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For many years researchers have described some male orangutans as “subadult.” These males are of adolescent to adult age and are reproductive, but have little to no secondary sexual trait development. Until now the only endocrine study of this arrest of secondary sexual trait development was performed by Kingsley (1982, 1988). She found that “subadult” or arrested males have lower testosterone levels than similar age developing adolescents or adult males. In this study, urine samples were collected over a two-year period from 23 captive male orangutans in order to more fully define male endocrine profiles. Three study males were juveniles, seven were arrested adolescents, six were developing adolescents, and seven were mature adults. Morning samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay for levels of testicular steroids and gonadotropins and group hormone profiles were compared by analysis of variance. Results illustrate that arrested adolescent orangutans have significantly lower testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels than developing adolescents, but significantly higher levels than juveniles. Luteinizing hormone (LH) levels also differed between arrested and developing adolescents, with arrested males having lower levels. However, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were similar in both morphs of adolescent male. The overall hormone profiles for arrested and developing adolescent male orangutans suggest that arrested males lack levels of LH, testosterone, and DHT necessary for development of secondary sexual traits. However, they have sufficient testicular steroids, LH, and FSH to fully develop primary sexual function and fertility. These endocrine data help define alternative developmental pathways in male orangutans. The authors discuss the relationship between these developmental pathways and male orangutan reproductive strategies, and hypothesize about their prepubertal socioendocrine determination. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:19–32, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Both in the wild and in captivity, a marked and enduring arrest of secondary sexual developmental occurs in some male orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) (Kingsley [1982] The Orang-Utan: Its Biology and Conservation, The Hague: Junk; Utami [2000]). Researchers have hypothesized that chronic stress, perhaps related to aggression from mature males, causes endocrine changes altering growth and maturation rates in these males (Maple [1980] Orangutan Behavior, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; Graham [1988] Orangutan Biology, Oxford: Oxford University Press). In this study, urine samples were collected over a 3-year period from 23 captive male orangutans to test the hypothesis that developmentally arrested male orangutans have an endocrine profile consistent with chronic stress. Three study males were juveniles, seven were arrested adolescents, six were developing adolescents, and seven were mature adults. Morning samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay for levels of the stress hormones cortisol and prolactin, and group hormone profiles were compared by analysis of variance. Results indicate that developing adolescent male orangutans have a significantly higher stress hormone profile than juvenile, developmentally arrested adolescent, or adult males. These results imply that the arrest of secondary sexual development in some male orangutans is not stress-induced, but instead perhaps an adaptation for stress avoidance during the adolescent or "subadult" period. These data, together with previously reported data on levels of gonadotropins, testicular steroids, and growth-related hormones, define endocrine profiles associated with alternative reproductive strategies for males with and males without secondary sexual features (Maggioncalda et al. [1999], [2000].  相似文献   

Transgenic mice overexpressing growth hormone (GH) exhibit alterations in the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and the H-P-adrenal axis. Alterations in the turnover of hypothalamic neurotransmitters, in plasma hormone levels, and in regulation of their release are associated with reproductive deficits, particularly in females. Results reported after publication of our minireview on this subject provided evidence that GH-transgenic mice have increased binding of GH to GH binding proteins in plasma, are hyperinsulinemic and insulin resistant, and have major alterations in energy budgets with increased allocation to growth. Reduced life span and fertility of these animals may be related to insufficient allocation of energy to reproduction and maintenance. Growth hormone resistance induced by transgenic expression of an antagonistic bGH analog or by targeted disruption (knock-out, KO) of the GH receptor (GH-R) gene leads to dramatic suppression of plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and dwarf phenotype due to reduced growth and increased adiposity. In both models of GH resistance, there are marked reproductive deficits in females, decline of breeding performance of males, and alterations in the function of the HPG axis. In GH-R-KO females, puberty is delayed, and litter size is reduced. Fetal weights are reduced whereas placental weights are increased, and the weight of newborn pups is reduced despite an increase in the length of gestation. In GH-R-KO males, copulatory behavior and fertility are reduced, plasma PRL is elevated, and responses to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) in vivo and to LH in vitro are suppressed. However, reproductive deficits in GH-R-KO mice are very mild when compared to those described previously in IGF-KO animals. Apparently, the amounts of IGF-1 that may be produced locally in the absence of GH stimulation are sufficient for sexual maturation and fertility in both sexes, whereas quantitative deficits in reproductive function reflect absence of GH-dependent IGF-1 production and other consequences of eliminating GH signaling. The reproduction phenotype of the GH-R-KO mice is also mild when compared to dwarf mice that lack GH, prolactin (PRL), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This is presumably related to the presence of redundant mechanisms in the stimulatory control of the gonads by the pituitary and the ability of animals capable of producing PRL and TSH to compensate partially for the absence of GH signaling.  相似文献   

Male orangutans (Pongo spp.) display an unusual characteristic for mammals in that some adult males advance quickly to full secondary sexual development while others can remain in an adolescent-like form for a decade or more past the age of sexual maturity. Remarkably little is understood about how and why differences in developmental timing occur. While fully-developed males are known to produce higher androgen levels than arrested males, the longer-term role of steroid hormones in male life history variation has not been examined. We examined variation in testosterone and cortisol production among 18 fully-developed (“flanged”) male orangutans in U.S. captive facilities. Our study revealed that while testosterone levels did not vary significantly according to current age, housing condition, and species origin, males that had undergone precocious development had higher testosterone levels than males that had experienced developmental arrest. While androgen variation had previously been viewed as a state-dependent characteristic of male developmental status, our study reveals that differences in the physiology of early and late developing males are detectable long past the developmental transition and may instead be trait-level characteristics associated with a male’s life history strategy. Further studies are needed to determine how early in life differences in testosterone levels emerge and what consequences this variation may have for male behavioral strategies.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of male primates is not always associated with dominance status. For example, even though male orangutans exhibit intra-sexual dimorphism and clear dominance relationships exist among males, previous studies have reported that both morphs are able to sire offspring. The present study aimed to compare the reproductive success of two male morphs, and to determine whether unflanged males sired offspring in a free-ranging population of Bornean orangutans, using 12 microsatellite loci to determine the paternity of eight infants. A single flanged male sired most of the offspring from parous females, and an unflanged male sired a firstborn. This is consistent with our observation that the dominant flanged male showed little interest in nulliparous females, whereas the unflanged males frequently mated with them. This suggests that the dominant flanged male monopolizes the fertilization of parous females and that unflanged males take advantage of any mating opportunities that arise in the absence of the flanged male, even though the conception probability of nulliparous females is relatively low.  相似文献   

In the peacock blenny Salaria pavo large males with well-developed secondary sexual characters establish nests and attract females while small “sneaker” males mimic female sexual displays in order to approach the nests of larger males and parasitically fertilize eggs. These alternative reproductive tactics are sequential, as sneakers irreversibly switch into nesting males. This transition involves major morphologic and behavioral changes and is likely to be mediated by hormones. This study focuses on the role of aromatase, an enzyme that catalyses the conversion of androgens into estrogens, in the regulation of male sexual polymorphism in S. pavo. For this, sex steroid plasma levels and aromatase activity (AA) in gonads, whole brain and brain macroareas were determined in sneakers, transitional males (i.e. sneakers undergoing the transition into nesting males), nesting males and females collected in the field. AA was much higher in ovarian tissue than in testicular tissue and accordingly circulating estradiol levels were highest in females. This supports the view that elevated AA and estradiol levels are associated with the development of a functional ovary. Transitional males are in a non-reproductive phase and had underdeveloped testes when compared with sneakers and nesting males. Testicular AA was approximately 10 times higher in transitional males when compared with sneakers and nesting males, suggesting high AA has a suppressive effect on testicular development. Nesting males had significantly higher plasma levels of both testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone when compared with the other male morphs and previous studies demonstrated that these androgens suppress female-like displays in sneakers. In the brain, AA was highest in macroareas presumably containing hypothalamic nuclei traditionally associated with the regulation of reproductive behaviors. Overall, females presented the highest levels of brain AA. In male morphs AA increased from sneakers, to transitional males, to nesting males in all brain macroareas. These results suggest that the transition into the nesting male tactic is accompanied both by an increase in testicular androgen production and by a higher conversion of androgens into estrogens in the brain. The increase in androgen production is likely to mediate the development of male secondary sexual characters while the increase in brain AA may be related to the behavioral changes associated with tactic transition.  相似文献   

Growth and the endocrine status of the pituitary and thyroid glands were studied in rats born and raised in a hypobaric chamber at a simulated high altitude of 3800 m (SHA); comparisons were drawn with similar rats at sea level. From birth until 40 days of age, SHA rats weighed significantly less than controls with the most striking growth impairment found in female SHA rats. Relative organ weights of anterior pituitary glands, ovaries and uteri from 40-day-old female SHA rats were significantly less than controls. Pituitary content of growth hormone (GH) was reduced in 40-day-old female SHA rats while the content of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were significantly increased over sea level controls. Plasma levels of GH, LH, FSH and thyrotropin (TSH) and pituitary TSH levels did not differ from control values. However, thyroidal uptake of 131I and plasma protein-bound 131I were significantly reduced in SHA rats as compared with controls. It is suggested that (1) the continuous exposure of developing female rats to hypoxia significantly impairs pituitary function and reproductive maturation, and (2) that despite other environmental factors acting on the developing organism at high altitude, growth retardation in rats born and raised at high altitudes is primarily a consequence of hypoxia.  相似文献   

Previous studies of semifree-ranging mandrills identified two morphological and social variants of the adult male, based on behavioral and secondary sexual characteristics. "Fatted" males are social, with highly developed sex skin coloration, large testes, high plasma testosterone levels, and fat rumps; while "nonfatted" males are peripheral or solitary, with paler sex skin, smaller testes, lower plasma testosterone, and slimmer rumps. We present a detailed study of morphology and group association for 10 adult male mandrills, living in two semifree-ranging groups in Gabon, in order to relate differences between males to dominance rank. The results show that rather than existing as two distinct morphotypes, male mandrills represent a continuous spectrum of possibilities between social males with fully developed secondary sexual characteristics, and solitary males with muted secondary sexual characteristics. Alpha males (N = 2) had the highest testosterone levels, the most colorful sex skin, and the most active sternal glands, and were the only males to spend 100% of their time with the social group. Rank relationships between nonalpha males (N = 8) were not always clear, but all subordinate males had lower testosterone levels and less development of the secondary sexual adornments, and were less group-associated than alpha males. These findings suggest that only alpha males have sufficient testosterone to develop full secondary sexual characteristics, and we propose possible socioendocrine mechanisms underlying the suppression of testosterone and secondary sexual development in subordinate adults. We discuss differences in secondary sexual development in relation to reproductive strategies, and discuss the evolution of alternative reproductive morphs in primates.  相似文献   

Serum growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), cortisol, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were evaluated before and after a bicycle ergometer exercise test in 8 male competitive volleyball players and in 8 sedentary healthy males of the same age. Increased serum GH and cortisol values after exercise in both groups were found, whereas an exercise-induced PRL release was observed in athletes only. Serum levels of LH, FSH and TSH were unaffected by the test in all subjects. A possible role of training in conditioning the hypothalamopituitary exercise-induced secretion is suggested.  相似文献   

Differences in plasma steroid levels may reflect behavioral, gonadal, or morphological specializations that characterize different male reproductive phenotypes in teleost fishes. In the present study, we investigated whether differences in plasma steroid levels exist between two distinct male morphs shown in the corkwing wrasse Symphodus melops. In addition, we examined differences in male reproductive traits, including gonad mass, sperm motility, and sperm concentration, between the two male types. Possible associations between plasma steroid levels and reproductive traits were also investigated. The results indicated that males with typical male secondary sexual characters (territorial males) had higher plasma levels of 11-ketotestosterone (11kT) compared to smaller males with female secondary sexual characters (female mimics). The female mimics in turn had higher plasma levels of both testosterone (T) and 17beta-estradiol. In addition, female mimics had relatively larger gonads and longer-lived sperm than territorial males. Relative gonad mass covaried significantly with the plasma levels of 11kT and T among the morphs, indicating that the relative gonad size correlates positively with the plasma level of these two steroids. However, there was no significant covariance between sperm traits and plasma steroids for the two male morphs. Hence, our results do not indicate any causal link between sperm quality and hormones.  相似文献   

The age-frequency distributions for sneaker males (individuals with female secondary sexual characters) and territorial males (individuals with typical male sexual characters) of corkwing wrasse Symphodus melops in a Swedish population did not differ. Otolith analysis revealed that sneaker males were smaller than their territorial male counterparts as juveniles, but there was no evidence of a clear-cut threshold to determine the subsequent reproductive patterns. Thus, the expression of male morph in corkwing wrasse most likely is related to early growth pattern and the different morphs could be fixed for life. Adult sneaker males in general were smaller than territorial males of the same age. The relative gonad size and the abdomen in sneaker males were substantially enlarged compared with territorial males, but there was no difference in gonad water content between the two types of males. Sneaker males weighed less in relation to their length than territorial males. These results support theoretical sperm competition models which predict that the male morph with reduced attractiveness to females (i.e. sneakers) should invest more into spermatogenesis in order to achieve fertilization than the attractive male morph (i.e. territorial males).  相似文献   

Daphnids (Daphnia magna) utilize cyclic parthenogenesis as a reproductive strategy. During periods of abundant resources, these organisms reproduce asexually. In response to environmental cues that signal the onset of environmental adversity, daphnids produce males and reproduce sexually. The environmental cues that stimulate the sexual reproductive phase are well known; however, the endocrine signals that transduce these environmental cues remain unknown. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that the crustacean juvenoid hormone, methyl farnesoate, is a male sex determinant in this species. Continuous exposure to aqueous concentrations of methyl farnesoate greater than approximately 30 nM stimulated a concentration-dependent production of male-containing broods of organisms. Short-term exposures to methyl farnesoate during periods of egg and embryo maturation revealed that male sex determination occurred during a specific 12-hour period of ovarian egg development. Exposure of eggs to 400 nM methyl farnesoate during this sensitive developmental period resulted in the production of all-male broods of offspring, while exposure to concentrations as low as 52 nM produced mixed broods of males and females. This active concentration range of methyl farnesoate is consistent with levels measured in the hemolymph of some decapod crustaceans. These results demonstrate that methyl farnesoate is capable of programming daphnid embryos to develop into males and is likely the endocrine factor responsible for initiating the sexual reproductive phase in these organisms.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the growth hormone (GH) axis is important for timing the later stages of puberty in female monkeys. However, it is not clear whether these growth-related signals are important for the initiation of puberty and early pubertal events. The present study, using female rhesus monkeys, used two approaches to answer this question. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that reduced GH secretion would blunt the rise in nocturnal LH secretion in young (17 mo; n = 7) but not older adolescent ovariectomized females (29 mo; n = 6). Reduced GH secretion was induced by treating females with the sustained release somatostatin analogue formulation, Sandostatin LAR (625 microg/kg). Morning (0900-0930 h) and evening (2200-2230 h) concentrations of bioactive LH were higher in older adolescent compared to young adolescent females. However, diurnal concentrations were not affected by the inhibition of GH secretion in either age group when compared to the placebo-treated, control condition. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that reduced GH secretion induced in young juvenile females would delay the initial increase in nocturnal LH secretion and subsequent early signs of puberty. In order to examine this hypothesis, puberty in control females (n = 7) was compared to those in which puberty had been experimentally arrested until a late adolescent age (29 mo) by the use of a depot GnRH analogue, Lupron (750 microg kg(-1) mo(-1); n = 7). Once the analogue treatment was discontinued, the progression of puberty was compared to a group treated in a similar fashion but made GH deficient by continuous treatment with Sandostatin LAR (n = 6). Puberty occurred as expected in control females with the initial rise in evening LH at 21 mo, menarche at 22 mo, and first ovulation at 30 mo. As expected, Lupron arrested reproductive maturation, but elevations in morning and evening LH and menarche occurred within 2 mo of the cessation of Lupron in both Lupron and Lupron-GH-suppressed females. In contrast, first ovulation was delayed significantly in the Lupron-GH-suppressed females (41 mo) compared to the Lupron-only females (36 mo). These data indicate that within this experimental model, reduced GH secretion does not perturb the early stages of puberty but supports previous observations that the GH axis is important for timing the later stages of puberty and attainment of fertility. Taken together, the data indicate that factors that reduce GH secretion may have a deleterious effect on the completion of puberty.  相似文献   

Male bimaturism and reproductive success in Sumatran orang-utans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although orang-utans live solitary lives most of the time, theyhave a complex social structure and are characterized by extremesexual dimorphism. However, whereas some adult male orang-utansdevelop full secondary sexual characteristics, such as cheekflanges, others may stay in an "arrested" unflanged conditionfor up to 20 years after reaching sexual maturity. The resultis a marked bimaturism among adult males. Flanged males allowfemales to overlap with their home range and often toleratethe presence of unflanged males. However, wherever possibleflanged males actively prevent unflanged males from copulatingwith females. Two competing hypotheses, previously untested,have been advanced to explain male reproductive behavior andbimaturism in orang-utans: (1) the "range-guardian" hypothesis,which asserts that the flanged males are postreproductive anddefend a range in which they tolerate sexually active, unflangedmale relatives; and (2) the "female choice" hypothesis, whichasserts that flanged males tolerate unflanged males in their range because they rely on female preference to favor flangedmales. We investigated these hypotheses and a third hypothesisthat the two male morphs represent co-existing alternativemale reproductive strategies ("sitting, calling, and waiting"for flanged males versus "going, searching, and finding" forunflanged males). Fecal samples were collected from a well-studiedpopulation in Indonesia, and eight human microsatellites wereanalyzed for 30 individuals that have been behaviorally monitoredfor up to 27 years. By carrying out paternity analysis on 11offspring born over 15 years, we found that unflanged malesfathered about half (6) of the offspring. Relatedness betweensuccessful unflanged males and resident dominant males wassignificantly lower than 0.5, and for some unflanged/flangedmale pairs, relatedness values were negative, indicating thatunflanged males are not offspring of the flanged males.  相似文献   

Half-smooth tongue sole, Cynoglossus semilaevis, is an ideal model to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of sexual growth dimorphism in fish species. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of differential age of sexual maturity for females and males on growth and GH mRNA expression in C. semilaevis. The body weight differences between the sexes were not significant in C. semilaevis at age 5 months when females and males were all immature. Significant differences in body weight between the sexes were found after early sexual maturation of males at the age of 9 months. The body weight of 21-month-old females (621.4 ± 86.4g), still not immature, was even 3.28 times higher than that of the males (189.7 ± 14.4g). The cDNAs encoding GH in C. semilaevis was cloned. The GH gene is 2924bp long and consists of six exons and five introns. The results of qRT-PCR showed that GH mRNA levels of the immature females were not significantly different from that of immature males at age 5 months. However, GH mRNA levels of the immature females were significantly higher compared with those of the mature males at age 9 months (P<0.05). At age 11 months, GH mRNA levels of females were even 6.4-fold higher than that of males. In conclusion, for the first time we show that early sexual maturity of males is the main cause of sexual growth dimorphism in C. semilaevis and exert significant effect on GH mRNA expression.  相似文献   

In Botswana, as in other areas in southern Africa, there is a growing concern about the risks associated with adolescent sexuality. To facilitate the design of policies that can address these problems, it is necessary to gain a thorough understanding of contemporary patterns of adolescent sexual behaviour, and the factors that affect them. This paper examines these issues using data from the 1995 Botswana Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey in conjunction with data from focus group discussions. The results suggest that adolescents become sexually active at an early age, and that many of them, males and females alike, have multiple sex partners. This early sexual initiation implies that adolescent reproductive health programmes should target youths aged 13 or younger. For school-based programmes this implies starting no later than Grade 6 or Standard 1, and preferably earlier. Young males appear to be a particularly vulnerable group that needs further attention. Adolescents perceive that teachers, peers and parents have the largest influence on their reproductive health attitudes. Schools appear to have the most potential for providing reproductive health information, because they reach youths both directly and indirectly by educating their peers. The results also show that male and female sexual behaviour is affected by different factors. Among males, having secondary education strongly increases the odds of being sexually active, presumably because such males make attractive partners. Among females, on the other hand, being in school significantly reduces the odds of being sexually active. This finding is consistent with the policy imposing a one-year school expulsion for pregnant schoolgirls, which was implemented as a deterrent to schoolgirl pregnancy.  相似文献   

The effect of Freund's adjuvant administration on 24-hour changes of plasma prolactin, growth hormone (GH), thyrotropin (TSH), insulin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone were studied in young (2 months) and aged (18 months) male Wistar rats. Rats were injected s.c. with Freund's adjuvant or adjuvant's vehicle and, 18 days later, they were killed at 6 different time intervals throughout a 24-hour cycle to measure circulating hormone levels by specific RIAs. Young rats receiving adjuvant's vehicle exhibited significant time-of-day-dependent variations in plasma TSH, LH and testosterone, with maximal levels at 1300 h, 0100 h and 1700 h, respectively. Prolactin and insulin levels, analyzed globally in a factorial ANOVA, showed significant time-of-day changes with maximal levels at 1300 - 1700 h and 2100 h, respectively. The daily rhythms in plasma LH and testosterone found in young rats were not longer observed in Freund's adjuvant-injected rats, while as far as TSH, a second peak was observed at 0100 h after Freund's adjuvant administration. Twenty-four hour rhythms in circulating TSH, LH and testosterone were blunted in old rats receiving either Freund's adjuvant or its vehicle. Aged rats exhibited significantly higher circulating levels of prolactin, and lower levels of GH, TSH, FSH and testosterone. The results indicate that secretion of prolactin, GH, TSH, FSH and testosterone are age-dependent, as are the responses of TSH, LH and testosterone to Freund's adjuvant administration.  相似文献   

The effect of a high-fat diet on growth, sexual maturation, and developmental changes in serum levels of estradiol (E2), growth hormone (GH), somatomedin-C (Sm-C), and insulin were examined in outdoor-housed premenarchial rhesus monkeys. From 16 to 32 months of age, females were fed either a high-fat diet (HFD, N = 5) with 31% calories from fat or a control diet (commercial laboratory chow, N = 10) with 12% of the calories from fat. Maintenance on a HFD did not accelerate physical growth, as all animals exhibited similar increments in body weight, crown-rump length, and weight/height ratios. In contrast, the HFD group exhibited an earlier onset of perineal swelling and menarche despite lower body weights during that time. Moreover, 80% of the HFD animals exhibited an early first ovulation (31-32 months of age) compared with 40% of control animals. These reproductive changes were associated with significant differences in the endocrine profiles of HFD animals. Fasting serum levels of insulin were significantly elevated within 2 months of diet treatment and remained elevated throughout the study period. Levels of Sm-C were elevated relative to those of controls after 3 months of diet treatment, but not thereafter. Serum GH increased after 6 months on the HFD and, overall, concentrations were higher in HFD animals. A significant rise in E2 was observed after only 45 days on the HFD treatment. These concentrations did not differ from 18 to 21 months of age but again were elevated at 27 months in the HFD females. Since these endocrine and physical changes associated with reproductive physiology occurred in the absence of enhanced growth, these data suggest that a high-fat diet may influence the rate of sexual maturation through changes in certain metabolic factors which may act on the developing neuroendocrine system.  相似文献   

Sexual selection predicts that trade-offs maintain trait variation in alternative reproductive strategies. Experiments often focus on testosterone (T), but the gonadotropins follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone may provide a clearer understanding of the pleiotropic relationships among traits. We assess the activational role of gonadotropins on T and corticosterone regulation in traits expressed by polymorphic male side-blotched lizards Uta stansburiana. Gonadotropins are found to enhance and suppress multiple physiological, morphological, and behavioral traits independently, as well as indirectly via T, and we demonstrate selective trade-offs between reproduction and survival. The OBY locus, a genetic marker in our model vertebrate mating system, allows characterization of the interaction between genotype and hormone treatment on male traits. Our results suggest that oo, ob, and bb males are near their physiological and behavioral capacity for reproductive success, whereas yy and by males are maintained below their physiological maximum. Both by and yy morphs show trait plasticity, and we demonstrate that gonadotropins are likely proximate effectors that govern not only trait differences between alternative mating strategies but also morph plasticity. Gonadotropins clearly represent an important mechanism maintaining variation in physiological, morphological, and behavioral traits, as well as potentially maintaining the immunosuppression costs of male sexual signals.  相似文献   

Males of the damselfly Mnais costalis occur as territorial orange-winged 'fighter' males or non-territorial clear-winged 'sneaker' males. Their morph life histories differ considerably but the estimated lifetime reproductive success is the same for the two morphs. In this study we compared the developmental and reproductive costs associated with the two morphs. Orange-winged male and female reproductive costs resulted in a decline in adult fat reserves with increasing age. In contrast, the fat reserves of clear-winged males remained constant with adult age. Body size was positively correlated with mating success in orange-winged males, but had no influence on the mating success of clear-winged males. The orange-winged male flight muscle ratios (FMRs) were significantly higher than the clear-winged male and female FMRs. However, there was no difference in the size-corrected fat reserves of the two morphs; both had higher fat reserves than females. The gain in mass between eclosion and reproduction in orange-winged males and females was almost double the mass gained by clear-winged males, suggesting that clear-winged male development is less costly. An experiment in which pre-reproductive levels of nutrition were manipulated confirmed this.  相似文献   

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