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The effect of the anabolic androgenic steroid, nandrolone decanoate, on substance P endopeptidase-like activity was examined in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Nandrolone decanoate (15 mg/kg day) or oil vehicle (sterile arachidis oleum) were administered by intramuscular injections during 14 days. Substance P endopeptidase, a predominantly cytosolic enzyme, generates the bioactive N-terminal fragment substance P(1-7) from the enzyme substrate substance P. Nandrolone decanoate significantly reduced the substance P endopeptidase-like activity compared to control animals in hypothalamus (43% reduction), caudate putamen (44%), substantia nigra (32%) and the ventral tegmental area (27%). It was previously reported that both hypothalamus and caudate putamen contained significantly higher levels of substance P after nandrolone administration. The higher concentration of substance P in these regions could to an extent be attributed to the reduction in substance P endopeptidase-like activity. This result elucidates the important role of peptidase activity in the regulation of the substance P transmitter system. The present study provides additional support for the hypothesis that alterations in the substance P system in certain brain areas may contribute to some of the personality changes reported in connection with AAS abuse.  相似文献   

The muscle anabolic/anti-catabolic activity of the androgenic steroids testosterone and trenbolone was studied in rats to investigate whether such steroids act as agonists via muscle androgen receptors, or as antagonists that oppose the catabolic effects of endogenous glucocorticoids via their interaction with muscle glucocorticoid receptors. For comparison, the effects of the potent glucocorticoid antagonist RU486 were also examined. The parameters measured included growth rate, muscle weight, serum growth hormone and corticosterone levels, and receptor binding parameters in muscle cytosol. Females responded better than males to anabolic treatment with the androgenic steroids. Ovariectomy or adrenalectomy abolished this response. Neither the sex difference nor the requirement for ovaries or adrenals could be explained in terms of muscle receptor parameters or serum growth hormone levels. The muscle anabolic activity of androgenic steroids was restored when castrated males were treated with oestradiol and when adrenalectomized females were treated with corticosterone. RU486 also prevented the catabolic/anti-anabolic activity of exogenous corticosterone in adrenalectomized rats. Testosterone and RU486 behaved as anti-glucocorticoids in vivo since they inhibited glucocorticoid-induced liver tyrosine aminotransferase activity. The results suggest that anabolic steroids can act via muscle glucocorticoid receptors, thereby antagonizing the catabolic activity of endogenous glucocorticoids, rather than via muscle androgen receptors.  相似文献   

Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of testosterone introduced for therapeutic purposes providing enhanced anabolic potency with reduced androgenic effects. Androgens mediate their action through their binding to the androgen receptor (AR) which is mainly expressed in androgen target tissues, such as the prostate, skeletal muscle, liver and central nervous system. This paper reviews some of the wide spectrum of testosterone and synthetic AAS structure modifications related to the intended enhancement in anabolic activity. The structural features of steroids necessary for effective binding to the AR and those which contribute to the stipulation of the androgenic and anabolic activities are also presented.  相似文献   

We examined the respective effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids and physical exercise on the contractile properties of regenerating fast and slow hindlimb skeletal muscles. Degeneration/regeneration of the left extensor digitorum longus muscles (EDL) and soleus of young Wistar male rats was induced by a snake venom (Notechis scutatus scutatus) injection. During muscle regeneration, experimental rats were either treated with nandrolone (NAN, nortestosterone, im, 2 mg X kg(-1) X week(-1), or endurance exercised on a treadmill (EXE, 60 min x day(-1), 10-40 m X min(-1). Twenty-one days after injury, isometric contractile properties of regenerating muscles were studied in situ. Neither the nandrolone treatment nor the physical exercise program was able to change significantly muscle contraction parameters both in twitch and tetanus in both regenerating EDL and soleus (p > 0.05). However, we observed a greater peak twitch tension in NAN versus grouped control and EXE EDL (p < 0.01). In conclusion, endurance exercise program or anabolic-androgenic steroid (nortestosterone) treatment did not significantly improve isometric contractile properties of regenerating slow and fast muscles in the male young rats.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) on aggression under different social and environmental conditions. Three AAS were tested in gonadally intact male rats: testosterone propionate (TP), nandrolone (ND), and stanozolol (ST). Doses of 5 mg/kg were given 5 times/week, with gonadally intact controls receiving vehicle only (propylene glycol). Animals received six weekly tests under each condition in a counterbalanced order. Results show that the three AAS differed in their ability to elicit aggression. Males receiving TP were more aggressive than controls, ND males were similar to controls, and ST males were less aggressive than controls. In the social and environmental provocation tests TP-treated males were more aggressive than other groups, but were able to discriminate between intact and castrated opponents and between their home cage and a neutral cage. In the environmental provocation test, TP males were also more aggressive against opponents when tested in the opponent's home cage. It is suggested that chronic exposure to high levels of TP does not eliminate the ability to discriminate between social or environmental cues, as might be expected if it induces a " 'roid rage." However, TP does increase the likelihood that the animal will respond with aggression/dominance in a provoking situation. All three AAS variably affected serum testosterone and LH levels, as well as testes, seminal vesicle, and prostate weights. No effect on body weight was observed.  相似文献   

Due to the potential for misuse of a wide range of anabolic steroids in horse racing, a screening test to detect multiple compounds, via a common class of metabolites, would be a valuable forensic tool. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed to detect 17alpha-alkyl anabolic steroid metabolites in equine urine. 16beta-Hydroxymestanolone (16beta,17beta-dihydroxy-17alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one) was synthesised in six steps from commercially available epiandrosterone (3beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-17-one). Polyclonal antibodies were raised in sheep, employing mestanolone (17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one) or 16beta-hydroxymestanolone conjugated to human serum albumin, via a 3-carboxymethyloxime linker, as antigens. Antibody cross-reactivities were determined by assessing the ability of a library of 54 representative steroids to competitively bind the antibodies. Antibodies raised against 16beta-hydroxymestanolone showed excellent cross-reactivities for all of the 16beta,17beta-dihydroxy-17alpha-methyl steroids analysed and an ELISA has been developed to detect these steroid metabolites. Using this 16beta-hydroxymestanolone assay, urine samples from horses administered with stanozolol (17alpha-methyl-pyrazolo[4',3':2,3]-5alpha-androstan-17beta-ol), were analysed raw, following beta-glucuronidase hydrolysis, and following solid-phase extraction (SPE) procedures. The suppressed absorbances observed were consistent with detection of the metabolite 16beta-hydroxystanozolol. Positive screening results were confirmed by comparison with standard LCMS analyses. Antibodies raised against mestanolone were also used to develop an ELISA and this was used to detect metabolites retaining the parent D-ring structure following methandriol (17alpha-methylandrost-5-ene-3beta,17beta-diol) administration. The ELISA methods developed have application as primary screening tools for detection of new and known anabolic steroid metabolites.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors (PTBRs) and their endogenous ligands are implicated in the pathogenesis of end-organ failure in chronic liver disease. Portal-systemic encephalopathy, a major neuropsychiatric complication associated with chronic liver disease, results in activation of brain PTBR and probably in peripheral organs. In order to address these issues, PTBR mRNA was measured using semi-quantitative RT-PCR in extracts of cerebral cortex, kidney and testis of rats four weeks after end-to-side portacaval anastomosis and sham-operation (controls). Densities of PTBR sites were measured concomitantly by in vitro receptor binding using the selective PTBR ligand [3H]PK11195. Portacaval shunting resulted in a 2 to 3-fold increase in expression of PTBR in brain and kidney and a 37% reduction in expression in testis. Densities of [3H]PK11195 sites changed in parallel with the alterations of gene expression. These findings suggest that selective alterations of PTBR expression are implicated in the pathogenesis of peripheral tissue hypertrophy (kidney) and/or atrophy (testis) which accompanies portal-systemic shunting in chronic liver failure. In brain, activation of PTBR could result in an increase in the production of neurosteroids with potent inhibitory action in the CNS, which could contribute to the pathogenesis of portal-systemic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle is a target of anabolic steroid action; however, anabolic steroid's affect on aged skeletal muscle is not well understood. The effect of 4 wk of nandrolone decanoate (ND) administration on hindlimb muscles of 5- and 25-mo-old Fischer 344/Brown Norway rats was examined. ND (6 mg/kg body wt) was injected every 7th day for 4 wk. Controls received an oil injection. ND significantly reduced 25-mo-old rat perirenal fat pad mass by 30%. Soleus (Sol) and plantaris (Plan) muscle-to-body weight ratios were reduced in 25-mo-old rats. ND did not affect Sol or Plan muscle-to-body weight ratios at either age. Sol DNA concentration was reduced by 25% in 25-mo-old rats, and ND increased it to 12% greater than 5-mo-old rats. ND did not affect Plan DNA content. Sol androgen receptor (AR) protein in 25-mo-old rats was reduced to 35% of 5-mo-old values. ND increased AR protein by 900% in 25-mo-old rat Sol. Plan AR concentration was not affected by aging but was induced by ND in both age groups. Aging or ND treatment did not affect glucocorticoid receptor levels in either muscle. These data demonstrate that fast- and slow-twitch rat hindlimb muscles differ in their response to aging and ND therapy.  相似文献   

The effects of acute convulsive doses of pentylentetrazol (PTZ) on [35S]t-butyl-bicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS), [3H]flunitrazepam (FNP), [3H]muscimol, and [3H]-aminobutyric acid (GABA) binding sites were examined in well-washed homogenates of various brain regions of rat. Except for a significant increase in the number of striatal [35S]TBPS binding sites, no significant change in [35S]TBPS, [3H]FNP, [3H]muscimol, and [3H]GABA binding was found in various brain regions 30 min after subcutaneous injection of PTZ at 90 or 100 mg/kg. Similarly there were no significant changes in [35S]TBPS and [3H]FNP binding to unwashed P2 membranes of cerebral cortices 30 min following administration of convulsive doses of PTZ. These experiments failed to demonstrate acute modulation of GABA-A/benzodiazepine/picrotoxinin receptor complex by PTZ in the various brain regions examined except striatum. The significance of the increased [35S]TBPS binding in striatum caused by PTZ remains unclear.  相似文献   

In this study, the use of equine liver/lung microsomes and S9 tissue fractions were used to study the metabolism of the androgenic/anabolic steroid stanozolol as an example of the potential of in vitro technologies in sports drug surveillance. In vitro incubates were analysed qualitatively alongside urine samples originating from in vivo stanozolol administrations using LC-MS on a high-resolution accurate mass Thermo Orbitrap Discovery instrument, by LC-MS/MS on an Applied Biosystems Sciex 5500 Q Trap and by GC-MS/MS on an Agilent 7000A.Using high-resolution accurate mass full scan analysis on the Orbitrap, equine liver microsome and S9 in vitro fractions were found to generate all the major phase-1 metabolites observed following in vivo administrations. Additionally, analysis of the liver microsomal incubates using a shallower HPLC gradient combined with various MS/MS functions on the 5500 Q trap allowed the identification of a number of phase 1 metabolites previously unreported in the equine or any other species. Comparison between liver and lung S9 metabolism showed that the liver was the major site of metabolic activity in the equine. Furthermore, using chemical enzyme inhibitors that are known to be selective for particular isoforms in other species suggested that an enzyme related to CYP2C8 may be responsible the production of 16-hydroxy-stanozolol metabolites in the equine.In summary, the in vitro and in vivo phase 1 metabolism results reported herein compare well and demonstrate the potential of in vitro studies to compliment the existing in vivo paradigm and to benefit animal welfare through a reduction and refinement of animal experimentation.  相似文献   

In the U.S. and worldwide anabolic/androgenic steroid use remains high in the adolescent population. This is concerning given that anabolic/androgenic steroid use is associated with a higher incidence of aggressive behavior during exposure and anxiety during withdrawal. This study uses pubertal Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) to investigate the hypothesis that an inverse behavioral relationship exists between anabolic/androgenic steroid-induced aggression and anxiety across adolescent exposure and withdrawal. In the first experiment, we examined aggression and anxiety during adolescent anabolic/androgenic steroid exposure and withdrawal. Adolescent anabolic/androgenic steroid administration produced significant increases in aggression and decreases in anxiety during the exposure period followed by significant decreases in aggression and increases in anxiety during anabolic/androgenic steroid withdrawal. In a second experiment, anabolic/androgenic steroid exposed animals were separated into groups based on their aggressive response during the exposure period and then tested for anxiety during exposure and then for both aggression and anxiety during withdrawal. Data were analyzed using a within-subjects repeated measures predictive analysis. Linear regression analysis revealed that the difference in aggressive responding between the anabolic/androgenic steroid exposure and withdrawal periods was a significant predictor of differences in anxiety for both days of testing. Moreover, the combined data suggest that the decrease in aggressive behavior from exposure to withdrawal predicts an increase in anxiety-like responding within these same animals during this time span. Together these findings indicate that early anabolic/androgenic steroid exposure has potent aggression- and anxiety-eliciting effects and that these behavioral changes occur alongside a predictive relationship that exists between these two behaviors over time.  相似文献   

Considerable public attention has been focused on the issue of youth violence, particularly that associated with drug use. It is documented that anabolic steroid use by teenagers is associated with a higher incidence of aggressive behavior and serious violence, yet little is known about how these drugs produce the aggressive phenotype. Here we discuss work from our laboratory on the relationship between the development and activity of select neurotransmitter systems in the anterior hypothalamus and anabolic steroid-induced offensive aggression using pubertal male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) as an adolescent animal model, with the express goal of synthesizing these data into an cogent neural model of the developmental adaptations that may underlie anabolic steroid-induced aggressive behavior. Notably, alterations in each of the neural systems identified as important components of the anabolic steroid-induced aggressive response occurred in a sub-division of the anterior hypothalamic brain region we identified as the hamster equivalent of the latero-anterior hypothalamus, indicating that this sub-region of the hypothalamus is an important site of convergence for anabolic steroid-induced neural adaptations that precipitate offensive aggression. Based on these findings we present in this review a neural model to explain the neurochemical regulation of anabolic steroid-induced offensive aggression showing the hypothetical interaction between the arginine vasopressin, serotonin, dopamine, γ-aminobutyric acid, and glutamate neural systems in the anterior hypothalamic brain region.  相似文献   

A steroid hormone responsive element (GRE/PRE), sufficient to confer glucocorticoid and progesterone inducibility when linked to a reporter gene, was used in band-shift assays to examine its molecular interactions with steroid hormone receptors. Both progesterone and glucocorticoid receptors bound directly and specifically to the GRE/PRE. The purine contact sites for both form A and form B chicken progesterone receptor, as well as those for rat glucocorticoid receptor, are identical. A peptide fragment produced in bacteria that primarily contain the DNA binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor binds first to the TGTTCT half-site of the GRE/PRE, and a second molecule binds subsequently to the TGTACA (half-site) of the GRE/PRE in a cooperative manner. Utilizing the peptide fragment and the protein A-linked fragment, we demonstrated that the receptor interacts with its cognate enhancer as a dimer.  相似文献   

Following induction of acute neuroinflammation by intracisternal injection of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) in rats, quantitative autoradiography was used to assess the regional level of microglial activation and glutamate (NMDA) receptor binding. The possible protective action of the antioxidant phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone in this model was tested by administering the drug in the drinking water for 6 days starting 24 hafter endotoxin injection. Animals were killed 7 days post-injection and consecutive cryostat brain sections labeled with [3H]PK11195 as a marker of activated microglia and [125I]iodoMK801 as a marker of the open-channel, activated state of NMDA receptors. Lipopolysaccharide increased [3H]PK11195 binding in the brain, with the largest increases (two- to threefold) in temporal and entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, and substantia innominata. A significant (> 50%) decrease in [125I]iodoMK801 binding was found in the same brain regions. Phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone treatment resulted in a partial inhibition (approx. 25% decrease) of the lipopolysaccharide-induced increase in [3H]PK11195 binding but completely reversed the lipopolysaccharide-induced decrease in [125I]iodoMK80 binding in the entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, and substantia innominata. Loss of NMDA receptor function in cortical and hippocampal regions may contribute to the cognitive deficits observed in diseases with a neuroinflammatory component, such as meningitis or Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Humans self-administer anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) at superphysiological doses for the purpose of building muscle mass and enhancing physique whereas considerably lower doses of AAS are prescribed in the clinic to treat a variety of disorders. A number of studies have demonstrated that individual AAS influence aggressive behavior in rats and mice, but few studies have examined the aggression-enhancing effects of combinations of AAS. Using the resident-intruder paradigm, Experiment 1 determined whether a cocktail of commonly abused AAS increased aggressive behavior in gonadally-intact male C57BL/6J mice and examined whether the androgen receptor (AR) was involved. Mice given either AAS cocktail or the cocktail and the AR antagonist, flutamide, for 6 weeks were subject to three weekly tests in which the percentage of mice that fought, the latency to initiate an aggressive event and the number of aggressive events per 5-min-fight session were recorded. In C57BL/6J mice, 6 weeks of AAS administration increased the likelihood of fighting, however, within the subset of mice that engaged in aggression, AAS did not specifically modulate the latency to fight or the number of aggressive events per fight. In addition, co-administration of flutamide only slightly altered the likelihood that mice given AAS will initiate a fight. Experiment 2 examined the aggression-promoting effects of AAS in gonadally-intact adult testicular feminization mutant (Tfm) mice, which are deficient in functional ARs. Overall, fewer Tfm mice compared to C57BL/6J mice fought in both drug conditions (vehicle or AAS). Taken together, these data suggest that given the presence of AR during development, AAS enhance adult male aggression in C57BL/6J mice through AR-independent and AR-dependent pathways. In contrast, in adult Tfm mice, the likelihood of AAS-enhanced aggression in adulthood is significantly reduced.  相似文献   

The role of neuroactive steroids and GABA(A) receptors in the generation of spontaneous spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) was investigated in the WAG/Rij rat model of absence epilepsy. The plasma, cerebrocortical, and thalamic concentrations of the progesterone metabolite 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one (3alpha,5alpha-TH PROG) were increased in the WAG/Rij rat at 2 months of age compared with those in control (Wistar) rats. In contrast, the brain and peripheral levels of 3alpha,5alpha-tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (3alpha,5alpha-TH DOC) did not differ between the two rat strains at this age. At 6 months of age, when absence epilepsy worsens in WAG/Rij rats, the plasma concentration of 3alpha,5alpha-TH PROG remained high whereas that of 3alpha,5alpha-TH DOC had increased, the cerebrocortical levels of both 3alpha,5alpha-TH PROG and 3alpha,5alpha-TH DOC had increased, and the thalamic concentrations of these metabolites had decreased. At 6 months of age the expression of the alpha(4) and delta subunits of the GABA(A) receptor in relay nuclei was increased. Finally, chronic stress induced by social isolation elicited a reduction in the amount of 3alpha,5alpha-TH PROG in the thalamus of 2-month-old WAG/Rij rats that was associated with a reduction in the number and overall duration of SWDs at 6 months of age. Absence epilepsy in the WAG/Rij rat is thus associated with changes in the abundance of neuroactive steroids and in the expression of specific GABA(A) receptor subunits in the thalamus, a brain area key to the pathophysiology of this condition.  相似文献   

Surveillance of illegal use of steroids hormones in cattle breeding is a key issue to preserve human health. To this purpose, an integrated approach has been developed for the analysis of plasma and urine from calves treated orally with a single dose of a combination of the androgenic steroids boldenone and boldione. A quantitative estimation of steroid hormones was obtained by LC-APCI-Q-MS/MS analysis of plasma and urine samples obtained at various times up to 36 and 24 h after treatment, respectively. These experiments demonstrated that boldione was never found, while boldenone alpha- and beta-epimers were detected in plasma and urine only within 2 and 24 h after drug administration, respectively. Parallel proteomic analysis of plasma samples was obtained by combined 2-DE, MALDI-TOF-MS and muLC-ESI-IT-MS/MS procedures. A specific protein, poorly represented in normal plasma samples collected before treatment, was found upregulated even 36 h after hormone treatment. Extensive mass mapping experiments proved this component as an N-terminal truncated form of apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), a protein involved in cholesterol transport. The expression profile of ApoA1 analysed by Western blot analysis confirmed a significant and time dependent increase of this ApoA1 fragment. Then, provided that further experiments performed with a growth-promoting schedule will confirm these preliminary findings, truncated ApoA1 may be proposed as a candidate biomarker for steroid boldenone and possibly other anabolic androgens misuse in cattle veal calves, when no traces of hormones are detectable in plasma or urine.  相似文献   

The effects of PK11195, a high-affinity peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) ligand, on protein phosphorylation in isolated purified rat brain mitochondria were investigated. The isoquinoline carboxamide ligand of PBR, PK11195, but not the benzodiazepine ligand Ro5-4864, in the nanomolar concentration range strongly increased the phosphorylation of 3.5 and 17 kDa polypeptides. The effect of PK11195 was seen in the presence of elevated Ca(2+) levels (3 x 10(-7) to 10(-6) m), but not at very low Ca(2+) levels (10(-8) to 3 x 10(-8) m). This indicates that PBR involves Ca(2+) as a second messenger in the regulation of protein phosphorylation. Staurosporine, an inhibitor of protein kinase activity was able to suppress the PK11195-promoted protein phosphorylation. When the permeability transition pore (PTP) was opened by threshold Ca(2+) load, phosphorylation of the 3.5-kDa polypeptide was diminished, but strong phosphorylation of the 43-kDa protein was revealed. The 43-kDa protein appears to be a PTP-specific phosphoprotein. If PTP was opened, PK11195 did not increase the phosphorylation of the 3.5 and 17-kDa proteins but suppressed the phosphorylation of the PTP-specific 43-kDa phosphoprotein. The ability of PK11195 to increase the protein phosphorylation, which was lost under Ca(2+)-induced PTP opening, was restored again in the presence of calmidazolium, an antagonist of calmodulin and inhibitor of protein phosphatase PP2B. These results show a tight interaction of PBR with the PTP complex in rat brain mitochondria. In conclusion, a novel function of PBR in brain mitochondria has been revealed, and the PBR-mediated protein phosphorylation has to be considered an important element of the PBR-associated signal transducing cascades in mitochondria and cells.  相似文献   

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