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An ethnobotanical study was carried out among the Ayoreo of the Paraguayan Chaco to document their use of food plants. Scientific and Ayoreo names as well as uses have been provided for 33 gathered and 12 cultivated food plants. The agricultural and gathering practices are presented and discussed  相似文献   

The Gidra-speaking Papuans of the Oriomo Plateau, lowland Papua New Guinea, consume ash of two tree species (Melaleuca sp. andAcacia mangium) as a native salt. The ashes contain 100–200 mg sodium/g ash, which is very much higher than the sodium levels in native plant ashes (except for the swamp herbEriocaulon australe) collected in other regions of the world.  相似文献   

At Makthlawaiya, in the Paraguayan Chaco, the prevalence of Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi infection among both domestic Triatoma infestans and domestic dogs was 38%, and IgG anti-T. cruzi antibody was detected by the quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 80% (105/133) of human sera. Ninety percent (25/28) of T. cruzi strains isolated from both T. infestans and dogs showed heterozygous isoenzyme profiles for glucose phosphate isomerase, phosphoglucomutase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. These strains appeared to be closely related to Bolivian zymodeme 2. Three Paraguayan T. cruzi strains showed homozygous isoenzyme profiles, similar to those of major Brazilian zymodemes. It was concluded that T. cruzi strains with heterozygous isoenzyme profiles predominate in domestic transmission cycles in this highly endemic area of the Paraguayan Chaco.  相似文献   

At Makthlawaiya, in the Paraguayan Chaco, the prevalence of Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi infection among both domestic Triatoma infestans and domestic dogs was 38%, and IgG anti-T. cruzi antibody was detected by the quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 80% (105/133) of human sera. Ninety percent (25/28) of T. cruzi strains isolated from both T. infestans and dogs showed heterozygous isoenzyme profiles for glucose phosphate isomerase, phosphoglucomutase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. These strains appeared to be closely related to Bolivian zymodeme 2. Three Paraguayan T. cruzi strains showed homozygous isoenzyme profiles, similar to those of major Brazilian zymodemes. It was concluded that T. cruzi strains with heterozygous isoenzyme profiles predominate in domestic transmission cycles in this highly endemic area of the Paraguayan Chaco.  相似文献   

Insecticide effects of deltamethrin 2.5% SC (flowable solution) on different substrates and triatomine infestation rates in two indigenous villages (Estancia Salzar and Nueva Promesa) of the Paraguayan Chaco are reported. This field study was carried out to determine the extent to which variability in spray penetration may affect residual action of the insecticide. A total of 117 houses in the two villages were sprayed. Filter papers discs were placed on aluminium foil pinned to walls and roofs in selected houses and the applied insecticide concentration was determined by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The target dose rate was 25 mg a.i./m2. The mean actual applied dose in Estancia Salazar was 11.2 +/- 3.1 mg a.i./m2 in walls and 11.9 +/- 5.6 mg a.i./m2 in roofs while in Nueva Promesa, where duplicates were carried out, the mean values were 19.9 +/- 6.9 mg a.i./m2 and 34.7 +/- 10.4 mg a.i./m2 in walls and 28.8 +/- 19.2 mg a.i./m2 and 24.9 +/- 21.8 mg a.i./m2 in roofs. This shows the unevenness and variability of applied doses during spraying campaigns, and also the reduced coverage over roof surfaces. However, wall bioassays with Triatoma infestans nymphs in a 72 h exposure test showed that deposits of deltamethrin persisted in quantities sufficient to kill triatomines until three months post spraying. Knockdown by deltamethrin on both types of surfaces resulted in 100% final mortality. A lower insecticidal effect was observed on mud walls. However, three months after treatment, sprayed lime-coated mud surfaces displayed a twofold greater capacity (57.5%) to kill triatomines than mud sprayed surfaces (25%). Re-infestation was detected by manual capture only in one locality, six months after spraying.  相似文献   

In the Gran Chaco region, control of Triatoma infestans has been limited by persistent domestic infestations despite the efforts of the Vector Control Services. In Paraguay, this region is the highest endemic area in the country, showing high levels of indoor and outdoor infestation. Although sylvatic T. infestans have been found in the Bolivian and Argentine Chaco, similar searches for sylvatic populations of this species in Paraguay had been unsuccessful over the last 20 years. Here we present a new approach to detecting sylvatic Triatominae, using a trained dog, which has successfully confirmed sylvatic populations of T. infestans and other triatomine species in Paraguay. A total of 22 specimens corresponding to dark morph forms of T. infestans were collected, and 14 were confirmed as T. infestans by the mitochondrial cytochrome B gene analysis. Through this analysis, one of which were previously reported and a second that was a new haplotype. Triatomines were captured from amongst vegetation such as dry branches and hollows trees of different species such Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco, Bulnesia sarmientoi and Stetsonia coryne. The colonies found have been small and without apparent infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. During the study, Triatoma sordida and Triatoma guasayana have also been found in ecotopes close to those of T. infestans.  相似文献   

The work studied the physic-technological characteristics of ash-and-slag waste of Kyzyl heat station. It revealed the chemical, elementary, and mineral compositions of the obtained products of fractioning. The content of hazardous substances in the fine fractions of ash and in ground water served as a basis for the conclusion that the dust-forming fraction of the ash-and-slag waste exerts the primary influence over the environment as a result of aerial transmission.  相似文献   

The plant available manganese concentration (Mn2+) of salt-marsh sediments was compared to that of acidic and neutral soils. The mean soil-manganese concentration was higher in the top 1 cm of salt-marsh soil than in the neutral soil and comparable to that of the acidic soil (0–5 cm). A peak in the soil-manganese concentration in the upper marsh was observed one week after the spring tide but this effect was not evident in the lower marsh. Despite these differences, there was no correlation between mean manganese concentration and position on the marsh.The response to manganese of salt-marsh halophytes was studied by measuring growth and root elongation in a range of Mn2+ concentrations with and without sodium chloride. Although there was a differential response to manganese between salt-marsh species, manganese resistance was not related to position on the marsh. Most of the species investigated were tolerant of Mn2+ at concentrations higher than normally recommended for plant growth. Moreover a salt-marsh ecotype of Festuca rubra was found to have a higher manganese resistance than an inland ecotype of the same species.When sodium chloride was included in the growth medium, salt-marsh plants had a greatly increased resistance to manganese associated with a reduced uptake. This effect is reflected in the tissue-manganese concentration which was lower than in Deschampsia flexuosa although both groups of plants were exposed to a similar range of Mn2+ concentrations. It is concluded that sodium chloride markedly reduces the phytotoxicity of manganese in salt marshes.Nomenclature following Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1968). Flora of the British Isles.The work was carried out while one of us (C. E. Singer) was in receipt of an SERC studentship, which is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

树鼩在医学生物学中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的树鼩是一种新型实验动物,由于它的许多分子与细胞结构近似于人类,已成功建立了多种人类病毒感染的动物模型,并在神经生物学、生殖生物学、免疫学和社会心理学等方面有相当广泛和深入的应用和研究。  相似文献   

Glutathione-deficient mutants (gshA) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, impaired in the first step of glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis were studied with respect to the regulation of enzymes involved in GSH catabolism and cysteine biosynthesis. Striking differences were observed in the content of the sulphur amino acids when gshA mutants were compared to wild-type strains growing on the same minimal medium. Furthermore, all mutants examined showed a derepression of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (gamm-GT), the enzyme initiating GSH degradation. However, gamma-cystathionase and cysteine synthase were unaffected by the GSH deficiency as long as the nutrient sulphate source was not exhausted. The results suggest that the mutants are probably not impaired in the sulphate assimilation pathway, but that the gamma-glutamyl cycle could play a leading role in the regulation of the sulphur fluxes. Studies of enzyme regulation showed that the derepression of gamma-GT observed in the gshA strains was most probably due to an alteration of the thiol status. The effectors governing the biosynthesis of cysteine synthase and gamma-cystathionase seemed different from those playing a role in gamma-GT regulation and it was only under conditions of total sulphate deprivation that all these enzymes were derepressed. As a consequence the endogenous pool of GSH was used in the synthesis of cysteine. GSH might, therefore, fulfil the role of a storage compound.  相似文献   

R R Rando 《Biochemistry》1991,30(3):595-602
Biology depends on the coupling of the free energy of hydrolysis of phosphate esters, such as ATP, to drive processes which would otherwise be thermodynamically unfavorable. Carboxyl esters are like phosphate esters in their ability to hydrolyze with substantial negative free energies, enabling them to participate in group transfer processes as well. In particular, membrane phospholipids constitute an enormous store of potential energy that could be used to fuel energetically unfavorable processes. One such process involves the biosynthesis of 11-cis-retinal, the chromophore of rhodopsin, from all-trans-retinol (vitamin A). The difference in free energy between an all-trans retinoid and its corresponding 11-cis retinoid is approximately 4 kcal/mol. This energy is provided for in a minimally two-step process involving membrane phospholipids as the energy source. First, all-trans-retinol is esterified in the retinal pigment epithelium by lecithin retinol acyl transferase (LRAT) to produce an all-trans-retinyl ester. Second, this ester is transformed into 11-cis-retinol by an isomerohydrolase in a process that couples the negative free energy of hydrolysis of the acyl ester to the formation of the strained 11-cis-retinol.  相似文献   

There is evidence that the plasma membrane (PM) permeability alterations might be involved in plant salt tolerance. This review presents several lines of evidence demonstrating that PM permeability is correlated with salt tolerance in plants. PM injury and hence changes in permeability in salt sensitive plants is brought about by ionic effects as well as oxidative stress induced by salt imposition. It is documented that salinity enhances lipid peroxidation as well as protein oxidative damage, which in turn induces permeability impairment. PM protection, and thus retained permeability, in tolerant plants under salt imposition could be achieved through increasing antioxidative systems and thereby reducing lipid peroxidation and protein oxidative damage of PM. It appears that specific membrane proteins and/or lipids are constitutive or induced under salinity, which may contribute to maintenance of membrane structure and function in salt tolerant plant species. Furthermore, protecting agents (e.g., glycinebetaine, proline, polyamines, trehalose, sorbitol, mannitol) accumulated in salt tolerant species/cultivars may also contribute to PM stabilization and protection under salinity. Based on the presented evidence that PM permeability correlates with plant salt tolerance, we suggest that PM permeability is an easy and useful parameter for selection of genotypes of agriculture crops adapted to salt stress.  相似文献   

Rhizobial siderophore as an iron source for clover   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iron uptake by clover plants ( Trifoliuin pratense L. cv. Hruszowska) was studied using radioactive ferric iron (55FeCl2). As shown by autoradiography of non-infected plants, purified rhizobial siderophore isolated from Rhizobium leguminosarum by, trifolii , stimulated the uptake and shoot transport of iron. Addition of rhizobial siderophore into the growth medium of nodulated clover did not affect the iron transport to the shoots. In the absence of the rhizobial siderophore, clover infected by either nitrogen-fixing (Nod Fix+) or nonfixing (Nod+ Fix) R. L. trifolii strains took up and transported into the shoots more iron than the non-infected control plants. Nodulated clover reduced Fe(III) more efficiently than the non-infected control plants.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between the scientific receptions of three proposed new members of the hominin phylogenetic tree: the first finds of Neanderthal Man, those of Homo erectus, and those of Homo floresiensis. In each case, the leading scientists of the moment of discovery heavily debated the finds and neglected the meaning of those finds. At least it took/will take one generation before the meaning of those finds were/will be accepted.  相似文献   

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