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The tumor-suppressor protein p53 is among the most effective of the cell's natural defenses against cancer. In response to cellular stress, p53 binds as a tetramer to diverse DNA targets containing two decameric half-sites, thereby activating the expression of genes involved in cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis. Here we present high-resolution crystal structures of sequence-specific complexes between the core domain of human p53 and different DNA half-sites. In all structures, four p53 molecules self-assemble on two DNA half-sites to form a tetramer that is a dimer of dimers, stabilized by protein-protein and base-stacking interactions. The protein-DNA interface varies as a function of the specific base sequence in correlation with the measured binding affinities of the complexes. The new data establish a structural framework for understanding the mechanisms of specificity, affinity, and cooperativity of DNA binding by p53 and suggest a model for its regulation by regions outside the sequence-specific DNA binding domain.  相似文献   

Galectins are a family of beta-galactoside-specific lectins bearing a conserved carbohydrate recognition domain. Interactions between galectins and poly-N-acetyllactosamine sequences are critical in a variety of biological processes. Galectin-9, a member of the galectin family, has two carbohydrate recognition domains at both the N- and C-terminal regions. Here we report the crystal structure of the human galectin-9 N-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain in complex with N-acetyllactosamine dimers and trimers. These complex structures revealed that the galectin-9 N-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain can recognize internal N-acetyllactosamine units within poly-N-acetyllactosamine chains. Based on these complex structures, we propose two putative recognition modes for poly-N-acetyllactosamine binding by galectins.  相似文献   

Monoubiquitination is a general mechanism for downregulating the activity of cell surface receptors by consigning these proteins for lysosome-mediated degradation through the endocytic pathway. The yeast Ede1 protein functions at the internalization step of endocytosis and binds monoubiquitinated proteins through a ubiquitin associated (UBA) domain. UBA domains are found in a broad range of cellular proteins but previous studies have suggested that the mode of ubiquitin recognition might not be universally conserved. Here we present the solution structure of the Ede1 UBA domain in complex with monoubiquitin. The Ede1 UBA domain forms a three-helix bundle structure and binds ubiquitin through a largely hydrophobic surface in a manner reminiscent of the Dsk2 UBA and the remotely homologous Cue2 CUE domains, for which high-resolution structures have been described. However, the interaction is dissimilar to the molecular models proposed for the hHR23A UBA domains bound to either monoubiquitin or Lys48-linked diubiquitin. Our mutational analyses of the Ede1 UBA domain-ubiquitin interaction reveal several key affinity determinants and, unexpectedly, a negative affinity determinant in the wild-type Ede1 protein, implying that high-affinity interactions may not be the sole criterion for optimal function of monoubiquitin-binding endocytic proteins.  相似文献   

The neuronal protein FE65 functions in brain development and amyloid precursor protein (APP) signaling through its interaction with the mammalian enabled (Mena) protein and APP, respectively. The recognition of short polyproline sequences in Mena by the FE65 WW domain has a central role in axon guidance and neuronal positioning in the developing brain. We have determined the crystal structures of the human FE65 WW domain (residues 253-289) in the apo form and bound to the peptides PPPPPPLPP and PPPPPPPPPL, which correspond to human Mena residues 313-321 and 347-356, respectively. The FE65 WW domain contains two parallel ligand-binding grooves, XP (formed by residues Y269 and W280) and XP2 (formed by Y269 and W271). Both Mena peptides adopt a polyproline helical II conformation and bind to the WW domain in a forward (N-C) orientation through selection of the PPPPP motif by the XP and XP2 grooves. This mode of ligand recognition is strikingly similar to polyproline interaction with SH3 domains. Importantly, comparison of the FE65 WW structures in the apo and liganded forms shows that the XP2 groove is formed by an induced-fit mechanism that involves movements of the W271 and Y269 side-chains upon ligand binding. These structures elucidate the molecular determinants underlying polyproline ligand selection by the FE65 WW domain and provide a framework for the design of small molecules that would interfere with FE65 WW-ligand interaction and modulate neuronal development and APP signaling.  相似文献   

The degradation of ssrA(AANDENYALAA)-tagged proteins in the bacterial cytosol is carried out by the ClpXP protease and is markedly stimulated by the SspB adaptor protein. It has previously been reported that the amino-terminal zinc-binding domain of ClpX (ZBD) is involved in complex formation with the SspB-tail (XB: ClpX-binding motif). In an effort to better understand the recognition of SspB by ClpX and the mechanism of delivery of ssrA-tagged substrates to ClpXP, we have determined the structures of ZBD alone at 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 A resolution in each different crystal form and also in complex with XB peptide at 1.6 A resolution. The XB peptide forms an antiparallel beta-sheet with two beta-strands of ZBD, and the structure shows a 1:1 stoichiometric complex between ZBD and XB, suggesting that there are two independent SspB-tail-binding sites in ZBD. The high-resolution ZBD:XB complex structure, in combination with biochemical analyses, can account for key determinants in the recognition of the SspB-tail by ClpX and sheds light on the mechanism of delivery of target proteins to the prokaryotic degradation machine.  相似文献   

The BRCT repeats in BRCA1 are essential for its tumor suppressor activity and interact with phosphorylated protein targets containing the sequence pSer-X-X-Phe, where X indicates any residue. The structure of the tandem BRCA1 BRCT repeats bound to an optimized phosphopeptide reveals that the N-terminal repeat harbors a conserved BRCT phosphoserine-binding pocket, while the interface between the repeats forms a hydrophobic groove that recognizes the phenylalanine. Crystallographic and biochemical data suggest that the structural integrity of both binding sites is essential for peptide recognition. The diminished peptide-binding capacity observed for cancer-associated BRCA1-BRCT variants may explain the enhanced cancer risks associated with these mutations.  相似文献   

Mechanism of ubiquitin recognition by the CUE domain of Vps9p   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation (CUE) domains are approximately 50 amino acid monoubiquitin binding motifs found in proteins of trafficking and ubiquitination pathways. The 2.3 A structure of the Vps9p-CUE domain is a dimeric domain-swapped variant of the ubiquitin binding UBA domain. The 1.7 A structure of the CUE:ubiquitin complex shows that one CUE dimer binds one ubiquitin molecule. The bound CUE dimer is kinked relative to the unbound CUE dimer and wraps around ubiquitin. The CUE monomer contains two ubiquitin binding surfaces on opposite faces of the molecule that cannot bind simultaneously to a single ubiquitin molecule. Dimerization of the CUE domain allows both surfaces to contact a single ubiquitin molecule, providing a mechanism for high-affinity binding to monoubiquitin.  相似文献   

In isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), the "editing" domain contributes to accurate aminoacylation by hydrolyzing the mis-synthesized intermediate, valyl-adenylate, in the "pre-transfer" editing mode and the incorrect final product, valyl-tRNA(Ile), in the "post-transfer" editing mode. In the present study, we determined the crystal structures of the Thermus thermophilus IleRS editing domain complexed with the substrate analogues in the pre and post-transfer modes, both at 1.7 A resolution. The active site accommodates the two analogues differently, with the valine side-chain rotated by about 120 degrees and the adenosine moiety oriented upside down. The substrate-binding pocket adjusts to the adenosine-monophosphate and adenosine moieties in the pre and post-transfer modes, respectively, by flipping the Trp227 side-chain by about 180 degrees . The substrate recognition mechanisms of IleRS are characterized by the active-site rearrangement between the two editing modes, and therefore differ from those of the homologous valyl and leucyl-tRNA synthetases from T.thermophilus, in which the post-transfer mode is predominant. Both modes of editing activities were reduced by replacements of Trp227 with Ala, Val, Leu, and His, but not by those with Phe and Tyr, indicating that the aromatic ring of Trp227 is important for the substrate recognition. In both editing modes, Thr233 and His319 recognize the substrate valine side-chain, regardless of the valine side-chain rotation, and reject the isoleucine side-chain. The T233A and H319A mutants have detectable editing activities against the cognate isoleucine.  相似文献   

Myosin-X is an important unconventional myosin that is critical for cargo transportation to filopodia tips and is also utilized in spindle assembly by interacting with microtubules. We present a series of structural and biochemical studies of the myosin-X tail domain cassette, consisting of myosin tail homology 4 (MyTH4) and FERM domains in complex with its specific cargo, a netrin receptor DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer). The MyTH4 domain is folded into a helical VHS-like structure and is associated with the FERM domain. We found an unexpected binding mode of the DCC peptide to the subdomain C groove of the FERM domain, which is distinct from previously reported β-β associations found in radixin-adhesion molecule complexes. We also revealed direct interactions between the MyTH4-FERM cassette and tubulin C-terminal acidic tails, and identified a positively charged patch of the MyTH4 domain, which is involved in tubulin binding. We demonstrated that both DCC and integrin bindings interfere with microtubule binding and that DCC binding interferes with integrin binding. Our results provide the molecular basis by which myosin-X facilitates alternative dual binding to cargos and microtubules.  相似文献   

Lipid-mediated regulatory mechanism of the C-terminal ligand binding to PDZ domains is not fully understood, despite their roles in subcellular organization. Here, we provide structural insights into the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) recognition mode of a PDZ domain, as revealed from the crystal structure of the phosphate-bound PDZ domain. Two adjacent phosphate ions bind to the basic residues close to the amino terminus of the α2 helix in the Tamalin PDZ domain, reflecting an interaction mode of the two phosphate groups of PIP2. Based on the observed location of the two phosphate molecules within the PDZ domain, we built the docking model of PIP2 with the PDZ domain of the well-known PIP2-binding protein, syntenin-1. This model suggests that the hydrophobic diacylglycerol group of PIP2 could contact the ligand-binding groove of the PDZ domain. These structural features well explain biological phenomena, which were previously reported for the PIP2-mediated PDZ ligand-binding regulation.  相似文献   

ESCRT-II, a complex that sorts ubiquitinated membrane proteins to lysosomes, localizes to endosomes through interaction between the Vps36 subunit's GLUE domain and phosphatidylinositides (PIs). In yeast, a ubiquitin (Ub)-interacting NZF domain is inserted in Vps36 GLUE, whereas its mammalian counterpart, Eap45 GLUE, lacks the NZF domain. In the Eap45 GLUE-Ub complex structure, Ub binds far from the proposed PI-binding site of Eap45 GLUE, suggesting their independent binding.  相似文献   

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