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Human GTPBP3 is an evolutionarily conserved, multidomain protein involved in mitochondrial tRNA modification. Characterization of its biochemical properties and the phenotype conferred by GTPBP3 inactivation is crucial to understanding the role of this protein in tRNA maturation and its effects on mitochondrial respiration. We show that the two most abundant GTPBP3 isoforms exhibit moderate affinity for guanine nucleotides like their bacterial homologue, MnmE, although they hydrolyze GTP at a 100-fold lower rate. This suggests that regulation of the GTPase activity, essential for the tRNA modification function of MnmE, is different in GTPBP3. In fact, potassium-induced dimerization of the G domain leads to stimulation of the GTPase activity in MnmE but not in GTPBP3. The GTPBP3 N-terminal domain mediates a potassium-independent dimerization, which appears as an evolutionarily conserved property of the protein family, probably related to the construction of the binding site for the one-carbon-unit donor in the modification reaction. Partial inactivation of GTPBP3 by small interfering RNA reduces oxygen consumption, ATP production, and mitochondrial protein synthesis, while the degradation of these proteins slightly increases. It also results in mitochondria with defective membrane potential and increased superoxide levels. These phenotypic traits suggest that GTPBP3 defects contribute to the pathogenesis of some oxidative phosphorylation diseases.  相似文献   

We report here the identification and characterization of mouse GTPBP3 encoding a mitochondrial GTPase. A full-length GTPBP3 cDNA has been isolated and the genomic organization of GTPBP3 has been elucidated. The mouse GTPBP3 gene containing 9 exons encodes a 486 residue protein with a strong homology to the GTPBP3-like proteins of bacteria, yeast, and other homologs, related to tRNA modification. The mouse GTPBP3 is ubiquitously expressed in various tissues, but abundantly in tissues with high metabolic rates including heart, liver, and brain. Surprisingly, this gene, unlike its human homolog, exhibited a low expression in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, immunofluorescence analysis of NIH3T3 cells expressing GTPBP3-GFP fusion protein demonstrated that the mouse Gtpbp3 localizes in mitochondrion. These observations suggest that the mouse Gtpbp3 is an evolutionarily conserved mitochondrial GTP-binding protein involved in the tRNA modification. Thus, it may modulate the translational efficiency and accuracy of codon-anticodon base pairings on the decoding region of mitochondrial ribosomes.  相似文献   

METTL8 has recently been identified as the methyltransferase catalyzing 3-methylcytidine biogenesis at position 32 (m3C32) of mitochondrial tRNAs. METTL8 also potentially participates in mRNA methylation and R-loop biogenesis. How METTL8 plays multiple roles in distinct cell compartments and catalyzes mitochondrial tRNA m3C formation remain unclear. Here, we discovered that alternative mRNA splicing generated several isoforms of METTL8. One isoform (METTL8-Iso1) was targeted to mitochondria via an N-terminal pre-sequence, while another one (METTL8-Iso4) mainly localized to the nucleolus. METTL8-Iso1-mediated m3C32 modification of human mitochondrial tRNAThr (hmtRNAThr) was not reliant on t6A modification at A37 (t6A37), while that of hmtRNASer(UCN) critically depended on i6A modification at A37 (i6A37). We clarified the hmtRNAThr substrate recognition mechanism, which was obviously different from that of hmtRNASer(UCN), in terms of requiring a G35 determinant. Moreover, SARS2 (mitochondrial seryl-tRNA synthetase) interacted with METTL8-Iso1 in an RNA-independent manner and modestly accelerated m3C modification activity. We further elucidated how nonsubstrate tRNAs in human mitochondria were efficiently discriminated by METTL8-Iso1. In summary, our results established the expression pattern of METTL8, clarified the molecular basis for m3C32 modification by METTL8-Iso1 and provided the rationale for the involvement of METTL8 in tRNA modification, mRNA methylation or R-loop biogenesis.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly. Despite decades of study, effective treatments for AD are lacking. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been closely linked to the pathogenesis of AD, but the relationship between mitochondrial pathology and neuronal damage is poorly understood. Sirtuins (SIRT, silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog in yeast) are NAD‐dependent histone deacetylases involved in aging and longevity. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between SIRT3 and mitochondrial function and neuronal activity in AD. SIRT3 mRNA and protein levels were significantly decreased in AD cerebral cortex, and Ac‐p53 K320 was significantly increased in AD mitochondria. SIRT3 prevented p53‐induced mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal damage in a deacetylase activity‐dependent manner. Notably, mitochondrially targeted p53 (mito‐p53) directly reduced mitochondria DNA‐encoded ND2 and ND4 gene expression resulting in increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reduced mitochondrial oxygen consumption. ND2 and ND4 gene expressions were significantly decreased in patients with AD. p53‐ChIP analysis verified the presence of p53‐binding elements in the human mitochondrial genome and increased p53 occupancy of mitochondrial DNA in AD. SIRT3 overexpression restored the expression of ND2 and ND4 and improved mitochondrial oxygen consumption by repressing mito‐p53 activity. Our results indicate that SIRT3 dysfunction leads to p53‐mediated mitochondrial and neuronal damage in AD. Therapeutic modulation of SIRT3 activity may ameliorate mitochondrial pathology and neurodegeneration in AD.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide associated-1 (NOA1) is an evolutionarily conserved guanosine triphosphate (GTP) binding protein that localizes predominantly to mitochondria in mammalian cells. On the basis of bioinformatic analysis, we predicted its possible involvement in ribosomal biogenesis, although this had not been supported by any experimental evidence. Here we determine NOA1 function through generation of knockout mice and in vitro assays. NOA1-deficient mice exhibit midgestation lethality associated with a severe developmental defect of the embryo and trophoblast. Primary embryonic fibroblasts isolated from NOA1 knockout embryos show deficient mitochondrial protein synthesis and a global defect of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Additionally, Noa1–/– cells are impaired in staurosporine-induced apoptosis. The analysis of mitochondrial ribosomal subunits from Noa1–/– cells by sucrose gradient centrifugation and Western blotting showed anomalous sedimentation, consistent with a defect in mitochondrial ribosome assembly. Furthermore, in vitro experiments revealed that intrinsic NOA1 GTPase activity was stimulated by bacterial ribosomal constituents. Taken together, our data show that NOA1 is required for mitochondrial protein synthesis, likely due to its yet unidentified role in mitoribosomal biogenesis. Thus, NOA1 is required for such basal mitochondrial functions as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis and apoptosis.  相似文献   

A subset of eukaryotic tRNAs is methylated in the anticodon loop, forming 3-methylcytosine (m3C) modifications. In mammals, the number of tRNAs containing m3C modifications has been expanded to include mitochondrial (mt) tRNA-Ser-UGA and mt-tRNA-Thr-UGU. However, whereas the enzymes catalyzing m3C formation in nuclear-encoded tRNAs have been identified, the proteins responsible for m3C modification in mt-tRNAs are unknown. Here, we show that m3C formation in human mt-tRNAs is dependent upon the methyltransferase-Like 8 (METTL8) enzyme. We find that METTL8 is a mitochondria-associated protein that interacts with mitochondrial seryl-tRNA synthetase, as well as with mt-tRNAs containing m3C. We demonstrate that human cells deficient in METTL8 exhibit loss of m3C modification in mt-tRNAs, but not nuclear-encoded tRNAs. Consistent with the mitochondrial import of METTL8, the formation of m3C in METTL8-deficient cells could be rescued by re-expression of WT METTL8, but not by a METTL8 variant lacking the N-terminal mitochondrial localization signal. Notably, we found METTL8-deficiency in human cells causes alterations in the native migration pattern of mt-tRNA-Ser-UGA, suggesting a role for m3C in tRNA folding. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that METTL8 is required for m3C formation in mt-tRNAs and uncover a potential function for m3C modification in mitochondrial tRNA structure.  相似文献   

To date, more than 100 point mutations and several hundreds of structural rearrangements of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are known too be connected with characteristic neuromuscular and other mitochondrial syndromes varying form those causing death at the neonatal stage to diseases with late ages of onset. The immediate cause of mitochondrial disorders is a defective oxidative phosphorylation. Wide phenotypic variation and the heteroplasmy phenomenon, which some authors include in mutation load, are characteristic of human mitochondrial diseases. As the numbers of cases identified and pedigrees described increase, data on the genotype--phenotype interaction and the structure and frequency of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic mtDNA mutations in human populations are rapidly accumulated. The data on the genetics and epidemiology of mitochondrial diseases are not only important for differential diagnosis and genetic counseling. Since both neutral and mildly pathogenic mutations of mtDNA are progressively accumulated in maternal phyletic lines, molecular analysis of these mutations permits not only reconstruction of the genealogical tree of modern humans, but also estimation of the role that these mutations play in natural selection.  相似文献   

Defects in the yeast cysteine desulfurase Nfs1 cause a severe impairment in the 2-thio modification of uridine of mitochondrial tRNAs (mt-tRNAs) and cytosolic tRNAs (cy-tRNAs). Nfs1 can also provide the sulfur atoms of the iron-sulfur (Fe/S) clusters generated by the mitochondrial and cytosolic Fe/S cluster assembly machineries, termed ISC and CIA, respectively. Therefore, a key question remains as to whether the biosynthesis of Fe/S clusters is a prerequisite for the 2-thio modification of the tRNAs in both of the subcellular compartments of yeast cells. To elucidate this question, we asked whether mitochondrial ISC and/or cytosolic CIA components besides Nfs1 were involved in the 2-thio modification of these tRNAs. We demonstrate here that the three CIA components, Cfd1, Nbp35, and Cia1, are required for the 2-thio modification of cy-tRNAs but not of mt-tRNAs. Interestingly, the mitochondrial scaffold proteins Isu1 and Isu2 are required for the 2-thio modification of the cy-tRNAs but not of the mt-tRNAs, while mitochondrial Nfs1 is required for both 2-thio modifications. These results clearly indicate that the 2-thio modification of cy-tRNAs is Fe/S protein dependent and thus requires both CIA and ISC machineries but that of mt-tRNAs is Fe/S cluster independent and does not require key mitochondrial ISC components except for Nfs1.  相似文献   

The tRNA(Gm18) methyltransferase (TrmH) catalyzes the 2'-O methylation of guanosine 18 (Gua18) of tRNA. We solved the crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus TrmH complexed with S-adenosyl-L-methionine at 1.85 A resolution. The catalytic domain contains a deep trefoil knot, which mutational analyses revealed to be crucial for the formation of the catalytic site and the cofactor binding pocket. The tRNA dihydrouridine(D)-arm can be docked onto the dimeric TrmH, so that the tRNA D-stem is clamped by the N- and C-terminal helices from one subunit while the Gua18 is modified by the other subunit. Arg41 from the other subunit enters the catalytic site and forms a hydrogen bond with a bound sulfate ion, an RNA main chain phosphate analog, thus activating its nucleophilic state. Based on Gua18 modeling onto the active site, we propose that once Gua18 binds, the phosphate group activates Arg41, which then deprotonates the 2'-OH group for methylation.  相似文献   

The nucleotide modification in tRNA plays a pivotal role in the fidelity of translational process. The defects in nucleotide modification have often been observed in the mutated mitochondrial tRNAs associated with human diseases. Recently, MTO1-like protein in bacteria and yeast has been implicated to be a component of tRNA modification pathway. Here we report the identification and characterization of mouse MTO1 homolog. The mouse MTO1 gene containing 12 exons encodes a 669-residue protein with a strong homology to the MTO1-like proteins of bacteria and yeast, related to tRNA modification. Functional conservation of this protein is supported by the observation that the isolated mouse MTO1 cDNA can complement the respiratory-deficient phenotype of yeast mto1 cells carrying P(R)(454) mutation. MTO1 is ubiquitously expressed in various tissues, but with markedly elevated expression in tissues of high metabolic rates. Furthermore, we showed that mouse Mto1 localizes in mitochondrion. These observations suggest that the mouse MTO1 is a structural and functional homolog of yeast MTO1, thereby playing a role in the mitochondrial tRNA modification and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that perhaps as many as 20% of all mitochondrial proteins are regulated through lysine acetylation while SIRT3 has been implicated as an important mitochondrial protein deacetylase. It is therefore of crucial importance that the mitochondrial localization of potential protein deacetylases is unambiguously established. Although mouse SIRT3 was recently shown to be mitochondrial, HsSIRT3 (human SIRT3) was reported to be both nuclear and mitochondrial and to relocate from the nucleus to the mitochondrion upon cellular stress. In the present study we show, using various HsSIRT3 expression constructs and a combination of immunofluorescence and careful subcellular fractionation, that in contrast with earlier reports HsSIRT3 is exclusively mitochondrial. We discuss possible experimental explanations for these discrepancies. In addition we suggest, on the basis of the analysis of public genome databases, that the full-length mouse SIRT3 protein is a 37 kDa mitochondrial precursor protein contrary to the previously suggested 29 kDa protein.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2023,30(3):300-311.e11
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Taurine (2-aminoethanesulphonic acid), a naturally occurring, sulfur-containing amino acid, is found at high concentrations in mammalian plasma and tissues. Although taurine is involved in a variety of processes in humans, it has never been found as a component of a protein or a nucleic acid, and its precise biochemical functions are not fully understood. Here, we report the identification of two novel taurine-containing modified uridines (5-taurinomethyluridine and 5-taurinomethyl-2-thiouridine) in human and bovine mitochondrial tRNAs. Our work further revealed that these nucleosides are synthesized by the direct incorporation of taurine supplied to the medium. This is the first reported evidence that taurine is a constituent of biological macromolecules, unveiling the prospect of obtaining new insights into the functions and subcellular localization of this abundant amino acid. Since modification of these taurine-containing uridines has been found to be lacking in mutant mitochondrial tRNAs for Leu(UUR) and Lys from pathogenic cells of the mitochondrial encephalomyopathies MELAS and MERRF, respectively, our findings will considerably deepen our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of mitochondrial encephalomyopathic diseases.  相似文献   

The respiratory defects associated with mutations in human mitochondrial tRNA genes can be mimicked in yeast, which is the only organism easily amenable to mitochondrial transformation. This approach has shown that overexpression of several nuclear genes coding for factors involved in mitochondrial protein synthesis can alleviate the respiratory defects both in yeast and in human cells.  相似文献   

Although the La protein stabilizes nascent pre-tRNAs from nucleases, influences the pathway of pre-tRNA maturation, and assists correct folding of certain pre-tRNAs, it is dispensable for growth in both budding and fission yeast. Here we show that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae La shares functional redundancy with both tRNA modification enzymes and other proteins that contact tRNAs during their biogenesis. La is important for growth in the presence of mutations in either the arginyl tRNA synthetase or the tRNA modification enzyme Trm1p. In addition, two pseudouridine synthases, PUS3 and PUS4, are important for growth in strains carrying a mutation in tRNA(Arg)(CCG) and are essential when La is deleted in these strains. Depletion of Pus3p results in accumulation of the aminoacylated mutant tRNA(Arg)(CCG) in nuclei, while depletion of Pus4p results in decreased stability of the mutant tRNA. Interestingly, the degradation of mutant unstable forms of tRNA(Arg)(CCG) does not require the Trf4p poly(A) polymerase, suggesting that yeast cells possess multiple pathways for tRNA decay. These data demonstrate that La functions redundantly with both tRNA modifications and proteins that associate with tRNAs to achieve tRNA structural stability and efficient biogenesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I undergoes transitions from active to de-activated forms. We have investigated the phenomenon in sub-mitochondrial particles from Neurospora crassa wild-type and a null-mutant lacking the 29.9 kDa nuclear-coded subunit of complex I. Based on enzymatic activities, genetic crosses and analysis of mitochondrial proteins in sucrose gradients, we found that about one-fifth of complex I with catalytic properties similar to the wild-type enzyme is assembled in the mutant. Mutant complex I still displays active/de-active transitions, indicating that other proteins are involved in the phenomenon. However, the kinetic characteristics of complex I active/de-active transitions in nuo29.9 differ from wild-type. The spontaneous de-activation of the mutant enzyme is much slower, implicating the 29.9 kDa polypeptide in this event. We suggest that the fungal 29.9 kDa protein and its homologues in other organisms may modulate the active/de-active transitions of complex I.  相似文献   

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