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THE UBIQUITOUS CHALLENGE FROM INFECTIOUS DISEASE HAS PROMPTED THE EVOLUTION OF DIVERSE HOST DEFENSES, WHICH CAN BE DIVIDED INTO TWO BROAD CLASSES: resistance (which limits pathogen growth and infection) and tolerance (which does not limit infection, but instead reduces or offsets its negative fitness consequences). Resistance and tolerance may provide equivalent short-term benefits, but have fundamentally different epidemiological consequences and thus exhibit different evolutionary behaviors. We consider the evolution of resistance and tolerance in a spatially structured population using a stochastic simulation model. We show that tolerance can invade a population of susceptible individuals (i.e., neither resistant nor tolerant) with higher cost than resistance, even though they each provide equivalent direct benefits to the host, because tolerant hosts impose higher disease burden upon vulnerable competitors. However, in spatially structured settings, tolerance can invade a population of resistant hosts only with lower cost than resistance due to spatial genetic structure and the higher local incidence of disease around invading tolerant individuals. The evolution of tolerance is therefore constrained by spatial genetic structure in a manner not previously revealed by nonspatially explicit models, suggesting mechanisms that could maintain variation or limit the occurrence of tolerance relative to resistance.  相似文献   

Research in avian blood parasites has seen a remarkable increase since the introduction of polymerase chain reaction-based methods for parasite identification. New data are revealing complex multihost-multiparasite systems which are difficult to understand without good knowledge of the host range and geographical distribution of the parasite lineages. However, such information is currently difficult to obtain from the literature, or from general repositories such as GenBank, mainly because (i) different research groups use different parasite lineage names, (ii) GenBank entries frequently refer only to the first host and locality at which each parasite was sampled, and (iii) different researchers use different gene fragments to identify parasite lineages. We propose a unified database of avian blood parasites of the genera Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon identified by a partial region of their cytochrome b sequences. The database uses a standardized nomenclature to remove synonymy, and concentrates all available information about each parasite in a public reference site, thereby facilitating access to all researchers. Initial data include a list of host species and localities, as well as genetic markers that can be used for phylogenetical analyses. The database is free to download and will be regularly updated by the authors. Prior to publication of new lineages, we encourage researchers to assign names to match the existing database. We anticipate that the value of the database as a source for determining host range and geographical distribution of the parasites will grow with its size and substantially enhance the understanding of this remarkably diverse group of parasites.  相似文献   

This review is aimed at readers seeking an introductory overview, teaching courses and interested in visionary ideas. It first describes the range of topics covered by evolutionary medicine, which include human genetic variation, mismatches to modernity, reproductive medicine, degenerative disease, host–pathogen interactions and insights from comparisons with other species. It then discusses priorities for translational research, basic research and health management. Its conclusions are that evolutionary thinking should not displace other approaches to medical science, such as molecular medicine and cell and developmental biology, but that evolutionary insights can combine with and complement established approaches to reduce suffering and save lives. Because we are on the cusp of so much new research and innovative insights, it is hard to estimate how much impact evolutionary thinking will have on medicine, but it is already clear that its potential is enormous.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are a large group of fungal‐related obligate intracellular parasites. They are responsible for infections in humans as well as in agriculturally and environmentally important animals. Although microsporidia are abundant in nature, many of the molecular mechanisms employed during infection have remained enigmatic. In this review, we highlight recent work showing how microsporidia invade, proliferate and exit from host cells. During invasion, microsporidia use spore wall and polar tube proteins to interact with host receptors and adhere to the host cell surface. In turn, the host has multiple defence mechanisms to prevent and eliminate these infections. Microsporidia encode numerous transporters and steal host nutrients to facilitate proliferation within host cells. They also encode many secreted proteins which may modulate host metabolism and inhibit host cell defence mechanisms. Spores exit the host in a non‐lytic manner that is dependent on host actin and endocytic recycling proteins. Together, this work provides a fuller picture of the mechanisms that these fascinating organisms use to infect their hosts.  相似文献   

Studying resource specialization at the individual level can identify factors constraining the evolution of generalism. We quantified genotypic and phenotypic variability among infective stages of 20 clones of the parasitic trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis and measured their infection success and post-infection fitness (growth, egg output) in several crabs and amphipods. First, different clones varied in their infection success of different crustaceans. Second, neither genetic nor phenotypic traits had consistent effects on infection success across all host species. Although the results suggest a relationship between infection success and phenotypic variability, phenotypically variable clones were not better at infecting more host species than less variable ones. Third, genetic and phenotypic traits also showed no consistent correlations with post-infection fitness measures. Overall, we found no consistent clone-level specialization, with some clones acting as specialists and others, generalists. The trematode population therefore maintains an overall generalist strategy by comprising a mixture of clone-level specialists and generalists.  相似文献   

Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii contribute to the development of Valley Fever. The ability of these fungal pathogens to evade the host immune system creates difficulty in recognition and treatment of this debilitating infection. In this review, we describe the current knowledge of Valley Fever and approaches to improve prevention, detection, and treatment.  相似文献   

A prominent hypothesis proposes that pathogen virulence evolves in large part due to a trade‐off between infectiousness and damage to hosts. Other explanations emphasize how virulence evolves in response to competition among pathogens within hosts. Given the proliferation of theoretical possibilities, what best predicts how virulence evolves in real biological systems? Here, I show that virulence evolution in experimental populations of bacteria and self‐transmissible plasmids is best explained by within‐host competition. Plasmids evolved to severely reduce the fitness of their hosts even in the absence of uninfected cells. This result is inconsistent with the trade‐off hypothesis, which predicts that under these conditions vertically transmitted pathogens would evolve to be less virulent. Plasmid virulence was strongly correlated with the ability to superinfect cells containing competing plasmid genotypes, suggesting a key role for within‐host competition. When virulent genotypes became common, hosts evolved resistance to plasmid infection. These results show that the trade‐off hypothesis can incorrectly predict virulence evolution when within‐host interactions are neglected. They also show that symbioses between bacteria and plasmids can evolve to be surprisingly antagonistic.  相似文献   

Plasmodium vivax is responsible for most of the malaria infections outside Africa and is currently the predominant malaria parasite in countries under elimination programs. P. vivax preferentially enters young red cells called reticulocytes. Advances in understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms of entry are hampered by the inability to grow large numbers of P. vivax parasites in a long‐term in vitro culture. Recent progress in understanding the biology of the P. vivax Reticulocyte Binding Protein (PvRBPs) family of invasion ligands has led to the identification of a new invasion pathway into reticulocytes, an understanding of their structural architecture and PvRBPs as targets of the protective immune response to P. vivax infection. This review summarises current knowledge on the role of reticulocytes in P. vivax infection, the function of the PvRBP family of proteins in generating an immune response in human populations, and the characterization of anti‐PvRBP antibodies in blocking parasite invasion.  相似文献   

J Pott  M Hornef 《EMBO reports》2012,13(8):684-698
The intestinal epithelium-which constitutes the interface between the enteric microbiota and host tissues-actively contributes to the maintenance of mucosal homeostasis and defends against pathogenic microbes. The recognition of conserved microbial products by cytosolic or transmembrane pattern recognition receptors in epithelial cells initiates signal transduction and influences effector cell function. However, the signalling pathways, effector molecules and regulatory mechanisms involved are not yet fully understood, and the functional outcome is poorly defined. This review analyses the complex and dynamic role of intestinal epithelial innate immune recognition and signalling, on the basis of results in intestinal epithelial cell-specific transgene or gene-deficient animals. This approach identifies specific epithelial cell functions within the diverse cellular composition of the mucosal tissue, in the presence of the complex and dynamic gut microbiota. These insights have thus provided a more comprehensive understanding of the role of the intestinal epithelium in innate immunity during homeostasis and disease.  相似文献   

Malaria continues to exert a huge toll in the world today, causing approximately 400 million cases and killing between 1-2 million people annually. Most of the malaria burden is borne by countries in Africa. For this reason, the major vector for malaria in this continent, Anopheles gambiae, is under intense study. With the completion of the draft sequence of this important vector, efforts are underway to develop novel control strategies. One promising area is to harness the power of the innate immunity of this mosquito species to block the transmission of the malaria parasites. Recent studies have demonstrated that Toll and Imd signaling pathways and other immunity-related genes (encoding proteins possibly function in recognition or as effector molecules) play significant roles in two different arms of innate immunity: level of infection intensity and melanization of Plasmodium oocysts. The challenges in the future are to understand how the functions of these different genes are coordinated in defense against malaria parasites, and if different arms of innate immunity are cross-regulated or coordinated.  相似文献   

Systems‐level analyses have the capability to offer new insight into host–pathogen interactions on the molecular level. Using Salmonella infection of host epithelial cells as a model system, we previously analyzed intracellular bacterial proteome as a window into pathogens’ adaptations to their host environment [Infect. Immun. 2015; J. Proteome Res. 2017]. Herein we extended our efforts to quantitatively examine protein expression of host cells during infection. In total, we identified more than 5000 proteins with 194 differentially regulated proteins upon bacterial infection. Notably, we found marked induction of host integrin signaling and glycolytic pathways. Intriguingly, up‐regulation of host glucose metabolism concurred with increased utilization of glycolysis by intracellular Salmonella during infection. In addition to immunoblotting assays, we also verified the up‐regulation of PARP1 in the host nucleus by selected reaction monitoring and immunofluorescence studies. Furthermore, we provide evidence that PARP1 elevation is likely specific to Salmonella infection and independent of one of the bacterial type III secretion systems. Our work demonstrates that unbiased high‐throughput proteomics can be used as a powerful approach to provide new perspectives on host–pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Bartonella are emerging and re-emerging pathogens affecting humans and a wide variety of animals including rodents. Horizontal transmission of Bartonella species by different hematophagous vectors is well acknowledged but vertical transmission (from mother to offspring) is questionable and was never explored in fleas. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the rodent flea, Xenopsylla ramesis, can acquire native Bartonella from wild rodents and transmit it transovarially. For this aim, Bartonella-free laboratory-reared X. ramesis fleas were placed on six naturally Bartonella-infected rodents and six species-matched Bartonella-negative rodents (three Meriones crassus jirds, two Gerbillus nanus gerbils and one Gerbillus dasyurus gerbil) for 7 days, 12-14h per day. The fleas that were placed on the Bartonella-positive rodents acquired four different Bartonella genotypes. Eggs and larvae laid and developed, respectively, by fleas from both rodent groups were collected daily for 7 days and molecularly screened for Bartonella. All eggs and larvae from both groups were found to be negative for Bartonella DNA. Interestingly, two of five gut voids regurgitated by Bartonella-positive fleas contained Bartonella DNA. The naturally infected rodents remained persistently infected with Bartonella for at least 89 days suggesting their capability to serve as competent reservoirs for Bartonella species. The findings in this study indicate that X. ramesis fleas can acquire several Bartonella strains from wild rodents but cannot transmit Bartonella transovarially.  相似文献   

Honey bee societies (Apis mellifera), the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor, and honey bee viruses that are vectored by the mite, form a complex system of host-parasite interactions. Coevolution by natural selection in this system has been hindered for European honey bee hosts since apicultural practices remove the mite and consequently the selective pressures required for such a process. An increasing mite population means increasing transmission opportunities for viruses that can quickly develop into severe infections, killing a bee colony. Remarkably, a few subpopulations in Europe have survived mite infestation for extended periods of over 10 years without management by beekeepers and offer the possibility to study their natural host-parasite coevolution. Our study shows that two of these "natural" honey bee populations, in Avignon, France and Gotland, Sweden, have in fact evolved resistant traits that reduce the fitness of the mite (measured as the reproductive success), thereby reducing the parasitic load within the colony to evade the development of overt viral infections. Mite reproductive success was reduced by about 30% in both populations. Detailed examinations of mite reproductive parameters suggest these geographically and genetically distinct populations favor different mechanisms of resistance, even though they have experienced similar selection pressures of mite infestation. Compared to unrelated control colonies in the same location, mites in the Avignon population had high levels of infertility while in Gotland there was a higher proportions of mites that delayed initiation of egg-laying. Possible explanations for the observed rapid coevolution are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to identify variables associated with the presence of the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus, we conducted a serological survey of roe deer [Capreolus capreolus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae, Linnaeus 1758)] in three forest districts of southern Hesse, Germany. Overall, 24 out of 105 (22.9%) of the sera were positive (≥1 : 10 plaque reduction neutralization test). Using a logistic regression approach, we found that unexplained spatial variation, indexed roe deer density (positive correlation), hind foot length of the tested roe deer (positive correlation) and infestation with female Ixodes spp. ticks (negative correlation) predicted the probability of TBE virus antibody presence in individual roe deer sera. Spring temperature increase and host sex were rejected as explanatory variables. We found considerable differences in TBE virus antibody seroprevalence (50.0% vs. 17.6%) between two forest districts located in the same county; this finding questions the current county-resolution of public health recordings. Given the high seroprevalence of roe deer and the considerable explanatory power of our model, our approach appears suitable to delineate science-based risk maps at a smaller spatial scale and to abandon the current human incidence per county criterion. Importantly, using roe deer as sentinels would eliminate the inherent bias of risk maps based on human incidence (varying levels of immunization and exposure of humans).  相似文献   

The interface between evolutionary biology and the biomedical sciences promises to advance understanding of the origins of genetic and infectious diseases in humans, potentially leading to improved medical diagnostics, therapies, and public health practices. The biomedical sciences also provide unparalleled examples for evolutionary biologists to explore. However, gaps persist between evolution and medicine, for historical reasons and because they are often perceived as having disparate goals. Evolutionary biologists have a role in building a bridge between the disciplines by presenting evolutionary biology in the context of human health and medical practice to undergraduates, including premedical and preprofessional students. We suggest that students will find medical examples of evolution engaging. By making the connections between evolution and medicine clear at the undergraduate level, the stage is set for future health providers and biomedical scientists to work productively in this synthetic area. Here, we frame key evolutionary concepts in terms of human health, so that biomedical examples may be more easily incorporated into evolution courses or more specialized courses on evolutionary medicine. Our goal is to aid in building the scientific foundation in evolutionary biology for all students, and to encourage evolutionary biologists to join in the integration of evolution and medicine.  相似文献   

A protocol to infect five-week-old Wistar rats by Plasmodium berghei which resulted in 100% mortality was developed in this work. In order to accomplish this goal, the effect of the administration of 10(7) and 10(8) parasitized erythrocytes by i.v. and i.p. route was investigated. The animals inoculated with 10(7) parasitized red blood cells by i.p. and i.v. routes showed 25 and 50% mortality, respectively. Inoculation with 10(8) parasitized erythrocytes by both routes resulted in a 100% lethal infection. The i.v. inoculation showed less scattered results and it was preferred over the i.p. route. The suitability of the protocol developed was evaluated by treating infected Wistar rats with chloroquine (30 mg/kg/day). A decreased parasitemia after the treatment was observed until the complete eradication of the parasite, around 10 days post-inoculation. Parasitemia depression after chloroquine treatment demonstrates the utility of the model developed to test new antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes determine immune repertoires and social preferences of vertebrates. Immunological regulation of microbial assemblages associated with individuals influences their sociality, and should also affect their life-history traits. We exposed Xenopus laevis tadpoles to water conditioned by adult conspecifics. Then, we analysed tadpole growth, development and survivorship as a function of MHC class I and class II peptide-binding region amino acid sequence similarities between tadpoles and frogs that conditioned the water to which they were exposed. Tadpoles approached metamorphosis earlier and suffered greater mortality when exposed to immunogenetically dissimilar frogs. The results suggest that developmental regulatory cues, microbial assemblages or both are specific to MHC genotypes. Tadpoles may associate with conspecifics with which they share microbiota to which their genotypes are well adapted.  相似文献   

Iron chelators for the treatment of malaria have proven therapeutic activity in vitro and in vivo in both humans and mice, but their clinical use is limited by the unsuitable absorption and pharmacokinetic properties of the few available iron chelators. FBS0701, (S)3"-(HO)-desazadesferrithiocin-polyether [DADFT-PE], is an oral iron chelator currently in Phase 2 human studies for the treatment of transfusional iron overload. The drug has very favorable absorption and pharmacokinetic properties allowing for once-daily use to deplete circulating free iron with human plasma concentrations in the high μM range. Here we show that FBS0701 has inhibition concentration 50% (IC(50)) of 6 μM for Plasmodium falciparum in contrast to the IC(50) for deferiprone and deferoxamine at 15 and 30 μM respectively. In combination, FBS0701 interfered with artemisinin parasite inhibition and was additive with chloroquine or quinine parasite inhibition. FBS0701 killed early stage P. falciparum gametocytes. In the P. berghei Thompson suppression test, a single dose of 100 mg/kg reduced day three parasitemia and prolonged survival, but did not cure mice. Treatment with a single oral dose of 100 mg/kg one day after infection with 10 million lethal P. yoelii 17XL cured all the mice. Pretreatment of mice with a single oral dose of FBS0701 seven days or one day before resulted in the cure of some mice. Plasma exposures and other pharmacokinetics parameters in mice of the 100 mg/kg dose are similar to a 3 mg/kg dose in humans. In conclusion, FBS0701 demonstrates a single oral dose cure of the lethal P. yoelii model. Significantly, this effect persists after the chelator has cleared from plasma. FBS0701 was demonstrated to remove labile iron from erythrocytes as well as enter erythrocytes to chelate iron. FBS0701 may find clinically utility as monotherapy, a malarial prophylactic or, more likely, in combination with other antimalarials.  相似文献   

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