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This study aimed to analyze individual cortisol levels in relation to work conditions, sleep, and health parameters among truck drivers working day shifts (n?=?21) compared to those working irregular shifts (n?=?21). A total of 42 male truck drivers (39.8?±?6.2 yrs) completed questionnaires about sociodemographics, job content, work environment, health, and lifestyle. Rest-activity profiles were measured using actigraphy, and cardiovascular blood parameters were collected. Salivary cortisol samples were obtained: (i) at waking time, (ii) 30?min after waking, and (iii) at bedtime, during both one workday and one day off from work. Irregular-shift workers, compared to day-shift workers, showed significantly higher waist-hip ratio, very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol, tiredness after work, years working as a driver, truck vibration, and less job demand (p?<?.05). High cortisol levels in irregular-shift workers were correlated with certain stressors, such as short sleep duration and low job satisfaction, and to metabolic parameters, such as total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), VLDL, and triglycerides. Day-shift workers had higher cortisol levels collected 30?min after waking (p?=?.03) and a higher cortisol awakening response (CAR; p?=?.02) during workdays compared to off days. Irregular-shift workers had higher cortisol levels on their off days compared to day-shift workers (p?=?.03). In conclusion, for the day-shift workers, a higher cortisol response was observed on workdays compared to off days. Although no direct comparisons could be made between groups for work days, on off days the irregular-shift workers had higher cortisol levels compared to day-shift workers, suggesting a prolonged stress response in the irregular-shift group. In addition, cortisol levels were correlated with stressors and metabolic parameters. Future studies are warranted to investigate further stress responses in the context of irregular work hours. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Humans modify their environments in ways that significantly transform the earth's ecosystems. 1 - 3 Recent research suggests that such niche‐constructing behaviors are not passive human responses to environmental variation, but instead should be seen as active and intentional management of the environment. 4 - 10 Although such research is useful in highlighting the interactive dynamics between humans and their natural world, the niche‐construction framework, as currently applied, fails to explain why people would decide to modify their environments in the first place. 11 - 13 To help resolve this problem, we use a model of technological intensification 14 , 15 to analyze the cost‐benefit trade‐offs associated with niche construction as a form of patch investment. We use this model to assess the costs and benefits of three paradigmatic cases of intentional niche construction in Western North America: the application of fire in acorn groves, the manufacture of fishing weirs, and the adoption of maize agriculture. Intensification models predict that investing in patch modification (niche construction) only provides a net benefit when the amount of resources needed crosses a critical threshold that makes the initial investment worthwhile. From this, it follows that low‐cost investments, such as burning in oak groves, should be quite common, while more costly investments, such as maize agriculture, should be less common and depend on the alternatives available in the local environment. We examine how patterns of mobility, 16 risk management, 17 territoriality, 12 and private property 18 also co‐evolve with the costs and benefits of niche construction. This approach illustrates that explaining niche‐constructing behavior requires understanding the economic trade‐offs involved in patch investment. Integrating concepts from niche construction and technological intensification models within a behavioral ecological framework provides insights into the coevolution and active feedback between adaptive behaviors and environmental change across human history.  相似文献   

Many ecosystems exhibit threshold behaviour, where periods of relative stability are punctuated by rapid transitions between alternate stable states when an ecological threshold, or tipping point, is reached. This is of concern in grass-dominated habitats, many of which appear to be on the point of conversion to more wooded vegetation assemblages. However, changes in grass-dominated ecosystems are often difficult to interpret, because it is not always clear whether grasslands are ancient or are anthropogenically derived from past deforestation. As a result, the conservation, maintenance and restoration of ancient grasslands are sometimes neglected.In this study, the history of vegetation change in the savannas of the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, are investigated by analysing stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) from soil profiles. Without exception, the data show that C3 dominated thicket, forest, and densely wooded savanna now occur on sites that were previously C4 grassland or open savanna. Although the drivers of this change are not clear, there is potential for management intervention because tree density can be manipulated through fire, a natural part of this dynamic landscape. The study identified two sites which are at a threshold between C4 and C3 dominance, and highlighted them as priorities for conservation management intervention.  相似文献   

For the general replicator dynamics with regular relative advantage functions (having non-singular Jacobian and symmetrized Jacobian), it will be shown that the variance of marginal fitness of the replicators strictly decreases along each trajectory of the replicator dynamics near an interior rest point if and only if this rest point is a regular evolutionarily stable state.  相似文献   

Speciation, despite ongoing gene flow can be studied directly in nature in ring species that comprise two reproductively isolated populations connected by a chain or ring of intergrading populations. We applied three tiers of spatio-temporal analysis (phylogeny/historical biogeography, phylogeography and landscape/population genetics) to the data from mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of eastern Australian parrots of the Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans complex to understand the history and present genetic structure of the ring they have long been considered to form. A ring speciation hypothesis does not explain the patterns we have observed in our data (e.g. multiple genetic discontinuities, discordance in genotypic and phenotypic assignments where terminal differentiates meet). However, we cannot reject that a continuous circular distribution has been involved in the group's history or indeed that one was formed through secondary contact at the 'ring's' east and west; however, we reject a simple ring-species hypothesis as traditionally applied, with secondary contact only at its east. We discuss alternative models involving historical allopatry of populations. We suggest that population expansion shown by population genetics parameters in one of these isolates was accompanied by geographical range expansion, secondary contact and hybridization on the eastern and western sides of the ring. Pleistocene landscape and sea-level and habitat changes then established the birds' current distributions and range disjunctions. Populations now show idiosyncratic patterns of selection and drift. We suggest that selection and drift now drive evolution in different populations within what has been considered the ring.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Plant litter quality and water availability both control decomposition. The interaction of both parameters was never studied. We used a grassland site, where litter of contrasting quality, i.e. green litter (fresh leaves; high quality) and brown litter (dead leaves, which underwent senescence but which are still attached to the plant; low quality), is returned to soil. Green and brown litter were exposed in the field under regular weather and drought conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of drought on the decomposition of both litter types.


We incubated green and brown litter of three different grassland species (Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea and Dactylis glomerata) alone or as litter mixture (1/3 of each of the three grassland species) in litterbags for 28?weeks. Drought conditions were simulated by rainfall exclusion. After incubation, litter residues were analysed for C and nitrogen (N) content and stable isotope composition. Additionally, we determined the response of the lignin and carbohydrate signatures to the contrasting conditions.


C decomposition kinetics of green and brown litter under drought conditions could be explained by two pools of contrasting turnover times. Drought decreased leaf litter C and N decomposition by more than 50% compared to regular weather conditions, mainly by strongly decreasing the decomposition rate constants. The lowest C decomposition occurred for mixtures of litter from all three grassland species. Brown litter showed on average 15% higher reduction in carbon decomposition than green litter following drought. Lignin content remained similar for green and brown litter after drought and regular weather conditions, while sugar content remained similar in green litter and decreased by 18% for brown litter under drought conditions.


Our results showed different response of decomposition of litter with contrasting quality to drought. Low quality brown litter is likely to be more affected than high quality green litter. Thus, litter quality must be taken into account, when assessing the effect of drought on decomposition.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have attempted to support the hypothesis that grazing can have positive effects on plant growth and fitness. However, a recent critical survey has shown that many of these studies suffer from poor experimental design, and consequently that the hypothesis may only be tenable under very particular circumstances.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary interactions between species are thought to be an important cause of evolutionary diversification. Despite this general belief, little theoretical basis exists for distinguishing between the types of interactions that promote diversification and those types that have no effect or that even restrict it. Using analytical models and simulations of phenotypic evolution across a metapopulation, we show that coevolutionary interactions promote diversification when they impose a cost of phenotype matching, as is the case for competition or host-parasite antagonism. In contrast, classical coevolutionary arms races have no tendency to promote or inhibit diversification, and mutualistic interactions actually restrict diversification. Together with the results of recent phylogenetic and ecological studies, these results suggest that the causes of diversification in many coevolutionary systems may require reassessment.  相似文献   

Measurement of stress hormone metabolites in fecal samples has become a common method to assess physiological stress in wildlife populations. Glucocorticoid metabolite (GCM) measurements can be collected noninvasively, and studies relating this stress metric to anthropogenic disturbance are increasing. However, environmental characteristics (e.g., temperature) can alter measured GCM concentration when fecal samples cannot be collected immediately after defecation. This effect can confound efforts to separate environmental factors causing predeposition physiological stress in an individual from those acting on a fecal sample postdeposition. We used fecal samples from American pikas (Ochotona princeps) to examine the influence of environmental conditions on GCM concentration by (1) comparing GCM concentration measured in freshly collected control samples to those placed in natural habitats for timed exposure, and (2) relating GCM concentration in samples collected noninvasively throughout the western United States to local environmental characteristics measured before and after deposition. Our timed‐exposure trials clarified the spatial scale at which exposure to environmental factors postdeposition influences GCM concentration in pika feces. Also, fecal samples collected from occupied pika habitats throughout the species' range revealed significant relationships between GCM and metrics of climate during the postdeposition period (maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation during the month of sample collection). Conversely, we found no such relationships between GCM and metrics of climate during the predeposition period (prior to the month of sample collection). Together, these results indicate that noninvasive measurement of physiological stress in pikas across the western US may be confounded by climatic conditions in the postdeposition environment when samples cannot be collected immediately after defecation. Our results reiterate the importance of considering postdeposition environmental influences on this stress metric, especially in multiregional comparisons. However, measurements of fecal GCM concentration should prove useful for population monitoring within an eco‐region or when postdeposition exposure can be minimized.  相似文献   

Parchment, a biologically based material obtained from the processed hides of animals such as cattle and sheep, has been used for millennia as a writing medium. Although numerous studies have concentrated on the structure and degradation of collagen within parchment, little attention has been paid to noncollagenous components, such as lipids. In this study, we present the results of biochemical and structural analyses of historical and newly manufactured parchment to examine the potential role that lipid plays in parchment stability. The lipid fraction extracted from the parchments displayed different fatty acid compositions between historical and reference materials. Gas chromatography, small-angle X-ray scattering, and solid-state NMR were used to identify and investigate the lipid fraction from parchment samples and to study its contribution to collagen structure and degradation. We hypothesize that the origin of this lipid fraction is either intrinsic, attributable to incomplete fat removal in the manufacturing process, or extrinsic, attributable to microbiological attack on the proteinaceous component of parchments. Furthermore, we consider that the possible formation of protein-lipid complexes in parchment over the course of oxidative degradation may be mediated by reactive oxygen species formed by lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

When does dead wood turn into a substrate for spruce replacement?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Question: How many years must elapse for freshly fallen Picea abies stems to be transformed into a substrate for P. abies recruitment? Location: Natural sub‐alpine spruce forest, 1200–1300 m a.s.l., western Carpathians, Poland. Methods: Coarse woody debris (CWD) was measured on nine plots with a total area of 4.3 ha. All individuals of P. abies regeneration growing on dead wood were counted and their age was estimated. Decay rate of logs was determined using dendrochronological cross‐dating of samples from logs in different decay stages. Results: Although CWD covered only 4% of the forest floor, 43% of the saplings were growing on decaying logs and stumps. The highest abundance of P. abies recruitment occurs on logs 30–60 years after tree death, when wood is in decay stages no. 4–7 (on an 8 degree decay scale). However, much earlier colonization is possible. The first seedlings may germinate on a log during the second decade after tree death and survive for decades. Their slow growth is possibly due to the gradual progressive decomposition of wood. Conclusions: This study confirms the importance of decaying wood for P. abies recruitment. The decaying logs exhibit continuous and favourable conditions for the germination of P. abies seeds throughout their decay process. Logs, irrespective of their decay stage and age, are colonized by young seedlings. This recruitment bank is constantly renewed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a set of simplified dynamical models with which to explore the conditions under which division of labor leads to optimized system output, as measured by the rate of production of a given product. We consider two models: in the first model, we consider the flow of some resource into a compartment, and the conversion of this resource into some product. In the second model, we consider the growth of autoreplicating systems. In this case, we divide the replication and metabolic tasks among different agents. The general features that emerge from our models is that division of labor is favored when the resource to agent ratio is at intermediate values, and when the time cost associated with transporting intermediate products is small compared to characteristic process times. The results of our model are consistent with the behavior of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discodeum, which switches from a single-celled to a multi-celled state when resources become limited. We also argue that division of labor in the context of our replication model suggests an evolutionary basis for the emergence of the stem-cell-based tissue architecture in complex organisms. Finally, the results of this paper may be useful for understanding how, in an economic context, firm productivity is maximized at intermediate firm sizes.  相似文献   



Kounis syndrome (KS) has been described as the coincidental occurrence of acute coronary syndromes during an allergic reaction with cardiac anaphylaxis. It is caused by inflammatory mediators released after exposure to drugs, food, environmental and other triggers. Oxidative stress occurring in various inflammatory disorders causes molecular damage with the production of advanced oxidation products (AOPPs) and advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

Case presentation

Markers of oxidative stress were evaluated in a patient who had experienced KS after antibiotic administration in order to investigate the possible role of these molecules in KS. No data, up to now, are available on biomarkers of oxidative stress in patients with drug-induced KS.


AOPPs, but not AGEs, were significantly increased in the KS affected patient compared to controls as already reported in mastocytosis affected patients.

Exploring late-generation ethnicity automatically raises a long-ignored question: whether it will end and how: through what terminal stages and processes? In America, this question currently makes sense only for late-generation descendants of the European immigration wave that lasted roughly from the 1870s to 1924. However, answering it prepares the ground for eventually asking it also about late-generation ethnics in newer waves of immigration.  相似文献   

Reproductive development in sexual plants is substantially more sensitive to high temperature stress than vegetative development, resulting in negative implications for food and fiber production under the moderate temperature increases projected to result from global climate change. High temperature exposure either during early pollen development or during the progamic phase of pollen development will negatively impact pollen performance and reproductive output; both phases of pollen development are considered exceptionally sensitive to moderate heat stress. However, moderately elevated temperatures either before or during the progamic phase can limit fertilization by negatively impacting important pollen pistil interactions required for successful pollen tube growth toward the ovules. This mini-review identifies the impacts of heat stress on pollen-pistil interactions and sexual reproduction in angiosperms. A special emphasis is placed on the biochemical response of the pistil to moderately high temperature and the resultant influence on in vivo pollen performance and fertilization.Key words: pollen-pistil interaction, carbohydrates, heat stress, fertilization, pollen tube growth, climate changeSexual reproduction is substantially more sensitive to moderately high temperature stress than vegetative processes.1 Consequently, the yield of crops with valuable reproductive structures used for food (i.e., grain crops and horticultural crops) and fiber (i.e., cotton) would be especially sensitive to moderately elevated temperatures projected to result from global climate change. Sexual reproduction in angiosperms occurs in essentially three stages: gametophyte development (from meiosis to pollination), the progamic phase (from pollination to zygote formation) and embryo development (from zygote to seed).2 During the pro-gamic phase, a number of reproductive processes must occur in a highly concerted fashion for successful fertilization to occur. (1) Anther dehiscence allows mature pollen grains to be transferred to a receptive stigmatic surface; (2) pollen grains germinate and pollen tubes penetrate the stigmatic surface of the pistil; (3) pollen tubes grow through the transmitting tissue of the style and towards a sexually competent ovule; finally, (4) double fertilization produces a zygote and its associated endosperm. Inhibition of any one of the aforementioned processes during the progamic phase, will necessarily limit seed development.3Although the timing and precise coordination of events during the progamic phase are strongly determined by genotype and occur in a unique and well-defined manner for a given species,4 the environment encountered either before or during the pro-gamic phase also exerts considerable control over the fertilization process, and can strongly influence reproductive success.5 Consequently, high temperature has been shown to substantially limit fertilization in vivo.5 Depending upon the timing, duration and severity, heat stress can limit fertilization5 by (1) inhibiting male6 and female5,7 gametophyte development, (2) inhibiting pollen germination,6,8,9 (3) limiting pollen tube growth,811 or (4) by altering the development of tissues required to carry out reproductive processes (i.e., anther and pistil tissues).1 Although the existing literature concerning heat stress and reproductive development in sexual plants is exhaustive (reviewed in ref. 1 and 2), the approaches used by various investigators to elucidate plant reproductive responses to high temperature vary substantially from study to study. Consequently, it is the aim of this review to characterize the impact of timing, duration and severity of heat stress on sexual processes occurring during the progamic phase. A special emphasis is placed on the biochemical response of the pistil to moderately high temperature and the resultant influence on in vivo pollen performance.  相似文献   

To clarify the social functions of play panting in chimpanzees, I investigated when they emitted play panting in social play and how the interactions were affected by the occurrence of play panting. The subjects were the M-group chimpanzees living in Mahale, Tanzania. The following observations were made: (1) chimpanzees emitted play panting when they were tickled or chased but rarely did so when they tickled or chased others. Chimpanzee play panting does not have the function of a play signal communicating that these aggressive actions are performed not as aggression but as play. (2) Chimpanzees emitted play panting more often when they received aggressive actions that supposedly elicited higher arousal. (3) A chimpanzee tended to continue to perform aggressive actions when the target emitted play panting. Play panting activates the interaction of social play by encouraging the performer to continue tickling or chasing. These results can be summarized as showing that chimpanzee play panting serves as positive feedback to the play partner for continuing somewhat fragile interactions, which may contain the risk of excessive arousal and the risk of confusing defensive actions by the target of the aggressive actions with real efforts to escape the situation.  相似文献   

When comparing magnitudes of "behavioural despair" (duration of immobility) and stress-induced analgesia in the tail suspension test and cold water swim test with SHR and NMRI male mice. The results might depend on saline injection prior the test and on the fact that exposure to cold water in swim test was sufficient to alter the response patterns. The findings show that the main parameters are closely related to each other. Stress-induced analgesia seems to be a measure of stress as the stress becomes stronger analgesia changes in linear dependence, whereas duration of immobility has an invert U-shaped function.  相似文献   

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