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P. Ward 《Polar Biology》1984,3(2):85-92
Summary Population structure and aspects of the reproductive biology of Antarctomysis maxima from South Georgia and the South Orkney Islands were examined. Size frequency analysis indicated that the generation time is two years at South Georgia, but may approach four years at the South Orkneys. Egg production is greater for a given size of female at South Georgia but by virtue of a larger egg, brood production in terms of ash-free dry weight is slightly greater at the South Orkneys. Young are brooded over winter at both sites and are released in spring. Females are clearly capable of breeding twice at South Georgia and it is suggested that this is also the case at the South Orkneys. These results are discussed in relation to other studies on cold water mysids and to environmental adaptations exhibited by other Antarctic marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Synopsis Large numbers of the Southern Hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis, have been found in the regurgitated food of albatrosses breeding on South Georgia. This finding suggests that this lamprey is found in large groups at sea, presumably associated with its host, and can travel very large distances from its natal streams. The length and morphology of the individuals from South Georgia, which almost certainly represent a South American stock, were compared with those of representatives of the immediately pre- and post-marine trophic stages of G. australis caught in Western Australia. No significant differences could be detected either in the number of trunk myomeres or in the number and arrangement of the teeth. The mean length of the animals (± 95% confidence limits) from South Georgia was 45.9 ± 0.90 cm compared with 10.0 ± 0.23 cm and 62.5 ± 0.85 cm in G. australis collected from Western Australia just before they had entered and returned from the sea respectively.  相似文献   

Peter Convey 《Polar Biology》2005,28(2):108-110
No Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) are known to be residents of South Georgia. This paper presents new records of three lepidopterans on the island. Two, Agrotis ipsilon (Noctuidae) and Plutella xylostella (Yponomeutidae), are well-known migrants. The third, Plodia interpunctella (Pyralidae), is closely associated with human habitation. In the context of regional trends of climate warming P. xylostella may already possess the ecophysiological capacity to permit establishment on South Georgia.  相似文献   

A diet analysis of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides, trawled in the South Georgia Islands area in March–April 1996, was carried out by frequency of occurrence (F%) and coefficient Q (%) methods. The samples consisted chiefly of immature specimens, with predominant length ranges of 30–70 cm (TL). Fish was by far the main food on the shelves of Shag Rocks and South Georgia, accounting for about 70% of prey. Krill appeared as secondary food, although its importance was overestimated by the frequency of occurrence method. Cephalopods and mysids were infrequent in the stomachs, and only at Shag Rocks and South Georgia, respectively. Lepidonotothen kempi, Champsocephalus gunnari and Chaenocephalus aceratus constituted the main fish prey and their variability between Shag Rocks and South Georgia depended on their local abundance. The large proportion of fish exhibiting stomachs full or close to fullness (together 62%) suggests that feeding intensity of the species was high.  相似文献   

The majority of the Southern Ocean is a high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) ecosystem. Localized increases in chlorophyll concentration measured in the wake of bathymetric features near South Georgia demonstrate variations in the factors governing the HNLC condition. We explore the possibility that the contrast between these areas of high-chlorophyll and surrounding HNLC areas is associated with variations in phytoplankton photophysiology. Total dissolvable iron concentrations, phytoplankton photophysiology and community structure were investigated in late April 2003 on a transect along the North Scotia Ridge (53–54°S) between the Falkland Islands and South Georgia (58–33°W). Total dissolvable iron concentrations suggested a benthic source of iron near South Georgia. Bulk community measurements of dark-adapted photochemical quantum efficiency (F v/F m) exhibited a sharp increase to the east of 46°W coincident with a decrease in the functional absorption cross-section (σPSII). Phytoplankton populations east of 46°W thus displayed no physiological symptoms of iron or nitrate stress. Contrasting low F v/F m west of 46°W could not be explained by variations in the macronutrients nitrate and silicic acid and may be the result of taxon specific variability in photophysiology or iron stress. We hypothesize that increased F v/F m resulted from local relief from iron-stress near South Georgia, east of Aurora Bank, an area previously speculated to be a “pulse point” source of iron. Our measurements provide one of the first direct physiological confirmations that iron stress is alleviated in phytoplankton populations near South Georgia.  相似文献   

Macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus are thought to be one of the most important mesopredators in the Southern Ocean having a greater impact on prey availability and abundance than any other seabird species. Their population centre has long been held to be South Georgia where populations were thought to comprise many million animals. Here we report the results of a recent census of the macaroni population at South Georgia undertaken using aerial survey methods. We report dramatic declines in numbers (~1.0 million breeding pairs) compared to numbers observed in the late 1970s (~5.4 million pairs), but show that these reductions have occurred principally at sites where numbers had previously been very large. During the breeding season, the main foraging grounds of birds from these sites overlap with the foraging grounds of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella, a major competitor for their principal prey, Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. We suggest that the redistribution of the macaroni penguin population at South Georgia reflects the recent recovery of fur seal populations and thus the ongoing consequences of human intervention at South Georgia, a process which started more than 2 centuries previously. The implied resource competition and the observed population changes may also be exacerbated by recent reductions in Antarctic krill abundance which have been linked with reductions in seasonal sea ice following recent, rapid, regional warming in the Antarctic; however, the recovery of fur seal populations, and the ongoing recovery of krill‐eating whale populations argues that tropho‐dynamic interactions may be sufficient to explain the observed changes.  相似文献   

The federally threatened frosted flatwoods salamander, Ambystoma cingulatum, occurs in isolated populations on the coastal plain of northern Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. An earlier phylogeographic study based primarily on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and morphometrics demonstrated that the previously recognized species A. cingulatum contained two cryptic species, and that two distinct mtDNA clades were contained within the newly restricted A. cingulatum. However, salamanders from the northern extent of the species range in South Carolina were not previously available for analysis. Here, we used individuals from a newly discovered South Carolina breeding site to determine whether A. cingulatum from South Carolina are genetically distinct from their more southerly conspecifics. These analyses included the mitochondrial gene studied previously as well as broad geographic sampling of three rapidly evolving nuclear genes that allowed us to further investigate lineage diversification of flatwoods salamanders. The mitochondrial and nuclear results are largely congruent, yielding strong support for two distinct species of flatwoods salamanders and also two lineages within the eastern species. Further, the South Carolina specimens are closely related to other haplotypes found in eastern Georgia and Florida. Our summary of field surveys over the past 20 years indicates that this South Carolina population may be one of only three remaining in the entire Atlantic coastal plain distribution of this rare and declining amphibian species.  相似文献   

Chaenocephalus aceratus (Family Channicthyidae) is one of the dominant species of demersal fish living on the South Georgia shelf where it is caught in low numbers as by-catch in the mackerel icefish and Antarctic krill commercial fisheries. Data collected during 14 demersal fish surveys, from 1986 to 2006, are analysed to investigate biomass, distribution, growth and diet. Biomass estimates from a swept area method ranged from 4,462 to 28,740 tonnes on the South Georgia and Shag Rock shelves although few fish were caught at Shag Rocks. Analysis of length frequency data indicated that growth was fast in the first five years with males and females attaining lengths at first spawning of 440 mm TL and 520 mm TL. The diet was comprised of fish and crustaceans, with an ontogenetic shift in diet from Euphausia superba and mysids to benthic fish and decapods observed to begin at 250 mm TL. In larger fish (>500 mm TL) the diet was dominated by fish. C. aceratus diet is sufficiently different from the other species of channichthyids around South Georgia to suggest that these species have undergone resource partitioning.  相似文献   

Milton W.  Weller 《Ibis》1975,117(2):217-231
A study of the feeding ecology and breeding biology of the South Georgia Pintail was conducted in East Cumberland Bay during November and December 1971. Of a variety of water areas available, pintails fed and reared their broods in tussock-trimmed ponds. The second most important feeding areas were sheltered fjords and seashores. Food included freshwater invertebrates such as fairy shrimp, marine amphipods and snails, and small amounts of marine algae. Considering the climatic conditions, the breeding season spans a long season from late October to early March. Courtship and social behaviour are very similar to that of the pintail, and displays and calls could not be differentiated from those of A. g. spinicauda. There is now one other species of duck on South Georgia, the Speckled Teal, but, because it occurs sympatrically with A. g. spinicauda throughout temperate South America and tends to use different food resources, no serious competition is expected. It is concluded that these species have successfully adapted to South Georgia because of the availability of protected, food-rich ponds for rearing young and because of the semimarine adaptations that have developed in Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands.  相似文献   

Skeletal remains of baleen whales killed during the onset of 20th century commercial whaling lie scattered across the shores and abandoned whaling stations of the subantarctic island of South Georgia. Here we report on genetic species identification of whale bones collected from South Georgia using standard historical DNA protocols. We amplified and sequenced short fragments of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region from 281 available bone samples. Of these, 231 provided mtDNA sequences of sufficient quality and length (174–194 bp) for species identification: 158 bones were identified as humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), 51 bones were identified as fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), 18 bones were identified as blue whale (B. musculus), two bones were identified as sei whale (B. borealis), one bone was identified as a southern right whale (Eubalaena australis), and one bone was identified as a southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina). The prominence of humpback, fin, and blue whale bones in the sample collection corresponds to the catch record of the early years of whaling on the island of South Georgia (pre‐1915), prior to the depletion of these populations.  相似文献   

The human-assisted establishment of two non-native predatory carabid beetles (Merizodus soledadinus (Guerin-Ménéville), Trechisibus antarcticus (Dejean)) on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia occurred 30–50 years ago, but the distribution of these species has never been the subject of regular monitoring, and was last assessed in the mid-1990s. Based on opportunistic collection records and directed field survey activities on South Georgia over four summer seasons between 2002/3 and 2008/9, we describe recent and important range expansions in both species on the island. The new distributional ranges of both species are highly suggestive of a continuing inadvertent human role in transferring them across the obstructions presented by tidewater glaciers or higher-altitude mountain passes. Both species now have the potential to spread unchecked by any other geographical obstructions across a large section of the north-east coast of the island and are likely to have considerable negative impacts on the elements of the native (including endemic) terrestrial invertebrate fauna.  相似文献   

The foraging range and principal feeding areas of White‐chinned Petrels breeding at South Georgia were determined using satellite telemetry. Foraging trips during incubation lasted 12–15 days and covered 3000–8000 km and 2–11 days and 1100–5900 km during chick‐rearing. Adults covered less distance per day during chick‐rearing (71 km) than during incubation (91 km) but the proportion covered at night (47%) was the same. Mean (31–34 km/h) and maximum (80 km/h) flight velocities were similar during both periods of the breeding season and during day and night. Between incubation shifts, White‐chinned Petrels travelled to the Patagonian shelf; during chick‐rearing they foraged more extensively. Most locations were between 30° to 55°W and 52° to 60°W around South Georgia/Shag Rocks and south to the South Orkney Islands. Diet samples from known foraging locations suggested birds fed mainly on krill and squid. They caught the squid Brachioteuthis? picta and Galiteuthis glacialis around Shag Rocks/South Georgia and also at sites close to the South Orkney Islands; Illex argentinus on the Patagonian shelf. Dispersal of adults after breeding failure was south to the South Orkney Islands then west to the Falkland Islands. This study confirms that breeding White‐chinned Petrels are amongst the widest‐ranging of seabirds; they may minimise competition with other Procellariiformes in the South Atlantic by their more extensive foraging range. The nature and extent of their range also brings substantial risk of high mortality rate in South Atlantic long‐line fisheries.  相似文献   

Qualitative samples of Collembola were obtained from a range of substrates near Husvik, Stromness Bay, South Georgia, between January and March 1996. Collections made at Hope Point near Grytviken (Cumberland East Bay) in 1980/1982 and 1997 were also examined. Fifteen species of Collembola were recorded around Husvik; most were widely distributed. Two of these, Friesia sp. nov. and Cryptopygus badasa, represent additions to the previously recognised fauna of 17 species. A new record of an introduced species, Hypogastrura purpurescens, was identified in collections from Hope Point in 1980/1982, bringing the total South Georgian fauna to 20 species. A key to South Georgian Collembola is included. H. purpurescens and the congeneric Hypogastrura viatica, both cosmopolitan invasive species, have also been recognised on other sub-Antarctic islands and have displaced resident species from some habitats. Their presence on South Georgia, and the dominance of H. viatica in some habitats, highlight the importance of strict quarantine measures to avoid the introduction of further alien invertebrates. Accepted: 30 November 1998  相似文献   

The information about cetacean occurrence around the Island of South Georgia is scarce. With the main goal of gathering information on a feeding ground of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) that winter in Brazilian waters, we conducted an expedition to South Georgia. We present here the information regarding cetacean sightings during the expedition. From 28 January to 2 March, 2006 we carried out 13 research cruises, covering 700 nautical miles and 110 h of observation. We registered 10 sightings, in 7 h of ad libitum observations, of the following species: Megaptera novaeangliae, Eubalaena australis, Balaenoptera physalus, Mesoplodon layardii, Orcinus orca and Lagenorhynchus cruciger. We present data on location, depth, group size, structure, and behavior for this geographical area of essential importance for cetacean conservation.  相似文献   

Quaternary glaciations in Antarctica drastically modified geographical ranges and population sizes of marine benthic invertebrates and thus affected the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic variation. Here, we present new genetic information in the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna, a dominant Antarctic benthic species along shallow ice‐free rocky ecosystems. We examined the patterns of genetic diversity and structure in this broadcast spawner along maritime Antarctica and from the peri‐Antarctic island of South Georgia. Genetic analyses showed that N. concinna represents a single panmictic unit in maritime Antarctic. Low levels of genetic diversity characterized this population; its median‐joining haplotype network revealed a typical star‐like topology with a short genealogy and a dominant haplotype broadly distributed. As previously reported with nuclear markers, we detected significant genetic differentiation between South Georgia Island and maritime Antarctica populations. Higher levels of genetic diversity, a more expanded genealogy and the presence of more private haplotypes support the hypothesis of glacial persistence in this peri‐Antarctic island. Bayesian Skyline plot and mismatch distribution analyses recognized an older demographic history in South Georgia. Approximate Bayesian computations did not support the persistence of N. concinna along maritime Antarctica during the last glacial period, but indicated the resilience of the species in peri‐Antarctic refugia (South Georgia Island). We proposed a model of Quaternary Biogeography for Antarctic marine benthic invertebrates with shallow and narrow bathymetric ranges including (i) extinction of maritime Antarctic populations during glacial periods; (ii) persistence of populations in peri‐Antarctic refugia; and (iii) recolonization of maritime Antarctica following the deglaciation process.  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of microphytoplankton assemblages in the vicinity of South Georgia were examined during a krill survey conducted during voyage 119 the RV Africana in austral summer (January/February) 1994. Microphytoplankton distribution was studied at 83 stations along a zig-zag transect in the waters surrounding South Georgia. Oceanographic and zooplankton data suggest that conditions were anomalous during the investigation, in that sub-Antarctic surface waters had probably been advected southwards and were present around the island. The two most widely distributed species were Corethron criophilum and Eucampia antarctica, which were recorded at all stations sampled. Also well-represented amongst the microphytoplankton assemblages were temperate, neritic species such as Chaetoceros atlanticus, Proboscia alata and Odontella weissflogii. This can probably be related to the intrusion of sub-Antarctic surface waters unusually far south. Cluster and ordination analysis identified three distinct groupings of stations in the waters surrounding the islands. These were found to the east, west and north of the islands. The diatom groupings identified during this investigation broadly correspond to three water masses previously described in the vicinity of South Georgia. Despite the anomalous hydrographical conditions that existed during the investigation, the differences in phytoplankton were negligible when compared to normal years. Small mesoscale features are, however, important in imposing biogeographic patterns on microphytoplankton. Received: 21 February 1996 / Accepted: 3 November 1996  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):107-110

Seven species are reported here for the first time for South Georgia. Two of these were already known from Tierra del Fuego, Acrolophozia fuegiana Schust. and Marsupella sprucei (Limpr.) H. Bern., but Acrolophozia sulcata Hässel, Marsupella austrogeorgica Hässel, and Marsupella minutula Hässel are described as new. The additional two species which are described, Austrolembidium crassum Hässel and Greeneothallus gemmiparus Hässel, also required the creation of two new genera. The total number of liverwort species now known to be present on South Georgia is sixty-six.  相似文献   

Leucistic Antarctic fur seals at Bouvetøya   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
One leucistic and one partially leucistic Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella were seen at Bouvetøya during the 1996/97 austral summer. Both likely came from South Georgia, where this colour morph is common. No individuals of this colour morph were sighted during three subsequent expeditions to Bouvetøya. The prevalence of this colour morph in the abundant populations of the Scotia Arc may be due to founder effect, as at least one leucistic animal was present at South Georgia when the Antarctic fur seal was close to extinction.  相似文献   

Chaenocephalus aceratus is one of the most abundant Antarctic icefish species in the Atlantic sector and has been a by-catch species in the fishery for mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari, between the mid-1970s and mid-1980s at South Georgia, South Orkney, and South Shetland Islands. The species became the target of the fishery in particular seasons, such as at South Georgia in 1977/78. In our paper, we report results on genetic differentiation for 11 microsatellite loci in C. aceratus samples collected at the South Shetlands and Elephant Island. This study represents the first report on microsatellite variability of an icefish species. Our results support the evidence from previous studies on differences in infestation patterns of parasites that a single panmictic population of C. aceratus exists, spanning the two sampling sites separated by about 100 km. Moreover, our study indicates the presence of a significant genetic differentiation between individual year-classes pointing out the existence of dynamic processes acting at the population genetic level, according to recent results for broadly distributed marine species. Both small effective population size and immigration from unsampled differentiated stocks may be at the base of the differentiation found in C. aceratus. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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