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小麦条锈病原孢子远距离传输数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荣飞  翟保平  姜玉英 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3952-3959
应用HYSPLIT-4模式对2002年4月15日入侵河南省境内的条锈病原孢子进行远距离输送模拟,结果显示此次入侵河南部分县市的条锈病菌来源并非单一,主要包括西北方向的甘-陕-晋线和西南方向的贵-渝-鄂线,孢子传输主要在低压稳定气流中进行.此次入侵影响范围还包括甘肃东南部、四川东部、湖北北部、陕西南部和山西大部,其中西北方向来源的孢子质量浓度和影响区域范围要大于西南方向.  相似文献   

1. Dental features frequently have provided data for producing and deducing mammal taxonomies and phylogeny, yet quantitative or statistical analyses for describing intricacies that characterize tooth form are wanting. 2. A method for determining fractal dimensions D that characterize enamel ridges constituting occlusal surfaces for teeth in some mammal species is presented; D quantify complexity (i.e. convolution). The method is exemplified with an analysis that was conducted on teeth from the Family Elephantidae.  相似文献   

In this paper, a mathematical model describing the process of heat transfer in biological tissues for different coordinate system during thermal therapy by electromagnetic radiation is studied. The boundary value problem governing this process has been solved using Galerkin’s method taking B-polynomial as basis function. The system of ordinary differential equation in unknown time variable, thus obtained, is solved by homotopy perturbation method. The effect of thermal conductivity, antenna power constant, surface temperature, and blood perfusion rate on temperature for different coordinates are discussed. It has been observed that the process is faster in spherical symmetric coordinates in comparison to axisymmetric coordinate and faster in axisymmetric in comparison to Cartesian coordinate.  相似文献   

The implant of a femoral prosthesis is a critical process because of the relatively high temperature values reached at the bone/cement interface during the cementation of the infibulum. In fact, the cement is actually a polymer that polymerizes in situ generating heat. Moreover, the conversion of monomer into polymer is never 100%; this is dangerous because of the toxicity of the monomer. In this paper, we present a 3-D axisymmetric mathematical model capable of taking into account both the geometry of the implant and the chemical/physical properties of the cement. This model, together with its numerical simulation, thus represents a useful tool to set up the optimal conditions for the new materials developed in this orthopaedic field. The real complex geometry is assumed to be a bone/cement/metallic system having cylindrical symmetry, thus allowing the model to be reduced to two space variables. The cementation process is described by the Fourier heat equation coupled with a suitable polymerization kinetics. The numerical approximation is accomplished by semi-implicit finite differences in time and finite elements in space with numerical quadrature. The full discrete scheme amounts to solve linear positive definite symmetric systems preceded by an elementwise algebraic computation. We present various numerical simulations which confirm some critical aspects of this orthopaedic fixing technique such as thermal bone necrosis and the presence of unreacted residual monomer.This work was partially supported by MURST (Fondi per la Ricerca Scientifica 40%) and CNR (IAN, Contract 880032601, and Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo, Sottoprogetto Calcolo Scientifico per Grandi Sistemi) of Italy  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of bubble transport in a first generation bifurcating microchannel. In the present study, the human arteriole is modeled as a two-dimensional (2D) rectangular bifurcating microchannel. The microchannel is filled with blood and a single perfluorocarbon (PFC) bubble is introduced in the parent channel. The simulations are carried out to identify the lodging and dislodging pressures for two nondimensional bubble sizes, L(d) (ratio of the dimensional bubble length to the parent tube diameter), that is for L(d)?=?1 and L(d)?=?2. Subsequently, the bubble transport and splitting behavior due to the presence of symmetry and asymmetry in the daughter channels of the microchannel is studied for these bubble sizes. The splitting behavior of the bubble under the effect of gravity is also assessed and reported here. For the symmetric bifurcation model, the splitting ratio (SR) (ratio of bubble volume in bottom daughter channel to bubble volume in top daughter channel), of the bubble was found to be 1. For the asymmetric model, the splitting ratio was found to be less than 1. The loss in the bubble volume in the asymmetric model was attributed to surface tension effects and the resistance offered by the flow, which led to the bubble sticking and sliding along the walls of the channel. With the increase in roll angle, Φ (angle which the plane makes with the horizontal to study the effects of gravity), there was a decline in the splitting ratio.  相似文献   

We study, from a numerical point of view, some properties of a model which describes the evolution of a population of Gambussia affinis. Our model includes sufficiently smooth vital functions. First we select, among four numerical methods of second order, the most appropriate in terms of adaptation to the problem. The most efficient method also reveals new properties of the model for long times, such as the tendency to periodicity, obtained with different initial conditions. We also discuss some advantages and deficiencies of the model.  相似文献   

王进  吝涛  张国钦 《生态学报》2017,37(9):2954-2969
住区形态变迁受到人口迁移、住区满意度和低碳城市发展政策等因素的限制,常用的土地利用模型难以有效表征这一相互制约关系,使得这方面的研究仍然相对不足。通过耦合SD模型和CLUE-S模型,充分发挥了2个模型在宏观情景模拟和微观土地分配上的优势,模拟了住区、人口、住区碳足迹等制约因素的相互关系,为住区形态变迁时空模拟提供了一种有效的方法。以厦门岛为例,根据研究区历史统计数据、问卷调查数据构建了住区形态变迁SD模型,模拟了基准情景、紧凑情景和低碳情景3种不同发展情景下各类住区类型的用地需求,结合CLUE-S模型预测了3种情景下2009年—2020年各类住区类型的用地范围。结果表明,基准年住区类型Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ三者占地面积比例为1∶1.18∶0.83,基准情景下2018年住区类型Ⅲ将成为主要的住区类型。低碳发展和紧凑发展是惯性发展的两种极端情况,体现在总住区面积、人均住宅面积和人均碳足迹大小的变化,但是对厦门岛总人口数量的影响并不大。根据目前厦门的发展趋势,低碳发展情景与紧凑发展情景相结合可能更靠近现实。在空间分布上,住区类型Ⅰ未来不再新建;住区类型Ⅱ遵循现状继续发展的惯性较大;住区类型Ⅲ分布在征地成本相对较低的区域。模型模拟结果能够为住区用地规划、住区发展对策建议提供有效的技术支撑。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the thermal behavior in living biological tissues using time fractional dual-phase-lag bioheat transfer (DPLBHT) model subjected to Dirichelt boundary condition in presence of metabolic and electromagnetic heat sources during thermal therapy. We solved this bioheat transfer model using finite element Legendre wavelet Galerkin method (FELWGM) with help of block pulse function in sense of Caputo fractional order derivative. We compared the obtained results from FELWGM and exact method in a specific case, and found a high accuracy. Results are interpreted in the form of standard and anomalous cases for taking different order of time fractional DPLBHT model. The time to achieve hyperthermia position is discussed in both cases as standard and time fractional order derivative. The success of thermal therapy in the treatment of metastatic cancerous cell depends on time fractional order derivative to precise prediction and control of temperature. The effect of variability of parameters such as time fractional derivative, lagging times, blood perfusion coefficient, metabolic heat source and transmitted power on dimensionless temperature distribution in skin tissue is discussed in detail. The physiological parameters has been estimated, corresponding to the value of fractional order derivative for hyperthermia treatment therapy.  相似文献   

The development of a surface barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure under the action of a constant voltage of different polarity is simulated numerically. When the polarity of the high-voltage electrode is negative, the discharge develops as an ionization wave that moves along the dielectric surface. When the polarity is positive, the discharge develops as a streamer that first moves above the dielectric surface and then comes into contact with and continues to develop along it. In the case of a high-voltage electrode of positive polarity, the discharge zone above the dielectric surface is approximately five times thicker than that in the case of negative polarity. The characteristic aspects of numerical simulation of the streamer phase of a surface barrier discharge are discussed. The numerical results on the density of the charge stored at the dielectric surface and on the length of the discharge zone agree with the experimental data.  相似文献   

A numerical model based on the vertically intergrated equations of motion and continuity was used to simulate circulation in a shallow, well-mixed, Caribbean-type backreef lagoon. As the focus of previous research, Great Pond Bay, St. Croix, provided a suitable study site. Tides, wind, and the effect of waves impinging on the reef were incorporated within the model. Direction of simulated flow under various wind and wave regimes agrees well with patterns found during current meter and drogue tracking experiments. When momentum transfer over the reef due to wave breaking and set-up is added, the magnitude of flow within the lagoon, ranging 5–30 cm/s, also compares favorably to in situ measurements. Model results indicate a relatively rapid and realistic flushing period of less than one day. Results of this study indicate that numerical modeling techniques potentially offer an accurate and cost-effective means to predict the pattern of water movement within coral-reef lagoons.  相似文献   

The narrow slit between endothelial cells that line the microvessel wall is the principal pathway for tumor cell extravasation to the surrounding tissue. To understand this crucial step for tumor hematogenous metastasis, we used dissipative particle dynamics method to investigate an individual cell passing through a narrow slit numerically. The cell membrane was simulated by a spring-based network model which can separate the internal cytoplasm and surrounding fluid. The effects of the cell elasticity, cell shape, nucleus and slit size on the cell transmigration through the slit were investigated. Under a fixed driving force, the cell with higher elasticity can be elongated more and pass faster through the slit. When the slit width decreases to 2/3 of the cell diameter, the spherical cell becomes jammed despite reducing its elasticity modulus by 10 times. However, transforming the cell from a spherical to ellipsoidal shape and increasing the cell surface area by merely 9.3 % can enable the cell to pass through the narrow slit. Therefore, the cell shape and surface area increase play a more important role than the cell elasticity in cell passing through the narrow slit. In addition, the simulation results indicate that the cell migration velocity decreases during entrance but increases during exit of the slit, which is qualitatively in agreement with the experimental observation.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the effects of heat stress on plant photosynthesis has progressed rapidly in recent years through the use of chlorophyll a fluorescence techniques. These methods frequently involve the treatment of leaves for several hours in dark conditions to estimate declines in maximum quantum yield of photsystem II (F V/F M), rarely accounting for the recovery of effective quantum yield (ΔF/F M′) after thermally induced damage occurs. Exposure to high temperature extremes, however, can occur over minutes, rather than hours, and recent studies suggest that light influences damage recovery. Also, the current focus on agriculturally important crops may lead to assumptions about average stress responses and a poor understanding about the variation among species’ thermal tolerance. We present a chlorophyll a fluorescence protocol incorporating subsaturating light to address whether species’ thermal tolerance thresholds (T 50) are related to the ability to recover from short-term heat stress in 41 Australian desert species. We found that damage incurred by 15-min thermal stress events was most strongly negatively correlated with the capacity of species to recover after a stress event of 50 °C in summer. Phylogenetically independent contrast analyses revealed that basal divergences partially explain this relationship. Although T 50 and recovery capacity were positively correlated, the relationship was weaker for species with high T 50 values (>51 °C). Results highlight that, even within a single desert biome, species vary widely in their physiological response to high temperature stress and recovery metrics provide more comprehensive information than damage metrics alone.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization can have importantconsequences for conservation, but can bedifficult to detect using morphologicalmarkers. To test the utility of nuclear intronsfor investigating hybridization and geneticintrogression, we analyzed variation in fivenuclear introns and the mitochondrialcytochrome b gene in two species ofseabirds that are declining and may behybridizing: marbled murrelets(Brachyramphus marmoratus) and Kittlitz'smurrelets (B. brevirostris). No alleleswere shared between samples of the two species,and intron alleles formed reciprocallymonophyletic groups in gene trees. Our resultssuggest that few murrelets in Alaska areF 1, F 2or back-cross hybrids,and that gene pools of these species have beenindependent for 1.8 to 5.7 million years. Weconclude that introns are a potentially richsource of markers for analyzing hybridizationand introgression in endangered or decliningspecies.  相似文献   

Words such as selfish and altruistic that describe conduct toward self and others are notoriously ambiguous in everyday language. I argue that the ambiguity is caused, in part, by the coexistence of multiple belief systems that use the same words in different ways. Each belief system is a relatively coherent linguistic entity that provides a guide for human behavior. It is therefore a functional entity with design features that dictate specific word meaning. Since different belief systems guide human behavior in different directions, specific word meanings cannot be maintained across belief systems. Other sources of linguistic ambiguity include i) functional ambiguity that increases the effectiveness of a belief system, ii) ambiguity between belief systems that are functionally identical but historically distinct, and iii) active interference between belief systems. I illustrate these points with a natural history study of the word selfish and related words in everyday language. In general, language and the thought that it represents should be studied in the same way that ecologists study multi-species communities.  相似文献   

Deng ZS  Liu J 《Cryobiology》2005,50(2):183-192
Recently, we proposed a method for controlling the extent of freezing during cryosurgery by percutaneously injecting some solutions with particular thermal properties into the target tissues. In order to better understand the mechanism of the enhancement of freezing by these injections, a new numerical algorithm was developed to simulate the corresponding heat transfer process that is involved. The three-dimensional phase change processes in biological tissues subjected to cryoprobe freezing, with or without injection, were compared numerically. Two specific cases were investigated to illustrate the selective freezing method: the injection of solutions with high thermal conductivity; the injection of solutions with low latent heat. It was found that the localized injection of such solutions could significantly enhance the freezing effect and decrease the lowest temperature in the target tissues. The result also suggests that the injection of these solutions may be a feasible and flexible way to control the size of the ice ball and its direction of growth during cryosurgery, which will help to optimize the treatment process.  相似文献   

A program for numerical simulation of a whole ski race, from start to finish, is developed in MATLAB. The track is modelled by a set of cubical splines in two dimensions and can be used to simulate a track in a closed loop or with the start and finish at different locations. The forces considered in the simulations are gravitational force, normal force between snow and skis, drag force from the wind, frictional force between snow and ski and driving force from the skier. The differential equations of motion are solved from start to finish with the Runge–Kutta method. Different wind situations during the race can be modelled, as well as different glide conditions on different parts of the track. It is also possible to vary the available power during the race. The simulation program's output is the total time of the race, together with the forces and speed during different parts of the race and intermediate times at selected points. Some preliminary simulations are also presented.  相似文献   

A program for numerical simulation of a whole ski race, from start to finish, is developed in MATLAB. The track is modelled by a set of cubical splines in two dimensions and can be used to simulate a track in a closed loop or with the start and finish at different locations. The forces considered in the simulations are gravitational force, normal force between snow and skis, drag force from the wind, frictional force between snow and ski and driving force from the skier. The differential equations of motion are solved from start to finish with the Runge-Kutta method. Different wind situations during the race can be modelled, as well as different glide conditions on different parts of the track. It is also possible to vary the available power during the race. The simulation program's output is the total time of the race, together with the forces and speed during different parts of the race and intermediate times at selected points. Some preliminary simulations are also presented.  相似文献   

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