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In ant colonies a large proportion of individuals remain inside nests for most of their lives and come out only when necessary. It is not clear how, in a nest of several thousand individuals, information about local time is communicated among members of the colony. Central to this seem to be circadian clocks, which have an intrinsic ability to keep track of local time by entraining to environmental light-dark, temperature, and social cycles. Here, the authors report the results of their study aimed at understanding the role of cyclic social interactions in circadian timekeeping of a day-active species of carpenter ant Camponotus paria. The authors found that daily social interactions with visitors (worker ants) was able to synchronize the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of host worker ants and queens, in one-on-one (pair-wise) and multi-individual (group-wise) interactions. Interestingly, the outcome of cyclic social interactions was context specific; when visitor workers socially interacted with host workers one-on-one, host workers considered the time of interaction as subjective day, but when visitor workers interacted with a group of workers and queens, the hosts considered the time of interaction as subjective night. These results can be taken to suggest that members of the ant species C. paria keep track of local time by socially interacting with workers (foragers) who shuttle in and out of the colony in search of food. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Summary Queen ants start new colonies either unassisted by workers (independent founding), assisted by workers from their natal nest (dependent founding), or assisted by the workers of other species (dependent, socially parasitic). The monogyne form of the fire ant,Solenopsis invicta, founds independently in summer, but in the fall it also produces a few sexuals some of which overwinter, then fly and mate in early spring. These overwintered queens lack the nutritional reserves and behaviors for independent colony founding. Rather, they seek out unrelated, mature, orphaned colonies, enter them and exploit the worker force to found their own colony through intraspecific social parasitism. Success in entering orphaned colonies is higher when these lack overwintered female alates of their own. When such alates are present, orphaning causes some to dealate and become uninseminated replacement queens, usually preventing entry of unrelated, inseminated replacement queens. Such colonies produce large, all-male broods. Successful entry of a parasitic queen robs the host colony of this last chance at reproductive success. Only overwintered sexuals take part in this mode of founding.  相似文献   

Summary: Ponerine ants display a number of social structures to which particular behaviours are associated. In the ponerine ant species Gnamptogenys striatula Mayr, queens occur and queenright colonies are functionally polygynous. However, some workers are capable to mate and to produce their own worker offspring. These gamergates appear several days after the queens are experimentally removed, allowing some workers to adopt a sexual calling posture inside the nest. At that time, other workers get outside the nest to collect males in the arena and carry them back into the colony. There, these males are groomed before they can mate with sexual calling workers. As for queens, several gamergates may coexist in a same colony. The social profile of gamergates is similar to those of nurses and they stay closer to the egg piles.  相似文献   

A virgin ant queen has only one opportunity in her lifetime to realize her reproductive fitness when she leaves her nest for a mating flight. After successful mating she sheds her wings, excavates a nest and starts laying eggs to initiate her own colony. Here we report the results of our study on two related species of Camponotus ants - day active Camponotus paria and night active Camponotus compressus - aimed at investigating (i) if there exist inter-species differences in the activity and phototactic behaviors of males and queens, (ii) whether these behaviors in the queen change after mating, and (iii) whether the activity rhythm of queens changes with age. We find that while activity profiles differ between C. paria and C. compressus virgin males and queens, such differences in queens disappear after mating. Once mated, the activity rhythm of queens shows little change with age; the rhythm in virgin queens, on the other hand, changes considerably. As virgins, C. paria queens are positively phototactic, while C. compressus queens are negatively phototactic. After mating, C. paria queens become less phototactic, particularly during the subjective night, while C. compressus queens remain negatively phototactic. These results indicate that there are considerable differences in the activity and phototactic behaviors of virgin queens of the two related species of Camponotus ants. Most of these differences disappear after mating, which suggests that these behaviors may have evolved primarily for the proper execution of pre-mating events.  相似文献   

In slave-making ants, the invasion of the host colony by newly mated queens is a critical stage. We studied the strategy used by Rossomyrmex minuchae queens to invade their host Proformica longiseta. Field observations revealed that queens enter the host nest unchallenged by the host workers in the vicinity of the nest entrance. Pre-usurpation queens were found to possess a highly inflated Dufour's gland, which considerably reduces in size after successful usurpation. Chemical analysis of these queen glands revealed tetradecanal to be the major product in pre-usurpation Rossomyrmex queens, but to be almost absent in queens that have been adopted by P. longiseta. We consequently hypothesized that tetradecanal is a repellent that is used by queens to prevent host worker aggression. We tested its repellent effect by attempting to deter starved, highly motivated workers from a droplet of honey. Tetradecanal indeed proved to be highly repellent both to host worker P. longiseta and non-host worker Formica selysi. It was even more powerful than limonene, a reported general ant repellent. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that R. minuchae queens use Dufour's gland secretion as a weapon during nest usurpation. The general use of tetradecanal as a defensive compound, and its seemingly non-specific repellent effect on ants, indicate that it may act as a general ant repellent. Its adoption by R. minuchae queens thus provides them with an efficient defensive and offensive chemical weapon during their long and risky search for new host nests.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The energetics of colony founding is investigated in the fungus gardening ants (Attini) Trachymyrmex septentrionalis and Cyphomyrmex rimosus . Similar to most ants, inseminated queens of these two species found nests independently unaccompanied by workers (haplometrosis). Whereas most ant founding queens seal themselves in a chamber and do not feed when producing a brood entirely from metabolic stores (claustral founding), the majority of fungus gardening ants must forage during the founding phase (semiclaustral founding). Laboratory-reared T. septentrionalis individuals comprise 84 dealate females collected after mating flights in June 2004. Twenty are immediately killed to obtain values for queen traits and another 20 after worker emergence for queen, fungus garden and worker traits. Cyphomyrmex rimosus comprise 22 dealate females collected in June 2005; ten of which are immediately killed and similarly prepared. Newly-mated T. septentrionalis queens have 25% of their dry weight as fat; whereas newly-mated C. rimosus queens contain 11% fat. These amounts are 50–75% less than most independently founding ant species. Trachymyrmex septentrionalis queens lose merely 5% of their energetic content during colony founding, whereas the total energetic content of their brood is more than three-fold the amount lost by the queen. Incipient T. septentrionalis colonies produce approximately half as much ant biomass per gram of fungus garden as do mature colonies. Similar to most ants, T. septentrionalis produces minim workers that are approximately 40% lighter than workers from mature colonies. Regardless of their size, T. septentrionalis workers contain much lower fat than do workers of claustral species. These data indicate that fungus gardening is adaptive because colonies can produce much cheaper offspring, making colony investment much lower.  相似文献   

Alternative genetic foundations for a key social polymorphism in fire ants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ross KG  Krieger MJ  Shoemaker DD 《Genetics》2003,165(4):1853-1867
Little is known about the genetic foundations of colony social organization. One rare example in which a single major gene is implicated in the expression of alternative social organizations involves the presumed odorant-binding protein gene Gp-9 in fire ants. Specific amino acid substitutions in this gene invariably are associated with the expression of monogyny (single queen per colony) or polygyny (multiple queens per colony) in fire ant species of the Solenopsis richteri clade. These substitutions are hypothesized to alter the abilities of workers to recognize queens and thereby regulate their numbers in a colony. We examined whether these same substitutions underlie the monogyny/polygyny social polymorphism in the distantly related fire ant S. geminata. We found that Gp-9 coding region sequences are identical in the polygyne and monogyne forms of this species, disproving our hypothesis that one or a few specific amino acid replacements in the protein are necessary to induce transitions in social organization in fire ants. On the other hand, polygyne S. geminata differs genetically from the monogyne form in ways not mirrored in the two forms of S. invicta, a well-studied member of the S. richteri clade, supporting the conclusion that polygyny did not evolve via analogous routes in the two lineages. Specifically, polygyne S. geminata has lower genetic diversity and different gene frequencies than the monogyne form, suggesting that the polygyne form originated via a founder event from a local monogyne population. These comparative data suggest an alternative route to polygyny in S. geminata in which loss of allelic variation at genes encoding recognition cues has led to a breakdown in discrimination abilities and the consequent acceptance of multiple queens in colonies.  相似文献   

Colonies of the ponerine antPachycondyla tridentata from Malaysia occur with and without queens. In a total of 7 colonies we found more than 80% of the workers to be mated, irrespective of the presence or absence of queens. This is a hitherto unknown social organisation in ants. Queens and workers competed equally for reproduction. In the colonies investigated several ants were laying eggs. Behavioral observations revealed persistent dominance interactions between colony members. A few ants, but not necessarily a queen, occupied top positions. Removal of the most dominant ants led to a new hierarchy in which subordinate ants with developed ovaries were attacked significantly more frequently than non-reproductive ants. On the average, callows were more aggressive than older subordinate ants, displacing most of the older laying workers in one colony. Nestmate recognition tests revealed that non-reproductive ants were much more aggressive towards foreign ants than were ants with developed ovaries.  相似文献   

The struggle among social classes or castes is well known in humans. Here, we show that caste inequality similarly affects societies of ants, bees and wasps, where castes are morphologically distinct and workers have greatly reduced reproductive potential compared with queens. In social insects, an individual normally has no control over its own fate, whether queen or worker, as this is socially determined during rearing. Here, for the first time, we quantify a strategy for overcoming social control. In the stingless bee Schwarziana quadripunctata, some individuals reared in worker cells avoid a worker fate by developing into fully functional dwarf queens.  相似文献   

Social parasites are able to exploit their host's communication code and achieve social integration. For colony foundation, a newly mated slave-making ant queen must usurp a host colony. The parasite's brood is cared for by the hosts and newly eclosed slave-making workers integrate to form a mixed ant colony. To elucidate the social integration strategy of the slave-making workers, Polyergus rufescens, behavioural and chemical analyses were carried out. Cocoons of P. rufescens were introduced into subcolonies of four potential host species: Formica subgenus Serviformica (Formica cunicularia and F. rufibarbis, usual host species; F. gagates, rare host; F. selysi, non-natural host). Slave-making broods were cared for and newly emerged workers showed several social interactions with adult Formica. We recorded the occurrence of abdominal trophallaxis, in which P. rufescens, the parasite, was the donor. Social integration of P. rufescens workers into host colonies appears to rely on the ability of the parasite to modify its cuticular hydrocarbon profile to match that of the rearing species. To study the specific P. rufescens chemical profile, newly emerged callows were reared in isolation from the mother colony (without any contact with adult ants). The isolated P. rufescens workers exhibited a chemical profile closely matching that of the primary host species, indicating the occurrence of local host adaptation in the slave-maker population. However, the high flexibility in the ontogeny of the parasite's chemical signature could allow for host switching.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the dominant–subordinate relationship between the foundress and workers, five colonies of the paper wasp Polistes japonicus were observed in a netted and covered cage located outdoors. The number of workers in each colony ranged from four to eight. Workers were divided into first and second broods. Abdominal wagging and ovipositing were performed almost exclusively by the foundress throughout colony development. However, an analysis of aggressive encounters indicated that although the foundress hardly received dominance behaviors (aggression) from workers, it lacked either partially or completely the following characteristics of the queen that are usually seen in paper-wasp colonies with independent-founding queens (except in one colony that produced no second brood): the queen being socially dominant over any worker (the queen had more wins than losses in one-on-one dominance contests with any worker), exhibiting the highest frequency of dominance behaviors, and directing dominance behaviors primarily toward the socially most-dominant worker. In particular, during the mixed-brood period (when all first- and second-brood workers were present on the nest) the foundress hardly exhibited dominance behaviors toward socially dominant workers (mainly second brood) but frequently directed dominance behaviors toward socially subordinate workers (mainly first brood). The foundress disappeared in two colonies before the reproductives emerged; in these colonies the socially most-dominant worker inherited the colony and laid many eggs. The frequency of abdominal wagging by these two foundresses decreased during colony development, while it did not in the other colonies. This suggests that abdominal wagging provides information about the vigor of the performer. The superseder was socially dominant over all other workers, but spent little time wagging its abdomen and allowed some workers to lay eggs.  相似文献   

In this synthesis we apply coevolutionary models to the interactions between socially parasitic ants and their hosts. Obligate social parasite systems are ideal models for coevolution, because the close phylogenetic relationship between these parasites and their hosts results in similar evolutionary potentials, thus making mutual adaptations in a stepwise fashion especially likely to occur. The evolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions are influenced by a number of parameters, for example the parasite's transmission mode and rate, the genetic structure of host and parasite populations, the antagonists' migration rates, and the degree of mutual specialisation. For the three types of obligate ant social parasites, queen-tolerant and queen-intolerant inquilines and slavemakers, several of these parameters, and thus the evolutionary trajectory, are likely to differ. Because of the fundamental differences in lifestyle between these social parasite systems, coevolution should further select for different traits in the parasites and their hosts. Queen-tolerant inquilines are true parasites that exert a low selection pressure on their host, because of their rarity and the fact that they do not conduct slave raids to replenish their labour force. Due to their high degree of specialisation and the potential for vertical transmission, coevolutionary theory would predict interactions between these workerless parasites and their hosts to become even more benign over time. Queen-intolerant inquilines that kill the host queen during colony take-over are best described as parasitoids, and their reproductive success is limited by the existing worker force of the invaded host nest. These parasites should therefore evolve strategies to best exploit this fixed resource. Slavemaking ants, by contrast, act as parasites only during colony foundation, while their frequent slave raids follow a predator prey dynamic. They often exploit a number of host species at a given site, and theory predicts that their associations are best described in terms of a highly antagonistic coevolutionary arms race.  相似文献   

To date very few studies have addressed the effects of inbreeding in social Hymenoptera, perhaps because the costs of inbreeding are generally considered marginal owing to male haploidy whereby recessive deleterious alleles are strongly exposed to selection in males. Here, we present one of the first studies on the effects of queen and worker homozygosity on colony performance. In a wild population of the ant Formica exsecta, the relative investment of single‐queen colonies in sexual production decreased with increased worker homozygosity. This may either stem from increased homozygosity decreasing the likelihood of diploid brood to develop into queens or a lower efficiency of more homozygous workers at feeding larvae and thus a lower proportion of the female brood developing into queens. There was also a significant negative association between colony age and the level of queen but not worker homozygosity. This association may stem from inbreeding affecting queen lifespan and/or their fecundity, and thus colony survival. However, there was no association between queen homozygosity and colony size, suggesting that inbreeding affects colony survival as a result of inbred queens having a shorter lifespan rather than a lower fecundity. Finally, there was no significant association between either worker or queen homozygosity and the probability of successful colony founding, colony size and colony productivity, the three other traits studied. Overall, these results indicate that inbreeding depression may have important effects on colony fitness by affecting both the parental (queen) and offspring (worker) generations cohabiting within an ant colony.  相似文献   

Aron S  Passera L 《Animal behaviour》1999,57(2):325-329
In ants, young queens can found new colonies independently (without the help of workers) or dependently (with the help of workers). It has been suggested that differences in the mode of colony founding strongly influence queen survival and colony development. This is because independent queens are constrained to produce a worker force rapidly, before they deplete their body reserves and to resist the intense intercolony competition during the founding stage. By contrast, queens that found colonies dependently remain with the workers, which probably results in a lower mortality rate and earlier production of reproductive offspring. Consequently, in species that found independently, queens of incipient colonies are expected to produce mostly worker brood by laying a lower fraction of haploid (male) eggs than queens in mature colonies; such a difference would not occur in species founding dependently. We compared the primary sex ratio (proportion of male-determined eggs) laid by queens in incipient and mature colonies of two ant species Lasius nigerLinepithema humile, showing independent and dependent modes of colony founding, respectively. As predicted L. niger queens of incipient colonies laid a lower proportion of haploid eggs than queens from mature colonies. By contrast, queens of L. humile laid a similar proportion of haploid eggs in both incipient and mature colonies. These results provide the first evidence that (1) the primary sex ratio varies according to the mode of colony foundation, and (2) queens can adjust the primary sex ratio according to the life history stage of the colony in ants. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In social animals, body size can be shaped by multiple factors, such as direct genetic effects, maternal effects, or the social environment. In ants, the body size of queens correlates with the social structure of the colony: colonies headed by a single queen (monogyne) generally produce larger queens that are able to found colonies independently, whereas colonies headed by multiple queens (polygyne) tend to produce smaller queens that stay in their natal colony or disperse with workers. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment to investigate the proximate causes of queen size variation in the socially polymorphic ant Formica selysi. As expected if genetic or maternal effects influence queen size, eggs originating from monogyne colonies developed into larger queens than eggs collected from polygyne colonies, be they raised by monogyne or polygyne workers. In contrast, eggs sampled in monogyne colonies were smaller than eggs sampled in polygyne colonies. Hence, eggs from monogyne colonies are smaller but develop into larger queens than eggs from polygyne colonies, independently of the social structure of the workers caring for the brood. These results demonstrate that a genetic polymorphism or maternal effect transmitted to the eggs influences queen size, which probably affects the social structure of new colonies.  相似文献   

Myrmica ants have been model species for studies in a variety of disciplines, including insect physiology, chemical communication, ant social dynamics, ant population, community ecology, and ant interactions with other organisms. Species belonging to the genus Myrmica can be found in virtually every habitat within the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere and their biology and systematics have been thoroughly studied. These ants serve as hosts to highly diverse parasitic organisms from socially parasitic butterfly caterpillars to microbes, and many Myrmica species even evolved into parasitizing species of their own genus. These parasites have various impacts both on the individuals and on the social structure of their hosts, ranging from morphological malformations to reduction in colony fitness. A comprehensive review of the parasitic organisms supported by Myrmica and the effects of these organisms on individuals and on whole ant colonies has not yet been compiled. Here, we provide a review of the interactions of these organisms with Myrmica ants by discussing host and parasite functional, behavioral or physiological adaptations. In addition, for all “symbiont groups” of Myrmica ants described in this paper, we examine the present limitations of the knowledge at present of their impact on individuals and host colony fitness. In conclusion, we argue that Myrmica ants serve as remarkable resource for the evolution of a wide variety of associated organisms.  相似文献   

Newly produced queens from monogyne (single-queen) coloniesof the ant Solenopsis invicta usually initiate reproductionindependently, that is, without worker assistance. However,some recently mated queens attempt to bypass this risky phaseof new colony foundation by entering established nests to reproduce,although it is unclear how often these queens are successfulin natural populations. We surveyed a mature monogyne populationof S. invicta in both 1995 and 1996 for colonies headed by queensincapable of independent colony founding (diploid-male-producingqueens) in order to estimate the frequency of colonies thatare headed by queens that initiated reproduction within establishednests (adopted queens). Using the frequency of diploid-male-producingqueens among the recently mated queens in this population, weestimated that the overall rate of queen replacement by adoptedqueens is about 0.7% per colony per year. Although theory suggeststhat a change to a novel queen reproductive tactic could beassociated with a fundamental change in social organization(queen number), this does not appear to be the case in monogyneS. invicta. However, the evolution of nest-infiltrating reproductivetactics by queens in a monogyne population and the evolutionof multiple-queen societies may result from similar ecologicalpressures facing newly mated queens. We therefore incorporatethis strategy into an existing theoretical framework that wasdeveloped to explain the evolution of alternative social organizationsin ants, providing testable predictions regarding the distributionand frequency of queen adoption in other single-queen ant societies.  相似文献   

Stomodeal trophallaxis plays a major role in ant colony nutrition and communication. While the rate of food distribution at the individual level (worker to worker) is rapid, factors affecting the rate of food distribution at the colony level remain poorly understood. We used the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile (Say), as a model species to investigate the factors affecting the rate of spread of liquid carbohydrate food throughout a colony. To track the movement of the food we used protein marking and double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, DAS-ELISA. Increasing colony size while keeping the number of donor workers constant significantly decreased the number of individuals testing positive for the marker. After 8 h of trophallactic interactions with ten donors, 92 ± 5% of recipient workers tested positive in a colony of 125 and 38 ± 5% tested positive in a colony of 1,000. Interestingly, as colony size increased and the percentage of workers testing positive decreased, the proportion of workers actually receiving food increased. Food originating from a single donor fed approximately 12 individuals in colonies comprised of 125 recipients and approximately 38 individuals in colonies comprised of 1,000 recipients. Thus, the per capita consumption of food decreased as colony size increased, most likely because the amount of food reaching the colony was limited. Increasing the number of donors while keeping colony size constant significantly increased the number of recipient ants testing positive for the marker. As the number of donor workers doubled, the percentage of recipients testing positive more than doubled suggesting that the number of individuals receiving food increases with increasing colony size, while the per capita amount of food decreases. When food was available ad libitum and in close proximity to the nest, numerous workers fed directly at the food source. This dramatically increased the rate and the extent of food distribution to both the workers and the queens and colony size had no significant effect on the spread of the marker in the workers or the queens. The rate and the extent of food distribution at the colony level may depend on a number of factors including the number of successful foragers, the size and density of the recipient colony, and the recipient caste.  相似文献   

The mite Antennophorus grandis (Berlese, 1903) is a large obligate ectoparasite of workers of the ant Lasius flavus(Fabricius). It rides under the head of the ants and uses its long front legs to communicate with its hosts and stimulate them to give it food. We present allometric and morphometric data showing that L. flavus workers can occur in two size classes. We also present the first quantitative ethograms of mite-bearing and mite-free L. flavus workers of the two size categories. The mites tend to occur on the smaller nurse workers and receive food from them at an extremely high frequency. Antennophorus grandis also frequently gain food when one ant is donating food to the one they are riding upon. The mites seem to inhibit the ability of their host worker to show most social behaviours such as tending ant larvae. The mites frequently move from one host worker to another. For these reasons the mites may have a larger impact upon their host colony than their relative rarity first suggests. The ants do not seem to have any specific defence against these parasites. The mites live in small populations and show female-biased sex ratios consistent with local mate competition. Preliminary evidence suggests that the mites have haplodiploid sex determination which may explain how they are able to adapt their sex allocation to their population size.  相似文献   

Summary The most dangerous time for an ant colony is during the founding stage when the small colony is vulnerable to predation and competition. Colonies can grow more rapidly when multiple queens cooperate in raising the first worker brood (pleometrosis) or by raiding other incipient colonies for their brood. This brood raiding has been proposed to be the primary force selecting for pleometrosis, i.e. multiple-queen colonies may have a considerable advantage in destroying neighbours by aggressively stealing their brood. An alternative hypothesis is that incipient nests are part of a larger, interconnected population structure and that brood raiding reflects cooperative pleometrosis with subdivided colonies. A simple mathematical model supports the second hypothesis: workers of incipient colonies are especially favoured to peaceably abandon their nest and join with other colonies if the queens are related or queens from raided colonies can infiltrate the raiding colony. The latter condition is often met in ant species that brood raid and particularly exemplified in fire ants (Solenopsis invicta), where brood raiding involves little mortal combat and combines with pleometrosis to rapidly increase colony size. It is proposed that the term nest consolidation should replace brood raiding to more accurately reflect the relatively non-aggressive and potentially apparently cooperative nature of interactions between incipient ant colonies.  相似文献   

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