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We describe a simple and efficient protocol for regeneration-transformation of two diploid Medicago lines: the annual M. truncatula R108-1(c3) and the perennial M. sativa ssp. falcata (L.) Arcangeli PI.564263 selected previously as highly embryogenic genotypes. Here, embryo regeneration of R108-1 to complete plants was further improved by three successive in vitro regeneration cycles resulting in the line R108-1(c3). Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of leaf explants was carried out with promoter-gus constructs of two early nodulins (MsEnod12A and MsEnod12B) and one late nodulin (Srglb3). The transgenic plants thus produced on all explants within 3–4 months remained diploid and were fertile. This protocol appears to be the most efficient and fastest reported so far for leguminous plants. Received: 18 March 1997 / Revision received: 25 June 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1997  相似文献   

The detection and distribution pattern of poly(A)+-containing RNA during embryo sac development in the wild type and in a diplosporic mutant of alfalfa was studied using digoxigenin-labelled oligo-dT probes. In the very early stage of development, the megaspore mother cell does not show any poly(A)+RNA accumulation. Subsequently, poly(A) + RNA appears concomitantly in the megaspore mother cell and the nucellus tissue, both in wild and mutant alfalfa. The distribution pattern of poly(A) + RNA reveals some differences. In the mutant, the absence of label in the chalazal part of the nucellus at the megaspore mother cell stage seems to be significant. Compared to the wild type, the hybridization signal at the functional megaspore as well as at the two-nucleate coenocytic stage was reduced. However, the late stages of embryo sac development in the two types were almost comparable, except that the central cell of the mutant accumulated more label. The significance of the results in relation to reduced and unreduced embryo sac development is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to produce somatic hybrids between tetraploid (2n=4x=32) M. sativa and diploid (2n=2x=16) M. ?falcata and analyse their genomic structure. Protoplasts from genotypes selected for regeneration ability from the cultivar Rangelander of M. sativa and Wisfal-1 of M. falcata were electrofused. Seven somatic hybrid calli were produced and one of them regenerated plants. The hybrid nature of these plants and their genetic composition were assessed with morphological, cytological, and molecular analyses. The resulting plants were hyper-aneuploid (2n=33) and contained one extra long chromosome, indicating that a translocation had taken place. The presence of both types of parental sequences in the RAPDs analysis confirmed the true hybrid nature of the plants. Rearrangements within the parental genomes and the presence of somaclonal variation among hybrid plants were observed through an RFLP analysis of the nucleolar organizing region (NOR). The possible causes for the gross genomic alterations, and the suitability of this method for transferring useful agronomic traits from wild species to cultivated alfalfa, are discussed.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from embryogenic cell suspensions of tetraploidMedicago sativa cv. Europe (2n= 4? = 32) and M. falcata (2n=4? = 32) were fused using polyethylene glycol (PEG). Heterokaryonswere isolated by micromanipulation and cultured in the presenceof nurse protoplasts from albino or embryogenic cell suspensionsof M. sativa, to give free-floating embryos and embryogeniccalli. Ninety-nine plants were regenerated from somatic embryos.Fifteen of the plants exhibited leaf abnormalities and did notsurvive transfer from culture to the glasshouse. The remainingphenotypically normal plants were established ex vitro and floweredat maturity. Morphological and biochemical analyses confirmedthat 12 of the phenotypically normal plants were somatic hybrids.Morphological characteristics of the hybrids, including plantstature, internode length, leaf size, flower colour, and podshape, were intermediate compared with those of the purple floweredM. sativa and yellow flowered M. falcata parents. Flowers ofthe hybrids were yellow traced with purple-blue veins. Isoenzymebanding patterns for esterase showed bands additional to thoseof M. sativa and M. falcata. The chromosome complements of individualhybrids varied from (2n= 4? = 32) to 58.  相似文献   

Nineteen accessions of diploid Medicago sativa L. belonging to the four subspecies sativa, caerula, falcata and xvaria were screened for their ability to produce somatic embryos on hypocotyl-derived callus. Two medium protocols were used in this study, a three-step sequence with exposure of the callus cultures to a high 2,4-D concentration and a two-step sequence without exposure to a high 2,4-D concentration. Considerable variation for callus proliferation was observed. In general, the diploid M. sativa accessions showed poor regenerability and it was not possible to correlate high regeneration frequencies with a particular germplasm source. It was, however, possible to identify regenerable genotypes in all four subspecies. One falcata accession produced somatic embryos on the callus induction media at high frequencies. This response was also obtained with a few genotypes from one xvaria accession. All regenerable plants were maintained as shoot cultures and were able to form somatic embryos on petiole-derived calli.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - 2iP iso-pentyladenine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid Contribution No. 772 Ottawa Research Station  相似文献   

Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) analysis was used to uncover genetic polymorphisms among alfalfa populations recurrently selected for superior tolerance to freezing (TF populations). Bulk DNA samples (45 plants/bulk) from each of the cultivar Apica (ATF0), and populations ATF2, ATF4, ATF5, and ATF6 were evaluated with 42 different SRAP primer pairs. Several polymorphisms that progressively intensified or decreased with the number of recurrent cycles were identified. Four positive polymorphisms (F10-R14, Me4-R8, F10-R8 and F11-R9) that, respectively, yielded 540-, 359-, 213-, and 180-bp fragments were selected for further analysis. SRAP amplifications with genotypes within ATF populations confirmed that the polymorphisms identified with bulk DNA samples were reflecting changes in the frequency of their occurrence in response to selection. In addition, the number of genotypes cumulating multiple polymorphisms markedly increased in response to recurrent selection. Independent segregation of the four SRAP polymorphisms suggests location at unlinked loci. Homology search gave matches with BAC clones from syntenic Medicago truncatula for the four SRAP fragments. Analysis of the relationship with low temperature tolerance showed that multiple SRAP polymorphisms are more frequent in genotypes that maintain superior regrowth after freezing. These results show that SRAP analysis of bulk DNA samples from recurrent selections is an effective approach for the identification of genetic polymorphisms associated with quantitative traits in allogamous species. These polymorphisms could be useful tools for indirect selection of freezing tolerance in alfalfa.  相似文献   

The domestication of the Eurasian grape (Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa) from its wild ancestor (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) has long been claimed to have occurred in Transcaucasia where its greatest genetic diversity is found and where very early archaeological evidence, including grape pips and artefacts of a 'wine culture', have been excavated. Whether from Transcaucasia or the nearby Taurus or Zagros Mountains, it is hypothesized that this wine culture spread southwards and eventually westwards around the Mediterranean basin, together with the transplantation of cultivated grape cuttings. However, the existence of morphological differentiation between cultivars from eastern and western ends of the modern distribution of the Eurasian grape suggests the existence of different genetic contribution from local sylvestris populations or multilocal selection and domestication of sylvestris genotypes. To tackle this issue, we analysed chlorotype variation and distribution in 1201 samples of sylvestris and sativa genotypes from the whole area of the species' distribution and studied their genetic relationships. The results suggest the existence of at least two important origins for the cultivated germplasm, one in the Near East and another in the western Mediterranean region, the latter of which gave rise to many of the current Western European cultivars. Indeed, over 70% of the Iberian Peninsula cultivars display chlorotypes that are only compatible with their having derived from western sylvestris populations.  相似文献   

The isolated leaf proteins of lucerne (Medicago sativa L. and M. falcata L.) were fractionated by Sepharose 6B column chromatography. Analysis of fractionated proteins indicated that the 2nd peak component was almost entirely ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) which represented 57% of the total recovered protein.Rubisco yielded one large subunit (LSU) and one small subunit (SSU) polypeptide after SDS gel electrophoresis.Isoelectric focusing of the SSU of Rubisco from genotypes of M. sativa cv. Hunter River (HR), Hairy Peruvian (HP) and of M. falcata (MF) showed two SSU components for HR and HP, and three components for MF. Most components of genotypes were located in the alkaline region of the gel. While the pIs of the SSU components of HR and HP were identical they differed from those of the SSU of MF thus demonstrating heterogeneity for SSU in Medicago.It is suggested that the alkaline nature of SSU may have some adaptive physiological significance.Abbreviations Rubisco ribulose bisphosphate 1,5-carboxylase-oxygenase - LSU large subunit - SSU small subunit - HR Hunter River - HP Hairy Peruvian - MF Medicago falcata - SDS Sodium dodecyl sulphate - TCA trichloracetic acid  相似文献   

Whole comparative genomic hybridization (W-CGH) is a new technique that reveals cryptic differences in highly repetitive DNA sequences, when different genomes are compared using metaphase or interphase chromosomes. W-CGH provides a quick approach to identify differential expansion of these DNA sequences at the single-chromosome level in the whole genome. In this study, we have determined the frequency of constitutive chromatin polymorphisms in the centromeric regions of human chromosomes using a whole-genome in situ cross-hybridization method to compare the whole genome of five different unrelated individuals. Results showed that the pericentromeric constitutive heterochromatin of chromosome 6 exhibited a high incidence of polymorphisms in repetitive DNA families located in pericentromeric regions. The constitutive heterochromatin of chromosomes 5 and 9 was also identified as highly polymorphic. Although further studies are necessary to corroborate and assess the overall incidence of these polymorphisms in human populations, the use of W-CGH could be pertinent and of clinical relevance to assess rapidly, from a chromosomal viewpoint, genome similarities and differences in closely related genomes such as those of relatives, or in more specific situations such as bone marrow transplantation where chimerism is produced in the recipient.  相似文献   

Two hypervariable regions of the alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) chloroplast genome were used to describe levels of genetic relatedness among populations. PCR primers were developed to amplify the hypervariable regions. The frequency of occurrence of fragments of like size between populations was used to develop a measure of genetic relatedness. Relationships among 135 alfalfa accessions were investigated with principal component and cluster analyses, based on the genetic distance measures. Distinct clusters were taken as an indication of genetically distinct lineages. The populations investigated represented collections from world regions defined as the centers of origin of specific alfalfa germplasm sources, or else represented collections of introduced, and naturally adapted, accessions from agriculturally advanced regions. In general, this analysis indicated that the accessions from regions of origin of germplasm sources were largely homogeneous, while accessions from areas of introduction were much more diverse. In some cases, the accessions from a region of origin formed distinct clusters, suggesting that divergence has resulted in genetically distinct lines persisting in the original region of origin. Investigation of the stability of the marker fragments through vegetatively, and sexually, propagated plants indicated stable transmission through the sexual phase. However, one of the two regions underwent a deletion of 145 bp of one copy of a tandemly repeated 146 bp region in the equivalent of 80 years of vegetative growth. Received: 18 November 1999 / Accepted: 31 March 2000  相似文献   

An improved genetic map of diploid (2n=2x=16) alfalfa has been developed by analyzing the inheritance of more than 800 genetic markers on the F2 population of 137 plant individuals. The F2 segregating population derived from a self-pollinated F1 hybrid individual of the cross Medicago sativa ssp. quasifalcata ×Medicago sativa ssp. coerulea. This mapping population was the same one which had been used for the construction of our previous alfalfa genetic map. The genetic analyses were performed by using maximum-likelihood equations and related computer programs. The improved genetic map of alfalfa in its present form contains 868 markers (four morphological, 12 isozyme, 26 seed protein, 216 RFLP, 608 RAPD and two specific PCR markers) in eight linkage groups. Of the markers 80 are known genes, including 2 previously cytologically localized genes, the rDNA and the β-tubulin loci. The genetic map covers 754 centimorgans (cM) with an average marker density of 0.8/cM. The correlation between the physical and genetic distances is about 1000–1300 kilobase pairs per centiMorgan. In this map, the linkage relationships of some markers on linkage groups 6, 7, and 8 are different from the previously published one. The cause of this discrepancy was that the genetic linkage of markers displaying distorted segregation (characterized by an overwhelming number of heterozygous individuals) had artificially linked genetic regions that turned out to be unlinked. To overcome the disadvantageous influence of the excess number of heterozygous genotypes on the recombination fractions, we used recently described maximum-likelihood formulas and colormapping, which allowed us to exclude the misleading linkages and to estimate the genetic distances more precisely. Received: 19 October 1998 / Accepted: 15 April 1999  相似文献   

Summary Medicago sativa L. cv Regen S is heteroplasmic for chloroplast DNA (cpDNA). Previous analyses of regenerated plants have shown a predominance of one of the cpDNAs which we have designated type A (the other we have designated type B). Studies of the replication of the two cpDNAs in tissue culture were carried out using leaflet expiants with defined cpDNA types and a distinguishing probe. The explants obtained showed a bias toward type A cpDNA during tissue culture. The data suggest that chloroplasts with different DNAs in a common nuclear background can multiply at different rates.  相似文献   

陇东野生紫花苜蓿的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用0.15%秋水仙素和0.002mol/L 8-羟基喹啉的混合液对陇东野生紫花苜蓿萌发种子的根尖预处理3h,室温条件下用1%果胶酶和1%纤维素酶酶解1.5h,得到清晰染色体制片.核型分析结果显示,陇东野生紫花苜蓿染色体数目为32条,具有1对随体,为2B核型,染色体核型组成公式为2n=32=30m(2SAT)+2sm,染色体长度组成公式为2n=2L+18M2+8M1+4S.  相似文献   

Medicago sativa cDNAs encoding chalcone reductase.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Endogenous indole-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid and cytokinins (zeatin, zeatin riboside, N-isopentenyladenine and N-isopentenyladenosine) were evaluated in initial explants (leaves) of in vitro propagated plants of alfalfa ( Medicago falcata L.) lines varying in embryogenic capacity and during the somatic embryogenesis process. Fast embryo-genic induction was correlated with high IAA and low ABA levels in the initial explants. No significant differences were observed in the cytokinin contents. Our results suggest that a certain hormone balance is necessary to allow the expression of the embryogenic potential. The consistent stages of the direct somatic embryogenesis are also characterized by changes in hormonal levels.  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿胚状体形成中的二次诱导   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1 植物名称 紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)。  相似文献   

Common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) plays an important role by contributing to modern rice breeding. In this paper, we report the sequence and analysis of a 172-kb genomic DNA region of wild rice around the RM5 locus, which is associated with the yield QTL yld1.1. Comparative sequence analysis between orthologous RM5 regions from Oryza sativa ssp. japonica, O. sativa ssp. indica and O. rufipogon revealed a high level of conserved synteny in the content, homology, structure, orientation, and physical distance of all 14 predicted genes. Twelve of the putative genes were supported by matches to proteins with known function, whereas two were predicted by homology to rice and other plant expressed sequence tags or complementary DNAs. The remarkably high level of conservation found in coding, intronic and intergenic regions may indicate high evolutionary selection on the RM5 region. Although our analysis has not defined which gene(s) determine the yld1.1 phenotype, allelic variation and the insertion of transposable elements, among other nucleotide changes, represent potential variation responsible for the yield QTL. However, as suggested previously, two putative receptor-like protein kinase genes remain the key suspects for yld1.1. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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