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The autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) is characterized by early-onset lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, immune cytopenias, and an increased risk for B cell lymphomas. Most ALPS patients harbor mutations in the FAS gene, which regulates lymphocyte apoptosis. These are commonly missense mutations affecting the intracellular region of the protein and have a dominant-negative effect on the signaling pathway. However, analysis of a large cohort of ALPS patients revealed that ~30% have mutations affecting the extracellular region of FAS, and among these, 70% are nonsense, splice site, or insertions/deletions with frameshift for which no dominant-negative effect would be expected. We evaluated the latter patients to understand the mechanism(s) by which these mutations disrupted the FAS pathway and resulted in clinical disease. We demonstrated that most extracellular-region FAS mutations induce low FAS expression due to nonsense-mediated RNA decay or protein instability, resulting in defective death-inducing signaling complex formation and impaired apoptosis, although to a lesser extent as compared with intracellular mutations. The apoptosis defect could be corrected by FAS overexpression in vitro. Our findings define haploinsufficiency as a common disease mechanism in ALPS patients with extracellular FAS mutations.  相似文献   



The aim of our study was to investigate the association between COL5A1 genotype and Range of Motion as measured by the passive straight leg raise (SLR) and whole body join laxity (WBJL) in Asian population.


One hundred and seventy seven participants including Korean and Japanese college students (male = 109, female = 68) participated in the study. Each subject performed the passive straight leg raise and whole body join laxity test. Genotyping for the COL5A1 (rs 12722) polymorphism was performed using the TaqMan approach. The COL5A1 genotype exhibited a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium distribution in our population.


The physical parameters including height, weight, and BMI were higher in < 90° group than > 90° group. The SLR exhibited significant difference among the COL5A1 group. However, the WBJL did not differ significantly among the COL5A1 genotype, but significant difference was seen in CC genotype when compared to CT (2.99 ± 1.72) or TT (2.70 ± 1.52) genotype.


We concluded that COL5A1 gene polymorphism is associated with increased SLR ROM in Asian population.  相似文献   

Stickler syndrome is characterized by ophthalmic, articular, orofacial, and auditory manifestations. It has an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern and is caused by mutations in COL2A1, COL11A1, and COL11A2. We describe a family of Moroccan origin that consists of four children with Stickler syndrome, six unaffected children, and two unaffected parents who are distant relatives (fifth degree). All family members were clinically investigated for ear, nose, and throat; ophthalmologic; and radiological abnormalities. Four children showed symptoms characteristic of Stickler syndrome, including moderate-to-severe sensorineural hearing loss, moderate-to-high myopia with vitreoretinopathy, and epiphyseal dysplasia. We considered the COL9A1 gene, located on chromosome 6q13, to be a candidate gene on the basis of the structural association with collagen types II and XI and because of the high expression in the human inner ear indicated by cDNA microarray. Mutation analysis of the coding region of the COL9A1 gene showed a homozygous R295X mutation in the four affected children. The parents and four unaffected children were heterozygous carriers of the R295X mutation. Two unaffected children were homozygous for the wild-type allele. None of the family members except the homozygous R295X carriers had any signs of Stickler syndrome. Therefore, COL9A1 is the fourth identified gene that can cause Stickler syndrome. In contrast to the three previously reported Stickler syndrome-causing genes, this gene causes a form of Stickler syndrome with an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. This finding will have a major impact on the genetic counseling of patients with Stickler syndrome and on the understanding of the pathophysiology of collagens. Mutation analysis of this gene is recommended in patients with Stickler syndrome with possible autosomal recessive inheritance.  相似文献   

To examine mechanisms by which reduced type V collagen causes weakened connective tissues in the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), we examined matrix deposition and collagen fibril morphology in long-term dermal fibroblast cultures. EDS cells with COL5A1 haplo-insufficiency deposited less than one-half of hydroxyproline as collagen compared to control fibroblasts, though total collagen synthesis rates are near-normal because type V collagen represents a small fraction of collagen synthesized. Cells from patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and haplo-insufficiency for proalpha1(I) chains of type I collagen also incorporated about one-half the collagen as controls, but this amount was proportional to their reduced rates of total collagen synthesis. Collagen fibril diameter was inversely proportional to type V/type I collagen ratios (EDS > control > OI). However, a reduction of type V collagen, in the EDS derived cells, was associated with the assembly of significantly fewer fibrils compared to control and OI cells. These data indicate that in cell culture, the quantity of collagen fibrils deposited in matrix is highly sensitive to reduction in type V collagen, far out of proportion to type V collagen's contribution to collagen mass.  相似文献   

《Bioscience Hypotheses》2008,1(6):295-300
Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is characterized by visceral obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, atherogenic dyslipidemia, and increased atherosclerotic plaque development and cardiovascular disease. It arises from a high-calorie “Western diet” and physical inactivity. MetS confers an elevated risk for type II diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, significantly shortening the affected individual's life. While many gene products affect the course of MetS, SirT1 and ataxia–telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein activities ameliorate the pathophysiological effects of MetS in rodent models. SirT1 activity protects mice from the deleterious effects of a high-fat diet, promoting insulin sensitivity, fat mobilization, lowered blood pressure, and cell survival and genomic stability. ATM activation attenuates hypertension, diet-induced atherosclerotic plaque development, and glucose resistance in mice. ATM activity partially depends on Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 protein (NBS1) activity. NBS1 can be acetylated, which inhibits its interactions with ATM, attenuating ATM function. Restoration of ATM activity requires NBS1 deacetylation by Sirt1. Interestingly, ATM activation increases SirT1 expression. Several studies show that a high-fat–sugar/high-calorie diet suppresses SirT1 expression in many tissues. Here we hypothesize that SirT1 suppression increases NBS1 acetylation, suppressing ATM activity, and finally attenuating ATM-mediated SirT1 expression. The resulting viscous cycle would promote MetS.  相似文献   

The systemic acquired resistance (SAR) response in Arabidopsis is characterized by the accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), expression of the pathogenesis-related (PR) genes, and enhanced resistance to virulent bacterial and oomycete pathogens. The cpr (constitutive expressor of PR genes) mutants express all three SAR phenotypes. In addition, cpr5 and cpr6 induce expression of PDF1.2, a defense-related gene associated with activation of the jasmonate/ethylene-mediated resistance pathways. cpr5 also forms spontaneous lesions. In contrast, the eds1 (enhanced disease susceptibility) mutation abolishes race-specific resistance conferred by a major subclass of resistance (R) gene products in response to avirulent pathogens. eds1 plants also exhibit increased susceptibility to virulent pathogens. Epistasis experiments were designed to explore the relationship between the cpr- and EDS1-mediated resistance pathways. We found that a null eds1 mutation suppresses the disease resistance phenotypes of both cpr1 and cpr6. In contrast, eds1 only partially suppresses resistance in cpr5, leading us to conclude that cpr5 expresses both EDS1-dependent and EDS1-independent components of plant disease resistance. Although eds1 does not prevent lesion formation on cpr5 leaves, it alters their appearance and reduces their spread. This phenotypic difference is associated with increased pathogen colonization of cpr5 eds1 plants compared to cpr5. The data allow us to place EDS1 as a necessary downstream component of cpr1- and cpr6-mediated responses, but suggest a more complex relationship between EDS1 and cpr5 in plant defense.  相似文献   

Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a potentially lethal disorder, because the elevation of the pulmonary arterial pressure may result in right-heart failure. Histologically, the disorder is characterized by proliferation of pulmonary-artery smooth muscle and endothelial cells, by intimal hyperplasia, and by in situ thrombus formation. Heterozygous mutations within the bone morphogenetic protein type II receptor (BMPR-II) gene (BMPR2), of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) cell-signaling superfamily, have been identified in familial and sporadic cases of PPH. We report the molecular spectrum of BMPR2 mutations in 47 additional families with PPH and in three patients with sporadic PPH. Among the cohort of patients, we have identified 22 novel mutations, including 4 partial deletions, distributed throughout the BMPR2 gene. The majority (58%) of mutations are predicted to lead to a premature termination codon. We have also investigated the functional impact and genotype-phenotype relationships, to elucidate the mechanisms contributing to pathogenesis of this important vascular disease. In vitro expression analysis demonstrated loss of BMPR-II function for a number of the identified mutations. These data support the suggestion that haploinsufficiency represents the common molecular mechanism in PPH. Marked variability of the age at onset of disease was observed both within and between families. Taken together, these studies illustrate the considerable heterogeneity of BMPR2 mutations that cause PPH, and they strongly suggest that additional factors, genetic and/or environmental, may be required for the development of the clinical phenotype.  相似文献   

We report here on the complete structure of the human COL3A1 and COL5A2 genes. Collagens III and V, together with collagens I, II and XI make up the group of fibrillar collagens, all of which share a similar structure and function; however, despite the similar size of the major triple-helical domain, the number of exons coding for the domain differs between the genes for the major fibrillar collagens characterized so far (I, II, and III) and the minor ones (V and XI). The main triple-helical domain being encoded by 49-50 exons, including the junction exons, in the COL5A1, COL11A1 and COL11A2 genes, but by 43-44 exons in the genes for the major fibrillar collagens. Characterization of the genomic structure of the COL3A1 gene confirmed its association with the major fibrillar collagen genes, but surprisingly, the genomic organization of the COL5A2 gene was found to be similar to that of the COL3A1 gene. We also confirmed that the two genes are located in tail-to-tail orientation with an intergenic distance of approximately 22 kb. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that they have evolved from a common ancestor gene. Analysis of the genomic sequences identified a novel single nucleotide polymorphism and a novel dinucleotide repeat. These polymorphisms should be useful for linkage analysis of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and related disorders.  相似文献   

A cDNA probe of the human COL5A1 gene detects a frequent biallelic PstI polymorphism. Allele A has a frequency of 54% whereas that of allele B is 46%. This restriction fragment length polymorphism provides a useful marker for linkage analysis in 9q34.3.  相似文献   

Recessive mutations in two of the three collagen VI genes, COL6A2 and COL6A3, have recently been shown to cause Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD), a frequently severe disorder characterized by congenital muscle weakness with joint contractures and coexisting distal joint hyperlaxity. Dominant mutations in all three collagen VI genes had previously been associated with the considerably milder Bethlem myopathy. Here we report that a de novo heterozygous deletion of the COL6A1 gene can also result in a severe phenotype of classical UCMD precluding ambulation. The internal gene deletion occurs near a minisatellite DNA sequence in intron 8 that removes 1.1 kb of genomic DNA encompassing exons 9 and 10. The resulting mutant chain contains a 33-amino acid deletion near the amino-terminus of the triple-helical domain but preserves a unique cysteine in the triple-helical domain important for dimer formation prior to secretion. Thus, dimer formation and secretion of abnormal tetramers can occur and exert a strong dominant negative effect on microfibrillar assembly, leading to a loss of normal localization of collagen VI in the basement membrane surrounding muscle fibers. Consistent with this mechanism was our analysis of a patient with a much milder phenotype, in whom we identified a previously described Bethlem myopathy heterozygous in-frame deletion of 18 amino acids somewhat downstream in the triple-helical domain, a result of exon 14 skipping in the COL6A1 gene. This deletion removes the crucial cysteine, so that dimer formation cannot occur and the abnormal molecule is not secreted, preventing the strong dominant negative effect. Our studies provide a biochemical insight into genotype-phenotype correlations in this group of disorders and establish that UCMD can be caused by dominantly acting mutations.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin/cadherin5) is specifically expressed in adherens junctions of endothelial cells and exerts important functions in cell-cell adhesion as well as signal transduction. To analyze the mechanism of VE-cadherin homoassociation, the ectodomains CAD1-5 were connected by linker sequences to the N terminus of the coiled-coil domain of cartilage matrix protein (CMP). The chimera VECADCMP were expressed in mammalian cells. The trimeric coiled-coil domain leads to high intrinsic domain concentrations and multivalency promoting self-association. Ca(2+)-dependent homophilic association of VECADCMP was detected in solid phase assays and cross-linking experiments. A striking analogy to homoassociation of type I ("classical") cadherins like E, N or P-cadherin was observed when interactions in VECADCMP and between these trimeric proteins were analyzed by electron microscopy. Ca(2+)-dependent ring-like and double ring-like arrangements suggest interactions between domains 1 and 2 of the ectodomains, which may be correlated with lateral and adhesive contacts in the adhesion process. Association to complexes composed of two VECADCMP molecules was also demonstrated by chemical cross-linking. No indication for an antiparallel association of VECAD ectodomains to hexameric complexes as proposed by Legrand et al. was found. Instead the data suggest that homoassociation of VE-cadherin follows the conserved mechanism of type I cadherins.  相似文献   

Splice site selection is a key element of pre-mRNA splicing. Although it is known to involve specific recognition of short consensus sequences by the splicing machinery, the mechanisms by which 5' splice sites are accurately identified remain controversial and incompletely resolved. The human F7 gene contains in its seventh intron (IVS7) a 37-bp VNTR minisatellite whose first element spans the exon7-IVS7 boundary. As a consequence, the IVS7 authentic donor splice site is followed by several cryptic splice sites identical in sequence, referred to as 5' pseudo-sites, which normally remain silent. This region, therefore, provides a remarkable model to decipher the mechanism underlying 5' splice site selection in mammals. We previously suggested a model for splice site selection that, in the presence of consecutive splice consensus sequences, would stimulate exclusively the selection of the most upstream 5' splice site, rather than repressing the 3' following pseudo-sites. In the present study, we provide experimental support to this hypothesis by using a mutational approach involving a panel of 50 mutant and wild-type F7 constructs expressed in various cell types. We demonstrate that the F7 IVS7 5' pseudo-sites are functional, but do not compete with the authentic donor splice site. Moreover, we show that the selection of the 5' splice site follows a scanning-type mechanism, precluding competition with other functional 5' pseudo-sites available on immediate sequence context downstream of the activated one. In addition, 5' pseudo-sites with an increased complementarity to U1snRNA up to 91% do not compete with the identified scanning mechanism. Altogether, these findings, which unveil a cell type-independent 5'-3'-oriented scanning process for accurate recognition of the authentic 5' splice site, reconciliate apparently contradictory observations by establishing a hierarchy of competitiveness among the determinants involved in 5' splice site selection.  相似文献   

The University of California, Davis hosted a symposium on innate immunity in January 2012. Professors Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffmann, Luke O'Neill and Pamela Ronald discussed their research on mechanisms that multicellular organisms use to recognize microbes.  相似文献   

Protein crystals form in supersaturated solutions via a nucleation and growth mechanism. The amyloid fibrils of denatured proteins also form via a nucleation and growth mechanism. This similarity suggests that, although protein crystals and amyloid fibrils are distinct in their morphologies, both processes can be controlled in a similar manner. It has been established that ultrasonication markedly accelerates the formation of amyloid fibrils and simultaneously breaks them down into fragmented fibrils. In this study, we investigated the effects of ultrasonication on the crystallization of hen egg white lysozyme and glucose isomerase from Streptomyces rubiginosus. Protein crystallization was monitored by light scattering, tryptophan fluorescence, and light transmittance. Repeated ultrasonic irradiations caused the crystallization of lysozyme and glucose isomerase after cycles of irradiations. The size of the ultrasonication-induced crystals was small and homogeneous, and their numbers were larger than those obtained under quiescent conditions. Switching off ultrasonic irradiation when light scattering or tryptophan fluorescence began to change resulted in the formation of larger crystals due to the suppression of the further nucleation and fractures in preformed crystals. The results indicate that protein crystallization and amyloid fibrillation are explained on the basis of a common phase diagram in which ultrasonication accelerates the formation of crystals or crystal-like amyloid fibrils as well as fragmentation of preformed crystals or fibrils.  相似文献   

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