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14C-malformin attaches to at least two cell wall receptors inPhaseolus vulgaris. One receptor was extracted with Tris buffer(pH 8.5) and the other with 0.1 N NaOH. In both cases, priortreatment of the walls with wall degrading enzymes (macerase,cellulysin) was required. The two receptors differed with regardto ultrafiltration and gel filtration chromatography. The Tris-extractedreceptor is a protein, probably a glycoprotein, which containshydroxyproline and sulfhydryl groups. Although cuttings nottreated with malformin had Tris-extractable receptor, formationof the receptor appeared to be enhanced by malformin. 1 Present address: American Cyanamid, P. O. Box 400, Princeton,New Jersey 08540, U. S. A. (Received August 2, 1976; )  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis in dwarf Phaseolus vulgaris was studied under the electron microscope. Before meiosis the microspore mother cell had a lot of organelles especially plastids and ER in its cytoplasm. There were many osmiophilic granules adhering to the membranes of the plastids and vesicular ER until meiosis began. Some cytoplasmic channels were present between adjacent microsporocytes from pachytene to telophase Ⅱ. The organelles were at early stage in the early rnlcrospore, the plastids and mitochondria of which showed regional distribution. Original vacou[es were produced by smooth ER. The organelles in the tapetum cells were mainly mitochondria, plastids and ER. The ER was concentric circles in shape in transverse section.  相似文献   

Smith IK 《Plant physiology》1972,50(4):477-479
In higher plants the biosynthesis of l-cysteine from l-serine, acetylCoA, and sulfide requires serine transacetylase and O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase. The distribution of these enzymes in kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Red Kidney) seedlings was determined. Between one-third and two-thirds of the serine transacetylase activity was associated with mitochondria, whereas all of the O-acetyl-serine sulfhydrylase activity was present in the soluble fraction of cell homogenates. In a 14-day plant approximately two-thirds of the O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase activity and approximately one-half of the serine transacetylase activity was found in the leaves.  相似文献   

The determination of the various endogenous cylokinins and their distribution among organs is important in understanding their role in growth and development in the intact plant. Cytokinins in young plants of Phaseolus vulgaris were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and HPLC, and characterised by UV spectra. Zeatin nucleotide (zeatin riboside-5'-monophosphate) and isopentenyladenine nucleotide (isopentenyladenosne-5'-monopnosphate) were the most abundant cytokinins in all organs. Their identities were confirmed by GC-MS. The levels of zeatin, zeatin riboside, isopentenyladenine and isopentenyladenosine never exceeded 5% of the nucleotides, as assessed by a methodology that preserves cytokinin nucleotides. Three extraction methods were compared with qualitatively similar results, though differing in their suppression of nucleotidase activity. Cytokinin nucleotide levels were greater in the stems and petioles than in the roots and leaves on a per gram fresh weight basis, and were greater in the stems than in the other organs on a per plant basis. Levels of the zeatin and isopentenyladenine nucleotides were about equal in the stems and leaves, but in the petioles the zeatin nucleotide levels were about twice the level of isopentenyladenine nucleotide, while in the roots they were about half the isopentenyladenine nucleotide level. The importance of considering the cytokinin form is emphasised.  相似文献   

The major cytokinins in stems of decapitated, disbudded bean plants have been identified by enzymic degradation, Sephadex LH20 and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography, and by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enylamino)-9--D-ribofuranosylpurine (zeatin riboside), 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbutylamino)-9--D-ribofuranosylpurine (dihydrozeatin riboside), and the 5-phosphates of these compounds (zeatin ribotide and dihydrozeatin ribotide). Minor cytokinins in this tissue were tentatively identified as dihydrozeatin-O--D-glucoside and zeatin ribotide-O--D-glucoside. [8-14C-]Dihydrozeatin appeared to be rapidly metabolized to dihydrozeatin ribotide when supplied to segments of stems from decapitated plants. These results are discussed in relation to the metabolism and distribution of cytokinins in the whole plant.Abbreviations TEAB triethyl ammonium bicarbonate - UV ultra-violet - GCMS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - TMS trimethyl silyl  相似文献   

Although determinations of the ABA content of lateral buds ofPhaseolus vulgaris revealed no difference between decapitatedand intact control plants in the first 12 h following decapitation,a relative decrease in the ABA content of lateral buds of decapitatedplants was detectable 24 h following decapitation. Shoot decapitationwas also observed to result in a decrease in the ABA contentof stem tissue. The application of IAA to the stem of decapitatedplants prevented these changes and increased the ABA contentof stem tissue relative to that of intact plants. The levelsof IAA and ABA were also determined in the stem tissue fromthe nodes of intact bean plants. The possible interdependenceof these two plant hormones was further investigated by a studyof [2–14ClABA metabolism. The results are discussed inrelation to the possible role of these hormones in apical dominance. Key words: Apical dominance, Abscisic acid, Indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Electron transport, using succinate as a substrate, was measured polarographically in mitochondria isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris and P. acutifolius plants at 25°C and 32°C. Mitochondria isolated from P. vulgaris plants grown at 32°C had reduced electron transport and were substantially uncoupled. Growth at 32°C had no effect on electron transport or oxidative phosphorylation in P. acutifolius compared to 25°C grown plants. Mitochondria isolated from 25°C grown P. vulgaris plants measured at 42°C were completely uncoupled. Similarly treated P. acutifolius mitochondria remained coupled. The uncoupling of P. vulgaris was due to increased proton permeability of inner mitochondrial membrane. The alternative pathway was more sensitive to heat than the regular cytochrome pathway. At 42°C, no alternative pathway activity was detected. The substantially greater heat tolerance of P. acutifollus compared to P. vulgaris mitochondrial electron transport suggests that mitochondrial sensitivity to elevated temperatures is a major limitation to growth of P. vulgaris at high temperatures and is an important characteristic conveying tolerance in P. acutifolius.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine partitioning within seeds of 14C-photoassimilates at three stages of seed development in two Phaseolus crosses — P. coccineus Lam. selfed, and P. coccineus x P. vulgaris L. Abortion of the interspecific embryos occurred when the seed reached 10 mm seed length. When expressed as sink strength (% dpm) or sink activity (% dmp/d.wt.) there were no differences in partitioning of 14C-photoassimilates when whole seeds were analyzed. If the seed was divided into seed coat, liquid endosperm, and embryo, the sink activity of the interspecific embryo was higher than that of the embryo in the selfed seed. Therefore, abortion of these interspecific Phaselus embryos appeared not to be caused by a lack of photoassimilates.Assistant Professor, Professors, respectively.Contribution from the Agr. Expt. Station, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108. Paper No. 13,548, Scientific Journal Series. This research was supported in part by the Science and Education Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture under Grant 59-2271-9-2-020-0 and in part by a grant from the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council.  相似文献   


Callus production and plant regeneration from different explants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Giza are reported. Calli cultures were induced from leaf, hypocotyl, embryo and root explants. Rapid growth of callus was achieved by leaf explants cultured on MS salts, B5 vitamins and supplemented with 2,4— dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4—D)+0.5 mg/l kinetin (kin). Addition of casein hydrolysate at 2 g/l to maintenance medium enhanced callus growth and hindered the early appearance of necrotic parts. This report also provides a detailed method for production of multiple shoots directly from the wounded edges of immature cotyledon explant via organogenesis on 1 mg/l benzyladenine (BA) or indirectly on 0.5 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)+2 mg/l BA. The regeneration of bean plants through the two ways described here (direct or indirect) may be of use in genetic improvement of bean.  相似文献   

T. L. Wang  A. G. Thompson  R. Horgan 《Planta》1977,135(3):285-288
Phaseolus vulgaris plants decapitated above the primary leaves accumulate high cytokinin activity. The major cytokinin in these leaves was identified by Sephadex LH 20 chromatography, sensitivity to -glucosidase and permanganate oxidation, and by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as 6-(4-O--D-glucosyl-3-methylbutylamino) purine, (dihydrozeatin-O--D-glucoside). A possible reason for the persistance of this compound in the primary leaves is discussed.Abbreviations BSA Bis-(trimethylsilyl)-acetamide - DHZ dihydrozeatin - DHZOG dihydrozeatin-O--D-glucoside - TMS trimethylsilyl - Z zeatin  相似文献   

Ureide Metabolism in Non-nodulated Phaseolus vulgaris L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of ureide-N was studied throughout vegetativeand reproductive growth of non-nodulated Phaseolus vulgarisL. (bushbean) grown in nitrate nutrient solution. Largest increasesin ureide-N per plant were correlated with flowering and earlypod formation and with seed filling. Highest amounts of ureidesper organ were measured in stems and axillary trifoliates. Highestconcentrations (µmol ureide-N g–1 fr. wt.) weremeasured in young developing organs and stems. Seeds did notaccumulate ureides until the ureide content of pods had reacheda maximum. Results obtained using the inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, allopurinol,are consistent with the origin of ureides via purine degradationbut alternative pathways cannot be discounted. Leaves and stems were shown to have the ability to degrade allantoatevia an enzymic process.  相似文献   

Aluminium toxicity is one of the major limiting factors of crop productivity on acid soils. High levels of available aluminium in soil may induce phosphorus deficiency in plants. This study investigates the influence of Aluminium (Al) on the phosphate (Pi) uptake of two Phaseolus species, Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Red Kidney and Phaseolus lunatus L. The two bean species were treated first with solutions of Al at different concentrations (0, 25, 50 and 100 μM, pH 4.50) and second with solutions of Pi (150 μM) at pH 4.50. The higher the Al concentration the higher the Al concentration sorbed but P. vulgaris L var. Red Kidney adsorbed significantly more Al than P. lunatus L. Both species released organic acids: P. vulgaris L var. Red Kidney released fumaric acid and P. lunatus L. fumaric and oxalic acids which could have hindered further Al uptake.The two bean species showed a sigmoid Pi uptake trend but with two different mechanisms. P. vulgaris L var. Red Kidney showed a starting point of 3 h whereas P. lunatus L. adsorbed Pi immediately within the first minutes. In addition, P. vulgaris L var. Red Kidney presented significantly higher Pi uptake (higher uptake rate ‘k’ and higher maximum adsorption ‘a’ of the kinetic uptake model). The Al treatments did not significantly influence Pi uptake. Results suggest that P. lunatus L. might adopt an external Al detoxification mechanism by the release of oxalic acid. P. vulgaris L var. Red Kidney on the other hand seemed to adopt an internal detoxification mechanism even if the Al sorbed is poorly translocated into the shoots. More detailed studies will be necessary to better define Al tolerance and/or resistance of Phaseolus spp.  相似文献   

MULLINS  M. G. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(4):889-896
Patterns of 14C-photosynthate translocation in bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) seedlings have been investigated in relation tovascular-bundle continuity between exporting and importing organsby use of radioassay and tissue-clearing techniques. Assimilatefrom the primary leaves reaches the first trifoliate leaf byan indirect route. There is no direct vascular connection betweenthe primary leaves and distal tissues. Bundles of the primaryleaf petiole connect with an anastomosis at the node, and allbundles which originate from this structure descend the stem.Assimilate from primary leaves moves down the stem, and is thentransferred to an ascending pathway, the bundles of which traversethe anastomosis at the second node. The lateral leaflets ofthe first trifoliate leaf are served differentially by primaryleaves with respect to assimilate supply. Differences are relatedto position, and may be accounted for by differences in vascularcontinuity.  相似文献   

Treatment of expanding primary leaves of bean plants (Phaseolnsvulgaris L. cv. Limburgse vroege) with benzyladenine (BA) orkinetin at 0.5 mM for five consecutive days resulted in thickerleaves showing a significant decrease in intercellular air spacevolume. Compared with control plants, exposed mesophyll cellsurface area was lower per unit tissue volume, but unchangedwhen expressed per unit leaf surface area. Stomata of treatedplants were not fully closed in the dark and they did not openas wide as controls in the middle of the light period, suggestingthat the treatment resulted in impaired stomatal action. Allthe effects mentioned were more pronounced after treatment withBA, compared to kinetin. In spite of their magnitude, the observedchanges in leaf structure and function did not seem to havean important effect on total leaf diffusion resistance to carbondioxide during the course of the light period. Key words: Cytokinins, Leaf architecture  相似文献   

The glutamine synthetase (GS) isozymes in the plant fraction of nodule extracts from 62 cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and one cultivar of Phaseolus lunatus L. were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All P. vulgaris nodule extracts displayed two GS activity bands: a nodule-specific band (GSn1) and a band (GSn2) similar to the single band (GSr) present in root extracts. In nodule extracts of P. lunatus, the GSn1 band was detected, but the GSn2 band was barely detectable. In contrast to P. vulgaris, the GSn2 band and the GSr band of P. lunatus appeared to be different. The electrophoretic mobility of the GSn1 band in P. vulgaris was governed by both the plant cultivar and the development stage of the nodule. In nodule extracts of P. vulgaris and P. lunatus, the zone of GSn1 activity coincided with six to nine distinct protein bands as revealed after treatment of gels, which had previously been stained for GS activity, with Coomassie blue. All these protein bands were shown to consist of polypeptides of identical molecular weight (approximately 47,000 daltons) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results indicate that P. vulgaris continuously generates isozymes of GSn1 of increasing electrophoretic mobility during the course of nodule development.  相似文献   

Various protein reactive agents such as dithioerythritol, dithiothreitol, mercaptoethanol and p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibit binding of ethylene to cell free preparations of Phaseolus vulgaris L. The effect of the thiols is partially reversed by treatment with diamide; occupation of the binding site by ligand diminishes the inhibition caused by p-chloromercuribenzoate but not that caused by thiols. Growth regulators other than ethylene do not affect binding. Physiologically active structural analogues of ethylene competitively inhibit binding of the growth regulator and their relative effectiveness in the cell free system closely resembles that in developmental processes controlled ethylene.Abbreviations DTE dithioerythritol - DTT dithiothreitol - EPPS N-2-hydroxyethyl-piperazine propane sulphonic acid - ME mercaptoethanol - PCMB p-chloromercuribenzoate  相似文献   

A major wall protein of suspension-cultured cells of French bean has been isolated and characterised. It can be prepared from walls or the culture filtrate and in composition it is particularly rich in proline, valine and glutamic acid/glutamine and contains appreciable amounts of hydroxyproline. The N-terminus shows some glycosylation, while following chemical deglycosylation the first 38 residues were found to be identical to those of proline-rich proteins from soybean. However, the composition of the highly purified Mr-42000 bean protein differs considerably from the soybean proteins and must contain its own specific domains. An antibody was raised and used to demonstrate the inducibility of the Mr-42000 bean protein in response to elicitor action. The protein was found to be mainly localised in the intercellular spaces of the cortical cells of bean hypocotyls and at the wall-plasmalemma interface of xylem vessels, another potentially accessible compartment for pathogens. Following wounding, the protein was found to be generally distributed in the wall of epidermal and cortical cells of the hypocotyls. The Mr-42000 protein is cross reactive with antibodies raised to glycoproteins of the Rhizobium infection thread and the chitin-binding hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein, potato lectin. These common epitopes together with the previously demonstrated chitin-binding properties of the bean protein indicate a role in host-microbial interactions. Furthermore, the Mr-42000 protein itself bound to the growing hyphal tips of the bean pathogen, Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.Abbreviations FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - IgG immunoglobulin G - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase We thank Dr Nick Brewin for advice on interpretation of immunolocalisations and for the gift of MCA 265. We thank Dudley Fernandino for carrying out the confocal microscopy. GPB thanks the Science and Engineering Research Council for funding.  相似文献   

Effect of malformin on the major constituents of Phaseolus vulgaris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Malformin inhibits wet and dry weight, nitrogen accumulation,and cell wall, RNA, DNA and protein synthesis in Phaseolus vulgaris.The relative proportion of dry matter and nitrogen in malformedtissues is increased in the ethanol soluble fraction and decreasedin the residue remaining after hydrolysis with 0.5 N HCl. Inhibitionof cell wall and protein synthesis was generally greater thaninhibition of nitrogen accumulation and RNA and DNA synthesis.The effects of malformin on the composition of P. vulgaris aresimilar to alterations in composition reported for ethylene,and opposite to those reported for gibberellic acid. 1This research was supported by grant GB-7158 from the NationalScience Foundation and grant E-146-F from the American CancerSociety. 2Journal Paper No. 3509 of the Purdue Agricultural ExperimentStation. (Received October 23, 1968; )  相似文献   

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