclear counter stains of whole mounts and vibratome sections analyzing specimens with confocal laser scanning microscopy and computer-aided 3D-reconstruction. Other 3D-reconstructions were based on serial 1 μm semi-thin sections. The multi-lobed complex features a pedunculus and shows detailed homologies with the mushroom bodies of certain Insecta and Lithobiomorpha (Chilopoda), suggesting that the hemiellipsoid bodies in Remipedia and Malacostraca have derived from a cephalocarid-like pattern. Like the corresponding tracts in Insecta, the olfactory globular tracts linking the multi-lobed complex to the olfactory lobes are ipsilateral, probably constituting the plesiomorphic pattern from which the decussating tracts in Remipedia and Malacostraca have evolved. The olfactory lobes in H. macracantha are uniquely organized into vertical stacks of olfactory glomeruli whose exact shape could not be identified. Similarly to Malacostraca and Insecta, the olfactory glomeruli in H. macracantha are innervated by serotonin-like, RFamide-like, and histamine-like immunoreactive interneurons. This suggests homology of the olfactory lobes across Tetraconata, despite the different morphological organization. Although H. macracantha lacks elongated, unpaired midline neuropils known from the protocerebrum of other Arthropoda, the possible rudiment of a central-body-like neuropil that receives decussating fibers from anterior somata was revealed by the serotonin-like immunoreactive pattern.  相似文献   

The genus Portunus encompasses a comparatively large number of species distributed worldwide in temperate to tropical waters. Although much has been reported about the biology of selected species, taxonomic identification of several species is problematic on the basis of strictly adult morphology. Relationships among species of the genus are also poorly understood, and systematic review of the group is long overdue. Prior to the present study, there had been no comprehensive attempt to resolve taxonomic questions or determine evolutionary relationships within this genus on the basis of molecular genetics. Phylogenetic relationships among 14 putative species of Portunus from the Gulf of Mexico and other waters of the western Atlantic were examined using 16S sequences of the rRNA gene. The resultant molecularly based phylogeny disagrees in several respects with current morphologically based classification of Portunus from this geographical region. Of the 14 species generally recognized, only 12 appear to be valid. We recommend that P. vossi be hereafter regarded as a junior synonym of P. spinimanus and that P. bahamensis be regarded as a junior synonym of P. depressifrons . Our analysis suggests that western Atlantic members of the genus can be subdivided into at least three well-defined clades. Pending further molecular analyses with a large subset of species, it appears that the genus is not monophyletic and that it warrants further taxonomic revision.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 211–220.  相似文献   

Zara, F.J., Gaeta, H.H., Costa, T.M., Toyama, M.H. and Caetano, F.H. 2011. The ovarian cycle histochemistry and its relationship with hepatopancreas weight in the blue crab Callinectes danae (Crustacea: Portunidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 :1–13. Several studies use macroscopic patterns of the ovarian development in crustaceans. Here, we examined the relationship between ovary histochemistry, changes in gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices against the macroscopic pattern of the ovarian development in Callinectes danae. Animals were collected in the south coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Ovaries were macroscopically classified as juvenile, rudimentary, developing, intermediary, mature, and rudimentary ovigerous. Samples were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, processed for historesin, and stained with HE, protein, and neutral and acid polysaccharides detection. The juvenile oocytes are not enclosed by follicular cells and have fewer yolk nuclei being less intense in PAS reactivity than rudimentary oocytes. Developing oocytes show yolk granules and thick follicular cells. Yolk granules were positive for proteins and neutral polysaccharides. The intermediary stage is marked by a qualitative increase in yolk granules and the onset of chorion formation. In mature oocytes, cytoplasm is completely filled by yolk granules and the chorion is completely formed. Ovigerous ovaries have several atretic follicles and large quantities of hemocytes in the process of tissue reorganization. In C. danae, the changes in cell, goandosomatic and hepatosomatic indices coinciding with macroscopic observations and any combination of different macroscopic stages in a single pattern should be avoided.  相似文献   

A morphological study was carried out on the fournaupliar stages of Sacculina carciniusing mainly scanning electron microscopy. Frontal horns were present and throughout development the typical nauplius limbs remained simple and gnathobases were lacking. Such features are characteristic of other lecithotrophic barnacle nauplii. The presence of a vestigial ventral thoracic process was evident on the stage III nauplius and was even more prominent on the stage IV nauplius. These observations confirm that the rhizocephalan nauplius is close to the thoracican nauplius form and lend strong support for the retention of the Rhizocephala within the Cirripedia.  相似文献   

Feeding of the Macrothricidae is accomplished b y two principal methods: active collection of food from the substrate surface and filtration of suspended particles. As differentiated from Ilyocryptus sordidus and Lathonura rectirostris, Ophryoxus gracilis is equipped with the most universal set of limbs allowing catching of food along with filtratory feeding. They are described in detail. Lathonura rectirostris is a highly specialized species, an inhabitant of plant thickets, since i t adapted to feeding on epiphytic algae and particles at the plant surface. Feeding is accomplished only by scraping or catching food by means of complexes of setae of the II pair of limbs. Filtratory feeding and appropriate structures are lacking. The structure and action of the limb apparatus of Ilyocryptus sordidus rule out active catching of food particles.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the morphology and function of each section of the reproductive system of male Callinectes danae, as well as the stages of reproductive development and their relation to secondary sexual characteristics. Development of their reproductive system begins after completion of the pubertal moult. The growth of the gonopodium showed negative allometry for both juveniles and adults. The reproductive system is divided into portions with different functions. There is a germinal zone in the testes containing spermatogonia, a zone of maturation containing spermatocytes, spermatids or spermatozoa, as well as a collecting duct, which carries spermatozoa to the vas deferens. There are two matrices in the anterior vas deferens that initiate the separation of spermatozoa groups, one composed of polysaccharide acids (matrix I) and another consisting of neutral polysaccharides (matrix II). In the median vas deferens, the matrix II forms an acellular capsule, which forms the spermatophores. In the posterior vas deferens, the matrices are accumulated, initially with a granular texture and are homogenous for the final portion. The ejaculatory duct and penis have muscle lining to expel the spermatophores at copulation. Even after copulation, males retain a stock of spermatophores, allowing copulation with other females.  相似文献   

The black mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forsk?l 1775), is the most economically important edible crab in South-East Asia. In the present study, the complete mitochondrial genome of black mud crab, S.?serrata, was determined with the sequential polymerase chain reaction and primer walking sequencing. The complete mitochondrial genome was 15,721?bp in length with an A+T content of 69.2?% and contained 37 mitochondrial genes (13 protein coding genes (PCGs), 2 ribosomal RNA genes and 22 transfer RNA genes) and a control region (CR). The analysis of the CR sequence shows that it contains a multitude of repetitive fragments which can fold into hairpin-like or secondary structures and conserved elements as in other arthropods. The gene order of S. serrata mainly retains as the pancrustacean ground pattern, except for a single translocation of trnH. The gene arrangement of S. serrata appears to be a typical feature of portunid crabs. Phylogenetic analyses with concatenated amino acid sequences of 12 PCGs establishes that S. serrata in a well-supported monophyletic Portunidae and is consistent with previous morphological classification. Moreover, the phylogenomic results strongly support monophyletic Pancrustacea (Hexapoda plus “Crustaceans”). Within Pancrustacea, this study identifies Malacostraca?+?Entomostraca and Branchiopoda as the sister group to Hexapoda, which confirms that “Crustacea” is not monophyletic. Cirripedia?+?Remipedia appear to be a basal lineage of Pancrustacea. The present study also provides considerable data for the application of both population and phylogenetic studies of other crab species.  相似文献   

Interna development within the intertidal tropical crab, Leptodius exaratus, requires up to 4.5 months; the roots become distributed from the CNS along the major nerves and, when the crab moults, results in emergence of numerous externae located symmetrically on the abdomen and bases of the thoracic appendages. As many externae drop off, their number is continuously reduced; the survivors reach sexual maturity and ovulate after 2.5 months and complete embryonic development after 2 more months. At the next moult a new and more numerous generation of externae appears, and this is repeated until the crab dies. Presence of externae significantly prolongs the host's normal intermoult period and minimizes its growth. The parasite has little effect on the host's sexual characters although females are normally sterilized. The cuticle of the externa is moulted once, leaving a distinct annulus around the stalk. Spermatogonia are presumably injected by male cyprids into the female externa and develop into sperm within one or more vesicular spermatogenic bodies in its mantle. The eggs are laid through a single oviduct into the mantle cavity where they become fertilized and develop into cyprids that are liberated at the disintegration of the externa.  相似文献   

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