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By analysing the relationship between inverse water potential(–1), and relative water content (RWC) measured on leavesof roses (Rosa hybrida cv. Sonia), grown soilless, it was foundthat a non-linear (NL) model was better suited than a linearmodel to reproduce values observed in the non-turgid region.To explain this apparent curvature, it is assumed that a reductionof the non-osmotic water fraction (Ap) takes place when decreases.Osmotic potentials () measured on fresh and frozen leaf discstend to support this hypothesis. A method for exploiting PVcurves, which takes into account the variation of Ap, is described.It delivers values for the turgor pressure (p), the relativeosmotic water content, and the mean bulk volumetric elasticitycoefficient, lower than those given by the linear model. Onthe other hand, it gives higher estimates for Ap and for . Whenapplying the traditional model to obtain estimates for waterrelations characteristics of rose leaves, and comparing resultsfrom two distinct salinity treatments (electrical conductivitiesof 1·8 mS cm–1 and 3·8 mS cm–1, respectively),one deduces a significant reduction of at turgor-loss in thehigh salinity treatment. The NL method is, in addition, ablesimultaneously to reveal a reduction of and a significant increasein p at RWC=100% this proves that soilless–grown roseplants are able to osmoregulate when subjected to a constantand relatively high degree of salinity. Key words: Apoplastic water, non-linear regression, pressure-volume curves, tissue-water relations  相似文献   

Pure cultures of five microbial species were used to test the formation of exopolysaccharides (EPS) when grown in agitated sucrose (5% w/v) containing liquid cultures. These test species were isolated from stems of freshly harvested cut flowers ( Chrysanthemum, Gerbera and Rosa ) or from the vase water of these flower cultivars. The partial conversion of sucrose into other saccharides was demonstrated by HPLC and colorimetric analysis. The final polymeric character of the newly formed saccharides was investigated. SEM preparations of xylem vessels of Rosa maintained in EPS-containing vase water showed blockage, disorganization and injury of the vessel structure. EPS were shown not to pass the xylem pit membranes. Recovery from the first symptoms of disturbed water flow (wilting) due to EPS was possible in young flowers by cutting off the blocked part of the stem (15–20 cm. The higher the microbial conversion rate of sucrose into polysaccharides, the more disturbed were the water relations of the roses placed in the EPS-containing fluid, as was demonstrated by the decrease of: (1) water conductivity of Rosa stem segments (ml/30 min); (2) water uptake (ml/d); (3) Rosa vase life (d); and (4) flower bud development. Bacterial EPS (presumably levans and dextrans) could be concentrated in the retentate by molecular filtration with a cut-off level of 10000 Da. Filtrates did not cause Rosa xylem blockage and 'bent-neck'of the flower stems, but still may be toxic to roses. Two simple methods were also used for diagnostic investigations: (1) the beetroot tissue cube test to detect microbial products causing injury of the plant cell membranes, (2) the acid fuchsin test, to show the extent and location of Rosa xylem vessel occlusion.  相似文献   

Callus was initiated from immature leaf and stem segments of rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Landora) and subcultured every four weeks on a basal medium of half-strength Murashige & Skoog (1962) salts plus 30 g l-1 sucrose (1/2 MS) and supplemented with 2.2 M BA, 5.4 M NAA and 2.2–9.0 M 2,4-D. Embryogenic callus and subsequently somatic embryos were obtained from 8-week-old callus culture on 1/2 MS+2.2 M BA+0.05 M NAA+0.3 M GA3+200–800 mg l-1 L-proline. Long-term cultures were established and maintained for up to 16 months by repeated subculture of embryogenic callus on L-proline deficient medium. About 12% of cotyledonary stage embryos taken from cultures cold-stored at 8±1°C for 4 days germinated on 1/2 MS+2.2 M BA+0.3 M GA3+24.7 M adenine sulphate.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

迷你玫瑰组织培养中细菌污染的防止   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
迷你玫瑰组织快繁体系连续继代过程中,插入培养基的试管苗切口处有云雾状污染菌生长,其中2种为革兰氏阴性杆菌,1种为革兰氏阳性杆菌.培养基中加入氨苄青霉素(50~150 mg·L-1)抑制污染菌生长,不影响试管苗不定芽分化率,50 mg·L-1的氨苄青霉素明显促进染菌苗的生根.加入硫酸丁胺卡那霉素(25~100mg·L-1)有杀灭污染菌的作用,但对试管苗则有不同程度的毒害(叶片、叶柄和茎段出现黄化现象),对不定芽分化和生根也有明显的抑制.  相似文献   

A large number of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)flowers and young pods abscise rather than develop into mature pods. Flower andpod drop or abortion accounts for the majority of total reproductive abscissionand influences potential soybean yield. The objectives of this study were todetermine the patterns of flower, pod and seed development under treatmentswiththe growth regulators, 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) propanoic acid (2,4-DP) and6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), applied at the early reproductive stages, and toexamine the association of reproductive abscission with growth characteristicsand agronomic traits, including seed yield and seed weight. Small seeded [cvPungsan (11.1±0.4 g100-seed–1)] and large seeded [cv Manlee(21.0±0.5 g 100-seed–1)]genotypes were separately planted in the greenhouse and field, and treated witheither 2,4-DP or BAP. 2,4-DP (a synthetic auxin) and BAP (a syntheticcytokinin)were each applied at three concentrations (i.e. high, intermediate or low):0.12mM, 0.08 mM, 0.04 mM, and 1.5mM, 1 mM, 0.5 mM respectively. High andlow concentrations were employed for greenhouse experiments to examine thenumber of flowers per plant in pots. With the exception of low BAP (0.5mM) treatment in Pungsan, all treatments increased total podnumberwith various numbers of seeds per pod. Low 2,4-DP (0.04 mM) inbothgenotypes or BAP (0.5 mM) in Manlee significantly reduced flowerabortion and delayed abscission of pods in both genotypes, resulting inincreased pod setting rates. Under field conditions using intermediateconcentrations, 1 mM BAP significantly increased 100-seed weightto22.3 g at R1 in Manlee and 11.9 g at R3 in Pungsan.BAP (1 mM) at R3 in Pungsan significantly improved seed yield(40.1g plant–1). Maturity was not significantlyaffected by either application in Manlee, but was significantly affected by BAPin Pungsan. In Pungsan, 2,4-DP increased pod number, plant height and nodenumber, but decreased 100-seed weight in Pungsan treated at R1, causing nosignificant change of seed yield. This study suggested that exogenousregulatorssignificantly influenced reproductive and growth characteristics, andconsequently seed yield, but increase of pod number was not always beneficialfor seed yield.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin accumulation of petal disks of Rosa hybrida Hort.cv. Ehigasa was strongly inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP),suggesting that this process requires ATP. The inhibition couldnot be reversed by kinetin or naringenin, but could be whenboth were given together. This implies that 2,4-DNP exertedits effect on the step after flavanone formation. When kinetinwas added simultaneously with naringenin to the medium, naringeninwas considered to have been converted into anthocyanin in cytosoland transported into the vacuoles with the aid of kinetin. Whennaringenin was added to the medium, the disks contained a largeramount of naringenin 7-glucoside than when it was not added.Naringenin is thought to have been metabolized to glucosideand/or converted into anthocyanin in the cells. Anthocyaninaccumulation in the petal disks was not inhibited by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide(DCCD), whereas l-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide(EDAC) caused strong inhibition which could not be reversedby adding naringenin to the medium. As these reactions seemto be similar way to those observed for tonoplast ATPase withthe same inhibitors, anthocyanin permeation into vacuoles maybe mediated by tonoplast ATPase, which might be stimulated byUV irradiation. (Received August 5, 1982; Accepted June 1, 1983)  相似文献   

Quantitative headspace analyses of rose flowers showed no significant differences in composition of emitted volatile compounds between flowers on the intact plant and cut flowers placed in vase water containing sucrose at 0, 15 or 30 g · l−1. Volatile components emitted were geraniol, nerol, citronellol, E-citral, Z-citral, methylgeranylate, trans-caryophyllene, β-cubebene, dihydro-β-ionone, 2-phenylethanol, 2-phenylethylacetate, 3,5-dimethoxytoluene and hexylacetate. When exposed to a 12-h photoperiod these components showed maximum emission during the light period and a rhythmicity which differed for the individual compounds. The circadian nature of the rhythmicity was confirmed by the continuation of rhythmicity during continued darkness or light, and was characterized by `transient' and `free running' periods of 27 and 24 h, respectively, and a phase shift of 12 h in rhythmicity when a 24-h period of continuous darkness was followed by re-exposure to a 12-h photoperiod. Rhythmicity in emission was not observed when flowers were kept in darkness before flower bud opening, but started immediately upon exposure to a 12-h photoperiod. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 28 May 1998  相似文献   

The Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, feeds on the flowers and foliage of roses. Rosa x hybrida. Beetles attracted to roses land almost exclusively on the flowers. This study evaluated characteristics of rose flowers including color, size, petal count and fragrance, as well as height of plants and blooms within plant as factors in attractiveness to Japanese beetles. Artificial flowers that had been painted to match the spectral reflectance of real blooms were attached to potted nonflowering rose plants in the field and the number of beetles that landed on each model was recorded. More beetles landed on the yellow- and white-colored flower models than on the five other bloom colors that were tested. Large (15 cm diameter) yellow flower models attracted more beetles than did smaller (8 cm diameter) yellow models. There was no difference in beetle response to yellow flower models of the same size that differed in bloom complexity (i.e., number of petals). Experiments in which blooming rose plants were elevated above controls, or in which flower models were placed at different heights within plant canopies, failed to support the hypothesis that height per se accounts for beetles' attraction to flowers over leaves. Attractiveness of selected rose cultivars that varied in fragrance and flower color also was evaluated in the field. Yellow-flowered cultivars were more susceptible than those with red flowers, regardless of fragrance intensity as rated by breeders. Growing cultivars of roses that have relatively dark and small-sized blooms may have some benefit in reducing Japanese beetles' attraction to roses.  相似文献   

We have investigated the presence of endophytic fungi associated with rose plants (Rosa hybrida) in Colombia. Endophytic fungi were isolated from healthy leaves of ten ornamental roses plants from gardens cultured in malt extract, peptone, yeast extract agar plates (MPY). We sampled 560 leaves fragments, 56 per sample. Endophytic fungi comprised 92 isolates (16.4%); of these isolates, 41 were classified as sterile mycelium (without reproductive structures that allowed their identification), 31 isolates were identified to genus or to species, and 20 isolates could not be identified at all. The identified endophytic fungi were as follow: Nigrospora oryzae, Aureobasidium spp, Acremonium spp. The fungi Nodulisporium sp, Gliocladium virens, Cladosporium sp, Alternaria sp, Phoma sp and Chaetomium globosum were represented by one isolate each. Since the endophytic fungi are known for their capacity to produce metabolites with biological activity, it is possible that the microorganisms found in this study have potential as antagonist of rose pathogens.  相似文献   

Because of increased interest in the use of local provenances for restoration or landscaping projects, information about the genetic differentiation of plant species is required to delineate provenances for seed collection. To obtain information about population distinctiveness of endangered Rosa species occurring in Brandenburg (northeast Germany), we investigated the genetic differentiation of Rosa inodora, R. sherardii and R. subcollina using RAPD markers. All three species were uncommon in our study region. Φ-statistics, estimated by amova, revealed a low interpopulation differentiation for R. inodora (Φ(PT) = 0.19, P < 0.0001) and higher values for R. sherardii and R. subcollina (Φ(PT) = 0.29 and 0.30, P < 0.0001). UPGMA dendrograms and NMDS showed clear spatial differentiation for all species and a correlation between geographic and genetic distances. Due to predominantly high values of genetic differentiation and spatial patterns of ordination, we suggest small provenance regions for endangered Rosa species for seed collection.  相似文献   

Almond plants (Amygdalus communis L.) of the Garrigues variety were grown in the field drip irrigated and rainfed. Leaf water potential (Ψ) and leaf conductance (g1) were determined throughout one growing season. Pre-dawn measurement for Ψ in the irrigated treatment was consistent through the growing season, whereas in the rainfed treatment it decreased gradually. Ψ values at midday (Ψ minimum) was closely dependent on atmospheric evaporative demand, and their recovery was quicker in the wet treatment than in the dry. The g1 values were higher in the wet than dry treatments, decreasing in both cases by leaf ageing. Maximum values for g1 were reached when evaporative demand was highest in the day. The relationship between Ψ and g1 revealed a decrease in the hysteresis throughout the growing season, being most marked in the dry treatment. The results highlight the close dependence of Ψ and g1 on evaporative demand, leaf ageing and irrigtion treatment during the growing season.  相似文献   


Key message

The P SAG12 -ipt gene was transferred to miniature rose, as the first woody species, resulting in increased ethylene resistance due to specific up-regulation of the ipt gene under senescence promoting conditions.


Transgenic plants of Rosa hybrida ‘Linda’ were obtained via transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring the binary vector pSG529(+) containing the P SAG12 -ipt construct. A. tumefaciens strains AGL1, GV3850 and LBA4404 (containing P35S-INTGUS gene) were used for transformation of embryogenic callus, but transgenic shoots were obtained only when AGL1 was applied. The highest transformation frequency was 10 % and it was achieved when half MS medium was used for the dilution of overnight culture of Agrobacterium. Southern blot confirmed integration of 1–6 copies of the nptII gene into the rose genome in the tested lines. Four transgenic lines were obtained which were morphologically true-to-type and indistinguishable from Wt shoots while they were in in vitro cultures. Adventitious root induction was more difficult in transgenic shoots compared to the Wt shoots, however, one of the transgenic lines (line 6) was rooted and subsequently analyzed phenotypically. The ipt expression levels were determined in this line after exposure to exogenous ethylene (3.5 μl l?1) and/or darkness. Darkness resulted in twofold up-regulation of ipt expression, whereas darkness combined with ethylene caused eightfold up-regulation in line 6 compared to Wt plants. The transgenic line had significantly higher content of chlorophyll at the end of the treatment period compared to Wt plants.  相似文献   

Endophytes are fungi that cause asymptomatic infections in leaves and stems of healthy plants. This study evaluated the presence of endophytic fungi on leaves of Rosa hybrida collected in Bogota, (Colombia) using histological techniques and light microscopy. Histological preparations showed fungal mycelium with few cells in the vascular tissue. Colonization of mesophyll cells was not observed. Visualization of fungal cells within plant tissues is a confirmatory test of the endophytic habitat of fungi isolated from leaves of Rosa hybrida.  相似文献   

This study describes culture conditions for a plant regeneration system via a combined pathway of somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in root explant cultures of the commercial rose cultivar 'Charming'. Root explants formed white calluses at a frequency of 30% after 6 weeks of culture on Schenk and Hildebrandt (SH) medium supplemented with 11 mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. After 6 weeks of transfer to SH medium without growth regulators, initial white calluses gave rise to globular somatic embryos at a frequency of 2.8%, which were subsequently dedifferentiated to embryonic tissues. Somatic embryos or embryonic tissues initially derived from root explants did not undergo development beyond cotyledonary stage. To produce adventitious shoots, embryonic tissues were sliced and cultured on SH medium with 0.5 mg l−1 6-benzyladenine. After 4 weeks of culture, 28% of embryonic tissue explants formed adventitious shoots. Regenerated shoots were rooted on half strength SH medium with 0.1 mg l−1 α-naphthalaneacetic acid and subsequently grown to maturity. Root-derived embryonic tissues were proliferated by subculture, while retaining the capacity for shoot production for a few years.  相似文献   

Kim  C.K.  Chung  J.D.  Park  S.H.  Burrell  A.M.  Kamo  K.K.  Byrne  D.H. 《Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture》2004,78(2):107-111
Embryogenic calluses of Rosa hybrida cultivar Tineke were transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 containing the binary vector pBIN m-gfp5-ER into which the virE/virG genes had been inserted. Visualization of GFP-expressing cells enabled visual selection of dividing, embryogenic cell clusters that were transgenic. When the Agrobacterium strain with the bifunctional fusion marker containing additional virE/virG genes was used, the number of green fluorescent calluses increased. Transformation of the GFP-expressing rose plants was confirmed by Southern blot analysis.  相似文献   

The effects of water stress on water potential components, tissue water content, mean elastic modulus and the osmoregulation capacity of olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Coratina) leaves was determined. Artificial rehydration of olive leaf tissues altered the P-V relationships so that a plateau phenomenon occurred. Points in the P-V curve in the region affected by the plateau, generally up to –0.5 MPa, were corrected for all the samples analyzed. In the corrected P-V relationship, an osmotic adjustment was found in drought-stressed leaf tissues. Osmotic potentials at full turgor (0 (sat)) and osmotic potential at turgor-loss (0 (TVT)) decreased from –2.06±0.01 MPa and –3.07±0.16 MPa in controls to –2.81±0.03 MPa and –3.85±0.12 MPa in most stressed plants. Osmotic adjustment values obtained from the P-V curves agreed with those obtained using an osmometer. An active osmotic adjustment of 1.42 MPa was also observed in 1–4 mm- diameter roots. Mannitol is the main carbohydrate involved in osmotic potential decrease in all treatments. The maximum elastic modulus increased from 11.6±0.95 MPa in the controls to 18.6±0.61 MPa in the most stressed plants.  相似文献   

Intact, flowering, rose plants have been regenerated in vitro from excised embryos of crosses between Bridal Pink (the maternal parent) and several pollen parents. Explanted embryonic tissues developed into an organogenic callus which formed adventitious shoots after several months only on a modified half-strength Murashige & Skoog medium containing 1.0 M BA and 0.05 M NAA. These shoots could be separated, grown individually, rooted in a medium with no BA or NAA, with 1.0 M IBA, and transplanted to greenhouse media. Embryos ranging in age from 21 to 35 days post-pollination formed organogenic callus that eventually regenerated adventitious shoots. Histological examination of normally-developing embryos showed that well-defined embryonic axes were beginning to develop at approximately 20–25 days postpollination. Analysis of populations of regenerated plants from different crosses showed differences in flower color, growth habit, peduncle length, and petal number. This system may be useful for irradiation-mutation breeding and/or for the development of transgenic rose plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - IAA 3-indoleacetic acid - IBA 3-indolebutanoic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - 2iP N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenosine  相似文献   

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