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The yeast vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (V-ATPase) is the bestcharacterized member of the V-ATPase family. Biochemical and genetic screensled to the identification of a large number of genes in yeast, designatedVMA, encoding proteins required to assemble a functional V-ATPase. Atotal of thirteen genes encode subunits of the final enzyme complex. Inaddition to subunit-encoding genes, we have identified three genes that codefor proteins that are not part of the final V-ATPase complex yet required forits assembly. We refer to these nonsubunit Vma proteins as assembly factors,since their function is dedicated to assembling the V-ATPase. The assemblyfactors, Vma12p, Vma21p, and Vma22p are localized to the endoplasmicreticulum (ER) and aid the assembly of newly synthesized V-ATPase subunitsthat are translocated into the ER membrane. At least two of these proteins,Vma12p and Vma22p, function together in an assembly complex and interactdirectly with nascent V-ATPase subunits.  相似文献   

Although the 150 kDa oxygen-regulated protein (ORP150) is known as a protein induced by low oxygen tension or ischemical insult, its possible role has not been fully investigated in vivo. To investigate the intracellular function of this protein, we generated the ORP150 over-expressing transgenic mice (ORP-Tg mice) under -actin promoter, and established three independent lines of the transgene expressed mice. All lines invariably showed growth retardation. Over-expression of ORP150 was confirmed by western blotting in heart, brain, spleen, skeletal muscle, pancreas, lung, thymus, and kidney. To ascertain the relationship between the over-expression of the ORP150 and the growth retardation in the transgenic mice, we examined pathological changes in the transgenics. In the ORP-Tg mice, vacuolar degeneration appeared in the heart. The degeneration in the myocytes became conspicuous with advancing age. Immunostaining demonstrated ORP150 in the vacuoles of degenerating myocytes. Electron microscopical findings revealed striking development of intracellular membrane system, for example, rough endoplasmic reticula (rER), vacuoles and Golgi bodies, swelling of sarcoplasmic reticulum, and lysis of myofibrils and mitochondria. These findings indicate that ORP150 may locate in the rER and other outer compartment of ER, and that constitutive over-expression of ORP150 in the heart induces vacuolar degeneration in myocytes, resulting in growth retardation of the transgenics.  相似文献   

Intracellular Assembly and Trafficking of MHC Class I Molecules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The presentation of antigenic peptides by class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex begins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where the co-ordinated action of molecular chaperones, folding enzymes and class I-specific factors ensures that class I molecules are loaded with high-affinity peptide ligands that will survive prolonged display at the cell surface. Once assembled, class I molecules are released from the quality-control machinery of the ER for export to the plasma membrane where they undergo dynamic endocytic cycling and turnover. We review recent progress in our understanding of class I assembly, anterograde transport and endocytosis and highlight some of the events targeted by viruses as a means to evade detection by cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells.  相似文献   

Protein quality control (QC) within the endoplasmic reticulum and the related unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway of signal transduction are major regulators of the secretory pathway, which is involved in virtually any aspect of development and reproduction. The study of plant-specific processes such as pathogen response, seed development and the synthesis of seed storage proteins and of particular toxins is providing novel insights, with potential implications for the general recognition events and mechanisms of action of QC and UPR.  相似文献   

The ER/Golgi soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) membrin, rsec22b, and rbet1 are enriched in approximately 1-micrometer cytoplasmic structures that lie very close to the ER. These appear to be ER exit sites since secretory cargo concentrates in and exits from these structures. rsec22b and rbet1 fused to fluorescent proteins are enriched at approximately 1-micrometer ER exit sites that remained more or less stationary, but periodically emitted streaks of fluorescence that traveled generally in the direction of the Golgi complex. These exit sites were reused and subsequent tubules or streams of vesicles followed similar trajectories. Fluorescent membrin- enriched approximately 1-micrometer peripheral structures were more mobile and appeared to translocate through the cytoplasm back and forth, between the periphery and the Golgi area. These mobile structures could serve to collect secretory cargo by fusing with ER-derived vesicles and ferrying the cargo to the Golgi. The post-Golgi SNAREs, syntaxin 6 and syntaxin 13, when fused to fluorescent proteins each displayed characteristic patterns of movement. However, syntaxin 13 was the only SNARE whose life cycle appeared to involve interactions with the plasma membrane. These studies reveal the in vivo spatiotemporal dynamics of SNARE proteins and provide new insight into their roles in membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Abstract: The proteins of membrane and cytosol fractions from frozen human postmortem brain were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (isoelectric range: 5.1–6.0) and both Coomassie-blue and ammoniacal silver staining. Cytosol preparations were analyzed from six different postmortem brains from patients with various neurologic diagnoses and immediate causes of death. Intervals between death and brain freezing (−70oC) ranged from 2 to 20 h. The vast majority of proteins detected in these cytosol fractions had identical molecular weights and isoelectric points in each of six human brains examined. However, in some tissue samples tubulin was either quantitatively decreased or undetectable. The possibility that this partial or complete depletion of tubulin was related to postmortem interval and/or brain freezing was studied using rat forebrain tissue. Rat brain incubated at room temperature for up to 24 h did not reproduce the changes seen in the region of human cytosol tubulin. However, other changes seen in the two-dimensional electrophoretic pattern of rat cytosol proteins did relate to postmortem interval, brain freezing, or both. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum were prepared from three human brains, with highly reproducible two-dimensional patterns. Protein analysis of these membrane fractions revealed that human RER contained significant amounts of tubulin, in contrast to rat RER which contained no detectable tubulin. This discrepancy was elucidated by allowing rat brains to remain at room temperature for 24 h before freezing; gels of rat RER prepared from this tissue showed that tubulin subunits were present.  相似文献   

P58/DNAJc3 defends cells against endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Most P58 molecules are translocated into the ER lumen, and here we report selective and stable binding to misfolded proteins by P58's TPR-containing N-terminal domain. In vitro, too, P58 binds selectively to a model misfolded protein and challenge of that complex with physiological concentrations of the ER lumenal Hsp70-type chaperone BiP encourages disassembly. BiP-induced dissociation of P58 from its substrate depends on the presence of ATP and on interactions with P58's J-domain, which are mediated by invariant residues BiP(R197) and P58(H422). A functional J-domain also accelerates dissociation of P58 from a model substrate, VSV-G(ts045), on the latter's re-folding in vivo. However, J-domain binding can be separated from the ability to promote substrate dissociation by the mutant BiP(E201G) and a wild-type J-domain fused ectopically to P58(H422Q) rescues the latter's inability to dissociate from substrate in response to BiP and ATP. These findings are consistent with a model whereby localized activation of the Hsp70-type partner is sufficient to promote substrate handover from the J-domain co-chaperone.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(11):3691-3698.e5
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Tonoplast, the membrane delimiting plant vacuoles, regulates ion, water and nutrient movement between the cytosol and the vacuolar lumen through the activity of its membrane proteins. Correct traffic of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the tonoplast requires (i) approval by the ER quality control, (ii) motifs for exit from the ER and (iii) motifs that promote sorting to the tonoplast. Recent evidence suggests that this traffic follows different pathways that are protein‐specific and could also reflect vacuole specialization for lytic or storage function. The routes can be distinguished based on their sensitivity to drugs such as brefeldin A and C834 as well as using mutant plants that are defective in adaptor proteins of vesicle coats, or dominant‐negative mutants of Rab GTPases.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the port of entry of proteins into the endomembrane system, and it is also involved in lipid biosynthesis and storage. This organelle contains a number of soluble and membrane-associated enzymes and molecular chaperones, which assist the folding and maturation of proteins and the deposition of lipid storage compounds. The regulation of translocation of proteins into the ER and their subsequent maturation within the organelle have been studied in detail in mammalian and yeast cells, and more recently also in plants. These studies showed that in general the functions of the ER in protein synthesis and maturation have been highly conserved between the different organisms. Yet, the ER of plants possesses some additional functions not found in mammalian and yeast cells. This compartment is involved in cell to cell communication via the plasmodesmata, and, in specialized cells, it serves as a storage site for proteins. The plant ER is also equipped with enzymes and structural proteins which are involved in the process of oil body biogenesis and lipid storage. In this review we discuss the components of the plant ER and their function in protein maturation and biogenesis of oil bodies. Due to the large number of cited papers, we were not able to cite all individual references and in many cases we refer the readers to reviews and references therein. We apologize to the authors whose references are not cited.  相似文献   

Ca2+ uptake into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is mediated by Ca2+ ATPase isoforms, which are all selectively inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of thapsigargin. Using ATP/Mg2+-dependent 45Ca2+ transport in rat brain microsomes, tissue sections, and permeabilized cells, as well as Ca2+ imaging in living cells we distinguish two ER Ca2+ pools in the rat CNS. Nanomolar levels of thapsigargin blocked one component of brain microsomal 45Ca2+ transport, which we designate as the thapsigargin-sensitive pool (TG-S). The remaining component was only inhibited by micromolar thapsigargin, and thus designated as thapsigargin resistant (TG-R). Ca2+ ATPase and [32P]phosphoenzyme assays also distinguished activities with differential sensitivities to thapsigargin. The TG-R Ca2+ uptake displayed unique anion permeabilities, was inhibited by vanadate, but was unaffected by sulfhydryl reduction. Ca2+ sequestered into the TG-R pool could not be released by inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate, caffeine, or cyclic ADP-ribose. The TG-R Ca2+ pool had a unique anatomical distribution in the brain, with selective enrichment in brainstem and spinal cord structures. Cell lines that expressed high levels of the TG-R pool required micromolar concentrations of thapsigargin to effectively raise cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels. TG-R Ca2+ accumulation represents a distinct Ca2+ buffering pool in specific CNS regions with unique pharmacological sensitivities and anatomical distributions.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins maintain their residency by static retention, dynamic retrieval, or a combination of the two. Tail-anchored proteins that contain a cytosolic domain associated with the lipid bilayer via a hydrophobic stretch close to the COOH terminus are sorted within the secretory pathway by largely unknown mechanisms. Here, we have investigated the mode of insertion in the bilayer and the intracellular trafficking of cytochrome b(5) (b[5]), taken as a model for ER-resident tail-anchored proteins. We first demonstrated that b(5) can acquire a transmembrane topology posttranslationally, and then used two tagged versions of b(5), N-glyc and O-glyc b(5), containing potential N- and O-glycosylation sites, respectively, at the COOH-terminal lumenal extremity, to discriminate between retention and retrieval mechanisms. Whereas the N-linked oligosaccharide provided no evidence for retrieval from a downstream compartment, a more stringent assay based on carbohydrate acquisition by O-glyc b(5) showed that b(5) gains access to enzymes catalyzing the first steps of O-glycosylation. These results suggest that b(5) slowly recycles between the ER and the cis-Golgi complex and that dynamic retrieval as well as retention are involved in sorting of tail-anchored proteins.  相似文献   

We describe a procedure for disassembling rat liver rough microsomes, which allows the purification of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Membrane-bound ribosomes and adsorbed proteins are first detached by washing rough microsomes with 5 mM Na-pyrophosphate. In a second step, the vesicle membrane is opened by digitonin, with concomitant release of the luminal content. The purification is monitored at each step by electron microscopy, and by assaying chemical constituents (protein, phospholipid, RNA) and marker enzymes for the main subcellular organelles. The final membrane preparation is representative of the ER, since it contains 24.1% of the liver glucose 6-phosphatase with a relative specific activity of 14.2. Contaminants represent less than 5% of its protein content. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by immunoblot analysis, reveals that the ribophorins I and II, two established markers of the rough (d) domain are still present in the final membrane preparation. It also contains the docking protein (or signal recognition particle receptor) and protein disulfide isomerase, and has conserved the functional capacity to remove co- and post-translationally the signal peptide of pre-secretory proteins. The membrane preparation is suitable for studies on the polypeptide composition of the d domain.  相似文献   

Transport of soluble cargo molecules to the lytic vacuole of plants requires vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) to divert transport of vacuolar cargo from the default secretory route to the cell surface. Just as important is the trafficking of the VSRs themselves, a process that encompasses anterograde transport of receptor–ligand complexes from a donor compartment, dissociation of these complexes upon arrival at the target compartment, and recycling of the receptor back to the donor compartment for a further round of ligand transport. We have previously shown that retromer‐mediated recycling of the plant VSR BP80 starts at the trans‐Golgi network (TGN). Here we demonstrate that inhibition of retromer function by either RNAi knockdown of sorting nexins (SNXs) or co‐expression of mutants of SNX1/2a specifically inhibits the ER export of VSRs as well as soluble vacuolar cargo molecules, but does not influence cargo molecules destined for the COPII‐mediated transport route. Retention of soluble cargo despite ongoing COPII‐mediated bulk flow can only be explained by an interaction with membrane‐bound proteins. Therefore, we examined whether VSRs are capable of binding their ligands in the lumen of the ER by expressing ER‐anchored VSR derivatives. These experiments resulted in drastic accumulation of soluble vacuolar cargo molecules in the ER. This demonstrates that the ER, rather than the TGN, is the location of the initial VSR–ligand interaction. It also implies that the retromer‐mediated recycling route for the VSRs leads from the TGN back to the ER.  相似文献   

Comparative ultrastructural observations reveal that cytoplasmic deletion during spermatogenesis in Sphagnum and other mosses (Bryopsida) has two distinct phases. In young spermatids, Golgi-derived vesicles produce the mucopolysaccharide sheaths in which the gametes are liberated. Golgi bodies, however, play no part in removal of cytoplasm during gamete maturation. Rounding off of the cells during this process results in a 50% reduction in volume. Mid-spermatid stages in Sphagnum are characterised by the sequential loss of Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) but no further diminution of the cytoplasm. The final stages of nuclear metamorphosis and chromatin condensation, in late spermatids, are marked by the sudden appearance, in the otherwise featureless central cytoplasm, of a membrane vesicle complex (MVC) comprising cisternae, tubules, and smooth and coated vesicles. Following repositioning of the MVC beneath the plasma membrane, rapid shrinkage of the cytoplasm is associated with the presence of vesicle fusion profiles at the cell surface. The MVC is considered to be intimately involved in cytoplasmic breakdown and loss. Acid phosphatase activity can be detected throughout spermatogenesis. Spermatogenous cells and young spermatids possess relatively low levels of the enzyme, restricted to the ER and perinuclear space, but particularly high levels occur in the MVC region of late spermatids of Sphagnum. The deletion process in Bryopsida is much more gradual than that of Sphagnum. Mid-spermatids contain sheets of ER, Golgi with small vesicles, and irregular cisternae associated with coated vesicles. Vacuoles derived either from dilation of the ER or the coated vesicle complexes gradually increase in size and number at the expense of the cytoplasm. During the early stages of chromatin condensation, a large central vacuole opens onto the anterior face of the gametes. Further discharge of vesicles continues throughout gamete maturation. A comparative survey of spermatogenesis in land plants indicates that cytoplasmic deletion is achieved in different ways in different groups. We speculate that the spermatozoids of the common ancestor of archegoniate plants probably possessed large amounts of cytoplasm. The deletion mechanisms may have originated from a contractile vacuole apparatus.  相似文献   

Members of the eukaryotic heat shock protein 70 family (Hsp70s) are regulated by protein cofactors that contain domains homologous to bacterial DnaJ. Of the three DnaJ homologues in the yeast rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER; Scj1p, Sec63p, and Jem1p), Scj1p is most closely related to DnaJ, hence it is a probable cofactor for Kar2p, the major Hsp70 in the yeast RER. However, the physiological role of Scj1p has remained obscure due to the lack of an obvious defect in Kar2p-mediated pathways in scj1 null mutants. Here, we show that the Δscj1 mutant is hypersensitive to tunicamycin or mutations that reduce N-linked glycosylation of proteins. Although maturation of glycosylated carboxypeptidase Y occurs with wild-type kinetics in Δscj1 cells, the transport rate for an unglycosylated mutant carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) is markedly reduced. Loss of Scj1p induces the unfolded protein response pathway, and results in a cell wall defect when combined with an oligosaccharyltransferase mutation. The combined loss of both Scj1p and Jem1p exaggerates the sensitivity to hypoglycosylation stress, leads to further induction of the unfolded protein response pathway, and drastically delays maturation of an unglycosylated reporter protein in the RER. We propose that the major role for Scj1p is to cooperate with Kar2p to mediate maturation of proteins in the RER lumen.  相似文献   

BiP, immunoglobulin binding protein, is an ER homologue of Hsp 70. However, unlike other Hsp70 proteins, regulatory protein(s) for BiP has not been identified. Here, we demonstrated the presence of potential regulatory proteins for BiP using a pull-down assay. Since BiP can bind any unfolded protein, only the ATPase domain of BiP was used for the pull-down assay in order to minimize nonspecific binding. The ATPase domain was cloned to produce recombinant protein, which was then conjugated to CNBr-activated agarose. The structural conformation and ATP hydrolysis activity of the recombinant ATPase domain were similar to those of the native protein. Eight proteins from metabolically labeled mouse plasmacytoma cells specifically bound to the recombinant ATPase protein. The binding of these proteins was inhibited by excess amounts of free ATPase protein, and was dependent on the presence of ATP. These proteins were eluted by ADP. Of these proteins, Grp 170 and BiP where identified, while the others were not identified as known ER proteins, from Western blot analyses. The presence of the ATPase-binding proteins for Bip was first demonstrated in this study, and our data suggest similar regulatory machinery for BiP may exist in the ER, as found in prokaryotes and other cellular compartments.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane (PM) of all eukaryotes so far investigated contains a P-type Ca2+-pumping ATPase responsible for maintaining low cytosolic free calcium concentrations. In animal cells this has been shown to be a type of Ca2+-pump which is directly stimulated by binding the calcium-dependent regulator protein calmodulin. These PM Ca2+-pumps have been named 'PM-type' as they appear to be exclusively located at the PM and not in intracellular membrane (IM) fractions. Recent progress on higher plant cells reveals that they possess calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+-pumps of the 'PM-type'. However, these calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+-pumps appear to be located not only at the PM but also in intracellular membranes, probably the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The evidence is also convincing that these IM-located Ca2+-pumps are directly stimulated by calmodulin (possess a calmodulin-binding region) and are true 'PM-type' Ca2+-pumps. This appears to represent a marked divergence between plant and animal cell Ca2+-pumps. Recently, molecular cloning has revealed that plant cells also contain a Ca2+-pump which is not directly stimulated by calmodulin and which strongly resembles the mammalian ER/SR type of Ca2+-pump. The significance of these findings for plant cell function is discussed.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and characterization of a human cDNA predicted to encode a novel hydrophobic protein containing four transmembrane domains and a zinc metalloprotease motif, HEXXH, between the third and fourth transmembrane domains, and have named the molecule metalloprotease-related protein-1 (MPRP-1). The MPRP-1 gene was localized to chromosome 1-p32.3 by radiation hybrid mapping, and Northern blot analysis revealed expression in many organs, with strong expression in the heart, skeletal muscle, kidney and liver. Immunohistochemical analyisis showed that MPRP-1 was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and not in the Golgi compartment. Fragments of DNA encoding a segment homologous to the HEXXH motif of MPRP-1 are widely found in bacteria, yeast, plants, and animals. These results suggest that the MPRP-1 may have highly conserved functions, such as in intracellular proteolytic processing in the ER.  相似文献   

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) prepared from bulk-isolated neuronal perikarya of rat brain cortex of different postnatal ages was found to be active in vectorial discharge of nascent proteins through the membrane; this activity increased with the increasing age of animals and reached maximal values in adults. RER isolated from whole cortical tissue (containing all cell types) exhibited vectorial release only up to 18 days of age; the preparation from adult animals was essentially devoid of secretory activity. Controlled proteolysis of various preparations suggested that in neuronal RER of 8-day-old rats the proportion of nascent proteins operationally retained in the intravesicular space was about twice that retained by cortical preparations. For the purpose of comparison, these parameters were studied also in liver RER.  相似文献   

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