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J Yang  P Li 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42993
Are explicit versus implicit learning mechanisms reflected in the brain as distinct neural structures, as previous research indicates, or are they distinguished by brain networks that involve overlapping systems with differential connectivity? In this functional MRI study we examined the neural correlates of explicit and implicit learning of artificial grammar sequences. Using effective connectivity analyses we found that brain networks of different connectivity underlie the two types of learning: while both processes involve activation in a set of cortical and subcortical structures, explicit learners engage a network that uses the insula as a key mediator whereas implicit learners evoke a direct frontal-striatal network. Individual differences in working memory also differentially impact the two types of sequence learning.  相似文献   

Pain is aversive, but does the cessation of pain (‘relief’) have a reward-like effect? Indeed, fruitflies avoid an odour previously presented before a painful event, but approach an odour previously presented after a painful event. Thus, event-timing may turn punishment to reward. However, is event-timing also crucial in humans who can have explicit cognitions about associations? Here, we show that stimuli associated with pain-relief acquire positive implicit valence but are explicitly rated as aversive. Specifically, the startle response, an evolutionarily conserved defence reflex, is attenuated by stimuli that had previously followed a painful event, indicating implicit positive valence of the conditioned stimulus; nevertheless, participants explicitly evaluate these stimuli as ‘emotionally negative’. These results demonstrate a rift between the implicit and explicit conditioned valence induced by pain relief. They might explain why humans in some cases are attracted by conditioned stimuli despite explicitly judging them as negative.  相似文献   

The effects of prenatal exposure on gamma/neutron radiations (0.5 Gy at about the 18th day of fetal life) were studied in a hybrid strain of mice (DBA/Cne males x C57BL/Cne females). During ontogeny, measurements of sensorimotor reflexes revealed in prenatally irradiated mice 1) a delay in sensorial development, 2) deficits in tests involving body motor control, and 3) a reduction of both motility and locomotor activity scores. In adulthood, the behaviour of prenatally irradiated and control mice was examined in the open field test and in reactivity to novelty. Moreover, their learning performance was compared in several situations. The results show that, in the open field test, only rearings were more frequent in irradiated mice. In the presence of a novel object, significant sex x treatment interactions were observed since ambulation and leaning against the novel object increased in irradiated females but decreased in irradiated males. Finally, when submitted to different learning tasks, irradiated mice were impaired in the radial maze, but paradoxically exhibited higher avoidance scores than control mice, possibly because of their low pain thresholds. Taken together, these observations indicate that late prenatal gamma/neutron irradiation induces long lasting alterations at the sensorimotor level which, in turn, can influence learning abilities of adult mice.  相似文献   

We have directly evaluated the effects of various intracellular second messengers including cyclic nucleotides, calcium ion, and inositol polyphosphates on shape and motility of differentiating mouse neuroblastoma cells. The messengers were microinjected into cells and the responses of the soma, neurite, and growth cone were monitored using time-lapse video microscopy. Each messenger altered cell shape and motility in a characteristic manner. Cyclic AMP promoted lamellipodial expansion, neurite outgrowth, and motility. The other injected messengers opposed motility. Cyclic GMP caused motile structures to freeze and to retract permanently, while the inhibitory effects of calcium injection were concentration-dependent. Small calcium injections affected specifically actin-containing motile structures which froze and retracted temporarily. Intermediate calcium injections caused a strong contraction at the site of injection in all cells. With large injections, cells retracted long neurites, rounded up, and frequently began vigorous blebbing that continued to cell death. Injections of the inositol polyphosphates IP3(1,4,5) and IP4(1,4,5,6) mimicked the effects of small calcium injections, as did electrical stimulation that elicited action potentials. The results suggest that in mouse neuroblastoma cells, intracellular cAMP elevation increases cytoskeletal organization and promotes neurite extension perhaps through an enhancement of cell-substratum adhesion. On the other hand, a rise of intracellular cGMP or intracellular calcium interferes directly with the function and organization of the actin-microfilament system. The integrated action of these second messenger systems may, therefore, operate in vivo to allow substances released from neighboring cells to regulate neuronal architecture.  相似文献   

Schendan HE  Searl MM  Melrose RJ  Stern CE 《Neuron》2003,37(6):1013-1025
fMRI was used to investigate the neural substrates supporting implicit and explicit sequence learning, focusing especially upon the role of the medial temporal lobe. Participants performed a serial reaction time task (SRTT). For implicit learning, they were naive about a repeating pattern, whereas for explicit learning, participants memorized another repeating sequence. fMRI analyses comparing repeating versus random sequence blocks demonstrated activation of frontal, parietal, cingulate, and striatal regions implicated in previous SRTT studies. Importantly, mediotemporal lobe regions were active in both explicit and implicit SRTT learning. Moreover, the results provide evidence of a role for the hippocampus and related cortices in the formation of higher order associations under both implicit and explicit learning conditions, regardless of conscious awareness of sequence knowledge.  相似文献   

Synthetic β-peptide oligomers have been shown to form stable folded structures analogous to those encountered in naturally occurring proteins. Literature studies have speculated that the conformational stability of β-peptides is greater than that of α-peptides. Direct measurements of that stability, however, are not available. Molecular simulations are used in this work to quantify the mechanical stability of four helical β-peptides. This is achieved by subjecting the molecules to tension. The potential of mean force associated with the resulting unfolding process is determined using both an implicit and an explicit solvent model. It is found that all four molecules exhibit a highly stable helical structure. It is also found that the energetic contributions to the potential of mean force do not change appreciably when the molecules are stretched in explicit water. In contrast, the entropic contributions decrease significantly. As the peptides unfold, a loss of intramolecular energy is compensated by the formation of additional water-peptide hydrogen bonds. These entropic effects lead in some cases to a loss of stability upon cooling the peptides, a phenomenon akin to the cold denaturing of some proteins. While the location of the free energy minimum and the structural helicity of the peptides are comparable in the implicit-solvent and explicit-water cases, it is found that, in general, the helical structure of the molecules is more stable in the implicit solvent model than in explicit water.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneities have been explored in many different ways in population dynamic models. We investigate here the way in which space should be considered in the dynamics of an aphid–parasitoid system in a melon greenhouse, in order to plan a biological control program at a wide scale. By comparing a non-spatial model with a spatially explicit model (a lattice one), we show a strong difference between predictions and we thus confirm that it is essential to take space into account in such closed and structured environments when describing the spatial heterogeneities observed in the field. The way in which space should be considered in such system is tested by comparing the spatially explicit model with a new implicit approach, which describes the level of plant infestation by a continuous variable corresponding to the number of plants with a given density of pests at a given time. When the explicit model needs as many equations as plants in the greenhouse, our novel approach has only a partial differential equation. We infer from the comparisons between the two spatial models that the predicted host–parasitoid dynamics are similar under most conditions. Some differences occur when local dispersal (considered only in the explicit model) is high and it can have a strong impact on population dynamics but does not change the conclusions for crop protection. We conclude that the new spatially implicit model thus generate relevant predictions with a more synthetic formalism than the common plant-by-plant model and it will thus be more adapted to test biological control strategies at a higher scale than the greenhouse.  相似文献   

Objective : This study examined the influence of one's own body weight on the strength of implicit and explicit anti‐fat bias. Research Methods and Procedure : Implicit and explicit anti‐fat attitudes and obesity stereotypes were assessed among a large online sample (N = 4283) that included representation from across the weight spectrum (from underweight to extremely obese). Respondents also indicated their willingness to make a range of personal sacrifices in exchange for not being obese. Results : All weight groups exhibited significant anti‐fat bias, but there was an inverse relation between one's own weight and the level of observed bias. Thinner people were more likely to automatically associate negative attributes (bad, lazy) with fat people, to prefer thin people to fat people, and to explicitly rate fat people as lazier and less motivated than thin people. However, when the lazy stereotype was contrasted with another negative attribute (anxious), obese and non‐obese people exhibited equally strong implicit stereotyping. Finally, a substantial proportion of respondents indicated a willingness to endure aversive life events to avoid being obese. For example, 46% of the total sample indicated that they would rather give up 1 year of life than be obese, and 30% reported that they would rather be divorced than be obese. In each case, thinner people were more willing to sacrifice aspects of their health or life circumstances than were heavier people. Discussion : Although the strength of weight bias decreased as respondents’ body weight increased, a significant degree of anti‐fat bias was still evident among even the most obese group of respondents, highlighting the pervasiveness of this bias.  相似文献   

Olson MA 《Proteins》2004,57(4):645-650
The treatment of hydration effects in protein dynamics simulations varies in model complexity and spans the range from the computationally intensive microscopic evaluation to simple dielectric screening of charge-charge interactions. This paper compares different solvent models applied to the problem of estimating the free-energy difference between two loop conformations in acetylcholinesterase. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to sample potential energy surfaces of the two basins with solvent treated by means of explicit and implicit methods. Implicit solvent methods studied include the generalized Born (GB) model, atomic solvation potential (ASP), and the distance-dependent dieletric constant. By using the linear response approximation (LRA), the explicit solvent calculations determined a free-energy difference that is in excellent agreement with the experimental estimate, while rescoring the protein conformations with GB or the Poisson equation showed inconsistent and inferior results. While the approach of rescoring conformations from explicit water simulations with implicit solvent models is popular among many applications, it perturbs the energy landscape by changing the solvent contribution to microstates without conformational relaxation, thus leading to non-optimal solvation free energies. Calculations applying MD with a GB solvent model produced results of comparable accuracy as observed with LRA, yet the electrostatic free-energy terms were significantly different due to optimization on a potential energy surface favored by an implicit solvent reaction field. The simpler methods of ASP and the distance-dependent scaling of the dielectric constant both produced considerable distortions in the protein internal free-energy terms and are consequently unreliable.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis mitochondria contain two NAD(+)-malic enzymes, NAD-ME1 and NAD-ME2. These proteins have similar affinity for their substrates but display opposite regulation by fumarate, which strongly stimulates NAD-ME1 but inhibits NAD-ME2 activity. Here, the interaction of NAD-ME1 and -2 with fumarate was investigated by kinetic approaches, urea denaturation assays and intrinsic fluorescence quenching, in the absence and presence of NAD(+). Fumarate inhibited NAD-ME2 at saturating, but not at low, levels of NAD(+), and it behaved as competitive inhibitor with respect to L-malate. In contrast, NAD-ME1 fumarate activation was higher at suboptimal NAD(+) concentrations. In the absence of cofactor, the fluorescence of both NAD-ME1 and -2 is quenched by fumarate. However, for NAD-ME2 the quenching arises from a collisional phenomenon, while in NAD-ME1 the fluorescence decay can be explained by a static process that involves fumarate binding to the protein. Furthermore, the residue Arg84 of NAD-ME1 is essential for fumarate binding, as the mutant protein R84A exhibits a collisional quenching by this metabolite. Together, the results indicate that the differential fumarate regulation of Arabidopsis NAD-MEs, which is further modulated by NAD(+) availability, is related to the gaining of an allosteric site for fumarate in NAD-ME1 and an active site-associated inhibition by this C(4)-organic acid in NAD-ME2.  相似文献   

Early luteal regression in cattle has an embryotoxic effect that is not overcome by replacement with progesterone, but is prevented by removal of the regressing CL. Two experiments were designed to test the null hypothesis that the luteal component of the embryotoxic effect is delivered by a systemic pathway. Beef heifers and cows (n = 39) received two good quality embryos, one placed into each uterine horn on Day 6 or 7 of the estrous cycle. Treated animals (n = 20) received 15 mg of PGF2alpha three times per day from Day 7 (n = 11; Experiment 1) or 5 (n = 9; Experiment 2) through 8; controls (n = 19) received saline. Progestogen replacement therapy (12 mg flurogestone acetate daily, s.c.) was provided from Day 6 (Experiment 1) or 4 (Experiment 2) until ultrasonographic diagnosis of embryo survival on Day 35 after estrus. The effects of treatment, location of the embryo and location by treatment interaction on embryo survival were tested by Chi square. In Experiment 1, there was no significant difference in embryo survival rate between PGF2alpha-treated and control recipients. In Experiment 2, only 6 of 18 embryos survived to Day 35 when transferred to animals treated with PGF2alpha compared to 12 of 18 in control animals (P< 0.05). The survival of embryos did not differ with location (adjacent or opposite to the regressing CL) or location by treatment interaction. Thus no evidence was obtained to support a local effect of the regressing CL. The embryo mortality associated with luteolytic doses of PGF2alpha in cows receiving replacement therapy with progestogen probably involves compounds that either act systemically or are transported via the uterine lumen to the uterine horn contralateral to the regressing CL.  相似文献   



Developing novel uses of approved drugs, called drug repositioning, can reduce costs and times in traditional drug development. Network-based approaches have presented promising results in this field. However, even though various types of interactions such as activation or inhibition exist in drug-target interactions and molecular pathways, most of previous network-based studies disregarded this information.


We developed a novel computational method, Prediction of Drugs having Opposite effects on Disease genes (PDOD), for identifying drugs having opposite effects on altered states of disease genes. PDOD utilized drug-drug target interactions with ‘effect type’, an integrated directed molecular network with ‘effect type’ and ‘effect direction’, and disease genes with regulated states in disease patients. With this information, we proposed a scoring function to discover drugs likely to restore altered states of disease genes using the path from a drug to a disease through the drug-drug target interactions, shortest paths from drug targets to disease genes in molecular pathways, and disease gene-disease associations.


We collected drug-drug target interactions, molecular pathways, and disease genes with their regulated states in the diseases. PDOD is applied to 898 drugs with known drug-drug target interactions and nine diseases. We compared performance of PDOD for predicting known therapeutic drug-disease associations with the previous methods. PDOD outperformed other previous approaches which do not exploit directional information in molecular network. In addition, we provide a simple web service that researchers can submit genes of interest with their altered states and will obtain drugs seeming to have opposite effects on altered states of input genes at http://gto.kaist.ac.kr/pdod/index.php/main.


Our results showed that ‘effect type’ and ‘effect direction’ information in the network based approaches can be utilized to identify drugs having opposite effects on diseases. Our study can offer a novel insight into the field of network-based drug repositioning.

To study the effect of extracellular acidosis on apoptosis and necrosis during ischemia and reoxygenation, we exposed human post-mitotic NT2-N neurones to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) followed by reoxygenation. In some experiments, pH of the cell medium was lowered to 5.9 during either OGD or reoxygenation or both. Staurosporine, used as a positive control for apoptosis, caused Poly(ADP-ribose)-polymerase (PARP) cleavage and nuclear fragmentation, but no PARP cleavage and little fragmentation were seen after OGD. Low molecular weight DNA fragments were found after staurosporine treatment, but not after OGD. No protective effect of caspase inhibitors was seen after 3 h of OGD and 21 h of reoxygenation, but after 45 h of reoxygenation caspase inhibition induced a modest improvement in 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) cleavage. While acidosis during OGD accompanied by neutral medium during reoxygenation protected the neurones (MTT: 228 +/- 117% of neutral medium, p < 0.001), acidosis during reoxygenation only was detrimental (MTT: 38 +/- 25%, p < 0.01). We conclude that apoptotic mechanisms play a minor role after OGD in NT2-N neurones. The effect of acidosis on neuronal survival depends on the timing of acidosis, as acidosis was protective during OGD and detrimental during reoxygenation.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that implicit power motivation moderates men's testosterone responses to victory or defeat in a contest situation. It also explored to what extent postvictory testosterone increases are associated with enhanced implicit learning of behavior instrumental for winning a contest. Salivary testosterone levels were assessed in 66 male adults several times before and after a contest whose outcome (winning or losing against a competitor on an implicit learning task) was varied experimentally. Among participants low in activity inhibition, a measure of impulse control, the power motive was a significant positive predictor of testosterone increases (15 min postcontest; r = 0.71, P = 0.01) and implicit learning (r = 0.68, P < 0.05) after a victory, whereas it was a significant negative predictor of implicit learning (r = -0.58, P = 0.01) but not of testosterone increases (r = -0.08, ns) after a defeat. Moreover, among participants low in activity inhibition testosterone increases were associated with enhanced implicit learning (r = 0.38, P < 0.05) and there was statistical evidence that in winners testosterone increases mediated the effect of power motivation on implicit learning. Participants high in activity inhibition did not display this pattern of results.  相似文献   

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