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S Gloor  K Odink  J Guenther  H Nick  D Monard 《Cell》1986,47(5):687-693
A glia-derived neurite promoting factor (GdNPF) has serine protease inhibitory activity and in addition regulates the migration of neuronal cells. cDNA cloning of GdNPF is necessary for studying the physiological relevance and the mode of action of this protein and similar cell-derived protease inhibitors. Xenopus oocytes injected with rat glioma cells mRNA release this inhibitor. A rat cDNA clone coding for the previously purified glia-derived neurite promoting factor (GdNPF) was isolated upon hybridization-selected translation, followed by immunoprecipitation. The correct identity of this cDNA is proven by the presence of a sequence coding for a tryptic fragment from pure GdNPF. Northern analysis indicates that GdNPF mRNA is found almost exclusively in brain tissue and could be developmentally regulated. The same cDNA clone has been used to isolate full-length rat and human GdNPF cDNA. The deduced human GdNPF amino acid sequence indicates that the protein is a member of a family of cell-derived protease inhibitors named protease nexins.  相似文献   

Male accessory glands of Drosophila funebris synthesize and secrete a peptide that shows a protease-inhibiting activity. Amino acid sequencing of the purified peptide revealed that the peptide consists of 63 amino acid residues. It is a serine protease inhibitor belonging to the pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) family. The inhibitory function and the kinetic characteristics of the inhibition have been examined with various substrates. The peptide possibly plays a role as an acrosin inhibitor involved in Drosophila reproduction.  相似文献   

A monoclonal IgG4 (lambda) with inhibitory activity to human coagulation factor V was isolated from the serum of a patient with a fatal hemorrhagic diathesis by using a combination of DE-52 ion exchange chromatography and isoelectric focusing techniques. Using the criteria for defining a monoclonal immunoglobulin of restricted mobility on protein electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing, as well as neutralization with class, subclass, and light chain type antisera, we are the first to demonstrate a factor V inhibitor as a monoclonal IgG4 (lambda) detectable in serum or plasma.  相似文献   

Interaction of vitronectin with glia-derived nexin (GDN), thrombin, and the complex GDN-thrombin was demonstrated in direct binding assays that indicated the formation of binary and ternary complexes. The concentration of vitronectin necessary to obtain 50% saturation of the immobilized GDN-thrombin complex binding sites (EC50) was about 1 nM. Under similar experimental conditions, the EC50 of vitronectin for the immobilized antithrombin-III-thrombin complex was about fivefold higher. A tight complex was also formed between vitronectin and immobilized GDN (EC50 approximately 1.5 nM) but when vitronectin was immobilized, GDN displayed a reduced affinity for vitronectin (EC50 approximately 10 nM). These results suggest differences between the immobilized and free conformations of GDN and/or vitronectin. In contrast, vitronectin displayed negligible affinity for antithrombin III. Biotinylated GDN was used to characterize further the binding of GDN or the GDN-thrombin complex to vitronectin. The interaction of the biotinylated GDN-thrombin complex with immobilized vitronectin (EC50 approximately 2 nM) was completely blocked by nonbiotinylated complexes of thrombin with either GDN or antithrombin III, whereas free GDN, free thrombin and the GDN-trypsin complex were only weak competitors. Active-site-blocked urokinase and the complex GDN-urokinase also strongly competed for binding of the biotinylated GDN-thrombin complex to vitronectin. Binding of biotinylated GDN to immobilized vitronectin was specific, saturable and was competed with decreasing efficiency by the GDN-thrombin complex, free GDN and free antithrombin III. These interactions between the adhesive component vitronectin and the serine protease inhibitor GDN may relate to localized control of thrombin and/or urokinase action at certain extravascular sites. These results are discussed in terms of binding sites for vitronectin on GDN, thrombin, and the GDN-thrombin complex.  相似文献   

The interaction of heparin with glia-derived nexin (GDN) has been characterized and compared to that observed between heparin and antithrombin III (ATIII). Heparin was fractionated according to its affinity for immobilized GDN, and the ability of various fractions to accelerate the inhibition rate of thrombin by either GDN or ATIII was examined. Fractions with different affinities for GDN accelerated the thrombin-GDN reaction to a similar extent; heparin with a high affinity for immobilized GDN stimulated the reaction only about 30% more than the fraction that did not bind to immobilized GDN. Slightly greater differences were observed for the effect of these fractions on the thrombin-ATIII reaction; heparin that did not bind to the GDN affinity column was about 60% more effective than heparin with a high affinity for GDN in accelerating the inhibition of thrombin by ATIII. The CNBr fragment of GDN between residues 63 and 144 was able to reduce the heparin-accelerated rate of inhibition of thrombin by GDN indicating that this region of GDN was able to bind the heparin molecules responsible for the acceleration. Shorter synthetic peptides within this sequence did not significantly reduce the rate, suggesting that the heparin-binding activity of fragment 63-144 depends on a specific conformation of the polypeptide chain. Fragment 63-144 was less effective in decreasing the heparin-accelerated rate of inhibition of thrombin by ATIII. The results are discussed in terms of the heparin species that are responsible for the acceleration of the GDN- and ATIII-thrombin reactions and the heparin-binding sites of GDN and ATIII.  相似文献   

During embryonic development, spinal motor neurons require muscle-derived trophic factors for their survival and growth. We have recently isolated a protein from muscle that is not laminin but that still stimulates neurite outgrowth from embryonic neurons in culture. In the present study, we investigated whether this protein, which we refer to as muscle-derived neurite-promoting factor (NPF), could also promote the survival and growth of motor neurons in culture. Spinal motor neurons were isolated from 6-day-old chicken embryos by a metrizamide step-gradient centrifugation protocol. Most large cells (putative motor neurons) were found in the upper metrizamide fraction (0%-6.8% interface; fraction I). Motor neurons were identified by increased specific activity of choline acetyltransferase (CAT) and by their propensity to transport retrogradely either wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase or the fluorescent dye, 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine per chlorate (diI), when those substances were injected into the target field. Labeled motor neurons were 2.6-fold enriched in fraction I and the specific CAT activity was 4.4-fold increased in fraction I as compared to unfractionated cells. When motor neurons were grown on muscle-derived NPF, the protein supported the survival of at least 21% of the neurons for as long as 6 days in culture. The protein showed no significant effect on either CAT specific activity or on high-affinity choline uptake by neurons. There was a substantial increase from 21% to 38% of the survival of motor neurons when a combination of muscle-derived NPF and laminin was used as the substrate. Muscle-derived NPF also promoted the survival of sensory neurons and sympathetic neurons in culture. Our results demonstrate that a neurite-promoting protein derived from muscle promotes both the survival and the outgrowth of neurites from cultured spinal motor neurons as well as from sensory and sympathetic neurons.  相似文献   

An alkaline protease inhibitor (API) from a Streptomyces sp. NCIM 5127 was shown to possess antifungal activity against several phytopathogenic fungi besides its antiproteolytic (anti-feedent) activity [J. V. Vernekar et al. (1999) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 262, 702-707]. Based on the correlation between antiproteolytic and antifungal activities in several tests such as copurification, heat inactivation, chemical modification, and its binding interaction with the fungal protease, we demonstrate, for the first time, that the dual function of API is a consequence of its ability to inhibit the essential alkaline protease. The parallel enrichment of both the functions during purification together with the heat inactivation of API leading to the concomitant loss of the two activities suggested their presence on a single molecule. Chemical modification of API with NBS resulted in the complete loss of antiproteolytic and antifungal activities, with no gross change in conformation implying the involvement of a Trp residue in the active site of the inhibitor and the presence of a single active site for the two activities. Treatment of API with DTT abolished both the activities although the native structure of API remained virtually unaffected, indicating the catalytic role of the disulfide bonds. Inactivation of API either by active site modification or by conformational changes leads to the concurrent loss of both the antiproteolytic and antifungal activities. Experimental evidences presented here serve to implicate that the antifungal activity of API is a consequence of its protease inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Hen egg white ovomacroglobulin has a protease inhibitory activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hen egg white ovomacroglobulin purified by Miller and Feeney without reference to its activity was shown to have a protease inhibitory activity towards trypsin, papain, and thermolysin. It has four subunits of equal molecular weight (175,000 by SDS-PAGE) and each two of which are disulfide bonded. Upon incubation with trypsin it yields a fragment of Mr = 80,000 plus smaller ones. The subunit composition, amino acid composition and a newly found protease inhibitory activity place ovomacroglobulin as a closely related protein to human serum alpha 2-macroglobulin.  相似文献   

Several series of chemically different inhibitors of the HIV-1 aspartyl protease have been described. Nevertheless despite the high in vitro potency showed, in most cases these inhibitors are unable to inhibit viral replication in infected cells. Penetration of the inhibitors across the cell membrane might account for their low antiviral activity. The relationship between inhibitory potency, antiviral activity and chemical structures of a series of oligopeptides containing statine or statine derivatives are presented here.  相似文献   

Using a lipopolysaccharide affinity column and ion exchange chromatography, a 12-kDa protein has been purified from Limulus amebocytes. In solid phase binding assays, the radiolabeled protein binds specifically to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with a Kd value on the order of 10(-7) M. A cDNA coding for this protein has been isolated and sequenced. The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA indicates that this protein shares no sequence homology with LPS-binding proteins isolated from different species of vertebrates (Schumann, R. R., Leong, S. R., Flaggs, G. W., Gray, P. W., Wright, S. D., Mathison, J. C., Tobias, P. S., and Ulevitch, R. J. (1990) Science 249, 1429-1431) and invertebrates (Aketagawa, J., Miyata, T., Ohtsubo, S., Nakamura, T., Morita, T., Hayashida, H., Miyata, T., Iwanaga, S., Takao, T., and Shimonishi, Y. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7357-7365). The binding to LPS can be displaced by the unlabeled 12-kDa protein, polymyxin B, lipid A, and to a lesser extent by D-glucosamine. In whole cell binding assays, the 12-kDa protein has also been shown to bind to Escherichia coli. Using both [14C]casein and a synthetic substrate, the protein has been shown to inhibit the proteolytic activity of trypsin, with an IC50 of approximately 10(-7) M. In the presence of LPS, the antitryptic acitivity of the Limulus endotoxin-binding protein-protease inhibitor remains unaffected. The protein is a major component of the cytoplasmic proteins (1%). Immunocytochemical analysis reveals that this protein exists in the secretory granules of the amebocytes where enzymes and substrates for the clotting cascade reside. Based on the unusual dual functional properties, the newly isolated protein was named a "Limulus endotoxin-binding protein-protease inhibitor" (LEBP-PI).  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor is a ubiquitous multifunctional cytokine having diverse immunological and neuroendocrine properties. Although this protein is known to be released into the circulation from the secretory granules of anterior pituitary or directly from immune cells as a consequence of stress, its participation in heat stress-induced aggregation of proteins has not yet been reported. We provide here the first evidence that the macrophage migration inhibitory factor possesses chaperone-like properties. It was shown to exist in the form of a mixture of low and high molecular weight oligomers. At heat stress temperatures the large oligomers dissociate into monomers that bind and stabilize thermally denatured malate dehydrogenase and glycogen phosphorylase b and thus prevent aggregation of the model proteins. Similar chaperone-like effects were also observed in the presence of partially purified brain extract containing besides the macrophage migration inhibitory factor a number of ubiquitous hydrophobic low molecular weight proteins identified by N-terminal microsequence analysis. Being highly stable and hydrophobic, the macrophage migration inhibitory factor in combination with other proteins of similar properties may comprise a family of constitutively expressed "small chaperones" that counteract the early onset of stress, around physiological conditions, when heat shock proteins are not abundant.  相似文献   

During the purification of laminin-proteoglycan complexes from rat RN22 Schwannoma cell-conditioned medium, a laminin-rich fraction was obtained which lacked neurite-promoting activity. Since laminin from several sources is known to have potent neurite-promoting activity, this result suggested that either this laminin was inactive or its activity was somehow masked by associated molecule(s). The latter possibility was supported by the demonstration that the inactive laminin-containing fraction inhibited active laminin-containing fractions. This inhibitory activity was partially purified by using ion exchange chromatography and isopycnic centrifugation. The purified material contained proteoglycan based on its high affinity for cationic resin, high buoyant density, large heterodisperse appearance on electrophoretic gels, ability to label with inorganic sulfate, sensitivity to trypsin and glycosaminoglycan lyases, and heat stability. A quantitative in vitro bioassay was used to monitor the inhibitor after treatments aimed at defining its activity. The isolated Schwannoma-derived inhibitor (a) inhibits the neurite-promoting activity of purified rat, mouse, and human laminin; (b) is active whether presented to laminin in solution or after either the inhibitor or laminin is first bound to the culture substratum; (c) does not act by displacing laminin from the substratum; (d) can be prevented from binding to neurite-promoting laminin substrates by polyclonal and monoclonal anti-laminin or polyclonal anti-entactin antibodies; and (e) is abolished by proteases or glycosaminoglycan lyases but not by heat. The above results suggest that the neurite-promoting activity of laminin is subject to regulation through association with a proteoglycan and entactin.  相似文献   

Glia-derived nexin (GDN) is a 43-kDa serine protease inhibitor with neurite promoting activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells (Guenther et al., 1985). In chick sympathetic neurons, GDN but not hirudin and synthetic peptide inhibitors promoted neurite outgrowth (Zurn et al., 1988). Thus, it was considered that the protease inhibitory activity cannot account for the total biological activity of GDN. We show here that synthetic peptide inhibitors with thrombin specificity mimic GDN at similar concentrations in neuroblastoma cells. Limited proteolysis of GDN with elastase causes a cleavage between sites P1 and P2, corresponding to residues Ala-344-Arg-345 of the molecule. The resulting fragments still copurify on heparin-Sepharose, but the protease inhibitor activity of GDN and the GDN neurite promoting activity are lost. The results confirm the necessity of an intact reactive site for the biological activity of GDN.  相似文献   

Maspin is a member of the serpin family of protease inhibitors and is a tumor suppressor gene acting at the level of tumor invasion and metastasis. This in vivo activity correlates with the ability of maspin to inhibit cell migration in vitro. This behavior suggests that maspin inhibits matrix-degrading proteases, such as those of the plasminogen activation system, in a similar manner to the serpin PAI-1. However, there is controversy concerning the protease inhibitory activity of maspin. It is devoid of activity against a wide range of proteases, in common with other non-inhibitory serpins, but has recently been reported to inhibit plasminogen activators associated with cells and other biological surfaces (Sheng, S. J., Truong, B., Fredrickson, D., Wu, R. L., Pardee, A. B., and Sager, R. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 499-504; McGowen, R., Biliran, H., Jr., Sager, R., and Sheng, S. (2000) Cancer Res. 60, 4771-4778). We have compared the effects of maspin with those of PAI-1 in a range of situations in which plasminogen activation is potentiated, reflecting the biological context of this proteolytic system: urokinase-type plasminogen activator bound to its receptor on the surface of tumor cells, tissue-type plasminogen activator specifically bound to vascular smooth muscle cells, fibrin, and the prion protein. Maspin was found to have no inhibitory effect in any of these situations, in contrast to the efficient inhibition observed with PAI-1, but nevertheless maspin inhibited the migration of both tumor and vascular smooth muscle cells. We conclude that maspin is a non-inhibitory serpin and that protease inhibition does not account for its activity as a tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

A new method for protease activity measurement.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A new method for protease activity measurement is described. In the presence of excess leucine aminopeptidase from Aspergillus japonica, action of protease on succinyl-casein results in the production of l-amino acids and their amino acids are simultaneously determined by l-amino acid oxidase-peroxidase system. Our proposed method is less time consuming and has a much higher sensitivity than the casein-Folin method. The present method is suggested to be suitable for the assay of neutral or alkaline proteases from animals and microorganisms.  相似文献   

A full-length clone encoding the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) serpin WSZ1 was isolated from a cDNA library based on mRNA from immature grain. The 398 amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA was corroborated by sequencing CNBr peptides of WSZ1 purified from resting grain. WSZ1 belongs to the subfamily of protein Z-type serpins and the amino acid sequence is 70% identical with the barley serpins BSZ4 and BSZx and 27–33% identical with human serpins such as 1-proteinase inhibitor, antithrombin III, and plasminogen activator inhibitor. The cDNA was subcloned in the pET3d expression vector, equipped with a histidine affinity tag at the N-terminus and expressed in Escherichia coli BL(21) DE3 pLysS. Recombinant WSZ1 from the soluble fraction was partially purified on Ni-NTA agarose and MonoQ columns and shown to form SDS-stable complexes with -chymotrypsin. Southern blots and amino acid sequencing indicated that only few serpins are encoded by wheat, but at least three distinct genes are expressed in the grain. Cleavage experiments on a chymotrypsin column suggested a Gln-Gln reactive site bond not previously observed in inhibitory serpins.  相似文献   

Kukoamine A (KukA) is a spermine (SPM) conjugate with dihydrocaffeic acid (DHCA), with interesting biological activities. The four possible regioisomers of KukA, as well as a series of KukA analogs incorporating changes in either the SPM or the DHCA structural units, were evaluated for their antioxidant activity and their inhibitory activity on soybean lipoxygenase (LOX) and lipid peroxidation. The reducing properties of the compounds were evaluated using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay and found to be in the range 5–97.5%. KukA significantly inhibits LOX with IC50 9.5?μM. All tested analogs inhibited lipid peroxidation in the range of 11–100%. The most potent compounds KukA and its analog 3, in which the DHCA units had been replaced by O,O9-dimethylcaffeic acid units, were studied for their anti-inflammatory activity in vivo on rat paw edema induced by carrageenan and found to be of comparable activity to indomethacin. The results of the biological tests are discussed in terms of structural characteristics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) is thought to mediate both protective and detrimental manifestations of the inflammatory response. Recently, thalidomide (alpha-N-phthalimidoglutarimide) was shown to partially inhibit monocyte TNF alpha production (by 50-70%) both in vivo and in vitro. More efficient inhibition of TNF alpha may, however, be necessary to rescue the host from more acute and extensive toxicities of TNF alpha-mediated inflammation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three structural analogues of thalidomide were selected for study based on increased activity against TNF alpha production. The parent drug and the analogs were tested in vitro in human peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures for their effects on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced cytokine protein and mRNA production using ELISAs and Northern blot hybridization. The in vitro effects of the drugs were then confirmed in vivo in a mouse model of LPS induced lethality. RESULTS: The new compounds (two esters and one amide) showed increased inhibition of TNF alpha production by LPS-stimulated human monocytes, relative to the parent drug thalidomide. The analogs and the parent drug enhanced the production of interleukin 10 (IL-10), but had little effect on IL-6 and IL-1 beta protein and mRNA production. When tested in vivo, the amide analog protected 80% of LPS-treated mice against death from endotoxin induced shock. CONCLUSIONS: Analogs of thalidomide designed to better inhibit TNF alpha production in vitro have correspondingly greater efficacy in vivo. These finding may have therapeutic implication for the treatment of human diseases characterized by acute and extensive TNF alpha production such as tuberculous meningitis or toxic shock.  相似文献   

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