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Cloistered monks and nuns adhere to a 10-century-old strict schedule with a common zeitgeber of a night split by a 2- to 3-h-long Office (Matins). The authors evaluated how the circadian core body temperature rhythm and sleep adapt in cloistered monks and nuns in two monasteries. Five monks and five nuns following the split-sleep night schedule for 5 to 46 yrs without interruption and 10 controls underwent interviews, sleep scales, and physical examination and produced a week-long sleep diary and actigraphy, plus 48-h recordings of core body temperature. The circadian rhythm of temperature was described by partial Fourier time-series analysis (with 12- and 24-h harmonics). The temperature peak and trough values and clock times did not differ between groups. However, the temperature rhythm was biphasic in monks and nuns, with an early decrease at 19:39?±?4:30?h (median?±?95% interval), plateau or rise of temperature at 22:35?±?00:23?h (while asleep) lasting 296?±?39?min, followed by a second decrease after the Matins Office, and a classical morning rise. Although they required alarm clocks to wake-up for Matins at midnight, the body temperature rise anticipated the nocturnal awakening by 85?±?15?min. Compared to the controls, the monks and nuns had an earlier sleep onset (20:05?±?00:59?h vs. 00:00?±?00:54?h, median?±?95% confidence interval, p?=?.0001) and offset (06:27?±?0:22?h, vs. 07:37?±?0:33?h, p?=?.0001), as well as a shorter sleep time (6.5?±?0.6 vs. 7.6?±?0.7?h, p?=?.05). They reported difficulties with sleep latency, sleep duration, and daytime function, and more frequent hypnagogic hallucinations. In contrast to their daytime silence, they experienced conversations (and occasionally prayers) in dreams. The biphasic temperature profile in monks and nuns suggests the human clock adapts to and even anticipates nocturnal awakenings. It resembles the biphasic sleep and rhythm of healthy volunteers transferred to a short (10-h) photoperiod and provides a living glance into the sleep pattern of medieval time. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The circadian pacemaker and sleep homeostasis play pivotal roles in vigilance state control. It has been hypothesized that age-related changes in the human circadian pacemaker, as well as sleep homeostatic mechanisms, contribute to the hallmarks of age-related changes in sleep, that is, earlier wake time and reduced sleep consolidation. Assessments of circadian parameters in healthy young (∼20-30 years old) and older people (∼65-75 years old)—in the absence of the confounding effects of sleep, changes in posture, and light exposure—have demonstrated that an earlier wake time in older people is accompanied by about a 1h advance of the rhythms of core body temperature and melatonin. In addition, older people wake up at an earlier circadian phase of the body temperature and plasma melatonin rhythm. The amplitude of the endogenous circadian component of the core body temperature rhythm assessed during constant routine and forced desynchrony protocols is reduced by 20-30% in older people. Recent assessments of the intrinsic period of the human circadian pacemaker in the absence of the confounding effects of light revealed no age-related reduction of this parameter in both sighted and blind individuals. Wake maintenance and sleep initiation are not markedly affected by age except that sleep latencies are longer in older people when sleep initiation is attempted in the early morning. In contrast, major age-related reductions in the consolidation and duration of sleep occur at all circadian phases. Sleep of older people is particularly disrupted when scheduled on the rising limb of the temperature rhythm, indicating that the sleep of older people is more susceptible to arousal signals genernpated by the circadian pacemaker. Sleep-homeostatic mechanisms, as assayed by the sleep-deprivation-induced increase of EEG slow-wave activity (SWA), are operative in older people, although during both baseline sleep and recovery sleep SWA in older people remains at lower levels. The internal circadian phase advance of awakening, as well as the age-related reduction in sleep consolidation, appears related to an age-related reduction in the promotion of sleep by the circadian pacemaker during the biological night in combination with a reduced homeostatic pressure for sleep. Early morning light exposure associated with this advance of awakening in older people could reinforce the advanced circadian phase. Quantification of the interaction between sleep homeostasis and circadian rhythmicity contributes to understanding age-related changes in sleep timing and quality. (Chronobiology International, 17(3), 285-311, 2000)  相似文献   


MDMA (ecstasy) is an illicit drug which has pharmacological actions on the serotonin system, leading to a number of physiological and behavioral changes. Research conducted in both animals and humans has focused on how ecstasy use affects systems or functions in which serotonin has a regulatory role including mood, sleep and circadian rhythms. In this paper we review the evidence with respect to changes in sleep and circadian rhythms following ecstasy use. Studies of the subjective measurement of sleep have suggested that there are changes in sleep quality and duration following ecstasy use, while research utilizing objective measures including polysomnog-raphy has highlighted changes in sleep architecture following ecstasy use. Collectively these findings suggest that there are consequences associated with ecstasy use, and the implications of these findings for ecstasy users will be examined. Finally, preliminary evidence from the animal literature implicating ecstasy as having specific effects on the circadian system will be reviewed. A discussion of the limitations of the current evidence for such a claim is presented, and possible directions for future research are explored.




The temporal coordination of biological processes into daily cycles is a common feature of most living organisms. In humans, disruption of circadian rhythms is commonly observed in psychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and autism. Light therapy is the most effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder and circadian-related treatments sustain antidepressant response in bipolar disorder patients. Day/night cycles represent a major circadian synchronizing signal and vary widely with latitude.


We apply a geographically explicit model to show that out-of-Africa migration, which led humans to occupy a wide latitudinal area, affected the evolutionary history of circadian regulatory genes. The SNPs we identify using this model display consistent signals of natural selection using tests based on population genetic differentiation and haplotype homozygosity. Signals of natural selection driven by annual photoperiod variation are detected for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and restless leg syndrome risk variants, in line with the circadian component of these conditions.


Our results suggest that human populations adapted to life at different latitudes by tuning their circadian clock systems. This process also involves risk variants for neuropsychiatric conditions, suggesting possible genetic modulators for chronotherapies and candidates for interaction analysis with photoperiod-related environmental variables, such as season of birth, country of residence, shift-work or lifestyle habits.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0499-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A neural theory of the circadian pacemaker within the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is used to explain parametric data about mammalian operant behavior. The intensity, duration, and patterning of ultradian activity-rest cycles and the duration of circadian periods due to parametric (LL) and nonparametric (LD) lighting regimes are simulated. Paradoxical data about split rhythms and after-effects are explained using homeostatic and nonhomeostatic neural mechanisms that modulate pacemaker activity. These modulatory mechanisms enable the pacemaker to adjust to pervasive changes in its lighting regime, as during the passage of seasons, and to ultradian changes in internal metabolic conditions. The model circadian mechanisms are homologous to mechanisms that model hypothalamically mediated appetitive behaviors, such as eating. The theory thus suggests that both circadian and appetitive hypothalamic circuits are constructed from similar neural components. Mechanisms of transmitter habituation, opponent feedback interactions between on-cells and off-cells, homeostatic negative feedback, and conditioning are used in both the circadian and the appetitive circuits. Output from the SCN circadian pacemaker is assumed to modulate the sensitivity of the appetitive circuits to external and internal signals by controlling their level of arousal. Both underarousal and overarousal can cause abnormal behavioral syndromes whose properties have been found in clinical data. A model pacemaker can also be realized as an intracellular system.  相似文献   

A patient with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome treated with haloperidol, ingested once daily after awakening from sleep, exhibited an irregular sleep-wake pattern with a free-running component of approximately 48 h. Transfer to risperidone, ingested once daily after awakening from sleep, was beneficial resulting in a sleep-wake cycle more synchronized at the appropriate phase to the external zeitgebers, and fewer nocturnal disturbances. The circadian sleep-wake schedule was fully synchronized when the patient had been subsequently treated with melatonin at 21:00h, before intended nocturnal sleep, in addition to risperidone in the morning. Restoration of the sleep-wake circadian pattern was accompanied by the patient's subjective report of significant improvement in his quality of life, social interactions, and occupational status. This observation suggests that circadian rhythm sleep disorders can be related to the typical neuroleptic haloperidol and restored by the atypical neuroleptic risperidone. Similar findings reported in patients suffering from other disorders support the hypothesis that the described disruption of the sleep-wake schedule is medication rather than illness-related. Therefore, it is very important to realize that circadian rhythm sleep disorders may be a side effect of neuroleptics.  相似文献   

The reduction of electroencephalographic (EEG) slow-wave activity (SWA) (EEG power density between 0.75-4.5 Hz) and spindle frequency activity, together with an increase in involuntary awakenings during sleep, represent the hallmarks of human sleep alterations with age. It has been assumed that this decrease in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep consolidation reflects an age-related attenuation of the sleep homeostatic drive. To test this hypothesis, we measured sleep EEG characteristics (i.e., SWA, sleep spindles) in healthy older volunteers in response to high (sleep deprivation protocol) and low sleep pressure (nap protocol) conditions. Despite the fact that the older volunteers had impaired sleep consolidation and reduced SWA levels, their relative SWA response to both high and low sleep pressure conditions was similar to that of younger persons. Only in frontal brain regions did we find an age-related diminished SWA response to high sleep pressure. On the other hand, we have clear evidence that the circadian regulation of sleep during the 40 h nap protocol was changed such that the circadian arousal signal in the evening was weaker in the older study participants. More sleep occurred during the wake maintenance zone, and subjective sleepiness ratings in the late afternoon and evening were higher than in younger participants. In addition, we found a diminished melatonin secretion and a reduced circadian modulation of REM sleep and spindle frequency-the latter was phase-advanced relative to the circadian melatonin profile. Therefore, we favor the hypothesis that age-related changes in sleep are due to weaker circadian regulation of sleep and wakefulness. Our data suggest that manipulations of the circadian timing system, rather than the sleep homeostat, may offer a potential strategy to alleviate age-related decrements in sleep and daytime alertness levels.  相似文献   

Sleep initiation and sleep intensity in humans show a dissimilar time course. The propensity of sleep initiation (PSI), as measured by the multiple sleep latency test, remains at a relatively constant level throughout the habitual period of waking or exhibits a midafternoon peak. When waking is extended into the sleep period, PSI rises rapidly within a few hours. In contrast, sleep intensity, as measured by electroencephalographic slow-wave activity during naps, shows a gradual increase during the period of habitual waking. In the two-process model of sleep regulation, it corresponds to the rising limb of the homeostatic Process S. We propose that PSI is determined by the difference between Process S and the threshold H defining sleep onset, which is modulated by the circadian process C. In contrast to a previous version of the model, the parameters of H (amplitude, phase, skewness) differ from those of threshold L, which defines sleep termination. The present model is able to simulate the time course of PSI under baseline conditions as well as following recovery sleep after extended sleep deprivation. The simulations suggest that during the regular period of waking, a circadian process counteracts the increasing sleep propensity induced by a homeostatic process. Data obtained in the rat indicate that during the circadian period of predominant waking, a circadian process prevents a major intrusion of sleep.  相似文献   

Periods of biological clocks are close to but often different from the rotation period of the earth. Thus, the clocks of organisms must be adjusted to synchronize with day-night cycles. The primary signal that adjusts the clocks is light. In Neurospora, light transiently up-regulates the expression of specific clock genes. This molecular response to light is called light adaptation. Does light adaptation occur in other organisms? Using published experimental data, we first estimated the time course of the up-regulation rate of gene expression by light. Intriguingly, the estimated up-regulation rate was transient during light period in mice as well as Neurospora. Next, we constructed a computational model to consider how light adaptation had an effect on the entrainment of circadian oscillation to 24-h light-dark cycles. We found that cellular oscillations are more likely to be destabilized without light adaption especially when light intensity is very high. From the present results, we predict that the instability of circadian oscillations under 24-h light-dark cycles can be experimentally observed if light adaptation is altered. We conclude that the functional consequence of light adaptation is to increase the adjustability to 24-h light-dark cycles and then adapt to fluctuating environments in nature.  相似文献   

This mini-review article presents the remarkable progress that has been made in the past decade in our understanding of the neural circuitry underlying the regulation of sleep-wake states and circadian control of behaviors. Following a brief introduction to sleep architecture and physiology, the authors describe the neural circuitry and neurotransmitters that regulate sleep and cortical arousal (i.e., wakefulness). They next examine how sleep and wakefulness are regulated by mutual inhibition between sleep-and arousal-promoting circuitry and how this interaction functions analogously to an electronic "flip-flop" switch that ensures behavioral state stability. The authors then discuss the role of circadian and homeostatic processes in the consolidation of sleep, including the physiologic basis of homeostatic sleep drive (i.e., wake-dependent increase in sleep propensity) and the role of the SCN in the circadian regulation of sleep-wake cycles. Finally, they describe the hypothalamic circuitry for the integration of photic and nonphotic environmental time cues and how this integration allows organisms to sculpt patterns of rest-activity and sleep-wake cycles that are optimally adaptive.  相似文献   

Although the neurophysiological correlates of sleep have been thoroughly described, genetic mechanisms that control sleep architecture, long surmised from ethological studies, family histories and clinical observations, have only been investigated during the past decade. Key contributions to the molecular understanding of sleep have come from studies in Drosophila, benefitting from a strong history of circadian rhythm research. For instance, a number of recent papers have highlighted the role of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Cullin-3 in the regulation of circadian rhythm and sleep. We propose that different Cullin-3 substrate adaptors may affect specific molecular pathways and diverse aspects of circadian rhythm and sleep. We have previously shown that mutations in BTBD9, a risk factor for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) encoding a Cullin-3 substrate adaptor, lead to reduced dopamine, increased locomotion and sleep fragmentation. Here, we propose that Cullin-3 acts together with BTBD9 to limit the accumulation of iron regulatory proteins in conditions of iron deficiency. Our model is consistent with clinical observations implicating iron homeostasis in the pathophysiology of RLS and predicts that lack of BTBD9 leads to misregulation of cellular iron storage, inactivating the critical biosynthetic enzyme Tyrosine Hydroxylase in dopaminergic neurons, with consequent phenotypic effects on sleep.  相似文献   

Brenzel S  Kurpiers T  Mootz HD 《Biochemistry》2006,45(6):1571-1578
In protein trans-splicing, an intein domain split into two polypeptide chains mediates linkage of the flanking amino acid sequences, the N- and C-terminal exteins, with a native peptide bond. This process can be exploited to assemble proteins from two separately prepared fragments, e.g., for the segmental labeling with isotopes for NMR studies or the incorporation of chemical and biophysical probes. Split inteins can be artificially generated by genetic means; however, the purified inteinN and inteinC fragments usually require a denaturation and renaturation treatment to fold into the active intein, thus preventing their application to proteins that cannot be refolded. Here, we report that the purified fragments of the artificially split DnaB helicase of Synechocystis spp. PCC6803 (Ssp DnaB) intein are active under native conditions. The first-order rate constant of the protein trans-splicing reaction was 7.1 x 10(-4) s(-1). The previously described split vacuolar ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sce VMA) intein is the only other artificially split intein that is active under native conditions; however, it requires induced complex formation of the intein fragments by auxiliary dimerization domains for efficient protein trans-splicing. In contrast, fusion of the dimerization domains to the split Ssp DnaB intein fragments had no effect on activity. This difference was also reflected by a higher thermostability of the split Ssp DnaB intein. Further investigations of the split Sce VMA intein under optimized conditions revealed a first-order rate constant of 9.4 x 10(-4) s(-1) for protein trans-splicing and 1.7 x 10(-3) s(-1) for C-terminal cleavage involving a Cys1Ala mutant. Finally, we show that the two split inteins are orthogonal, suggesting further applications for the assembly of proteins from more than two parts.  相似文献   

蚤蝇是重要的法医昆虫,同时是实验室中遗传、发育和生物测定等研究的重要对象。然而,蚤蝇的昼夜活动节律和睡眠行为及其在脑部的神经网络目前还不清晰。本文通过捕获本地蚤蝇并对其进行分子鉴定,研究了蚤蝇的昼夜活动节律和睡眠行为,同时表征了蚤蝇脑部核心钟神经元和多巴胺神经元。结果表明:蚤蝇在12h光照∶12h黑暗(12L∶12D)条件下不存在对开灯前或关灯前的活动预期,其双峰活动模式是对开关灯的光反应行为。在全黑暗(DD)条件下蚤蝇内源活动周期接近24h。黑腹果蝇神经肽PDF抗体免疫显示蚤蝇脑部核心钟神经元4~5个,不像黑腹果蝇一样存在明显的神经轴突。在睡眠行为上,蚤蝇雄虫和雌虫在整体活动强度、睡眠节律模式、总睡眠上均没有明显差异。相反,雄虫总睡眠次数和晚上睡眠次数低于雌虫,而总睡眠持续时间、晚上睡眠持续时间、总入睡时间和晚上入睡时间高于雌虫。此外,影响睡眠的重要多巴胺神经元在蚤蝇脑部的分布与黑腹果蝇类似。  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Recently, physiological findings have suggested the existence of an integrated regulatory mechanism for sleep-wake rhythms, as follows. Homeostatic regulation of the...  相似文献   

We propose a model of the human circadian system. The sleep-wake and body temperature rhythms are assumed to be driven by a pair of coupled nonlinear oscillators described by phase variables alone. The novel aspect of the model is that its equations may be solved analytically. Computer simulations are used to test the model against sleep-wake data pooled from 15 studies of subjects living for weeks in unscheduled, time-free environments. On these tests the model performs about as well as the existing models, although its mathematical structure is far simpler.Supported by NIGMS Grant No. 5-R01-GM-30719-03  相似文献   

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